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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 2 Apr 1959, p. 1

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u‘q A sale of Honié 7331;115:4- by the W A. of St. Thomas’ Angluan Chumh will be held yvu Sunday A til 12, is Bannen-I w“ fl.“ 1-001 ical Sunday.p A joint 591-1119 POT LUCK SUPPER TO BE [dos oI’ Evensong will be held in HELD TUESDAY APRIL 7511 ‘ St. Thomas’ Anglican Church gwa Millbrook at 7 .00 p.m. in' A Pot Luck Supper will be i which the clerg; chloirs and held in St. Andrew’ s Clumh we congregations ofF‘ flare Fresh} Hall at 5 30 P 111 All)?“ 7th 8111 terian and St Andrew’s Inited‘ An mutation 15‘ (‘X 9‘1de ‘0 am Churchésé will join with us in the members of all the “Vanni s Th this service of reconciliation Ozganuations oi' the Chum-L1 111-,- Al] members of the cornmunity T011111\01tll and South Group! 11 are cordially invited to attend 0f the “ -A- h" W \I- S and ('23-! this Service the E1 ening Auxiliary. After h the suppei a fede1atod meeting ‘1‘ wanna karma guru I11111 he held. and proposalx" Dr. cm‘ l SECOND SUNDAY nix-.Waflrfl'flmmaav:a.'.'.'.!.'..'u's.s'='a«five-555?..- Port Hope Citizens Band é HOME BAKING SALE 99th. Year. No. 13 Red {toss Blitz Campaign '°'fii%'iii°w April 3rd Will give a. Varied Musical Programme Under auspices of No 7 Platoon, Millbrook, Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment Sunday, April 5th, 1959 AT-3.00 PM. in Millbrook Armouries Pnoceeds to Minor Hockey. Come along and. support Your Hockey League! EVERYONE WELCOME . ADMfiSION 25c. Vital Services Must be Maintained. Disaster, Relief, Health, Service, and Sick Room Supplies. PLEASE GIVE GENEROUSLY When the Red cross Gamer Calls, or Contributions may be left at THE TORONTO-DOMINION BANK VILLAGE OF MlL’lBRGQK ringer, Publisher . “u D E ESF‘unSored at an Exeéutive Sta” Thor‘naisi" CO!I('(‘I‘n(’d. held on March 23111 The Act of Mercy NeVer Ends! From 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. 1: will be submitted for approval. 'lll at", lid? JOHN. P k Armouries i g i I The sermon which was given 1 bV the Ree tor Rev. Edgar Pal- lfxey, was on “The Sacrament ‘b of kaen Things ’.. The fiirs‘ai 5 broken thing “as Peta and; land Simon’ 8 fishing net. The: second was the brioken aiabaster ADMISSION 25c. '; ‘box. The third was Christg’s i '- broken bod‘V and the last was} We ‘ W he broken tomb from whidn . ‘ Ch1 lst rose triumphantly. Th}. ‘ in Coulter Bros. f1~1d.,. Store 5 l i 55m Saturday, April 4th,. at] , text was taken from P a m 51. Irnhn 1“- um: . Come along and. support. ey League! 5 3.00 p.m. = e Generous! MILLEROOK,‘ ONTARIO, CANADA 1‘ 5 April 6th 1954. Nothing Gan ever take awa A lmo a heait holds dear, His 111011101‘1' is as iresh to- dax As 111 the hour he passed mm} . â€"â€"SaeÂ¥ly missed by wife» and family. Tn 101nm memorv of Fred \X 111slow who passed away l 1 I I 1 granddaughter Mrs . ‘ Kenneth Fallis M1. Thomas Harkm‘ss b\ Mrs HatkncsS and Familv. The Father and Sistm of Mts D Sheppard. v ’ God are a broken spirit; (-ontri'te heart, T119011 wilt HQ [despise O God ’ 3 1' ‘Reioibc ’lhe Lord Is Ra'son‘ i'was sung)- IN the (heir... ivrse- 17. “The sacrifices of uv- n a. The 1102111111111 1'10WH‘S‘ wh1(1ll 11 ere placed 111 1110 Chancel 2111341 Sammtuuw 111 1111 (11011 01 God and 1m 11w memmy (11": '1'111-Ai1011 Family by Mrs K1112; 1 M1. , and 111s. 1101111 Kellvtt 111,; M12 and Mrs Tolbert Kellett.‘ Canon and Mrs. W. C 11110.11: by Mr. and MrS. L. H'.. “U 1151 0 W . 1 Dr. H. A. Turner by kirk} Turner. 1 1 The Eas‘er Service 'of Holy; Communion was celebrated in St. Thomas" Church on Sun-' day afternoon with many“ visitors present .‘ AT ST. JOHN’S CHURCH EASTER SUNDAY James Crowley by lwr IN MEMORIAM TEE MIRROR-REPORTER Authorized as 23d class mail i‘w" broke-n spirit; 8» tion Th‘e following donations to the Minor Hockey League were omitted from last week’s 1istâ€"~ Basil Richards ......... $ 5.00 No Name ..... 2.00 The choir sang the beautiful anthem “And, Behbld I AM Aliw For Ever-mow” by Caleb Smp‘er. USIII S. I yI M18 R.II. -1- 12111111 1111111111- I1111 11111 DiSIrht EX11111II111 M11111.- [11101 of the W'omen’ 3- Institute 011 T1111Sdav last. ‘ 1111s 1111 111stri1't 111 at president, This meeting M rS M1 11112111 MIount l’leaSant. '1‘111- R111. \Valtor 211111 Mrs. . ( I11111-I1.I I111 111111111 111 the Erie I1\II211111211118111111111 011 T1111 R1111: I I I 1 I I 1 I1111S11211' 11101'1111154' Mr 11 1111 \IrS. D1111 11f (1‘11or11-S11’ '211111 M13 . 1311,2211 l’alfrov '111 Joseph Thorn- 11‘ (IVke and family are viSiting ‘ I 111111 1111111 1111111' 1.2111111111S buoinncj 1 i111: 111111 MISS .Iea an I 111111121111 MiSS 11121 H011son () T. S. Workmens RehabilitaIion Hos. Ipital I)1111'11S1'.11111' 0111111111 21111.1 I I RIFS‘. I (11i111' I‘11Iz11'i11 112‘11'11 11111111 IlaStor viSiI- on 111111 their mother, Mrs G. H01V'S011. Mrs. and M1. 1111.11 1\11'_ I ringer. 111111'1111'1)‘;‘1\l01111'11211,1S making an 11xt11111l1111 1'i.S11 withl MISS 111211’ \1111111111111. Mr. 211111M1'S Basil Stephens 211111 11111111111014 12111111 \11111'11111'1' 'I‘1111'1' St1111111111S. OAC, Guelph were Easter visith 211111 Mrs. J. H Bar- III 1111111S \\ 111111121 I I I I | I 1 I I It “as presmted bv M15: Gertrude Mayoock of Leann'ng-' ington To the (“UN of God and in Loving- Memory of her par- «M5 Alfred James Mayoock" .1 ml his wife Sarah. A new oak. Altar Rail was dedicated in Christ Church, Bailioboro, during the Service of Holy Communion on Eas er Sunday by the Revtor Rev. lldwar ’alh‘ev. ADDITIONAL DONATIONS ALTAR RAIL DEDICATED 3 Miss Gail’ Lawson and Miss LEljiZan.“('T'xrowloy are sp‘om ' ‘a ww-k at Five Oaks United ' (‘hurch Training Centre, near ‘ Paris; Untariu. a TSOCIAL - PERSONAL A; {muck Ioaa of furniture being' uhloaded. Some‘one heat ing- the May 1st moving parade... School kids enjoying .their Easfer Holiday's. School buwes. passing back and f-orth'.. Don’t say anyth- ing but strangers might think its our local street. transporta-l Dave Fowler, trying his door to make sure it was locked. A married- man and a married Woman walking down the s' reet together . THURSDAY, APRIL 2 1959 Harry Elgar going to work "‘ Pop ,1 Kent, J-‘ovial as ever Girl's skipping the rope. ’ _--\, ”“1, 1.4.61]! «MAL will: syrup April has arrived and the! making seems to have vanished best “April F001” for all Of the :sprl'ng as. we have heard as is the lack of a spring flood: notlnng 0t ““3 industry from . _ ,around-h'ere-aeyet. which everyone was expecting l 3 this year. Although we had 3.3 9' big accumulation of snow and. : ‘ 3m ice, it has disappeared Slo gradu-1 “Wham-â€" Ml"- and. Mrs. ally that now the chances of a' Davrd. Graham (nee Jean-Belch). ‘ , {0t Tlmavree. New Zealand, are serlous flood 13 over. There: happy to annoamce-the birth of is enough of the "beautiful”;their ' daughter on Sunday. left yet. but little compared to; March 22nd, 1959' I what we did have. I i The winter was a long drawn! ~Buek.-â€"- M'r. aud'Mrs. Percy ‘i out affair this present and pastfyBuek, ‘Mifl’Br-a’ok, are pleased to , year, setting in the last day ofi announce-the birth of a daugh- gNovember, and yet much in} ter at .l’eterborough' Civic Hos- [ evidence as far as snow is con- pital.‘ on- Friday; March 27th, ('erned, but the mild days now; 1959. A sister for-Teddy. Fay, will soon put it in its placeâ€"3 Judyaaxd: Bettv. I .4; l Cheques may be drawn on your account at any time THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 645859.50 Disney’s Salute to Canada ’5 Wild Life FLOOD SGARE OVER? Also, at 8.20 “ROCKETS GALORE” Those Tight Little Islanders are Back " WHITE WILDERNESS Interest on savings deposits at Victoria and Grey Trust Company ON SflVlNGS DEPOSITS You may deposit by mail if you Enquire for our special Deposit-byMail Envelopes. on the minimum quarterly balance and credited to your account half-yearly. 3% PER ANNUM PETERBOROUGH $1.50 a. Post Office "A \Bu(-k.-- M'r. and'Mrs. Percy ‘gBuek,“‘Mifl1§rsok,.are pleased to announcethe birth of a daugh- ter at I’Pterborough' Cfivic Hos- pital.' ou- 2"‘1‘id'ay;~ March 27th, 1959. A sister for Teddy, Fay, Judyzmr}: Betty- The sap-mn-and mapfie syrup making seems to have vanished the Spring as we have heard [nothing of this industry from I around-here-as-yet. I Lake Ontario-.. Adult Entertainment I ’From Here To Eternity" Department, Ottawa, Ont . 6i iat6.30' 9.55 ' MONDAY - TUESDAY a: WEDNESDAY i At 8.05 Only 9’

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