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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 18 Apr 1957, p. 2

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aw amen 1“qu " Sunday Morning I At St. Andrew’s IOccupies New Chamber 3 _ I 'The Council Chamber in: the, I new United Counties’ Adininis-I Itration Building was occupiedE Ifor the first time on Tuesdayi I' morning when the \Vardcn and; i Council of Northumberland an :1 ’Durham opened their spring session. I ; Fronting Highway No. ,2 at] ,the westerly approach to the I town of Cobou-rg the new struc- In his talk on Sunday, April; 7th, to the children the RCV.’ Francis Chisholm told the-I legend ,of the dogwood tree. Once the dogwood was a sturdy tree as tall as the mighty oak. ‘ At the time of the crucifixion it; was timber from the dogwoodi that was chosen for the cross. Jesus sensed that the dogwoodI tree was very sad about this.‘ He said that henceforth it should never again be used as] across. The dogwood would no longer be a tree but hen-ce- forth its slender twisting branches would hear bIOSSoms in form of the cross with a crown of thorns in the centre. Christ places His mark on those who will serve him. He will put his mark on us if we will let I, ii him do so. He will cleanse. our Warden Lloyd Hooton conscience and take our sins Of Gavan Township, first war- awayso that we may be friends den to occupy the Council with God. Chamber in the new Adminis- For the text of his sermonItI‘ative Building at Cobourg. . . , Mr. Chisholm chose John 15I-â€"~â€"â€"â€" this was not the official open- . 0' . a" ‘ ,. _ . verses 1 and 5. “I am the true I only for b i ‘0‘ 'f . B mg, .ther; Wllllbe Sp“???- “’1'? vine and my Father is the' , ear ng ruit. ut monies or tiat some inie inI husbandman. I am the vine, what better expression of the June. He expressed his ap- love of Christ could there be, preci'ation to the building com' are the branches; he that. . ye lor of the supernatural power mittee for the excellent job abideth in me and I in him, the! ‘t i» z-. I l I I :Ioffices of the United Counties’I Ihave been moved in. I I Councillors were in theii'I Iplaces by ten o’clock, wheiiI Warden Lloyd Hooton was usherer to the dias by Counties’ Clerk Ken Symons. The \Var- den addressed the council and said this memorable occasion :was one he had looked forward to and anticipated for more than three years. He expressed his gratification in being the Ifirst warden to preside in theI 'new buildng. He added that' same bringeth forth much fruit; that can surge through you? that had been carried out, and for without me ye can do noth- The purpose of the Vine is to to ( 1erkS1mons for his untiring > bring forth the fruits of Chris- eflforts on behalf of the countiesI ing”. ' 2. ,, . ' I ‘ ‘ Mr. Chisholm told that some t‘lan'uhrarter, 0f low’ and .0f and the erection 0f the build- sen ice. If there are no fruits mg. 't d wh t war years ago he “‘1 e a bIthe barren, dead, branches are The Rev. W. H- Heustin, 0f i ad to be the laraest vine in . :h: world It was situated in cut off and destroyed. )lillbrook, pronlounced the bles- . . '. ‘ . ‘ Spiritual develo ment s sincr on the new building fter rl 0-. Scotland. and it com- , . . P i 0 .7 , {â€"2 a .. Sh mb’ ' that fruit may be borne, re- which Mayor Douglas Maybeo, ' ' . . ft. w'th bran- . . prised 0,000 gq 1 Quires the pruning of the of Campbellt‘ord, and immedi- ches 300 ft. in length and with . -h , ' a girth of 34 inches. It was oranc es. ateepast wrden expressed his, at. harvest time and the roof of The Story was told Of a min'iS'I pleasure at being present alldl ter who fell heir to a beautiful I save much credit to the Special the o'reen'house was covered .. . . . , _ , . a ‘Vme: but With the StipulaIIOIIbUlldlllg committee under chair- ' unches of ur ‘e . . . . . . . gridlrlieslzilgirgm one root? p] Ithat :ie snouxd not interfere manship of J. T. Brown, Reeve It was in the Upper Room With the skilled gardener whoIof Clarke Township. ' that Jesus was with the dIS_I<‘aI‘€’d fOI‘ it. " he gardenerI ReeVe Browm replied in his ciples saying farewell. Their pruned so draft-cally that it . speech that he considered it an hearts sank for they felt they seemed almost like massacre but honour to have served in that were parting with Christ for- ever, and lifle wihout him was spiritual bankruptcy. Christ told them “You are about to enter into a new thrillin .ex-. . . . . , , perience of my presenceg MyI t-hlngs for us. Failure in the building and congratulated the vine produced 200 bunches capacity and thanked his comI power and spirit will passlexams can teach the lesson to the warden On being the firstI of fruit. . Imitt-e-e for their splendid sup- Grod prunes our spiritual life. , port and co-operatiOn. He said IDisappointments which are bit-: it was a gratifying moment for Iter at the time may be the best him and he was very proud of . fritter away less time. A long to preside. Referring to th? gig-2113331323 fignfgfifsl' t1gli‘illness while painful may (19'. cost, he said they had kept as my power you will be strong. velop character: The pruningrclosely to their budget. as it “He had in mind the parableknife is used skilfully, although was possrble, but added that of the vineyard, with the pro-I at times it may seem ruthlessly, the. total assessment of the phets Zaccariah Hoesa andIbut it is never in vain. Ilinited Counties is $6,000,000 ’ The open secret of Christian and the cost of the building Micah as labourers sent toI. . , . ‘influence is this “He that be-’ Spread over 20 years Is less k f' 11 Chr‘st as the . . . . . :32: waalidselrilta a); d killle’ d. InI lieveth in me. and I in him, the I than one half mill, or about 40 choosing the vine to represent'same b'rinlgeth' forth much fruit. I cents per year to each inalibi. o o . . o l o o . himself he was thinking of theIThe inspiration of all Christian I tant. With increasmg growth 01d testament image Where the IlV’ln-g is knowing that when In population and assessment ‘0 ' . . . . we are at the end of our own he redicted that this small vine was the emblem of Pales- ' 1 .. p . . . . - . puny resources we can lean on \lliil might sni‘k even lower be. . t' e as the ma le leaf is of m p God. It was not so much a flare too long. Canada. It micht’have seemed . . a strange choide the dry vines man by ceaseless effort getting: Mayor J. D, Burnet. .Of 0 , , . ' a. . 1 - ' ‘1 . 0‘ _ . '.' y " 2m. laclked beauty and they ex1stedI ”111'“ e nearento God, butminort . Cobourg, was united. to adurtss \ Iiixe a well waiting to be lilled. , the council amd declared 1019' ""‘ At the begiiiiiig of a long tir- to be a unique and very isn- mg day through contact with pOrtant day in the life of theI l -.- - _â€"o â€"â€" BATES DODDS FUNERAL SERVICES Him a great s’tranige power can counties. It marks the end of LIMITED Iconic into our lives so that the an era and the beginning of Iino-st harrassing day is taken in . another. He regretted the A- 3- RAPER, PRESIDENT! our stride through His grace, f severance from the old He. QUEEN ST W. Ilt was like a house wired for said the new building is a thing (At StrachanAvenne) electricity with all the lighting of beauty and he was iinnresn TELEPHONE EMpire 3-0681 fixtures in place but with no vd with the way it is finished, TORONTO. ONT. Ilia'ht until connected to illtlet’ added that he could enjoy" _._..__.. , Ihydro power. j it beTi*’1‘ if he didn't know they. 'â€" W" B I Christ. said “\Vithout me yei had to pay for it. There is a CARLL'Y, STANDISH, Icaii do nothing". “In all thy" sentimental value attached to CLARKE CARI-BY, ways acknowledge. Him and He, the old building. he said. but.‘ Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. will direct thy path”. Coin-I perhaps that was a mistake; No. 8 Bank of Commerce Block municn is at the heart of all? He hoped the relationship be- PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO worship. Christ comiiiunicatst tween the town ‘and the '(viillllz- . .1 2 ._; 3 . . . , Telephones 24,424 and 2-0425 gents 'is‘gegnzeitlugtedcrei: (:fmfhioi 211;:1V would construe harmoni a. o. Standish, BA. 0,1, 3%: a “H .3“ . , f T. E. Clarke, B..A. limb ‘la'nd 1: '_ e promisg I :‘I Mayor.“ . l\. Moore of PortI R. H. Carley, 3.00m. gal lab 9: fin 11:19, 31;] f "it Hope, said that he was greatly T. J, Carley, Q.C. 91m ”Eilgevfl 01‘?! mu-c 1'1“ I impressed With the new billlti-g I‘LOI‘ v~i.hout Me )9 can ‘dOIing and congratulated J. T.I INOthiDSi'. IBvrown and his committee for; llIlllllllI-‘IIIIIIIIIIIIIII D-I- ‘keeping their costs so close to: Ithe original budget. He regret-I Dead Stock Removed LADY LIONS PLEASE NOTEIted to hear Mayor J. D. Ruin; HIGHEST PRICES PAID The regular monthly meeting . net speak sadly of parting from I is to be held "Tuesday. AprilIthe old building. He said he: 24'Hour SBI’VIGB 3-Ot-h at. 8 o’clock at the home? thought he should be proud the; PHONE COLLECT: of Mrs. J. McMaster. A Staii-lcoun‘tics settled down in Coâ€"I . . i . . , P te b rouh 2 2080 Iley Party has been arranged to I bourg and built such a flfli‘s e r o ' raise funds and each memberIst'ructure. It represents e'firi-l :ency, he said, and should rc-I Cobourg 1787 Iis asked to bring a guest. ' ' I The Bridge Club will be held' suit in cutting down the tax. . N'ck Pecan. IMonday, April 29th. All mein- Others who spoke includ'wli PROPRIEIOR bers will be contacted ré timel John Payne of Pontypool. and: ‘ m + “or .â€"o iii}. lulu-lensnlnnununnea and place. 8‘ tiny or-..cials 2. o m moansronrnn, MILLBROOK, out-A310 Thursday, April 18, 1957 SOCIAL CREDIT HOLD Canada today,” he added. nurse’s training in Jeffry Hale I . :Warden llOYd Hooton IFIRST POLITICAL EEETING Being conversant with the Hospital, Quebec City, and a I$28 tax rebate which is being post-graduate course in a New Hon. W. N. Chant miniSter distributed to all homeowners, York Hospital. She is surviv- , ~ ’ (in British Columbia and the I ed by her brother, John Finne- 0? pubh" “To?“ for th‘?‘ Pro‘Esza oil dividend being distri- more, of Millbrook with whom "me? Of BrltISh Columbia and'buted ' to citzens of Alberta, she made her home. and by a a native of Ontario, told a Mr. Chant reviewed the steps sister, Mrs. William Delwhav group of Millbrook citizens'which' made these moves potsâ€"I (Lottie) of Gainsboro, Sask. “ Tuesday night “Social CreditISi‘ble and‘expr-essed the behef P Miss Finnemore was a faith- has proven what it can do forIfllat sound government admm- :‘ulosupporter of St. Andrews the benefit of the people of istration and the mineralwealth United Church where she was British Columbia and Alberta- of Ontario could achieve smii- a life member of both the IVMS ’ lar benefits in Ontario. - and the WA. Until the time all we ask is that we have a1 . chance to prove we can do the of her illness she worked active- as a group leader of the same job for all the people in ly ' WMS. Obltual'y The funeral took place from the J. W. Haw Funeral Home. Miss Maude Finnemore. King Street, Millbrook, on ' . _ Tuesday, April 16, at 2 o'clock The death 00°“er 0’1 saw" with the Rev. F. P. Chishoim day im Peterborough‘ Civic 305' of St. Andrew’s United Church Vital 0f MISS Maude anemore officiating. Interment was ll} Registered Nurse, of this vill- Gardiner’s Cemetery. l Mr. Ch‘ant, a former minis-I ter of agriculture in the A berta government in the early years 0:6 the Social Credit movement in that province, was speaking at the first pub- lic meeting to be held in this constituency under the: sponsor- ship of the Social Credit Associ- ation. of Durham County. He pointed out that British Columbia’s pravimcial debt has been reduced by $92,000,000 and that plans are formulated to make the province entire-1y debt-free within the next ten years. , “No doubt, you have been told that the Social Credit age. u ' D , Miss F‘innlemore served many WIiI’fli fiémlorvyei’suangsgsgffi years as matron of Dr. Turn, God has her in His keeping " er’s private hospital in this vil- We have her in our heart” Lage. Under her care more ' thanl 400 babies of the district were born. Miss Finnemore, GEEK PETER-BOROUGH who was 81 years of age, had, been ill for three months. SheI Commencing last Friday, had been in failing health for; April 12th, a programme over a number of years. ' a party will cause industry to She was born at Wallace| $111342; EilrybeMli)?ggyfr€Vn:dlfi;9 desert your province. How- Point, Otonabee Township, the; davanid Friday sponsored by ever, the fact remains that daughter of James li‘innemore'fiv'e of Millbrook’s merchant ‘ British Columbia is enjoying and his wife, the former Maryl 5‘ its greatest era of prosperity IBlatchford. As a child she in; histtlory. hIt iss my1 cgnteln-‘lived with her grandparentsI BUTTER GRANITE CO. men a t e ocia rel. it near the locks bridge in Otonag party stands as the greatesthee Township and attended:Port Hope, Ont. Box 622 sponsor of free enterprise a-‘Coldsprings School. mong the political parties inI Miss Finnemore took her Monuments, Markers, Corner Posts and Inscriptions. â€"_ Elbrame’ 11’ lower Shop _ “LET FLOWERS SPEAK FOR YOU” 3 21 Queen Street Opposite the Capitol Theatre, Port Hope Ebrame’ Jflowcr Shop TURNER 52808 NIGHT, COLPHONE TURNER 55796 DAY;LECT Thursday, April~ 18, 1957 Voice . Asmall item on page 3 «.5 March 28 issue of Th~ Iii:- Reporter, whirl: upgmwi came from “Canadian 3'. ness" implies that ‘.,:"1;. "17st started la~1 year, From personal "Kiwi-f. most people know the: 11.53;.- started away back in :21» ' and has been going 0. .5; continuously for nearly a ‘i ter of a century. The Cos Living Index is the but in urc of inflation and it has 1‘ almost every year sin-w 1, From 1939 (before the War. 1949 the rise was almost ti" And as the cost of ilVillg 1 the purchasing power of dollar goes down in pix-port The post-war (1949~ (lullar only worth about 40c Comp; to the 1939 dollar. To this fact, no doubt. the government started a new 1 of Living Index in 1949. .\' then there has been anotim crease ofl abOut 2M; . means that the dollar :oda compared with 4939 Es w some where around 20.3, ' Wholesale Price Ind 2x cares 1957 dollars to he about 45c each. but unto: ately we can’t all buy '_'¢ wholesale.) Compared to this gall“ inflation we have experiwn the table of creeping fajia you reprinted resemblw .-- ity. But to say tha‘ 32:”... is caused by “the 22:a_-_ .3 and high govei‘nni--ii‘ .32 ,',.-_.r..___. THE CHURCHES SUNDAY, APRIL 21. 19 aâ€"â€"â€" Pentecostal Assemblies . I... I, , _ Canada Zion Pentecostal (hu MEI-BROOK 10.00 a.m.â€"Sunday Schoo 11.00 a.m.â€"Worship Sex“ 7.00 p.m.â€"Evangelfs‘i-: M in g Everybody Welcome! Pastor, 31. Ca Minist THE UNITED CHURCH Millbrook PaStoral Cbarg Rev. Francis Chisholm. 1i. B.D., Minister . “O Come, Let Us W...rs?i; Easter Sunday ‘ St. Andrew‘s 10.00 a.m.â€"S‘inday Scho< 11.15 a.m.â€"-Eas:<â€"r 0-3.95.2 “Jesus. The Resume-"me: I the Life". Good Friday Service a 8 p. “The \V(i»?1dr«..t1~ (r .2" . v '.1 Theme durf? ;_' ..~7‘,‘â€"â€": I Great AffirigaW 1~ .‘ .l I APRIL: 2 28â€""Tiz:» Ting. “ -‘ I the Lite. ' Rey. VVal’er :’.“-‘:W. 11.. limister 'rltg s. Centrevil‘e Church south Monaghan Mrs. G. lluspta".‘ _2.I 10.00 a.m.â€"<A'l;‘;:‘5 VIAI 11.00 a.in.â€"â€"â€"l,l?t,’m ‘3‘? Grace Church Mill‘orook 10.45 a.m.â€"tr'l-‘1:‘-:Ei 297:}; I _ _-...'â€" r4 7.30 p.m.â€"â€"Dfxf::~ Anglican Church cf Can-a PARISH OF CAVAN Rev. B. C. Quinn. 3A.. h Rector. St. John's. Ida 9.433 ahaâ€"1.22:: " St. Thomas’ Church. Zviill'ozi‘ 11.15 anteâ€"lid}: 2‘ 1:::;.“:' Christ Church, Bailiebcr I q 7.30 p.m.-â€"Ho‘y L‘Linmui;

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