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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 25 Apr 1895, p. 1

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www.3- pl w. u): putt-we ppanl. Mich mask nd Row 13]) right send th rryvhm. ma. OVerco-t 83., Toronto. Hren's an . Ip, Flyoopm ‘ FAME” Four Yen 'K ['GGIBTS. Living. sew manage"! lbw-nu 11mm» '-‘_1M.' and I) 0. ur In ayg1 1"” Christ: lives for $5 'flm OXTA R F0 were the 3: «5%.. A”: 85¢. per lb. boooo no)“ 1dJor50c 00., TDBUMD :aca. przce n he nu : u matches rt 70-3: m HE. 'atcbes, . trams; iii. a" an vf Coco: 'eller pay: I: n HOW I3 dim Yo: ' they Deposit! "wind and interest allowed st kw... current rates. T. H. HASSARD. V.S.. mum - - ”alarm. VKADUATE 01" nu: ONTARIO VETER- inary college. “ms or Uomesucawu treated on ucmnunc unucxplcu. Equmo mm Lupocialty. Mstcrcd m axccoruuucc with the Volcnnm Act. __Umceâ€"opposjw I." IOPI. ' ONI'A lilo MoNEY talent at. 5,9'1' con}. on gut, edge security and at at “$1 0% per cent. on laser security. ‘1 cm so_su:t borrowers. ARMED" discounted AND OTHER GOOD NOTES Drafts issued on all points in United States at. lowest. rates. “Sale and other notes as mm? on Real Estate. No commis- Poterboroush. “5 Hunter-St. GmUATE 01" ‘lku: ONTARIO VETER- mary College. “W3 ox Domesucawd MIC”! ucmnunc pnucxpleu. Equmo mm supoclalty. Wtored m axccoruaucc wisp the Votennary Act. pmce _oppo.uw Donation Howl. uwdoucu lung .L. Emsnom CHISHOLM "' mum’s): as miss, pnnanono'. - - ONTARIO- Clvn: ENGINEERS. ox mmo LAND SUR- vmvons. Mm Illlmok. " Ontario, Tm: a. Inert] Bzmkjng business, in- cluding oo ting and discounting F“. 1nd. Notes for any time during twelve months, BITHANY. m - - - 0312K"), LLDOMES’HCA‘LMJ :1;wa ‘HuLA'I- Von manna; so must. 50“:qu mewoua. Mom-r Imuou men to tummy wuuury. me! We. xmuucuw mu ulna Am‘ st. appeal.- oA W eaten: bunch q L “3'0:er Monday. Wednesday Mlndl, at open wuk uom 1 to 39.11: W â€"Gdi_ridfi oi Job ink irbm 103pdil Omaum. u. mum's. Manny In. mm mm} nu mouyuu 0: won Donut. WHOM!” ul. mommy Mu am h mug- “.1 ul. Inch moum. I: 6‘31“.“ - ONTARIO. QUEEN‘S Unlvu‘aity, Kingston. Member of mo con-go or ruyucm and. sinuous. BARRIS'I‘ER, Attorney At. Law. Soucxwr, etc. honey no Iona on the security or an «out... Town and ram: howl-Ly [or ale. Oman: Unknown“. Wuwn smut. 7 ‘OROXI‘O And Victoria Universities. ‘ L1- oonmu Royal College surgeons. helm- bnxxh. Mamba: College maximum and am- (mm-10.. unneeuAJmchsdruflwn‘ done. Anmo Smut. JAS. SEAGER. MLD., GM. Ill. N. c. MeKlNNON, mu, cm. umbI-ook lads. Nam % INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODDI'BLLOWS, Ens EVERY TUESDAY EVENING. 1?" J. then- htllovertho new Pout om”- V151" In Broth-on welcome. w. n. Lucy. _ n. HAMPTON. N. G. *W- mvuâ€" ~77 ibo Home Circle rooms. Kin st. Mint» hour of meeting. 8 o 'clock. Tia benefits “‘3 Society are worth; the consideration 01'3”“ dot-Ion. Informuuon furnished on u‘pplicflim‘ Jos. momnvnx' . . . 6.1)U5CM-‘hg '. B. COLLINS co. BANKERS. Vim third Honda: m the?! room over Luch'a rug 3:319: 13:3;ng I‘d- enm- LL DOMESTICATED 45 mm TREAT- . _od mooning to must. scleuuuc mewws mom tbmuon ngon w mum» Dentistry. “‘8" meow Gama by Lmvgmn prompt n. “1.1.13. c.n. w. w. GLLLO’I‘T. R5- â€" bound and in we month in 331.32%3. Roma‘wéfu Ken. lock. as 8 >o'clock sharp. JAS. D. DEYILL, V.S. mcmr 111mm. xsscm; or MAR ‘1): 0.5. L LAPP, 3A., uncm. hwccusoa to on. FWD 1 chmm woo» 1580153 or MAR . Rush: ucsxszé mnbrook. an! $l.oo PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE- IARRISTER. SOUUITOR. Norm“ PUB- ’ 11c. Em Money to loan. 'l Iâ€"IIâ€" VI-v-vuvv“vv- I issued and (Omaha: male .131] , pin” on malt {Avon-Ebb tax-ma. Something nice in Gent's Furnishings always in stock. ring. Liccnses. onu. our»; LODGEâ€" _ " N K | DER 9F ODDp‘ELgtog-i‘fmggé‘q‘ 2133 .1 Nu... -â€" ‘-.-_.~_, DR. H. C. LESLIE. Vanna" Surgeon- Vol XXXVIII ROBERT RUDDY.‘ I ""mmmk ”Wfiéfifimfiufih- ",0 0" We have urchuod the busincai ' ° W t. Eve are now in a ”$335 or 0 m . ye ,- ‘ a“ main our old rcpu ‘ we can supply lb chmcest. cm. to be had in town. A‘ A 11". A ~â€"_, (ICCCEWOR 1'0 DR. NIDDRE) MARRIAGE LICENSES. A. A. SMITH, BARR lsTERs. North side of King-st. .Hanndian Bank of Commerce. '. J. GREEN, PROFESSIONAL. 3r” ' Kells, {\NKERs, *â€"vâ€" -v WI. m “3‘ _ lose of on "S’flmokfigzfim mfrufim nmcl R. n. smxrox. LDS. UN '1‘ AND. 031.1. mo I: 313310 0311310 051A BIO ébOTm BENDW ARE Milli} 0F Ills “moans : IN WOOD COOK. "The Dixon Steel Cook." (the best on the market. every stove guaran teed to be perfect baker). " The Souvenir Cook." “The st James Cook,‘ “ The Origmal Cook." “ The Maple Cook," “The 0x3»? '< " IN COAL RANGES. “The Souvenir Rance."(the heat Coal Ran e in the coun . . “ Stewart Coal Image: “The Oxford Coal Ragga." ”7’ Th" IN COAL BASE BURNERS. “The Stewart Art Sultana." “The Oxford Art Countess, both powerful double heaters and perfect bakersâ€" AND A FULL LINE OF HOUSEFURNIS‘filfiiGE I" TABLE CUTLERY AND GRANITE Best Brunds‘of AMERICAN and CANADIAN com. OIL by the Gallon or Barrel. 407 George Street, Peterbopoug'h. Petr will be happy to have his old friends and customers call on him and leave their orders for their FALL SUITS AND OVERCOATS. Come and see our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Bran New Shades, Styles and Patterns in Suitings, Over-coatings, Trowserings. N0 OLD STOCK. Everything bran new and fresh from the mills. Don’t forget the placeâ€" PETE SIMONS co. - 416 George St” Coal and Wood Cook Stoves ALSO COAL AND WOOD HEATING STOVES Great reduction in B. Laurence Spectacles. Best quality. REPAIRING PROMPTLY A'I'I'ENDED TO Having removed to the above commodious stand and put. in a. fresh stock I am now better prepared than ever to accommodate my old customers and all new ones, who will favor me with a. call. Special value in Stem-Wind Watches from $2. 99 up. Complete line of Silverware at. hard time prices. Old Post Office Building. W. s. GIVEN, a- v - A death. . Loans granted on policies at low interest. No extra charge for insuring lives of women and children. W. M. RAM§AY, ACCUMULATED FUNDS - $39,000,000 INVESTMENTS IN CANADA $10,000,000 ISSUES FREE POLICIES. ImugedIgte payment on receipt of proof of CHARLES HUNTER. ASSETS 0VER $14,000,000. GREY LAND PLASTER, the best on the market. without doubt, also GREY AND WHITE LIME. Please call and inspect before pincing your orders. I am bound to sell. Dimension stuff out to order. price away down. Materhl de- livered any where in town or country when required. Yours truly, Ofiao and Yard at. Railway Station Millbrnok, March 23. 1895. W. TheXton. The CANADA LIFE Assurante Co. “ STANDARD ” X Shingle. a good Shingle XX Shingle, Cedar “ Coarse Pine Lumber - Everything else at the Same ratio of profits. I have also PETE SIMONS COMPANY, ms 15 not an aucnon sale, nor yet a sheriff ’5 sale, but, a gen- uine low priced CLEARING OUT SALE in order to meet the demands of the times. and of the budding nnknn I n ..... _ r, - . 3. Because it has {larger suriflus‘ above all liabilities than all the other Canadian Companies together. 4. Because the net Profits paid on its Life policies during the last 20 years are not equalled by any other Company in America. 1. Because it is the oldest, largest, most popular and economical and gives the best results for the least money. 2. Because in 1893 it increased its assets by $1,236,513â€"a sum exceeding the increase of any other two Canadian Companies, and more than double‘of any one company. _ ADAM HALL J. DOAK, Agent, Millbrools. GEO. A and E_._W. cog, LEADS ALI. GANADIAN GOMPANIES. v - vital-4 Ill Ulu‘ meet the demands of tho itfmgs. and of the bulldi public. I quote a few prices, that you may know how things are gomg. 11 offer a good 416 George St., Opposite the Examiner Book Store. 1895 Chief Agent, Ontario. Life Assurance Co. REMOVED LAND SALT, $5.75 PER TON. HAS NOW ON HAND HIS FALL AN D WINTER STOCK OF Agent, Millbpook. WHY IT LEADS ! ESTABLISHED 1825. Fm“ J. STEELE, FALL AND WINTER ESTABLISHED 1847'. J. J. HAN RATTY, Managers E§§§e3g Ontario, Torqptp Building Material DISTRICT INSPECTOR, PETERBORO J. L. IRWIN. Old Post Office Stand for $1.00 per M. ‘0 $1.25 N . “ $0.00 “ Manager Port Hope. AND EAST DURHAM ADVOCATE. 1895 7W] / /: 7% MILLBROOK. ONTARIO. THURSDAY. APRIL 25. 1895 The idea. is being eonsniered to unite all the women’s clubs in Kentucky in a stock company for th" erection of a hand some “woman‘s building” in Lexington. =)nly since last year, when the Kentucky Equal Rights Aesooiation secured the new property laws, has such a. project been ible in Kentucky. Women could have built the building before ‘h‘n. but they could not have held the title. New Kentucky women own their own build- ings and their 0 kn pocketbooks, too. It their daily food was worth two shil- lings each, the sum total for all was £63, - 876 L88 during the time of building. The materials In the rough are estimated as having been worth 94543337900. These several estimates show the total cost to £17,442,4 2,168. or $77,521,665.936 in The cost of Solomon‘s Temple and its interior decorations and other parapher- nalia was one of the wonders of the olden times. According to Villalpandus, the “talents” of gold, silver and brass used in its construction were valued at the enormous sum of “5,879,822,000. The worth of the jewels is generally placed at a figure elually as high. The vessels of gold, according to Josephus, were valued at 140,000 talents which, reduced to Eng- lish money (as has been shown by Cha~ pel’s reduction tables), was equal to £575,296,203. The vessels of silver, ac- cording to the same authorities, were still more valuable. being set down as wox th £469,344,000. Priests' vestments and robes of singers. £2,010,000; trumpets, £200,000. To this add the expense of building materials, labor, etc., and we get some won erful figures. Ten thousand men hewing cedars, 60,000 bearers of burdens, 80,000 hewers of stone, 3,300 overseers, allof which were employed for seven years and upon whom, besides their wages, $oloznon_bestowed £6,7§8,997. _ United State: money. When a savings bank is allowed to ho'd a. single deposit of more than $100,- 000, as in the case of Connecticut, it fails of its true function as the repository of savings. It. is the little things that mak; up life. and the littl mistakes have as much effect as the little good dads. There is no thought. or act but has effect. for good or in. Glass brushes are used by the artists who decwrato china. They are made of glass fibers so thin that. they seem Yike spun silk. The share of land falling to each in- habitant of the ache, in the event of a. partition, might. set down at twenty- thr9e and one-half acres. The figures of the Immigration Restric- tion league show a. decrease of 15'J,( 00 in the number of immigrants during the past year. The old man of the sea is ganerally baldheaded and sits in the front row. Doubtless the big bonnet; have driven hm: therv . It isn’t. neceSaary to be 50 v- ry pat-ti :- ulur about. which plumber to run for those cold mghts “hen the pipes burst. Any of them will fill the bill. Human beings are by nature fighting animals. The very babies are up in arms as soon as they come into the world. A conscimceloss tenant and a trump with a. rugged coat are very much alike â€"they are each oblivious of the back The prin. iples 0! others we call preju- dices; our own prejudices are pxinciples. It. is estimated that. wregular writer for a daily paper writes 40,000 a year (-11 an average. Unfortunately the man who has m th- ing to say isn’t always conscious of it. until he has tried to say it. Director Blue, in his fowrth annual re- port of the Bureau . f Mines, stnfes that the gold fields of the prm ince are attra ct- ing greater notice, and says that during toe past ye r, the Rain Lake region es- pecially, drew nmny explorers :.ml capitalists towards it. Numerous dis- coveries of gold~bearing ore an leportcd there. Four or five locations are being actively developed, and one gold mill is marly ready for operation. In the Lake of the Woods district, the mine and will on Sultana. Island have been woxked con tinuqusly. ‘Il‘he nickel and cuppar {nines in the Sudbury region were actively worked during the year, and the produc- tion of matte was much larger than in either of the pr ceding two years. Mr. Blue has sanguine hopes that the irun 1n- 1ustx_'y will assume active form in the prova this year. If everybody paid his bills on time what. would become of the colltctors ? There is no change in the trade situa- tion at Toronto. Merchants are not so busy as they should be at this season; for such state of thing-3 the weather is olnmed to some extk'nt. The feeling of hopefulnezs reported a week ago is still eppu‘ent, and prospec‘s are said to be good. The steady avivsnoe in prices in a number of commodities is a. factor of some importance. First, the wool market strengthened, the hides went up, \ihich has been followed by a big advance in wheat, and lie-1y, within a. (ew days, there has been a. substantial rise in both crude and refined oils. These edvences are evidences of an improved demand and Augur well for future trade. The fire waste in Canada and the Unit- ed States for March is estimated at 8U,- 389,3UU, as against $9,147,100 the same month of last year. and $l6,662,350 in March, 18H3. The most disastrous fin last month was the one in Toronto, the total loss of which is estimated at. $1,140.- The Easter cattle market at Toronto has surpassed the record within the memory of veteran cattle dealers. Butchers’ cattle have sold readily at four cents a pound. and cattle for exportation have been land to get at from four and a. half 10 five cents. After a perceptible improvement due to stronger cables and larger purchases of wheat. for export in N ow i’,ork as well as u. decxease in the visible supply much larger than was expect d the market 18- acted because of a. bear raid in Chicago. Cable report a. firmer market for cattle in Great Britain. Tho finest steers are run ted at. 12c to 12;“: in Liverpool. The prospects are good for the shipment of cattle to France on $110 opening of navi- gation at Mont-real. Further advances in Ontario wheat are noted. Sales of white were made on the Northern at. 700, which is the highe't quotation in about two ye are. There is apparently a. great scarcity of this cereal in the province. There were 27 failures in the Dominion last. week, 7 less than corresponding week last year. and 16 less than previous week, Week’s Commercial Summary. Iolomon'c Temple. Here and There. The Rev. Charles Raymond Matthew, M. L, of Kingsville. rural dean of Essex, has been appointed to the vacant can- onry of St. Paul‘s Cathedral in London, Ont, by the Bishop of Huron. A despatch from Detroit says that the ct: 9':de hem“. in the Canadian lnm‘mr mum-ans in we Georgian. Bay on n. cJum, -.-f lumber being put. on the tree ham shows no sign of materlalising this spring. ’ John Grant, 9. train despatcher, was taker: to London Wednesday and u- raigned on the charge of stealing $5,000 from the Canadian Express Company at Parkhill. It. is understood that the negotiations between the Newfoundland delegates and the Dominion Cabinct Committee look. ing to confederation will .rceult in an early agreement on the main points sub- mitted. The delegates sail for home on Tuesday. The body of P10 Daniel Shea, of the Thirteenth Battalion, Hamilton, was found in the bay below bundurn park Hamilton. He had been missing since last Thanh giving Day. An inquest is to be held. The local papers in Kin swn are call ing attention to the [act t at for some months tale city has beep deluged wich books, pamphlets, and prints or a. most immoral natural. which are sold by the newaboys. The annual meeting of the supreme governing b ,dy of the Order of the Sons of Scotland, known as the Grand Camp: opened at Niagara Falls Tuesday morn- ing. There was a, large attendance. Mr. Joseph Bourgue, contrpctor, of Hull, Que., has hex-n served Nth notice of an action, charging him wi1h giving bribes to oflicials of the Hull corpor- ation for the purpose of obtaining civic contracts. A ga: e f: om the northwest was severe- ly felt in the Lower Province:- and in (guebec. A fleet of vessels was detained in the Halifax harbor waiting for the storm to abate. The Anglican churches held their usual Easter Monday vestry meetings. The reports were satisfactory as a. rule, nhuugh the depreaion of the past year was men- tioned in a. low annual stntements. Large proportions are beinu assumed by the butter export trade of tie British- Australian colonies. From July to February Victoria alone shipped 20,000,- 000 pounds. Three Canadians, of Fort, Erie. are hard at work digging up the ruins U! the fort searching tor a. clu st of gu‘f‘ "a: '1 to haw.- been buried by Major Buck outing the war of 1812. Judge W urbele, Thursday. in Montreal, decided to take into consid: ration the qp pointment. of a commissit n to inquire into the sanity 0f Shorti s. the Valley- field murderer. Mr. Casper W. Whitney. correspon dent f0: Harp: r Bros. , who is on a. but I.- ing expeditinn in the far north, left Fort Resolusit n on February 2‘). and has not been heard of since. The jury in the case of Mr. John F] un, who was found dying at. Shallow ake the other day, returned a. verdict. that, the fatal wounds were inflicted by persons unknown. A telegraph messmger boy in Pem- broke named John Harvey was caught in tho belting of the machinery in Bea.t.ty'.-~ sash factory in that town. and was kilied almost. instantly. A sample of ginger wine bought in a. London store, where only temperance beverages was supposed to be said, was foundbo contain 10 per cent. nf proof spirits. Mr. Matthew Miner was overpowered by gas in the King stxeet sewer at Lon- don and sufi'wated. Two other men working with him had narrow (-scapes. The exuadit’on of Mrs. \Iack whois all? ged to be implicated in the postage stamp swindle in Hamilton has begn {asked lot by the Uniud Stated authorit- Twelve of the most dangerous convicts in the Westminster, B.C., Penitentiary have been transferr d to the Stony Mountain Penitentiary in Manitoba. The citizens of Chatham intendto cele- brate its incorporation as a. chy on Do- minion Day. They will invite the Gov- ernor General to be p: esent. The boot and rhoe manufacturers of Montreal have decided, owing to the ad- vance in the price of leather. to increase the price of footwear. Engineer Farr of Winnipeg has been arrested on a. charge of attempting to burn the house in which his wife and childr n were sleeping. The Ieathcx throughout Manitoba. co 1' tinues to b: v_I.-_ry favorabl for seed: ug and the majI-riny of tin {armors um have their crops in. Jacob Bock, an old and highly-esteem- ed reside~ t of Port Elgin, committed sui cide by hanging himself to a, beam in the 10!: of his stable. A gm at. deal is beinisaid in Lundon in favor of selling eggs y weight. Shop- keepers do nut look on the proposal with any great. favor. The steamer Piumidian. which arrived at Hn'ifax on Monday from Liverpool, brought 7|) orphan boys. destined i- 1‘ Western Canada. The International Radial Railway Cu. gives notzce in The Canada. Gazette of an application to the Domihiun Parliament for a. charter. Farr, the engineer arrested at Winni peg (:11 a charge of trying to burn up his dwe ling and family, escaped from the police station. A man named Turner committed sui- cide at Straithohir, Man., by taking a. dose of strg ohuine. He was mentally deranged. The twelve convicts from New West- minster Penitentiary being transfenn‘d to Stoney Mountain arrived at Winnipeg '1‘ uesd ay. The fiveâ€"year old son of Mr. John Mc- Beath, of Woodstock, Ont., was struzk by an express train and almost instantly killed. Mr. McAdams, an Itged farmer, who lived near Paris, was struck by a. train while driving into Brantford and killed. The Legislatiw Assembly was pro- rogued Tuesday afternoon by his Honor the Lieutenant-Governor. The Rev. James Gordon, M.A.. late treasurer of the London Presbytery. dind l‘uesday, aged sixtymight. The ice on the St. Lawrence in front of Montreal broke up Monday morning, and the channel is now free. The first bondeci car on the T.. H. B. Railu ay arrivrd in Hamilt- n from Brunt- ford Tuesday morning. Mr. George Bette (3f Chatham blew hm brains out with a. gun while temperary insane. There is still no trace of Farr, the C.I’. R. engineer charged with attempting arson at Winnipeg. The name of the Hamilton Beachpo office has been changed to El. inom Parsk. NEWSY CANADIAN ITEMS. 9nt¢ruflflnu 1mm. and lnrldenu, Import- am- und luatrnoflve. Gathered from the Various Provhmoc. THE “LETS HAPPENING. At // ///////%V/iz/////_ 411'!) ///////7/// These two desirable qudifioutions. pleas-mt m We taste and at be same tin o strucmal. we to be found in Mother vaes' Wuruu Extermina‘ur. Children ike it. To know that there are some souls, hearts and minds here and there, who trust and whom we trust, some who know us and whom we know, some on whom we can always rely and who will always rely on us, makes a paradise of this great world. This makes our life r9311} life. Who is a. true man ? He who does the truth. and never holds a. principle on which he is not prepared in any hour to act, and in any hour to risk the conse- quence of holding it. An honest and a. perfect man oom- mands all light, all mfluenoe. all fate ; nothing to him falls early, or too late ;' our acts our angels are, for good or ill, our fatal shadows that walk by us still. There has been a rapid advance in cattle in the lilo suck marktts in To- ronto during the past two or three weeks. Tuesday at the \\'estern cattle varde shipping cattle were quuud as high as 5 to a 1 80 per pouml. and butchers’ cattle of good quality sold easily at dc to 4 1 4c per pound for choice cattle. This is an advance in the best grades of nearly two cents per pound within a month. Hogs are much higher, having advanced in about four weeks from $4.40 to $5.25 per cwt. for the best hogs. ANOTHER SWINDLING DEVICE. A x ew device to swindle farmers is in operation in parts of the Weston: States, and will dc ubtltss soon be ezpczimented with in Ontario, if it be not a'ready on trial. A couple of mi 11 come along who purpose to paint advertisements on a farmer‘s barns or fences, and they ofl‘er a small sum for the plivlloge. A bargain is struck, the men do their p .in’ing, and pay what they agreed. 0: course they must get a receipt to show their employ ers how the money was spent, and thev produce a receipt book. The farmer signs. and the painters go. A couple of months later the “receipt” turns up in a nearby bank as a note for $200 or $300. She kept the gift. of the fairy «the beautiful giftâ€"to the end; and whenever her heart touched another she found the heart of a friend. Phillip of Macedon related by gold all the wisdom of Athens ; confounded their statesmen; struck their orators dumb. and at leng h argue} them out of their liberties. Many mean things are done in the family for which moods are put forward as the excuse. A man or woman has no more} right to indulge' m an unpleasant The thirty-fourth annual meeting of the Ontario Educational Association and the an cond meeting 01 the Dominiun Edu- cational Association wern commc need Tuesday in tho Mode; x'.:-. Z nal schools in Toronto. About 400 delta: ates were present from all parts of the Dominion. A reception was held in the evening, at which addrcsn's were delivered hy promi nent educationalists, and was succeeded bya largely attended cunvezsazione in the departmental buildings. The Bye-Elections. Dr. Montague, Sensual-y of State, was to elected in Haidimand on Wlduesday b): {547 Paiwfiy- Why, of all living. art thou made cap- able of blushing ? The world shall read thy shame upon thy face ; therefore, do nothing shameful. Quebec W est returned Mr. Dobell by a majority of seven. Mr. Dobell is an in- dependent supporter of the Government. Colin F. Melsaae, Liberal ex-M.P.P.. was elected in Antigonish, Sir J ohn Thompson’s late riding. Mr. Mclsaac‘s majority was 114. All the higher art» of design are essen- tially chaste. Clhoy purify the thoughts, as tragedy. according to Aristotle. puri- fies the passions. 'Mr. Geoifrioi, the Liberal candidate, wag elpctegjn Vex-chem? _b_y 2:241 __ ‘ The conqueror is regarded with awe; the wise man commands our respect ; but it is only the bruovolont- man that. w as our aifectious. Mr. G. T. fihtughnessy, vice-president and general manager of the Canadian Pa- cific Railway, appeared before the West- ern Freight Rates L'ommission in Mont real and made an important statement. He instituted an elaborate comparison between the Canadian Pacific Railway and the railways of the United States, and contended that in the matter of freight and passenger rates the settlers in Manitoba and the Northwest Territories had no ground of complaint. At the meeting of the B: ard of \V‘ rks Tuesday evening rcprosentatiws of the Hamilton Electric Light and Power (3 m- puny ufi'ered to light the city for 25-. a light per night, 8c lcxs than thu present rate, pruviding a. contract was entered into In five years. The rate was $91 '25 a year, and woulrl mean a saving of about $4,000 a. your tn the city. The board prumiscd to consider the (-fi‘er. Joseph Sprmt and Alexander McKee. the two patrolman, and Wm. Farley, the engineer of the Simpson building, were arrested Wtdnesdny on a warrant charg- ing them with setting tire ti. the Simpson Muck, Toronto, on the evening of Mara}: 3. Livicgatun, the fourth man memion- 0.! in this connection by the coroner‘s jury in their finding. cannot be found. There is a. wrrrunt for his arrest 5330. Frederick Harrison, who says he has been a. resident of Hawaii for seventeen years. has written a. letter to the London press from San Francisw, complaining of the treatment to which Britishxubjrcto have been subjected in Hawaii. He says that when the plans of the revolt were prematurely discovered the Government, made wholesale arrests, and the prisoners were tortured in an attempt to make them give information. Thomas Brown, acting for Chariots E. Oles, administrator of the estate of the late Caleb Hartley, of New Durham. and Maria. Hartley, widow of the deceased, Caleb Hartley, issued a. writ against .thc Ancient Order of United VVorkmt n to re- cover-82;“) claimed to be due on a. bene ficiary certificate on the life of the said Celeb Hartley, deceased. The Province of British Columbia. hav- ing applied for the assistance at the mounted poles in qufilling the Indian uprising in the Lawer Ken-tenay, word has been sent to the police to be in rendi- ness to not should they be notified from Ottawa. to do so. Neg otiatiom an in progress for the purchase by tho (Janndian directors of the Hamilton Iron and Steel Ct mpany of the oon‘rolling interest in the smelting works. They have secured an option from the Au erican capitalists new con- trolling the company, 3nd it is probable the deal will be carried throughp A Halifax di<patrch says the ware-hips Pehcan. Buzzaxd and Cleopatra are ex pected there fn m Bermuda next week. Afterremaining a few days they go to Newfoundland on fishery protection ser- vice. The Tuurnmline now at St. John's, will be relieved by the Pelican. Vicar-General Gravel. of Beloeil, has instructed his lawy er tn enter an action for five thousandy dollars against the Montreal Pattie, for an alleged libellous article which it published on the 11th inst.. re arding the c‘ergy and the Ver. chores e ection. Al Hal Boon Sold. from, the Island Government an'd d15- cussed with them the terms of union. It willbe a subject of general con tum- tion if the negotiations now pen ' 3 re- sult in the incorporation of her Maje .ty's oldest colonial possession into the Cans.- dian Confederation be asked to consider certain unend- mentsto the Insurance Act. to the Act mwoting Domini“ notes to the D - u inion Lam 3 Act to the Indian Act, to the Northwest Territories Representation Act, ssnlso a bill respecting the land During the period that has elapsed since the last session of Parliament,l have had an opportunity of visiting many portions of the Dominion, includ ing the Mariiime Provmcee, Manitha. the Northwest Territories and British Columbia. Throughout these tours I have been impressed and gratified by manifestations- of an impending loyalty and public spirit, and not withstanding the phase of trade de- pression already referred to, Iobserved everywhere unmistakable signlofthat confident hopefulness in the future, based on a. thorough belief in the greatness of the resources of‘Canadn‘ which is one of the characteristics of her people,Q.nd which furnishes a good augury and pledge of further development and progrese._ The Government of Newfoundland hav- ing int.mated its desire to renew negotia- tions looking to the admission of that. colony into the Dominican of Canada, a sub-committe of my advisers have m gently met_i_n qonierence a. delegntéon “ Meaéureé relating to bankruptcy and insolvency and to joint stock companies willbequd before xou. Yoq will slap Satisfactory assurances have been re- ceivad from her Majesty? Government respecting the interpretation of certain clauaes m the mm 3 of commerce with France. Ratificatnm «in be exchm breed as soon as necessary ieg station has been passed. 'lhe recent, action oi 21. 0 Im erial Parliament, enabling the vano» Aus~ nralian Governments to enter into pre ferential trad relations with the other self-governing colonies of the Empire, at- lords gratin ing proofs that the suggest. ions 01 1211: Colonial Conference are beinz fave aofiy entertained by her Maj ‘sty's Government. By the sudden and lamented death 01 the late Right. Hone able Sir John Thompson. Canada has sustained a grie vous lam. The deep and heartfelt sym- pathy expmesed by her Most Graciom Majesty the Queen. and the manifes- pations of sort-0v. w ith which the dmress- ing intellig1 nee was receixed throng bout. the Empire as wail as tokens of esteem and reepect evu‘yw here paid to 1he memory of the deceased statesman, have lgeen greatly appreciated by the people of In ooniormity v. ith a lecent judgment of the Lurd< of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, to the eflect oi the dis- sident minority of the poop ple of Manitoba have a constitutional right of appeal to the Govern r- -Gcneral- in-Council against certain Acts passed by the Legislature ox the Provincep of Manitoba. in relation to the subject of education, I have heard in Council the appeal, and my decision thereon has been communicated to the L gislature of the said province. The papers on the subject will be laid before you. Honorable Gentlemen of the Senate: Gentlemen of the House of Commons: It. is with much satisfaction that 1 again have recourse to yuur advice and assist- ance in the administration of the 3173er of the Dominion. The depression in trade which has pre- vailed. throughout the world for the past few years has made itself felt in Canada. but, fortunately, to a less degree than in most other countries. Although this has not resulted in any considerable de- cre.se in the volume of our foreign trade. y oz, ow ing to low prices and recent reducti us in and removal of taxation, it has been followed by a serious decrease in revenue derived from c stoma and ex- cise. 1n 0rd 1' to produce equiilibrium be- tween revenue and expenditure for the coming year. it will be necessary to obâ€" serve the greatest possibl: economy in the appropriations for the various branches of the public service OTIAWA, April 18.-â€"Wha.t promises to be one of :he most interesting sessions of Parliament since Confederation was open- Id to-day with 9,1 the usual display, and perhaps a little more. SPEECH FROM THE THBOXE. The following is the 5p ech of his Ex- cellency 2 FIFTH SESSION-”SEVENTH PAR- Ll AMENT. San Francisc . is sh'cked at the mur- der of a second woman in the Emmanuel Baptist Church. On Friday the mutil~ ated remains of Minnie Williams were found in the minister‘s room, and Mon- day morning the body of Blanche Lamont was found in a small room in the steeple. The two girls had been friends. Dr. George Gibson, pastor of the church, was taken into custody, and a. young medical student, Theodore Durant, who was last seen with Miss Lamont neu- the church, is suspected. but the pgrlioe are unableto find him. Mr. Morgan, chairman of the United States Senate Foreign Relations Com- mzttee, m an inteni Aw. said that he be- lieved that Gwat Bntein’s object in her quarrel with Venezuela. was to obtain mrssepsi(;n of the gold fields of that country, and that the Monroe doctrine ought. to be enforced against her. The floods throughout the New Eng- land htates Tuesday reached a higher point than has been recorded for many years. Millions of dollars" worth of prop- erty has been destroyed, and thousands of mmms have been thrown out of em- ployment. New York fur-tiers claim that the smuggling of valuable furs by the agents of :1 Quebec furrier across the Canadian border has cod: the United States Gov- ernment 850,000 a year {or the last three years. All the oonvic‘s who escaped from Matteawan Lunatic Asylum have been captured. Perry, the notorious express robber, was the last to be captured. James Dufl‘y, an tax-steward on the White Star Line. jumped from the Brooklyn bridge. He turned over several times as he went down, and struck the water on his side He never rose. '1' he Sex: ate of Florida has ado pted a. resolutinu sympath'L-Iing with the Cuban “patriots’ 1n their efforts to free Cuba. from foreign control. Many rivers in Neiw Hampshire, gfl’ectr ed by recent rains, have risen so high“ tn necessitate the abutting down of many _Prof. Jas. Dwight Dana, author and scxontiat of Yale University, die} very suddenly Sunday night. J 11ch W. Srott of The Chicago Times- Hcrald died of apoplc-xy at the Halland House New York. DOMINION PARLIAMEN l‘. What Our Neighbors have Done dart!!! the Past. Week in Making the His- tory of the “'orld. WHAT UNCLE SAM IS AT. DOINGS OVER THE LINE. $1.25 IF NOT PAID IN ADVANCE I ARRY KENDALL Will fit. glute- for my- , one whose sighL is defecu've. He has a k full line of glances and is m be found a ;Tbc Turner Drug Co’s Stores, two doors east, of Post ofice. 1TH! TURNER DRUG 00. Humor at the Altar. Some funny stories as told About the marriage services. One of them melam- how an old man bran ht. rather unwill- ingly, to the altar 00 not be induced to repeat the repponaee. “Mygood mu." mained silent. At this White}: the bride lost $11 patien es With her fu- ture spouse Ind burnout With: “Go on. you oldtpot! Say it “tax-hind“: the same as If you was mockin’ him.” \‘vâ€"â€" The house’s eye h.- a. thick. aim secretion, bean-e his eye hem; and much exposed to dust, the ' lea. non cleanses it more “soundly ha would a. mom "tax-y agent. , -7 . a ‘1ch 11m 111'. 'l‘homas‘ Eclectric Oil in my funily for a number of yea-s, tad I muddy 83y thatit mum bembm for thficureof croup, cuts sprains. yfitfle boy has had attacks of crou times, and one dose of Dr. house.” ~u£n.“‘c -VUBB. One shut. pufi of the bmth through the blower. supplied with etch bottle of Dr. Agnew’s Catarzhal Powder, dimme- this powder over the surface of the and passages. Painless and delightful to use, it. relieves in ten minutes, sud perm-n- emly cures catuth, hay fever, colds. headache. sore throat. tonsilifis and deal- nesa. 60 cents. Mr. J. E Smith of Amuse Wood Hoe- pnal. St. Thomas, Ont.: “Foralongtime I was afflicted with very bad rheumatic pains. and they became so intense thet Me to me was a. misery. I sew the South American Cure adverltileed, 3nd deter~ mined on "Vin its tr . an procumd a bottle {gm .J. Old druggist. ofSt Thomas. Before takiné one m: a. bot; £19 I found the greatest relief but on taking it, mag in 111 four bottles. I used that quantity to 've the medicine 3 fairtrislflthou h I no Signofuxeehe or pun after ‘ the second I). ttle. I on strongly recommend this remedy to an suifenrs from rheumatism. I see! confident it will do for them whet it did fnr ma " for me. The most excrucia. ' pain known is perhaps caused by ‘ Pecan-is, which is most to be ed 0! myo! the tinseam“ 1;): the hem}: It timing: is as itse espocnll' y y pain, 5‘; pain which is best described Is agonizing. The pain literally ms- from the hemto the left shoulder 33 down the arm: The face shows the pie- ture of terror, and is either desthly white, or hvid. To a. person suffering from this species of heart trouble or from pulpit:- tion or fluttering of the heart, Shannen of breath, or smothering spells, thevnlne of Dr. Agnew's Cum for the Hen-t. cen- not be estimated. as it will give relief in thirty minutes in every case, And Hindi- ciom-ly used, efiecta cure. It. Agnew‘e Cure for the Heart is the 3mm life saving remedy of the age. I'l‘llll ‘ (-S FRO! AM‘ SA W000 [105- PI'l‘AL. warm words of. endowment from lead- ing clergyman and professoxs in the edu- cational institution of the country. One thing he sure of. that itis notnn matter to foul use new Inn-g- seus a good deal of the maide‘fif life. Tais {an gives value to the words of end rst-ment of Dr. Agnew’s Cnhrrhal harder r untly penned by Mr. W. S. Smith. rim: well-known editor of The 3262211; Ne 9:5. Kidney Dineuo 5M! .34 I" fectlvuly. It is remarkable thnt than} '11? m from kidney disease grow 11:1th 9‘ those medicines that are slow 1:: their cure. Who enjoys pain? The'pesu‘y 9‘ South American Kidney Gun} 19 MW relieves the sufferer almost meant-no- ously. What sick one doee_nqt “9‘7“” delight that comes when pun as xeheved? Kidney Cure, as a. plain W 0‘ M. relieves the most distrusing hdnpy ‘34 bladder troubles in six hours. It I! bani to say anything more for it. Who wank more said for it ? ‘ Mr. W. S. Smith. Editor 0! The Toronto Evenlng Neva. Knew WM 80 W.- Writing When He Pound A Good Word {or Dr. Agnow‘o Oat-nu Remedy. Professional men hnvo been strong in their recommendation of Dr. AW! Catawba! Powder use. remedy for cold in the head and outmhal troubles. ‘We have already punished in these column! warm words of endorsement from lend- Count 'I‘olswi’s son has published. a short story. which has been m in a Parisian newspaper. He II and“) have more radical views than 115' 503‘ Geor Solomon, a. Perkin: book col- lector, as a collection of seven hundred volumes, none of them being “'3" then one inch wide by two incheshlsh- The Berlin :0 al libr hquumd' ‘ Semitic manusciipt by gym” dog“! of the fourteenth century winch m to throw much light on the hater!“ melgiicjne. the the ”candy and papers say t pope told several French prehtee dint he would not receive M . Zola, the water. should the latter ask for an audience. He at" as n ream: that the novelistmadeelnr ed enemy of the church. South DOES NOT IBBl'l‘ATE, BUT KEALS. Henrik K. Ibm n. who is 1133me years of age, was an npo scary! duh in Skien, Norwao. when he wrote III! M play. . Field Marshal Lord “blade; wrote “I Me of “garmomqgh” standmg_ 9U!” A-..L :_ Conan Duyle st"; ndsas high}: any living novelist to-day, either in tins country or in Europe. He is six feet two. Honorable Gentlemen of the Bonus ' Gentlemen of the House of Commons : i now leave ' on to the dim-large 0f the important duties devolving upon you. with an eunest prayer that, being guid- ed by the spirit. uf wisdom and patriotism your deliberations may,under the Divine blessing, oonduce to the unity and well- being of Canada. ‘ subsidy of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company. Gentlemen of the House of Commons: I have directed that the accounts of the past. year shallbe hid before you. The ¢ etimates for the ensuing year will also be presented. They have been {tamed with every regard to economy compet- ible with the eficieney of the public service. Lost His Sight 1 J E. Smith Cured 0! Chronic Rhon- mutllm By South American Rheu- matic ECurcâ€"The Great Rheum Remedy Am Bouquet-a Wt ere Doc- tors Had Famed. CAKNOT EASILY FOOL Ell. Agonizins, American Kidney Cum 0‘2. patient generally radian-13 ‘ hemtg the left shoulder his Authors and Books. ‘Tnnsnxingl’dn. :crucia. ' pain known xsed by ' Pemis. to be ed of any of the_hea.rt. Ikdisfin- 93200111137 by pen, and b 18 best dumbed as 3 pain literally 121m- U 3y and I in my

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