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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 6 Apr 1893, p. 5

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}xpj1;ptiop ot_ twen- qf Susannah wens/313p Qf Dar- rmn, deceased. ressed to she un- i “Tenders for Jim red at this oflice up t April.51893, for tho aringfthefiscalyear r-paid. at various Earth Wes: Terri- Wfi'ifili‘igtgn: 'eOman. will apmy p Unite-g1 Counties ng full particuiars pared. dates of de- spplyiug to_the un- n Commissxoner at Ice. “‘innipeg. ‘10 be inserted by p authority of the m for payment py pd such authonty g: or any tender not Lnited bcCountTes am, robe _int.- nd estates 0 John Morton, and infant children of Braid Townshi of cdeceascd, and 1; be granted to him Lat bchdlf. mflns competi- beaéfime date of en preco- Perfect impartie g rewards d3 of dollars Win tions. and have for our prompt- p ‘t class as mth been taken in cesefu} names in en beRGW. The 5110112 . 10m- mzbnsbers. who 3OURT OP Tm IF NORTHUM- uardimzship o, pa {Irvâ€"Wétgn‘ t9 fin. Sarnin, timid O slim-9. :96 3:13de “Qt-ugh; ’1! W. 0 mm ‘ 23.. [:Campoarf’fchd. O E: Leciaire. 27 . Qua-bee Gold . 2:512 Sfieridun :er och ; M13. \\’. O . .Hamiitcn. Ont" O Grizis, 7 St. Paul O . 52h. er \Vatch; Franklin. MaSS-. tpton. 11:. Forest. 5d do wha: they - 9 list of prize- npetition : woe St. Toronto, $99.11, Oxfurd St. I. Samson. Bank . and (f-Jllc-ge SL. :32 : HALO. .8. P. “at? Wazch: J: COOOOOOOOO4 t PRESTON. tors for Petitioner m; 319.4. Wm. "$312, 3* 3'. Gold? ‘ildicgtépn -hereb} 73R S. correct answer 'er \Yatch. . I m from the 0 @220 Tint. a . . Bros” 395’: to 2 *L'GHNET. intendent-General Affairs. fifiécoinbinqâ€" Fm}: correct . A rewardof. ada:$1$5.2 Rowe. bx” ”VI” II-IV love But-2 i 3153.!) bl: b 00mm: and make _a US (301d l3-3t mâ€"The concert given by Prof. Pcm~ berton’s pupils and friends was an ex- cellent one in every repect, and it is to be regreted that . it was not more largely attended. The differ- ent- numbers on the programme were well rendered and were well re- ceived by the audience. Mr. J as Fax was as goo‘d as ever in his long list of comic songs. He kept the audience m a. roar of laughter from first to last in his selections. V â€"Notice to farmers. Those requir ing seed grain won 6. do well to call on 0. B. Loweat C ville, who has seed peas, sprin eat, six rowed barley and white oats for sale. Call early. 13- -Just arrived at R. J. Doak’s, the largest- prettiest and cheapest stock of wall paper ever shown in Millbrook. bee this stock before buying. Remnants of last year’s stock sold at great sacrifice. Buy early and secure the plums. 10. â€"â€"The following Will be in charge of the steamer North King this coming season: Ceptain, C. H. Nicholson; lst mate, J. Johnston; 2nd mate, A. Mac- mean ; engineer, J. Hickey ; stewart- H. Power ,; parser, J. J arowel. â€"At a meeting of the of the Agricultural Committee of the House of Commons, a motion was passed re- commending the government to grant $200 in each constituency to not more than four cheese factories, to be con- 'verted in winter months, when not running, into butter making establish- ments. Udmpmmd Syrup uf ‘ Horehmmd â€"Mr. “7m. Archer paid a. visit. to his parents at Port Hope, on Gaod Friday. Hundreds of Bottles have been Sold of this now well known remedy. -â€"Mrs. C. Reynolds of Bethany spent Good Friday with her aunt, Mrs.. Johnston. Prepared only by -â€"-)Ir. E. A. Powers of Port Hope was in town Tuesday. â€"-Miss \Vynn of Peterboro is visitâ€" ing with her friend, Miss McCartney. Nam/WNW â€"â€"Miss Beatty spent the Easter holidays in Port Hope, the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Dickinson. ~ A thorough aniness and Shorthand training school. Competmon yearly: for Gold and Sil~ ver Medals. The 70 page Illustrated circular mailed free. Geo. S, Bean, B. A., L. L. B.. and A. Blanchard, Chartered Accountant of Ontario are the Principals. â€"Mr. Alfred Ryley, clerk of the township of Manvers, was in town on Tuesday. â€"Mrs. J. Smith of Peterboro spent a- few days this week under the par- ental roof. Membnay’s Kidney and Liver Cure is a. preparation of Herbs an ' acts, the Medi- cal propertiesi tOf ch are Universally known. Try Purifying the Blood. For sale by A. L1: \CII: Millbrook 11 4t --A meeting of the council was held last evening. A report of the proceedings will appear next week. â€"Miss Mamie Collins is home from Toronto, for Easter week. â€"Mrs. J. Steele spent Sunday last in Omemee with friends. â€"-Dr. Martin and Miss Martin of Toronto paid a. visit to Mr. and Mrs. John 'Allen at Easter. â€"â€"â€"‘X:Vork on Peterbaro’s electric street railway is to be commenced at once. Two miles will be running by June 131: and four miles_by§epten1ber. â€"The schools will reopen Monday. DON’T BE WITHOUT IT. A. T. ELLIOTT, TOWN TALK 4USINESS COLLEGE THE DRCGGIST. DUKES GDUGHS, BULBS, 8w. The Montreal Witness The Montreal Witness, which is to move into its own building next spring, will be by far the best equipped newspaper in a me- chanical point of View in Canada. Its im- mense Hoe quadruple machine will be capable of turning out 60,000 eight-page or 30,000 twelve or sixteen-page papers an hour, printed complete on both sides, cut, posted, .and counted in piles of fifty. This will be one- tnird faster than any other press in Canada. In addition, its matter will be set on the Mergenthaler Linotype, which gives a new, clean face of type every issue, and its form will be compact and lmautiful. The Witness, although old and reliable, is up to the front in respect of enterprise, and its readers ex- pect and are not satisfied with anything but the best. The price of the daily Witness is three dollars a year, of the weekly Witness one dollar, and the Northern files-gamer, published from the same house; is thirty cents. Agents wanted in every town, village and P. O. Specimen copies will be sent free to any of our readers, on application to the publishers, J on}: DQUGALL SON, Montreal. ~ The subscribers of the REPORTER can have it and the Momtreal Daily Wituees for $3.75, the REPORTER and the Weekly Witness for $1.75, and the Northern Messenger with eitherof them for twenty-five cents extra. Entitled to the Best. All are entitled to the best that their money will buy. every family should have, at once, a. bottle of the best family remedy, Syrup of Figs, to cleanse the system when costive or bilious. F or sale in 750. bottles by all leading (lruggists. â€"-There was a. very enjoyable dance in the town hall on Monday evening. â€"Mr. Gr. Walter Green had a.‘ visit from his father, Mr. G. W. Green of Drayton. ' - -â€"The Training Home demonstra- tion as given by Capt. Sullivan and solders in S. A. barracks on March fllst, and which wag such a decided success, will again be presented (by request) on Saturday, April 'St-h, at 8 o’clock p. In. This pleasing entertain- ment consists of Songs, Solos, Choruses and an anthem by the choir. Also the Captain’s second week experience of training home life in song, and sung by herself in her own inimitable style peculiar to herselfyiot miss this rare treat. All a welcome. Silver collection at the’door. â€"Thc services at St. Thomas’ church on Sunday last were of a highly interesting character. Excellent and timely sermons were preached by Ven. Archdeacon Allen in the morning and by Rev. W. C. Allen in theevening. A special musical programme was present- ed by the choir and the organist, Mrs. \V. Cc Allen, in which some excellent music was rendered, including “The Heaves are telling thc Glory of God,” “Crossing the Bar,” “This is the Day Which the Lord Hath Made,” and others. â€"Miss Ey res, of Whitby Ladies’ Collage, is spending he1 anstei holi- days w ith friends here. ~~The annual \estry meeting of St. Thomas’ church “as held on Monday evening last, the rectm in the chair. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year '--â€" People 3 Chulch VVarden,â€"J. C. Kells, Rector s- “’ “ VV. '1‘. Wood. Sidesmen,â€"-â€"G. Fowler, R. Rudd, ' C. H. Winslow, A. J . Fallis, Dr. H. A. Turner. Ushers,--J. 7A. Vdnce, G. Fowler, \V. Leach, B. Van Homreigh, A. A. Necdler, Synodman,â€"A. \Vood. Vestry Clerk,-â€"C. Needler. The adjourned meeting will be held an Monday, April 17, at 8 «‘fcluck. A full attendance is desired. â€"Miss Trevorrow has returned to resume her duties in the Dress and Mantle department of Kells, Fowler 8: Co. â€"The organization of an Oddfellows’ lodge at Pontypool has been postponed till next Tuesday on occount of the bad condition of the roads. â€"U ntil a. man begins habitually to look out f01 numberc one, he never 1eâ€" alizes what a lot of other people are following the same idea. â€"-Archer is opening great bargains in footwear this week. NOW is the time for farmers to get their plow boots. Only 900. Boys 750. 14- « â€"The many friends and customers of Mrs. \V. J Gillott, will be pleased to learn that she will continue the diessmaking business at her residence, Tupperâ€"st. 14- 1 â€"Evory member of the Home Circle is expected to be present at their re- gular meeting on Tuesday ,April 11th, at 8 o’clock, as there is important business on hand. riculation examination will commense June 14th. â€"All those interested in the organ ization of a lacrosse club are requested to attend a meeting at the council chamber on Monday evening at 7 .30 o’clock. The boys intend to get down to work at once and with the material they now have expect a busy and prosperous season. â€"The entrance examinations in Ontario will this year commence on June 28th. Examinations for prim- ary and junior leaving teachers’ certifi- cates and for University Pass Mat- HOOD’S PILLS act especially upon the liver, rousing it from torpidity to its natural duties, cure constipation and assist digestion. 13-2 ~Rheumatism Cured in a Dayâ€"South American Rheumatic Cure for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in l to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately dis- appears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Warranted by A. LEACH. ll-l3t Spring ' Gmd’s Walsh Kg Clarke All the leading lines in all col= ors. See our Spring Dress Twecds at 37 J;- cts. Are selling fast but a good assort- ment still on hand. ‘Vhitc and Grey Cottons, Shirtings, Ginghams Cottonades. Muslins, Table Linens, Napkins, etc., etc. 7 -.v<- .21“ .~ is the latest, triumph in. pharmacy for the cure of all the Symptoms indicating KIDKEY AN]? _ Stock New Complete. OUR SPECIALTY THIS WEEK IS to which we have paid special attention and have personally selected a large number of suit lengths in all the leading colorings. A 1 Value in Worsteds and Pantings. Come and see them before purchasing elsewhere. \V. T. “700d, 13 vs. G. H. Dean, 1‘2 L. F. Clarry, 15 vs. J. W. \Valsh, 1 A. A. Smith drew the bye. \V. T. Wood, drew the bye. L. F. Clarx‘y, 13 vs. A. A. Smith, 9 DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, n'rn AND FINAL DRAW. W. T, “food, 13 vs. L. F. Clarry, 12 FIRST DRAW. Walter Collins, 13 vs. C. H. Winslow, 11 J. A. Vance, 13 vs. \Valter Coom'be, 8 A. A. Smith, 13 vs. Dr. McKinnon, 7 L. F. Clarry, 13 vs J. Nattrass, 3 J. W. Walsh, 13 vs. D. Hampton, 12 G. H. Dean won by default from (4. Hether- ington. S. \V. Clarke, 13 vs. A. T. Elliott, 12 John Steele, 13 vs. H. B. Allen, 6 W. T. Wood, 13 vs. Geo. Burnham, 2 H. M. Wood, 16 as John Allen, 2 SECHNU DRAW W. T. Wood, 13 vs. Walter Collins, 12 A. A. Smith 1'3 \5 l A. Vance, 12 L. F. Clarry y, 33% H. M. Wood. 12 J. W. Walsh, 13‘s John Steele, 12 G. H. Dean won by default from S. 'W. Clarke. Curling. Considerable interest has been manifested this year in the “ Thirteen Point Game,” the winner of which is entitled to hold the cup which was very generously donated by Mr. R. H. Kells, for one year. The lucky man for this seasen is Mr. \V. T. \Vood who succeeded in‘defeating Mr. L. F. Clarry in the last draw, which was played on Tuesday afternoon March 28th. Below is a list of the several draws, and the winners of each:â€" Boys Suits at all Prices. Felt Hats in new styies. Rock-bottom prices For information and free Handbook write to MUNN a; 00.. 361 BRQADWAY, NEW YORK. Oldest bureau for seem-mg patents In America. Every patent taken on; by us :3 brought. before the public by a nomce men free of charge in the La: 04: circulation of any scientific paper in the wor d. Splendxdly unustgated. No Intelligent. man should be thhout. 1t. Weekly $3.00 a ear: $1.50 six months. Address MUhN a co. Umsnnns. 361 Broadway. New York City. gvieutifiin: gmeximu TWEEDS, FOURTH DRAW'. THIRD DRAW. NEW ‘ CAVEA'I's. ! TRADE MARKS, 1 DESIGN PATENTS.3 COPYRIGHTS, etc.1 01:00 3:01" Spring Hats for Ladies 21rd Gentleme er. 31‘: g11531t37and s‘pyle this stock 18 ecualto any 0:113 07: and our prices are righc. See them befe: e 'r'~“::-€-E‘: 3:21:12 We have just received Farmers, you will consult your own interests by giving egg gatherers “ the shake,” as We guarantee to pay you from one to two cents per dozen more for your eggs than you can get elsewhere. WALL . m In Great Vapieiy and of th E at: es 3 Patterns. Come and. Exar Ene Them. They ’33. n’t be Beaten. l Dreamers . 1 Quart flippers 2 Quart flippers BOOTS AND SHOES Best Broad Hoop Imn-siad Milk Can, 25 galians Ba Ba 39 gallans W. S. PICKUP; 1? x. a I ’. ’- Scott’s Emulsion cures Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Scrofula and all Anaemic and Wasting Diseases. Prevents wasting in children. Al- most as palatable as milk. Get only the genuine. Prepared by Scott Bowne, Belleville. Sold by all Dmggists, 50 cents and $1.00. about the curative effects of Swit’s Emulsmz of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosp‘hites of Lime and Soda in the firs: stages of consur “k mt e frer uentlyi Many remedies are still on trial, but Scott’s 11 13% has been tried so effectually and so frequently "fir" past experiment. That is well wc‘rth your attention. They are male by th best makers and are $0351 at rock-bottom prices .3: T: 1.. >20 DFF 04.1mm 4.25:»wm 01m>_u: «mow ..0.>w: I3: tn Mo PARKER. hi 3?» m ,4 tn 1"”?.',‘.“" J 3* l’ J .nJ..\.-L ‘1 UHFAPB 1R THAN EVER AT 5B. 108 10 Qu’art Pails 14 Quart Pails HSL‘L‘ “van“ :3 slam; uh.)

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