THE Yankees have been detected in another of those sharp practices that have made them notorious as political and national tricksters. Not having a sufï¬ciently strong case in the Behring Seaarbitration, certain American ofï¬- cials having the aï¬'air in hand thought to make their position better 'by snb- mitting false evidence and wrong trans- lations of Russian documents in the case presented by the United States Being detected in the trickery the American arbitrate: s have meekl} withdrawn the documents objected to, but they have not witl 1611a“ 11 the argu- ments founded on the forgeries. The British pi e“ unix Us 111} condemns the trick, charactei 12111:; i1 ax a dirt} and Billy piece of business. It was by re- sorting to a similar trick that Canada lost What is now the greater portion of the State of Maine. In the negotia- tions which ended in the Ashburton treaty the Americans piesented a false map of that territory. In that case their trickery succeeded. but in the ne- gotiations now going on in Paris the probabilities are Dthat they will fail mis- erably in establishing the g1eed3 claims they took at- the beginning. THE Paris Cocarde has renewed its campaign against Lord Duli'erin, Bri- tish ambassador to France. In an ediâ€" torial Tuesday it contends that he misuses the diplomatic privileges en- joyed by him there to plot against the interests of France. He is charged with giving ï¬nancial support to the triple alliance and its agents, with pleading in secret the cause of Germany and With endeavoring to make trouble with the Russian and French govern- ments. He has not hesitated, says the writer, to carry his intrigues into the anti-chamber of the Elysee. Through- out the crisis of the last few days, the per adds, his conduct has been so flagrantly hostile to France that his recall should be demanded, foï¬he has played the part of a veritable cabinet wrecker in order that no statesman likely to please Russia might be called to power. THE Ontario Legislature opened its session in the new parliamentary build- ings on Tuesday. It is very liker the mion will be short. ,aln cured of erysipelas, and reco end any ‘vhich I had not done for six years. Think I person so afflicted to_use 17 Hood’s Sarsabérilla 'I'our bottles has dong more iof me than $200 .worth of other medicme. I think it the best gloodpuyiï¬eg gqown.†MRS. H. D. WEST, ,, ,AA-“!_ \7 n R. R. ELLIOT. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR Fv._ "#779 housework, and M 4 Bottles of Hood’s Sarsapa'rilla breaking out with running sorcs during hot summer months. I have sometlmes not been able to use my limbs for two months at a tlme. Being induced to try Hood’s Sarsaparilla, I at (me bottle last spring, commenced using it; elt so much ’better, go. two bottles more; too ghem dunng the summer, was able to do y . Cured. “it is with pleasure thatI tell of. the great beneï¬t I derived from Hood’s Sarsaparil}a.' For .6 years I have been badly afflicted mm D! Other Medicines Failed ur-vvâ€" â€".â€"'_ --_- (march'street, Comiévénis, N. s. ï¬HooD's PILLS cure liver 1115, constipa- flnn, bmousnesa. jaundice, $13M the miilbrook Reporter. THURSDAY. APRIL 6, 1893. $200 Worth Mrs. H. D. West of Cornwallis. Nova. Scotia. Walk Two Miles Erysipelas IACKENZIE, widow of the reform party, died was very highly es- [61‘ hosts of acquain- a most estimable W0- .L n f L :1 Parliament has closed Iyear, and John Charl- ompelled to pack his yy in the trunk that- txpense of the public : to Lynedoch. As a .s fakir John takes the I feel with deep regret that the period of 'my official connection with the Dominion is drawixk wards its close, and that in all lub‘bdbihty 1 am taking leave of you for the last time. Lest this snould be the case I desire to avail myself of thepresent occasion to express my 3‘- r: mterest in all that con- earns 1. --if:;re of Canada. and my sincere aï¬â€˜ecii - her people, who have never failed :xify their loyalty to the person and. t: of our sovereign and to show kinda: Ci consideration to her repre- senta‘. r' will ever be my sincere de- sire t Mice to the Dominion, and I ï¬all i . to cherish feelings of the warmest. suzicitnde for the welfare and osperi'r of those amongst whom I have {in pied-ii during the past ï¬ve years. I pray that the blessings of Almighty God may at all times attend you. The various acts which you have placed upon the statute book will contribute to the maintenance of public security and the contimz- ‘ rogress of the country. Gem/1»; w'v‘he House of Commons-'â€" 1 Li. . am for the liberal provisions you have made'for the requirements of the pub- lic service. Gentlemen ofthe Swan-â€" Ventlemen ofi/ze Hon-5r? q/‘C’ommonsâ€" I thank you for the ample provisions you have made to protect the country from the possible introduction of cholera, and I trust th‘ the precautions taken will result in guanwg against any danger from that source. The liberal provisions made for the pro- per representation of Canada. at the World’s Columbian Exposition will, I doubt not, enable this country to make a. worthy ex- hibit of her resources and progress among the nations of the worldr The treaty of commerce which was ne 0- tiated with France on behalf of Canada been laid before - you, together with the correspondence which passed during the negotiations, but owing to the late period of the session at which the treaty was re- ceived and the pendency of communica- tions as to its bearing in respect of most favored nation treatment and the interpre- tation of certain of its clauses. my Gov- ernment has thought it advisable to post- pone for the present its ratiï¬cation by Pafliament. The assembly at Paris of the Behring See arbitration tribunal gives reason to hope that the diï¬'erences which have existed between the Government of the United States and the Government of the Dominion are approaching a. satisfactory adjustment, while the nomination of the Prime Minister of Canada. as one of the arbitrators affords a. guarantee that the interests of our sealers win improperly though not unduly safe- In relieving you from attendance in Par- liament for this year I congratulate you upon the energy and promptitude with which 'you have disposed of the duties of the session just ended. _ OTTAWA, Ont-,, April 3. -â€"At 3 p.m. Satur- day His Excellency, the Governor-General, proceeded in state to the chamber of the Senate in the Parliament building and took his seat upon the throne. and closed the the third session of the seventh Parliament of Canasta. with the following speech : Honorable Gentlemen of the Senate: Gentlemen office House of Commons: In regard to the proposed Essex Canal Hon. Mr. Haggart made the following statement : "There is a great deal to be said in favor of the scheme, but the princi- pal thing in its favor is the saving of 60 miles. I do not attach much importance to the necessity of having the waterway entirely in our own waters,because we have just as much right to the navigation of the Detroit river as the Americans themselves, and in case of any difï¬culty it would be as easy to stop navigation %bove ng ole islandas at Detroit river. *rom a mili afy point of View, perhaps, the Minister of Militia will be able to speak on that subject better than 1 can. However, I promise to have a survey made by our numerous staï¬ on the canals. Without entailing any ex- tra expense upon the country, I will try and get an accurate account of what the oropesed canal would cost.†OTTAWA, April 3.â€"Very little was done in the House last week. Prorogation oc. curred on Saturday and the time of the House for the receeding days was occupied in rushing the usiness preparatory to that event. A momentary flurry was caused on Thurs- day about midday by the starting of a rumor that Sir John Thompson had been struck by paralysis in Paris. The rumor could not for some time be trsced to any reliable source, but was ï¬nally found to have orig- inated, in a. despatch from Toronto in the Montreal 'Witness. Enquiry quickly show- ed that there was not the slightest founda- tion for the rumor, as cable messages signed by Sir John were received shortly after the rumor started. On Monday, Hon. Mr. Foster announced that owing to the lateness of the session several Government. bills would have to be dropped, and among them the bill to amend the N orth-west Territories Act, in connec- tion with which the member for N orth Sim- coe had decided to bring up the dual langu. On motion to adjourn Mr. Laurie! asked whether the leader of the House was pre- pared now to say anything deï¬nite with re gard to the French treaty. Mr. Foster stated that when he had spoken on the French treaty some two weeks ago he stated that he was not prepared to ask Parliament to approve the treaty at present. Since then tiations have been going on with r d m some of the clauses on which the overnnmnt had some doubt. One of these was with regard to ï¬sh. In the French treaty the words “and natural†were used, and he had interpreted this to mean ï¬sh in their natural condition; but it appeared that the translation from the French into the English was not very good, and that the treaty did not really mean that it was only ï¬sh in their natural state, but that canned lobsters and canned salmon came in under the minimum tarlï¬'. With regard to soap there had also been a little misunder- standing, as the treaty seemed to cover common soaps, while this Government only intended that it should apply to castile soap. With regard to the most favored na- tion clauses, there were still some pints not quite settled, and he closed by at ing that the treaty would be left over till next veer for consideration. age question. THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. THE FRENCH TREATY. It isevidoxxt that. Mr. Craig of East Dur~ ham is determined to stick to his dutyâ€"the duty upon sheepskin leather. In the spring of 83 the RUSSELL FENCE was first patented in ( nada. Since that time there has been numer s patents introduced through the country, all f which were very poor imita- tions of the {u sell fence ; they have all come and gone uga' to be heard of no more, and the Russell fence stands- Ito-day unrivalled as a durable, economical rail fence. All the best farmers in the country use it and will have no other. There are dozen of farmers who pur- chased the other patent rights. because they seemed cheap, but who have new discarded them and‘areuqing the RUSSELL ‘FE.N_CE. . I have decided to sell ‘ farm righls this spring for $2.00 per 100 acres. 1 will be m Millbrook every Saturday for one month where I will be pleased to furnish farmers with rlghts, or m my absence they can be secured from Mr. R. J. Doak of Milibrook. CHARLES BYERS, â€"Itch on humans, horses and all animals cured m 30 minutes by Woolford’s Sanitary Lotion. This nm or fails. \Varranted by A. LEACH. 11-13ty Something About Fences 3 Yon Betâ€"Nothing Like Leather. Uxbrjdge _J_ourna_l The'speeches took a Wide range and some very diverse views were expressed, but as it is only by discussion and sifting we can arrive at the exact truth, let us hope that there will be good resulting from these dis- cussions, 'y; 513:, In the evening a mass meeting was held In the R. T. of T. hall which was packed to doors with a very sympathic and appreciat- ive audience. The District Councillor oc- cupied the chair. After Rev. Mr. Clarke opened with prayer addresses were delivered by the following gentlemen,â€"Mr. F. Out- rum, Port. Hope ; Mr. Lent, Cobourg ; Rev. Clarke, Rev. Bloodsworth, Rev. Young, of Millbrook ; inters ersed with recitation: by Miss Robinson, obourg ; Mr. A. Skitch. Campbellford; a musical selection by Miss Dempster of Cobourg ; and by congregational singing. A {rery noticeable feature of the sessions was the number of ladies present. It was admitted to be the largest most enthusiastic and best district council ever held. Cer- tainly the Millbrook brethren had done their share to make the meeting a. success, and too great praise cannot be given for their hospitality. During the afternoon the doors were thrown open to the public, many whom were interest-ed spectators of the proceedings. The discussions took a. wide range and at times grew rather heated, yet everything came out all right, nobody being hurt, and every- one feeling better for having had an oppor- tunity of working oil: his pent; up feelingu. (‘2) A district percepita of one cent perquart- er, should be levied for district purposes. (3) a number of places were especially selected as points for attack or places that should be organized. (4) More frequent public meet- ings or the throwing open of the door to the public each evening after the regular busi- ness was strongly advised. Occasional church parades were also recomended in many cases, (5) Missionary work by council was urged. (6) Cadet Corps were warmly commended and every council urged to or- ganize this branch it being felt to be the great hope of our cause to thoroughly educate the young in sound temperance principles, in the effects of alcohol and nercotic poisons and in the needs of a physically sound and well developed body. (7) The white cross or social purity work was urge-d on the at- tention of each council and they were asked to get every member to sign the social purity pled e and to circulate litoreture bearing on t e subject. (8) Politically our members were urged to greater independence. â€"to throw oï¬â€˜ the shacales of partyism and be prepared to support only candidate who are known and avowed prohibitionists for any and all public ofï¬ces. The :6? notable incident wan the an- nexing ofNPebI-e rboro cpunty to the district, tEo couhcilE-E'ihat édunty having requested to be admitted.‘ 7 ‘ The District Council ï¬eld a Proï¬table Me'eung Here. The district, council R. T. of T. for Nor- thumberlpnd and Durham, mot ixï¬Millbrook on Good' Friday, over ï¬fty delegates and visitors‘jgging present; at the morning session. Garden Hill;â€" Messrs Hamill, Dyer, Little, Little, Gray, Miss Gray, Miss Ham- ill. Millbrook :â€"Mr. S. Bateson, Mrs. S. Bateson, W. W. Gillott, J. Gillott, A. Carveth, W. Coombe, Rev W. G. Clarke, Rev. 'W. R. Young, J. Hicks, Miss Gillott, Mrs. Gillott, and several others. Springville :â€"F. E. Wilson, Mr. Udy. l’e’aerboro zâ€"Miss Sanderson, B. Earle, Mr. Armstrong, Mrs Martin, Mr. Coebrane. North Mona han :â€"H. D. Williamson. Campbellfor :--A. Skitch, Mr. Boyce. Brighton :~â€"G. Jennings, Morrison. Cobourgzâ€"M. Lent, Miss Robinson, Miss Dernpster. - Every council represented was reported in a very flourishing condition ; and every one not represented was known to be prosper- ing With one exception. In all twenty councils are now in the district with about 1,590 members. During the quarter new councils were opened at Hastings and VVicklow and every one reported Itcadry gain». Since the pre- sent District; Councillor took charge of the district the number of councils has grown from 12 to 20 and the membership has more than doubled. 0f the practical work accomplished at the morning and afternoon sessions, we may note tnc following points. (I) The select degree (or the insurance dept) was deserving of greater prominence and should be strongly pushed because it has demonstrated that total abstainers are better risks, live longer, have a lower death rate than others. A select degree should be established in every council. The diï¬erent councils weréâ€"well représent- ed about as follows. â€" New tom ille: â€"â€"Miss Gray. Poit- Hope :.â€"D H. Lent, F. Outram, G. \Velch, C. Cornthwaite, T. J. Tilly, Mrs. Pethick, Misses L. Gill, F. Gill, M. Loser, N. Bolser. It was felt that; a great responsibility rest- ed on the the order in placing the greatest issue of the dayâ€"prohibitionâ€"into the ï¬eld of pgaetical politics. The meeting dosed _at 9.30 p. m. NOTICE. R O YAL TEMPLABS. mum: Bailietog'o. SAyE weeks to take ldCE; this month will be held,a’c 1 . ' aution rooms on The auction sale :fmnced for the past few iaï¬gfday, April 15 .f’ai‘tiés BELTS; 333,211an to 'dispose of can take advantage of this sale by consulting us before the above date. For list of articles and other particulars ' A.PAYNE. the Tomb. Russmï¬iaâ€"In Millbrook. on Friday, March 31. 1893, ith Russell, only child of Mr. John J. Russell, aged 7 months and 17 days. STRONG,â€"In Gavan, on Saturda '. April let, 1893, Ada S. J. Strong, daughter 0 R. J. Strong. Ali unusually large list will be offered at this sale, many articles that you need during the present season and which you can get at yom‘ own price. Come early as everything will be knocked do vn with a bang. Life is too short and money too scarce to look for proï¬t, so come along and get what you want, at What- you are willing to give. Everythingï¬oesï¬iï¬fi“’C“""’'§‘j†‘ ‘ “I" FF? FALLISâ€"In Gavan on Friday. March 31, the wife of mr. David Fallis of a son. , Cur- eaned or e celebrated agent for the dies and Gents . Also Gents dress VOW is the time to at your Clot J. tains, Feathers, ackets, etc. Dyed by B. PARKER (10.. Toronto Dyers. We are als Peterboro’ Steam Laundr . Collars and Cuffs a speci shirtsâ€"cheaper and . tt than can be done at home. Sent Tuesd of each week. Also Feather Beds and lows cleaned. W'e are now ready to weave carpets for the season. Warp supplied. Have always on hand a ï¬ne assortment of Tweeds. Flannels. Yarns. Rolls and Cotton Gooas. Wool bought or exchanged the year round. D. CHAMBERS. Next door to the Dominion Hotel, Millbrook. 11 How to get a “Sunlight†Picture. Send 25 “ Sunlight†Soap wrappers (wrappers bearing the words “ Why Does a Woman Look Old Sooner Than a Manâ€) to Lever Bros, Ltd., 43 Scott St., Tcronto, and you W111 receive by post a pretty picture free from advertising, and well worth fram- ing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market and it will only cost 10. postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. Write your address carefully. The Bethany Post (mice. A considerable amount of discussion is in progress now concerning the ofï¬ce of post master of this village, which has become va- cant through the resignation of Miss Kelly. The ofï¬ce 1s now in charge of Mr. George McCartney. The applicants for the ofï¬ce are Mr. McCartney, Mr. Chas. Reynolds, Mr. Alfred Rylev and Mr. Bigelow. Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs 18 taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts ently yet rom fly on theKidneys, iiver and owe 3: cleanses the sys- tem aï¬ctually, dlspels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy o 7 11:3 kmd ever r0- duoed, pl g to the taste an ac- ceptable the stomach, rom ' its action and truly bene ' 83'th prepared onl fr healthy anu agreeah ubstances, its man excellentq ‘tieeoommendit to 1 an ha made it the most popularr m y known. Syrup igs is for sale in 750 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will rocure it promptly for any one W 0 Wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the cA'uFunmA FIG SYRUP m. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. [OTIIFVILI-E- KY: NEW YORK. W. 1'. aged 20 years. SPRING IS COMING. ONE ENJOYS AUCTION The Cradle. Special attention paid to collars and repairs. begs to announce that he has opened a. new harness shop in the store next door to R. Deyell’s, where all work in his line will be performed at low rates. W. STRAIN BLANKETS, wmrs, IIALTEBS, 8L0. AKE notice that at the expiration of twcn- ty days from the first pu ication hereof, John Morton, of the ’lown of Darlingmn, in the County of Durban 'eonian. will apply to the Suirogate Court the Lnited Counties of Northumberl d Durham, to be a? int- ed guardian of ‘ crsons and CStates 0 rich- ard Henry Mo , Robert John Morton, and James J efl’rey . iorton, the infant children of Susannah Morton, late of the said Township of Darlington, married woman, deceased, and that; letters of guardianshlp may be granted to him pursuant to the statute m that behalf. Dated this 16th day of March, A.D., 1893. In the Matter qf the Guardianship o, the Infant Children of Susannak .‘vIorton, late qftke Township of Dar. lington, nmrried woman, deceased. IN THE SURROGATB COURT 01' % KUNITED COUNTIES 0P NORTHUM- BBBLAND AND DURHAM. Forms of tender containing full partzicuiars {plat-“1339 the suï¬plieq _requ1re_d, datespf de- .. '~n~“p lively, cm, may 65 £511 Birvgï¬biï¬uéit-Blh'e- 1:5- dcrswncd, or to the Indian Commxssxoner at Rgg‘lpa. (gr to jhc Indign Ofï¬ce. :Wixgnipeg. _ _ U . »â€" u. u“, nuuautn VHLVU- VV 1111111165. This advertisement is not to be inserted by any newspaper without the authority of the Queen's Printer, and no claim for ayment _by any newspaper not having had suc authonty will be aglmxtted. The lowest or any tender not necessamly accepted. Department of Indian Affairs Ottawa, March, 1893. :Mâ€O“OOOOOWWOâ€OGQ .Pieco to the sixth. A ï¬ne Nickle' . Watch tone next three. We will 81'“ . :to the last correct answer n Gold Watch. in the~seeond correct answer 9m the last a Comreilver \Yatch.‘ and to the mint. tomb and am: fromthc. last, each a Life size Mezzo Tint. a 0 new process made by Hall Bros, 39.5 to . : 399 S adma Ave, Toronto, in aï¬ne combma- . tron rgme 24:30. And to the sixth. seventh 0 9 and etghtll eorreet answer from the last. 9 each a Solid Gold Glove But- . toner will chain and rm attached 0 ’OCONDITIONS :â€"- n oomestam , its to cut out the above Dbue‘and make a . .0. cross with a lead ncll or ink enJcGint ’s . face. and some to as with en . three-cent stamp (ox-.30 cents h silver) for . 0 three month’s npuon to the LADIES’. .Hon Mommy, mm high-class and. . pOpular journal. If there should be a large . . number entering this competmon we shall . 9 add other valuable prcmlnms to those above . .mentioned. Persons hvmg at a dlstance . » my hove an nal chance m this compctl- O 3 non With our ome patrons. as _the date of . . atmark on letters mll be even prece. once, so answer to-day. Per ect 1mpargx- . : alltyis guaranteed in g1 'ing rewards. \l_ e . .haye Elven away thousands of dollars 1n . {mzes :11 our ast competitions. and have . 2 housands of estimonials for our prompt- . 0 ness and» fur dealing. Don 't class us mgh e .other ï¬rms you may have been taken 3:) O 9 With- Wme any of the successful namcs m 0 .our last competition. given Lclow. The O . bone. ï¬de ofl‘ers of the LAmrzs‘ Rom: Mmmx- O .13 are made by reliable publishers. who. advertlse what they do and do Wm: they 9 :advernse. G . e . The following is a list of prize- W‘lnners incur 1;;th gpmpetiï¬igy : [Ann‘p TENDERS. L. VANKOUGHNET. Deputy of the Superintendent-General of Indian Aï¬â€˜airs. EDWIUPPLIBS. SMITH 8: PRESTON. Solicitors for Petitioner 13-3t â€"-The following w the steamer North season: Ceptain, C. mate, J. Johnston : ‘2 "£3.11 ; engineer, J. H. Power ; parser. J. --â€"-Thc Concert give: bertonk pupils and fr' cellent one in every to be regreted tha more largely atten ent- numbers on were well rendered an ceived by the audience was as good as ever in comic songs. He kep a. roar of laughter fro his selections. $200 in each cozï¬titu than four cheew. fac: "vetted in winter :11 running1 into butter meats. â€"â€"At a meeting 1 Agricultural Commitu‘ Commons, a modem commending the govd prettiest and cheapest 5 â€"Just arrived at R. J. ever shown in Millbr Membmy‘s Kidney an preparation of Herbs an cal properties 0% known. Try it- P: For sale by A. LEACH : I â€"N0tioe to farmer ing seed grain won (1 0. B. Lowea: C peas, sprin and white oats for s before buying. Rem: stock sold at. great sacri: cure the plums. -A meeting of held last evening. proceedings will appe: â€"'“'ork on P6 street railway is to L“ once. Two miles wi June lst, and four m â€"Miss Beat-ty : holidays in Port Ho; and Mrs. Dickinson. -â€"Dr. Martin and Toronto paid a visit u‘ J 01m 'Allen at Easter. â€"-Mr. “'11). Arciw his parents at Port Friday. â€"-â€"Mrs. J. Smith 1 a few days this wee emai roof. -â€"â€"Mrs. C. Rey: spent Good Friday 1 Johnston. â€"The schools will -â€"Miss Mamie Co} Toronto, for Easter x â€"Mrs. J. Steele 51 in Omemee with hie} â€")Ir. E. A. Powe was in town Tuesday â€"-Miss Wynn of I ing with her friend, 1 -â€"Mr. Alfred B township of Mauve: Tuesday. A thorough Business a‘ school. Competition \01 ver Medals. The 70 med frec. (:00.\ but A. Blanchard Chat-acted are the Principals. ‘ Udmpmmd Syrup of HorehOum Prepared only by Hundreds of Bottl‘ of this now we“ DON’T BE W‘ TOWN PE @ 00L THE D31