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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 2 Apr 1959, p. 2

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Gentreville Church 10.00 a.m.â€"Church School 11.00 a.m.â€"Divine Worship PRESBYTERIAN Oentrevflle and Millbrook Rev. Walter Patterson, M.A., - Minister Emeritus. Graceflhurch, Millbrook Sunday Schoolâ€"10.45 a.m. 9 .45 a . m .-â€"-Divine Worship. St. John's, Ida 9.45 a.m.â€"Ho]y Communion. 81;. Thomas’ Church. Millbrook ' 11.15 a.m.â€"-Holy Communion Christ Church, Bailieboro ‘ 7.30 p.m.â€"Evensong. ‘ J First Sunday After Easter i Monday, April 6th, Annuncia-f tion {of the Blessed Virgin Mary! Celebration of Holy Communion: in St. Thomas’ Church, 10 a.m.' GAVA'N nveretn u - - ”He k 9 e1 9.45 a.m.â€"Worsh1p Servme 1 one 0:31;: Sunday School children with- 34 :19 and draw during second Hymn 0f; Six thing's church serviec. [Resurrecti 01011101. but: ulcoacu v u 51.1.: AM»; J .a , D r Celebration of Holy Communion' inSt. Thomas Church, 110a. m ' . J. Arthur Steed was in charge and took for his theme: “Hope Becomes Certainty”. â€"""‘“’"â€"â€"'_ Scripture lesson John ‘20 :-1 17 The United Church of Canada. I“The first day of the week Millbrookâ€" Gavan icometh Mary Magdalene early Mr. Stan Northrop, organist when it was yet dank, unto the and choir director :sepulehre, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre. Dr J Arthur M in m: Then she runneth, and cometh “0 Come, Let Us Worshjp’ , [to Simon Peter, and to the :other disciple, whom Jesus WOO! v’.',10Ved with the news. So they 10-00 a.m.â€"Sunflay $831001 Iran both together and saw andi 11.15 a.m.â€"â€"Worship Service believed ” I Supervised Nursery during “Many are the afflittions ofi church service. g -I the righ';teous but the Lord de- E I CAVA'N livereth them out of them all. j’He keepeth all his bones n t 9' 45 a m â€"Wership Service”! one of them 1s broken” .Psalm Sunday Services 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School 11.00 a.m.â€"Worship Service. 7.30 p.m.â€"Evenzing Service 8.00 p.m.â€"Wedne-sday, Pray- er and Bible Study. ; 8. 00 p. mâ€"Friday, Young Peoâ€"; ples Meetmg. j Zion Pentecostal (burgh Captain D. McNeiIly 3.0.0 p.m.â€"Sunday School in Canada, charged baluruay. How else can you account for the fact we are constantly be.- ing burdened by new taxes or tolls, and that we are not given the sort of tariff treatment essential in the face of the peculiarly difficult conditions under which Canadian manuq facturers must operate? he asked members of the Engineerâ€" ing Institute of Canada at a meeting in Toronto. Mr. Armour prefaced these remarks with the contention that unless government at all levels takes cognizance of man- ufacturing for the national well being, the Seaway may bring to Canada not progress and prosperity, but retrogression and stagnation. 11y hit consumers in all parts of] "In he first place it is certain to increase greatly thej pressure of outside cmnpetitiom upon us. In the second, we in‘- the steel and some other indus-E tries, including Ontario Hydroq , will now have to Day tOllS upeni At the Palais dcs Nations, 3)" the bulk of our raw materials. side the lake in Geneva, Switzpp thine? 8‘99] 311d hydro energy land many international (or , ' ‘ are basic to all the production: f9, ,( e 'h . r 1 1n Ontario, anything which? xenctzaie eld. l‘he huro raises their costs must ultimate-‘ pean 0‘23“ 0f the United Na Canada. ” 1 Mr. Armour mm the engine-I ers they should understand from his reasoning why thei r I Government of Ontario came. Durham Co’y Lil out strongly, if belatedly, in! _ _ , w . A meeting 20f the Executiw opposmon to Welland Canal; of the Durham County Liberai tolls. , ' ' 5‘ 5“ a. I! ' i ’ .‘ in 7 “Premier Frost. Is also on: A‘b?"]at”’n “7‘13 had 1“ ht“ “How vulnerable Canadian manufacturing is to outside competition has been dramatic- ally illustrated by the fate of our textile industry. Since I came to Hamilton 12. years ago, " RGE TWQ Torontoâ€"Canadian manufac-i Mercury turers face The undoubted fact: t‘on, MO‘ that they have no real friends 5:311:18“ anumgst p'.:~Wers that be. either here. .. in Ot‘awa or in Queen’s Park; The E Stuart Armoud, economic ad- facturers viser to the Steel Company of dustrial Canada, charged Saturday . i twj: [wa-V; '1 PARISH or CAVAL’ Anglican Church of Canada Rev. J. Edgar M. Palfrey Legion Hall. “A Welcome Awaits You.” THE SALVATION ARMY The Churches SUNDAY, APRIL 5, 1959 Pentecostal Assemblies of mo 0K CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS HAVE No FRIENDS A'r COURT 34:19 and 20. Johh 20;:33. ..Six things we learn from the. [Resurrectionâ€"19’s. New Day. {Jewish Sabbath on" the 7th day i of the week. Christian Sabbath ion the lst. day of the week, he- ioause "on that day the ‘Risen §Savi0ur met with the apvcrlo‘.‘ ‘ in the Upper Room in Jerusalem John 20:19 and ‘20. l Easter Sunday Morning at ,1 St. Andrew’s, March 29, 1959. {Beautiful flowers and special Easter music. plus wonderful Good Friday Cantata by the 'choir and fine congregations, -all helped to provide a good i spirit \of worship. cipl’es believed in the R1393] Jesus, John 202629-31. gadjust om wage scales to 6th New Testamwent For teac +Hose of the European nations. lthe first 40 years the meggage S(h( “Should that day come most_,was carried by the witness of on r1 iof us will have to ride to work individual Christians, and then Lew .on bicycles or smoters. {the Gospels were written and host “We shall not then be able the borok of Acts and Epistles; Aj ilO SniAf at the “11931 1W 0f the whole New Testament. H011 anhrome and all those gadgetsfl E.L.H. ~c\0m" jTlien we shall be thankful for: ‘ ’busses, or even for good old "‘“’ ishanks mare il uuouo, UVux‘ -v ._- _- 3rd. New Powerâ€"-John 20.- 2123, Acts ‘ap;ers 1 and” .. {Sunday Morning Mt St. Andrew’s He warned that without tariff protection adequate to the needs of Canada’sparti- icular situation in relation to Ethe U.S., we must eventually iadjust our wage scales to gtliose of the European nations. These people seem to feel that unless they buy goods from overseas they will be regarded as out of class socially. Recommending a larger doâ€" mestic market, a tariff STruc- t-ure adequate to the peculiar needs of Canada and a lighter tax burden, Mr. Armour said: “Some Canadians find it soci- ally degrading to Buy Cana- dian, even when the goods pro dueed in Canada are available to fill their needs.” The Seaway will hit manu- facturers in the heart of In. dustrial Ontario in at Rzast tww ways. Mr. Armour stated. ers they should understand fron1 his reasoning \vhy the Government of Ontario came out strongly, if belatedly, in opposition to Welland Canal rolls. “Premier Frost. is also on record as favouring an all- Canadian Seaway, which might be made toll free in accordance with long standing national policy.” Connmslmpefialand Zhnmep knit hme all ceased to function here. Mercury Mills, Chipman Hole t'on, Moodies, Eaton Kgitting, new Faithâ€"The dis- ‘1 pean Offfice of the United Naâ€" Alps in the background. I The Executive received a report frOm the Commitee under the chairmanship of F :93. L'ovekin of Newcastle, which previously had been set up to Ideal With the sale of member- iship tickets and advertising Iprogramme for the Liberal IParty in this County. The, Committee. repor ed plans for Ithe membership drive and also I for a series of advertising sett. ~mg cut the basic principles of I Liberalism. 4th. New courage Acts 12- :3- 11. 5th. New church Acts 3:36- 4] and 47. A meeting 30f the Executive of the Durham County Liberal Association was held in New- castle Hall, Newcastle, las‘. week, laid preliminary plans for the forthcoming Provincial election campaign. ; ‘ i 'Jr' ) ‘ \ ’ J‘- thl; 1n n: d . h‘ 1 ., d] .\ . t ' , .\ ‘ I 1051. 7 I d n, - 1 h , 5 (H 5 S K ’ Se 5 Durham (0’)! Liberal Association TEE MIRROR-REPORTER. MILLBROOK. OBTAIN! The Price of Good Living STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED‘_ MONTREAL » GANANOQUE HAMILTON swarm diam wages. Nor will Canadian governments reqeive the tax revenues they require to sustain Canada’s wel- fare programmes. Perhaps Canadians can b uy some things cheaper elsewhere than in Canada. But if they am mt willing to pay Canadian prices nor Canadian products, our own workers will not for long be able to receive Cana- They can do this because of the oonu'ibkwtion of manufacturing to our national progress and prosperity. There 'is a price to pay for eVerything, including the Canadian standard of living. CANADIANS are still enjoying the warld’s seopnd high- est standard of living. Epistles; After a Social eup of tea Mr. ent. Holmes spoke concerning the, Attend the C’hm E.L.H. «doming change in the various Choice on Sunday. ‘The Oman and Millbrdok? teachers met at Whitfield’s} School for their March meeting- on Thursday afternoon. Mr. .' Lewis, the president, acted as‘ SUGGESTIONS SOUGHT AT TEACHERS MEETING The meeting was under the chairmanship of Elmore Scott, President of fhe County Associ- atipn. The Executive also received! a 1epor£ from a Committee, l undeI the hairmanship of Gleiii F‘rv,P1es1dent of the Bowman-l ville Libeial Ass0eiat1on, with? 1'efe1enee to pxoglammes and} meetings to be sponsored by; the. Associa ion in the forth- coming months. The first Of} such meetings will be held in Bowmanville within the next thirty days and will take the‘ form of a dinner meeting at: whi1h time the Bowmanwlle Liberal Association will bei hosts to the members of the Durham County Liberal Assoch ation- * ’{l headquarters of the League of Nations. Thls View shows the Assembly Hall of the Palais des Nations with’ the lake and the THE Mr. Hamilton asked for sug- gestions in art, crafts, and 0.01- ; lections for the. prize list 'of the i Spring Fair 1 Other subjects were discussed zand after making arrangements for the next meeting the teach. ’ers left to enjoy their Easter , vacation. lections for the 131126 list '01 the; In order to give the MillbrOOk Spring Fair ! M' .- . mor Hoeke * Club a well d - Other subJeets were discussed 3 e and after making arrangements served banquet Vla the oomph- for the next meeting the teach. mentary tiCket route, Mrs- E- ers left to enjoy their Easter] Hogg has knitted a child’s vacation. Mary Maxim Sweater on which -â€"-â€"â€" tickets are being sold by mem- . . . bers of the Hockey Club and us at or 1859 ’ ’ {The-draw W111 be made at the ' coming banquet in the near 1future. Be sure you get one “Attend the {J‘hureh of your‘; oil these tickets and help the text books . T0 RONTO During April, religious leaders of all faiths throughout Ontario will stress the moral aspects of 'the trafic accident problem. They will be asking you, as a motorist or pedestrian, to accept indi- vidual responsibility for obeying the traflic laws and the rules of the road. This personal appeal to the users of our streets and highways is the basis of the Moral Responsibility Campaign spon- sored by the Ontario Department of Transport. It is receiving enthusiastic endorsement and active support from the Ontario Federation of Agriculture and from local safety councils, police departments, service clubs, women’s groups and other community organiza- tions. You can help the Moral Responsibility Campaign achieve success by practising the Golden Rule of trafic safetyâ€"drive drive and walk. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT HIGHWAY SAFETY BRANCH you would have others l good cause along as well as have an opportunity to Win this very fine sweater. Remember, if you have a ticket you have a \chance, and if you haven’t a I ticket you haven’t a chance. DRAW FOR MARY MAXIM SWEATER Phone GolJ‘ect Bethany 10-r-211 Port Hope, 0m. Box 62 Monuments, Hawkers. Corner Posts and Inscriptions. Stanley Miller LICENflD AUCTION'EER Farm Stock, Furniture 85 Real CASH for dead or c'rippl- ed Horses and Cows. Top price for old horses. Telephone collect Keene 83W1, if no answer Peterborongh Riâ€"2-4330. Burrett Fur Farm Ilnnnnnsaiannasxmcanas 'lINIIlEflIIIIIIIIIII Estate. Sales conducted at reasonable rates By experienced austioneer. PHONE COLLECT Peterborough, Ri 2-3091 Thursday, April 2, 1959 R. JOHN PAYNE Licensed Auctioneer PON‘I'YPOOL ONTARIO Sen Anything, Anytime, AUBTIONEERS Dead Stock! 9014 Securities Phone Tum Albert Waxer 31 W31 Sole owner Pot DBECT WIRE T0 TOR Member Brokerâ€"Dealers’ . atiol of Ontario Northumberland 810‘ At the outset =01“ this two things seemed to hr in a paramount. positi matter of unemployme -the matter of Canada ’s (cial position with pa: reference to the prob} ‘inflation. The Members of *he of Commons in Oppisitiv to make muchâ€"in fac appear to have tried to As the session has pm {there are things “'hivh out in relation ‘.0 each < 1W0 matter.Q or unempl‘ and inflation that are linked and. therefore. mnsidered in relation 14 The most important that The poiicies of tho I baker government, take: latiOn *to conditions ever) at home and abroad. a1 viding to be very sound Radio Broad Good Readi for the Whole Pam Barristers and Solidi 425 Water Skeet PETE-3118080963, (SN! '1'. J. Carley QC. (1896 The mere words 1} forth the'intent of the baker Ministry for ‘his become more moanix the problems 0'3 Canad- time become more? cle out by discusdon in 111 of Commons, and by er , are taking place in ()L try and elsewhere in th. ,As zhe Member of Pa] for the County avf Durhz very pleased to have portunity to report to y Parliament. Hill, On my impression of the session. Recorded March 12th, Bmadcast. on March 1% CHEX, Peterborou Ladies and Gentlemen: Parliament, and the hi of the Speech from the Now, as this session (:1 ment has pmgreswd, t of the Speech from the have taken on addition ing. 1 In my last broadcast to you about the 0pc The Chushon Science Monitor r..- man...“ (9 er‘nn 1% M‘ checked. Enctosed find my c morsey order. I year $35 {3 6 msnrhs 59 n 3 months 3 6 months oNews - Fact °F333|I EV Feat“! 11.0.st W. C.LechBA. ‘r newspaper for "'9 $4

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