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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 16 Apr 1959, p. 1

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Red Clover Hay in [so Timothy and Al- ’xed, in bales. Apply $oheen, phone Turner rt Hope 31: White Iron Bed with and Matti-es; also 33 um Rug size- 9 by 71/2 0d (‘onditimy Phone ' illbrook. It ;â€"-Two Turkey Hens, l year old. Apply to thew .phoue 2194-4 Lox. 1a FOR SALE ‘>â€"Typewriters, latesf t Underwood and Re- . P«,»rtables and Office also Remington and Adding: Machines. to suit your budget or as $1. down $1. a fontact Ernie Steacy, 134w Millbrbok. 3t â€"Quan‘ it y of s‘eed . Apply to 'allis, phone 2% 'mstrong, phone Mill- 81-1'3 . 3t â€"Bal€d Clover Hay. utton, Phone 101-wâ€"2 >k. 3t 3â€"Jersey Shorthom Calf. one wee-k old. . Hamid Little, phane Millbmok. 2t )onaldson phone MilL OI-j-4 . It _ - ‘..__ - ._.._ _-__ 4949 Ford Tractor in pair, will take eatfle -Lot in Millbrook, 011, Street, approximately 380 feet. Sealed‘tem' r cash to March 30m. G H. Raymse tar} Trustee Board, d Church, Millb‘mokji â€"5 Arr-es. two-yearâ€"old l Bungalow. 4 pike-9 a bathroom, fixtures, yorS. natural trim, ex- garden land. wifh rry and strawberry Fur full details call ’riek at 255.1-epresent- m-s (‘ox Limiwd. Ynur Sttbqeription. uilders care of your aliketobudget ask for one of Pigs. Apply “away-.7- -) a _t r‘D‘ extent of lowering ”the ditches Motion bv Councillors Thorn- to accommodate same. How- ton and Ridge that this lease e1 er he did promise that the agreement as submitted be Coumil would do what they adopted and that the Reeve could to correct this condition ’and Clerk be instructed to (0111- Motion by Councillors Gib- plete same. Carried. son and Thornton that the Mill. Motion by C‘OL‘UIC i1101s Crough brook Agricultural S01 new be and Gibson that Mr. H. Brem- given a, grant SUE-”$50. 00 for this 111-1 be granted 31:1. 00 for water yeat 1959. ' lmlpplied from his well for the The Durham District High Mitl’m-ook waiting rooms during} School Board submitted a resofi this year 1959. ‘i lution for the a oval of the .‘éitt‘ito tion bv Coumillors Thorn- Council for the issue 1f deb‘eflé‘t’hh“ d Ridge that the Streets; tures in an amount est1matedfit'1p‘1usoi be instructed to; The Reeve explained that the responsibility of the Municipal- ity in this respect. wasvrmuéh the same as between private properties, and it is not-respons- ible for the disposal of' water from basements and cellars of private properties, even to the extent of lowering‘the ditches to accommodate same. How! ever he did promise that the Council would do what they could to correct'this condition.f \Villiamson. Lot 3 N.S. King? and Ray Nelson, Lot 4 N.S.f King St ., were present to inter; view the Council re draining problems respecting their pro- perties. Millbrook, April 6, 1959.â€";:o be $1,300,000.00 repayable The regular monthly meeting over a period of '20 years, to of the Municipal Council of the provide for cost of constructing Village of Millbrook was held; a 400 pupil school in the Town. on the above date, Members ship of Darlington, a 40-0 pupil present as followsâ€" :school in the Township of‘ Reeveâ€"Geo. F. Harrington. iClarke and a 150 pupil school Councillorsâ€"Lavern Gibson, C.‘in the Village of Millbro-ok. } E. Thornton, Vincent Crough; Motion by Councillors Thorn-l and Robert Ridge. iton and Crough that this Coun. Minutes of the last regular, cil approves of this entire reso; meeting of March 2nd, and ' lution as submitted and that the Special meetings of March 3 4,‘Reevc and Clerk be authorized and 30 were read by the Clerk;to complete and forward as and on motion of Councillors instructed. Carried. Crough and Gibson were con-' Motion by Councillors Crough firmed as read. land Ridge that Owing to Mr. J. 0. Craig, Lot 1243' complaints being received from W.S. Tupper St. and Mr. H.‘time to time, the Clerk be in- '\’\'illia111son. Lot 3 N.S. King'structed to write the Fire Victoria and Grey Trust Company Cheques may be drawn on your account at any time. Millbrook Village Council ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS You may deposit by mail if you wish .‘ 11an for our special Deposit-byt-Mail Envelopes. on the min'mum quarterly balance and credited to your moat half-yearly. T he Mill bro. Re 9 orter Interest on savings deposits at I. and Grey Trmt company 3% PER ANNUM PETERBOROUGH ‘ Motion hv (‘ounc illors Crough land Ridge that owing to leomplaints being received from ftime to time, the Clerk be in- ktructed to write the Fire 5 Marshal of Ontario and request :that he come to Millbrook and ' investigate some of these claims and make recommendations lthat would eleminate such fire hazards. Carried. Village of Millbrook March 30, a five-year lease agreement re- garding occupancy of the Town Hall, was read by tlie Clerk. As arranged at a joint meet- ing of the Councils of the Township of Gavan and the To be $1,300,000.00 repayable over a period of '20 years, to provide for cost of constructing a 400 pupil school in the Town. ship of Darlington, a 40-0 pupil school in the Township of Clarke and a 150 pupil school in the Village of Millbrook. HIE-BROOK, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1959 I The following bills were pre-' sented and on motion 0f Coun- idllors were ordered paidâ€" E Homer Ouellefle insur- . lance on truck and fire ongme .............. 92.15 i Sfanfnrd Sloan, caretak. ? 1i 11,2“ XV. Rooms ........ 10.00 'R. J. Dilling, audjt'or. E 11958 audit. ........... 125.25 ,Durham Telephones .. 11.90 {Arthur Trick, fuel oil. . 45.73 iFt-ank Norf'h inSpecting ‘ zArena .............. 6.50 :W'altm \Viddis. sand. 2.4.0 :(‘90. C. Lllsworth, re .pai1s fire dept ........ 1.00 Mirror-Reporter, print- ing .................. 1 . 75 R. G. Dufty, oil and gas for truck ............ 30.35 .1 . ll\d.yâ€",LIUC“LVL D ...... {â€""lU‘t Mr. Ronald Palmer repre-Z U ‘ .. , ‘ senting the Lions Club, also the: 14' RMlxefteers """" 2730 Lady Lions, was present re; questing the Council’s permissr: CARD OF THANKS i=0" to do some decorating in The family of the late Mrs. the Millbrook Wailing Rooms.‘J. J. Powell wish To express “3 was agreed by the 0011110“ their sincere thanks to their that they PWK‘C’Pd With llleir‘frien-ds and neighbours, the plans. lR-evs. Dr. Steed and Dr. Neal; The following bills were pre-' Dr. J. W. Wright, the J-_ W. sented and on motion of Conn-5 Haw Funeral Home, and all (é-llllOl‘S lvere ordered paidâ€" lth‘osye ‘Vlho expressed their Homer Ouelletfe, insur- l sympathy and sent Floral tribu- ance on “110k and fire 3 tos: also those who sent flowers engine -------------- 92-15, and fruit during Mrs. Plowell’s Sfanfnr(l§loan, caretak- ? illnegs_ i The following communicaJ tions were read by the Clerk“: lFrom the Township of Gavan, 5 1 completed contract for fire pro-j- eetion in the Township With! 1111- nudge of Millbrook. R. I I Dilling,m.uni1ipal auditor ,1or the Village. Auditor’s ' re.-l lport for the year 1958, ineludâ€" i ing Millbrook Public School Millbvook Public. Utilities: ghibrary and Millbrook and gCavan Memorial A1e1ia.The, Norihumberland and Durhami Health Unit enclosing annual? Associations of professional . engineers of Ontario, re Arena inspection. The Department enclosed in the amount of] $Â¥,"$ 175. (‘6 balane -e subsidy on <t1eets for the yen 1958.Tl1e' Ontario Good Roads Association re School of Road Superintend- . :l report for the year 1958. T1183 . i i v of Highways of Ontario, cheque 1 9 ents to be held May .11 and 1:2. 1' . The Pedler People Limited,‘ price lists. Fire Marshall 01°- t'iee, re training course for, Municipal Chiefs April 22-24th, 1959. The Office of the Minis- ‘1er of Planning and Developâ€" ment. re Civil Defence. 1 Motion by Councillors Gibson and Ridge that communications not otherwise dealt with be re- ceived and filed. Motion by Councillors Gibson and Crough that Daylight Savai ing (one hour advance of. stand» at"! time) be in 9"fort in the; Village commencing April 26th. at the hour of 1.00 ~a.m. to Ov"~bor 25th. 1959. Carried. ' The Reeve and Clerk be authorized to complefe the necessary Byclaw. instal a culvert in the drivewayI Treasurer salary pos 1 of Mr. H. Williamson, Lot 3,1age and unemployment N S. King Street. Carried. I11:surance ............ 107.14 Motion by Councillors Ridge Jack Coulter, labour” 4.00 and Gibson that the Clerk be Clif 'ord Scott salary” 230. 66 instructed to notify those cm; Talbert Kellett, labour 175. 08 cwerned by registered mail, thati Millbrook Agricultural the areas C'OVeI‘ed by the Mill-IS SIociety, grant ........ 50.00 brook Fire Department is; H Bremner, water sup- ' strictly confined within the plied Waiting Rooms” 5.00 Corporate limits, The Village Millbrook Council fees. 65.00 of Millbrook. Carried. :Millbrook Public Utili- of Millbrook. Carried. iM-illbrook Public Utili- Motion by Councillors Ridge'tiE‘S, street. lighting... 96.79 and Gibson that membership in‘ M-Otion by Councillors Thom. the amount of $10 00 for the ton and Ridge that we adjourn year 1959, be paid Association t0 meet in regular session May of Ontario Mayors and ReeveS14th 1959 and that the Reeve and Coun-z T- W. Belch, Clerk. (illor Thornton be appointedi o attend the annual conv ention’5 to be held in the City 01" St }Statistics To Date Catharmes May 6,7 and 8th. Carried. infilll':flfl I Anal-A Motion by Councillors Thorn- ton and Crough that the applic- ation of Mrs. Gertrude Dawe, for the position of clerk, treas. urer and tax collector for the Village, be accepted at the agreed salary of $1200.00 per year, commencing April 15th, 1959. Carried. THE MERGE-REPOBTER, Authorized as 23d class mail 1215.25 BIRTH 11.90 Mr. and Mrs, T. Marshall, 45.73 Cavan, wish to announce the Qbirth of their grandson (Peter 6.50 Victor,) [mm to their danghter 2.40 Maureen, Mrs. Fred C‘abeldu, 'ention 9? 3F8§;;}Statistics To Date Thorn_§Bowling league i The. hardest job of all is that 30.35‘ of finding a soft job. ‘ on Wednesday, April 8th. 1959, 1 .00 at Sit. Joseph’s HOSpit-al, Guelph ’ Ontario. 38$" ‘ [Ladies high singleâ€"- “he-”Jean Winslow ........ the[ Dot Olan ............ Pt?! Marie Foottit ......... ’ "i Ladies High Triple- iJ‘ean Winslow ~ ........ be, Dorothy Gillis ........ the i Betty Kent .......... 101. 1.1. 13. 14. Team scores bowled last week including handicaps are as fol- lows: 1. Zion Liners ........ 3463 2. Bankers ........... 3216 3. Bee Aze .......... 3209 4. Coulters ........... 315-5 5. Murphies .......... 3150 6. Downtowners ...... 3082 7. Crew Cuts ......... 3081 8. Rink-E-Dinks ...... 3011 9. Substitutes ........ 3022 Seven teams were eliminated in the first round of playoffs last week. Seven more teams will be eliminated this week. Lorne Hudson)s Zion Liners came through with the highest team score of the season last week, bowling 3154 without handicap, flor an average of 631 per bowler. “'9, figure this is pretty good bowling in any league. (‘Jongratulations toLorne and Ruby Hudson, loan and Lawrence Winslow. Jake \ anDam and (-erald Hub- heard. ‘1 Each team is allowed 6 bow- (GI'S butr only 5 scores are counted in each game. home Hudson ...... Ken Blair .......... Gerald Hubbeard . . . . Men’s High Single Ken Blair ............. Lorne Hudson ......... Ab_ Olan .............. Tooters ............ Hillbilliieis ......... Bailieb-oro ......... Kayâ€"DeerM ’s ...... Racketteers ........ High Scores Last Week Men’s High Triple ners . S . ....... ooooooooooo V" ‘1 me. 7 1 In the speech arts classes at e eliminated the Peterborough Muse Festi- Of Me“ Offs1 val Elinore Crowlev daughtu more teams. of Mr. and Mrs, I. T. Crlowley Lhis week. i ,4. , . was hrsr In both modern and ed last 11 eek Shakesperian Drama £01 girls 5 are as fol-i of grades 11, 12, and 13; and ,,,,,, 3463 second in verse speaking in ...... 3216 grae 11 ,,,,,, 3mg; In the final contest Helen ...... 315-5l1ngham daughter of Mr. and ,,,,,, 3150:1Mrs. B. E. Icngham. was pre- 3082: sented with the Brin‘l ton- Peter- 3081iborough Carpet Co. silver tray 3041 for verse speaking. Congratu‘ 2033_1aiions to both of these clever ...... 28? 0 young girls. 7 ...... 2832 ________,.._ ...... a , r) """ “€311 III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ...... .40 . - ...... 2730. E I I 4 IV I 593 583 580 318 3.10 306 721 1 "'10 692 259 ‘ 51 248 No doubt but everyone in‘calories ladies! Millbfiook who knows Mr Fred! You want that new dress that . ‘ . . + ' . ‘0. White, will be pleased to;y°u made ‘0 fiperfettly. . i extend to hlm their hearty .con-i Did you know that a baked Igratulations and good Wishes pbtato 214 inches in diameter ‘ on this his86th birtday. Mr'i contains 85 calories, while the i White came to Mlllbrook from same potato made into french 1 :England in 1885 when a lad‘ fries has almost 5 times u :of 12 years of age. Later be many? :went West and farmed in: xx â€"â€" Saskat-chewan, returning to Here is a delicious dessert Millbrook after selling out.l 1 Mr. White, like the most of: gaff“, 4‘ Games m each 9 us, gets “fed up” with kids at; bTangerine Snow itimes, nevertheless likes them;1 '1 01 . 1/ . id 'as is evidenced from the fact» cnex ope be atme, "4 cup co that he has s*arted'bank ael water: counts for many of our present 1 cup bellm-g water! . day school children, giving'1 teaspoon lemon Juice, . , 11/ .. .g leach, new btorn baby 3 parents? /4 (up 0" sugar, 25a for this p'u'rp0se. True, he‘ 1'3 it“) frOfen gangerlnetfigm- did not do this for everyone.’ rate, (A! ’0 oz. 1 V but (ii for those of whom he:1 egg white. , _ ‘was g'ell acquainted. The: sink g-elatlne 1‘1}, the cold :Heporter has come to kniow; water. Add, .b-0111ng water, ‘Mr. White quite well and isi§ugarz 1.6111011 3m,“ and tanger- 115mmd"~"t'o'"“‘(’oumt him among nail}? 911109.; zest]? th'orovghlm ‘bost friends. Heartv returns, 6001 m frldge ml as thmk as t (,f the day "Fred!" ‘ gunheaten egg fvhites,‘thenibent MILLBROOK GIRLS DO WELL IN PETERBOROUGH 86 YEARS OLD TODAY mmzazufimmwm-uwrahaxvmw With James Mason and Dorothy Dandridge ' ' Senior Prom" THURS. -F'RI . -sK'F. Adult Entertainment "THE , DECKS RAN RED" lady lions Bake Sale With. Jill Corey and Paul Hampton WILL BE HELD IN Coulter Bros. ltd'. Store SATURDAY, APRIL 18th - At 3:00 PM. $1.75 a year in advance; to U.S.A. Post Office ‘ WWW 214r6 Millbrock SPECIALIZED in ROXATONE Steak gelatine in the cold water. Add boiling water, sugar lemon juice and tanger- ine jui(e. _8. 1r thoroughly, cool in fridge till as thick as unbeaten egg whites, then beat till frothy and light in colour. Beat egg white till it stands in peaks, mix in tangerine mixture gently. Plou-r into a 1 quart mould or' 6 dessert. dishes. Chill for an hour or until firm. JAY. Have you been counting calories ladies? M; cup 01‘. sugar, 1-3 cup frozen tangerine con- trate, (1/2 )of a 6 oz. tin) 1 egg White. Renew Your Subscription. "Raiiy ’Roundy The Flag, Boys" A Saucy Comedy, with JOANNE WOODWARD PAUL NEWMAN mom Peter lodewyks ‘ainiing an;g Decorating MON . -TU‘ES . -WED . Adult Entertainment In Technicolor TO THE LADIES Ottawa, Ont.

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