Lger, Publisher. >ads. pay END. 33.24-15.00 of Councillors ! Deputy Reeve It the Reeve be Sign cheques fop l- Carried . 30f Councillors 1 Deputy Reeve f we adjourn to atlp.m. Bentley, Clerk . ay. -- brook 87-j LUE Ill-m yea/D J . urch of your “-mlu‘. . . “M.â€" . ~M I lthe fOllOWino';_ T 'g I . , ' I . . Mauve“ (Olmul ties of Noithuidd::1:idC0un-l agriculture; Lake _Ontario De-f pondence was received and . N0. 628 receive second reading. ‘ rmvaw it, . and. \elopment Association; and filed. On motion of G, Dean Sec- i W D h - .. . . , i ‘ . ur am, R. R. Edmonds-‘Canadian National Railways. i On motion of R. Fisher sec- ionded by G- Anderson BY-LaWï¬-‘flM FAWCETT Bethany. Ontario, April 2nd Ewart HuYCke and three school T . - - ' - .. - 1 r . . . 1957,â€"The regular monthly requisitions, he clerk was instructed to. ended by G. Anderson the ;Z\o. 628 receive third and final j' . reply to the De #3 -1 k ° - ‘ ' - ‘ . . The Bv-L , . . . 3 partment o. c er introduced and 0rave first reading and n as passed. naming of the Manvers mum. ~ 3“: appointing Mr. . Lands and Forests that thegread-ing to By-Law N3. 627 to On motion by G. Dean sec- ._ . ‘ .' g Ralph Malcolm “ ' Llpdl council was held on the ,. assessor for council and several others i:‘rom“app0il1t JaS- A- Gaynor as as- (â€'de by G' Anderson the 1301- ‘ da , A Ti] 1 1957 ‘ Thurs y e L m MIRROR-REPORTER, maroon, ONTARIO ' PAGE man .Masonry Contractor ‘ Brick, Stone, Blockwork, Repairs, Chimneys and . . ' th '. ' . . _ aboie‘datei. Rnth' alxl members gi:ei11‘0t‘h:83:£e :fn Slanyers, was the township will attend thesessor at a salary of} $700.0011C\vi1;g accounts were ordercdlh Fireplaces. pvescn ant eeye - I‘gue in the, ings, sioned sealecgsiarg read-5 EChOOI on; fire fighting to be; seven hundred dollars per pad: 7 .- REASONABLE PRICES UTE!)- minutes of the previousl bered 13:36. i n nuin- alcllnonafpsrél 10th, 1$1951, at 9.30. annum and building Inspector . Municipal World. sta- . FREE ESTIMATES _ 0 ., , l a The matter of th . . .‘ - rpent . oundr. nearéat a salary of $50.00 fifty dol- tlon‘ery, 1 subscription. 4.10 ‘ . â€1""1111’ “Hie read and approx an d e mainten-, heene. AnYone from the townâ€", lars per annum. Mirror-Reporter 1/ of Phone MIllbl’OOk Pd «(in 111031011. Of Brown and 19£§I$Iih gfbenture lewes for 3hip Who Wishes to attendi Moved by Sver seconded bv‘ printing contract and ‘ llcljill. Larried. inZ‘t ‘5 0.11901A1‘ea, amount- 1 please contact the clerk or any1 G. Dean that By-Law No 627 printing vouchers 38 5O ITO-W Movedby-Jakeman, seconded 9'3 _0‘_3700mb1ned snmof $19?! member of the council before‘ be given. second readinr" . On United Counties hos- . 'imm'mh by McGill that the Township :10 4.).came in for conmderable! that. date. imotion of R. Fisher s(:-i)ii(led 'Dritalization' accou’ht 13 00 â€â€˜7 ~--¢.w~----â€" __ of Manvers p11rchaSe. from OlseLrui§10n ' Due to increased On motion of G. Anderson;by H. Syer By-Law No. 627 Clerk’s salary ..... I 75:00 :EII.I'IHII’E‘"ITEIIII'1 Charles Preston two-thirds of ip :1 mg expense, an extens- i seconded by R. Fisher the clerki was given thirdvaud final read- J- P. Pie-WE, Warble = = an acre of land, at a price of 011.0 the present SChOOI'S and] “'35 instructed to COI‘I‘ESPOHd i1Iguappointng Jas A. Gavnor Fly powder, disinfectant 179.36 I †Dead StOCk! : $15000; the Township 9f Man. anN increase in the amount, of f with the registry office regard-leis assessor and building‘ in- O. 3- Johnston postage = . ' “‘1" ‘0 erect and maintain a a_Ssessment t0.be born by Man- Ug registration of certan lvotssspecto-r, for 1957. ' stamps ...... ’ ........ 5.00 : CASH for dead or cnpplâ€" = fence around the said lot. Car- :1er .TOWHShlp accohhted if†and their respective boundariesi On motion of H. SYer second- Road Supt ’s'. voucher E ed Horses and Cows. = tied. 19E63ump from $13,411.46 in On receipt of a letter from’ ed by G. Dean the clerk intro- for March ........... 850.07l: Top price for old horses. E , The following communica- if ‘ . the Canadian National Rail-Educed and gave first reading to _____i= , = timis were received and read: dbmed by 3131001111, second- ways advising 0f their abandon- : By-LaW, N0. 628 to appoint 1165.03 l Telephone collect = Victoria County re debenture 9f ‘3’ Brown that the Township ment of Ithe-Millbrook-Peter.Â¥ Merton H, Thompson tOWnshipl On‘ motion of G Anderson: Keene 83w1,ifno answer I levy of $9,816.77 for 1957;Higm0 .Ianvers appeal the assess- borough line, the council’s; re-i road superintendent at an;seconded by R. .Fisher the}: Peterborough 35-2-4330. : School Area Board re levy of mfent, alloted t0 the TOWHShIP ply was that they deeply regret hourly rate of $1.10 per houhicounoil adouurned to meet gaianl= E $0034.98: H.E.P.C. re five $.31???“ by the County 0" S11011 action. éMoved by R. Fisher second’edlon May 6th, 1957 at 8.00 p.111. : Blll'lflll 'Flll Farm = ti'an‘fE‘I'S of rural hydro scr- 1L oria in the matter of the The remainder of the corres- by G. Anderson that By-Lawl. J, E. Robinson, Clerk. 1‘IIII..."..--...-'I"ll.= I VP. : V v - vice: Ontario Hospital, 011- \lctor‘a (“Gun-t3 ngh SC'h'OOl our}: re Hospital Week. April Area for the 1957 1€\'i€vS. Car- :«rh :0 May 3rd; Monthly rr- “ed- vurt from the Northuoxberland It {3,3 deemed advisable tof aniti‘urham Heaith Unit;l)ept. secure information regarding] of Municipal Affairs re the the 51539331391115 0’5 the Various method of applying the uncon- Â¥mll101palmo~s in the High (litional grant. whereby it will 5011001 area In order to become requre two different mill more familiar Wlth the PTOblem- rates £01. the general levy; On motion of Malcolm and Dept" of Agriculture re the McGill, the. Clerk “'35 instruct- ...hgoi for Warble Fly Insloeot. E}: *0 5:210; Q3632 magi; Dilly .. at Peterborough and 1nd- nun * ' i F “13 911' 21': HQ " 'ders for thee crushing and de- Accounts were received from livering Of‘O’OOO cu: de- 0f .__~_ gray e1 anywhere Within the THE CHURCHES Township on a flat rate basis, ,under the supervision of the SUNDAY’ APRIL 14’ 1957' ' ‘ Road Superintendent. T h e "â€"â€".__"“l gravel to be ‘54 inch crush and Pentecostal Assemblies or 'work to be completed by July Canada 15th. 1957. A deposit of $300 I - =to accompany each tender, the ZION Pentecostal (hunh' same to be forfeited in the WEDGE ievent that the work is not car- 10,00 a.m.â€"Sunday School lried out according to contract. 11.00 a.m.â€"W0rsihip Service Sealed tenders to be in the 7.00 p.m.â€"â€"Evangelistic Meetâ€" Clerk’s hands by April 30th, ing 1957. Carried. Everybody Welcome! ' Moved by J akeman, seconded Pastor, M.’ Case. by Malcolm that Mr. Sam Kil- Minister. lan be appointed spray operat- or for the Warble Fly program THE UNITED CHURCH , for 1957 at .15c per head for Millbrook Pastoral Charge I each spray. . 1 - h In ILA. Moved by Jakeman, seconded Rev . FEDS? ï¬ï¬fisger.’ ’ by McGill that the Reeve. and 4; ‘ - , Treasurer be authorized to sign 0 Come, Let: Us WOTShlp ' ’checks for the following ac- m REGARDING "THE MOTORVEHICLE FUEL TAX ACT†- EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, l957} IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO On April 1, 1957, The Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Act came into effect in Ontario. The Act provides for a tax of 20¢ per gallon on fuel oils, other than gasoline, such as diesel, domestic, furnace, light, medium and heavy (except bunker), used to drive a motor vehicle OR used in any manner in connection with the construction and maintenance of any public thoroughfare. , . . .. F Uel oils commonly known as STOVE OIL, KEROSENE, COAL OIL. AND DISTILLATE ARE EXEMPT FROM TAX, unless they are placed in the fuel tank of a motor vehicle or used in any manner in connection with the construction and maintenance of any public thoroughfare. .. . . CONSUMERSâ€"Please note A tax of 20¢ per gallon is payable by: 1. Every person :who, receives fuel oil in the fuel tank of a motor vehicle. Palm Sunday c cuntsfâ€" 2. Every person who receives fuel oil that is not exempt from tax in a receptacle of less 51:. AndrevV’s T r ad voucher than 40 gallons capacity, unless such receptacle is directly connected with a machine 10 00 a m â€"Â¥Stinda School recs†0 $863 28 that is not a motor vehicle. . . ' , ’ ' liy W hi 30- 4 - - ' - - ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ; ' " ‘ Exampleâ€"The person will not be required to pay: the tax on the fuel received m‘a 3L1? a.m.â€"Pu~b c . are p Ewart Huycke, 3551519 .- lzank which is directly connected to the furnace for-heating his home; or, similarly, Service 0f lie-dedication. ing 51-95953†--------- ‘- “5'00 a manufacturer may receive the fuel, less tax, if if is placed in a tank directly con- Friday Lenten Study Group at , . . nected to his manufacturing equipment. the home of Mrs. Hobbs at 3. Every person who is not a. registrant (see Registration Certiï¬cates below) and who ' receives fuel oil in a receptacle braving a capacity of 4001' more gallons, unless such . United Counties of N. and D.. hospitalization 76.63 WWW 8.00 p.m.' R. R. Edmunds, oil 11.50 . . . . i . . ,, SS No. 7 Treas. , school _ receptacle is directly connected With a macmne that is not a motor vehicle. Thenle during Lent.â€"; “The, mionfvly L ......... 1.1. .i 000.00 . , $Q?p§lggï¬smslease "Me Great Affirmations of Jesus 33;:- ? Treas., SC 00 000 00 All suppliers of fuel oil nausti become licgistrants (see Registration Certiï¬cates below). APRIL: ,v """""""" ‘ ' Fuel oil may be pure ase “ Vess tax†y: llâ€"Palm Sun-day SS NO- 14 Treas., 5011001600 00 1. Any registrant who receives fuel oil in a receptacle having a capacity of 40 or more 91â€"“The Resurrection and 'the money ; """""""" ' gallons. Such a receptacle must not be the fuel tank of a motor vehicle. .. L'fe†' R. DaVidO'Sn, on salary , l 2. Anyperson who receives fuel oil in a receptacle directly connected with a machine 08_l“Th W . h T th and account ------------- 100'†that is not a motor vehicle. ' .e â€a)’ t e ru Moved by Jakeman, “BOWL . ' Examplesâ€"Furnaces, manufacturing units, etc. Such a person is not required to the Llfe ' ed by Malcolm that the meeting become a registrant. Cam . adjourn until May 7th, 190’: at - REGISTRATION CERTIFICATES 9-45 a.m.â€"Service. 0f Confir- 1-00 p.m. D-S'T.' l k Application forms for Registration Certiï¬cates may be obtained from the Comptroller mation and Admissmnsfh N18“? ROSS DaVidson, C er ' - of Revenue]. Parliar‘nent Buildings. Toronto 2. A $1.00 fee must accompany each com- . Members, and Sunday 00 . pleted’ app ication arm. , . -~â€" - h Every registrant. must forward on orl before thde 2f5th daly‘ of eachl month to the €0de Pm S V . troller a return "containing a comp etc near 0 pure aces sa es consumption an mm m W Olltll Monag an inventory of fuel oil foi' the preceding month, together with payment of the amount of . B A tax slidwn ‘thercin to-be payable. Forms for this purpose may be obtained from the Rev. W‘ Enigma ‘ " The regular monthly meeting, Comptroller of Revenue, Parliamentâ€"(Buildings, Toronto 2. -' Rev. Walter Patterson, M.A., of the council of the TOWN/11113 . . _ . REFUNDS . Minister Emeritus. of South Monaghan was held Persons who have paid tax on fuel oil that is not used to drive a motor vehicle or in Gentreville Church on April 1st, 1957, at the town- connection with the construction and maintenance of any public thoroughfare may 85 th M m . ' - . R Both- apply for refund of. such tax. Application forms for this purpose may be obtained from n om - Shlp hall With Reeve ay the Comptroller of Revenue Parliament Buildings Toronto 2. Mrs. G. Muspratt, Organist. well in the chair and all mem- ' ’ 10.00 a.m.â€"Church School hers present. . ' - -. -. . . . . . ,. 11-00 a.m.â€"Divine Worship The minutes 0% Eh; £29323; PENALTIES (IN PART) FOR C ONTRAVENTION OF THE ACT ' . leeting were rea . 4 , Gm Church. W 2nd confirmed on motion of R. , , , 'ï¬ , d d' 1, f l 10.45 a,m .â€"Ghurch School. . d ed b G And er- 1. If any person not holding a Registration Certi cate in goo stan .ing supp ies ue to ‘i .30 p in â€"Divine Worship. Fisher sercon y ' ‘ anyone he Willrbe required to pay a penalty of $100.00 for each Violation. ' ' _,_ 5011- , , .: , d 2. Every person who fails to pay the tax in accordance with the Act shall pay a penalty Anglican Church of Canada Mr. Alf Pmkd’mter‘higlil equal to the amourlilt of Fax and $50.30. n h d h h the council regal‘ ing _a . ‘ 3. Every registrant w 0 re uses or neg ects to co ect t e tax in accor ance wit t is PARISH 9F GAVAN ing permit. and after discussion 1 Act shall pay a penalty equal to the amount of the tax ‘that he refused or neglected Rev. H' C. ann’ B'A" Lth' a decision was defeircd ’09 a , to collect and $500.00. ' 39013013 later date. 5 4. Every employee of a registrant who supplies fuel to a purchaser without collecting St John's Ida Correspondence was received ~ from the purchaser-3h; tax imposed by the Act shall pay a penalty equal to-the _ ' .’ - i . - ' - As- amount of the tax an 50.00. 9.4:) a.m.â€"_Mornmg Prayer. ’from Rural Hydro Office, sessor’s Association; Depart- Christ Church, Bailieboro ‘0, Municipal Affairs: Depart- ' . HON. DANA PORTER PHILIP T. CLARK 11’10 a.m.â€"Holy Lommunion ment of Labour; Department 0". Treasurer of Ontario Comptroller of Revenue St†Thomas’ Church, Millbrook Lands and Forests; Ontaro Hos: 7-00 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer lpital, Cobourg; Department OI