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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 10 Apr 1958, p. 2

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ladies’ Auxiliary Plan Draw The regular meeting of the; Ladie‘ Auxiliary of the Canaâ€"i lian Legion Branch 402, Mi11-'i brook, was held April lst in the Legion Hal}. } We were honoured by the: presence of the fi‘ollowingg guests: Mrs. Parrington, Zone: Commander; Mrs. Brown, PreJ; sident Ladies’ Auxiliary, Pe ‘ terbOrough; MrS. Kernohan, 181;: -.V ice President; and Mrs. Gray, Sgt.-at-arms. ! The meeting was opened by1 President P. Ch‘alliee. There were :20 members present. The minutes were read by Secretary L. Challice and adopted as read by Comrade I. Nelson, seconded by Comrade B. How- den. The minutes of the execu- tive meeting were adopted as read by Comrade H. Reid, 8-3.".- Onded b; Comrade E. Sloan. One new member, M1 Larmer, was initiated. It was moved by Comrade H. Reid, seconded by Comrade M. Gillis that we sell tickets on 3 Hope Chest and Contents, the ’draw to be held July lst. Com- mittee chosen to look after urchasino of chest and rint- , A .06. ,, n J n. {I yLut-namué w. wwu. __,__ I ing of ticketbâ€"Commadras H. Reid, M. Gilli-s, 1. Trick. The accounts were read and Zion Pentecostal Church MILLBROOK Sunday Services 10 a. m. â€"Sunday School 11.00 a. :11. â€"Worship Service. 7. 30 p. 111. â€"â€"Great Evangelistic Service B .D . , Minister. Mr. Stan Northrop, organist ‘ and choir director. . “0 Come, Let Us Worship’. ' "‘ St. Andrew ’3 10. CO 3. . m .«-â€"Sunday School 11 . 15 a .m . â€"â€"Public Worship ' '(8) Thomas. Nursery for Pre-schvool childâ€" ’56! TWO ~ 9.45 a.m.-â€"â€"Pub1ic Worship .' and Sunda School. , PRESBYTERIAN ' Gentrevflle and Hillbrook Rev. Walter Patterson, M.A., Minister Emeritus. Interim Moderator Rev. Gilbert 1). Smith, B.A. The Interim Moderator will conduct bath services. ., Grace Church, mm 10. 45 a . m . â€"Church School. 7.30 p.n1.â€"Divine_ Worship. Céntrevi‘sle Church South Monaghan 10 .00 a .m .â€"â€"Church School 11.00 a . m . â€"â€"Divine Worship. ‘IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBIIIIII_ I TheChurches SUNDAY, APRIL 13, 1958 THE UNITED GHURGH Millbrook Pastoral Charge 3v. Francis Chisholm, M.A ren . Pentecostal Assemblies of CASH for dead or crippl- ed Horses and flows. Top price for 0ch. horses. Telephone collect Keene 53ml,- if no. answer Peterborough Ri-24330. Dead Stock! . H. Beusta'n, B. Gavan Pastor, M . Case. of The Gross. . J essm Iit was moved by Comrade M.[ Fallis, seconded by Comrade F. White that they be accepted and paid. The correspondence} 1was read by the Secretary and‘ 1accepted. . , The flo‘wer fund draws were‘ iwozl,’ by Comrades E. Raper,' 4V. Earle, M. Brooks, and PH C ha llice . 1 The Flower Fund report was; given by Comrade F . White, A; report on the card parties was! given by Comrade W. Rich-1 ards. Social Committee report? was read by Comrade M. i Brooks. The Treasurer’s re-‘ port was read by the Treasurer, Comrade J. Trick. ‘ The meeting was taken over by Mrs. Parrington who gavr a very interesting talk on the" work of the Canadian Legion' and Auxiliaries in regard to: the Eye Bank, scholarship fund, youth training plan and the placing of a memorial Windows» in SunnybrOOk Hospital: 1w The Zone Rally is to be in Norwood on May 26th. 111 .LV ‘UJ- VV UV“ v“ .m- J _v--r. Meeting was adjourned by: Comrade M.Fa11is, after which the Social Committee serV_ed “Chamber of G 0mm e r c a Week” is to be observed thro- ughout Canada, April 13th to 19th. In these 88V en days. the purpose will be to zuquaint the people of Canada mole mliv with the role of 21 Chamber of C'ommexce, and the gleat mum: of such a group to the local community, the province and the nation. lunch . CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WEEK APRIL 13-19 The Millbrook and District Chamber of Comr...~rce is one of more than 750 Boards of Trade and Chambers of Com- merce doing a vital job of com- munity building across Canada . ~Prime Minister Di-efenbakerI recently paid tribute to the work of the Chamber move-! ment in this countrv in thesei xx ords: “Boards of Trade and; Chamber of Commerce are} closely identified with the? interests of all citizens because,‘ through the united and volun-‘ tary effbrt of business and com- munity leaders, they help to build better communities and create conditions favourable to our future growth and pros- perity. Among the many im- portant functions 01? the Cham- ber movement is that of pre- senting the views of all has- ness, large and small, to munici- pal, provincial and federal governments. ' ’ Akyz..\v.-~ , T e ob'eet of a Chamber are?" . n= ~. , , , h J '- answerlll 9" H137 pray'er. I Secur_ t‘JO immerous to int-115:0 in thzs . . * ‘_ . i ed exactly the informatmn 1 letter. But conmsi'endmg' , ' ' ~ ' 3' “199de at my most desperate these you Will have a fact f1no-. hour ,, n ‘ ‘ mg, dellberauve organizatiena} One might explain this as a dquned to bmld better com-i Coincidence, or luck, or provi. m m”! GOD- to unite 7th~e citizens in aetivi-y It’s thl‘s kmd’ O-f (:omcidence ties for the advancement and that has a hablt 0t occurring welfare -oflits home community for me and thousands Pf o’gher Thus when you fin d an active people because we believe in a Chamber you will be impressed! “Dd Who anwers prayer. b' . ’ 1 Dare to have falth in God. :y its progress and develop- ment. Its citizens working to. gather for community welfare, . 7 _ ., studying its problems and eo- ’ operatively seeking a Solution. i The main object of “Chain-l ber of Commerce Week” is to! increase the overall member- ship in the local organizatiom. Coincidental is the desire to x‘llllsl’ the interest .of citizens in ‘ the Chamber movement by showing them how they can ‘build their communities as bet- ter places in which to live 9. in \hich to do business and in which to bring up a famih . Think â€"-â€" member NW Chairman of Tvmittee. Me: omraae m.l asur-er’s re-' . 1e Treasurer, 1‘1 God wants our souls to be en-' ched and blessed. He wishes us physical prosperity also be- ; taken over ~ cause 3 John 2 states: “Below ,n who gav, led, I wish. above all things that! thou mayest PROSPER and be: a talk on the” lian Legion'm hea regard to ;P§I‘€th- larship fund, ot peeple who are reapm >lan and the benefits, )rial’ Window l» Wlth God . spital. Here is the «testiml f _lter Earl Cameron has been a any 0 ‘1 familiar one to CBC. radio m I is to be held finanmal advisor of national listeners across 0 ada for y 26th . . Se dJourned by: . . _ _ . s, after which H19 organization has been paid ittee servedimor‘e than $17,000,000 just for G.D. ?adviee alone. As a youth, he ’attended Harding College, Se- arcy Ark., a School controlled by the Church of Christ. He was inspired by its president, James \V. Harding, who took w )MMERCE .19 l I l 3 o in in e r 0 (3| Oserved thro-3 Xpril 13th tol ‘ [1.1““ up,” “'15? . lems to God in prayer and ( iprominence whose firm is locat- n earl 15 T d C 7‘ _ - ,, v . y year. 0 ay, amen] d on Wall btr eet, N .1 . Clt} . on also is heard on CBC Nation- al TV news. He is a native of Moose Jaw, Sask. Cameron has; been a newscaster with CBCi since 1944. ; You will find he will give youi; more than yOu have; make youf more than you are! Jesus came practically all of his, daily prob- to bring us ABUNDANT LIFE, ‘ physically, mentally, spiritu- taught his students to do “1"“.ally, and financially. 98017.16 9. Prayer Pays Off On Wall St. Faith‘ in God can affect you: financially. The Bible states that the LOVE of money is the root. ofi all evilâ€"mot money in itself. Marley is neither good nor bad. Its morality is de- termined by What we do with It. JA-“\ u...\ -- “..\I_ I “That very morninw I decid-I Ied to see (no 01 111v but friends, Ian attorney not represented inI our deal, but with whom I had I diseu:sed it several times. His firm had 48 extenion ph011e.I The operator, by mistake, putI In1e 011 a busy line. Imagine my} utter surprise when I heard him laughing with the leader 'of our competitiors over theirI Isutcess in outwitting me and 'my clients. Having learned I .where the leak was, I was able to solve my problem. Do you think it was an accident that I the operator put me on his busy ‘ line; on the vital one of the 48 chtensions at exactly the right imoment? N0! It was God ans“ ering; my prayer. I secur- ed exactly the information I 11eeded at my mo;t desperate hour. ” I I 1 l I Consider the answer that this man received to his prayer: 111(le 1t,\.x'1\'cu. tv 11;»: I/AI\",V\' “It was the most importan‘r; The Annual General Meeting buiinese deal Of my lifeâ€"more of CYUC will be held in .St. than a million dollars was. at Andrew’s Church Hall on Sun- stake. But everything Went day evening at 8.30 O’clock. wrong. I couldn’t figure it A good attendance of members out. It seems someone in the is requested, as this will be the organization was double-cross- last Sunday night meeting of 111:; 11*, but who? We puzzled the season. Officers flor 1958-59. over it exceedingly, until one will be elected. morning my wife said, “This‘___ is beyond our powerâ€"~let‘s take A w it to God in prayer.” \Ve did â€"r1}_rht then and there! 3' 9' I- -- A ‘ A Abundant Life (by Oral Roberts)- m momma“; mustang. You will find he will give you more than you have; make you more than you are! Jesus came to bring us ABU NDANT LIFE, physically, mentally, spiritu- ally, and financially Weddings, the sick CHRISTIAN YOUTH EbramS’ jflcwer Shop Opposite the czfiitol Theatre, Port Hope Hbrams’ flower Shop TURNER 52808 NIGHT, OOLPHONE mm 55796 DAY; ‘ norm AND scnoor. The Home and School Associ- ‘ation will meet in the schol on 3. April 14th, at 8.15. A repreâ€" a' sentative from the Canadian 10 ’ National Institute for the Blind or will be present and show films. 51.. 1 There will be musical numbers. m. Everyone invited. Please re- of turn nomination forms. Re- aq‘freshments and social time. “LET FLOWERS SPEAK FOR YOU” CARD OFTEANKS Rev. W. H. Heustin, Mrs. Heustin and Ion David and Jean extend their hearty thanks and appreciation to their many friends and neighbours in Mill- brook and surrounding: com- munities for their kindnessos throughout the past seven years. Your love and loyalty to us whether members of our congregation or not, your deeds Lof kindness and help ha_v e been, 21 Queen Street by God’s grace working thr- ough‘, a means of many bless- ings and much encouragement to us. Thank you; one and all. Christ, our Hope, is Risen. P‘umbing 81 Heating Pump Repairs Trenching and Digging and Oil-Burners Eavestroughing and room, funerals. ,. Thursday, April 10, 19:8 An auction sale of House- hold Furniture and Real Estate the property of the late Mabel Price will be held in Bethany on Saturday, April 19th, (30:11- mencing at 1 o’clock sharp. Terms Cash. Real Estate of- fered subject to a reserve bid. Purchaser will pay 10% date of sale, arrangefnehts for bal- ance will be announced date of sale. An auction sale 21" a Cement Mixer, Steel Mortar Box, Lum- ber, Carpenter Tools, etc., the property of Mr. Walter Row- land will be held in Bethany on Saturday, April 19th (about 4.30 p.m. after estate of Mabel Price has been sold). Terms Caeh‘. REID ’S GARAGE, Phone 1 MILLBROOK, ONTARIO R. J. Payne, auctioneer. AUCTION SALE . Payne, auctioneer . -..._Jaâ€"- u: .r E :36 DEALER mum. mm W338 IUKEKAL Aflfl SERVELLD More on O The Durham High S(:‘ Area board meeting was I on March 29, 1958 and des 21 6 1â€"2 hour meeting it has come any nearer a solutloz the problem as it now Stan V Tile Millbrook district 56' problem was dlscmsed and cording to information pa on to me, the board intim that they would be willin sign an agreement to the e that our High School woul< item in our paper, I aga' mind you, that this board} cision, written, oral or oheni are only for its own‘dura and they cannot commit fu‘ be closed. As 'm my pre‘g If this board is sincere i1 efforts to help the Millb: School Area, I would su that it publicly submit. a for a 250 pupil High Scho M iubrook and also set up a committee to locate and chase a suitable site for area where. by this school w be ready for use in :2 year soonef from this date. In :- ing out this type of pro: we will then know we are of the NEXT and MAY (-9. agory and that somet‘z CARLEY, STANDISB, CLAE CARLEY 8; LECH Barristers and Solicitors 425 Water Street PETERBOROUGH, ONTAR] '1‘. J. Carley Q C ._ (1896-19! B. 0. Standish Q.C. '1‘. E. Clarke BA. 8. H. Carley B. Com. W. C. Lee]: BA. Port Hope, Ont. marshy, April 10, QUEEN ST W. (At Strachan Avenue) TELEPHONE KMpire 3- TORONTO. om. Monments, Markers: Cor: «Posts and Inscriptions. ; PHONE E Fred Gardner 3 Cavan, Ont. g FOR i Buck Block E Work Good Reading for the . Whole FamflY Ea'EEEiy Eaatzzra’ss - facts

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