. Lech B.A r Wanted .y afternoon! r QC. (1§96-1956) Standhh QC. Clarke B.A. .OUGH, ONTARIO LADY LIONS Lr mon’hly meeting rns will be held at Mrs. E. Liesemer, ning. April 27th. Lerâ€"Dealers‘ Associ- Lumber -Reporter and 8: Durham rities TO TORGNTO 81 Walton St . PRESBYTERIAN Centrevine and MijrOOk Rev. Walter Patterson, M.A. Minister Emeritus. Grace Church, Millbrook Sunday Schoolâ€"10.45 a.m 9 . 45 a . m . -â€"Divine Worship. CAVAN 9 . 45 a.m.â€"errship Service Centrevifle Church 10.00 a.m.â€"Chnrch School 11.00 a.m.â€"â€"Divine Worship The United Church of Canada. Millbrook -â€" Gavan Mr. Stan Northrop, organist and choir director. Dr. J. Arthur Steed in charge â€0 Come, Let Us Worship’. ELI-BROOK 10.00 a.m.-â€"-Sunday Sclhool 11.15 a.m.â€"-Wvorship Service Supervised Nursery during church service. Sunday School children with- draw during second Hymn of church service. Fourth Sunday after Easter ISENIB FINE BALE TO St. John 3, Ida !GHURCH «HOUSE, TORONTO 9 30 a. m. â€"-Ma‘tins and Litany Th 11â€"â€" h m Bailie‘noro 2 e IegL am meeting of t e 11 Wmcihâ€"Mzitins 'W A Of St Thomas Anghean , . 'Church was held at the home St Thomas Church M111br°°k of Mrs‘ H. A Turner Monday 700 p n}. â€"â€"Evensong and Lit- evening, with a good attend- any anee. - Saturday, April 25: S'.t Mark’ s The Stripfure reading from Dav Evangelist and Martyr. St. Mark’s Gospel was read by Celebration of Holy Commun Mrs Herbert Williamson ion in St. Thomas’ Church, The W. A. prayers and Lit- 10.0q a.m. :any were conducted by the: a at : {Presé‘deng NIJ‘S. J. W. Hi1b0n.i A member of St. Thomas’} Woman’s Auxiliary will be in attendance at all morning ser- vices at St. Thomas’ in The Parish Hall to look after chil- dren 7 years of age and under, of parents wishing to attend the services. I Steps to Productionâ€"Line Farming in keeping with rapid changes in farm organization and methods were discussed 'at aux/)tlwr thought provoking meeting held recently in the Legiml Hall Branch 402, Mill- brook. In answer to personal invita- Tiuns and in spite of bad roads in some areas 40 people com- prising farmers and small holders :on multiple acreage established under the Veterans Land Act across the County turned ‘out for this meeting. The local Settlement Officer Mr. E. W. Bradley explained the purpose. of these meetings stating that agriculture in keeping with the expanding industry of the country must also grow up if we are to Zion Pentecostal Church MILLEROOK D. L. Johns, Pastor. Sunday Services 0 a. 111. â€"â€"Sunday School 1. .30 p. m. â€"â€"Eveming SerVIce (â€Ribâ€"4H er and Bible Study. 00 a. m. â€"â€"Worship Service. .00 p. m. â€"Wednesday, Pray-i } 8.00 p. m.â€"Friday, Young Peo- ples Meeting. THE SALVATION ARMY Captain D. McNeiD'y 3.00 p.m.â€"Sunday School in Legion Hall. “A Welcome Awaits You.†PARISH OF CAVAN Anglican Church of Canada Rev. J. Edgar M. Palfrey The Churches SUNDAY, APRIL 26, 195 VETERANS LAND ACT OFFICIALS DISCUSS PRODUCTION-LINE FARMING Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Thursday, April 23, 1959 ; The minutes of .The- last meetâ€"1 ing were given by the Secretaijr ‘ Mrs. Reginald Fal-lis, also, the roll call, Mrs. Leslie Brivst'ow, ‘itreaaurer, repored a balance in the bank. The bake sale of April 11th realized a profit: of $31. 45. i The Dorcas Secretary MIS. fHerbert Trick reported the bawle was sent to Chtmh House gm Toronto for dis‘ributivon to; various missions and contained} , rompex s, slippers, knitted ‘goods, bath robe, bath towels, |a large quilt, 14 cakes of soap Mr. Tompkins from Ontario County spoke on livestock, emphaszing the importance of breeding for produc ion and in keepi 119 with the eating habits ‘ pf the peeple rather than for records and appearance. He ir-eferred {'0 his recent visit To §Corne11 Universty where he 'ixa,» impressed with informa- tion obtained on lix estock and ' ype requirements. ! He also explained advan age of fewer pieces [f farm equip ,ment method to the enterprise ' .zzther than 11121120118 expensi e _ implemen‘m . necessar _'. with { diversification. 7I'he chapter from study book, who cares presented by Mrs, Leslie Graham was on Cana- dian Hospitals. Interesting items from the W. A. Bulletin were read by Mrs. W E. Ma‘ssey-Oooke and by Mrs. Fallis. Mrs. J. Edgar Palfrey 1 ad an interest- ing report from the W. A Liv- and «Ether items. Total value was $39.35. Also a quantity of used clbthing was sent. ing Message, showing the Wide variety of interest. of the Indian branch of the W. A. in Old Crow, Yukton. There was discussion about means of adding to] the treasury funds. I? was decided that each member bring a freeâ€"will offering to each VV.A. meet- ST. THOMAS’ CHURCH W.A‘ SEN'DS FINE BALE TO CHURCH «HOUSE, TORONTO Meeting closed with pray or. The hostess and Mrs. George R2 3391' serx ed refreshments. Keen interest was taken by' the ve‘erans present and a fairly lengthy discussison period: followed by a lunch served byi the Ladies’ Auxiliary of the; Legion. I Settlement Officers from adjoining fields were intrO- duced and in turn objectives explined and in conclusion summarized. dompete on an equal basis for *he rewards of labour and re- turns on invested capital. Mr, Gem'Oy from Victaoria County who discussed Soils, drainage and farm management stressed the importance of soil ’ests and the recommended ap- plication of fertilizers being cheaper than buying feed and concluded by saying that grass land farming was stoil conserva- tion at its best. Short films were shown to exemplify subjects at issue and to further envoke discuss- ion. Mr. Lloyd from York County sjfoke on low ClC-St high utility buildings which will not only save labour but contribu‘ed to animal health, comfort and longevity and effect savings in maintenance and insurance premiums. ..5 _--..g Bradley TEEN AGE GOSSIP .‘someone who is a bit pevevedgah’out it T. NJ! ’with somdone else for interrupt-f How are the two little spies There 93ng to be a. certain ing on Friday night. How coming along? Ahem! T. D.? TEE monumenm, mmoox, ONTARIO ' vuu an MORE w} ‘OTLIFE'WHEN ‘ you on THE MOST our or ELECTRICITY Bathtime’s a! happy time for the kids! And it’s a happy time for a mother, too, with an automatic electric water heater to provide all the hot water necessary to look after a grow- ing family! An electric water heater is convenient, safe and economical. . . costs only a few cents a day on a special Hydro Flat Rate . . . has abundant storage capacity and quick recovery when more hot water is needed. You get more out of life when you get the most out of electricity! ‘TU WESTERN CANADA ï¬lh wiï¬u . Me [fllfl/lflfll AO For information and reservations contact your nearest CNR Agent To remove grease and wax crayon marks from wall- paper, place a blotter over the spot and press with a warm iron. 'n/Ill'ow/Ia/ 63mm: â€Â£0412 Ac. Get out and sell those maga- zines kids. We want our trip this year PAGE m T-9-9