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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 16 Apr 1959, p. 2

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”Mr. Stan Northrop, organist and choir director. Dr. .1. Arthur Steed in charge “0 Come, Let Us Worship’.. TfiGE f (avan Iownship Council Session MILLBROOK D. L. Johns, Pastor. Sunday Services 10 a m. â€"Sunday School 11. 00 a. m. â€"Worship Service. 7. 30p m.â€"-Ev enfing Service 8. 00 p. 111. â€"Wednesday, Pray- vv â€" v-v I .LIULJLJJJJUJJ. ‘JJCUVV'UL AD U1. UJJ'\I THE SALVATION ARMY " Fromâ€"Dept. of Planning and, radilo I Captain D. McNeilly :Developmeni‘, re proposed} . i __ , . 'n Otonabee Conservation Author-E ...__ ‘ """"""‘g 3.3ggflfialfimday SGhOOl I iity. Dept. of Planning and DmiLtd. enclosing price list only “A We e Awaits You H Evelopment, enchosmg statement; culverts. Robt. limes enclosi loom ' iT-E‘. proposed changes, re cost' lng cheque fOI' taxes N- 1/.) LOT? ‘03 Civil Defence. Dept. of A146. Con. 13, R. Armitage. Dept. Pentecostal Assemblies of igtorney General, re cause of: 09 Municipal Affail‘, 1'9 HO-“Pi Canada ' 4' death at Listowell Arena Feb.ltal IIISUI'aW‘i‘ Hydro Power; . g28th, of Kenneth McLeod. De-i Commission, application liar Zion Pentuostal (IIII'CI'I, partment of Planning and De-i contract H- J. Allen. Hydro veliopment, re possibility ofiPower Commission, re account. “w! MEI-BROOK . (gm-‘ain areas being flooded, LOT 24.C01’1. 14, 88.73.\V11~ D. L. Johns, Pastor. [Office of Fire Marshall. re snowflmoit Trvine, re aururmeut, Sunday Services [load on flat topped buildings. and proposed, by-law Consumers 10 a.m.â€"Sum1ay School :Dept. of Public \Velfare, re; Gas Company. Durham County 11.00 a.m.â€"Worship Service. }year ending March 31st, 1959. District High School Board, ex; 7.30 p.m.â€"â€"Eveniing Sertice EDept.. ot' Travel and Publicity, tending invitations to Bowman-f 8-00 p.m.â€"â€"Wednesday, PraY',” bulldmg by-‘laws, re flourists'n'ille H.S. Auditsorium on April; er and Bible Study. i-places, cottages, motels, 60.1151... at 8 p.m. re proposedl 8.00 p.m.â€"â€"Friday, Young Peo- 2311911 011 C0. submitting pricefibuilding a- 4:00 pupil school int P188 Meeting. ire Weedklll. R. A. 00W311,!8011th Darlington, 400 pupil,‘ ____â€"â€"-â€"â€"-«â€"â€"-â€"~«â€"â€"â€"-'9n0103ing cheque for taxes on}Schoo]« at 0mm, and a 150 an: in. Lot 11-12, Cdn. 6. Office: pupil schobl at Millbrook.2 P 01' CAVAN 201‘. Fire Marshal, re training; Secretary Durham County» Dis: Anglican Church Of 0311303 icourse for fire chiefs. Dept.itrict. H,S, lBoard. letter re? Rev. J. Edgar M. Palfrey jof Agriculture, re name :of weed} meeting held. at Bowmanville‘i Rector Egspectpr, warble fly inspector. l; on April 1st, and enclosing . , ept. of: Agriculture, enclosing resolution re the application Thlrd Sunday AIM Easter idates for school for warble f1}; for approal 531. requesting the; St. John's, Ida iinSpec‘Oits. Nortihuinberland- United Counties to issue de-{ 930 a..m.â€"Mattims. ‘lDurham Health Unit,report for! bentures for $1,300,000 the. cost} , . lFebruaryi. Northumberland. . of constructing the three above; St. Thomas Church, m‘m'o‘fl‘iDurham Health Unit, re Inedi-! schools mentioned. 5 11.15 a.m.â€"M-a.ttims. able Slaughter House {Byâ€"law, W. B. Reynolds, enclosingi Christ Church, Baflicboro iDept. of Municipal Affairs, re 113- budget fOI‘ Durham: 7.30 p.m.â€"Evensong. ,exttension of Provincial Works, County District H.S. for 1959,‘; :stimulation program be extend-lVillage 0f Newcastle, re tena '5 led to April 30th. E. J. Nixon, five approval asked for ‘by: t Th ’. . . . Wémgiligflxiixil‘iirg yvill (flail-Sn: application for Mark re rental Schdol Board of Durham Dls‘i .. _ of grader and scarifier. Reg- , trict HaS‘. suggesting that the :fzggd;n§.atTigmgfn§g SS; inald Smith, President of Van- site for the new 11.8. in Clarke) Parish Hall to look after chil- couyer District. Genealogical Township instead of Newcastle,! dren 7 years of age and “den-Swim}? requesting inforinalion'that a body of theOntariO‘ of parents wishing to attend re a Henry Jones and Wife R‘“; School Trustees Council or any the services ibekah who came to Cavan fitom Lither qualified authority to act: - Ireland in 1823, asking if their as referee m this matter. I iwas land registered in Henry, Erdman, Friesen, Q.C., re The United Chuck of Canada. i J onel's name in Cavan Township ' tax certificate pt. Lot 12, COn. Millbrook â€" Gavan iin tfhat time, also for birth . .8. Ontario Good Roads Asmi-l ’ - certi ieates for five of their ation, re school being held May Mr. Stan Egitgffgijrgmmt: children born in Cavan. $1] and 12th, for rkiad supt. } "vars: ’ n 1101:; Nice bus . - .t . . . a u L ) Umted Countles, re 1nngent l 131'. J. Arthur Steed in charge in hospital, Stephen Cook. Cify “ @5313 of Peter-borough, re relief Gord- 0 Come, Let Us Wot lon Druce and flamily. ' City. of WWI lHamilton, re relief Mrs. Guy 10.00 a.m.â€"Suxnday School IDunlop. W. E. Bonneville, 11.15 a.m.-â€"â€"Wvorshi.p Service ;Q.C., re fax certificates E. 1A» supervised Nursery during Hot 12, Con. 112M. Seney. church service. _‘ ‘Ault Ault‘, notlfying that CAVAN Robert Woods had purchased . . the proprety of the late Leslie 9~45 a..m.â€"Worsh1p Servme Moore, send tax notices to 312 Sunday 3011001 children With .Main Street N. Weston, Tloron- draw during second Hymn Ofito 1-5_ w, Bark, Q.C., re By- church service. | law re animals running at large. CAVAN 9.45 a.m.â€"Worship Service Sunday School children with- draw during second Hymn at church service. Centrevflle Church 10.00 a.m .â€"-Ghurch School 11.00 a . m .â€"Divine Worship PRESBYTERIAN Gentreville and Mfllbrook Rev. Walter Patterson, M.‘ Minister Emeritus. Grace Church, Mlebrook Sunday Schoolâ€"10.45 3.111 9 . 45 a . m . â€"â€"Divine Worship. A member of St, Thomas’ Woman’s Auxiliary will be in attendance at all morning ser- vices at St. Thomas’ in the Parish Hall to look after chil- dren 7 years of age and under, of parents wishing to attend the services. 1 l Renew Your Subscription. The Churches SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 1959 ___._ J. V. Lu-dgate, MunicipaI' . Engineer, approval of balance: of. road subsidy for 1958. I Irook I Frank Cowan Ins. Co. con-I| M A Ifirming telephOne cbnversation' . Ire Insurance Company defend- 001: I ing road superintendent and re _ .eIaim No. A 4- 25540 Mverg ) alm’, Ieneral Accident \QR‘J 1.19.1111 (‘0 ' 75h1P- I 4.01. 1firmi11u abme re road supi Minister 01‘3- Municipal Affairs, 1001 re new regulations re ~I1r-CII )rship .qran 5. Frank Trax 1101 re Ii‘ight of way Through faz'n. IAIIied ChemicaI Co annm 1141i11g ion. Inew address. Pedlar People ' helping to get same setup. The different members of Council were to contact the different Church organizations in their idivision re th organizaiug ' $31118. On motion of Deputy Reeve Bradburn and COmeillor Burns that the collector’s report he received, and Clerk instructed to register list \of arrears of taxes as recommended by the collector of rates, and collector asked to carry on and try and collect the outstanding taxes. Carried: Mr. Swartze also addressed ‘he Cwuncil re a gravel run which he had on his farm, and would be glad to sell the Town- ship gravel for roads. The Reeve informed Mr. Swartze when Council were ton road in- spection they would call and see same. Mr. A. V. Thorn, collector of rates gave his report to the end of March 1959, and recom- mended a number to be regis- tered. The following correspond- ence read: I Lee Equipment Co. enclosing tender for weed sprayer, same had been sent to Gavan. 3 The meeting in Peter‘tiorough was held on April 2nd before bur Council met, and communic- tion re same did not arrive be» ,fore special meeting, so Gavan i‘was not represented, at the Ime‘eting held in Peterbnrough. 0i” NIUUiCipa] Affairs, 1'? 1210817311 S‘ngnv PIOVV Model Giant V and tal Insurand‘ Hydro Power ; 8an Wing, Model Giant at a Commission, application 1hr: price of $28,905.00 less a tra e cOll’fl‘ac’f H- J. Allen. Hydro. in allowance for Austin Wes- Power Commission, re account, tern No. 99,}1 of $10,000 net 110* 34~ 0017- 14': 88‘73- \Vil‘ price $18,905.00 . Carried. Ltd- 0110103ng Price ”St on: Municipv‘ai Board, also Dept! culverts. Robt. "Ifhwes onclns-T of Highways that this Council. i119; cheque for taxes N- 1/.) L03 purchése a, Austin Westernt 6- C7011. .133 R: éfpétage. 139W: Grader, 'M‘odel Pacer 300 with! a. ‘r prping the lisin in this year‘s Liberty Magazine 'Allecianada TV poll for “best announcer” was Bruce Marsh, 32â€"year-old CBC staf'tf announcer. In ad- dition to his television duties, Bruce Marsh is regularly heard on the Trans-Canada and the Dominion networks of CBC radib. County District H.S. for 1959. Village of Newcastle, re tena five approval asked for ‘by W. L. Ballentine Co. enclos- ing tender for motor grader, also had been sent to Gavan. ’ On motion ofi Councillors Burns and Stewart that. the Reeve Mr. L. A. H'ooton be the representative on the proposed 'Otonabee Conservation Author- ity. Carried. 011' motion nf Councillors Burns and Farrow that we pay the $3.00 registration feehynd sen-d Mr. Harry Tully road On motilan of Deputy Reeve Bradburn and Councilor Stew- art fihe Clerk. was instructed to write Ontario H'3édro Commiss ion to notify them that the, Towmhip of Gavan will no‘; be resp‘nnsible for power for said lot 2-1. con. 14. m monarch-ran, max, ammo superintendent to the two'day course fior road superintendents which is .being held at ’ghe On motion of Councillors: Burns and Farrow that this? re: Council endorse the resolution: giving tenative approval to the} ONTAI N Durham County District H S‘ Bbard for issuing debentures to amount of $1,300,000.00 for the: building of a 400 pupil school in! Darling’fon, a 400 pupil scho.ol!$19,000.00 re new Grader for in Clarke and a 150 pupil 5613001: first and second readings. m Millbrolak. Carried. _ } On motion of Deputy Reeve @011 End-'30:}; 0f figufililgfsaBr-adburn and Councillor Stew- ’~ ewar an arrow _3 a, ‘ ‘e‘art that. we go into committee eorrewondence be receiyed and! of the Whole for second reading. “led! the Clerk answering any; On motion of Councillors Far- mt already dealt. Wlth' Gar‘irow and Stewart committee REPRESI â€"â€"â€"_.â€"r University 02 T6ronto, and be~ ing put on by the Dept. of Highways of Ontario. Mr. Ray Taylor represent- mm of the A. J. Adams C? y addressed the Council re the Adam-s grader. The Clerk introduced road by-laws to provide for road ex- penditures on Township of Gavan roads for 1959, also by- law to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval to borrow ried . adjourn for" lunch to 6 p.m.l On motion of Deputy Reeve Carried.' ‘ COUDCil resumed at 6 13-111- row that this; Council renew the all members present, Reeve 11- agreement re Fire Protection A. Hooton in the Chair. lwith the Municipality; of the Considerable time was spent, Village oil Millbrook and the re the purchasing of a motor Township of Cavan same as grader for the Township. 1 1958. Carried. . On motion of Counci110rsj On motion of Councillors Burns and Farrow that subect Stewart and Deputy Reeve to the approval of the Ontario; Bradburn that the Clerk open Municipal Board, also Dept. ; the tenders for the crushing and of Highways that this Council delivering of gravel on the purchase a Austin Western Township roads. Carried.” i..- . ‘ R t of the 1 od 31’ " ~ lBradhurn and Councfllor Far-i epor J ge a< 1x I” iNo. WV “5‘” c at the Arena Canteen was given. Needless to say it was most gratifying. The highlight of the evening was Initiation ceremony for itvsio new members, Mrs. E. iNeave and Mrs. M. Fallis. A ,team from Vimy 'Ridge LOBA 244 Peterborough, was {present to emplify the Orange :Degree under the leadership of I'their W.M, Sister Robinson. ‘Plsmq were made for HIV. On motion ofi Councillors Stewart and Farrow that we adjourn for lunch to 6 p.m. Carried.' money out of this community makes the community poorer for you and everybody else. Building up outside businesses won’t help yam any. what mom” will buy more flan money, so we are always MONEY is for use, not for He arding. HOST of u want money to keep or hoard itâ€" we must apemd it on necessities. SPEND your money in MIIJBROOK or CAVAN . Spend Money! The People in Millbrook ‘ Want To To the PeOple in and About Millbrook Favor goes to those Who W00 It. On motion of Deputy Reeve Bradburn and Councillor Stew. art that the road expenditure by-law be read a third time, signed, sealed and numbered 1005. On motion of Councillors Far- row and Stewart committee rose . The dark opened the follow- ing tenders: Fromâ€"R. A. Blythe 00., crushing and stockpiling in the pit, unit price of cubic yd. 580 (Continued on Page 3) Mirror-Reporter Also, mostofusdonotmakeenOugh ONTARIO CREAM PRODUCERS’ MARKETING BOARD REPRESENTING 50,000 CRfAM PRODUC£RS Agricultural Price Support Assures Ample supply at reasonable prices! Thursday, April 16, 1959 DAUGHTERS OF CAVAN LOBA HAVE 2 INITIATIONS The Daughters of Cavan LOBA. held its regular meeting April 8th in the Orange Hall. W.M. Sister Violet Farrow presided for the meeting. About 50 members and visitors were in attendance. Lodge \opened in Orange De. gree with Sister Jean Kinsman, chaplain, conducting the devo- tions. Flags were presented by Sister Alice Blair and Sister Mae Allin. Report 0f the Lodge activity at the Arena Canteen was given. Needless to say it was most grafifying. The highlight of the evenihg was Initiation ceremony for tvsio new members, Mrs. E. Neave and Mrs. M. Fallis. A R.W. Sister Freda Filling of Peterborough, Grand Juvenile Director and a Past Grand Mistress of Ontario East, was present and spoke. Plans were made for How. Grand Lodge of Ontario East Sessions tio be held in Napanea April 15 and 16. A good dele- gation is expected foo attend. Dainty refreshments were served by Sister Jiean Graham ’5 Group at. the close of The meeting. Geo. W. Clapper, relie W. 1 E1502}. on salary assessor .............. Zella M. Bentley, sal- ary clerk ............ Ccunc -il f< es $40 speciak 100. . 75. mileage ...... Mirror-Reporter. lst 1,3 printing 68.45, W. Fly adds 1.50 ............ Treas. of roads. payroll and xouchers No. 3 (transfer) Ray- Dilling Municipal Audit 1958 ........... Ontario Hospital Com mission. Group No. 417252 ............... Welfare Office, City of Peterborough C av 21 11 share ................ Gummers Store, Grocer- ies. Cdok family ...... REID ’8 GARAGE, On motion of Con! Farrow and Burns t1 Reeve be authorized t. chequae. fcr above as: Carried. On metion bf Com Burns and Farrow that journ ‘-o meet Wednesda; 61h: at 1.00 p.m. The following accoun‘ presented: Durham Telephones Ltd rental" 3. 75 serx 1( es 9. 70 John Elmer, relief ..... (Continued from pag Crushing and hauling, 111 per cubic yard six mile 1 plus additional charge r. cubic yard per mile w thereof beyond the s haul. Screen out and st excess sand, unit pric- yjard 306. A deposit for $300.00 enclosed. Frank S. 00er Li Crushing and deliver cubic yard up to six 71c. Crushing and d per cubic yard over haul per mile 7c. Crus ‘ stock piling in pit yard 55c . Screening a piling excess sand pe yard 41c. A deposit ch $309.00 enclosed. On motion of Deput. Bradburn and Councill art that we accept the t. the Frank S. C0)’le Li: «rushing and deliverin on the Township Roads ab‘ove price providing.Ir ' with the approval of 1b of Highways. Carried before you d Dead Stock Rm 24-Hour Serv PHONE 001.1130! Peterborouh 2-2081 Cobourg 1787 Nick Peco HIGHET PRICES Zella M. Bentley, PROPRIETOR isso' DEAL": OWKIML

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