1958 hair cut RIAM 1111' of a dear Zara Challice, lMareh 2'3'1'1, . wander '11‘ away, loved one toâ€"day. '11 day we the wound ~ the from)! our hearts red by her 1111 Family. 1 CR: ‘1' I: -‘ . . 'thivagmMch‘ ~1~ . .«qâ€" M*â€".. J. I. Ban-ï¬nger, Publisher. 98th. Year. No. 14. MILLBROOK, 0NTA310,GAN1ABA THURSDAY, APRIL 3,1958 Manned SATURDAY, APRIL 5th, I958, 8.00 P. M. A Happy Easter to all! THE GERTRUDE SHGP, PHONE 136 MILLBROOK, ONTARIO VIMY DINNER Alll'eterans and their wives, â€"â€"Members Ladies Auxiliary of' The Legion and their husbandS, Ronald Palmer. arc cordiallv invited to attend} 01' at the Legion Hall the. Annual V' Imy Dinner to be' Closing date for sale of the held In the Armouries on Wed-l tickets, Saturday, April 5th nesday evening. April 9th. at, Geo. Howden, Pres. from: I). R. Fowler. \Veldon Coulter. Melleville Carr. Crowley’ s Red 8 White Store Open All Day Thursday TILL 1:00 PM. lenten Special Hot Cross Buns 39c dozen! HAPPY EASTER TO ALL III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEIIIIIIIIIIII â€"r¢ I I E St. Andrew’s United Church Choir 5 INVITES YOU to a PARTY in their Church Hall on I Thursday, April 10, at 8 p.m. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I : There will be a Musical Programe, Coloured Pi1 tures : = of the West Indies, taken by M1- and Mrs. G. A. Spicer : I I = this past winter, and refreshments. = I I I I I 1- I I I I I o Admission - 50 Cents John J." Van-De-Bor â€â€˜ Asphalt Paving, light Grading and iSeen 0n King Street [During The Week l A pioeon lRllSNE‘IIP Smi lSh11't 1id1 it hopped to ‘1’o11 'Ixent S hat. must have been really \1 111111-111 when t1 he 1) 1: ouhl make i111 til-111 flying, then again it c ould hav e peace trying to bring these two east lenders political arguement. l T p.111. Tickets may be obtained Judy Rei though she We looked down at her feet and Sure enough, here she. was on roller skates. A robin on March ‘ilSt.1’rob- ably one that appreciates it: Canadian heritage, that had majority. I come South lurnintr in t 1 . MONDAY AND TUESDAY Technicolor Comedy lit 5“THE GIRL MOST LIKELY" With Jane Powell and Cliff Robertson “THE SAFECRACKER" With Ray Milland and Barry Jones I i l .l Sitting 01 top or, 111 S hat a:- t1.1 I, l Tilt“? IVVU (’(‘lliï¬' i111 would think it. better progreSS rid- With Glenn Ford and Jack Lemmon "How To Murder A Rich Uncle" With Charles Coburn and Katie Johnson been the dove of together after a â€"-â€"â€" Wednesday and Thtsday ‘YOUNG AND DANGEROUS" “ROCKABILLY BABY†IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Blitz A Success The local Red Cross who trie’l out a new method this vear in d flitting about as were on wheels. '2‘: Mr. Diefenbaker, .Prince 111- AN EVANGELIST ALRIGHT! bert, 335k 1 lawyers. who .was ,We were amused to read in a returned to power Wlth a. huge paper where an opposition il'lillll peaker described Mr. Diefen- baker as “a Billv Graham 2111111 1 ill) Sundav ev a11<reliSt allr for the winter, re- . g ime to vote. From . 1 1 1 regards to their annual appeal the majority Diefienbaker got SOCIAL - PERSONAL "" '1' one “$2,?†“( (101011, for funds found that the plan, some red-breasted grits muSt have voted t- A car pull out and paw- one obev'ing the traffic light at. the horn \111'\111S1e1dam, British post ot't'ic 0 corner. whoever he 11mm in a mighty bin' hurrv to get to the 11 room due t from long driving. Reggie Sloan with his base- the High School students and Admissmn 80c. hall 51love. appear with the fall and the spring. ,ner in Peter know what turned out to be. Mrs. Eric McLean. â€"â€"â€""~"_"' Mr S MR, HEUSTIN AGAIN spent ' the winted with her HONOURED BY‘ FRIENDS Followino- of P011 er’ Man. 1. 1111 Friday e1'1ning', 3 0f Oshawa Mr and MI‘S- Roy. C it izenS number of ’dropped in t honouring Mr. H1ust1n Rev. 1.11‘SS'I1) l1 we can remember 1111111 Freddie. of the V1 omen S Institu‘n‘ at. (.arv ey acted 1n the same mam, Mount Pleasant on F1i1lay last tettc rment H. Quinn Spoke of his tireless and Mr and Mrs C.Andre11~ know about , but we do orv 100 know that he converted Canada ' ' _ R0131? l). DunoanSon, Tor- lrom coast to coast to the Con- lonto IniSSionary on furlough S1‘1'1'ativ1‘ party. a one (lav “l’litz ’ worked ex- ceedingly well. Mr. H. A. Kerr localtreas , in ‘oimed The Reporter that the C 1 ill b )t r11 0 11 1'1“" 311111 0f $425 00 had been 111i1111 11 1011' e 1'1 11 in i PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE lcollected. The Red Cross, in May and who Set 1' ed ma 11y wears in St. Andrew S 1’resl1v- â€"\\"ill be held under auspices 111ther 39““ “Wk 5' “69k 1:†tcrian (‘hu1'c,h Norwood,1vas a of Carmel L. (l L. 1\0. 421 on} more to do the chore but tdi; guest of Rev \1 H and Mrs Thursday, April 3rd 1958 at 1ear1h1 1111011 plan 11 as deci e Heustin on \Vednesdvav Mar1h 8 p.111. in the Orange H311 3111"“ and 1h" c-ollmtlng done 1n 26 Mr [)uncanSOn addressed Carmel. Prizes and Lunch. nu’l‘lihaRnl C10ss of which Mrs All w lcome. ' ' ' ‘ » ‘Wilf ElSon iS t111 pit-sident, "I" â€" |111Sl1 to thank c1crvone for [their splcndid response. a...“ , This guy, 1111S must ha1e e\t gas Station refS't 0 being 01 er tirtd â€".â€"__ Reg 1S the first ,0 S110“ ed manv colouiod slides a hockev Ntltk inlfli lrl'lIlSll Guiana. a baSeball mitt 1n MIS. R. H. 1’» 111k111 11tte111l1d Watch this I11d,tl1e 1list1'i1t oxecutiw mowing Renew Your Subscription. l l St. Andrew’s United Church Easter Sunday, April 6th, 11:15 a.m. Easter Praise Service and Holy Communion Anthemâ€"“Awake Thou That Sleepest†Sr. C. Maker “Glorious Easter Morning†Jr. and Sr. Choirs Youse “A Dutch Carol†Junior Choir Coronet 8010â€" Mr. George Patton Guest Soloistâ€"Mm. (‘. Watson Organist and Choirmaster Mr. Stanlev Northrop brough and we all,ThiS meetinu was held at the a fine athlete he home ot the di S'trict president, . Harry Armstrong who daughter, Mrs. Ralph Innis in Peterborough, has returned 1101119 Selected Soprano the weekly “Hot ur, _ 111(“(ill10‘ at the RIP. and MI‘S. Jlm Pindar s - T' tl'lend‘ 01" “W ,l if; inkzszfcï¬gfjï¬â€˜ï¬i 13:12,)sz,Ill-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII: nau‘ue 7 a â€"-.â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"- Mâ€" _I.v -_.____ AHâ€" o join the 11111111) in oil Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Beattv and Ruth of Rewdley WWMWKMMMWWMM‘EMMM 111 of .Se1‘1'ic - “her ,I I i I I a = 1 1 e u I ‘effmts in connection with the amp 0N9“ 11ere “‘1 m" A H E t T A" = = 111111111111111 1111111Hl"1| 11nd 11jg'11'itl11MIS. Rose Gibbs. ,' appy @as er 0 ' - 1 I I 1 I - l 312-1 11111S'i111:11'11~.Mr.r E Trend‘lng E ’(11'1111 Spok1 for th( group 'VO'CEâ€" OF MTLLBROOKi I s - I \ 11h 11111'111 1111\11‘1l1l1hour, l t. I in aViour†: Placing Weeping Beds and Septic Tanks : ,1- 11111.11 1111111111 11111111 11111- 11111111- 111111.1- ,"é We serve a V 9 I ' I Ill" thc past tlnec vears. anl ‘ 1 C/ . E 100/ GUARANTEE E,pr1‘scnted Mr. H111St1n “ith a A, l" " ' "1',"'1,1',H', 111 g -The RCCCOT and wardens 0f g l\111 f .1 1 1211' f} ll \\'-‘-1(‘{ .S‘ lS‘S‘lH (1 l 1(‘1111131'1‘1' .1 E Phone PCterborough Rl'24554 E 011,1,13‘1111111 on ) H U m 1 on tl11 High 811111111 question The PaTISIT OT (avan- g " " ' 1 1 - written In \11'.11111'.11o)kin<.. I." g: IlllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 311‘ H1 11 till MD“ MI I“: l ' ,,,,,,,,,,,, _. _ iSurptiSe and deep appreciation V"- H‘Tl‘ln‘ ‘-\I†"w" 311“" WhMWWEVVHViHHHHWW‘hIVVhYMMV 1111‘ tho kindeS of his fliends ï¬am“ â€HUN†““1 ll“ “1".†l __ __ ___________-, __ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII . 1111' . \ , 1 11 he 1 11-1111: 121 111111 ll 11%“? 11 111111111111 1f f l 31 “I I ll ‘ 8' IlWMmma-“Wamwe. 1,1,1. .1. , 1111-1241111 1115mm 1,) and 1s apparentlv Sincc'w i111‘1-i- E RA E LE Almighh (11111 for His bounties pressmg hl‘ 01711110†â€Ml 1* "lg ' A PLAY to 11S all a happv social hour-I'll“19‘P(nib‘lli." Of 9""91‘1 l of odd lots and discontinued lines of Glassware, Aluminum Trays, Etc. AT SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES moron, Inn 5111 19s: 1111111111511 ‘, mac-smog V'IW ‘96. .1 VHS: ‘12 4 ‘ 1 Rolf-l“. u 'r I ;- '~ ;S.'F’d"v*'“ "' r r I ‘ ' ‘1 -. _ IIIIII. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ , ' I I “as e111o_1e1l served by the Iali-es. , IN MEMORIAM Win lowâ€"[11 loving memorv' 11111111unitvcan haxe and If of Fred Winslow 11110 passed away April Nothing can ever take away, 'aroa, which is the thinking 11' . The love our hearts holds dear, 10me1irdes a gOOd H‘gh School {Fond memories linger eVerv day1 “ ill be a ‘IFST m inducing Remembrance keeps him near lfamilies to eStablish homes here. â€"â€"E1er remembered by w‘fe a unified effort on the part of and family. l Renew your «bufï¬ng. . 1..., ' "" IWWWWWW 111,111,111lg 1,111,.‘1, organization and ev er} citiz1n ' in th1 (ominunitv to endeav our 1 to maintain a High School hele. qucational institutions 111a“, Fâ€"._,___ Will be presented in CAVAN HALL ; Tuesday, April8, 8:15 pm. l‘lllt mU'SI important industries}; i The Little Clod Hopper therc is anv hope of Millbroolr 6th 1954. ldev 'eloping as a residential. This 3-Act Comedy :3 put on by the Oakwwd Young Earned Couples Club, and is being Sponsored by Cavan Choir Admission 50c , - - Children 25c oomxnnnroraaoon-m I trust Mr. Hopkins plea for 1 our citizens rec eives the support A Millhmak 1111121111. Q h