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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 11 Apr 1957, p. 1

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1957 R SALE ean Sweet Clover e blossom}. Also Sl11,11'7."101‘11 Bull. 1.-.nwn Ida. Ont. plt ernp. Apply Bros. .phone Mill- 13-31. '3‘” quantity of baled 11s Pullsey. phone illbrook. ll; rrain Oats grown stered seed: also s. Apply Ernie L. phone lOiZ~w-l?. 3t Pigs 25' weeks old . ton. Fraserville. brook 101-w~'Z. ‘antity of Timothy imotlxy Hay. Clif' s. phone 207-r-6 3t _,..â€"â€"â€" ,â€" rboff Barley, also tity of Baled Hay. low. phone 213-r-5 10 Bales of Hayâ€"â€" d clover. Apply 0' Carmel. phone 212-r-11 1: ~48 International ton stake, high taranteed actual xcellent condition Also 1937 Ply- ood running order. 112 Bethanf. 1t - :ge brick house in 11 rooms andi '11: ~ I'l'1(,)r: hot water ‘11 stoker: garage: .1wns. maple trees. All conveniences. lrs. Spires. Centre llbrook. 4t ... M.-. g 4 . .M-1. .4. .. ..- a- -. ....»a-u. ...... ‘ ‘51...."3’53; ".i‘c;.:‘.‘3."_!_n; . ......“ - 4 -..... .4.......-... .- -0 \ 2' WM L-m ., ...-u‘thWS'u W a ”Add. 1111”; r .mw...‘ .. “9' â€"- WM“! With“ Brownies "rV:._'£..'__:â€"â€". - ...â€"......” -n- 1;...- ' Mrs. Agrtqgaliennedgga .4 5::T'he Emifios meti "i1 the 3.09 11119n and. Milt-591119613? £41111 Bil l3 rish HaHQW-ednesday mApril‘ are attending Glfz‘tnd: 01'3111-9'3'1131'3‘5 g. 15. After the opensL figflgaeéiession f i;; manhood; Wafexer't'lse 'inspection was[ 5 -. 1‘3““ °-" 1.1.9111 one game ems Penal Mr. and )frs. A. RPWSI :T'PT 1 '01 incnzb'IDConstable Ed. returned home on Mondéy’élft‘l‘d “44de was the 'guest speaker} 0 4 T! giggldur "'§10:$nffi;_'$ St fhd‘i‘rpoke toe th‘BDBrownies on 4 .": 14,: afttx Rfilés. fifl’e also ga‘13 Mr Heustin, attended .tlile'. them a gamma omsame. - evening service inSt. A'ndreW s ‘79]..3ét Thursday after school- Church, Chesterville in his for- the Browgsesii load aeinke which me1 charge whe'n' a new Thom- fmhem 10 W_ \ zmnnedy’g ‘ _ as electric organ was dedicated. maple woods aIfihByfia-d a ‘ ery'l Rev. E alter Pafter'Son '.'c0nduc:- éfi}(3ye£ble Iimp afidzitasted the, ed the service in Grace Church, 1:1 mph» syrup. They brought a Millbrook) pact iifi'ch 11111 eh they ate be- : 4 444 4 '- v g41~aesmas=wa 0111a " ' The. ~ ee »1, d with “ACE CHURCH W' M" 5: ,z. psi % i'fi‘ We fence against Atomic, Biologi. ’ 254.3 specialevlenmo' is planned cal and Chemical Defenswe Easter thank-offering meet- ing Will be held at the home 0f 1}" m at ts' Parish recent course for Medical andi Mrs;~ E HaW on Wednesday Hall, f $611 rownies.1 April? 17th at 2'. 30 p. m. Guest Miss Newman and Miss Win- 3:33:14 053,:2'30 hel%he414t £4.23: spe or Will be Mrs. Richard ter, ErmmW'Guide trainer of Chemical W 4444.444 444444444 Ron el of Bethanv. All mem- from WMKM’ present 044 the human body medical hers and Home Helpers muted AW mama is given 4444 i444 necessitated b4, bi0104i_4 '50 attend '0 parents and frineds to at- cal warfare and the treatment There wall be refreshment $de ' of radiation casualties were all 5nd a talent tablet 14111411313124.144be serx 66' 011 the agenda. Candidates for" â€" the course were diann from4 ... â€"~â€"»‘.â€"'~ Medical Implications l, Dental and Medical units a- " '“""‘""AN'NDU Nemesis" - the removal on April lst of ocnnoffi WWIM- .- .-. ing where it was first located in 1930, to the ground , floor office at 317 PEARL AVENUE The Third Degree Team of Millbrook Lodge No. 308 1.0. Peterborough . '~. .4 .1 4 ' o 2 blocks west of Park St. dud dwo doors '0- F made a fraternal Visit south of Charlofiie) 4"; -. Otonabee Lodge No.13 Peter- it We would not let this occasion pass without express- borough 01‘- Mondav evening‘ ing our sincere thanks and appreciation to the people of April 1st and conferred the the Millbrook district for their loyal patronage during Third Degree on three candi. more than a quarter century. ,. ._ 4 ,, ldates from Otonabee Lodge and 1 I will be- our pleasure to continuerto' serge. Thu faith- one from Peterborough Lodge! fully in this new, better-Equipped offi'ce {siiiia‘gd away No. 111 [ from the traffic problems of downtown. '1 On April 3rd they visited 0 M IAWRENCE Dc Orono and conferred this De- Chiropractor gree on two candidates from Orono Lodge No. 436. No. 303 VISIT dr'oNABEE LODGE No. ‘ 13 Q Phone RI . 5-6724 . I IN rocent years the Ganadian steel industry has ‘ expanded more rapidly than the steel industry of any other major nation. . ' Between 1946 and the end of 1956, the increase ‘=~ L" â€"in capacity in Canada. was 62 per cent, or About 2,140,000 tons. Stelco is the largest- 0mm pro- ducer, and in the same :period invested $195, 000, 000 in new plant and new material Sohrces. ' , , r H E S‘I'EEI. COMPANY OF CANADA LIMIT E n 1101111111 amount HAMILTON 111111110111 _ 101111110 m muonnnronm Amhor'zed as 2nd class mail 4 Medical implications of de-ocrossCanada Schjelderi‘ip, DSO, mandant of the ABCD 'Shoow of Courtenay, BC (centre) dis- 1which tickets were sold in a ' member oil the Ladies’ Aid. -“~ ‘ ‘Posthffice WDepartment Ottawa, Ont. : -~ «on 4H 4(4th 4 4 4 :--:.._ ...-s...~ $I5anearmadvance toUmSA, $2.50 All Technicolor- Show 1 In Technicolor 'The 5.19111 World'i ”Ti-IE BATTLE 1 AcadnmyeAWard Winning = 0F 'a'fiE nag ,1 ,0, RIVER PLATE" Undersea-Adventure . ..a . .,0:ne of the Great 4' With Debbie Reynolds Naval Exploits of .‘ - - 444and Eddie Fisher World War Two mfinfi'rnnfiiinnrts ‘ MEMORIAL IN In Modern Warfare 2 - M 001 V R Beau’fi'fu'l': sounl film of micros- . MC Com copic life in full colour at th=§ . A beautiful pulpit fall of red Presbyterian. Church,Sunday,‘4velve-t with the burning bush 1 CENTREVILLE CHURCH April 14th, at 8 30 p'. m. embroidered in colours and This is the third 'and last surrounded by the words Nec cussed school problems 111th chief instructor SL R. R. Lunn, DFC 0f MllllbI'OOk Ontario, (for this seasOn) of films sp011-'; tamen coinsumebatur was dedi- (right) and 'WOl S4. .4M. Easter- sored by the High SchOOT and‘ cate-d t0 the glor) of God at $4101} 1S4241skv1l4lel4\.13.,43414116111- the C Y U C You will belthe service in the Centrevil'le 0 ms 111s rucingsa . ;Church last Sabbath mor (National Defence PhotO) ""'""'d by the narx ellous by the minister, Rev. 4444411i4I14g beauty of design and organizn- Heustin It was presented t4; tion 0' what" only ”:46. micro the Centreville Presbyterian SCOPE dean reveal 0' t ings alllChu-rch b1 Mr. James Harold aroun us. ' lFr' - y in loving memory of his 44é4iél414ission Free nwife, Edythe Fry, 1881-195? 4__ lShe and her parewnts Mr. and ‘ ers. Puegh attended the Cenâ€" PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE treville Church for many years. ORANGE HALL APRIL 15 SL Ross R. Lunn is the son of M1. and Mrs. Howard Lunn, u ho reside on King Street west of the ONE station. ,1;ch one BAILIEBORO L.0.I.. PRESENTS $252.00-CHEQUE TO MRS. McMAHON ...â€"-...h, Plan to attend the Progres. sive Euchre to beheld in the Orange 4Hall Millbrook, ' Monday,.A=ptril 15th, at 8. .90 o ’clock. fPr-izes and lunch. At their regular euchrc party held' in the Orange Hall Bailie- hero on Thursday, April 4th, the draw was made flor the hostess set and table lamp on RAILWAY 7 TIME TABLE JOITAIGES benefit fund raising campagn recently. The first prize went to Tom Lesurf, Lafayette St., '~ Efiechve sUfldW Peterborough, and the second ,. ----- to H. Haskill, 23 Durham .St., AP fl. 28th, '95] Port Hope. The draw was a,"- J!’ v: fine success and the handsome f: regFulrmformahon sum of $252.00 was realized, 1'." .. .. 3.155551% 3.: ask: :11? 51-31% ‘14:»; '.‘:e 4 °‘ £01" agents ..., .. 1... ”9112‘s." .. which went to Mrs. McMahon whose husband lost his life re- cently in a car accident near Belleville. The Lodge wish to thank all 'those who helped make the venture such a success. â€"â€"â€"- GRACE CHURCH LADIES‘ AID MEETING ' '7" 131'?- .4? m “EMS sets $8.31 19h? . :LerBak'mWin Wr'hhlfil F in. thd‘MillKBoo-EUQT ins-fiq'om w ' on WWW“? ' . the ‘ausg'zfifui ~13:le Ladies’ @444 ‘ of! 'Gerftruzil‘letvj Presbyterian Church;: afiease. keep the date in. Mi ." - ...J' ': .... "' Quality Chix For Better Chicks order from HOW80N- HATBHERY ‘ BAILIEBORO Barred Rocksâ€"Hy Lines, W. Leghornsâ€"Sussex X R. Island, and Ramp I! Rock Hybrids. Complete satis- The April meeting of Grace Presbyterian Church Ladies’ Aid was held on Wednesday, April 3rd in the Sunday School Hall. Mrs. Farrow, president, openâ€" ed with prayer, and Mrs. Mon- crief read the scripture read- ,ing. The Apostles Creed was read in unison. Mrs. Clifford faction guaranteed . Larmer and MRS. Tom S44klpp SEN-D FDR“ PRICE LIST OB PHONE US AT read a paper entitled The 1; ., - 19 BAILIEBORO Shadow of the Cross”. .. . , ' Roll called and minutes read A presentation of a tray was made Mrs. Coy te, a valued who has moved to Welcome. ~ Meeting was closed with the Mizp-ah Benediction. Lunch was served by Mrs. Farrow“ Mrs. Haw,’Mrs. Skpp Jr. and Mrs. Tom Skipp. 'â€" IN mom In loving memory of Fred Winslow who passed away April 6th, 1954. This world may change From year to year, And friends from day to day, l But never shall the one we loved From. memory pass away. -â€"Ever remembered by his Wife and Fmily. â€"â€" A Work Shoe made for youâ€"to give abwlute comfort and long 4 wearâ€"solid construction. ..mdo ofqualitylenther . . . specially ~ treated to resist farmyard dih- rammed-«MM 4amiol3hn-n‘o Thom-blank. ALSO REPAIRING DONE. " MEN’S WORK BOOTS ........................ $5.98 up. BOY’S WORK 300'1'8......... .............. Geo. C. Ellsworth, Millbroolt 1mm 1mm: new man rm mam Renew your subscription .

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