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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 24 Apr 1958, p. 3

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11“}! l, 1958 ’ Thursday, April 24, 1958 ~ THE ERROR-IRORTR, MEI-1.33901, ONTARIG -â€"â€"â€" -â€"â€"_..___________________________________.____ . rewiring . Mirror-Reporter iBethany To Hold l 3:1; . 7 ,7 {Field Day On 1 ”5‘ "°’”"' " ‘ {Monday, May 19! teminment our time 7 ANNUAL MEETING HELD J. n. Barringer. Publisher. l OFFICERS ELECTED WOMEN’S INSTITUTE FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY ELECT OFFICERS This year the Bethany Atll~' 7 letic Association celebrates its The annual meeting 0f the fiftieth anniversary and of the Women '5 Institute was held at charter members there are 01311.1 the home 0f MK Th'OS- Hark- two living in the village 11011:, 1181*- Ten members answering Dr. J. .J. Hamilton and Wil- lh" 1'0“ call 1 . . liam L. Hannah, both of whom Reports 01 standing comImt‘metain their interest in sports. lja‘t‘S were read by-each conveli |. Prior to 1908 there had been er. A talent table was vet} i no organized sports in the yin- . ,... ‘ . . ' l .. . ~1l1<£5>llll and proceeds Will be' age and at the first meeting a used t0 purchase more articles, field committee was formed f0" the layettes. and their first duty was to The £0,110ng is the Slate 70f: procure suitable grounds. The officers 101‘ 1958-09. §"Old Show Ground" where in .MT-‘fl Harry Armstrong pre-; earlier years full i'airs were jl‘l"‘l1“"f‘r Th? nominations and. held seemed to be the most ‘il‘mfmnml 0'1 013199115- _ gh‘lllldblt‘ and this property was ’37 _ F‘r‘ql‘ntâ€"Mr‘ Allie £1.2th jl>nrohused tor the sum of $335 ' “l \ :‘fâ€"3L5' 13- 0- thhards and the drill shed Site adgonl 311" l 1“" 311'?“ Wm. Hilton .iilg was: rented from the govern- \‘.>v.-Treas.â€"Mrs. Gerald Lar- ment for $1.50 per year. fl“? _ j At the annual meeting- Thurs- Mjl'lm Directorâ€"Mrs. Henry Clay evening. April 17th. in 17"" e NCIL 21?de - . town hall at Bethany, Vernei G _\';llitorsâ€"â€"Mr.~t. Writ. HMO“: Mulligan was elected president! _ '(‘i-‘l‘lgvl’s- 3- C- Rldmi‘ds fot‘ the Bethany Athletic Associ-l Silildline Connâ€"Mrs. Tlivnrnas‘fiion. Other officers areâ€"~. .el‘fkllr‘xx‘ and :VII'S. \Vlll. 11.: i]11“"r‘ lint” l’z‘w‘ l‘I‘E’K‘ â€"R-€“"‘ ‘. AA‘ L. . 77 (1'7. .\7'. D O X 1 ‘. .LHTI‘ODQ.‘ l Edniunds 4‘91. Standing Cmnnllttees and Con? 3a; \‘3..;» I’p.x.~.â€"~R«1~s Davids-on '3 l"- . . lflllll Viaâ€"o l’l-cs.â€"â€"~Tll(>S. Cilf'l'i‘O 1 f1" 1 l’I‘h'itslliP a hdllezltioliâ€"MI‘S- .Sevrotal'vâ€"whlrs llrrv R‘rltw .. .7; $3.»... ".1... 3 " ‘ J‘H" I ~ ‘, ‘ .1 '15 A\llll>l1(‘“.(‘r ‘ 7 1Trwasul'orâ€"Glellil \\ entwortil flhl- rival Rowan-ll o; Cln'l't‘nt':;\.llllitoz'â€"l‘>rlwe R‘Clfl' :7‘1.1~1\___‘. ' - -1_ .7 7" . .' ‘ :4 1 x .11 -vli\. \\ ll}. H. Arm 3T1» ‘15t()t)§' 0L tilt" A‘Lihlt’tl‘.‘ Parkâ€" .» stroll: _ 1 Vincent Jackson 1 year, . . 0 Hun“ ixmllolnil-s and Health~ Frill-e vaev 2 veal'S. Robert ”11.1.14 in... W11 . Hilton Ri'lei‘ ’ M“ . .. l l u vears ‘_'. . Rr‘fsollll’ltUNâ€"BIIN. John L’Llnn Par-k Conlg1iittee._fiarrv RVIEV, , . - . \ utmo- Delegatos tor District I Verne Mulligan. Robt. vaey, w. Annual to be held at Gavan! 01.109 ‘Wi‘iu-ht -- 17. 7 0-) 1-' 1 . -. 7 i’" ' n- - Md} "Dd M“ oeâ€"Mrs. Al- I It was derided to hold a meld! v.4" _ :‘ 1:.1] - 1 j’ .\, 1’ . 1", v l 1 . . 7 lfi‘ A (“11‘1 MI 1 H- ”(twin allay. Monday, May 19th With at 1.r_7"; 1.. 1 "i ,.i,...1. .‘ 1‘ . . , M!» 11‘:- Q- lealtm “Imidance in the evening. also to " Ml"- A m. H- Armstrong 3‘ 1 hold a parade prior to the ball 7 41' “11"?“19- igames. Reg,r Edmunds, Glena 1' f. .37", . - 7. . 7 , 7 . .. -‘ ‘ A Lumh “31> “fwd b.‘ thi“W‘Ventworth. Ross DaVlQS‘OR and _~â€"~â€"â€"â€" home“ and committee. ’ iMrs. H.777,” H.719? We“. ap. pointed an entertainment CURL; mittee with Reg Edlmnlds anii Vineent Jackson to arrange for, ‘ l _â€"_~_â€".â€" CARLEY, STANDISH, CLARKE CARLEY LECH Barristers and Solicitors ‘lhe sports. These 'v‘vll lllt‘lllde 425 Water Street Imates for the small children, PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO 'baseball and softball games. i . The parade official-3 zli-el T- J- 03”” QC; (18964956) [Verne Mulligan. Orloe Wright. R. 0. Standish Q.C. ‘ i 7 .7 .7 . ‘1 ‘ T' 13' Clarke 3"" iii; 0113:1311? TlhoiliinOi‘L‘uI-rijmiil‘l 1" 11' Carley 3' Com. i'llraCnO‘e foi' theopriszes 19 W i '( ‘ 1., ‘ 1 . W' 0' Led! 3"“ A baseball committee was iformedâ€"Vincent Jackson. Harâ€" BUTTER GRANITE 00. lry Ryley and Orl-oe Challiee. Port Hope, Ont. Box 622’Softball committeeâ€"Roy Fer- en and Mrs. Verne Mulligan. Monuments, Markers, Corner .3 Glenn \Ventworth and VVal- POStS and Inscriptiom- iter Neals were named ticket .____~_._â€"â€"_____ {takers at the gate for-the sea- BATES a mains ’son. . . . FUNERAL SERVICES The skatinig rink committee , -. -7-.7 . are Orloe \Vi‘ight, Clarke Pome- “hing". 5' my. Ronald Pomeroy and Rob- A. B. RAPER, PRESIDENT‘ 9” 135.191,. QUEEN ST W. (At Strachan Avenue) TELEPHONE EMpire 3-068] TORONTO. ONT. _.â€"..__ lsr. THOMAS’ W.A. TO I lSEND DELEGATES T0 ! ____._.__-______1ANNUAL MEETING JOHN PAYNE l â€" .I Pontvpool .7... Ontario l The \V.A. of St. Thomas- Licensed Auctioneer. Durham Anglican Church met on M'Ofl‘i County, isnow available to cm“ day evening at the home of duct sales anywherem County. tMrs. H. A. Turner. Mrs. J. Your patronage femur” W. Hilton, the president, eon-I 7.. a _, s _ ' . a . _ «this spectacular and impreséive solicited ducted the W-A~ pravers and 1.1 oununc the 723d annual meet toilum m Obtuse, the bham-U.Oppfirfln‘uty FOI’ local film is in a class by itself, Whe- - , 1, - . ” 1110' to be held in the Masonic ters represented by Arts. Leslie: 7 . . 7 7 , â€"â€"'â€"â€"*"'â€"_ Litan}. The alriplure lesson,i c V a - C k (P30 IC‘TO See t‘her one vievvs it as entertain- ' ’ 0 1 '- , ~- ~ lHall in Toronto May 5-7th. Graham, Mrs. “3554’ 00 e P . 1:. _ lllllllllllllllllllllll ~nd. Cor- 014 “as read by 2 _ . d W members Mrs H l _ ment or rehgfln or both. Mrs. W. E. llase}'-Cooke.‘Delegates from this branch Wfll-(iii'lli'n 901] and les ”Ro. ’Famous Future ' PHONE \ . ',_The report of the last Ineetingiattend. ~' ~ ‘ l C 1111:): ‘ ' yi Fred Gardner iwas accepted as read by the Interesting items were read '0 5 ' 1 1 1 ' . 7 . . l . . . . (lifts tor the bale irom the MlelOOk P€0P19 M“) “‘31“? V ,. ... 7. ,T. ; v ~ . ‘l tho ._.i, ‘. ) . l Mama!" . M155 R F3111... by My” Falhs tun: "" W A :nlelllln‘l‘S‘, were shown and in~'not so tortuiiate as to see “The! Cavan, nto Mrs. 1.05119 Bristeu‘, treasurer, Bulletin. I FOR I . a. ' l Vandal sweaters, shirts, SOquleell (‘olnlllandinents in Peter; ' Bl 1: Brick oc " ' ‘eslltfinu .. repoited .l bank balanu, also .\ -notlon “le paws, o s . ~r1 , ‘ .. f .. . 11 7 . , 1 - .- » ..ap and otliei use ul anions. l . a . T” -. t’ Will have 7. - * ‘ 9‘ ' . ~21 . ‘s: .H ' .ll e': r r of tha ‘, ,_ _ . 101011,.11 oi oi )1] o . . ‘ ”(pond >46._b “ab h h7ed‘ ‘7) h to t e Tr asu e U 'Lliuso Will be seal With two 1 Dead StOCk Removed . ('(llllplt‘ltf quilts to Prince Albert W ork 5: GENERAL REPAIRS ttend the Church of your Choice on Sunday. ‘ 7 i ' , 7 1 , .* V. . ' I 1 | If ' .1 i ~' -. 1 1 1 l~ 'Pqfln 31,11 1.; l}lr)l'(*> 1 ot the Arvtll- tor ('lUTll- allothei 0) )Oltlllll.:v to t 0 so. ”“m ‘1“ ”Hm m‘ ' ‘ 1’ ‘ HIGHEST PRICES PAH) ,1 for «.lisl'riblltiml to the lliissions. . 7 ill Conlterk Store. 13‘1"}7701737 i“: i"? Th“ 11*"‘<l."- ll ‘3] this ‘zl'olllierflll DrodLIC-i . . l ‘ ' g .‘ .1... 7‘. .' .1 ~71 yeah The ell-(inter "Post-W'lr :lh . ~7 ., . . -. « .' _ 3 a . 51 y’" l ”m“ E" m} t H -, ‘ . ' 7f ,H ( _. 1.. Mrs. Douglas Sheppard and “.0111” ”Mil“ ”1 (Oquiézbegm i ' Shir El ““33 .7 .1-.1 llt’ili'li. FHI'AYJU 311:.th , .Welltule: .. 4) till 7‘ Lana: ldll 311w. GPOI‘Q‘E Raper were an- 1 ulna; On Friday, April 20711 and! ("illnlittm Mrs. C. 0 Drillllf'l‘{lllll'l'll’ train the. Study bowl: . .4 .4 tllllllllih‘llklllllllll . .7 . - NE r‘03"..LECT: PHONE Miltlbrook 214132 7 7‘ , . ~ . _‘ _ . 7 1 . per hogtmws. §lllllllll3 d \\ eelx. l PHO v and Mix. Les-lie brallam made 011 Japan “3* I’IP‘PIW‘H ”T‘ The U... memno. will be it It l\‘ not scheduled for Port} Peterborouh 2-2080 , . . .. A - u. . .5 , < , 7 ‘ _ IIIBIEIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIII MK (.3115. dunng mama mlmtn. M11... Turner, . 'le home of Mrs Herb Trick lllope this season, but Cobourgl. . Cob‘ourg 1787 w _ __ -'â€"‘;fA letter “.3; 77.3,] from the This was followed by a dill- ‘ _ ‘ ’ ’ ' ' ‘is only ten minutes farther! N" k Peconi \r‘erd the Church of your? corresponding Secretary of the logue on» the work of the 311$}: anay, and a drive of that- dist-1 lc 911010; on Sunday. EDiocesan Board, Toronto. 7311- Sionaries in t.hel\ew Life Srani- Renew Your ”abscription. ‘ance is well worth while, fori PROPRIETOR ’ I l

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