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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 23 Apr 1959, p. 4

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“953W“ Powenul vacuum to freeze every blade of grass ‘ t , , , . upnght for a sharper, cris 1' cut. See th's re ' nary The Gardner block u as built new Whirlwind today. pe l volutxo about ninety years ago; In the latter 1960’s or early 70’s. Mr. O Ends dam in g . . . . 0 Bags clippIPng: O Easymlerms (lardmer built It as an 1nve-st- 0N0 seal in .136 s ,ment believing no doubt that P 9 mus close l the rentals from the three stores l , C I f t on the ground floor and the two. $99-95 “1'22: 3“,” halls on the second fllOOr would and Wyn“... i return him a fair rate oft , . . ,, interest on his investment. In (19 Whirlwmdâ€"only $1000 down) hhose (lays people With money! Ask about the “X” test at to invest generally put it, intoi Gibson Auto Body, Millbrook, Ont. {2219:1if."“.,m‘3;2‘{§15£l‘:‘"§s“3i1 imore reeent times in.) buy shares' _ iin large industrial eoneei'ns, . lhvdro-eleetrie and telephone I ‘ I . o O I CARD OF THANKS 3 Haw tuneralidlreetor, Mr. and; eompames or large t‘malu'lal’ MN k H. Winslow and Mrs. “-111. O‘Brlan. the music eompanies such as trust eom-; l'amil express grateful thanks pupils filld ”1911' parents, and patties. investment funds. and , - . - T TO all friends who in So Inanv the like. The 0pp‘CrI‘tlllll‘108 t0- tn the Dis rn-t Health NurseS, V. V. k' . ‘ 1 - - ' an,» txpnssed mdness and buy snares 1n Oll and gas pipeâ€" DIV “Fight and DF- HON)“, sympathy (luring the. long ill- line eonipanies were well on tol ! l . -vâ€"d ' W _ the Nurses and Staff of Civic Hess and pausing of our dear a eenturv in the future. lit“ \‘pllal. Rev. l‘lt gar Palfrey hrshrnd and father. Louis H. ['ndonlmldly the first ten. and Rev. L. R_ Poeoek, cl. “'5 V. mslxwv. . nant in the. Gardiner bloek wag PAGE FOUR Daring “X” Test proves new Whirlwind rotary will outcut any other. Wind-tunnel under the housing creates powerful vacuum to freeze every blade of grass upright for a sharper, crisper cut. See this revolutionary new Whirlwind today. Prevefi est in ihe “X” tesi Ordinary mowers clump. skipâ€"leave messy clippings. New Tore culs evenly. cleans up olher clippings as well. Wind - Tunnel Whirlwind out mows them all! Invested $330,000,000 i raw material sources. I. I M I T ED MONTREAI OANANOOOE IIAfllTOII BHNTFORD TORONTO Made 34,422,000 tons of steel; Paid $933,000,000 m employe Paid $244,000,000 to govemm. Spent $1,765,000,000 form STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA The above figures show how Stelco has contributed to the wealth and progress of Canada. began with incorporation in 1910. In the 49 years sinae then Stelco has: and services. THE to government in taxes to employees: in plant and l“. WAS KNOWN [James Cosgrove who for many | ., ‘7 . {years operated a hardware lAs THE business in the'cofner store. In the mid 1880’s he [disposed GARDINiR BLOCK . lof his hardware buSineS's to \V. __ ' S. Pickup th came into the . The recent partial destruc-I village from the township of g ' _. _ Hope. A few yeaiw later Mr. 511011 by a Violent Windstorm of Pickup sold out 7-0 James }ard~ l ”10 1“'0 Slur." bl'iCk building 011 iner; of the same name. and a lthe worth-east eorner 0:: King distant relative of the owner iillltl l'niou sll'ee‘s (bpp'uSile the '0“: the building'- In the mid“ nine‘ies Arthur Mulligan be- , . . _ I‘ . "l‘ eame a partner in the firm ill” 1”“ mm" mom “I ‘ mun whieh continued under the l the rennn'ul ml, at lumlui‘urk ll'oni name of Gardiner and Mul- he husmess seetwn ml the \'ill- liuan. .E‘ji-e. l‘ful' illwll‘ ten years past I it has been llllUl't'lllTll‘tl. in such th 1 l l 1 [post ol'l'n-e wineh may I'Mult in l l The first telephone line into 0 Village whirl] was in the, It was for many years known as the Gardiner block having been built by James Gardiner who in the early days of the district was a prominent citizen and businessman. He was active in the lumbering industry and amongst his business ventures was the building of a sawmill am the small creek which for a mile or more east of Manvem station laces its way through tangled woodland close to the south side of the C.P.R. tracks. The site of the old sawmill is presently known as Burk’s camp. a state of dulzmidution tha? it has been untennantable, an un- sightly reminder of the days when it was the centre of 21' great deal of retail business activity. THE MIRROR-REPORT“. moon, OMAR” For several deeadeg at" er the 3 turn of the century the corner store was the Home of the Mill- 'brook Mirror an i s sincese‘er 'Ithe Mirror- Reporter. Charles Richards 11 local. boy who learn- )Ied the printing trade with Alfred Hayter (who in the Elearlv 1860's established the lIMillbrOIok Messenger and pub? Iished it for upwards of thirtvi IvearS) went o1 er .0 Omemee I and xtaxted the Omemee Mirror :I He later moved his plant over to his 1111i1e \ill1113e changing’ its name to the Millbiook Mi1- ; 1(11' and still later changing it In the Reporter when he :10- " (wired the weekly published for Inlany years by \V. .8. Given. , The two other stores in the I. Gardiner block were 1111111 time to time oeeupied by various‘ types of business. 111 one of 'l them John Steele had a jewel- ‘11-1' store and at one time Ed. Grossley carried on a grocery Imsinesx For Upwards‘ 11f IfOrtv Years Georwe Duncan: Ioperated 11 barber shop 111 one of the stores. I S For a year in the late 80’s one of the halls in the Gardiner‘ block was used as a school room. The four room village school which stood 0n the sOuth west (we-ruler of Centre and Union street-s was completely destroy- ed by fire. and the school board had to find temporary ace-om- modation to tide them over until a new school was built. The classes taught by the. princi- pal David Hampton found quarters on the second floor of the. Gardiner block. The second floor of the WHY FEEL OLD? Feel Years Gardiner block was over the Younger. Ostrex T‘onie Tab- years put to many diiferenti le's revitalize thousands past uses. in the early period of 3 40. Onl}r 690. At all drug- its existanee it con'ained the; gists. 6t lodge room of the Royal temp-i V".-- 3 lers which flouuished for a' 1 time. F01 a decade or more WANTED 'mâ€"J.’ the same hall e1 heed to the heat. “rantedâ€"Live Poultry Highi of the big d11111l and the jing prices paid M, Flett RR ll of the tambourine when it was Bethanv, phone 74. 13 col- he (itadel of the loral (01118 of ltect'. ' May 4! the SalV at10n Army. The a1n1V had quite a following in the Village in the 90‘s and N"? ‘Qf' STAN OLAN its stalwarts \\ ere Harm Hall and his wife Harrv who had Lumber Rough or Dressed a distinct Yorkshhe accent 3150 Hard and 51°“ WOOd Slabs operated a- brick vaid a few ' PHONE 70-w miles east of the village It MILLBROOK, ONTARIO was a 00111111011 sight to see him; coming in to the village ion a! .._â€"_______-.._..._ ”.1 .._- .. ‘â€"..~.~ “Moan-*4 summer evening to attend thel WILLMOTT i army’s service and St. parade; Barristers, Solici‘ wearing a brilliant red sweater Telephone 9, with the “lords Salvation Army . across the breast. When ad- A' Rey Who“, Q.G. dressing the gathering of on~ IOOkerS On. the street he ahvay'si ‘.'.'.'.'.'.'.I...-.-'---'I introduced himself as Happyl I [Harrybiound for Glory. 1 a Afififin‘h‘n “ The first telephone line into the Village which was in the 80’s had its terminal in the :Pickup and later in the Gard- iner and Mulligan hardware store. It could “scarcely be ‘ termed an exchange for there iwerc no 10cal business or resi- Idenee phones. for some time later, When therefore a call ‘ came into the store from Toron- l to, or any point in the province ; Mr. Gardiner or his clerk would have to hustle out and locate :the wanted party. There was [no sound pita-0f telephone bOO'h !and the system of amplyi‘ing l the voice was very primitve so Ithat when a person was talkng il'ong distance every one in the 'store and, if it was a warm summer day with the street 'door open, people out on the street could hear the conversa- “ion. 'oi’ the building. In the mid! 11i119‘-ies Arthur Mulligan beâ€" came a partner in the firm which cOntinued under the name of Gardiner and Mul- lig-an. Not all the persons. firms, Hewel- Self con‘=aiued, private enq- ne Ed- trance; King Street West. I. @0991}: Hatherly. phone 71-w Mill- 0119 Of For {Rentâ€"fieatéd- +room' Apt. Lumber Rough or Dressed, also Hard and Soft Wood Slabs ' PHONE 70-w MILLBROOK, ONTA‘RIO £1531”: W1” it '6” ”1‘4 wine-r 0:111‘01- Saleâ€"Quantity of Red (r f‘ 1 l \111 am nion reo Q We! Clover Seed. Apply ho Roy mariied to a daughtm of \‘V ‘11- Ferren phone 2141331 Mill- iliam Dauson one of the ear-h: brook ’ 2t iset 1013 sf Cax an who 01111011, _______ {the farm now the pdopertv of For Saleâ€"diefrigerator 1n gOOd G A. Spimr.H1> alqo (ontiibut condition, price only $100 ,ed splendidlv to the early (11- Phone 7111' Millbrook. Irwin i wit-11111011 of the 1illage in the; Hatherly. 3t oâ€"~~â€" -o~â€"~ M--â€"â€"-â€"~..___‘__ goroction of the 3 story building 1:1-.. 0. 1- n, __, m. ,. IIIII IIIIIIIIIII I I'll III For Rentâ€"~Past11=re, apply '0 L. H. Gibson. Millbrook. 2t Next time your talking “from the shmflder"â€"try a bit highvr up. L mucâ€" pm a 1 tee-D 690. »11 1119 comer of King and TIIP 1 Uéaton’s Glidgr Bicycle,p in per streets 111033' 0(-:11piedb3'1 excellent condition Apply ,,_ . .~ g r a . . (110“105f 1:0(911'.:1 fstorf. 3.2;} Mrs. Reg. (élbbs, phone 8, tw stuns 111mm 3 00111111 Millimook 11: b3 (1001019 Ellsworth and the hardware business of Ce<31 For Sale:10 ft. by 12, ft Cai- Poeblcs. i any house, in good shape; also E.S1.C. ' Electric Biooder and two I Brooder S 030%. Apply to -pm -_ ’- James Gardiner who contri- buted to. #119 development of the village by building a two stury block at the corner of King: and l‘nion s‘r'eots was married to a daughter of \‘Vil- liam Dawson one of the early sot-‘lors 90f Cavan who owned societies and organiza‘ions that. at one time or another oesfipied 6 space in te’old Gardiner block 3' have been mentioned herein.- _ In its Time however it served a useful role in the business and social life of the community 7 F covering an era in which the retail business «of the Village was more robust than in recent times due to the advent of theyl‘ motor car, the mo‘or truck and} motor hm enabling villagers to: speed into the larger centres of” _ popula‘ion and patronise large'p department. stores, supermar-g I l shops. “elutedâ€"Live Poultry. High! prices paid. M, Flett, RR 1! Bethany, phone 7-r-13 col-1 1901:. May 4! brook. Phone Bailiebore 30 PROBLEMS $â€"â€"! $â€"-â€"I$â€"â€"-â€"â€"! If you have steady employmefit and would like to budget your Plumbing and Heating Cost, please ask for one of our booklets and fill an application today. . Rey Willaott, Q15. James A. Irvine, We now have a plan that shall take care of your Lequire Humbing Heating and attractive special‘y PERSONAL FOR RENT Attention Home Builders Plumbing and Heating Barristers, Solicitors, Nata 'es Telephone 9, Mjllbrook WILLMO'I'T 8; IRVINE tf iFor Saleâ€"$50.06 msonthly for 3 gBedroom House in Mill- ; brook with all conveniences. Double lot. being about 1,’ 1 acre good garden and double I garage. $1500. down. Call 5 lord-on Trick at. 255 repre- : senting Bowos Cocks , Limifed. 1t Thursday, April 23, 1959 For Saleâ€"Rodney and Garry Hats and Brant Barley. Arn- old W. Bnown, Millbrook R. R No.1. ‘3t For Saleâ€"Boat, V Bottom Ply- wood 12 ft. lung, 50 inch Beam, Also a 5 H.P. Jrohns- ton M-0t0r_ Good condition. \Van‘e‘d. a. small iron or Wdod Turning Lathe. T. V. I’elck Millbrook. 2t For Saleâ€"â€"Some Seed Barley, (leaned and Treated; Brant and Parkland variety. R. H. Kennedy, phone 223r3 Mill- bvool<_ 2t For Saleâ€"3 Tires and Tubes, like new, size 525â€"550.]7: For Saleâ€" Bioy’s Three-Speed Eaton’s Glider Bicycle, in excellent condition. Apply Mrs. Reg. Gibbs, phone 8, Mill‘brook. 1t For Saleâ€"Lot bnâ€"Centre St: Apply Miss L. Kennedy, phone 69-,j Millbrook. Jt The hapaness of your life demands upon the quality of your thoughts. Flor Saleâ€"Maple Syrup. Ap- ply Russell Kennedy, phone 223r3 MillbrO-ok.‘ 2t Hm Saleâ€"A quanti?y of Baled Hm. Apph H. S. Dart-och, Pontx pool Ontario. 2t For Saleâ€"Montcalm Barley, Cleaned and Treated. Ap- ply Jay \Viftington, South Monaghan . 2t 1 Tire and Tube,rlike new, size 525â€"55018, $4.00 each: 1 Steel Ironing Board, never been used, price $7.00. Phone 51'24 Bethany, call collect. ’rhone Mflibrook $512 W. Widdis, ph’one ’22:}-r22 Millbrolok. It; FOR SALE Julffi} 2t E WA gStevens E All Boxe¢ 35c eac 99th. Year. No. Week Gummer’ Sausage and Vi Fresh Ham Roa Smoked Tender Smoked Side Bax OPEN MO

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