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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 6 Apr 1893, p. 8

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u: 2 0111’ Linen to be Whitg Nfioun: Pleasant. Miss Mark of Havelock, visited brother, Dr. Mark, on Gmd Friday. Roads are about their finest. The elixir is of the right consistency to beafltifuliy frescoe your new spring suit. ‘ Miss Nettie McLean has been confined to her room for a. few days, but we are pleaaed to seeker about again, her - .. Ind- 33mm as” Snow! fiuzar and syrup making is going on, but the makers do not speak in the highest terms of the run this year. ' ;'_‘“§q£§“,{§w§'§_{mj , r. Mr. J. I). Denney is holidaying at home, as is also Mr. '1'. W. McLean. Mr. Clifford Taylor, ex-driver Her Ma.- jesty’s mail between here and Minn-00k, spent Easter vith his late employer. He called on many friends here, and in Mill- brook awu’sll. \V'e are pleased to know » fr.“ 1 I} "v, wing we‘d on a. farm near Kir- Soap Will do. it. Co‘oourg 1’05“- Vvvvu-g - v , It has been suggcsted that slates be hung in the vestibules of certain clmrchos to en- able the young ladies who attend services there to :egister their names on entering. If this is adopted a. large number of young men Will no longer be compelled to wait outsxde until servxce is over, and it will also prevent congregations from being disturbed by some who have a. practice of peeping through the doors while service is in pro- Cobourg P053 UUUVu-a - v.- On Monday lazt while two little boys,! sons of Mr. McIntosh, Coldsprings, were engaged playing with an axe splitting weed, they disagreed as to who should do the splitting. The eldest, about six years of age, secured possession of the age, raised it over his head, and just before it decended is younger brother placed his hand on the lock of wood. A second later the axe came own and. the youngster had one finger DEAFNESS AN 1) NOISES IN T E HEAD permanently cured by a new abso- lutely genuine system. The most extraor dinary cases have been successfully treated. Fun particulars, with copies of splendid testimonials post free. Herbert- Clifton, 51, Upper Km‘a‘ingtou Lane, London, S. E. 6-1y lacrosse Fiend: at Work. An efl‘or‘. is being made to form a lacrosse wociatien. consisting of Peterboro, Port Hope, Cq‘murg, Madoc, Belleville and King- ston. â€"-Rebccca Wilkinson, of Brownsvalley, Ind., savs : “ I had been in a. distressed con- dition for three years from Nervousness, Weakness of the Stemach, Dyspepsia‘ and Indigestion until my health was gone. I bought. one bpttle of South American Ner- AHA llvuéuv Vuv vv.â€"-v v- .-w v_ , vine, which done me more good than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life. I weuldadvisepvery weakly person to use 'this valuable and lovely remedy; I con- sider it the grandest medicine in the world.” A trial bottle will convince you. Warraus~ ed by A. LEACII ll-l3t vered. “'3: sn‘t 13m Editor Young an mu! m me erxdvin Liuimcut- removes an (Housed Lumps and Blemis‘xc s “x1 Spawin, Curbs, Splints, Yeimey, Stvifles, Sprains, Sore ; mt, Coughs, etc. Save $50 Low bottle. Warranted by A. "“ 11-131: andflood’s Cures, t. Hood’s Sursazparilla. cures, s . th‘xake no Idle or extravagant- ”, .mts from thousands of reli- nt'imt Hood‘s Sarsapurillm has ‘niwnclusively prove the fact.â€" mn ,3 irilla. CURE-S. I...“ a ring?“ Became BUNDIGH’! SOAP 16 perfectl pug. and contains no . 11m- :ops (mammals to mate ember you clothes or your hands. . Grgatost one is exezcmed m ‘m manufacture, and 1 t a "mum is so appreciated making 18 going on, but speak” m the highest terms mun u 31'3"? quality is sq up refined. by the p11ch t at it has the Lgrgest Sale of any Soap m the World. Can on test mu? u you ave never tried SUNLIGHT SOAP, ask thoSe who use it. what ghey think of it, then try 1t for ypurself. The re- sult wan please yet}. and y on r clofhes W11; be washed in far less tlme, w ith Less Labour. Greater Comfort, and will be Whig-er than fhey - Au“; “Lil U0 "m uuuuuu have ever been Seioré. when you used ordinary [S 1 That not the best way to deâ€" cide the mgtter ? First by egqumrgg what the expenence 13 of those who already use it. ISecondly, by a fair trial yoursqlf. You are not commxtted in any way to use the sea. ; all we ask is: Don’t qlay, try it the next washmg day. Why, 88000.00 u yur in being made- by . ohn I! Goodwin.‘l‘ro .N.\'.,u.: work for us. and“, you my no make us much. but we can ‘teach you quickly how to em from $5 to $10 OJ“! 3: the “in. and m_ore .u you (q on. Bah taxes. :11 ages. In any part of ’ mcric‘. you cu: commence at home. giv- mg .21 our time,” were moments only to the '1 All is new. Great pay SURE In: every worker. We star: yon. run-.253"? ovcrfibin . EASILY.SPEF.1‘H.Y ltnmm, mmc LABS FREE. .w 1w: 1: nave. :41st I (D . 1'1‘?“'.‘. 1 . 1 “ ,«_ ,9; Once. l Count the D0ts‘ Lu. vu. -w~4â€" v-7, circle containing 545 dots, we had answers rang- mg from 300 to 2,000.000. On the whole, however, our customers counted better than we expect At the close of the competition the wmners were notified of their success, and the presents awarded just as we advertised. As a proof of this and as an evidence that we have kept Perfect faith with our patrons, we wfll send-a comp etc list of wmners (excepting those objecting to publictty) to any anress on receipt of a 3 cent stem to pay postage. W e do this Instead of publishing t cm on account of the 11st being so verv large. In our present competition we present the above star and ask our customers to count the dots as they did with those in the clrcle. With it we make this offer :â€"-â€" es To the first three persons sending in the correct answer we will give each an elegant GOLD V4 ATCH, a“ w1th ELGiN. Vt ALTHAM. DUEBER HAMPDEN. or other first-class movement. We will give the same to the senders of the three correct answers, who are equally far from’ the first and the last, while the persons sending in the last three correct answers Will each be given watches exactlv similar to the other ___-... -c A ‘v mm ‘Tii’n (101.“ W AT- kidney or liadder troubles, me resumsu n yuuu um; follies. loss of energy ymental Worry or over wiorky, should use Health Pills. They act es eci all upon the bladder and kldneys,y and reso ore 1:1 16 v mat of yopth to all failing organs, both physi ical v igor of outn to an xmuug mi, “aaaaaaaaa aaaaa ,1 ‘ chance ot life ” Gheadachgas._p bears ; THOMAS emu; ”‘5‘? PUMPS ! PUMPS ! On Land alax 0 901:1 COFFINS.I ”KI?! S and al kind ~' of I ndcrtnitcrs’ Gfxxms. Bedroom, Parlor “u ‘.:hot1. crl:inds of 1‘ yurniture. hand- made v.1 ‘zuwcsi prices -.., r». - A; can in mm and see him. 1-13‘. lie-g. Manufactures all kinds of Fungus and can satisfy you both in style and price. We make aspecimlty of the now we” knovm which, wherever used with its latest improvement calls forth wonderful praise. It is the only pump on the market that can he chzmged so as to throw either a light or heavy stream of water. You should see it {mime purchasing. a. . ' 1'CI‘.._A.-J. n‘uv‘ne rulv“‘~U-nna- We manufacture 51x dIEerent styles of wooden pumps and handle every deâ€" sign of Canadian and American iron pumps. / ”I D 11“” U9 Ifryou are in need of a, pump call and see us before purchasing. It will pay you. Do not fail to call and G. W. GREEN, Millbpook, - - Ontario EVERYBODY NEEDS A PUMP. EUREKA PUMP: :EAG Suffering from life.” headachviesp? nEs Nin the womb, iles, irregulari flea and mental de- man d 1150!! Health Pills. They relieve rm ptoms. {Eu ri fy the blood, stren hen regulate t e bowels, and assist ature Téveâ€"“hédfihswers rang. On the whole, howeyeg, . GREEN 2‘ COFFINS.» ore. . hroo‘r, oughs, ( olds, and Good 1th German Snap, only 250 P6? Bezen A Raw-Hide Whip, from butt to tip, f9? $1 Any person or persons Iounu Gunning u; removing any timber off Lot 3, Con. 1, Gavan, will be prosecuted according tofilaw, andI have appointed A. D. P. Roach my agent to look after same and invested him with full power to enforce the law. JOHN JACK§9N2 .. P. S. The above property will be sold cheap apply to A Wines 81 ,SE' Best of Testimonials can be given. U ndertaker apdiPiractical Any person requiring a thoroughly reliable article in the above line can procure the very best, from H. McCartney New Store at Deyell’s :corner. Everything Else Accordingly JOHN GaLmTT. r“; residents of M' rook and vicinity that he bags opened a Ehotograph Gallery. in the vfllage end W111 be pleased to recexve orders for all kmds of PHOTOGRAPHS. CARTES DB VISITE, CABINET, etc., in _the best style of the art and at rock bottom pnoss. ELIE subscriber bfi? to announce to we 1 axe PHflTflGBAPH axe GALLERY. HE aghsqring; Eggs *9 anjnounoe to the A_- _ -_ -.:n:n:l-w +ho+ BATESON’S hon/afar BATESON’S NOTICE. SNAP ‘. W. PEAGY, Liquors. ARTIST, ioHN JACK§9NZ found cutting 91‘ Kendall. V. is for sale and A, D. P. Roach o1 Kendall. at Fine %% Tailor-Made in: Glotfi‘lng Ontario. CLEARING SALE OF BOYS’ SUiTS BOYS’ GVERCOATS. Sell direct to their customers at Close Wholesale prices, thus saving" them twenty-five per cent. Handsome “ 893 George Street, Peterboro’. Opposite McKee 8: Davidson. GRAFTON GO. During the next tew days. Room wanted for stock. Particular value in Gilts. IF YOU WANT ASET OF REAL vuâ€"uuâ€"t WWewellery. Best Make 0f Watches in field And Silver REPAIRING AZSPEGIALTY. Big Reduction in all Boys’ Clothing. - We are determined to . - , ,, Clothmg for this winter, From‘now out we ”k; W 0* BOYSt Overcoats at the following prices : New Heav 230:8 away "1333’s Hem? Tweed overcoat» $175to $2.50; 23 gifi‘ereft) ”$11.00; BTOY§ Caped Overcoats, in Meltons, Etoffe and Tweed: ylies Of bevy Caped Overcoats, $31.50 ; better Quality Melt ’ ‘ 63" Heavy Tweeds, $2 ; Etofi‘e, Melton '1, $2.50 . On; 1% 0r; $1.1? ferent cloths to clear, only $3.50 ; another lot } of Jeiflh: dig? dlf- styles to clear, only $3.95 3 a few better lines in the Dfi erems beautifully made, $4.50. The above Prices are from 72:81:39???) - - :.,0 off each Overcoat. A Fine AND YOU WILL BUY THE CHEAPEST. \- ‘ “9.3,...v7 3.x - v, . 5. \. WALL PAPER BOYS’ SUITS FROM $1.259 ‘ $1.50, 2.2m $13759 *W $2.00, )K $2.50, $2.59, $3.00, AND UPâ€"SEE THEM. GRAFTON co. T. B. JENKINS xMANUFAGTURERS OFâ€"-â€"â€"- Daisy ” Sleigh Free with every B0 ’3 Suit or Overcoat. ’ y GOOD HARNESS :SPEGIALTY. LARGE STOOK or SPECTAOLEG Orrosrrz Town HALL, MILLakoox. ' Line of Platedwape at Lowest Prices. FOR BARGAINS IN HAS ON HAND A FINE LINE OF CALL ON w. E. anyway. Manager. new

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