a use no ' , . u... re“ gasoline and fuel oil tax. ..__....- â€". “.â€" l first, be, endorsed. Cavan Council met on above . On motion of Deputy_\Reeve date in regular session at 10.30 all members present, Reeve L. 'p.m. Carried. v A. Hooton in the. Chair. ‘ . I Minutes of last regular meet- all members present. I ing read, on motion of Deputy' .. . ‘ Reeve McKnight and Council-,l 3:. rates, reported in we month lor Bradburn rthat minutes beled in taxes, he had sent out adopted as read. Carried. read, on motion of CouncillomI illg liSt for registration. Howden and Cathcart that minutes be adopted as read.~ Carried. _ l Allen Martin addressed the Council re’the position of help- 323.57. or on the ‘sprayng outfit with 'POll 5,. . . . - . . . . . . . . the Don La Fonte Construction 132-50.. 29-55, 41-34, 4-14- for the Warble Fly control. On motion of Councillors Howden and Bradburn â€that! Poll 3, 1956 taxes. . . 194.92 No dogs'wrote off. -.-â€" Wm I†i i I . . léfl re Ofï¬ce safe,"e‘xp1aiï¬ing"to $1.75 per hour.';»,_Ma‘n and tree: assessor and. collector’s (avan countll On motion of Councillor Cath-‘t-Comicil that the safe was over tor $2.00 per hour. . ,. , 7 . ,, ‘ cart and Deputy Reeve Mc-i 50 years old, and was not fire Councillors . Cathcart ‘ ' - ' " Knight that the petition re buy- ~ Millbrook, April lst, 1957 .â€" ' ing Ontario Farm Products[ Mr. A. V. Thorn collector ary. March $4068.41 collecr- onstra-tion of the chain saw. I . . , . , . . lnotices agaln to all m arrears, Bradburn and Howden that the and By-Law for road expendi-,Ontarlo Hospital As- Minutes of special meeting-{and recommended the follow- road superintendent be instruct- ' Poll 2, 1956 taxes. . . .$216.28 B. Hemming. Carried. Poll 4, 1956 taxes... 16.53,. place re increase in pay re the 11.02, 33.55, 93.67, 38.57, Township employees. Poll 5, 1955. . . .50.33,'183.92 salary be increased $100.00 per Councillor Bradburn. Poll 5, 1956. . . .4950, 118.48 year. Carried. . . On motion of Councillors ‘ l‘oï¬' new "safes With the Clerk, that effective April. lst the pay W."L. Elson, on salary I f:.)..‘a’.$"$-e .WL...-m new, 1.: U, ». roll supplies . . . . . . . . . 112.48 7‘ and Relief ............... 30.00 .. proof. He left cuts and prices Howdcn moved an amendment Lloyd MorrOW’s flowers 11.00[ ‘for future reference. for day labour be $900 per hour. $100 less Blue Cross de- Mr. w. L. Elson addressed Man and team $1.75 per hour. ducted $17.10 ........ 82-90, , . McKnight and Comicillor HOW'ithe Council re the salaries that Man and tractor $2.00 per Z8113. M. Bentlef, salary ; a.m. 1n the 001mm] chamber.‘ den that we adjourn to 1.30'a'ssessors were getting in other hour. ~ 0 . [Townships surrounding, and 1.30 p.m. Counc11 Resumed,‘he would leave it with the On motion of Councillors J. J - Turner Ltd- gift 27-50 clerk $100, Blue Cross l Amendment carried. deducted $6.15 ....... 93.85 J- 3- Baiï¬haer, Publisher. Council re‘ an increase in sal. Bradburn and Deputy ReeverA. V. Thorn, postage. 6'05 Trea u fâ€. McKnight; that the Clerk in- L. A. Hooton, expenses S rer 0 roads, pay roll vouchers No. 3. 2445.00 Council reported re the deny troduce certain BygLayvs- lat convention ........ 15.00 On In ’ - . . . otlon of C ,- . . The Clerk introduced a. By- Fred E1110“, one sheep lBrad‘burn and Deplftliilgiliif On motion of Councillors Law re rate of- my road supt.,‘k111€d . -. ------------- 30-00" McKnight that the Reeve b... . . , .authorized to si h " tures for 1957. Isociation, Blue Cross. 54.45 above aécoulnts.gn 0: 1:21;? tor On motion of Councillors Mirror-Reporter, print- ‘ On motion of Councillors , . . . Howden and Cathcart that wcjmg, 1st 14,. addS‘,,etc. .. 100.35 Bradburn and Deputy Reeve Cons1derab1e discussmn took, go i110 committee of the wholchnited'Counties of N. McKnioht that We adjourn ‘0 for second reading with blanks and Durham, hospitalizâ€" meet, May 6th, at 1 p.m. ‘ filled in, « lat’ion .... ....... -..'... 56.00 ’ ‘ ' Committee rose on ‘ motionlCouncil fees, mileage Zella M Bentley, Clerk. ed to buy chain saw from Frank ! On motion of‘ ‘Councillor 24.81 Cathcart and Deputy Reeve'and resumed, on motion ofland specials .......... 84.95 ‘ ' ‘ . McKnight that rthe Assessor’s Deputy Reeve McKnight and Women’s Institute, bane Attend the Church of our quet and ball ......... 296.25 chm, mung-y. y On motion 0f Councillors HoWden and Bradburn that By-l ' - I 1 I Allen ‘Ma’rtin be engaged asWhite, Arthur Bryans, and Ken Bradburn and Howden that Laws be read 1a third time,'"u"'-"'II'IIIIIIII'IIll'IllllllllllllllllIIII helper wits: Don La Fonte for‘l Reads. . the Warble Fly Spray. Car- On motion of Deputy Reeve tied. McKnight and Councillor Cath- Carried. The following correspond-l cart that :the Clerk be instruct- P On motion of Deputy Reeve: cKnight and Councillor Howâ€" . ‘ed to register above list of McKnight and Councillor How-l den that this Council go on once readiâ€" Fromâ€"Niagara Spray Co. arrears of taxes as recommend- quoting prices re weed and ed by Collector oï¬ rates. Car- brush control chemicals. Hydrol ried. Power Commission, re applica- On motion of Councillors tions Power Mrs. E. Noble and Bradburn and Howden that the Gerald Hubbeard. Daily Com- Collector’s report be received mercial NEWS, 1‘9 add f01‘ ten- and Collector asked to carry on ders for gravel. Can. PGPIII- and try and collect outstanding ant Mortgage Corporation. re taxes. Carried. taxes on Pt- 10f 12, COHCGSSiOH A delegation consisting of 8, and pt- 10f 15, concession Mr. A. Stewart and M. -Magee 4 and 5- Northumberland and waited on the Council re the Durham Health Unit. TGPOI‘T‘ cutting down of hill on the 12th I for February. Peterborough Concession opposite Rae Stew- Districlt H.S., 1'9 change in arts gate. The Reeve informed 191?: due t0 receiving wrong them when on Road inspection equalized assessment from onelthe Council as a whole‘would township. Durham County Dis-i inspect same. trict H-S-, re extra Govern-l Mr. D. Gorrie the District ment grant; WhiCh 11351139611 Engineer being present. there taken up with increase in teach-levels a moton by Councillors crs’ salaries, and deficit. in Bradburn and How-den that the building account and commit- Clerk open the tenders for ments of new schools. United gravel. _ Counties, re hospitalization. The following tenders were Pedlar People Ltd., enclosing opened: price list, re culverts. Office Fromâ€"R. A. Blythe Comp- of Fire Marshall, re course for any}, crushing and delivering fire C'hiefs- 13- F- H311, lei on roads 6 mileiha'ul per cubic assessors 1116“ng in P eterbor- yrar-d .71c plus an additional ough April 3rd. Lake. Ontari-oi .07c per cubic yard per mile Development Association, 1'3 over 6 mile haul, or fraction 1957 membership. Harold F. , thereof‘ Crushing and stock- Fishleigh, enclosing petition to piling in pit per cubic yd 4133, be signed, 351‘ng Presidents 0f Crushing off the belt per cubic Chain Stores “to buy Ontario yd. 390. Stockpiling excess Farm Produce firstâ€. Popl- sand taken from'crusher stock- of Agriculture. re appomtmgI piled in pit, per cubic yd. 25c. weed inspector. Ontario Hos- Frank S, Coyle Ltdâ€"Crush- Pital, Cobourg, re Alpril 28 13°.ing and delivering on roads 6 May 4th as "Mental Health mile haul per cubic yd. 73c. Week,†program for the week plus an additional 8c per cubic enclosed. May 3rd, open house vd. per mile, over 5 mile. from 7 to 9p.m., staff will con- Crushing and stockpiling in pit duct tours through the Hos'nper cubic yd. 56c. Crushing pita]. Comptroller of Revenue. and delivering up to 6 mile -â€" haul per ton 68c, plus an ad- ditional 70 per ton per mile ‘ over 6 miles. Stockpiling in FUNERAL SERVICES pit per ton 50c. Stockpiling ' LIMITED excess sand, from crusher in A. E. RAPEB, PRESIDENT'pit, per yd. 410. Stockpiling gm ST W. excess sand, from crusher in (At Stochan'A'vcnne) pit, per ton 38c. gag-Tow 3. delivering on roads 6 mile haul, .‘ ’ . ' per yd. $1.83 plus 10c a yard ""‘_â€"“‘"“ mile over 6 mile haul. . cum. STAND“, Crush and stockpile at pi-t, per ' m 0m, yard $1.33. W Solicitors, Etc. On motion of Councillor No.8BankofComoi-inock Cathcart and Deputy Reeve PETER-BOROUGH, “m0 McKnight that we accept the leph .0424 ' :2 “35‘ tender of the R. A. Blythe rel-211.2%“; ‘. Company, to crush and deliver '1' B we B .A gravel on the Townss‘ip roads ' up to 6 mile haul, at a. price of 3. H. Carley. 3.0m. , . . ~ _ , '1‘. J. Carley, 0.0. 71c per cubic yard plus an ad ditional charge of. 7c per cub. yd.‘per mile, or thaction of a mile bey'o’ndthe- ‘6 mile limit, also to be written in contract that they crush over 5000 yds. if needed. Also if any of the farmers wished their lanes gravelled thatvthe R. A. Bly- the.Company do same before they pull out of pit. and the R. A. Blythe C0. pay owner of . . 0â€"4.. mm a bonus l llllllll'll-IIIIIIIIIIIIII Dead Stock Removed HIGHEST PRICES PAID 24-Hour Service ‘PHON'E COLLECT: Peterborouh 2-2080 .pit for gravel nerd,- -and they _ Cobourg 1787 - ' l collect from the farmer for any NICK Peconl ' lanes they gravel.- Carried. PROPRIETOR ' Mr. Cronin of the Taylor [II-{IIFIIEIIH‘IIIlIIlIIII Safe CO. addressed the Coun- Leo Gangeeâ€"les‘hing and, p ! l the collector of rates be in- signed; sealed and numbered = creased by $25-00 per year. 975 and 976. Carried. ‘ : On motion of Deputy Reeve J: - I ,pgumbingggémï¬g . . ‘ Fmace den that the treasurer’s salary , record as ob' . in. , ' ~ .~ . " be increased $100.00 per year. 1' ing of the (51.81? R? giofleï¬liï¬- - “d 0:1.ng Carried. ’ brook to Peterborough, due to " ‘ avatIOWEAMd 001111011?†’00 be 535-00 P91“ it being detrimental to the ‘ " Pump'Bersirs 1 93011 meeting. Municipality in the future. Trembling-old Digging ' McKnight and Councillor Brad- The following accounts were burn that the pay for men on presented: the Township roads he adjustedl Durham Telephone Co. as follows, effective May 1st. lhtd' rental 4.50 ser- Pay for day labour be $1-00'vices 6.55 ....... ’ ..... a 11.05 per hour. Man and teani,;Thos, Whillier Son . l ’ . HAVE YOUR Gas and Fuel Oil Delivered by Lequire Fuels Phone Bailieboro 30 Phone Millbrook 87-j I I I I ‘I I I I I E On motlon of Deputy Reeve Carried. : I I I I I I I I I I I I v. m -! "a. ------ The new ’57 Chevrolet Bel Air Sport Sedan, all flue reason in the world to hold your hood higher! . Not just the way it looks, but the way it’s know, won . the famous Manufacturer’s ' A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE put togetherâ€" the ï¬ner materials, work- Trophy as the best performing ain‘t , manship and ï¬nishing touches Not just its Daytona Beach competitive trials. ‘ friSk’ier, smoother performance, but the deep’adown soundness that’s special to Chevrolet in the lowâ€"price ï¬eld. Try it out - and you’ll-~ see it’s Sweet, Smooth and . Sassy. ‘ . snugly. The chrome trim is on to stay. In- 7 ' ‘ ten'ors have the smartness of the custom Xcu name it. The new ’57 Chevrolet has touch. Everywhere you look in a Chevy more of it . . . inside, outside and under- you ï¬nd the obvious marks of extra care: neath that Body by Fisher. There’s a ï¬ner even to a quiet limousine “click†when you ride, smoother performance and a sweeter close those big solid doors! 0 way of going. For there’s a ï¬ner balance, a more solid construction, so that great Chevrolet 6 or V8 engine can “get with it†more efï¬ciently. delivering up to 245* hp. (and so quiet-y). Chevrolet, you There’s more ididiy, too, more who just plain proud of. For there’s more attention to detail. In Chevrolet, body panels ï¬t 1.?th 95â€"7 CHEVROLET i‘llontll amalgam, since its intro duction, Canadians have bought more ’57 Chevrolet: than any other car!†Come on in! Get a close-up of. all there is to enjoy in this exciting Chevrolet! 'Opxionol at extra cost. 270 h.p. high-performance V8 engine also available at extra cost. ‘ nth-mtg“.- . . n - y O '~ 7 . - . 0...?) (ALEGTLQO Chetrolet dealers display this famous trademark 024570 A. Time)! 8: Son, (avan, Phone 201-23 Millbrook Thursday, April 11, 1' Manvers (on Bethany, Ontario. A}; 1957.â€"The regular . meeting of the Manver cipal council was held above date, with all I: present: and Reeve Argu chair. The minutes of the 3‘ meeting were read’an-‘t . ed on motiOn of Bron MoGill. Carried. Moved by Jakeman. :1 by McGill that the T! of Manvers purchas Charles Preston two-1h an acre of land. at a 1 $150.00; the Township 1 vers to erect and ma fence around the said 1! ried. r The following coin tions were received an. Victoria County re du levy of $9,816.77 for 193 School Area Board re $10,034.98; H.E.P.(_'. transfers of rural lay. vice: Ontario Hospiz; Lourg re Hospital Wed 28th to May 3rd; Moi“- ptrt from the Northw- and ilurham Heard) 77111 of Municipal Affairs method of applying the ditional gram. where-h}.- requre two diffcrvi. rates 501' the general Dept.. of Agriculturv school for Warble Fly 1 ors at Peterborough an say: etc. Accounts were receive .â€"â€"â€"- THE CHURCHE SUNDAY, APRIL 14. ~’ . Pentecostal Assembli Canada Zion Pentecostal C Mill-LEROOK 10.00 a.m.â€"Sunday Sc 11.00 a.m.â€"Worship " 7.90 p.m.â€"â€"Eva1agelf5'i: ins ‘ Everybody Welco .. Pastor. M. M‘ m mm c . :- Millbrook Pastoral Ch Rev. Francis Chisholm, B.D., Minister. “0 Come, Let Us Wor. Palm Sunday , St. Andrew’s 10.00 a.m.â€"Sunday Sc 11.15 a.m.â€"â€"-Public W Service of lie-dedication. Friday Lenten Study G:- the home of Mrs. Ho 8.00 pm. Theme during Lentâ€": Great Affirmations of -l APRIL: 14â€"Palm Sunday 21â€"“The Resurrection a Life†28â€"“The Way, the Trut the Life.†Gavan 9.45 a.m.â€"-Service of k] mation and Admission _0 Members. and Sunday Sci â€JPâ€"â€" W W. ' and Hillbl Rev. W. H. Heus'tin, H Minister. Rev. Walter Patterson, ] Minister Emeritus. Contreville Church “nth Konaghan Mrs. G. MuSpratt, Orga 10.00 a.m.â€"Church Schl 11.00 a.m.â€"Divine W01 Grace Church. ammo 10.45 a.m.â€"Church St 7.30 p.m.â€"Divine W01 Anglican Church. of Ca PARISH or CAVAl Rev. E. C. Quinn. B.A.,f Rector. ‘ St. John's, Ida ‘ 9.45 a.iii.e3ll"i'itiiig Pro} Christ Church, Bailiebc 11.15 a.lll.â€"H(al}' 41-11121: St. Thomas: Church, Mill] 7.00 p.m.-Evening Pra;