The immense majority of Dr. Monta- gue wnsidered alone would have con- veyed to us the determination of the electorate to leave the matter in the hands'of the Cabinet; but the results elsewhere looked at from the sane point ‘ of View shows that the Ramanists are playing their old and deep game of “Heads I win,‘£ails you lose.†ï¬rst glance seems to indicate that the Orangemen are more Romanistic than the Pope. while the acknowledged wor- . shippers of his holiness have given Sir Mackenzie Bowel] and his cabinet only credit for doing what he ought to have done and have recorded their votes upon other issues, feeling that their use is safe in either parties hands. Viewing the result, however, from every standpoint, we must confess to _ a feeling of anxiety, if not alarm, at the probable outcome, anxiety for the youngand future generations of the prairie province who seem likely to be fettered with an incubus that must disturb and retard the progress of her ‘ people, alarm at the consumate bold- ; um and persistent agitation of our Romanist friends in making everything subservient to their ends. Whether Sll' Mackenzie Bowel! will draw from the recent elections the lessons that impress themselves upon our mind .e cannot tell, but it seems most patent to us that he need expect no favors from-Rome and while we would not as]: him to stop short of giving them all the satisfaction that the recent de- eision says should be accorded, to go beyond that for the sake of their friendship would be a grewâ€"ions error. EB 22.92-5110: “D Dinâ€"hm _I_. 3-20- kings prompt reliefto snï¬'erers _-.J._ -~ one as strongly Roman Catholic as Vercheres, send as in the former :1 Con- servative back with such a majority that no doubt can be bad as to its wishes, and in the latter an opponent of the government, we are at a loss :0 know how to account for the situation and feel like asking the question, “ Where are we at anyway.†In An- tigonish, the late Sir John Thompson’s old riding, a. Reformer is sent back this time, while the recount in Quebec “fast gives Uncle Thomas another seat at the legislative table. The result at were previously upon the advice that our electors would give their represen- mtiva and the government. When a. protestant ridmg like Haldimaud and the remedial 6rde‘r on the Mgnitoba School Question and we must confess that. we are as much in the dark as we V , Last week four constituencies of our Dominion pronounced at the polls upon the issues of the day, and the lessons to be learned therefrom will be viewed diï¬'erently by many of our readers, according as their personal or political spectacles let in the light. In all four‘ of the ridings the main question dis- cussed at the previous meetings was OUR LEADERS ARE: “Our Own. Blend†of Black Tea at 50c. ; Our Own Importation of Ja. at 25c. and Our Own Blend of Coffee, Teas, Gofl’ees, Sugars, and General Groceris, Oil-cake and Herhageum. (the millbrooh “Reporter. Groceries, Hour, Feed, Breakfast cereals, creekery, Glassware, Goal Oil, Cattle Feed OF ALL KINDS. OUR SPECIALTIES ARE ;' our Prices in all Lines are at A man may haean honest heart, Though poortithe hourly stare him: A man may tat a. neebor’s part, 'el: hae use each to spare him. We Lead, Head’s Pills ac: easily. yin promptly and emcicnUy. on the liver and towels. “Jc. so much about Hood's Sarsapaï¬lh. I deter- mined to try It. and gm a. lull-dozen homes. tour 0! which entirely cured him.†2:123. G. A. Luaz. Oshawa. Ontario. N. B.†Be sure to get Hood's Szxrsapumz. Hood's Szrsapadlla. My son was amiczed with great pain in the Joints, accompanied x swcmng so bad that he could not get up st... .. to bed wzuwut crawling on lung: am knees. I was very anxious about him, and having read THURSDAY. APRIL ‘25. 1895. A Perfect Caused Heads 5% Curés TIIE B YE ELECTIONS. Pains :‘flle Bottom. J; A. VANCE. "I; affords mer much plmure to recommend We Never Fellow. acts ! OUR LINES ARE by Inflammatory Swemng Oshawa, Ont. Hood's Sarsa- SHILOH’S CURE is sold on a guarantee- It. cues Incipient. Consumption. It is the best. Cough Cure. Only one cent. a. dose; 25 cm, 50 cm. and $100 per bottle. Sold by A 1-3â€. I .___ ,..._, - ....... yum... “vs-w, ALUAWIU, may meet with immediate employ. N. B.â€" Chancter will not be so much required as equestrian skill, and none need apply who has not undergone a complete stabalarian (sic) education.†The curate of 1795 was evident! intended more for use than oma.‘ ment. t is often the other way about with] the curate of 1895. The rector of a hundred years ago had somewhat pecvliar ideas as to the quahï¬ca- tions of a curate, if one may judge from the followin curious advertisment, which appear in the St. James Chronicle of May 4th, 1795 :â€"" Wantedâ€"Immediately, a. good, strong. hon man to act in the capa- cxty of curate. e must be subject to the following particulars, viz. : To have no ob- jection to act as gardener, husbandman, and occasional whipper~in. Any gent whom the above may suit, on up Iication to Mr. B., at the Gray’g Son Coffee onset Holborn, may E D. o. Pills cure chronic, constipation. “ Until the evening " we meet weep and tail. Plou h life’s stern furrow. di the weary soil ; Trea with sad feet our roux and thorny way, And bear the heat and burden of the day. Oh! when our Sun is setting. may we glide Like summer evening. down the golden tideâ€" And leave behind us as we away. Sweet starry twimcht roun our sleeping clay. . In his reli 'ous convictions he adhered to the Methodist church, his christian life be- ing throughout, marked by upri ht dealings, unassuming manner and chil -like piety. , To the Editor of the REPORTER, who had only known him for about a year, he em- bodied to the fullest extent, that kindliness of disposition and ripenesss of matured grain, ready for thee‘freat store house and when our life is end here we ask nothing more than “let our last days be like his.†He leaves to mourn his death a widow and two daughterl. one of the latter being Mrs. Joseph Fee, who lives at M t. Pleasant, the other Mrs. J C. Smith, wife of Mr. J. C. Smith, teacher. Peterboro. His eldest daughter. Mrs. Ewing of Dakota, had died at her father’s exactly ï¬ve weeks before Mr. ; Webster’s death and as she had been ill for some months the anxiety and care (although he never complained) must have hastened the departure of the deceased. The funeral on Thursday last was one of the largest that ever passed down our street to Gnrdiner’s burying ground where loving hands and sorrowxng friends laid the last remains, there to await the trumpet call. I In our lint issue we made a. brief reference to the sudden death of the late Mr. Webster and the loss to the community of one of its ‘oldest and most esteemed residents. Mr. Webeterwas born near Trenton, Ont, in the year 1820 and when only two years of age moved with his parents to M t. Pleasant, Gavan, where he lived till 1858, when he retired from his farm and moved to Mill- brook. Since his taking up his home in our village he had lived a quiet and exemplary life, the kindest neighbor and constant friend of all who came within the influence of his acquantance He was a member at the Township Council of Gavan for fourteen years and of the Counties Council three years, in both eases retiring of his own will. In his religious convictions he adhered to An examination of the ofï¬cial re ' turns from Haldimand shows that the total vote polled was 270 less than in the general election in 1891, the ï¬gures being 3,714 and 3,444. The decrease is probably due to the attitude of the Liberals, many of whom did not vote. The total vote for Dr. Montague was, was 1,896 in 1891, and 2,0151ast week, ‘ while Dr. Colter and Mr. McCarthy polled 1,818 and 1,429 respectively. There were 19 rejected and 32 spoiled ballots in 189], and 30 rejected and 23 spoiled in the recent election, the voters who went to the polls therefore, numbering 3,765 and 3,497, a. decrease of 268. In the recent election th new ballot was used, and it was ex- pected that with it the number spoiled and rejected would be reduced. This expectation has, however, not been realized, for there has been an increase of two. passed, are again promised for' this session, but it is doubtful whether the Government will press an Insolvency bill on the House until the parties most directly interested in such a measureâ€"the bankers and tradersâ€" ‘ can get a little more unanimous in their ideas of what such an act ought to be than they appeared to be when the bill was before the Senate committee last year. 'As to the Joint Stock Com ies act. if it is the same as the bill intr uccd last year it contains some very material chances from the exist- ing act, and will afford the House ample scope for some careful and useful legislation. The bill of fare provided by the Govern- ment for the‘ consideration of Parliament does not indicate that there will be any large amount of new legislation proposed this melon. It is true that the Insolvency Bill and the Joint Stock Companies act, which were introduced Inst yeor but not} ____-j _n, , V ,_ __-_-..-._ 5"va run“ vl,alu,w_' uuu ' or nearly 34 per cent. while on the $5,677,- 624 of dutiable goods entered for consump- tion in March of this year, the duty collect- ed was $1,682,255, or not. quite thirty per Mn. ._ vvuu unuct‘ ed and of $233,057 in duty coï¬ected. As March of last year was the last month in which the old tariff was in force it is inter- esting tonote that m that month the $5,631,- 459 of duitable goods paid $1,915,352 duty or neat-Iv 34 nex- cent. while nn H“. R; m-r ’ The trade returns for March show a most ‘gmtifying increase in exports which were $5,286,546 as conpared with $3,001,807 for same month last year. Goods entered for consumption during the month totalled $9,159,510, and the duty collected was $1,682,255. Compared with last year this shows :5 decrease of $571143? in goods enterâ€" I A; A†a An..- A__ . -v... .v\u notice of addresses to his Excellency for copies of pa rs virtually covering all the petitions. ecisious and other documents which have not. already been brought down. As leader of the House Hon. M 1'. Foster occupies the seat of Sir John Thompson, Sir John Macdonald and other nevious leaders. The seat adjoining, which as been taken by Sir Charles Tupper.’ The Manitoba school case has not. been long in getting .on she-notice: papor, pa Mr. f‘L-_IL-_. A†J long m gettin on the notice paper as Mr. Chaxlton and ilr. Lariviere have lgp’th giv_en unt:nn A: A.I_I_._.‘~ ‘, I Mr. Mulock is after the Governor-General again and gives notice of a. bill to reduce his salary. This is the same bill which M r. Mulock introduced last year and which went under in the slaughter of the innocents at the close of the session. Mr. White (Cm-dwell) gives notice of a bill to further amend the tenth chapter of the Consolidated Statutes for Lower Canada. respectin seditious and unlawful associa- tions an oaths. This bill is simply to extend to the Grand Masonic Lodge of the Province of Quebec, which was not. in exist.- ence when the statutes of Lower Canada consolidated, the exemption which is given in chapter 10 to the Grand Lodge of Canada. _ .... - .vuuvuo Act. of 1892,†is given notice of biy the mem- ber for Glenzuy. Its object is to compel the branding of an cheese and' butter with ihe nune of the county of production, the date of manufacture ; not only on the box but. on the cheese itself The branding must be done with letters not less than three-nights of an inch high and a quarter of an inch wide. Code, “for the purpose 6f linking more efl'ectnal provisions for the punishment of seduction: and abduction.†Mr. Charlton is to the front bright and early this senion as usual and the three ï¬rst notices of motion given are from him. They are for three bills, all old friendsâ€"the Sun- day Observance bill, the Electoral Franchise bull. and _ an amendment to the Criminal It. is said thc estimates will be brought down on Monday evening, and that the Finance Minister will make his budget speech towards the end of next week. This, however, presupposes an early conclusion of the debate on the address, which is scarcely within the range of present possibilities. WANTEDâ€"A CURATE'. “ An Act to amend the " ABRAHAM â€â€™EBSTER. DOMINION PARLIAMENT. Nous Fron- lhe Home I Petér'borougb, . - Auctioneer. I Dated at Pcterborough, 2nd. April, 1895. CHAS. smpmgom . -.. wall. For further conditions and particulars of sale apply to DUMBLE a: JOHNSTON Peterboroug h. Vendor's Solicitors. C" A R, QT A D! â€A“? Ten per cent of purchase money: down at. the time of sale. and the balance thhin twenty days thereafter. without interest. , ThereLwiu beï¬n rgserycd bid. About forty seven acres are cleared. and machinery can be run on about thirty acres. The farm in pmtty well stumped and stoned. The soil is a. clay loam. The farm is distant about ‘flve miles from Pant ‘53001 _P. 0.. and is watered by n. creek. The lowmg im rove- mont. are said to be on the property. v 7..: A frame dwellmg house about 18x26 rennin on posts. a} frame stable 15x30. and a. caxtlc 5 ed. TERMS OF SALE. Products at the hour of ? p.m. in the afternoon. the} following property namely :â€" The West ane othN b SIX in the HFï¬EQEoncgssion 3f thgr'rï¬ognship ofManvers 1n the County of Durham, con- tammg ï¬ï¬y acres more or less. at, the Morgan House in the Town of Pctorbor- cash on Saturday the 27th day of Aprâ€, ’95 [TNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE Powers of sale contained in n ccrlaln mort . which will be reduced at. the Lim ‘ of Mere will be sold By L â€"IN THEâ€" Township 0f Manvers valuable Farm . . . .BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS. . ‘ ..HAVE ALREADY ATTRAC'I El) ..CONSIDERABLE ATTENTION. IN ..ORDEK TO KEEP OURSELVES IN ..']‘OUCH WITH HARD TIMES WE .WILL MAKE A SPECIAL PRICE â€FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS.‘ ..... COME RIGHT ALONG AND...“ ..... GET THE LATEST DES-..... ..... IGNS BEFORE THE STOCK... .. .......... IS PICKED OVER.......... ....... OUR LOW PRICES JUHNSTON mm; Captain Sweeuv U.VS. A" Sar- Diego 031., says:.ï¬â€œShiloh’s Camrrh Runedy is the ï¬rst medicine I have ever found that would do me any good.†Price 50 cents. Sold by A. LEACH Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are especi- ally valuable to women. They build up the blood, restore the nerves, and eradicate those troubles which make the lives of so many women, old and young, 2i. burden. Dizziness, palpita- ‘tion of the heart, nervous headache and nervous prostration speedily yield to this wonderful medicine. They are sold only in baxes, the trade mark and wrapper printed in red ink, at 50 cents a. box or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams’ Medicine Company, Brockville, On'. PUBLIC A'UCION NYE ARE SHOWING THE LARG- EST STOCK OF WALL PAPER EVER HELD IN MILLBROK. THE VAL. UES ARE UNSURPASSED BY ANY ..TRADER IN THE DOMINION.. and says she is conï¬dent no other ‘medicinc could have performed the wonder Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills have done for her. She says “I feel happy not only because I am now free from‘ pain or ache; but because if my old trouble should return at any time I know to what. remedy to look for a r. â€" - to take to bed, where she remained a helpless invalid for over four months. Different doctors attended her and she tried numerous numerous remedies said to be a cure for her trouble, but despite all she continued to grow Worse. She was advised to try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, but she had dosed herself with so many medicines that her faith ‘ in the healing virtues of anything was about gohe, and she had fully made up her mind tlï¬t er trouble was incur~ able. At last a " d urged her so strongly that she consented to give the Pink Pills a trial. Before the ï¬rst box wus all used she felt a slight im- provement, which determined her to continue this treat. From that out she steadily improved, and was soon able to be up and about the house. A further use of the Pink Pills drove ‘ away every vesitige of the pains which had so long afflicted her, and she found herself again enjoying the blessing of perfect health. Eight months have passed since she ceased using the Pink Pills, and in that time she has been entirely free from pain or weakness, AUCTION SALE On a prosperous farm in the town- ship of Montague, Lanark county, lives Mr. and Mrs. Joseph \Vood, esteened by all who know then. Mrs. \Voed was born in the village of Merrickville, and spent her Whole life there until her' marriage, and her many friends are congratulating her on her recovery to health and strength after years of pain and suffering. When the corresâ€" pondent of the Recorder called at the‘ Wood homestead, Mrs. Wood, although now not looking the least like an in- valid, said that since girlhood and un- til recently, she was troubled with a. weak back which gave her great pain at times. As she grew older the weak- ness and pain increased, and for near- ly twenty years she never free from it. About a year ago her misery was in- creased by an attack of sciatica, and this with her back trouble forced her Hardware Merchants. From Brockvillo Recorder. She End Snfl'ered for Years From Weakncsu and Pains In llle Backâ€"Sciatica Compli~ catcd line Trouble and Added to ltcr Mlacry-llcnnh Almost MImculously In» Ill-3LT" AND HAPPINESS IT WAS FOUND BY A LANARK COUNTY LADY. Call and see the Newest styles in Photo- graphs. Wekcep ufull line of the latest and best styles of cards, and our prices are reasonable. All work guaranteed. Satis- faction our specialuy. Has Bought out the Phc. tograghic Business of G-_. G. Green, Millbrook, 8.113. Will be found at the old stand prepared to make any style of a. ,Photo. Of Iowmanviiï¬e, lV/zo won [/16 [hf/0112a of [/26 IV“! Dar/mm flg‘rz'rzz/lztra/ Sawfly for MC [365! Col/c‘dz'mz ‘ of P/zolqg'ra/M'x. J F. ‘5. SAEEESS . J. ï¬ariess, Emsmm sgmwï¬Ã© Carina, 210., Apr. 3. ’92. 1 n. n 7 "awn-U Aâ€" I t: D:- B. J. Kanap'. w. PHOTOGRAPHER. :1 have on hand some No. 1, Clean Seed Oats free from any dirt, also Silver Hullcd Buck Wheat, pum. Orderyum-Harden and Field Seeds in once, before they rise in price A. PAYNE. ~ Now is your Plaster. I have made at‘ 'nngmnents of the lar'wxi seeds men in C; B a all kmds of 1‘ mld :md Gal‘x‘lo Anv ‘wrson want-in" an of tl 2 k “ seeds please call and leave yo at, once before sold out. One good llh‘ll‘t} Colt, three ; will trade for n. gum] milking qumnd newt-r.) bank; of your . pnvln Cure†with much aurceaa. I think it, the host Llnimcnt 1 ever “and. flow, no. mam-d one Curb. one Blond Hpnvln and killed hm “one Hum-hm. 1mm rw-mumeudod It to sum-om! cf my trlrnda who aye much pleased with and beep it. ltcsp'uclrulm, 5- R. 1m. P. 0. Bonus. .__ ‘ For Sale by nu nagging. or address Dr. B. J. KENDALL COJIPANI', :Npssunca mus. v‘r. FOR" .u- ASH. Barley, Outs, Buclnvheat, Corn, Beans, Hides, Tulluwl l‘lmrs 111d Iron, and you can hi1} for C141 Flour and Feed of all kinds", Seed gr 1in of all kin(ls,Ti11\\zu'e, (:l:1ss\.111‘ Coal Oil, 5 lbs. of good Tea 2‘01 S1 311505111111 111: whines, Binders. Mow- i111r Machines 130:1. H:11\('~7L91's,l{orsn Rakes, Seeders and all other kinds of 111:1.cl1inos,;1-1lso Chums, “rushing Mn chines .11d \‘1 lingers. “.le Land Plas- ter and Salt. \liingxles which will be sold cheap for cash. Business Change Keep constantly on hand a large and well-selected stock of Shelf and Heavy Hardware. Call and ex- amine Goods and Prices. ï¬aizï¬igï¬ Ami! SIGJV 0F '1 77/15 tde armngmncmS with one :1 seeds men in Canada for ield and burden Seeds. wanting any of the abme cal} and leave your order time to order Land ’nltv, three years old ,, Apr; 3} C(HV. A DIAMOND RING, splendid value, at $‘ A Beauty in TURQUOIS at $2.50. A Gent’s “ AIZL GOLD †Collar Button, $1 Our reputation for Wedding Rings in thirty beaten. †- ' ~ All Letter Orders ï¬lled promptly. This Week we Drawjoï¬HHéitioï¬ To New Good Bargains. FLA 05,1? UNIX/VG, FTC. 344 Water Street, . P IV}! T 1.7 [31’]? 001: 1101351? until the book is used. If you want BLANK BOOKS, OFFICE SUPPLIES BOOKS or STATIONERY, write for our prices, Always guaranteed the lowest. A. H. STRATTON GO. Our Books are Manufactured specially by the EX- aminer Printing Co. Lt’d., tor the Peterboro’ Book- store. The Paper is exceptionally good and the Binding is guaranteed to last, with ordinarv mm BUY YOUR oakséï¬fï¬ [ Hessians, Cottonades Blunkets, Tickings, Shirtings. Art M uslins, Cretmmes, Ginghums, Duck Suitings, Prints, White and Fancy Draper Suitings, Plain and Twilled Shootings, Plain and Fancy Muslims, Gray and \Vhize Cotton-'3, !‘ I mucls and Fianna-lattes, I 1/: me now (my)! mar/£1210 Me m “minus: {a (oumzmrc va/c on Black and Fancy Worsted Suitings, Black and Colored Overcoalilzgs, Black and Fancy l’amings, Canadian and Halifax Twecds for Boys ‘ Gros G min. Sumh, Bengalines, Broche, I’uc-de-soic, Merveilleux, China. Faille Franc-also, French Robes, Soliels, Sulincltcs, Serges, Hcmicttus, Covert Coatings, Fancy Checks, Debeiges, Rcmly-umdc Blouses, Skicbs, mepcls. Duck Suits. Laces, Frilliï¬gs, l'lmbroidcrics, Ribbons, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery, Veilings, l’amsols. Shirt. Fronts and all kinds of Ladios’ White-wear. AWN! N G$, ‘TENT$, Saiés, Gamping Coeds. Peterbam Bookstore , In order to extend our business and keep pace with the times we have under .eontcm plation extensive alterations and enlargement of our premises, which will make it neces- sary to clear our stock to SLH'O it from being damaged by lime and dust or the trouble of movin to another store. This season of the year is an unfortunate time for us’ to have n Lelntions made as the spring trade is just commencing, and our present preinlses are full 0f 110W floods in every department, the choicest stock we have ever had, but It 18 most fortunate for the public, as it means the sacriï¬cing of $35,000 worth of perishable goods. We will not attempt to quote prices. as they are often misleading, but will trust to the ï¬rst purchasers to tell their friends of the bargains we are giving. For the hem:- ï¬t of those who may not be familiar with the stock we keep we mention below the dif- ferent departments :â€" ALF. KHNGSCOTE Mammoth Rebuilding and Alteration Sale at Silk and Dress Department. J. C. TURNBULL Woollen Department. 417 and 419.Gcor,qe Street, Patelâ€"borough. Staple Department. beorge and Simcoe Streets 88 George Street, PeterborOugh‘ â€"MANUFACTURER£0F. â€"AT THE- AND WAGON COVERS, 3fï¬ce Supplies aéowggrooa’s a’owu am. 7201/! /u m 772 Friday flfonquq. A/In/ 2/). last With ordinary care in thirty years cannot Mantlca, \VMorrr .ofs, All thclatcst styles of Trimmed and trimmed Millincry and Millincry 1 mings Dress Trimmings and Buttons of all kinds Corsets in all the different makes, Soaps. .0. full range. Crosslcy’s best 4 and 5 mec Brusselg1 Tapestries, medium and ï¬ne, All “'0013 in 2 and 3 ply. Unions, a full range. Hcmps, in plain and funcv. Cream and White Luce Curtains, Chenille Curtains, Curtain N ets, Screens, Bleached and Cream T..blings Coloulcd Tublings, Napkins, "I o“ cls, Towelling. Carpet and Curtain Deparhneqt. f, at $4 50 Haberdashery Department. , I’etcrborough MillineJy Department. Manfle Bepartmeqt. Linen Department. Peterboro’, Ont. (’ :chs, Mantle Clot! s. cms medicine. Thus it CURES all diseases affecting these or other parts of the system, Dyspepsia, Constipa- tion, Bad Blood, Biliousness, Head- ache, Kidney and Liver Complaint, Obstinate Humors, Old Sores, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Nervous or General Debility, and all irregularities of the system, caused by Bad Blood or dis- ordered action of the Stomach, Bowels, Liver or Kidneys. Thousands of testi- monials warrant the assertion that B.B.B. is the BEST SPRENG MEDICINE FOR YOUNG OR OLD. Of the marvelous success of Burdock Blood Bitters lies in its speciï¬c curative power over every organ of the body. The Liver, the Blood, the Bowels, the Stomach, the Kidneys, the Skin, the Bladder, in fact, all parts of the human system are regulated, puriï¬ed, and restored to perfect natural action by this medicine. Thus it CURES all diseases affecting these or other parts 0f the SVStem. Dvcnnncin Fauna..- Trim George Street, .mw Juan wucxvcu a large consignment of English and American Fur and Woo] Hats for this Spring}; trade, in ail the lending styles and colors Our stack is complete and acknowledged to be the largest and best assorted in the town of l‘ctcrboro‘. Wham in town give us a m11~zmd be con'dnced that w: can suit. you both in style and mice. Have just received a large ., .. . . [-Gabineimakeraï¬ Undertaker SIGN 03’ THE LIFE SIZE HORSE. 373 George Street. Peterbcrough. Keeps on hand’a large stock of 001' FINS. JASKE'I‘S. and all kinds of Undermkers’ Goods. room. Parlor, Diniugroom and all other kinds’of Furniture. hand-made, at, lowest, prices. a Showrooms King-st, Millbrook. Sue our stock before placing the hub; wheels. able and dumbl‘ The more so that the non cmziavve, V bought from our stock, cm: but u. mmh amount. Dozens of slflcs. \(MC "0011. Some lilSl \‘ and neat. son. 0 hand andslflis h. Tlxepxiccsmuu 11. Allan .1 I ; -, A neat, well appointed earring dence of good taste. It is :1 0 family and relations. Do the and the baby justice with :1 ncw Your baby deserves a. New Carriage. The old one (that is the 01:1 can 'ugv) is shabby and persists in running urrmkcd. 1f the baby is u. new baby so mud) 11m more does a. new carriage complete the Lurnot. "mas. GELLQTT, BABY UARBEAGES N R. 5‘45. E€£EES 5‘; Co I} 95 Rm. ’1! g. E £ WE; rgu.‘ meTu uni-tr nuflv mug ‘Our selections of import- ,ed Spring Dress Goods Fabrics, c., eclipse every- thing we have hitherto shown, and the exhibition will be a "key-note to the value and volume of our stock throughout the store. The handsomest styles we ever had in Millinery, the biggest variety, the lowest price, new shapes, the hewest trimmings. Miliiners who know how to, please you. 'To inspect our magniï¬cent Dress Goods and Millinery display. We exhibit full ranges of the leading and most flashionabie produC' tions of French and Gerâ€" man manufacturersâ€"med? ium and high-class. Also, the newest novelties in Dress Trimmings, Silks, Parasois, UmbreHas, C. MILLS BROS. Spring Dress Goods .\I\l)-â€" PETERBORO’ MéiiEï¬ERY ! W E INVITE THE LADIES PERERBGQ: EXPOSETION omlca carnage is an ovi- C. It is a credit to the as. Do the folks honor :c with :1. new vehicle. a , , cm: but a modcmte and price, carriage, when Peterboro. the baby on one too nl‘ " some ser {rigg- 424 George-st, - Peierhorough, 1 dragging}; Page. one package. 81: six. 05.77 1')†at; “can. draw can. Pamphlcutree 00.11:“er The “'00:! ConyuIIY. Windsor. Ont. Canada. - 1.: \» V . ( ‘ .- {4‘ Before and After. may. Imam My, (hm been proscrilwd on M; II the only Edi Askdruxxlsctw , 7““ w0()D‘S PHOSPHODINE. The Great EnglI-h Remedy. . ‘ - 7. Sizt’ackaaaGWto promptlx and permanently cure all forms of Nervous Wcabm,5mmiola.8pcm diarrhea. Impotcwcyaad all great: of Abuse or hang. ‘ Koala! Won-y. mm use lavas. which. mm to In Why, Juan My, Consumption and aa early gran: Hughecn proscribed ovu- 35yem In thousands of m; 1| the only Reliable and HM ltdiduc Askdrugglsttor “'ood'u Phosphodlno: It Montezuma worthless mediation: place 0! this. price in lottcr. and we will lead by return In.“ '3.- ‘ “ ' c . _ wld m :M'Hbrook and everywhere by 'llflm:..s.. SlGN OF THE HORSE EHOE. GEURCE STREET. - PHERBQRUUEH 3'8“ng done to order. Have "cu (Juan's ‘I This ratioâ€"d; to 3m, you. moons. 1.12.1: For Sale LV A. LEACH. I»:t LeBRUNéECo. US Your measure. - 1 or Lame BacE'or'CbesL’""u_5§ ï¬zï¬orx'su BELLADONNA Pme E {Our Gooï¬rLooking Spring Suits are not costly. Leak Tms Gain COUCH Cm: mum? curd where all other: Waugh. Cronp Sore Throat. Hearseness. hoopin Cough and Asthma. Fu- Consum “on it gas no 11 ° ms :22er $023351“ng wm m. “fa-13 11d Summer. and splendid mm mm 200 pieces of the Newest Patterns Consisting of over 50cm. REV $1.00 Bottle. One cent a dose. Is giving special tel'xctions than week in starrpel Linen Goods, such as Piliow Shams, Tny Cloths, Splashers, c. Also all the latest patent in Honiton work are now ca elixibition. ifs-signs, for Spring 5W H’SACAflEEE TWEEDS CITY STORE, To see the Pyramids of Now on view in the REMEDY. TAKE THE £3387 Fail 3 1895!. all -â€"Mr W. T3: neg-too Tomato, last w -l.â€" and wig lasz‘ his ‘- panents. é \Ml‘. Hilly [1g I‘d [ï¬e ‘acaatv I idli: It: blacksmith .fl Tum new, \. mi Mham, qu‘. W¢ F“ With friends in “he REPORTS . h goods are :n oilit the times tipping paper mu “3-, wind h 'fll w â€"l[essrs. S W Smith made their re *0 Bethany on Mom 1' Mt. Thu. E iii-hope it im ’\ Wag of ail _ct.ngon mills, 6c. p tine now m g flu Lg her ankle, whici u the house fl;- 5033‘ -â€"$100,000.oo law at 5 per cent. Elam-0k. " â€".We an nan-n- m her bnot: for Sat ww HP. M (3:111 and W GEO. Soon-Emu. ed buildi Opera wands erelgng . 1‘; mos Hi Is a min Mm ' powder-H lï¬aperlb. in very cheap. He 2 horse for sale. v e have. â€"Fa.rmer’s I. Boots only cost 1 tended visit to nndupa‘ rung) mam mm". iâ€"_Have ypu Tomato km w‘ ing with fnends eve-y or’Wihriu'.’ To: PEPERX‘ ’ [788E I.\' hand. Arm And Sch l ry «our (j liott's Svru C37."enc§ You can PA TEA? TOILJE 7 hp pleas“ THUR S‘DA' DRUG ’. Gillan; C Q!‘