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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 11 Apr 1957, p. 4

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H ‘47 -3 â€"â€" MY ‘ " “:7. ' ‘ L. f . ' ' ‘ innâ€"v” “7....-.” .W . mmnm’w ~Min-wr.‘ M .. ““2 .. . .3, W...“ ”,3”. , . ... . ' . . Thursday, April 11, 1957 PAGE FOUR Milfibekifioumk Millbrook, April 151:, 1957.â€" _ ..’i'he regular monthly meeting, ' l of the Municipal Council of the Village of Millbrook was held i i on; the above date. ' Members present: Reeve Geo ,. 3:, iini'Harringiton; Councillors L. .‘q' 97th. Year. No 16. fittibsgh, l1}. North and George he Eliayiiies. ‘ g f The minutes of the last regu-. .3: W flit? meeting Were read by thei AAAAAA . é, EASTER IS I" :Clerk and on moti'onof Council- 3' ' ; 3i; flors Gibson and Raymes were; ‘ :93; HOSIERY s ”adoptednas‘read. . i _, 3‘ 66 Gauge a .liii- ihlliflVlllg communica-i; -- .j $1.09 ;tions read: , ,1: i . _ i. Fi‘c.iiiâ€".â€"-‘Peit91‘b0rough Civic g. , .3“: 01111 . . gllosplt‘cllfl retindigent. _ Pepari-i 1%: Ladies’ : i fiiiii'lii’t‘iiffigt‘ihfiture reappomt- 5:. ‘ a W: 1 king \veedqrt'SPéCtbP-r”3Tb? -011t-§ .35 Sarong, Got' .‘V - . THE 6““ E . . 3:21Pl05mfiygliak Cobourg, enclos-I gin}; program, Mental Healthi . 3 _ an‘wk 35341128 to‘Mav 4, 1957. : 5 i . .y i. . ~. . . I V. :Dcpmmnai’oi MunmpalAI-g. W: a” 1 _____ :faii‘suggragts, and subsidies. t; « .- O- m 5 1.. ' ;. ;( lfflt‘e of.Fire Marshall of Ont-i ,3 e” [flee/ed ,3- is WHEN COUNCILS . gar-ic.??afir‘iouncing a training ' , . ,- . ., ._, 7 . #5..” ~ S 3;; Millbrook Village, Ecohrse to be held at. University. _, 2 ~ - ‘ ”‘ y‘ <\. ----------------------------------- " May 6th, at 8 p.m. bf‘Tofonto April 24, 25 and 26, ,0 0”,]33, §§ 333:. Cavan Township, . 19:37. Rf'KfKilb'orn and "As; ' ' " ”a“ May 6th, at 1.00 p.m. sociatesfiprofessional engineers, I ll ‘ We?“ ‘3 Mauve“ TOWDShiP- ’ Toronto, re advice on public, a”, a 000 I” a”, :3 May 7‘11- at 1 p.m. (D Works. Mclean Building Re-l . ' 3:;- \ _, - l ' . * -t:. 331 sis:25.22:::risziigsiui. hndoflmclmnfl mm . . . , I ‘3 â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" .. socianon. reporting. Torontol _ -.-,‘ For Saleâ€"About 5o 3 . M . .. . - 3 , Power? You name it. GMC’s got it in the widest ,v . ' E‘lh ;“ orBTil‘Cih11111112111191.1512; range of horsepower in the industry. Whether you .335: 310' 1 gig] gobbler ._ .. . i .111“: am 1 ep r s’ choose a 6-cyhnder engine, a V8, or a diesel, you air lone _ 1r]- Millbroc 193b, municipality. School and. get Just the {lght amount of heft and power to â€" . .-_, Public l'tilities. handle every Job both better and cheaper. “a. so 3 I; r or Sale Gary Oats ft Motion by Councillors North Tlfigggazwéfiésggg $13311? Ellie toil out; Of tntmkmtgi ? \ 'AivéeiNERAl. “$1.0” {MW - :3 tercd seed. Don t _ Z -‘ S . , -(.,.(_: .. ree prov nau oma c ~ , , . RP 3 i .,_ . $1133;Blfiylgthgigseh3152119112.; Ptransmisstions’“ . . . Powerghde, Hydra-Matic and ' T ”'4‘ '" i 1 I 111); 01‘ ' r r 'L ; owerma ic. - , = ' ‘â€"â€"-~*‘~â€"~â€"~»- ~ be received and filed. So for the complete answer to all your trucking m v - . ' "a ‘u' ‘ Rev. u. H. 11mm... Mrs, needs. see your GMC dealer. This year get a real money makers for '57 :3 ””"M' \V. Kennedy and Miss M. Arni- 't‘ruck. (jet a GMC Money-Maker! ' ‘~. We hav. strong as a committee repreâ€" Optwna “text” cost. GMC-Qm‘ . i th senting the Millbrobk Library ‘ . . _ Mr ‘ Board, addressed the Council ’ . 3 I ». producing .‘igures .to show what ' (KEITH CLEMENTS) A 5 our d ' I allltlg/c increase in grant would ' ( ‘Eh t M Mlllb . :2.”2:2:sightings;a.i , _ a at Mars, I rook, Phone 266 master until the next meeting; 3 -j. .. .. Mu-L . Mr. Fred Lowery, represent; 7 . . . ""'â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_- _. ing the Millbrook Agricultural; October 27th 2 a.m., 1957. One ,with the Township of Cavan. ' WHEN COUNCILS MEET l AUCTlION SALE FOR, SALE Society petitioned ,the C-ounmlhour advance of Standard time. V,_,_LMotion by Councillors Ray-i Millbrook Village Mondav ‘ . . . __..___.___._____‘_‘_i 3. for a grant. accountshow to be .‘ Carried. 3 mes and North that the hour 0f?1\llav 6th at 8 p n: ’ i " "$2111 gll'thn Sale (31 Live For Saleâ€"Rodney Oats. Al)‘ 1 DOMNION’ PR0 held in June. 2. - l ‘M . meeting of the Council bej- C ’ T ,. ' -' . ' N’ ur.n.1ure,.e.c., ..e pro- ply Arnold Brown, 3-K. 1. Montreal MotiOn by Councillors North )7 r. L' Henderson 11,ltfm'lew’lchanged them 8 ipmm. to 7.30' Mayéihaili atol“ 33mph Monday, Pegrty 0f Mrs. Wllhs'Wh}te§’ld9 Millbrook. 2t New York and Gibson that the Society be .td the Councll, reporting dam‘i.p.m. Carried. i M . ’ 'T . , p: '1 {Will be held at the reSIdence’ . _ ' . «vi .. "rant f 50.00: C -. age to a water i e on Tu _ er , 3. . -, . . ahx ers on nsh1p, Tuesday, Lot 11, Concession 8,. Man'vers For Saleâ€"~11 Pigs 10 weeks old. ’ “w"n'.‘ 'II'I'I'TW C \tll a g o $ ar PP pp Motlon by Councdlors Gib Ma (th at 1 . (D S T i . . . - . . ried. - ~ . gStDreet opposite Morton Estate, son and Raymes that the salary qhuth’Monarirhg' T'. r‘ h.(.lu1mt10n 0t 3° highway and John Elgar, phone 105’W‘11’ ’ Mr. 0. G. l'rry addressed Wished to know who was re- paid our assessor be $250.00 Mghday Mayvu Gtih 3‘51? 151;. (A) on Saturday, April 20th. Mlllbmgli'. -__1E the Council re purchasing Lot. SPOPSIb'le for repalrlnsedlmei " per year, commencing January-8.00 p {n ' ’ ’ [at 1'30,p'm- 'Sharp' Terms For Saleâ€"Studio Couch and' No. 3 “.9” side of George Stql 'lhe Reeve statedthat as this 1st, 1957 and that the Reeve . . cash .3 l\o reserve. Ted Spenâ€" Fruit Jars. Mrs. M. Brown (”Md by the municipality. gwater line. was installed-by and Clerk be authorized to €19." clerk: 3' J' Payne, Ponty- phone Bailieboro 8-r-23. 1i The Council requested Mr. private l-ntE‘I'eSt’S themunicipal- complete a By-Law to that NOTICE p001: auctioneer. -â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€" l'rry to make an Offer and they‘ll}: was not respons1b1e for re- effect. Carried. ‘ . The Easter thank offering .__..._.-._ ' For Saleâ€"Boys Spoil: Smt’ coat. ’ would give it consideration. ipairs. . Fire. Chief Douglas Sheppard meeting of St. Andrew’s WMS SELLING YOUR HOME? ' Slze 12:14; 3318") Girls Spring Motion by Councillors Gib- The R99"? re'ada letter Winch" reported fire practic’e,'~nine will be held on Wednesday,i Houses uro‘éntl , needed in the Coats Slze 8’ and number 0f . mm and Raymes that Dayliglityhf‘ had received from theCana- firemen responding '3 ‘to' call, April 17th at 3 00 p.m. in the: Millbroobk dBistrict . Phone GIFIS Dresses $126 6’8' Phone i Saving be in effect in the Shall National 'Raflfvaysi stat- equipment in order. Church Hall. Aspecial speak-l local Millbrook 30.9113 9931.15 ____Mfllbr00k _18....1-r'3' 1t . municipality of Millbrook from mg that It was their intention ‘The. following bill's werepre- er has been secured. All ladics‘ or Peterborou thI 313.533., For Saleâ€"Larrain Oats crown ' ‘2 a.m. April 28th, 1957, to '50 closeout the station and sented and on motion of Conn- cf the village are invited. I L I 8: 'th gl‘; 1t. 41'; from registered seed: also i .,. than? tlml: be-twltleen MilllJl‘Ook cillbrs Gibson and North were __.._______ iâ€"___orne E_’_.ie_a (ESâ€"â€" Simcoe Oats. Apply Ernie L L; zan e er oroug . . d, - d '1: .3 . . ,0. , ' .3» BUTTER GRANITE co. ; Motion by CormcillorsNorth iii? oialhavan mem- iHOG PRODUCERS NEE-TIMI; ";. F0.“ RENT fitfiéfig‘gfiw phone 102“"? 7 Port Hope, Ont. Box 622:}"1 Gifison 1:11” the ]598% and her Association of -As- i d A meeglfi Ofdfi‘e. {1°ng 1;” For Rentâ€"Three-roomed apart- Fâ€"-§-â€"-’â€"'â€"--â€"â€"-~ M * 911”“ 01‘ aymes 0 a com- sessors ....... . '..‘..:.'$ 5.00; ucers 0 '9 115' r1c “’1 e ment;up stairs: available 1st 01‘ aleâ€"Quantity ‘Of Timothy .Monuments, Markers,.Corner “muse t9 deal with this matter J. W. Haw, flowers... .300 held in South Monaghzan Hall1 of May. Phone 9 Millbrook. Seed and Timothy Hay. Clif- Posts and Inscrlptlons. either Singly or 1n conjunction Stanford Sloan caretak: : i(Centrevx11e) on Monday, 15th ~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"--â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" ford Falliis, phone 2074-6 . ,_, ,_7________ ing W.R. and repairs. 12.00 of April at 8 o’clock. CharlesFo Rentâ€" 5 Room Modern Millbrook, 3t . Homer Ouellette, ins. 63.75 MeGinnis, President of Ontario1 Apartment. Apply at The m â€"- 5, . United Counties N1. and 3 {Hog Producers, will be guesti Mirror-Reporter Office. 21; PM Salilleâ€"BarbofffBai-ley, also . D. hospitalization ..... i't9'7..l? Ispealker. Everyone welcome. SALESfiEâ€"Nâ€"WANTED _ sma quantity '0 Baled gay ,1 5 It Takes More Than A. R. Willmott, legal. 3.00 -- __.__ -.._â€"â€"â€"â€".â€" 01?"? WIN”? Phone 213i”), ,, R. J_ Dilling, municipal AUCTION SALE xRawl-eigh Business Now Open MlllbrOOk- g . . auditing 1956 ........ 125.25 An Auction Sale of Live‘ In, Township's Gavan. Cart- For s leâ€"1948 I ,t - 3 Goad lutentlon . Mirror-Reporter, print- Stock, Implements, Feed, Etc., “’rlgh't and Manvers. Trade KB3aOne ton :tjli‘gatlliilali ‘ I I I 111g . . . .V . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-50 the "property 0f Mk. Wesleyi SW-E‘ll. established, Excellent 45 000 (ruaranteed ’ actugal i l Rosco Metal and Roof; . Gilbanks will be held on the opportunity. Full, time. mileaoe: bexcellent condition _ j 10 BE A GOOD EXECUTOR ing Ltd, culverts ..... 191.36 property at Lot 8, Con. 6, at. once. Rawleigh S Dept; throughout. A150 1937 Plyâ€" .Q Ber i Durham Telephones .. 7.90 Manvers Township, (1 mile 13483-189, Montreal, Que. 111011151le good running order l ' ori Municipal World, dog .-. west of l3allyduff) _on Satur-iYou too can make money, have Phone 1-r-112 Bethany. 1t ‘ ‘ rr TAKES “KNOW HOW” â€" TRAINING, tags ------- , --------- ‘ ~46 (la-‘3 April 13th, 1959,“ 1-00 security and enjoy life but it â€"â€"â€"~â€"~â€".â€"-â€"â€".â€" EXPERIENCE AND SKILL Lake. Ontario Develop- o’clock sharp. Posrtively no' is csentia-l to have in hand all For Saleâ€"Large brick house in . ‘ ' {ment Assn. membership 53.62 reserve. Terms cash. Tedi the necessary elements to suc- Millbrook; 11 rooms and flu- S' Art. Trick, oil T. hall 16.94 Spenceley, clerk; R. J. Payne,‘ cess We offer you this ished 3rd floor; hot water 3' t Atrust company does not die or C. E. Hickey and Sons, . Pontypool, Auctioneer. presently we need” good re: heated with stoker: garage; , xi move away, or go on holidays, 1;” equipmSelit """ t. 8‘ '90 ._._.--... presentatives in: Fraserville, geaPtlfUI laXn-s, maple trees, E fhaEutm 1.” andâ€"Compensation to a Trust . riail‘éfiipii‘variism' 106 48' it’mEBT“; Mimi?“ cha’ first“, mirth: iffig‘i’fifi'iir.“ égtfieiméfiiiii ! sud. ‘Z‘i . . :9", ~' ' i'age -aw No. 7re- .; l; t. i roo, ' f ° " - Company for han an estate Talbert Kelletit, labour 122.56; quires the); anv person whoi Siii‘liguhdiiigs,to avoid desa- Street, Millbrook. 4t and stil 18 allowed omthe same bans as Clifford Scott, salary. 209.00éownS or harbours a dog in the! pointment, act now, We may _, g oppomu to an mdlndual ana-te 91‘ 091111011 fees ”H”; 13°00‘Village of Millbrook, shall on. soon find the right person. _ 4: advice, 1 ecutor. Millbrook Public L'tllll‘ or before the First. Day of April. For details, 1600 Delorimierl Renew Your Subscri tion 5 Dominic tiesâ€".Streets, WWII ha 1’ ‘3 8 in each year obtain from the, Dept. 58, Station C, Mont-l p ‘ 5 drop in: VICTOR . D REY :ivfiéiingwrfififileirfggdhggfi 12 ' 6'Clexl'lkd a License and Tag fori1 real. 4t . . sue oo'. . IA AN G assessment rolls.... .. 5.8.00 All dob . h f a i .. g owners W 0 all to WELMOTT mm : TRUST COMPANY Welfareâ€"Relief 20-00.purciiase 1957 Dog License and . . we, - . >- THE T4 Council 80“de '00 meet Tag are liable for prosecution BauuTtelrs, , 9m "3 . . , 437 630303 STREET 41-2 “ PETERBOROUG}! in regular session May 6, 1957. iunder this BY-Law- . . e ephona i , T. W. Belch, Clerk. T. W. Belch, Clerk, 1 A. Roy Wilhmit, 9.0-; James A. Irvine. H.A. ', . 3"? if: 1. e 1 V; - u. ,. )‘ ~

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