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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 26 Apr 1894, p. 2

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The notice of motion given by Coun- cillor Pickup at the last meeting of council, that he would mum at the next regular meeting for a by- -law ap- pointing: :1 general village caretaker and officer, will come up, no doubt, for discussion on Monday, May the 7th. The advisability of such a change in the management of the corporation business needs only to he understmd by those. who have hitherto given little thought to the matter to enable them to see the better resultsf1mm~z11cl1 a de- parture in municipal labours. In a small corporation the 1emune1.1t1on for separate branches of its r'filullements is in itself so small that it breaks in too much upon other duties of the ap- plicant and thus it costs more to do the work by peice-meal than the whole would legitimately warrant were the various divisions of work consolidated under the management and control of a competent man, whose whole time would be at the command of the coun- cil. Consolidate is the watchword all along the line, in every department of labour, and while in.the large foundry the work may be done by piece pay, the output is such that the whole time of the med anic is required; still in the smaller shop the artisan is always en- with the object in view of his adaptibility to turn his hand to any department of work needed, and thus the greatest malts are obtained by undivided service. It will surely not be necessary to enumerate the varied outlays .to which the corporation is committed, or if mentioned at all, no nt will be required to convince theratepay es of the reqbenefits to be de- rived. From a careful stud\ of the in the last auditors’ report we havefiound that something 0\1:-1 3300 during 1893 for :19!“ ices properly belonging under the head of nt of work. In this we mhave not included the assessor, col iector or clerk, although. we see no reason why the first could not he 110111: by such- a servant, and the 31601111 by thetreasurer. But taking the duties which may be called optional with the carpal-anon, and which are at the flame time most necessary, and indeed in. the outlay figures SOTl'kr Gina-$11k whale II the neighhe or} of‘the abo: g named moor-A question yl emnh, Heart Failure. Pa- ralysls offhe Throat {‘1 Thank God rev-ma far Pf-‘I‘Pv‘! flgaun.» “ Gentlemen: For m ‘ ,» I" or “flexing hn. m I Wish £03me 3‘” “$50! menu can I have suflered 1mm on and heart LN", getting so bad 1 could not work and, Could Scarcely walk ’ W a very bad spell of paralysis of the throat Some time ago. My throat seemed closed and I could not delow. The doctor, said it '3 cans d b 'hean milurehaud ve medicine 'hlch I tick according to dxrectfins. but It did not seem to do me any good. My wife he to :2; Hood's Sampanlla. telling me m Jmanh smm). who had been G'ENERA I, 31’] 1. L411}: NE]? 124 X 7'- ‘U I» u’ nwu s Luauâ€",7 Joseph 5. Smith. who had been At Death’s Door "It was entirely cured by Hood‘s 83mm After talking with Mr. Smith. I concluded to ‘1’! Hood's Sarsaparilla. When I had taken “0 Doub- I felt \‘el’ ‘ much better, 1 bays manned taking it. am am now teenng excel- h:. 1 thank God, and Hood’s Sarsaparilla .00D'S PILLS do no: purge. pdn or m”. “It: promptly. «my 1nd enchant. 5c. Ebe millbrook Exporter. VANCES GROCERY. :3 man may lmeun honest lu-au' Thong}: pourtithe houfly slaw him 1‘ man man; ml. 3 neelmr s part. \et hae nae cash 10 spare him. Garden oâ€"ANDâ€"o Flower SEEDS. . A- VA} wife lie for my restoratiSn to Meet Huwn‘ HEEL), Laceyvnle, o_ ’SDAY. APRIL '26. l89-l, Harem HO“ Laceyvi“ “ amt Hood/s Sam- p,.~;';-rz Health.” Y L And how could it be otherwise! En- 1 gage a man who has play-ed upon him I the faithful supervision mul mirr- of ‘ every and any corporation duty. and ‘ he knowing what is expected at his 1 hands, lays himself out for systimntic attendance to his work. It is not. our intention, neither so far :is we know is | ‘it the object of the councillor who is: initiating the change, to in any wuyi reflect upon the work done by the var- * ious men who have been in the. employl of the “Ul'POl‘fiilUll in the past. We: want. neiter sH‘Vlm‘ :mil in our opinion; it can he obtained by consolitlutingi the work and thusminimizingthe cost. i [thus been looked upon, not only here but in many other places, in the past, thr t. he who suggests changes or what: he conscientiously thinks improve-l ments, is trampling upon vested rights and laying sacraligions hands on things beyond the domain of lillPl'lll agitation. But this is surely :1 circumscribed View of public nmtters. Let the free and full light of criticism and penetration flow in upon all questions effecting public expenditure and efiiciency and the best is sure to come to the surface. Without fear of successful contradic- tion we boldly assert, that it is the un- divided opinion of the ratepayers of Millbrook, who pay the piper, that they have been dancing to :1. tune entirely to costly for the quality of music supplied. if the service can he improved and our streets kept in better repair by some such change as is sug gestetl. by all means let us have it. l1'he Wager family is one of the oldest in the Bay district, and Mr. Wager and his people are well know tnroughout a wide radius of country. Arrived at the house the reporter knocked at the door and was quickly ad- mitted by Mr. Wager himself, who it may be remarked, is in his thirty-fifty your, and was formerly employed as asection man on the Grand Trunk Railway, his section extended mt pd west of Deseronto Junction. He 1, ogood wonkmenjand faithful servant of y. 0n the 28th of April, 1893, _ 7 , on account of ill-health, give “P Wk. completely. The doctor ‘ dad" P ounced his troinble fiche "3P“! ' ation of the heart.) The k§3 “’9 do not hold out-wives responsime [or me oplmons expressed by our correspondents. er that. he To the Editor of Tm: REPORTER aning the past few weeks a. fruitful sub- ject of conversation among the people at Deseronto Junction has been the wonderful recovery of Mr, William Henry Wager. who has been looked upon as a. hopeless invalid. A representative 0 his paper was sent to interview Mr. ager and gain all informs. tion possible order to satisfy the public coneernin he truth of the wonderful cure. Making My to‘Desemnto Junction the reporter informed Mr. Ravin, the station master, fthe object of his mission. That conrteo oficial having assured the report- thagflétdinary interest, kindly pointed out tbs nearest route to Mr. Wager’s residence. TH E I read a short. time ago the letter in your Kip“ above the Signature “ Fair Play " and ve Waited some explanations of its interro- gation from those of our council directly concerned in the Hootnn-McBriau wand question. As not. one of our councilman have explained the transaction to the satis- faction orfithg nublic, whose servants they Wigs Clarry, 'Miss Nuzent, Miss Gertie Clan-y and Mr. C. Needler, rendered the the musical part of the programme in a. manner that did credit to themselves and won unstinted applause. After singing God Save the Queen, the andience adjourned to the spacious rooms of Court Ivanhoe where they were premitted to inspect the very fully furnished rooms, and where a. verv pleasant hour was spent in social chat while lunch was being served. rvv-_“ _- V _ was absent. We have since learned that the Supreme Secretary is very often remiss in this respect and we think that this must he decidedly annoying to the members of the order by whom he is supported in his position. The genial chairman in" his open- ing address lessened the feelingr of disap- ’ tinent however to u very marked extent and both surprised and delighted his hear~ era by his_ fluency: lafnd ‘ljt‘ ,, A in"- [~_...:- l‘ell III From Exposureâ€"Pronounced lu- c'umwe and Paid the Total lilmbllly In- nnrnnee .1316”!!! by the Companyâ€"film“ More on the Bond to Healthâ€"lie Tells How It Came About. From the Desorcnto. Tribune. The half which hml been very prettily decorated for the occasion, was very emu- fortubly filled, although the weather was anything but awreeable. Dr. S. W. Clarke, Chief Ranger 0? the Court, filled the chair, and wasebout to commence the programme when an alarm of fire caused a. general rush to the scene 0! the eonflagmtion. However after a. short time the hull became refilled and the programme was gone through. The audience Was somewhat disappointed that Mr. J. A. McUillivony, Q, (‘., who was ex- pected tobe present to deliver an address, 1‘. I ‘_~_«__I ;I.A¢ THE EXPERIENCE OF .l l.‘ RAND TR (INK EMPLO YES. ph ( ‘ommunicm ed About 300 very bent im‘ilnlinns were iSMIed by ('nurt Ivanhoe, N0. 327, imiw pendent Order of I’ureslers, inviting [heir friends to a litenuy and musical “AL Horne." which was held in the town hall on Thurs- day evening last. . . ‘ ‘ ,,.A:Li (Inflation, Iluca lluv.lcw\> u: unfit. u...“ v.- en Luiries we must. conclude he fears, publi- city of his actions, or is deterred from m doing by the reminder um it may break the human); circle ome‘an’s council members. Asking you Mr. Editor, with a. heart. full of proposed thanks, to insert, the above. ' ' Inm, yours truly, (‘n’nu l-‘ORES Tlfln'fls' I'LV T15 I: T. l I N M H N 'I'. imner-Juruuux Imon QUES- 1105’. llFE ON A RAILWAY. €0.11 JII'XIC‘. (T105793 110 one of .more for a certain number of Weeks t.» sick mum T1 “glaze." Hardwm‘c cixfeL it"; flat (LL mahufpcturers prices of cost. prio goods. ( A Fresh ' 9f GROCERIES n1 ways kept. on ban 'ery clump. ' Our facilities this year for attending to your wants in the printing line is better than ever before and we ask you to give us a call. T ose patron- izing this ffice for their route bi s, etc., Will re- mention free. You Will find our prices right and our work satistac'ttory. A well assorted stock of SPRING choice line of Black Wor. DRY GOODS. Having bought these goods for SPOT CASH it; enables me to give better value than can be had sted and Navy Serges. elsewhere. The balance 0: STOCK to bye R. .l. pLICK has been appointed agent i at Mnllbrook r the Singer Sewing Ma- chine Compnny. _ r. Black comes to us as a Food ngcpt withjongexpcricncc in the Machine mc‘aqd RS prepped coming of xpacluygs Tine an?! is preWi-‘hg'offimchinea made by any co n first-c? wt order. Oil. Needles and Belts always on hand. All orders left at Mr. A: '1‘. Armstrong‘s will receive prompt attentxon. ' anplied. .. - ‘ Agent. for t} Parker Dye works and Peter- boro Steam . om ent Tuesday of finch week. SPRING Gentreville GENERAL STORE. D. CHAMBERS First snore west; of Dominion Hotel. BOOTS SHOK at; 195: i}; THE REPBRTER. JUST ARRIVED IG] I haw Spring 1 J“ Wcav tn 'R mpplied Parker Dy NOTICE. fieared out regardless make room for the new I haven. good stock of Spring Goodsâ€"~cheup. Wem'in done on short en’ofice. Runnels Blank. t‘ “Rag Carpetsâ€"warp BANKRUPT Wood 8:. Kells,‘ BANKERS, Millbrookj Transact/general Banking business. in (“llldil h collecting and discounting Fur- m "s Notes for any film duringr twelve months. Deposits received and interest allowed at highest current rutos. Dmfla issued and co‘llcciiuns made m n“ points on most favorable terms. Harness, Lumber, Shingies, Logs, Cordwood, c. [YNIHC { instructions received from the Urc- J ditors of JOHN \V. S'I‘A l’LES. Saw Mill- er. there will he otl‘vrcd for sale by Public Auc- tion at the mill lately occupit-d by him in the Village of l’ontynool. in tho ’l‘mvnship of Man- vcrs. on Tuesday, the/24th Day of April, lL‘hr'll .u u n u "u. eswtc of the afifjélu‘ _\\' .uw Miller A_. 1891. at twp 0'91pr 1p tug-aftergoonf‘ lhrc whole eslutc of the shift Jonn \\ . hmpms. .uv mun-1: Insolvent ”mums! lug of tho fonvmg property Abo ’x, 14mm {vet of Lumber. Abm 100A unifies. Abon , feel, of Logs, About 20 Cords of Soft, Wood. About 20 Cords of Oak. About 20 Cords of Hardwood. About, 60.000 feet of Slabs. About 100 Pine Trees in Ridgc's “'oods. 4 Horses. 2 Stat, of Trucks. 2 Se! of Harness l Buggy. 2 Pair liobslmghs. Terms Cash. No Reserve Bid. For further particulars apply (0 ’~ IL BIRCH. In the Estate‘of Richard Paul's. Yeoman, Notice to creditors! Deceased. VOTICE is hereby given “mount to the pro- A visions of R. S. 0.. 1387. Chm). 110, and :mendin ' acts that, all creditors und‘ol‘hcrs. having 0 aims against, the estate of Richard Fnllis, late of the Township of Gavan. in the County of Durhmn. Yeoman. deceased. who died on or about the 'l‘wc’nticth Day of March. 1391. are required to spud by Host, prepaid. or to deliver to. A, A. Smith of t 0 Village of Mill: brook. in the uni lounty of Durhnm. solicitor formic executors ‘ " ' docoamcd. on or before the l“ c nth (lnyot May. 189:. n statement, of their names and nddrcfiscs. the full particulars of their claims and the secur- ities (if any) held by: them. Auc.‘ [M an,» r nun u,‘ u .. And take notice [hut he said executors will on and after the mid Fifteen”! (lay of Muy. 182M. proceed to distribute the assets of the said cgtnlc among: the parties untitled thereto. hm’in rc viii-d only to the claims or which lhcy shall i )cn ' mu) nof' ". Dated at Millbrook 4 this 3rd day of April, ISQLJ Im'm' ALLEN mmas ALBERT JAMES 111-131)] A. A. SM m1. picked d Walsh Clarke Sanadian Express ‘l Umnpany’Sm this week a choice lot of Tweeds in suit lengths. $10.00 up. Come and This is a very safe and convenient way of sending money. Over 15,000 places in Canada and the States where these unlors cam he cashed at, par. TWEEDS Suits made to order from 100. will purchase an order for 3'20, payahlr‘ at par almost anywhere in (‘xmndn or the ' Unitnd States. ASSIGNEE’S SALE ! 5(. for $40. I‘mrgc or small sums in pro portion. vWe have placed in stock olicno: for Executom Auctioneer. Pontypool At Vmg Low EXECUTORS’ FOR SPRING. uNeed It! Money Order Agent, M:)lbrook FEETâ€"~â€" A. LEACH, 40 F- H’IQney if A. A. SMITH. Qulsion. Orders J Ontario, Assigime. M illbrook. bones :pjion. 15-1 41-13 ”1‘ L1 1‘1 1 lii)L:111’S \\'o are showin§ this week about fifty Mantles and Capes, in light and dark colors. good quality of C oths, full lengths and full Skirts, at $2, . 2.50 and 33. If you are pass- ing our show windows, you can see one full. your choice for $22, the other for $2.50. An- other luL inside, which are good cloths hut old styles, at 506., $1 and $1.50. “‘8 expect llmsv will he clean-«l out in about ten days-u1 the price oll‘ered. so come early if you wish to sm-nrv n 3‘57 Mantle for $2 or 2.50. .l ust arrivedâ€"Ladws‘ English \\'alcrproofs, ll (lié'brent, styles, with three Capes: full ('follars, etc., in all the latest, colorsâ€"they are extra. quality, ranging from $3.50 to $10- If you want a real niccqlumblo article, call and see them.- We have a lot of ordinary One Cope Waterproofs, which we are oll'ering at $1, $1.50 $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and 3500' Many of these lines are Tweed ell'ecls, and can be used for Clusters. The quality we are offering at $52.50 is the some as has been sold at $2") : llle others are lnnrked in the same proportion. It will pay you to rmnemlmr these goods wln-n preparing for thewet weather- We awe showing this \1 col: fine quality f11§V¢oiored Crinkle Cloths and plain Cham- 111'ays â€"0111 mm inmmiations \lso the 0151- flnomvuckers, which me coming in again. Ultinkles and Cbunjblmgg We have opened out n. beautiful'mngc of American Challies and Sateens for Window Drapes and Sofa, Pillows. They am: quite new and displace all. older stylus. Laces. and “aligned Ribens AlllGITiCZIH Challi’és 3?; Satezns We have an immense range of Beige 05%!!!“de White Laces and Ingerfions in all Hm dill'crcut, widths. Also the new Watered Ril)bom,_f0r Dress Trimmings. Suthfldag, April 21 BARGAIN No. lâ€"50 Fine Bleached Table Covers, heavy weight, If} and ‘2 yards square, from 75c, to $1.35 each. BARGAIN No. 2â€"The French Serge we opened out last week at 250. a. yard speaks for itself ; other makes must. remain uncut, while this lasts. _If you did not see it, last week, do this, even if you do not need it, you “'1“ find out; where genuine bargains are offered. ' BARGAIN No. :lâ€"Hezwy Diagonal Wales Serge, only 25c. regular 40c. BARGAIN N0. 4â€"A quantity of \\'i_de_-widtln Prints, fast Colors, bought job at: 9:30: gold BATH :AIN No‘ lighter weights for boys only 125m . BARGAIN No. Sâ€"A fine quality of Good Black Tafl'etba. Gloves, only 19¢. a. pair. _ BA m lAIN No. flâ€"All wool 'J‘wceds in check and plain colors, for boys’ summer aunts, at Mon, regular 450. ' . BAlulAlN N0. lUâ€"A beautiful design Lace Curtain in light pattern, lame quantity, regular $l.50 goods, our price for Satur ay $1 to clear the lot. Our full stafl'xs now on in our Millincry, Mantle, Dressmaking and Tailoring Depart- ments, and we were never in at better position to fill all order? promptly. “We as u. trml, BARGAIN Nu BARGAIN Ne 20 lbs. Extra Granulatml Sugar for 25 " Bright Yellow Sugar “ 1'2 “ Good Tun _ “ 16 “ (linger Snaps “ 12 Boxes Matches “ gfllbs. prime Oflistouk Raisins “ 5 " ” Currants “ 4 “ “ Prunes “ Corn Starch per package Ivory Gloss Starch per package Canned Salmon Ten worth 490. per lb. for And everything in stock sold at- samc reduction in prices. 3:? Remember this is only for THREE WEEKS. Make hay while the sun shim-5' and attend this 5319. ~ m d i as’ \Vatzrptoofs Beimr o\ crstockcd “ith Goods w.i11 FOR THE NEXT THbREE WEEKS, sch Groceries Crock<r\'. Glass“ {1‘0 lune) Goods "1c.:1te.\trh‘ordin_ary low prices. Look Here 2 Don’t MissThis Opportunity mush: as mldL Capes. ”:3- â€"â€"U_l. â€"_.â€" “"‘WVILL UICKLY cu Rem" DIPHTHERIA . Q Y. COLDS AND COUGBS. THE w'ouos: Exactly 236 Men’s Medigm and LighiJVeigM Over coats which tailors are asking'\ $310, $12 and2 $15, go this week for $7.50. Fine Mcltofis, Kerseys.(‘/Vicunas, etc.; royally lined and trimmed, in n.) n as a colours. The price ($750) (l‘fimon’t gover mu’ mu ‘ Lh' : ‘ e cost of raw materials. ‘1 ‘6 ._‘. will be struck down to $7. 50 each; Sac Cutawnys and Frock; all styles of fabrics, calmn' s an sizes ; linings, trimmings and making the very best. Evcry Suit a prize. Prccisely 287 Men’ s Suits, mngiiigl f? ([5510 up to $13, Will be dealt Men’s Spring Suits and ()vercualts tut: the next few weeksâ€"the most, severe they will meet (1113 or any other season. Any man who cares to make 11 small outlay fur the choicest, styles must not ignore these reduced prices. A delay will/moan an actual loss to every may who reads this :ulycfi'tiscment. Nob n Garment. in tl'ns Sgnle will be unwofihy the utmnion of tlxe mnst. (lis‘crimm- nting of fushitmable dressms. §$WW~ .50 .. Reduced From $10\,‘~,$12 and $15. A Swift and ‘ Hard Blow fl- C. TURNBULL. 51515 PR1 C1775 ()F 501115 GOODS cvérywhc’xe for lilfic. Y , . d 5â€"Your choice of several puzterus all-w_ool F ranch Delalnes, dark an light colors, at 280., 35 and 400. goods, (iâ€"Jupnnose Matting, one yard wide. at 250., regular 40¢. 7â€"1“_luiiu Twil} Quttgnagles, hen._\'y enough for any purpose, only 16c., Te Be JENKINS. ;«~ ‘>'§/ 12’ WWW .5“? -NW EXAMENE mun HARNESS I haw :L large sfuck of C C) L L A R :5 (our 'in'; 1:131:03 and guarmmm‘ éutisfaciiuu buy mom mm .70 that. flmy may lw 1"“!“4‘13’ littml 1:) 11:6 horse’s shnuidor N‘fr'n‘r- t'hh hard nmn'k begins. George gnd Simcoe Streets, PETERBOROUGH. R. DEYELL Every Bequisite for the Spring Trade on Hand. And find on; what you_want for the ' {13's 0 BARGAIN DAY Spring (work. Chamber sets \vorfii Tea. worth 25c. 6‘ 1‘ 200. It Dinner sets worth $ 3.00 for “ “ 10.00 “ “ 13.00 -‘ H 16.00 25.60 R“ DEYELL. Spring/:3?" v ls."mi(h. Lot 13. Con. 10 llopc.:_1ulhor- gig? ($32.13 1;. szflcrrielf It (30.. “Brmhlon. N'AX Jam spring 1 vecened 1.; lbs. of heed A" toes! . them. md “'1ng no cxlm care ratified 1046?. from phcm. I can offer eleven different thhls sprlng. It will 00st little to try someo (of them. it may be worth doll. to you. 'I‘ . If I don‘t. give you a. co drop me a mrd an ‘ill only be tooiglad ‘ FRANCIS SMITH Campbellu'ott, Ont SHELF THIS fast, room' =xmd‘ ralnfortablo nicamcr hasbccn rm; waged my; scngn and L" “QW OWOI'fi’xcur-nons from all points con- nectmg , u. G. '1‘. Imilwm', vizwlnkcficld. Chcmon Fenlon Falls. Lindsay. Port, Perry nnd all m odlntc ports to Stone)- Lake. Bur- :eigh. Lovcsfim~ uckhorn. (‘hcmonsh lurk. Jacob’s Island. Ba hike. nobcuygeon. Slnr- geon Point. or will take excursions from my one railway connection to another: calling m intermediate points of inn-reel. l‘or pnmcu- 1 fs‘ :1 l ' to 3. pp 5 . \V. MCCAMUS 8: 00.. Bobcayzcox: BUILDING MATEREAL, Paints and fliis. Field and Garden T0913. The Dcmiqion Mutual Fire insurance ' Associaéioa. 389, George-st, - Wall Paper. W.d. GARDINER THE BEST AND CHE‘APESI FOR FARMERS. It is me only com dny issue-i111; Four Year Blnn :91 Policy. Rates are only about one half of that charged by stock companies. For further information apply to A. C. MA Y(‘()(‘K. I 2-3m FIRE°? Are the surest aids to impared ~ vision. Mr. memncc. lhc Celebrated Optician. will visit, Millbrook periodically when all my cus- tomers have the advunux of his services with- out, any exlm charge an _ he will {or such con- sultations be at my storcionly. The date of his visit, will be announced lOX‘ ‘ ' in this pa n ,. )-,.. L‘A“ L..,.1. An A. 4.. k: L But don‘L keep back ’1 :xecoum- of his usit. see first what I cau‘ do d xf you are not. satis- fied. see him, and 1f maimed. be 'ratificd by that gentleman saying they are . 1 right and to not be beaten by :my ope. I shall sell good spectacles from 500:; a pmr. B. LAURANCE’S SPECTAULESand EYEGLASSES I can fit acc‘ucately and with dispatch and'aguavantee every pair to fit correctly. "‘ COLUMBIAN.” STIFH’ AND SOFT IN PRICE AND FIT GUARANTEED. Gents’ Furnishings. THEEEWEST Colors pa" Shapes Also Children’s Caps, Tam U’Shantâ€" ers and Fancy Fezes. The Peterhom’ Tailor, Mills Bros. mow}; gm) mm'roxs 99!! SALE Excursion Stean1cr MEREDITH GURES ALL ‘Taints of the Blood ESE/*QSON 1.894 THE GREAT MANDN/ BLOOD A. LEACH, oâ€"TRI’". SPRING SUIT. OVERCOAT SAFE 5' TEREORO. PANTS. FOR 09pooocooooo Drugmsb. Mlllbrook. General Agum. Box 3‘24. Bailieboro. Ont. H EAVY Peterhoro. >KÂ¥>K9K9KÂ¥>K $1894; %%%%%***%*%%% n-_ â€" i” SPRINGE fi’é-éfiéfiéa" 71‘ $32; ADAM HALL, 23% 407 George-st. Peterbm The Harness : . r, is ofi'gyigg barrgaips in his line durum t meson: Hui! seawi that will surprise \‘t If you: néed anything in his line it will on to call on lmn before going clscm‘L 0. Being a practical min and inningâ€"‘1" N314: undu- lus own super- i'ision he zuwmteea atiahction in every case or money refunded. Harness. We have this season an extra fine line ofChildren’s Carriages in the newest and latest designs Girl’s Tricyciés, FiMQilormga Spam fu’ll lines of Impérted and Domeslsl “‘35: OVI-rcoutings and Trausoring i a A Perfect Fit anrantgeg Grills Ifitnzzmmgv. U Velocepedssaéz Waggons George-st , .4 later (255071711671! 0/ Twccds Ff! mm’ .s‘a/zk/ar/z'oug‘namulcm’. Atfiw- - YOUNG’S RESTURANT THIS WEEK ! Baby Oppositr‘ J. Giilott's Cabinet \Vré. moms. King-st W'ezt. I Cenfifleville CH R IST] ES S( )D‘AS CO) FECF ION ABY am I i\ intr neal 1y evm “091:. FRESH. Pl'RE AND CHEAP. Our Splin" FANCY GOODS have aniwd and opened out nicelv Cal and mspoa Primes am right Stock of Canned Goods very compleh Merchzun Tnilur. Fine assortment‘af BANG): CAK E5 from best makcm. In Fruits \\ v hneOmngex. Lemon.- Apples, 1" 105 and Dan“. Q‘ Remember we are headqua- tors for oysters. n. sh'op next door to Deyell’s grocery. and II 'orx/m’; [0 sale?! from Tailor H. I.McFEE, BEST VALUES AND LOWEST PRICES AT H. B. McFEE, J ust; arrived a. fresh (-(msignmem of [/yozz wan! a A’o/Iby Sm'l. SHORTLY’S J. ROBINSON YOUNé. |\ %xlt\l I 1894 9K (£0 70 Til/5 Carriages. ". SXI‘RAIN. Boys’ Bicycles, :416 George stmt. 'PETERBOBD 373 Merchant Sam h Munnghan Tailws, Peterboru. The B l1 contaim iugx uomeswhm nimilar make :he rcxmm: of the kin in me: One bottle will on 570M onlx' 1w \\\\“\\’~\'\‘ Quwn‘a I (44 Inl/I/Ht-S) r»: E. .I. t: (13"‘(1‘111-1 from on Tl â€"Tho (in excellently night . “.0 miles out in v-1‘he Reform borough Immin in? Pr 9‘ . hr! 9 r good pai for 90¢. [1‘95 “‘ spring 51m bargains g $115! â€".\h‘. C. Western Bax town on Th rit'ifik‘ h‘ â€"Thc agim‘ bruion in Pun. through. Xm Ebc mum . ,u pus", a uuzu - wane :0, ea! Sovcnuns in Ayer’s 5111 n. ~1’l50 m! 9" will In: gi Prepared by Dr. .1 cures 0th: Ibelievethispl whethebest i: spoils ram»: â€"\\'. Tum-r ar-hnfl of i-rt'. brag o! 159 p0: good health. (ore and after whose constit broken down a For eight 5 time. I. gm: : to be oomph induced to t; [beganmking weight was on: Sars â€"-.\!essn A ulnar-in ‘ gahm swing ever“ hing IIIIP‘ indie g ogra} ““9 which; w which 1W 'z‘iz.) book mii‘ “furs and 1' every W 0! W. “1 Panda: (be a. copy In: W. tide (hit-1 _\‘ unmgilio punt-imam ‘w ‘SKI sh, a nu .SAREJ 100 FU .‘l r .\I ass I): \K' n TN! '1 lrllk’ rf 3 \‘Br\‘ 1 en mm «an If <I|A TH 1 kid I. in 11 mill the um

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