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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 27 Apr 1893, p. 4

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seizure against the will of the people. It would, however, be better for the whiten, should the United States ex- tend its protection over the islands and more or 1% influence the policy of the government. There seems to be a need of more stability of government, as the islands have been over and over .gain disturbed by revolutionary move- ments during the last ten or fifteen been consummated by the Harrison government it would have proved a. reproach to the United States, as it is mw certain that the revolution would never have succeeded without the aid of the American soldiers. Annexation under such circumstances would have been nothing more or less than forcible Hawaii does not seem likely long to ”Hive the withdrawal of the protec- ficm of the United States government, ~without whose aid it is safe to say that it Bevel-could have been established. It appears that the better classes of ihe whites do not support it, and that it is in danger of falling because of the treachery of its mercenary defenders.3 Had the annexation of the islands] 6 cents per pack, - and it his been iacided that those coming in sheet iurm must pay this rate of duty. ’31- cent ad valorem, instead of IO aunts each and 30 per cent. ad valorem as has been charged at some ports. Am evasion of the tariff in the matter 9f the importation of playing cards wrill be stopped byanew ruling. Some importexs have been importing card in fibeet form, entering them as illustrat- ed cardboard at 6 cents per pound and] no per cent. The sheets are then cut 1 wand the cards made up in packs. fie duty on playing czgds in? packs is two. ‘Want of uniformity has preâ€" ~veiled at. different ports in levying the the duty on paper boxes, or cardboard boxes, such as are used by jewellers and confectloners. The controller has decided that these are dutiable at 35 MR. CONTROLLER WALLACE, has made twu important rulings, of which “Rectum will be notified in a day or HON. Massns. BOWELL and Foster have begun their work of inquiring into the matter of turifi’ reform and are receiving suggextions and opinions from an classes. 1.. .Notice is hereby given that all persons Having compiainbs to make a 'nst their messment, either in respect to ogs or pro- jerty must give notice of such complaint to the undersigned on or before May l45h, as $0 notice will be taken of complaints made after that date. See section 65, chap. 48, 55 ’Vic. (Signed) WM. TURNER, Clerk of Municipality of Milibrook. Mil: Amok, April 12, 1892. 15-3t . IOOD'S PILLS do not purge, pain or fl act promptly, «any and calcium). 25c. (the :‘Eillbrooh Reporter. At Death’s Door but was entirely cured by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. .Aiter talkin with Mr. Smith, I concluded to try Hooa’s patina. When I had taken. two bottles I felt vex-5' much better. I have. eonfinued taking it, an am now feeling excel- lent. I thank God, and 5‘1 Thank God and Hood’s Sa'rsa- parilla for Perfect Health.” " Gentlemen: For the benefit of suffering hu- fmanity I wish to state a few facts: For several Ea“ I have suffered from catarrh and heart ‘ lure, getting so bad I could not work and # Could Scarcely Walk mad a very bad spell of paralysis of the throat some time ago. My throat seemed closed and 11 could no: swallow. The doctors 53151 It e-was causrd by heart failure and gave medicme which I took according to (lirectlons, but it d1 not seem to do me any good. My wxfe 11 ed me to try Hood’s Sarsaparilla, telling me of l 1‘. Joseph C. Smith, who had been watarrh, Heart Failure, Pa- ralysis of the Throat TH URSDAY. APRIL 27‘, 1893. EL LIOT. EDITOR AND PROPR] ETOR my wife for my restoration to perfect III.” HARVEY HERD, Laceyvine, 0. provisional government of IMPORTANT NOTICE. Mr. Harvey Heed Laceyville, O. V: On and after Monday, May 1st, will leave Cobourg at 8.00 a. 111., Port. Hope at 9.45 a. 111.. on arrival of G. T. R. Trains. Arrives at; Char- lotte at 2.30 p. m. Returning, leaves Charlotte at 11.15 p. m.. except Tuesday at. 9.45 a. m., on arriving at, Port H0 at 6.30 a. m., (Saturday at 9.0019. In.) Will at Colbomeon Wednesda and riday at 4.00 a. m.. and Brighton on Monday and Wednesday at 2.00 a. m. Ask your local went for Tin-on 11 Tickets toany pgi'pt pg‘N. ._C.. Penn, R. .. Lchiszh ‘7- II __ _ NEW, F4 Lake Ontario Steamboat Company J W. BLAND, VETERINARY SURGEON. o (Successor to '1’. ,H. Hassard.) Registered and Hon. Graduate of Ontario Vetermary 001- e, Toronto. Late Veterinary SurgeOn North ‘ est Mounted Police. Calgary. Attended 1 Clinical Lectures, Royal Veterinary Colle e, London, Eng. .Dentistry a specialty. All 0- mesticated ammals treated according to latest scientific methods. Office-On Kingstt, ogrposite Dominion hotel. Millbrook. ly. counts collected, Assngnments taken 1n charge ana all details cempleted. S cial attention given to book-keeper’s work w ere services of a, permanent bookkeeper are not required. Communicatlons from 'neighboring towns re~ ceivc prompt attention and services in _such places crformed moderatetl and satxsfac- tory. files: 379 water stree . Address. Post ofllce box 125, Peternoro, Ont. 7 -6m _ _â€"-â€".v vuu‘nlhnu 1 LY are resfectfun} informed that Thos. Pemberton, Pro essor o M mic, and late Band Master 0 R0 a! School of Infantry, Toronto. is now prez-ar _ to receive upils, vocal or instru- ments], :ethxe reszdence, enter Street. Private instructlon at any hour. Orders for music and Musical instruments or my and every class promptly attended to. , - _____.., Maw , unu‘ 1.1.61" arEUIAL Do attenti :1 given to the preservation of the natural teeth. Nitrous Oxide Gas for the pain- less extraction of teeth. Good work aranteed. Will be at Bethany the 2nd and 4th ondays or each month. Pontypool lst and ‘3rd Mondays. M J W. FISHER, VETERINARY SURGEON e omce and residence Bxillieboro, Ont. Will be at Queen’s Hotel, Mink-00k, every Seturdey. . es, . b0 and Brighton. W R. Ridden, B. A., LL. . A. J. Armstrong, 3. A. W. H. N esbit B. A. First-class loans laced. Money loans and invested. Maroon 0 collechom mode and general law baldness. A. WARD BARRISTER, ATTORNEY- nt Law, Soiicitor, etc. Office in Ontario Block, Walton Street, Port HOpe. Money to land on the secunty of real eats . Town and farm property for sale. D J. A. V. Preston) Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, 8m. Oflices, Wood 8; Kells’ block, Mill- brook, Onp, and Bethany on the 2d and 4th Monday: In "or: month. Money to loan at lowest. rates 36 N C. MCKINNON. M. D,, C. M., (SUCCES o sor to Dr. Aiddrie) Toronto and Victoria Universities. Licentiate Royal College Sur- geons, Edinbn h, Member College Pb sicians and Surgeons, ntano. Oflice at A. T. lliozt's store. After ofiice hours at Mr. Wm. Rio son's residence, King at... Millbrook, STEAMER “ NORTH KING ” Hood’s Pills cure liver ills, jaundice, bil- iousness, sick headache, constipation. Keeps constantly on hand alargo stock of Far- niture of all kinds. ' hree lgrge showrooms. No trouble to show goods. Manufacturer or the Excelsior Wuhln‘ Machine. The best in the m The advertising of Hood’s Sarsaparilla appeals to the sober, common sense of think- ing people, because it is true; and it. is al~ ways fully substantiated by endorsements which in the financial world would be accept.- ed without. a. moment’s hesitation. They tell the storyâ€"HOOD‘S CURES. JOHN GILLOTT as well as 1t huue combination of the other I'nines. Happilv the attempted on nopolv hds (.111 v <ti1nulated ((ml- petition, and even in Cape Bieton mines not owned by the great combina- tion are to be worked by independent companies, while other companies have since been formed to work mines in other parts of the prm ince. The danger now is, however, that the Great- est Combination will proceed to cswal- low the smaller ones. THE members of the Nova Scotia {assembly can be thorougly independ-' ent on occasions. The premier and the leader of the opposition in- vited~ Lhe Assembly to pass to its seCond reading the refinery amaiga- mation bill, a measure f( 1‘ the purpose of enabling the sugar refiners to effect a cumbiuutioz . Only one member voted with the leaders of the house in favor of the Combine. Yet this is the same body of men who a few weeks ago almost- unauilnousig," passed the coal confifinutrion bill, which was at. that time supposed to create 21 Strict. mmmpoly as to the Coal of Cape Breton, , FAST AND ELECTRIC-LIGHTED DAILY FORRCHESTER. 1113131114., Arqumorgg a; NESBITE a murmur, AcchijNr AND mint-no DA-‘â€"_ -_ 4,, RCHIBALD WOOD. ISSUER 01“ MAR- . RIAGE LICENSES. Millorook, 0n: CULUNS 00., BANKERS, _MILL :fnlrl? F‘ aaaaa i __ j , A u MARRIAGE LICENSEE CABINET MAKER, PROFESSIONAL ‘PB‘ESTON _(succmssons Strongly Endorsed. MUSIC. to which we have gaid special attention and have personally s . ected a large number of suit lengths in all the leading colorings. A I Value in Woreteds and Pantings. Come and see them before purchasing elsewhere. Are selling fast but a good assort- ment still on hand. \Vhite and Grey Cottons, Shirnings, Gin rhams Cottonades. MuislinsE Tabtle Linens, N ap ins, e c., e c. OUR SPECIALTY THIS WEEK IS All the leading lines in all col- ors. See our Spring Dress Tweeds at 37 5 cts. PRINTS, DRESS GOODS, Boys uits at all Prices. Felt Hats in new styies. Rock-bottom prices Walsh Kg Clarke Lin-feet circulation of any scientific paper in the wor d. Splendxdly :lluetyated. No intelligent. man should be without. It. Week] $8.00 a ear: $1.50 six months. Address M RN a: 00.. 031333338. 361 Broadway. New York City. IJIE‘RV HARNESS 3HOP.4 , v CAVEA‘I'S. : TRADE MARKS, == oasncu puss-rs. COPYRIGHTS, etc For information and free Handbook write to MUNN a: 00.. 361 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. Every potent. taken out by us is brought. before the pubhc by anomce ngen free or charge in the -1 n -A -- fiaeufim Maifeaii Next door to the Dominion Hotel, Millbrook. 11 Rag cfifiéfiS‘Woiren rightaxoigg. warp supplied. Have a. good good stock of Spring Twocds. Yarns, Hosiery etc., etc.‘; cheap. Wool bought the year round. D. OHAMBERS. House Cleaning time is now at hand. have your Tapestry and Brussels Carpets cleaned with the new Renovo process. It makes them look like new ; they :10 not require to be taken up and makes no dust in rooms while cleaning them. Call and get 01_1r_ terms. Dyimz, Cleaning and Finishing all kinds 0 Ladies and Gentys’ Wearing Apgare], such as Suits, Dresses. Clouds. Ostrich lumes, Lace. Dggnask 231d Rppp‘curtqms. CAlIFDBNIA FIG SYRUP ‘90., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. I nnvnVII-L'E. KY NEW YORY' ’1. Y. ' Syrup of Figs is for sale in 756 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will rocure it promptly for any one W o wishes 170 try it. Manufactured only by the to ail and havé made it the 22051: popular regnggiy k_n0}vn. Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem efi'ectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. S rup of Figs is the only remedy 0 its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its chi-rots prepared onl from the most healthy and agreeab e substances, its many excellent qualities commen d it ‘“ \Ax- ~.'\A\\,‘\.\~'\~'»\AA mm Mm) «M _â€"7 TVVEEDS, ONE ENJOYS SPRING ! Special attention paid to collars and repairs. begs to announce that he has opened a new harness shop in the store next door to R. Deyell’s, where all work in his line will be performed at low rates. W. STRAIN BLA) NKETS, wm rs, HALTERS, 8m and continues until the Whole stock is dis- posed of. Don’t miss this sale. Grand "opportunity to buy 'goods at wholesale prices. AT COST and UNDER 3’ SALE COMMENCES ON Saturday, April 29, 1893, SELLING The undersigned having car- ried on the Grocery and Crock- OFF AT ybusiness for the last 25 < : S‘ '91" years 1n the village of Mlllbrook has decided to retire from the same, and offers his Whole stock to the public at COST. The stock consists in part, of TEAS, SUGARS, BACCOS, CURRANTS, RAISINS, RICE, MATCHES, BROOM S AILS, PICK LES, STARCHES, SOAPS, BLUES, CAN - SALMON, MACKERAL, TOMATOES, PEAS, CORN, L’ BISCUITS, BLACKING, SPICES, WASH BOARDS, TUBS, BASKETS, CHINA SETS, PRINTED TEA SETS, DINNER SETS, BREAKFAST SETS, CHAMBER SETS, DESSERT SETS, LEMONADE SETS, ICE CREAM SETS, BERRY SETS, FIVE C’CLOCK SETS, WATER SETS, GLASS TABLE SETS, FRUIT SETS, PORRIDGE SETS, Ear-Wothenvware, Silx erw are, Fancy (1(nods,and other goods too numerous to men tion in this space, amounting to $5, 000, Shop to let as soon as stock is disposed of‘ NOTIGETO nu: PUBLIC! Peterborough n up to $2.25. Fedoras, art at 75c., and there is 'Ough «51 Lindsay ,, Brantford, Kings- â€"The officers and Methodist Sunday sch< joyable'evening wit-h Clarke one eveningr Ias -Mrs. J. “I Bla; this week. 4 â€"â€"Dr. Roofs , the best pills to? a Luca sells them. â€"Have you seen great skin cure, fay c. For sale hv . L â€"Cav:m spring Shm in Millbmok (on Manda â€"-May0r Bumham was in this city 011 Mo: cv~ miledfree. Goa: 13am. LBlanchard. Chartered h A thorough Business an: school. Compelmon yeari verMedali. The 70 page the Principals. % Bru TO‘WN T IN PETER] BUSIN g’CULLE HUKEH swans u UflMPflUND Ou ONLY 25

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