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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 23 Apr 1959, p. 2

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3- JOHN PAYNE EFarrow on Wednesday, May kind friends who sent cards, Licensed Auctioneer 320th. V 'treats. reading matter and TYP O ONTARIO The meeting closed wiflffltnvers, alto Dr. Hobbs and PON 0 L’ p: a3er and lunch was served Rev. Mr. Steed for kindness Sell AnythJ'IIg, Anytime, b-3 Mrs. Marshal Larmer and dmina my stav in hospi‘a]. Anywhere Mm Cliff: rd Larmer and the Many thanks to all. Phone Collect Bethany 10â€"r-211 hostess . n Mrs. F. Me‘flafi on. _-.-. Iowling Playoffs Nearing Finals LICENSED AUCTION'EER iSfu-dy: Book, assisting; her weref 1m choir rhiiembem foi. their Farm StOCk, Furnitln'e Real Mrs. S- E- Eakins, Mrs. Cd-i kindness in giving their time Estam. Sales conducted at Haw and. MPS- John Blair. f and talent to this pleasing reasonable rates by eXPefienced The busmess period was (3011' even‘. The visitors were servâ€" anstianeer; duo-ted by the Vice President ed afternoontea before return- ?Mrs. Marshall Larmer. It was in" to Peterbm'oueh PHONE OOLLECT ‘ idecided to c-‘olleet used clothing a ' - a ' Peterbnrough’ Ri 2-3091 ‘ to send to Evangel Hall, 'IYoronfi CA‘RD 0F TH ANKé “on. The. next meeting will be : held at the hour of Mrs. Inn-tie I Wish ‘ao thank the many R. JOHN PAYNE ;anrrow on Wednesday. May kind friends who sent cards, tincmged Auntioneer L20th. V treats. reading matter and _â€".â€"-â€" Men’s High Triples h'i‘rWIG‘d this Week. The two top teams 301E this round \Viil $131111} Til-:31. ........... ”.3533 meqt Con-It-ers Friday night to Weldon CouitEEM'” 665 deade the final‘firs-t, sec-0nd Dean Cutmiore 655 and third places 3 Team Scores Last Week Including Handicaps Apparently Coulters Were trying- last week to equal 01‘ Coultexs ........... 3394 3: Bankers 323:3 33 Bailiebong ......... 3193 BUTTER GRANITE CO LTD.‘ ; 4.Toote1s ........ -. . . 3136 Monuments and 3 5.01mv Cuts ......... 3077 Family Memorials 36. Zion Line-Is ....... 3044 rm Mom q+ 'pm-t none Ont. 3 7. Downtowners ...... 2973 Monuments and Family Memorials 73 Ontario St., Port. Hope, Ont Phone Tamer 55219 Domthy Gillis . .. Winnifred Hogg ........ Pat Fallis Men’s High Triples Austin anr ........... Alvin Trew ....... . . . . .. Weldon Uoulter ....... Ladies’ High Triple Dorothy Gillis ......... Men ’5 High Singles Alvin Trew . Austin W'o-rr . Dean Cutmore PAGE TWO '73 Dead Stock Removed MGM PRICES PAID PHONE GOLLECT: Peterborouh 2-2080 Gobourg 1787 Nick Peconi 24-Hour Service Stanley Miller High Scores Last Week AUGTIDNEERS PROPRIETOB '_’ better the score bowled by thel 1'5 . Zion Liners two weeks ago. I C'oult ers came through with a 3133 Without handicap for an menace of 6‘27 er bowler. at Week '7 p Thixx score is only 21 “pins shy Singles ‘ of the top sabre of 3154 bowled _ 281'; by Zion Liners two weeks ago. 267 Congvatulations to the follow. 257i ing bowlers, of the Coultvr's Team ft r their fine effort: Triple Donna Min ney, Gwen Raper, Alvin Trmv, Harry \Villi'ams, lingles Weldon Cbulter, Bill Boyles. 301 292 288 The regular monthly meeting :TEACHERS RECEIVE of Glace, W M S was held on A number of the men of the MARKING INSTRUCTIONS Wednesday at the home of \Irs Geoxge Street United Church‘ Ken Moncrief. The meeting “110113139191'1’0110118'11 headed The regular monthly meeting opened with the hymn “Lord my the ‘hOir organist and :of the Millbrook and Gavan . ,,’ l1 111- Mr. Chas Allen, v1s1ted , 1 . . while for all mankind we pray 11:11:: It 01 a1 lllmtlilltl on on ’Sunday Teachers Assomauon was held The devotional period was in afternoon and pleased he in-‘011 Friday afternoon, April 17, charge 0f Mrs Chfford Larnv- mates with theit singing of old a 3 p m In Fairxiew 80-11001 91' 7 Mrs K Moncrlcfi crave time church hymns. Solos and Mrs. Gillen was hostess for the Scripture reading fiollowed a quaite te 3th delighted the the meetino by prayer by Mrs. Marshall confined boys ‘1 Standardized Tests in spell- Larmer. Mrs. Gerald Arm-l The Chaplain Dr. H B 111g, arithmetic, literature and strong was in charge Oh the N911 thanked llh‘ Allen and languao-e were diseussed in S‘udy 300k 35519151111? 1191‘ were‘ the choir members. f0r their details and instruction in mark Mrs. S- 13- Eakins Mrs I‘d ikindness in giving their time 1119: were given by Mr Holmes. Haw and Mrs. John Blair. {and talent to thiq pleaSing These tests are to be admin- The 13115111055 per1od “'35 0011' m en The \isitors were serv- istered to Grade 8 pupils in (1119'th by the Vice Ple$1de11t ed afternoontea before return- this district before the end .of Mrs. Marshall Larmer. It was 3mg torPeterhorough. 1 J1me. Coulters are now awaiting the results iof the third rOund of the playoffs which is being GRACE CHURCH W.M.S. TO COLLECT USED CLOTHES FOR EVANGEL HALL ‘ emitsâ€"Lee { The wedding ceremony unit- ‘ ing Frances Mary Lee, daugh- itor of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph } T111111 of Millbvook to Lavern Neil Curtis of Oshawa took plare in St. Thomas" Anglican Chumh, \Iillbiook, on Fiiday, Apiil 17th, 1939, The Rev. J '12 dgai \I. Palfrey officiating. The bride woxe a {2,0an of white lace over White taffeta, with waist length veil caught flowers, aleo Dr. Hobbs and like donatiOns of good, clean Miss Georgina Kennedy was bridesmaid and wore a pink ballerina length dress with matching accessories and car- ried a coi’sage of pink and Wife :éarna tiona. :TEACHERS RECEIVE A number of the men of the MARKING INSTRUCTIONS Geoxge Street United Church‘ \,l]()1rP9terbOfi0ugh, headed The regular monthly meeting by T'h e ChOir organiSt and :0f the Millbrook and Gavan leader MI. Chas Allen, visited , e 7. . the lo< a1 institution on Sunday Teachers Assouation was 1181?; afternoon and pleased he in-‘011 Fridav afterndon Aprll 1 mates with theix singing of old a 3 p. m. in Fairxiew School time church hymns. Solos and Mrs. (aillen was hostess for a quar-Tte te also delighted the the meetinO'. i ((mfined 1103's.: Standardized Tests in spell- M 1-. James Curtis, brother of the grchm, acted as best. man. A reception was held af- the home of the bride ’5 parents immediately after the wedding. f?) a crown of pearls, a “ied a corsag'e of roses. Later the bride and groom left on their wedding trip to the United S‘rates. They will make their home in Oshawa. CHOIR MEMBERS VISIT REFORMATO’RY SUNDAY Wedding m monamonm max, IJESEMER, Manager, Mllbz‘ook Branch car- used clothing for overseas mis- sions. The same to be left at. Miss Luella Kennedy’s home, King Sires . The next meeting will be held at Mount Pleasant on May 15. This now makes possible the year round use of the building for badminton, roller skating, bingo games, dancing etc. The local dommitfee at the invita- tion of Cliff Skinkle, former Millbrook‘ resident and now presidnt of the Chamber of Commerce, will visit Hastings 911 Sunday next to get first hand information on their pro-f jec-t. I Since the fir-st meeting of the Millbmok and Gavan Memmial Arena Floor Fund was held, an interesting report was received from Hastings. This village was faced with' a situation similar to the one confronfing the- local Arena,’ that is, appr'oximately 80 days; use per year out of a 365 day 1% )té‘lltial. By a happy set of circum- stances a road building comp- any, wi h a public spirited management, was working in the Hastings area, and in (-0. opeiation with the Chamber of Commerce placed a “black top” flbor in their Arena at a very iii-oderatxe price. LOCAL COMMITTEE TO INSPECT FLOO’R SUNDAY AT HASTINGS ARENA St. Andrew’s \V.M.S would CLOTHING WANTED TORONTO-DOMINION IE THE BANK TH“? LOOKS AHEAD l was a policewoman people make the difference at experience . . . except, perhaps, wnen its presented by an officer as attractive as Pauline Alkins. Yes, believe it or not, before coming to Canada and The Toronto-Dominion Bank in London, Ont. Pauline was a policewoman with the London, England constabulary. Pauline Alkins likes meeting and assisting customers of “The Banlt”â€"an attitude you’ll find reflected in the friendly, efficient people at any nearby branch of The Toronto-Dominion Bank. Drop in soon and see why . . . Receiving a trafic ticket is never a pleasant experience . . . except, perhaps, when it’s nrpcmfpd hv an officer as attractive as Paunne 3' Mr. Abrams is fairly well- known in Millbrook, and is a. 1' swon- in-law of Mr. and Mrs. {J H. Barringer. v“ -_ ,- . _. _. v___, _. --_. During the past 8 years he; W. C. Lech BA. has been an active .piember,[ .â€"____._-_.-»-â€"â€"â€" R d f th , Po t Ho Gener-, a‘1()ai-ll§:)s103italeandrgaineflia an ex-i'Northmnbedand Durham tensive knowledge and experi-z Securities ence :of hospital operation While Phone Tum serm‘g as Chairman Of The} Albert Waxer :1 Walton St. Property and Mama gement com-g Sole owner Part no” mittee, as a member of the? Finance committee and latterly: DIRECT WIRE T0 TORGNTO as vice chairman of Region No. M93159? Brokerâ€"Dealer? mm‘ 8, of the Ontario Hospital As-, ation of 03“?“ s-oeiatinn, which is composed ofl ‘9 hospitals in our district; it"! eluding Oshawa, Bowmanville,g Timber wantEd Lindsay, Peterr'bbrough and‘ Oak. CObOWgâ€" CObOIH‘g Sentinel-i Em, Maple, 333mm“, . Star , Ash and Pine Timber. Mr. Abrams comes to his‘ 3 H. new position with many years: of business experience. After CARLEY finishing his education in Port“ C Hope, his birthplace, he secured Barri employment in the Food ndus- 4 try where he devoted many ' ‘ years to retail and Wholesale: PETER merchandising. Since 1951 hei 'r ’1: c i has Operated his fL'orist business in Port Hope, known as the Abnams’ Flower Sh‘op. Of more than ordinary inter-j est is an official announcement by the Board of Directors of the Cobourg District General Hospital of the appbintment of a new administrator, who is Floyd W. Abrams of Port Hope, who Took charge April 15th. NEW ADMINISTRATOR APPOINTED FOR COBOURG HOSPITAL ‘ Thruway, April 23,1959 i J. H. Ban-ism, Publisher. The regular momhly meefiug of Lady Lions will be held at the home of Mrs. E. Liesemer, Monday evening, April 27th. . 425 Water Street PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO '1‘. J. Carley Q.C. (1§96-1956) B. 0. Standish Q.C. '1‘. E. Clarke. B.A. Em, Maple, Basswood, Oak, Ash and Pine Timber. STANDING PREFERRED South Konaghan, Ontario PHONE 22 BAILIEBORO NOTICEâ€"LADY LIONS Mirror-Reporter Hoy Lumber OoԤ_ ‘0 . Od LECH The (Jan SUNDAY, APRI Zion Pentecost ér 5nd Bible Stu 8.00 p.m,â€"â€"Friday, ples Meeting. Mr. THE SALVATIO‘ Captain D. M 3.00 p.m.â€"Sunda; Ceiebratiofi of Bid ion in St. Thom: 10.0q a.m. 11 .30 a .m.â€"â€"Matti: The United Chm“ 10.00 a.m.â€"â€"Sund 11.15 a.m.â€"Wwor57 9.45 a.m.â€"' Satu'rday, April 25 Day Evangelist a: The local Set-“den Mr. E. W. Bradle the purpoae of The stating that agri keeping with ”he industry of the «4 also grow up i A member of S Woman’s Auxiliar; attendance at all 1 vices at St. Thom Parish Hall to 1001 dren 7 years of ag of parents Wishing the services. Sunday School (2‘. draw during sec-0: church service. PRESBYTEE Gentreville and Rev. Walter Patte Minister Bani Steps to Pr. Farming in keepix changes in farm In answer to per tions and in spite ‘ in some areas 40 prising farmers holders :on multi] established under ‘: Land Act across turned out for this Grace Church, : Sunday Schoolâ€" 9.45 a.m.â€"â€"Divin Centrevi‘fle C 10.00 a.m.â€"Chur 11.00 a.m.-â€"Div31 and methods were a‘n/Jthcc Ihough‘ meeting held rece 1',egi0u Hall Bram brook. Supervised Nu zi'xurch service . Legion Hall. “A Welcome A‘ PARISH 01‘ Anglican Church Fourth Sunday 31 St. John's, L30 3 .m .â€"â€"â€"Ma‘tin‘ “O Come, Let Us Pentecostal DISCUSS Ran Northro and choir din m . â€"Evens . Johns, Canada CAV.

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