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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 25 Apr 1895, p. 3

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vts Bella and nanny kept shop will be re. to suit the pricess, re- Bids of .erns ’f over the uRRH 534.53: even; am ed building opémtiona thereon. ' ntends Mug a carriage 511°?- }_ mes Richardson is also engaged work, which means that it Win anti Harry is in a P05ifi0n the public with first class â€"Chopping of all kinds C: me as tbg. Octagon mills, 6c. per bag. Done at Ihgrtat notice. , , J, ‘ â€"Mrs. C. H. Winslow, accom- panied by her brother, C. F. Falwell, M...,PP left. for San]: St. Marie, Sat urday morning. â€"Wha.t amour boys doing about their 24th May ceiebmtion. It is time n0w to se‘ the ball rolling in or- der to insure a: cess. â€"-The Bet: Mr. Banton, late of Brampton. is the new pastor of the kBaptist’ghumh, Bailieboro. fâ€"Hareyou tried “Dairy Cream ’ baking powder '3 Sold by}. A. VANCE, forléapcrlb. in cans. 12- â€"A special meeting of the Liberal Convemtive Association was held in the com chamber on Monday night. ‘ â€"~W. W. Gillott made a flying visit to Toronto on Tuesday lint and re. turned thosame evening with a bicycle. â€"-Some great bargains in village properties call and see list of same. G30. Sommuv. 44 ~Messrs. S. W. Clarke and A. A. Smith made their regular business trip '0 Bethany on Monday. I l Me an: Elem to note the im- prrced condition of My. Harry Bray mil hope to soon see hm: on the street again. - â€"Mrs.f‘ x. F. Elliott met. with a severe accident. the Other day y, sprain- inb 0 her ankle, nhich aill confine her to the house iur some time. â€"â€"$100, 000.00 of pfivate/funds to logo at 5 per cent. / Gm. SOOTHERAN' Hillbmok. 44 ._We are sorry to hear of the illness 0: Mr. Thus. Harknes of Cavanvine, his hope it Will not be of long dura We have: quantity of neWSPOIPers the REPom‘aa nflice suitable for flapping paper, putting under carpets, at, which Will be sold cheap. -â€"Don% fail tome Wm. Ancnmz’s stock of [anear spring. goods are up to “fit prices ' suit the tin; 13- rkham, sp'ent Wednesday of last k With fiends in [awn and called the Rsmmm. â€"Mr. W. Turner cm}; a run up to 1’01““). last week, and returned with cw whee}, which is the admiration all the bikers. I â€"â€"Upward £100 c;*;nicéf;rms from pores 11p hp 399‘1féres, for sale at ~Mr. Harry Dnnsford has purchas- edtbe vacanqlomdjoining Mr. Lang W8 Wksmlth Shop, and his com- “ .. â€"\V. Thexton is selling shingles very cheap He also has a ocd he. horse for sale. k1??? ._F;mner's Lace and Buckle Plow Boots only cost 906. and ficw-at \V. A mum's. 1 3- â€"â€"Reg$strar \Vnrd of Port. Hope, celebrated his eighty third birthday on Monday. Try Your Cough Syrup or E]- liott's Syrup of Horchound, for Coughs and Colds. @eterabom’ Euéirpe§§ ‘ and {xix-46mm to shit. the times. z15-30%"!Emu“. MiUbrook. 44 â€"a'r T. W ‘1 Lean of the teach S‘fi‘of a Institute for the Blind, 3 husk-{L s 101:»- in M t, w ““1 H. H. A. Turner and b" “HUM. rformed a very success- u‘ "martian Mrs. Graham. of the ax»: eudf tb . illage, removing ala7ge "we? ' breast. // And 501100} or Shopthand PETHRBOXWEEH. ONT;\RIO_ , ’ ovnsrs n: BOOK-KEI-Zplx; ‘ m . hand. Arithmetic. \Vr‘ningfindsnsl‘uu. Writing. Try a. lime momm' coum: m.“ we. or Winter. l-‘ortermswrue ‘- Full You can get â€"Mis- Hunter is away for an ex- :ended visic to friends in Toronto and Detroit.) PURE DRUGS. pA TENT VIEDICINES, TOILE T _. :i’TlCLES, Etc. ._Mrs. LXeedham has been visit,- ing with fnends in ()mech, â€"-Mr. W. T. Wood went up to Toronto last week to take in the horse TURNER (the millbrook Reponen \AWAWWWW THURSDAY. APRIL 25, 1395_ ‘LQSNrmgzm-V. M i113:- Frostilene for the Try our hands. DRUG CD’S STORES TOWN TALK Agency C. R R. Teiegraph Co. wtin of Brighton, 3‘ for some time at n. the REPORTER a. can Ly 135630: h’u way home to theâ€""1.. A. BLANCHARD, c A I rincipal. allege â€"â€"'.l'he entertainment given by the 'Misses chling in the town hall on Friday evening last was, we think quite up to the moat e. fixtumt notions of the audience 1e programme opened by Miss Kenriclr. viving a piano M3010 which was well Igeceived as also were a number of other! selections con- tributed during the eveihing. All eyes and thoughts were hohewx directed to the three sisters, the fame of whose reputation had already proceeded them, and when Miss Lucy and Rosalind â€"Our town was pretty well taken possession of last Thursday by the women and it being theday of thespecial edition of the Woman’s Globe some of us thought it must have been the turn ingloose of all temporary editors and agents, after the wind 1p of their great, effort; but this was met the idea. by any means. It. was the gathering of the \Voman’s Missionary Society of the Petcrboro district and the thrce sessions which they held .7 were of the most encouraging and profitable char acter. “'0 expected to have had some report. handed in of “3° pmcecdings but as yet have not receivcfl any. The A‘, _ -...A..._.. ‘.___ took up a. selection from the Hunch- back, it did not take long for the audi ence to enter lemme §p1r1t 9f the play: vuvv 'v “-‘V... _.â€"-v '7‘. 7‘ N 77 7v V ‘v {"3}; “ The taming of the Shrew,” and April jest, especially written for the Misses Weblings were both presented with as a. reciter is not first-class by any means, yet as Chas. ‘Varrington in “An April jest,” she took her part, without a. fault. The fair sized audi- ence who turned out to enj y the evening must have all been pleased with the entertainment and although there could have been little to add to the coffers of St. Thomas church, who provided the entertainment, all must, have felt the greatest satisfation at having the Opportunty of hearing the talented trio and should they return at some future time we bespeak for them a crowded house. â€"â€"The license board of East Durham sat in Port Hope on Saturday last to decide upon the lucky ones yfor the business during the next war. They did nothing with the Mil [brook a. ppliâ€" cations except to grant Mr. A. Leach the shop license, C"lezuinn the others over for another w eek. ’l -‘hey did how- ever grant the Raper Hotel at the station a. license, but afterwards countermnnded it, for which school boy business one of the board was told by) the said landlord to go to the land of sunnv heat amines-01h. man will have to eat humble pie or run a. tem pemnce house next year. You should remember Mr. hotel man that the Czar of Russia. has less authority than a. license board, and he more civil. good effect, showing that the young ladies had fully grasped the spirit of the authors. Britannia, a patriotic sketch was perhaps appreciated beyond any other part of the programme, the Irish jig and Highland sword dance being done to perfection. Miss Peggy v.“- w-J-- _, public meeting in the evening was very largely attended and a. programme of singing, recitations and M able and interesting address by Mrs. (Ran) Campbell of Hastings, were listened to ,A_ -_a. m. .:A:- , A withr the most earnest satisfaction. The most pleasing part Of the program however was the two dinJOgues, the first. acted by four little girls from Lakefield and it. was indeecl beautifully performed, the scene endxng with I» song which was most tent-hing. The other dialogue by nine girls from our own town, in which Miss Pearl Burn. ham took the leadmg part, was also interesting and educative from a missionary standpoint, the parts being all well taken. The solos by Miss M. -â€"‘Thc Rev. Bro. J. J. The of Pet-er- born, will preach the anniversay ser- mon for the Independent Order of Oddfellows on Sunday night next in the Methodist church. The bx'ethern are requested to meet at the lodge rooms at a. quarter past six in order to proceed in a. body to the church. A full turnout of the members is request. edrfgr.‘ "dw acknowledged ability of the rever'end gentleman should be enjoyed by every brother. ' 1 Mr. J. A. Vance hm blossomed out. this week with a, new delivery wagon, Which is, we must say, more: in keepin? with his better surroundings; in the new block. The Gr ck will now be. more likely to rise to m:- dignity of his position as the servant. of Her Majesty and the man who monkies with him now may expect his blessing in good ha1f~an half language ~The Peter-borough Times is just now running a voting contest as to who is the most, popu'mz' bachelor in Peterborough, and “hi‘ilf it. may be amusing to the rif-raf of the town to enjoy the discounting-u uf prominent citizenS, we chmk it ~mzu‘ks of obsolete journalism and is nimgvthcr out of keeping with the prngr'msive spirit of the town and our da}: And generation. Mr. J. A. Vance hm blossomed our, _I, E Needham isln‘rzpal‘ed to take charge of auction sales 01' 3“ kinds at shortest. notice and Iowwz terms, satis- faction gnamnteed. If»: is DOW in 0- bettcr position than ever to supply 3'0“ with a. piano or organ. -â€"Cnvan Agricultural Society will hold their annual Spring show on the new driving park, Milllm'mk, on Mon- day, May 6th. le usual number of prlzes will be ofi'erod in the different Classes for cntircqhorscs and bulls. are unable to publish the :wcoulllt. “if our physicians will Ollly :“ ‘9 will trouble to hand in these numb fxe th always be ready to give our rem en's e information. -â€"There IS rumor of mrinus births in and around our vinano but not hm- mg any authentic or otficial xoport we ----- yuan: “£quth ~-- ~ The council decided to ieave the matter in abEyance for a month or two. r-Needlers’ mm are at prfsent domg a. flourishina export trade. Within the past sixowceBks they have turned out about fifteen car loads” of (1031;; part Of which has already been Sh‘PPEd and the balance booked to customers for shipnwnt at once. - Mr. J. C. Smith nf Potcrborough, ~$eacher in the public schoOL has been spending some da -s in town in connec- tion with the affair,- of his late father-‘ ill-law, Mr. VVebsteu Hv returned tol town on Saturdav, but Mrs. Smith remained with her ~mother. w w-.." A.“ ul- 1:18 Garden Hill con “The Lindsay representative Pf the Elgctric Light Co. was here agmn on Fnday last and had another hennng before a. Special meeting of the council. " â€"The' Eel-vice in the Presbyterian cbnrcb was abandoned 0“ Sunday mght, on account of Mr- Johnston 99"?3 $0 attend the fum‘ml Of 0133 Of 3.9;; nion at Port. a For sale only by The above cut represents the best Wind- mill in the market. If you want. to see one at work call on John Fallis, Richard F allis, George Campbell. Hootmx Bros., 13 Con., Gavan, Alex Hunter. We make thirteen different, kinds, and handle every known style of Iron Pumps. Our Eureka for stock is unsurpassed. I nm agent for the above Patent Rail Fence for Cuvun. North aqd South Monaghan, and am prururcd to sell fights to farmers. or build fences or them upon their farms. ’l‘biq is tho best fence that was ever _ ntonted, won't, sag, won't, lean going down in Is. Tykes only one pound‘of wire to the rod. Satisfaction guar- Ocean iniâ€"ts Birch: Wave Wartman’s Patent Fence ! That the bicycle has come to stay is un- questionable. Its value has been generally recognized by all classes and by both sexes. by military authorities, the church, the pro- fessions, and the labouring man. It has become a factor in regulating fashion in dress and health in mind and body, and is already an important agent in the improve- ment of the roads in both town and country. It is interesting to note that the municipal authorities in Chicago have lately ILL-know: lodged its value, the following appearing in the columns of the Chicago Thugs-Herald :â€" i " The mounted police at Lincolu park will ride bicycles instead of horses. So much has been settled. The grave question now" agitating the Park Board relates to the 1 costuniing of the bicycle corps of the force. Some oi the commissioners favour bloomers ; some want the men to wear knickerbockers and leggings: some sav the old uniforms should be retained and the men should tie ropes around their trouser legs when they mount their wheels. So far the policemen have been given no npportunity to express an opinion. They have, in fact, had no time to think about the costumes they are to wear. They have been busily engaged in learnin how to ride, believing that, thus they wfil best earn the approbation of the eommissxoners. ” Powder 03%: Baking Pumps. mum u.-â€".v.â€"â€"V , “W'- mce. 25 cents per Box. press, engine dud boiler in the press room are cousin urubly damaged, but will not be useless. There were two complete printing office plants in the building, the plant of the Sun newspaper having been purchased by the proprietor o: the Statesman a few months ago, and only a. trifling part of it had been disposed of. Mr. M. A. J tunes, owner of the office, will be a heavy loser, as the in- surance was only $3,000 Mr. James and the assistant editor left the buildin togeth- er and as there had been no fire in t e build. ing except in one stove, and that was very low when the man in charge left, the cause of the fire is a complete mystery. H. MCCARTNEY Bowmanville, April 2‘2.â€"Wil.hin ten min- utes of the time that the smfl’ of the Cana- dian Slalemnan left. the ofilce to-nighb the fire-bell peeled forth an alarm, and before the fire brigade reached the scene of the fire the office was enveloped in flames, and the plum, including the type, smaller presses, stock, and also the whole furnishings and equipment, of the businesa office, wero com- pletely destroye‘d'. .zrhq Wharfdale power Call on, or write In a. recent speech Hon. George W. Ross stated that, it costs $8.54 to educMc a child, $91.28 to keep a prisoner in gaol, $187 to keep a prisoner in the Central prison. Ye‘ some people grumble over the cost of educa- tion ! K. D. 0. is marked, prompt and lasting is- -133. -A A Pembroke grocer \\ ho has adopted the cash system has closed his ledger and in this position has spiked iv. to“ the counter. When credit, is asked for, he simply points to the dosed book. Is admitted to be the best; in the market. The secretary will be glad to hear from secretaries wishing to arrange matches. The regular practice evenings are Monday and Friday, but, members are asked to practice as often as possible at. other times. The first regular practice will be on Monday next, the 29th inst. . WALTER GREEN, MILLBROOK. The annual meeting of the Millbrook Cricket Club was held on Tuesday evening the 16th insh, when the following officers were elected for the ensuing season : LHonomx-y -President- -W. A. Fallis, M4 . A. Presidentâ€"Rev. W. C. Allen, M. A. Vice~Presidentâ€"W. S. Pickup. Sec’y-Treas.~â€"B. Van Homrigh. Captainâ€"W. T. Wood. General Committeeâ€"H. M. Wood, R. H. Hunter. W. H. Collins and J. A. Vance. Match Committeeâ€"R. H. Hunter, B. Van Homriqh and the Captain (ex-officio). GUARANTEED Bateson and Miss Ethel Richardson, Millbrook Miss Udy of Brid genorth and Miss Hendren of Lakefield,we1-e quite above the average and brought forth the hearty applause of the audi- erce. Mrs. Sherin, the District 01'- ganizer occupied the chair and filledw the position admirably. Revs A. L onwn and D. N. McCamus gave each short add1esse3. BEST. R. DI‘IYE'I. L’S OLD STAND. 33° Du. SMITH'S J GERHAN WORM “ _~ * ”1"“ LOZENGES..A_1W‘¥I relubic. safe and pleasant. requmng no :licine. Never failing. Leave nobad «he: TO BE THE mos. HA§KNE$§ B. VAX Homuun, Scc’y. CRICKET. OR the rcmova! a: - worms of all kind: from children or sauna, 65in?- ilié P.0‘ 20c. 1 Oc. 15c. Mr. J. W. Anderson. the C. P. It. Agent. Pre- sented With :1 Gold Ilcndcd Cam: and Ad: areas. About eighty of Mr. J. W. Anderson’s friends at Cavanville waited upon him the other evening and presented him with a gold-headed cane and the following nicely worded address :â€" Mr. J. W. Anderson: A Fm; Sump 1e of ‘he K D. C. will be forwaxded to any address. K. D C Co Ltd” New (.lasgow, N S. ., and 127 Stat; 86., Boston, Mass DEAR Sumâ€"It. is with upfeifgned pleasure that we, a. number of your fmcn s and fellow- citizens, have met together this evening to pay ntributo cf res got to one whom we hold in high esteem. we years ago you came and took up your abode amo‘ngst us. and by our genial disposition andfikmd manner you ave have won for yoprselt the respect and esteem of mg oommumtyn 1W0 dgsqo to place or} Adelaide St. Baptist Church, London, Ont... certifies. "I have used the remedy kuownusK. D. 0., and have found it to give relief when the stomach did not pro- perlyjligesflt chefoma eq‘ cn.’ reeo our .3. preciatiOn of the many good quell iea whl go to make up your character. qualities which upright men reverence and respect. By you strict integrltYend upright nose in all your business transactions you have won the confidence of the entire community It is with deep regret that we learn of your in- tended removal from our midst. .Our associa- tions tOgether have been of apartxculurly pleas- ant character during the five years of your sojourn among us. ' your oblnring dispost tion and willing hon . apart from an men etary considerut.xon.'ypu have entwine your- self around the ell'ecnons _0t 1} large circle of friends, and we feel at this time that we are losing a valuable friend and the community a good citizen. We ask you to accept of this cone as a. slight token of esteem. and we trust that as you remove to your new field of labor on will still stand fast in your integrit, on oneaty of purpose. We pray that the r chest benediction of cover: mn. rest upon you and ours, and we trust that t e remainder of your ife‘s pathway may be pleasant. and bye and bye. when life‘s short. day is done, we trust that you will receive the laurel crown from Him who appreciates strict mtcgrla'r and upright- ncss with the glad welcome “ ell done good and faithlul servamt." Signed on behalf of the committee. JOHN GRAHAM. CHARLES MCNEIL, C. B. Lowe. JAMES DOUG ms. THOMAS NEWI‘ON. We would like to know when Mrs. Kim~ man is going to tap her sugar bush, for th: boys that borrowed the pail of syrup “ oull. like to borrow another one. We are sorry to hear that Mr. F. Coomlx met with an accident by falling 1n n w tax hole on \Ionday last. \\ e mhisc you to carry a life belt Fred. Miss L. Brown met, with a. scvexe acciden last week. Many people do not like to take melicinc ; and who can blame those who have md to undergo the nauseous treatment of bitter purgatives and lvonics. The new mehod of creating Sick Headache, Biliousness, Indi- gcsnion, etc., by using Eseljay’s Liver Lozenges, is so simple that, no oncmxrcly can object. to it. These Lozenges “i: sold at all drug stores at :25 cents u. box or 5 boxes for a dollar. Were sorry to hear of the sickness of Jr. J. Fallis. but we hope for his spedy recovery. Mrs. Wes. Hanna has presented her his- band with n. finekig dishwasher. We hear that M E S. Draper intends gohg river driving this summer. We wish hm luck on the logs and expect, him to be alle to ride a rail when he comes back. We would like to know what happen-d Mr. EBaIl flft he doe; nqp‘show up again: Cm'nnviile, April 17th. 1895. Mr. Jno. Anderson has been C. P. R. station agent at Cuvanville and a few weeks ago he was notified of his removal to Ponty- pool, much to the regret of his many Cawan- ville friends. It was this, announcement that occassioned the presentation. The cane of which M 1‘. Anderson is the recipcnt is u bmutiful old headed one and was pur- chased from r. W. A. Sanderson. Mr. T. Harkness has been confined to the honse‘ the past week with an attack of Mr. Mat. Wright’sdyouugest son has ‘ecn sick for some time an we are glad to lear that. the change of doctor’s has much im- proved it. MARSH CORNERS. Miss L. Kirk of Pontypool is visitying Mr. W. Brown of Can-an. We sre sorry to hear that Mr. T. Héxden has lost. a. valuable cow on his ranch. quit}??- 177M738? E. Griesback, our teacher has return- ed 1mm visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. James Powers had a sic< horse Monday last but. by the skillful u-utment of Dr. Blakley speedy was its ncovery. Put up your sign Dr. There is some talk of a wedding on the line soon. Look om. for _a qhurivay. boys. We understand that Mr. William Mcdd is engaged with Mr. “"111. Syer for this harvest. Miss Annie Atuluson of this vicinity left on Tuesdnylast. fora month's visit in the north of Gavan, she will be bmllv missed among her friends. “‘th don't Sum attend Millhrook church more regular? There must be altrucnons elsewhere. We understand thin. Mr. James Gone“ is about. to erect a fine mansion on [is premises this coming 808.8011, it. will be quzte an im- prgvement. to Mzmvcrs line. The farmers of this vicinity are _bnsy a! their spring work once more, tlure is every prospects of good crops this season afker a longvuml imckwaifd spring. Hood’s Pills become the favorite cathartic grub every one who tries them. 25¢. per ox. There is no medicine before the people equal to Hood’s Snrsaparilla. It; is the stunJm-d spring medicine and blood purifier and it possesses peculiar merit which others try in vain to reach. It, really makes the weak strong. Do not neglect to purify your blood this Spring. Take Hood‘s Samynrilln now. Mr. Walter Green of Mulbmok.‘ was in this part. last Tuesday and also Mr. - Jas. Bullied of Fraserville. ‘Mrs A. Johnsldfi of Millhrook, has been Visiting her sister, Mrs. R. Lang, 3r...wh9m we: romp}: {0 notice still configmeg quxte 11}. Most of the fai-rrrxéréfizrxiré busy w_orki‘fig in the field Fall wheat and seeding down have come out safe so far. Mr. “m. Lang, Millblook, and Mr. Thos. Lang Midland spent Sunday at. the home _of their bm'her, Mr F. Luingy We regret. to nomce the illngss of Mr: Fred Lang, but hope that he wzll soon rc cover. Items of interest forwarded by THE REPORT ER'B own Correspondent». The Centreville Merchant, Is now receiving his Spring Stock and his customers will have an opportun- ity of selecting the many articles re quired for spring from a. carefully sel- ected and nobby stock of goods. He has, without doubb, the finest; stock over shown in Contrenlle and as his motto is “Quick Sales, Good Value and Small Profits,” you are sure to re- ccivc satisfaction. J AS. T. C. LANG, General Merchant, â€" Bentreville. Jas. T. 6. Lang Baaubii‘ul'finuds FOR SPRING. CORRESPONDENCE. RE". I)- ". MITCHELL -- 'SPRING SPRING A SAMPLE REMEDY. To Make Pure Blood CJ VANTILLE. LONG S "'AJI 1'. CENTRE I’ILLI’J. liver- The averagejwight of mm in Um L States is 5 feet; 10.5 inches; in 1'21)in fee! 9 inches: in France . in France, . inches; in Belgium, 5 feet (2% inches“ The miscroscopc shows that the human body is covered with sunk-:4. cllL‘ll :«tculc cover- ing 500 pores. The Iastcsb antiiropulogi\,'al‘ statistics prove that in America the daily, monthly, and yearly numher of births; exceed the deaths in the ratio of 3 to l. H. B. MCFEE Only six yersous out of each 1.000 hum live to be" 45 )ezus old and onlv ace (1le of the same number reaches the cl mm} mark Figures by experts 1n um! slallctn'u prove that not less Hum 1,847,500 000 human beings (lie on our globe each ccmurv. '1“ A | . .A A‘ L Huxley's tables show that the human body is made up of thirty-on difl‘crcnt nlmmmls, of which five :ch gusesg nnd_eight»sulh_is. Vital statistics prove that, mixing the world over, there are IU'J wmneu to vvm‘y 100 men. Our; of ever) nine Skulalcu death; reported, eight of the number are men. As SOON As YOU GET A NDTiON CALL 0N The estimated population of the world on January 14895, was 1,5:mmmpw. ..._, ., .uvv, nun A,-I~JU,H\ "1U. Taking the world over, then: in an average of one heath and one and one-{numb births per second. 01ny one-half of all Mm are born into the world live to the age of seven- teen years. He is doing: it up brown (his ycur in the line of Spring Suits and ()vcrcmus. ’l‘hc Niuust, Newest and Cheapest. pieces for Suit ings that could be fcund on the mn‘kcl. For style, 5t and finish he guarantees all his work. If you give him a. trial order you are sure of satisfaction. At. least inspect my stock and get my price before going elsewhvrc. beop-lc before him. If I Inc m be yum: old 111 nova fm‘vrcl the breachman gave me on a plum. H. B. McFEE, Merchant Taiior, - Gen “ Sure enough, (lead ahead of us was the howl-light. of u, ‘ spcciul.‘ 1n a. (1.17." I heard the crash as we struck, and l ::.'I.\\’ nus shivered into atoms. people mangled and masth and bleeding, and gasping for wan-r. I heart] nnuLlwrcmsh as [he prnfusmrsh'uvL Lhe deep kvys way down on the hywcr ms! of the lower end of the southern diviainn and then Icahn: [only smmcs. 'l'hvn: he was at a. dcwl standstill, with the «hmx- of the firebox of the machine open, wiping lhc perspiration 011' his face and hmving Lu the people before him. lfl live mbcu thJuszuul xeuz‘s‘ohl I'll never forget the ride that Millbrook Meat Market Fresh and Salt Meat; always on hand. also Fresh Fish in seatson. If yoix want. a» chnicc c_ut, give me a. call and I guarantee saLisfuc- t«lon- Everything Fresh and Clean. Ur- ders promptlv delivered to any 1)an nf town. “ But, he didn’t hear. No one heard me. Everything was llying and whining. Telegraph poles on the sulu of the truck looked like a. row of cornslulks, the trees appeared to be a mud bunk, and all the ‘ time the exhaust of the old machine sounded like hum of a. bumble bee. l tried to yell out, but my tongue wouldn't move. He went around curves like a. bullet, slipped eccentric, blew out. his suft plug, went down 'ralles fifty feet to the mile uul not a. con. ounded bmkc set. She went. by the meet- ing point at 21. mile and u. half 1). minute and calling for more steam. My huiv stood up like u. cat’s tall becauscl knew the gzunu was up. EXECUTOR’S NOTIBE t0 DREDITQES. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF THE LATE JOHN KIN SMAN- N PURSUANCE OF 1?. S. 0 . (ZIIAP. 110. and amending Acts notice is hereby given that all Daries having claims against the Estate of John Kinsnmn. late of the Township of (Juan in the County of Durham, Yeoman, who died on or about the 11th day of. April, 1805. are mqgirgd to file such claims at the .uw otncc of rc uired to file such claims at the .uw omcc of R. uddy. Millbrook. Solicitor for the Execu- tors. on or before the 1st duypf .l une 189.5, after which date the Execumrs w:ll proceed. to dis- tribute the assets of Lhc (:3th of the said (10- ceased among the parties cntjtlcd thereto, hav- ing regard only to such claims as they shall then have had notice. Dated at. Millbrook this 22nd day of April 1805. R. RUDDY. Solicitor f‘ch; Finals??? ‘ ' J S, “4 GEO. THORN, }Execmore. l “ You could hear her thunder over cul- \ verbs and over bridges, until the fellow rocked about in his seat, somehow. I ‘ thought it, was the old ‘ 36’ pullingapnssen- gcr train and getting out of the way of u ‘speeinl.’ The fellow worked {he keys on the middle division like ligthing and then he flew along the north end of the line until the drivers went around like a buzz new, and I got; exeilo'l. AhouL lime 1 was fixing to tell him to out her 011‘ a. little, he kicked the dampers under the machine wide open, pulled the throttle way hack in the tender, and Jerusalem ! how he (lid run. I couldn’t, stand it any longer, and yelled to him that. he was pounding on the left, side and if he wasn’t. careful he’d drop his ash pun. _1_{ D- 0- Pills tone and reguiate the “I was lonfing around the streets last. night,” said Jim Nulsnn. um: of tilt: uhl locomotive cnginum-s running into Nu“- Orleans. “ As I hwl nothing to «lo I dropped into a. concert. and hemwl a sick- looking Frenclunan plny a piano in a way Lhat made me feel all over in spots. As soon as ho sat down on the stool 1 know by the way he handled himself that he under- stood thc machine he was waning. lie tapped the keys way up one end, just a if they were gauges. and he wanted 1.05110 if he had water enough. Then he looked up, as if he wanted to know how much steam ht: was carrying, and the next moment he pull- l cd open the throttle and sailed on to the main line as he “as hulf-nn-lxour lute. HARRY NATTRASS, Daniel Ritz, Proprietor and Publisher of the Humbcrg, Ont", Independent says : “ was suffering from Dyspepsia and Liver Trouble, I took a few bottles uf Shiloh‘s Vimlizer and it. cured me. I can heartily recommend it.” Sold bv A. meu. Farxlxers in this localily are busy seeding at present. Wm. Tinney, jr., is nmkmg an extension to his dwelling house. We were pleased to see our young friend, Mr. Fletcher 01 Locus Hill in. our midst on Sunday visting his mother. .v--....-v vv A'll- u. minnow U1 unu'am. Mr. Wm. Fisher lost. a. valuable cmv on Sunday. Mr“: R. Dickdaon has left the Gawunville Roller Mills. havim.’ moved to l’ctcx'hom and Mr. John Dickson has bought. out, his broLhr‘riu the mills, much to the satisfac- tio‘n. of the young ladies. Mr. Jumé'srége’ sigia‘his trotting man: on ngdaxm Mr. J. Shaw of Gavan. Improvomcnts are being made iq 9110 MoLhodist' church at present: rkalsommmg the wall? and ceiling also painting the souls. Messrs Fletcher Hilton have the cont-mot and know how to do good work. I" n Wm. Beatly iliusr4303551welxclt1i'husvizxg lum- ber, guess Bll_ly Loo}: th hint. u‘ -K. CENTREVELLE. ALLY 13.1)! IL 1' S [‘15 TI ('5. A RIDE UN 'l‘lII'J I‘LL'W). PRO I’RI ETO R. in the United in 1' n gland, 5 1‘ mm'e, :) feet Centeviiie. Ts manufacturing a large quantity of hisimproved this spring. Tt would he to the advan- Luge of intonding purchasers to call and inspect; this Harrow lwfore buying, as it is unsurpassed in the market for strength, lightness and durability. Fur reference call and hour what; others say, that have used it. You are. invited to come and 1001: at, them. A pleasure to show them whether you buy or not. That, fieiehrated Harrow. I111 pring, 48933, 1:111:41 my in pl [(0 from 51:, and up“ ards. De mtiesâ€"all of them. {can prove to you than 1 am doing better work and {Ll prices 35 per cent. begow an): other 51101) in lhcdistx-lcl. Ex..- I will nm, In: undermld in any: branch of the 1)lislllpxj§ and my \\'orkxm1n.~hip IS gum-ann- Lucd. (in'c mu :1 cull. llu camgiw you snLisfmAion. He is turning llu-muuL Run-r and cheaper than ever. He can gin: you :1 pair of Short-sum? Collars for $1.51!. Harness Oil “LIJc. per mm. Coach Oil ul L'u'. per pint. Whips of all kinds and at all prices. Cull :md we his stock of Club Valises. Ilu cangh'c yuu u bargain on them. Large Travelling Vuliscs in gr 'nt variety. He can give them uuL fur can gin: you 551,50. Harm Those requiring Fauna Im Icmcnls of any kind wiu find in to then u. vantage to see our ‘xine before purchasin". Farmers’ Sewing Machines and Organs of the best makes, sold on easy terms. Spe- cial attention paid to the repairing of Organs and Sewing Machines. Satisfaction guaranteed. DO you want :: SM 01‘ Harness this Spring? If so can on implements Now is the Limo to bring in your Mowers and Harvesting Machimry and have the same put in good repair, before needed for use. Castings and repairs for all makes of plows, and an assortment, of repairs for far- mers implements always kept in stock. TIIL under-xi nod desires to inform the Citi- van»: of Mi lbrook that. he is Crgexmrodto do Saw anger work of all kinds. sch: clean- ed and nig t-aoxl removed on short notice and atthelowest rates. Rescue your orders for me and I guarantee satisfaction. . WILLIAM BRUCE. Minn-oak. TABLE LINENS, NAI’KIN SIIEETING, WHITE corTnNs. (may COTTON-5‘: corromma, SIIIRTINGS, PARASOLS, TRUNKS, VALISES, BOOTS AND SHOES. unocmuns. mmmzmmnc (PLUTHXNG IS MO\'1.\‘(:.NILIEL\'. IF YOU NEED ANYTHING IN THIS LINE GIVE US ACALL. OUR STYLES AND PRICES ARE RIGHT. KeEES, Fewier, Crystal. Black. Opposite Examiner Oflicc, George Street. 2‘ Petepbomugh H. R. Armstrong. Harness. Wall Paper ALWAYS READY ! ~OFâ€" C‘- a‘ v a 1"] v :il 19 Now is the time to sec about, Carpets and House Fur- nishings. STEEL HARROWS ‘armers Attention ! Kefls Fowfler NEW PRINTS Miss Rudkins REPAIRING DONE. W. TINNEY. PU BLIG NOTICE. FIRST A RRIVALS 0F . STRAEN, LADEES! Some Beautiful Designs . Tinney IN REPAIRING CARPETS, CURTAINS, CURTAIN POLES, ()ILCLOTHS, Am: MUSLINS, Our stock will be found A 1 Co. Give thatom “ back Number " a Resting Place and bu; of the “ Latest bprmg btyles ” from v 2 Dpn’t l unt for anything wrong m Ln m, There’s price has nothing to do with the quality. Thr‘ mun vi good a. Hat. from GUUGH’S as :33 can w»::1z.~;:wd «2154‘? a little pecull.;.. We don’t have to live «AT “tits :13un§ any txadibional notions of big profits. The viiiil-renco t we buy direct from the nmkers. That‘s why \vu gm su You were 1101-01 made for the Hat you 211111114. The L “3.1.: 111:1 If you like to be abreast with the Limvs, 1-1-31}:1'-1- that oh "W1 1,1,” of our Leaders for 1‘95. boufrht from the 1.111% 13111111» ios V‘ 1. .12; 1111} ica. Our Hats are OALL NEW Lmtost 111 :11 1:10 and c 7111- - x .1“ Qualities are <vr'111d111 generous â€"sc:11'col1' .1 <11: 11111 111111 {11.1 11 cause we have the biggest; Hat Store 111111111 111111 a. 11; ‘ 1’6“":901‘01411 of New York, and sold by them all over the World un bglnd only. ‘ “It. has been acknowledged for years as the best. Burning For sale in Millbrook by Selling Hats :flongsidv of Clothing and Hm: < :':: i $110091”; (1,,“71; and makes prices Ivss. That’s the plain film 131' th- m: 11:915. ( .m V. on? ALWAYS (‘OOD AT GOU(‘}{’.~'. 1,. I ..~ g r Ingll £‘1«-.1 Men’s Fumishers. '1 ho \Vonderful Cme) M. n. 1L gives a. brilliant, xufz, steady Eight, nu auxin ; v This Oil is nub merely a fancy hmud gmwn “Q i" goods but is a SPECIAL 01L made by the We believe the Pairpoint Manufacturing Co’s. goods are eneraily rccnguilcd as the best in the mar et. We ku-p a full line and have control of their goods for Port Hope. If you \vantru nice THE BEST ILLUMINATING GAL WEDDING PRESENT. give us a Call. Our prices :m' fight- X0 trouble to show you our goods. JABEZ MILLER everyone should call or write {or smnplcs teed. If You Want The Latest Novels and the H) Tweed and Serve Suits to order ‘0 n u u 10 H l‘ ‘K ‘0 (¢ ‘K ‘5 10 Black \\ orstel Cont and V est: H) “ 10 l‘ U 1() K‘ ‘5 In order to boom this department of our business for this spring season, we have decided to 1318ng deep cuts in the prices, and if you want 3 5175711511 Suit or Overcoat - @4quan 0 “Pg. 1) $55 Eiilséé “1% NOW E5 Yam “E‘Eme. George-sh, SILVERWARE “There‘amothing so wood as the best.” WHERE GEE E’QU GE"? Tr; The Best Hat Tfiade in 53etér§3g Tweed and Serge Suits to order, worth $18.0” (S ‘5 N I‘ u ‘C (C 5‘ ‘5 Black Worste'l Coat and Vests (£ 5‘ l‘ H l‘ (I Overcoats to Order [C ‘( “ I‘ ’Mr Men’s Pants tn order I‘ ‘l U (( h u u I! H u x: u u ‘l U cs “ (t H {l G‘ 2mm 23.00 25 an 7.0:) hum) 22.00 23.1!!! 2 1.00 22.50 2.3.00 5.00 6.00 7,01) Hfi‘) Newest Fashion Books S AILSBURY’S Haii S'FANDPLEQD Oil, ( E3? This is a chance of a iifctizmz {or Jeweller ~ Port Hope. 130, 132 AND 134 SIMSflE-ST., PE BOOKSTORE- Write or Call at BIRTHDAY FRESENT. c., Sic â€"AND INâ€" W\~W~\'VVV‘~‘¢' any a- w-‘W Men s HAT :9 Opd‘gred Ciaéhing Peterboro 1 5mm Fountain, i Hwy in '7 (”11‘ 50:] I ways fresh HS right. INTEL L‘H" ru’iug cuérv organ or chai Don't; s and hat Cool, J. ROBE EEHQLD “’0 ha n Lemons. .‘x . 6 mm into THEQQQKLSBESIFRIEND mama“. D0 5‘0; Opposing :1 0h LARGEST SALE m canned: and square 00!) Q! ALXTY. (‘arcfulncss and Right. l’mccs are our Momma. 389 George-en} FDR mam-me YEARS: and 01s hem iLtS :xion ‘_ W iii-mucus ’hiui: il \‘ in. ,, ..... r. i I: John HIHOH Son’s Cabinet, \Vax-cmoms. Millbrook. - '. ‘3. PEQK‘é} P. fl'Cbhil) I I J. NUGENT. as mm Fm up to '13! GEES! wiLh $ msme YOUNG. m0 YOU KG’S Confec- "\K iudow ana sec} nis Neck \Ve'x 'hich :2 ‘('11 OUT ndx :u any hour 154‘â€" J. fll‘ 1111!! M" ’ awauas‘ plunges MM :1}: (‘1 figs ,HUI‘ “lCe Jam ann P3. W‘ORLD my aud‘Fl-uits ar- Uil b“ Come ri" which is at . IuVlgomfi'ing ulthv. 1 . this brand and this PRICI- ) liuyvrs and work guaran- in {he wax-Id, x. «ohm-p. Mouth .. YOUN J’SJE cheap. Calms «'1' [V bum YOI‘P. "HI-'U'M “Si! inn is bouml m 35m Ill .\' penses 1 watch yrs and Y’ \‘nn‘ \NN‘)‘ l (unf‘ $13.00 15.00 17.“; 19.00 1:21 0 H.‘ 0 \H ht 1.1m 17.120 20.00 Hum O n C The“ UHCO. and 1,0 m

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