JMASTEm ?. Also Fresh Lime, Water Lime, Shingies, Sash, _ When buying Land l’lastei knead it in your ham" .‘t’ have nothing to do with it, as it Will not dissolve 3“ 1t. useless as a fertilizer. Buy the old reliable GRE-X only to be tried to be appreciated. I can give it- to 5“ a Another Cap Load of Sack and Barrel Salt to mve Shortly. Lumbe: 0t everv descripti ofl'exing a. god door 9' Vol. XXXVI. They Will be Sold at the Law-- est Possible Prices. {5' Also agent for the Bramford buggies and the Bain waggon. The best in the market. R. DEYELL Cheap ‘25 pounds Bright Sugar for .......... 5 ‘ “ Choice Tea for ............ 4 “ Extra. Choice Tea. for ...... 15 “ Prime Raisins for ......... Dinner Sets frgm $7.6 {tea Sets Chamber Sets Highest Price paid for Eggs and good Butter. ï¬' Call and see usâ€"pleased to see you. a Goods delivered to any part of town. 13' Oranges and Lemons in stock. Seventh Half-Yearly? literary Competition! of The Canadian Agricultnrlst.1 In accordance with their usual custom for some yearsb t, the ghblishers of that old and reliable pub cation. e Canadian cultur- ist. now resents its 7th Great H -Yenrly Literary ompetition. to the peeplc of the United States and Canada This competition will close Ma. 130893 (15 days thereafter being allowed for etters to reach us from distant points). The following is the prize list:â€" M EM :_ Ala.) ALEX. gagagsaï¬, rv-â€"“, , lst Grand Prize .............. $2,500 in Gold 3nd “ 1,000in Gold 3111 “ 500 in Gold 4th “ 250 gm Gold 5th “ 100 In Gold. 5000 Elegant. Silver Tea. Services. Pianos. 0r gang, Gold \Vflatchee, etc" etc., makmg Metal 0 over 10,000 How TO gamma A Plazaâ€"Take a few sheet. of paper and.mak.e all the words you can out ot letters contamed m the words “COLUMBI AN Ex. rosrrIo-x." and send them to us, enclosing one dollar for six months’ subscrigt’iion to the Agri- agazmeâ€"two of culturist or the Ladies’ Home thg best, montlfll‘hcsjn the world. A--.“ ‘wnwt‘a nnf- 9“an 9 1 U "(5314 Luvuvn.--vv â€". v-.- .7 -_, RUL?.S.â€"l. Foreign words not allowed. 2. Letters cannot be used oftener than they ap- pear in the two words. “Columbian Exposi- tion." 3. Names pt places and persons barred. All lists contaxmng over 109 correct words will receive a valuable specxal prize. bend postal card for list of prize wmners in former competitions. Address, Tm: AGRICULTURIST PUB. Co.. 12 ~ Peterborough, Canada. Milibrook; March nhnn 2.5 The above reward will ‘ will lead to t! Beautiful Finish IS SELLING GOODS $100 REWARD. $35,000 I N REWARDS. Alex. Ferguson. we reward will be paid for such infom- will lead tq the lagpreppqslion of the _ IL___9_ R. DEYELL, “ £6 .tothe a. prenensmn or me who not. to the een’s February 27th or on arch. __A _~A“‘m :0rresp0nding1y 10w. iption, also Dressed Lumber in great. variety. €51.60, Shingles, :51 per M. and other mat {5 -. . '1' iv} Cash (if): THORNE. up to $30. 00 est Material Millbrook ‘6 $100 Lyon!“ hand. If you ï¬nd coarse grit or sand in dissolve with moisture, which thereby renders )le GREY Plaster. It is ground ï¬ne and needs rive it» to you in either bags or barrels. W' T B. COLLINS 00., BANKERS, MILL- 00 o BROOK. Farmers‘ and other good notes discounted. Drafts issued on_a.ll points 0! Can Mia and th? United States at. lowest rates. . The collection 0! sale and other notes a speclalty. 30 ()0 Loans made on real estate. No commission 10'00‘ hinged. Grace, north side of Klng Street. _ ,; M ‘ Referenceâ€"W Bank of Commerce. uâ€"uâ€" Portland Cement, Plastepeps’ Hair, Doors, Frames. jOHN GILLOTT: vnvuâ€"___._ _ Keeps constantly on hand alarge stock of FM- mture of all kinds. Three large showrooms. No trouble to Show goods. Manufacturer of the Excelsior Washing Machine. The best in the market. N .C. MCKINNON. M. u,, u. uh, u . o sor t_o Dr. Mddrie) Toronto and Dmversitges. Licentiate Royal Coll: geons, Edmbur'rh. Member College P and Surgeons, 5ntario. 011100 at A. ’Ij drug store, Afpgr oflice hougslm“. 7' “ 'l ‘l'€nnv a J. D. v. a.... Notaries, 830. Ofï¬ces, brook, 0n?" and B‘ Mondays in ever! I loWest rates. HA at. Law, r513,11 eltzï¬néta _ '0ï¬ic Block, Walton Street, Port H0p£ land on the security of real estate farm property for sale. IDDELL, Anmauwnu w rum---" Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, etc.. Go hon and Brighton. W. R. Riddell, B. A., L.L. . A. J. Armstrong, B. ‘A. W'. H. N esbitt. B. . First-class loans placed. Money loaned and invested. Mercantile collections made and general law business. W.£ nu. vu-4--._-.__-_ . , J o omcgiï¬d Fesmence, Baflliebono, Ont. wm be at Queen’s Hotel, Millbrook, every Saturday. S W. CLARKE. L.D.S., DENTIST SPECIAL o attention gwen to the preServetion of the natural teeth. Nitrous Oxide Gas for the ain- less extraction 01' teeth. Good work uaren . Will be at Bethany the 2nd and 4th ends. s of each month. Pontypool lst and 3rd Mon aye. I' LY are res cctfull informed that Thos. Pemberton, Pro essor 0 Music, and late Band Master 0 R0 alSchool of Infantry, Toronto, is now preparq to receive pupils, vocal or instru- mental, at hxs resuience, Center Street. Private instruction at any hour. Orders for music and Musical Instruments of any and every class promptly attended to. PARENTS AND THE PUBLIC GENERAL LY are gespccttullyj‘nfqrmed, tpqt Thos; -r\_,, A C P. WATFOBD, ACCOUNTANT AND assignee. Books opened and closed. Ac- counts collected, Assignments taken in charge ana all details completed. Sgecial attention given to book-keeper‘s workw ere services of a. permanent book-keeper are not required. Communications from 'neighboring towns re- ceive prompt attention and services in .such places performed moderatetly and satisfac- , nun _-L-_ -L-aa6~ Aflz‘wnac Dnuf plauvo 6v; xv; AAAVu m ......... Bory. £500: 379 water streef. Kddtess. Post ofï¬ce box 125, Peterpqro, Out. 7 -6m W. BLAND, VETERINARY SURGEON. o (Successor to T. H. Haesard.) Registered and Hon. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, Toronto. Late Yeterinary Surgeon North West Mounted Police. Calgary. Attended Clinical Lectures, Royal Veterinary 00110 e, London, Eng. Dentistry 9. specialty. All 0- mesticated animals treated according to latest scientiï¬c methods.. Ofï¬ce on King-st., opposite Dominion hotel. Mlllbl‘OOk. 91y. RCHIBALD W . RIAGE LICE) AGRICULTURAL lMpLENIENTS. g THEXTON. and all kinds of machinery kept in stock at the Millbrook Branch of the Peter Hamilton Manufacturing Company. BINDEBS, .BEAPEBS, MOWEBS, Flows, Cultivators, Barrows. Straw Cutters, Horse Power Threshing Machines. Plow Points, and, _in fact: everything irr the. implemc.‘.t and machmery hue; Farmers. 1t wxl} pay you to see me before placmg any orders thls season. IDï¬ELL, ARMSTRODLQ m _I:_:L,._n \Varc-rooxs on TUPPER STREET. Desires to inform the public that he has one of the Finest and Best Selected Stocks In Town, consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Fresh Groceries, c. Cyeap _for_ cas_h_. _ All kio’ls of prodpce [313t- call solicited. ed aid the highest price in- cub paid for Eggs at the shop or on “no road. C- M01214“ E" 99:; W. LANG MARRIAGE LICENSES WARDL BARBLSTER, ATTORNEY- nm an {n nn far-in FISHER, VETERINARY SURGEON. - - n , 1“. 1 (1.4- XL“?! .. .A..- to Dr. hmunc) LULquv m.“ ...... ties. Licentiate Royal College Sur- linbur'rh. Member College Ph 'sicians :eons, 5ntario. 011100 at A. T. â€lliott‘s re. After ofl‘xce_ hours at Mr. \V’m. ;on’s residence, ng st" Millbrook, CABIN ET MAKER: c PRESTON (SUCCESSORS .0 V. Preston) Barristers. Solicitors, 0. Offices, Wood 8:. Kells’ block, Mill- ., and Bethany on the 2d and 4th 1 every month. Money to loan at PRO A wESSIONAL W'OOD, ISSUER OF I ENSES. Millorook, On; MUSIC. -~-â€"--, etc. Oflicem in Ontario Port Hope. Money to real estate. Town and éDHï¬ MULLIGAN. MILLBROOK. material NESBITT. 'Viétoria sugars as Cheap as ever. We beat the world in Teas. * , Miniaes of Last Saturday's Proceedingsâ€"â€" Appointment of onccrs. he council met at- Bethany on Saturday last, with Deputy, Reeve1 Preston in the ¢ chair. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and conï¬rmed. Reeve Wilson entered and took his seat. A petition was received from Mr. Johnston Kennedy, asking a. rebate of the amount of his last year’s license, as he had his hotel open but four months and had to nay for a. full year. On motion the matter was laid over till the next meeting. Mr. Wm. Hannah, president of the Man- vers agricultural society, and others, address- ed the council on the subject of the society’s eff-ails stating that they were in debt on account of the agricultural grounds, and they asked the council to make them a. grant of a. sum of money to aid them in liquidating their indebtedness; .~‘ ‘7 ungv-- ......v v- - - Moved by Mr. Evans, seconded by Mr. Porter, that the verbal application of Mr. Wm. Hannah and others be received, and that this council grant. the sum of $100 to the Manvers agricultural gocicty. Carried. U110 A'Lullvvtu uhnvv~-‘~.-â€"_ - ___ Yeasâ€"Evans, Port-er, Wilson. Naysâ€"- Preston, Bamicutb. u 1 \r Verbal applications were made by Mr. 1 Henry Hutchinson to be allowed to perform 3 the whole of his statute labor on the road division at the north end of his lot ; by Mr, Robt. Porter, stating that he wished his wife’s name to be struck off the indigent list, as he was able and willing to support her ; bv Mr. Robt. Thorndyk° to have some repairs done to the road near his mill ; by Mr. Wm. Scott, to have fences removed from off the allowance for road between the lst and 2nd concessions of Manvers ; by M r. Johnston Morton, with reference to gren’el for use on ‘ the highways near Bethany. .I . \II 71’ On motion it; was resolved that Mr. H. Hutchinson be allowed to perform the whole of his statute labor on the road division at the north end of his lot. Moved by Mr. Barnicutt, seconded by Mr. Evans, that the amount heretofore granted to Mrs. Robert; Porter, as an indigent, be discontinued. Carried. Moved by Mr. Evans, seconded by Mr. Porter, that Deputy.Reeves Barnicutt and Preston be and they are hereby appointed a committee to examine the road at Mr. Robb. Thorndyke’s mill, and have such re- pairs made as they may deem necessary. Carried. .â€"y \r Vw. . -vvâ€"v Moved by Mr. Evans, seconded by Mr. Barnicutt, that the clerk be and is hereby instructed to notify the overseer of highways 1 to have all fences or other obstructions re-‘ moved from off the allowance for road in front of the 2nd concession of Manvers, opposite lot 6. Carried. Moved by Mr. Evans, seconded by Mr. Porter, that Reeve Wilson and Deputy- Reeve Barnicutt be a. committee to see what arrangement can be made wlth the represen- tatives of the estate of the late J ames Crozier to purchase part of lot 24, 8th concession, for the purpose of taking gravel therefrom for use on the roads of this township. Car- ried. A telegram was received from Mr. J. A. Barron, asking this council to meet; him at J anetville on Monday re Lindsay, Bobcay- gegx} and _Pontypgol railway. 1 1 [-4 ‘MI’- F." "““â€"Vâ€"_'JL'"‘ “"“"J’ Moved by Mr. Preston, seconded by Mr. Porter, that when this council adjourns to- night it shall stand adjourned until Monday, April 10th, to meet at J anetville at two o’clock p.m., provxded the Reeve in the meantime receives assurances from the dir- ecnors of the L. B. 82 P. R. 00., that the ex- penses of said meeting will be paid by the said comgany. - .. 1‘ _The aï¬fii-égré’ report, for the year ending December‘Sl, 1892, was then presented and examined. Moved by Mr. Preston, seconded by Mr. Evans, that the auditors’ report of receipts and expenditures of the township of Mauvers for the year ending December 31, 1892, be received, and that the same be ï¬nally audit- ed bv this council. and that the clerk be in- structed to have 100 copies of the same printed for digtriliution. Carried. ,J_J 1.-- 1A... I. ...................... o Moved by Mr. Preston, seconded by Mr. Evans, that, whereas itil desirable and in the best interests of this township, that all the proceedings of this council should have the fallout possible publicity; therefore be it ONT... THURSDAY. APRIL 6, 1893. GGMBINE KNSGKED mat-Ian mm altaav’s ma BY Th6 Lsading ï¬rmer Who Is now offering it to you for WVANCE. $3.33 per BarreE JUAN I'ERS COUNCIL. . VANCE. resolved that the clerk be and is hereby in- strucLed to send a. copy of the minutes of each session to THE MILLBROOK REPORTER as early as convenient for publication. Car- ried. Mr Preston verbally reported that hel had, in accordance with a resolution passed by this council, at its last meeting, attended the meeting of the Reeves and Deputy- Recves of the county of Durham, at Bow- manville, in February last, to take into con- sideration the advisability of separating these united counties; that a resolution in favor of separation was carried by v "ate of 13 to 2, that he, being of the 0pm-“; that ‘such separation was inadvisable, voted i against such separation. l~‘ 'I "a“‘v A by-law to appoint certain ofï¬cers m and for the township of Manvers for the year 1893, was then introduced, read a. ï¬rst, second and third times and ï¬nally passed. On motion the following accounts were passed and orders were ordered to be issued on the treasurer in payment thereof f Andrew Benson, 3crviccs as sanitarv - A n.‘ .,n 9 James Neal, â€" 10 Ephraim Evans, 11 Geo. R. Ken, 12 Thomas Syer, l3 Rich’d Richardson, 14 John Evans, 15 James Armstrong, 16 Isaac Heaslip, 17 W 111mm 3101111100, 18 George A1 gue. 19 James McRoberts, 2O \Villiam Hunter, 21 \Villiam McGill, 22 \Vm. Armstrong, 23 Francis Fanning, 24 John Burn, 25 James Fellis, 26 S. McCullough, 27 John Morgan, 28 John Brown, 29 John Parker, 30 Charles Porter, 31 W. ’1. Maguire, 32 Hugh Magill, 33 \Vm. S. Magill, 34 Robert: Irvine, 35 VS 111. Ridge, jun. 36 George Lapp, 37 Wm. c‘Corbett, 38 John Gainor, 39 Francis Porter, 40 John Henders, 41 George VS ilson, 42 ‘Wm. bMagill, 43 â€"â€" Glenny, 44 John Payne, ' 46 James Holmes, 4'7 Richard Burk, 4S Rich’d Armstrong, 49-. Geo. W. Sisson, 50 John R. Sisson, 51 George Staples, 52 Jos D. Staples, 53 Simon Arnotb. 54 Wm. Henderson, 55 J ames Cavano, r-I-vâ€"uv u!- -. ‘ - -1-_1_1-1‘1.~5F\C§QCJC3 45 Jason Willia1nson,I ‘2 J ames Mills, 3 William Brown‘ 4 Thomas Bull, John Shecklctcn, \Vallace Bruce, J osiah Muirhead, \Villiam Philp, macro! Samuel McCullough, William Spencer, Rich S. Grandy, John Eakins, ’VVm. H. Gibson, Isaac Preston, Geo. R. Kerr, \Villiam Magill, (8) Michael Sisson, Wm. MeMasters, sr. Samuel Jameson, George Staples, Henry Hutchinson, David Ferguson, 'We are pleased to note 1 Hall, who has been quite ill, to recovery. We regret to note that Mr. John Ruther- ford of South Monaghan, met with rather a. serious accident last Saturday in Peterboro. While standing in a. yard a person drove in1 quickly with a. span of horses and the 'pole: of the rig struck Mr. Rutherford, injuring him badly Several parties have been making maple syrup in this part during the past- week. Miss Carrie Fair, B. A., of Woodstock, spent Easter at the homestead with friends. On Sunday March 26, Mr. Robinson, a ‘ student from college, and a. promisising ‘ young man, ably occupied the Psesbyterian church and was highly appreciated. 7 ~‘ 1 " 7 3~ A“nv\1‘:“~ CIluL‘uu muu w you unauv -1. I Miss Emma Earl, who is attending Peterboro Collegiate Institute, is spending her Easter holidays under the parental roof. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Larmer returned home last Saturday after spending a couple of weeks near Millbank among friends. Astudent from college is expected to occupy the Presbyterian pulpit next Sab- bath. Mr. David Wood returned home last Tuesday after spending a few days at Fene- v i lon Falls and Iiohcay’gen with friends. -â€" _:-:$:nn 1.0111. roam an uu. â€v..-â€" Miss Annie Hall ofU Peterboro is visiting her father, who 13 ill. Found-che reason Eér the great popular- it of Hood’s Samparillaâ€" simply this; ood’l Guns. 30 um to got Hoon’s. 13-2 FENCE VIEWERS. POUND KEEPERS. Ccntrcville. :d to note that Mr. John een quite ill, is on the way 87 R. E. 15 em, 88 John Mc ory, 89 John Magill, 90 J ames Noble, 91 J ames Robinson. 92 J acob Hart, 93 Wm. Bannon, 9-1 David Patton, 95 Thomas Smith, 96 Geo. Reynolds, 97 Jas.Stewa1t,jr. 98 Henry Magill, 99 VV illiam Little, 100 Thos. Czunpbell, 101 J 0s. Williamson, 102 Wm. Fowler, .103 David VIcNeil, 104 William Magee, 105 Thomas Gray, 106 Robt. Gilbank, 107 Robt. Brooks, 108 Matthew Tenant, 109 Edward Moore, 110 VV’m. Skuce, ( J ames Gray, John Porter, (14) Robert Fallis, Richard Staples, Henry Fee, \Vm. Stimson, sr. J olm Gainor, F. Hamilton, John Payne, Richard Fitch, David Magill, jr. John Burn, 35 26 09 The following are the oï¬icers appointed†the Gavan council for 1893, at their meet- ing on Friday, March 21 : OVERSEERS OF HIGHV‘VAY‘S. l 39 Robert Lewers 2}J‘ D“ Hunter 40 Chas. Bent 3'James Johnston 41 James Elliott 4 D. J. Armstrong 42 Samuel Bigelow 5 R. Gilmour 43 Joseph xladill 6 John Elgar 44 \Vm Hutchinson. 7 Jeremiah Greer 45 John Pritclxard 9 D. S Armstrong ~16 1' ohm ‘Nhitï¬eld 10 George Thom 47 Geo. Howson 12 Thomas McCamns-ï¬S C. D. \Vinslow 13 Jas. Potter 49 John \Y. Seeney’ 14 S. J. Hunter 50 52.1111. Staples 1'7 Robert. Gibson 51 John Hootan 18 C. H. Winslow 5:? John Stewart 19 “Km. Fx‘ancy, jr. 53 l). Sharpe 20 Henry Earl 54 Robert Hootan ‘21 R. J. Fallis 5;â€) J. \‘C. Greer 2'3 John Morton: 56 “'11). Jones '23 “7111 Kenyon 57 M. H. Sisson ‘21 Henry Hall 5S Wm. Hootan ‘25 Richard Moore 59 \Vm. Tweedy 26 Robt \Valsh ‘ 60 Joseph Bland 27 \Vm. McKnight, 61 Thomas Best '29 Roht. M. Finley 6:2 John Huston, it. 30 Alfred Ainley 63 John Connell 31 T. \Villiamson (54 John Boyd 32 Harry Russell 65 Henry Lowes 33 David Sutton 66 John J ackson 34 Samuel Roddy 70 James Fee 35 Richard Mat‘tchett 71 J. D. Thexeon 36 She Syre 7‘2 Wm. Martin 37 J. Clarke 83 J ames Jones 38 John McNeil Gavan Township Municipal omccrs. 1m 3 James Johnston 4 D. J. Armstrong 5 R. Gilmour 6 John Elgar 7 Jeremiah Greer 9 D. S Apnstrong - 34 35 q l‘ 0‘) 3 1 38 FENCE \‘Utwmw. Richard Gilmour, Samuel 1 eddy, \Vm. Gibson, I} (1.x and F. Sutton, John Greer, Robert \ ance, \Vm. Mullen jr. Wm. Rutherford, John Allen, Geo. McBain, C. H.,\Vinslow, Matthew \IcIndoo, Isaac Lanner, ‘-.‘s . Gleer, Richard Moore, Wm. Stewart, James \Villiamson, D. Sharpe, Richard Fallis, Henry Lowes ‘ Jo m Fallis, John Boyd, Moses Sutton, John Connell. Francis Mulligan, Geo. Wilson, POUND KEEPERS. Robert Shaw, Lot No. 173,_1s‘t Con. Jon Hanna, Lot No. 1, 3rd Con. Geo. “’allace, Lot No. 10, 3rd Con. Reid Ball, Lou Mo. 4, 5th Con. J ames Francey, Lot-_No. 17‘ 4.32 Co u mun-v... - -V-__ S. J. Hunter, Lot No. :20, Robert Hutchinson, Cavaz John Irwin, Sprinqville. \Villium H. Lough, Ida John Stewart, Lot 5, 00 Jas. Bullicd, Centreville. D. Heaslip, Bailieboro. George Seeney, Mount James Huston, LOL No. EAST BOUNDAR“ 1 James Fisher 34 Tourists. \Vhether on pleasure bent or businw, should take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and effec- tually on the kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, headaches and other forms of sickness. For sale in 75c. bottles by all leading; druggists. 2 D. \Vood 1 Robt. Patton 2 Robert Byers Newcastle Loses an Old Resident. Newcastle, Ont., April 4.-One of our most respected and esteemed residents, Mr. Frederick Farucomb, is dead. Mr. Fara.- comb was born in London, Eng, 67 years ago. He came to Canada at the age of 24 and settled in Newcastle, where he has since resided. He was postmaster of this place for ï¬ve yoars and was collector of custom for 25 years. By death the Church of Eng- land here has sustained a. loss which is al- most irreparable, as ‘he was one of her most prominent members,’ having served a: ward- en for over 2.5 years. He leaves a wife and five children to mourn his death. His family consists of one daughter and ï¬ve sons. Three of the sons are ministers and the other two are doctors. 1 Wm. Gibson jr. 2 Moses Sutton The Great Event of the Year. Section men have commented work on the Cobourg and Harwood road, putting it in order for the early opening. Should tho weather continue ï¬ne it. will not be long be- fore the train will be able to pass over the road, and set the freight moving. The lake will also be clear of ice in a. few days, when we may expect to see the vessels moving. RmmMBï¬iembray’s Kidney and Liver Cure is the latest triumph in Pharmacy, {cm the cure of Kidney and Liver Trouble, am a positive cure for Back Ache, Sour Stomach, Dizziness, Constipation, c. For sale by A. LEACII : Millbrook. 11-48 A circular recently issued by the Port Hope Harbor Board, gives an idea. how that; town secures business for their larbor. Afton drawing attention of shippers to the facill‘ tics aï¬orded at that place for storing and shipping, the commissioners state that they will “ unload lumber from open cars. attend to the shipping of the same’; for 16 cents per thousand, including tolls. \VES’I‘ BOUND! MIDDLE Seeking Business No. 14: