i1 17, 1958 Thursday, April 17, 1958 THE monumental, MILLBBOOK, ONTARIO !A G! m . ; T ~ ‘ I. . '_'â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"Câ€"..-§.â€"â€"__â€" lie orter g - p g Manvers (ounal I To Purchase , ’: New Read Gr er THE DIESEL FIREMAN DISPUTE 0N CANADIAN PACIFIC 1551,“. Bethany, Ont., April 7th, {91" Pub ' l958â€"The regular monthly me- ~ sting of the Manvers Municipal ' Council was held on the above TWO YEARS A -- . . . . . . , , leet'ng date with all members preswt â€hm, r l' (303m April I956 the Firemens Union demanded wage increases and other benefits involvmg (ouncfl an d Reeve Argue presided. ‘ nia increase costs. The minutes of the March . __ meeting were read and 3pm“, AT THE SAME TIME Canadian Pacific proposed that, as firemen were not necessary, they should no longer be carried ' . ed on motion of Brown and on diesel locomotives in freight and yard service. March 14th- . l meetino of th - Jakeman . Carried. . pal Conifcil W33 . The followmgd COIélmuTélea-I CANADIAN PACIFIC also proposed dropping both arbitrary wage payments for which no semce was rendered _ I S tions were receive an rea :â€" ' - l? date, with all Dept. of Highways, Port Hope and differential wage rates in mountain territory. '3 t d A . h f T shi ' ,3. I1 an Reev" flag??? “139391;:gugï¬wï¬givg IN DECEMBER I956 a Federal Board of ConCiIiation recommended substantial wage increases and other benefits. a; In?†spraying Hospital re two indigent pati- At the same time, it found that firemen were not reqmred on diesel locomotives in freight and yard semce and ‘ - was dismiss. ents; Ontario Municipal Board ' made prowsion for protection of their employment It also found that payment of arbitraries and mountain differen- f -.h and the fol- re purchase of new grader; tial should be modified ’34:? ‘ecordedzâ€" Dept. of Municipal Affairs re ° 2?: Gill, seconded the opening of a new Municipal . . . , 4:5: ’11,. Cecil Bul- Assessmen t Regional office in CANADIAN PACIFIC accepted the ConCiIiation Boards report. v a Warble Fly Peterborough; Westeel Pl‘o- if? 38 and be enâ€"- ducts re new price list for cul- ~r: the Town-s ’ at $2.25 per :nan. seconded . Mr. Walter [l \Varble Fly 3 at a rate of and .Ilii' per ioWeini-e. Car- -l:11. \M'éilltleil verts; (’ianaraska R.C.A. min- utes of the laSt meeting and the l95T financial statement; North- timberland and Durham Health l'nit monthly report; Dept. of Public Welfare enclosing a cheque as subsidy for the main tenance of County Home for the Aged; Freeport Sanator- iizin. Kitchener re an indigent patient and the Consumers’ Gas Co. re the third raiding of the A THE FIREMEN’S UNION rejected the report and called a strike on January 2, I957. THE STRIKE WAS ENDED on January II, I957 on the following basis:â€" I. Canadian Pacific agreed to pay the substantial wage increases retroactive to April I of the previous year and other benefits recommended by the Conciliation Board. 2. The Union and Canadian Pacific agreed to refer the D differential to a ROYAL COMMISSION. 3. The Union and Canadian Pacific agreed to negotiate t publication of the ROYAL COMMISSION'S Report. IESEL ISSUE as well as payment of arbitraries and mountain hese issues in the light of and immediately following the t for n- lily-law granting the franghige THE KELLOCK ROYAL COMMISSION of three senior lodges devoted ten months to hearing II9 Witnesses and, at «1; conï¬ne n; the wild Company. the request of the Firemen 5 Union, made on-the-ground investigations across Canada and also made observations Fl‘v Act that On motion of Jakeman and on four maior European railway systems It was the most extenswe and thorough investigation in the history of r t" 3 ‘ I. . fl '_ - v T : L " o a .5 charge -01 nah olni. h}. 1d“ kg. 1343 was labour relations in Canada. i 1» per head given tne third reading. Signed, :n seconded he Township ion The Ont. 0 grant per. the payment over a 3 year .ill, seconded the meeting egular meet- 958, at 1.30 ’ III-I'll, sealed and numbered. Being a fly-law to give the Consumers’i Has Co. the exclusive franchise! for natural gas distribution in‘ the Township of Manvers. On motion of Malcolm and Jakeman, the Clerk was in- structed to contact the new As- sessment office in Peterbor- ough and ascertain as to whe-‘I ther their services were avail- able to make a spot check 5'ur. vey of assessments in Victoria County and Manvers Township in connection With the High SchOol area propOSition of as- sessment for maintenance pur- poses. Carried. On motion of McGill and Brown, the Clerk was in-‘ strut-ted to place an ad in the Daily Commercial News, call- ing tenders for the crushing and delivering of 5,000 cu. yds. of gravel anywhere within the Township on a flat rate basis, under the supervision of the Road Superintendent. The gravel to be %inch crush and work to be completed by July 15th, 1958. A deposit of $300. to accompany each tender, the same to be forfeited in the event that the work is not can IN ITS UNANIMOUS REPORT published February 4, I958 the ROYAL COMMISSION found that:â€" l. Firemen are not required on diesel locomotives in freight and yard service on Canadian Pacific either for safety or any other reason. 3. Arbitraries have become unrealistic and should be dropped and payment made on the basis of service rendered. 4. Mountain differential payments should be dropped and replaced by valley differential. CANADIAN PACIFIC accepted the report of the KELLOCK ROYAL COMMISSION as it had undertaken to do when the Commission was appointed. , THE UNION reiected the report, stating that nothing in it was acceptable to them. They did so knowing that not one fireman would suffer loss of railway employment who was hired before the proposal to discontinue firemen on freight and yard diesels was made in April, I956. All across Canada there are less than I00 firemen hired after that date and now working who face possible lay-off. ALL EFFORTS of Canadian Pacific to settle the dispute through negotiations with the Firemen’s Union have failed. FOR TWOWYEARS firemen have enioyed “substantial wage increases. During these two yegrs action on the diesel- issue has been postponed while the Union‘ had every contentiOn it ‘coiild advance investigated by Mo 'enqi'.iii"i'és;":fz " CANADIAN PACIFIC has a duty to the. public to operate the-railway efficiently and economically. CANADIAN PACIFIC, to fulfill this duty, has given notice to the Firemen’s Union that the findings of the KELLOCK ROYAL COMMISSION will take effect on May II , I958. THIS ACTION is in accordance with Federal labour law; â€" ried out according to contract. The Township to supply the gravel. Sealed tenders to be in the Clerks hands by May 5, 1958. Carried. Mr. Archie Ward of the Dept. of Highways, Municipal Branch, Port Hope, interviewed the Council regarding the pur- CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY OAKLEY, STANDISB, CLARKE CARLEY a LEW Barristers and Solicitors 425 Water Street PETERBOROUGB, ONTARIO Hm chase of a new Grader. Icheques for the following ac-é Treas SS No 4, school On motion of Jakeman and! countsâ€" _____5â€"â€"**____ [GRACE GEORGE LADIES 17 ladies and each gave a. par- ! money ............ 400.00‘ ENJQY p01! LUCK SUPPER able of the Bible. Minutes of | Treas SS No 14, school I ‘ . ‘ . ° he last meeting were read and _ _ 1955 Malcolm the Clerk was in ;Township Clerk, relief ' . t . . T. J]; C§'°’s:,,§,,haz°: ) structed’to place an ad. in the‘chiargeâ€"baek ........ $ 23.06; money ............ 600.00, The April meeting of Graceitreasurer’sreport given. Bust. S '1' ’5 Clarke 3 A. . Daily Commercal News, calling, Thos Whillier and Son I Treas SSNo 2, school IPreSbyterian Church Ladies’ ! ness was discussed and meeting a ' R h barley B Coin tenders for the supplying of aIIa-ssessing supplies... 110.49; money ............ 800.00, Aid was held at th e home oflciosed thh mlzpah benedic- W .C Lech h A ° new 115 H.P.' Motor Grader,;Peterborough Dist 00- iTreas S No 9, school IMrs. Eakins. t-lOll. ' ' . I ° snow plow and Wing. Anum-!op, Warble Fly Pow- I money ............ 1000.00l A pot luck luncheon being . "“_â€"“â€"“‘ Iber 512 Adams Grader, SnowId-er ................. 51.45; R Davrd‘son, on salary , ;S en, 6 d at 1.00p.m. Mrs. Hens-I BUTTER GRANITE GO. gal-lllllnllll-IIIIIII: plow and wing to be offeredIToronto StampSten- 3 account .......... 100.00!“11 was honoured guest and afPort Hope, Ont. Box 622 : PHONE E in trade". All tender fornis to? ('11 WOiki’ dog tags... 26'25' MiTEId 11)y Jaliémall’ secondeg matChing tray and lazy susani Monuments, Markers, Comer I I be supplied by the Townhip oij J. Dilling, auditing, by. i a co in, t at t e meeting“,as presented to her. The. . t‘ = Fred Gardner : Manvers. Tenders to be inischools, Twp Tel. . .. 425.00 adJourn until May bth, 1908, aaaddress being given bv Mrshl Posts and Inscmp 10118. = C Ont =lClerlrs hands by May 5th, 19%. ‘, Herb Neals, 1 cord of , ;1-30 P-mï¬ M Di "d 1 k éLorne Farrow. Mrs. Heustini - ., : avan’ . :l C‘n'led' â€lg“? "YOOd ' ’ ‘ '.' """ £323 '0'“ “n 3031’ C er ’ I graciously replied. ’ BATES 1:0qu I! FOR II l3y-law NO. 1347 '“Va; glVE‘HI R E Edlllllllds, â€â€™11.- i - - E -I ~_â€".____. -â€"~.__._._.___‘ 1 The nleeting Opened With! FUNERAL. sggvlcgs : B ' k B! k E‘the three necessary readiiigs,'.\' TV Porter, relic-t2; (30.00 JOHN PAYNE Iprayer by the president Mrs.‘ 7 LIIHI‘LD 3 rlC 0C llsigned, sealed and numbered. Road voucher Ros 4,-:).3096.§0 Pontypool _. Ontario Home Farrow, followed by E ER PRESIDENT E ‘3]ng Eching†a By-law appointing- allLllld~a.\’.DilllyPOSi, ad 1.513 Licensed Auctioneer. Durhamihymn “When I survey thelA' . RAP , i. = :j ‘ierk and Treasurer. . Pellet-anon Agr, part Cotmty, is now available to compmndemus crossâ€. The Scrip-I QUEEN STA W. , E 5‘ GENERAL REPAIRS :; Moved by Malcolm, seconded? payment ............ 300.00 duct sales anywhere in County. :ture reading Of John 20: verses' (At Strachan venue) I I l :by McGill that. the Reeve andi Treas SS No 7, school ’ illb 0k 214:32 . E PHONE M ro Ii’l‘reasurer be authorized to Slgnl money ............ 500.00i Your patronage respectfully g1-18 was given by Mrs. Clit’fordITELEPI-IONE EMpire 3-0681 Illlllllllllllllllllllli solicited ILarmer. Roll call answered by TORONTO. ONT. I I