~ nters of Cavan {3 regular meeting ‘rthe Orange Hal}. y Violet Farrow 1 the meetino. bets and visitors mg. ght of the evening u) ceremony for members, Mrs. E. L1H. M. Fallis. A ’imy Ridge LOBA Peter-borough, was knplify the Orange md in Change De- ter J ean Kinsman, ducting the devo- i1 16, 1959 Ll Price .ssures ply at prices! :he Lodge activity ma Canteen was Hess to say it was e held in Napanee. 16. A good dele~ eeted foo attend. F‘I‘ Freda Filling of 1. Grand Juvenile d a Past Grand Dntario East, was spoke. afreshments were ter Jiean Graham ’s the close of the . made for R.W. 'e '05 Ontario East . Itheileadership of Sls‘er Robinson. l were presented e Blair and Sister ODUCERS ’ tAID PRODUCERS OF CAVAN 2 INITIATIONS lance (Continued from page 2) Crushing and hauling: unit price per cubic yard six mile haul 840 plus additional charge of 7c per cubic yard per mile or fraction thereof beyond the six mile haul. Screen out and stock pile excess‘ sand, unit price cubic yard 30c. A deposit cheque for $300.00 enclosed. Frank S. Coyle Limited.â€" (‘rushing and delivering per cubic yard up to six mile haul Tlu. Crushing and delivering per cubic yard over six mil-e haul per mile 7c. Crushing and stock piling in pit per cubic yard 55c. Screening and stock piling excess sand per cubic yard 41c. A deposit cheque flor- $3b3.00 enclosed. 417252 ............... 23.63 Welfare Office, City of Peterborough, C av a 11 share ................ 24.52 Gummers Store, Grocer- ies. Colok family ...... 15.00 On motion of Councillors Farrow and Burns that the Reeve be authorized to sign cheques for above accounts; Carried . éégeéé0£â€"....l.: ..... 2'. 100.00 Zella M. Bentley, sal- my. clerk ............ 100.00 (‘mnvil fees $40 specials 100. .75. mileage ...... 140.75 Miner-Reporter. 1st 1,11 printing 68.45, W. Fly adds 1.50 ............ 70.25 Twas. 0f reads, payroll and vouchers, No. 3 (transf er) ........... 3130. 15 Ray Dining, Municipal Audit 1958 ............ 250.00 Ontario Hospital Com mission, Group No. REID ’8 GARAGE, On motion of Deputy Reeve! Bradburn and Councillor Stew-i art that we accept the tender of i the Frank S. Coyle Limied for. "rushing and delivering gravel} (rll the Towmhip Roads, at the' above price providing it meets with the approval of the Dept. of Highways. Carried. The following accounts were presented: Durham Telephones Ltd rental 5.75 services 2.70 8.45 John Elmer, relief ..... 20.00 Geo. W. Clapper, relief 40.00 W. L. Elson, on salary, A-.. An Thursday, April 16, 1959 On motion bf Councillors {Burns and Farrow that we ad- journ to meet Wednesday, May 6th, at 1.00 p.m. before you drink Dead Stock Removed Nick Peconi HIGHEST PRICES PAD 24-Hour Service (avan Council PHONE COLLECT: Peterboronh 2-2080 Cobonrg 1787 Zena M. Bentley, Clerk. PROPRIETOR £“s‘s‘o‘ DEALII IWIIML I The Fire Chief and a delega- ltion from the Pontypbool Fire Area called on the Council to discuss the financial affairs of lth-e Fire Brigade. 11-1; -1..- AAAAMJAJ Moved by Malcolm, seconded by Jakeman that a new filing cabinet be ordered for the use of the Assessor. Carried. A discussion ‘hok place re- garding the appeal made by Manners Township in 1958 to the Victoria County D. High School Area Board, re the pro- portion of costs to support the said Areain 1958. The appeal was dealt with and the Arbitra- tion Board that was set up, saw The minutes of the March mee 111g were read and approv- Led on motion of Brown and IJakweman Carried. The following communicas tions were received and read: Department of Planning and Devellopment, re a meeting in 'Peterborough regarding estab- lishing a proposed Conservation Authority; H.E.P.C., re three applications for transfer Iof ownership; Dept. of Highways, I re sale of part of right4ofâ€"way at Ballyidff; Township of Hope, re a relief matter; Dept. of Agr’l, re a school for Warble} Fly Inspectors; N. and D. Health Unit monthly report; C. P. R. re the matter of the flough railway crossings; V. C. High School Area Board, re the 1959 levy; County of Victoria, re the 1959 debenture and! interest levy; Grand Toy en I closing catalogue re office sup-i pli-es; and Dept. ‘of Municipal! Affairs, re HOSpital Insurancei Iofl indigent patients. Bethany, Ont. , April 7, 1959. -â€"The regular meeting of the Township of Manvers Council was held on above date with all members present except Deputy Reeve McGill who was absent on cbunt'y‘ businese: Manvers Township Council A. TINNEY 8 SON, CAVAN, Phone 201-23 Millbrook ‘ï¬t to reduce the per centage of May 31st, 1959, in accordance 1i. J. Ullling, auditing, afield to charter a bus at very M-anvers liability from 7.399%‘ With the deCiSiOD 0f the Arbi-' SChOOlS, Township and , reasonable rates, for their out ito 6.385%. This reduction tartion Bloard. Carried. l'Telephlone, 1958 ..: .. 425.00 of town trips to distant places, [amounts to a refund lof $839.19: Moved by J akeman, seconded] Mirror Reporter, print- las coaches for charter are now ifrom the High School Area by Maldolm that an ad be in! mg --------------- 1230 available from our.ne1ghbour- 1 Board and a refund of $1453.61? serted in the Daily Commercial Frank. Cowan _ . 00., l mg Vlllflge 10f Bailieboro, as from the County of Vic.toria.iNews calling for Gravel Tenders Slpraying L1ab1hty.... 90"†Stock fBros. J. G» P’eterbor- ‘In view of the fact that the? up until May 4th, 1959, for-the,R Dawds'on, trans- lonely-and G- A- .(Jerry)? 0§ ,«Town of Lindsay appealed the? crushing and delivering on po_rtat1on allowance '4 _ 2’00: 334115130110: have ï¬ns week, 59:. ; decision lof the Arbitration it Township roads, 5,000 cubicI R- DaV1d50n7 on salary ‘ . lcured“ all the necessary paraph- imeant that the proceedings of , yards «of 3/; inch crushed graveLiacc‘OImt ~~~~~~ _--~ .150'00 ernaha for web a SGTVlce- We lthe appeal continued late into Work will be done under theiTreaS' SS N°~ 0"†300'00 understand these boys have 11958. The Township of Man-l supervision of the Road Supt.’ Moved by Jakeman, seconded $310.01 bus routes for the new vers paid the original levy on' and must be completed not beralcolm,‘ that the meeting Baiheboro Consolidated Pubhc gthe required date in 1958 but later than July 15th, 1959. adJ'Ourn umll, May 5th, 1959: School- . . . expected that the refund would Price quoted must be flat rate, 3? 1-30 D-Sl-Tw P-M- Car-[F01- any further information, .vbe forthcoming when the re-' delivered anywhere in the: “ed- , 931! l’eterborough RI 2-9950: (31' spective Officers had time to‘ Township. Certified cheque! ROSS Da'V‘dSOD’ Clerk. . Bailieboro 101‘] and. 91“), you I] figure out the necessary 'adjusnll for $300.00 must accompany l Wâ€â€" , get SGWICC. Iments. To date no refund has'each tender. Gravel will be! More than 75 per cent Of‘ been received. : paid for by the Township. The . .. . . . . i V th , ; Moved by Malcolm, seconded lowest or any tender not neces- Canadians have a camera m e Statisticians figure every by Brown that the Clerk make‘ sarily accepted. Carried. ;h-ouse and last year Canadians newborn Canadian will «on. application to the VictoriaI Moved by Brown, seconded spent $75,000,000 on PhOtO‘ 18111118 302 tins 0f baby f0°d be- "County D. High Shool Area by Malcolm, that the following graphic equipment. ,fore reaching its first birthday. THE 31133033903133, MILLBROGK, ONTARIO Board for a refund of $839.19 on 101' before May 3lst, 19593 that application be made to the County of Victoria for a refund of $1453.61 on or before May 31st, 1959, in accordance with the decision of the Arbi- tartion Bloard. Carried. :accounts be paid. ! STOCK BROS. BUS LINES ‘ Road voucher No. 4 $4838.43 â€" ’ Township oï¬ Pelham, The people, schools and socie- [relief .............. 20.17, ties of Millbrook and disfrict I500Bushe1 Club refund 5.50? Will not now have to go far 1R. J. Dilling, auditing, afield to charter a bus at very 'Schools, Township and , reasonable rates, for their out I Telephone, 1958 ..... 425.00 of town trips to distant places, I'Mirror-Reporter, print- ‘as coaches for charter are now ‘ing ................ 12.00 available from our neighbour- Frank Cowan 00., ling village of Bailieboro. as Slpraying L‘iability- - .. 90.00 sSt'ock' Bros. J. G., Peterbor- 3.. Davidson, trans- longh-and G. A. (Jerry)‘, o; ~portat'ion allowance ...‘ 2:00f Baili'ébo’io, have this week, Se; R. â€Davidson, on salary " A {cured all"the necessary paraph--' 3account ............ 150-00 ernaha for such a service. ‘We’ iTreas. SS N0. 5.... 300.00 understand these boy‘s have Moved by Jakeman, seconded school bus routes for the new by Malcolm, that the meeting Bailieboro Consolidated Public adjburn until May 5th, 1959, School. at 1.30 D.Si.T., P.M- Car-,For any further inflormation, lried. call Peterborough Ri 2-0965, or 5 Ross Davidson, Clerk. . Bailieboro 101‘] and 916, you’ll I â€"â€"-â€"â€"~-â€"----- I get service, More than 75 per cent of ‘ Canadians have a camera in the Statisticians figure every house and last year Canadians_newborn Canadian will «on- Moved by Jakeman, seconded by Malcolm, that the meeting ade'Ourn until May 5th, 1959, at 1.30 D.SE.T., P.M. Car- T‘I‘fl‘.‘ m2-