a â€All Kinds of Repairing ~ LARDINE i MACHINE OIL. thn J. Ryan, representing a Montreal ï¬rm, says that he received the greatest, bene~ ï¬t from using Membray‘s Kidney and Liver cure, after using several preparations for Kidney and Liver trouble, caused by much railroad travelling. Forsaie by A. LEACH, “brook. .15-4 In Town, consisting of Drv Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Ca 5, Fresh Groceries, c. flap for cash. A l kin'is of produce want- ed and the highest price in cash paid for Eggs at the shop or on the road. Desires to inform the public that he has one of the Finest and gesj Selected Stocks lathe lightest running. and la a general favor- ib. It in a. model o_t strength gnd durability. mgemmspakodm boilm on, axpellingull .mandzmpartinggrea to lmeu to the wood. The t truss axle digreatlyto ï¬evaluoot w n. Igontrol tho Isle of 9'.me the {gamma ct Osnn sad THE BAIN wAccou Buqqms, WAGUNS, unnuuv 1:. : L'Lnbnll‘d 1: v1.1... HIGH CLASS OILS. Lardz'ne 2'5 tlze Clzanzpz'on Gold Medal Oil of tlze Dominion and our Cylinder Oil will wear longer, andgive oetfer salz'sfac- z‘z'on Man any olner Oil. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR MCCOLL’S OILS. Sold as); all leading dealers throng/Eon! t/ze country. 156‘“ How about your 02/. ? Send along your orders to flee “ Old Relzaole Home," wï¬eie you éave deal! before and waere your Fat/zer used to deal THAT IS ~Best Broad Hoop Iron-alad Milk Can, 25 gallons Du D9 30 gallons Ilraamers . . . .' . . . . . 1 Quart flippers . . 59. {10 Quart Pails 2 Quart flippers . . mam Quart Pails McCOLL BROS. CO., TORONTO W. LANG has mused to sell the Brantford Carriage Co.’s Buggies. and Cam EB FINEST IN THE DOMINION. and they are offered 0.1; low prices Lumber of every description, also offerino a flood door f0: $1. 60, Another Car Load of Sack and ARRIVED. When buying Land Plaster knead it in your hand. If y it have nothing to do with it, as it Will not dissolve with moi it useless asa fertilizer. Buy the old reliable GREY Plaster. only to be tried to be appreciated. I can give it no you in eit ‘Vol. XXXVI. m AMOH am {0 %mi[[beOE Millbx‘ook, March" -5, 1893 AND OARTS. flippers . . 56.}10 Quart Pails . flippers . . 193m Quart Pails . AND ALL OTHER TINWARE CHEAP FOR CASH. SOLE .MANUFACTURERS OF THE ONLY GENUINE TIN WARE Fresh Lime, Water Lime, Shingles, Sash, OS. PICKUP ___ -v- -. V, 1w vvvo - uuu . DA nu». - good door for $1.60, Sl'xixlgleis', $51 per M. and nther material correspondingly low. A call solicited. W. TH EXTON . PAINTING. CHEAPER THAN EVER AT Dressed Lumber in great, vaï¬ety (‘1‘ I I A- ‘ A , How T0 COMPETEâ€"Write the questions down, and follow with the answers, mail this to us, together with $1 to pay for six months sdbscription to the Ladies’ Home Ma. azineâ€"one of the best home Magazmes of t e day, and if your answers are correct vou will receive one, of the following prizes : $1000 in gold ; $500 in gold ; $250 in gold ; $100 in gold :- 2000 Elegant Tea Sets, Organs, Pianos, 83:). Everything fair and square. Send postal card for list of former prize winners. Over $10,000 distributed during the past two years. Address : Tm: LADIES’ Ham: MAGA.ZINE,.Peterb0rough, Canada. )3 QUEswxoxs.â€"1.â€"â€"W'hich is the longest book in the New Testament? 2. Which 15 shortest? 3. The longest verse? 4. The shortest? The Publishers of the Ladies’ Home Maga- zine presents its Bible Competition to the pnblic of America. This Competition closes on May 30th. 1893. ( 15 da. 3 thereafter being allowed for letters to reach us from distant points). Portland Cemqnt, Plastepeps’ Ham, Doors, Frames. .u‘ hand. If you ï¬nd coarse grit; or sand in solv'e with moisture, which thereby renders :‘rREY Plaster. It, is ground ï¬ne and needs it 30 You in either bags or barrels. I have a. lar e quantity of White Golden M an: ans, suitable for seed, I have a. magniï¬cent collec- tion of flowers and it. will pay you to call and leave your order at once. I would call special attention to a. young thorou gbred Holstein bull which will be offered at this sale. Also a new organ, worth $100. I have a large :amount of Land Plaster for sale, best quality and lowest prices. POSTPON ED ! The mammoth sale adver- tised by me to take place on the 15th inst. has been post-I poned until Monday, Flay lst, when a large addition to the articles advertised will be offered for sale. This will un- doubtedly be the greatest sale of the season and bargains will be the order of the day as everything goes. Don’t forget the date-May lst~â€" same day as Cavan Spring Show. A Popular Competition. A. PAYNE. Barrel Salt JUST AND OTHER MILLBROOK. ONT" THURSDAY. APRIL 27, 1893‘ $3.50 $3.75 758 12% 158 ~Rheumatism Cured in a. Dayna-South AmericanRheumatlic Cure for Rheumatism and Neuralgia. radically cures in l to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately dis- appears. The ï¬rst dose greatly beneï¬ts. 75 cents. Warranted by A. LEACH. 11-13t Why Ills Marshall objected. A girl residing in a. Lake Michigan town has recovered $500 damage from a. steam- boat company for naming a. boat after her without asking her permission. An ex- change says she took offence at a marine item stating that “ Kittie Marshall, havin been thoroughly scrubbed, painted, reï¬tte with canopied stern and new boiler, will hereafter serve as mail carrier and poke her pretty nose into the lake business for all she s wor.â€th The damage is difï¬cult to estimate, the ï¬gures are given 9.1! the way from $1,000 to $5,000, fully covered by insuranceâ€"Guide The damage will be heavier by the water, and removal of the furniture than by the ï¬re, as everything was hustled from the main building, and Dr. Bethune’s residence as well. The origin ofthe ï¬re is a. mystery, as it apparently began in a closet m‘"one of the b0 ’8 rooms in the top story and had a. solid ho d on the roof before it was discovered. The height of the building and steepness of the roof made the ï¬remen’s work both difï¬cult and dangerous‘. Water pitchers, pails, Carr’s chemical engines and hose reels were all on the ground claiming a. share of the credit in subduing the flames. At ï¬rst sight the task appeared an almost impossible one, but everyone worked with a will and their efforts were crowned with success. The school boys fell into line and the buckets were elevated with surprising speed and steadiness, as long as their services were needed. The town ï¬remen worked with desperate energy and citizens who thought they could help gave their services cheer- fully and energetically._ At noon on Monday word was received by telephone that Trinity College school was on ï¬re and in response to the alarm bell the ï¬remen soon gathered. The College is be- yond the reach of the water-works system so everything portable in ï¬re appliances was promptly pressed into service. Garden llsll. One of the pleasantest meetings ever held of Court Eminie, I. O. Foresters, was that which took place last Thursday evening. High Inspector U. C. Whale, of Toronto, and P. C. Ranger R. 3. Elliot, of Millbrook, were present and addressed the brethren on Forestry, both gentlemen entering at length into the security which the order efl'ords to the insured and the fraternal beneï¬ts which were derived from membership. The remarks from the visitors were clear andi lucid and were attentively listened to by the members of the court. At the conclusion of the addresses, the Inspector exempliï¬ed the secret work in its entirety, much to the pleasure and proï¬t of the court, after which songs were sung by Bros. J. Dyer, A. E. Wilson, L. Powers and others. Progress. It is very important in this age of vast material progress that a. remedy be pleasing to the taste and to the eye, easily taken, acceptable to the snomach and healthy in its nature and effects. Possessing the qualities, Syrup of Figs is the one perfect laxative and most gent-1e diuretic known. Bethany. We very much regret to learn of the death of the infant child of Dr. C. H. Brereton, which took place on Monday morn- ing last. The interment took place on Tues- day afternoon. DISTRICT HAPS AND MISHAPS We beat the world in Teas. Sugars as Cheap as ever. W. VANCE. Who Is now offering It to you for comma Knocm HI’GHER THAN GILROY’S KlTE 7BY The Leading Groeer $1.10 per Barrel w. VANCE. Port Hope 1892 ‘ Dec. 31 Cash on hand ........... 3 1794 59 Uncollected taxes. .. .. 594 18 1892 1892 J an’y 1 To Balance on hand ...................... April 2 F. W. Galbraith, balance of taxes ......... License fund account ..................... Legislative school grant .................. Absentee land tax ....................... Fines . . . . ................... ......... - Rent oftown hall............; ........... Taxes for 1892 ........................... One door East of Mr. Lang’s store. TOWNSHIP OF MANVERS. ARSTRAGT STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES flow to get a “Sunlight ",l’lcturc. Send 25 “ Sunlight †Soap wrappers (wrappers bearing the words “ Why Does a Woman Look Old Sooner Than a. Manâ€) to Lever Bros, Ltd. , 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you wlll receive by post a. pretty picture free from advertising, and well worth fram- ing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market and it will only cost 10. postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. Write your address carefully. GITY BARBER snap 1 On Tuesday evening last, Pontypool Lodge, No. 295, I. O. O. F., was duly instituted by the Grand Master. Rev. T. W. Jolliï¬e of Bowmanville, Grand Secretary J. B. King, Toronto, Grand Senior Warden Blackaby of Galt, and D. D. G. M. Stewart of Norwood. There were also present members from Bow- manville, Newcastle, Oshawa and other places, including the magniï¬cent and almost perfect degree team from Peterborough Lodge, No. 111, forty strong. This team. with a. full outfit, exemplified the work of initiation and of the degrees of friendship, love and truth in a superb manner, and cov- ered themselves with glory. The new lod e starts with twenty~one members and eig it additional applications, so that its success is assured. A hall over Mr. VVilliamson’s store has been handsomely ï¬tted up for meetings of thelodge, and it presents a comfortable and most attractive appearance, for much of which the ladies of 'Pontypool are to be credited. Following are the ofï¬cers of the lodge:â€" N. (i.â€"-â€"W. S. Dodd. V. G.-â€"])r. Phillips. Rec.-Secretaryâ€"-Roht; Gillies. Per. ~Secretaryâ€"J. S. Sharpe. Treasurerâ€"'1‘. H. Williamson. \Vardenâ€"T. Hill. Conductorâ€"“7. C. Irvine. We were pleased to see M r. T. B. Collins here on Wednesday. . Pontypool. Arrangements are being made to hold a. grand celebration of the Queen’s birthday in this village. Postets will be Issued in a few days. L. S. N. G.â€"VV. Wilson. R. S. V. G.â€"R. R. Elliot. L. S. V. G.â€"â€"W. Flack. Chaplainâ€"Rex. T S McKee. R. S. S. â€"-W'm. Sp afford. L. S. S. â€"H. Birch. ‘ O. G.â€"H. S. Potts. 1. G.â€"\‘\'. (,3 Morrow. Man'vers, March 11th, 1893. Examined and found correct. ‘. S. N. G.â€"-J. W. waell. Desires to return thanks to his many customers for past favors and to in- form them that he has removed to new quarters. one door east of Lang’s general store. where he will be pleas- ed to meet them and attend to their tonsorial requirements. Total ........ ' ............ $2388 77 Total ........... Balance on hand . Board 5f health ......... Abatement: .............. School debentures ........ County rate .............. . H. BRYANS Roads and bridges ........................ Indigents ................................. Salaries .................................. Schools ................................. Printing and postage ...................... gontipgggcig ............................ From 3|st December, 1891, to slst December, 1892. ASSETS AND LIABILITIES. ASSETS. JAMES B. GRAHAM, JOHN CARSCADDEN, EXPENDITURES RECEIPTS \ "'34:! can be came}. a! on. :me of rapidly and huuux‘ui‘h‘. by those either box. young or ( Ed, und in M own Xocglitiu,wher¢vu they live. Ln! one can do the work. Nay to I“ We furnish everything. We start you. No risk. You can any you; lpare moments. or a.“ your time to the work. This in- amply new lend,and bring! wonderful success to every we“ 3651mm are earning from '35 to .50 pcrwoek and 1M and more aflcr a. little 0 'noo. We can fun-nigh you the .- ployment and tench you ï¬ll. No Ipaca to ex lain have. H Information Fume. TRUE 5; 110.. A!" 115"“, W W'm. Mbrrisbn, aged 69 years. 7 ' REYNOLDs.-At Cobourg. on Saturday, Aprl 22. 1893. Sarah Jane Reynolds. widow of the late Wm. Reynolds, aged 50 years. -â€"â€"Rebecca \Vilkinson, of Brownsvalley, Ind, savs: “ I had been in a distressed conâ€" dition for three years from Nervousness,, \Veakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia. and Indigestion until my health was gone. bought one bottle of South American Ner- vine, which done me more good than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in “my life. I would advise every weakly person to use this valuable and lovel remedy. I conâ€" sider it the grandest me icine in the world.†A trial bottle will convince you. Warrant- ed by A. LEACII ll-l3t MORRISON.â€"In South Mcnaghan. on Sandâ€; April 9g, 1833, Elizabeth MorriSon, wife ofo; We are spending a large amount of money to start our trade this season. and want your trial order. You will be more than gratiï¬ed with the result. Send to-day. and address 'l‘llli SCOTT SEED COMPANY, Toronto. Canada. ‘ This “ W'orld's Fair" contest wili be (-zu‘ufuilf and conscientiously conducted sole} _\,~ for tho- purpu "e of introducning out business. You will receive the BIGGEST value in flan-«~1- seeds- ever offered. and if you are able to make a, good. list; of words and answer promptly you will have a ï¬rst-Class opportunity to secure 1!. 2 rec trip from yang-home to Chicago and r»! w my. To the ï¬rst person sending.r tiny words 'wfli be given $50.00 in cash towards paying ear-o penses to the “'orld‘s Fair; to the ï¬rst sending forty words will be given $25.00 in cash tai- wnrds paying expenses to the World's Fair, in each of the ï¬rst ï¬ve persons sending thin-tr- live words will be given $10.00 in - cash, and tu- each of the ï¬rst. ten sending thirty words wiIi beAgiven $5.00in cash. It is said seventy-live small English womb can be spelled correctly from the ten lettelx contained in “ \Vorld‘s Fair." Example zâ€"W waif. soar. idol. etc. If you are good at wo makina you can secure a FREE trip to tin. World's Fair and return. as The Scott Seed. Company V'\ 211 pay all expenses including R. R. fair, hotel bills. admission to the Columlim lxgosition, and $50.00 in cash for incident! expenses, to the ï¬rst person able to make seventy words from the letters contained in. “ VVorld‘s Fair"as above. They will also give: a FREE TRIP to the W‘orld’s Fair and return with $25.00 for incitl ntal expenses. to the ï¬nfl person sending sixty words as above. They†will also give a FREE TRIP to the Worlds Fair and return (without cash for incidenu‘. expeinses) to the ï¬rst person sending ï¬fty-(m wor s. This combination includes the :mlrsi. and. most, popular English flowers of mle’ess varâ€" ieties (same as will becontained m: he 1:211'1omtc exhibit of English flowers at the _‘_\' nr‘."‘s 11311:} mn- It-rv g". â€"‘ . .. Omy one prize will be awarded to the same‘ person. Write your name on list of words (numbered) and enclose the same postnaid with. ten three-cent stamps for alarge packa 9:1: of our Cllgiee English Cottage Garden Flower Seeds- Separate “'â€"-0â€"Bâ€"L~-l)â€"-§ l“~«A 4-x amt; use the lett'ars to spell as many words as you (an. by using the letters as many times as you wish, either backwards or forwards, but, not nae the same letter in makin any one word more tim than it appears in " orld's Fair " :. 31 Municipal school grant. .3 440 00 Collector’s salary ........ 100 on Bglance in excess of liabil- ities LIABILITIES. Free Trip :0 Chicago. ooooooooooooooooo Auditor’s. “$122905 813919 53' 813919 93 12125 3‘ 1794 59 No. 17" M