graphs. We give him credit for having his ammunition at hand. ‘He appears determined to have parking his way. The constable sat at the north end of the council table, opposite the reeve at - the south end- Unless .‘~ he is invited, he has no business sitting at that ta- ble. As we have said here be- fore. even Her Majesty Our Bdover’. ' -“1. 3.11.5"? ask c. .er- missi-x: . eak 11a meeilng of Millet-o0}: Counci1;amd Her Majesty may not sit at the fa. ble Without permission. Thefpaltmt dismount? Then came the dogs. Again. our elected representatives ei ther can not or will not read. (And the man who will not read is no better oï¬ than the poor fellow who can’t.) The Ontario law says that Millbrook MUST collect a dog tax. Millbroak does not do so. Mielibrook Council has 8: is cheating the taxpayers of Mil {brook and the ' Province of Ontario out of this money. It is so because our council can not or will {not read. And, :be- cause our council can not or will not read, our. council is wv‘su u w uv“b"‘"b LVI. VML “V60 at $3 per 10 days per dog; or until his owner claims him. If he is not claimed in those 10 days, the Society may ad- opt him out. to anew master. The Lions offered Milibrook 30 streetnamepl-ates. The Li- (Please see more elsewhere) -..â€"--â€" (Continued from elsewhere.) Mrs. R. Richards, Robent Win- slew. Mrs. J .J. Lunna, BM. Tur ne :, Ruth Belch, Craig Pal- fray. Ronald Scott, Peggy Rid- ge, Wanda Foottit. Brian Ste- want, Mrs. EEG. North, Glenn ( Please 3 see more ~ elsewhere. ) hand. ‘He appears determined tto have parking his way. The constable sat at the north end of the council table, opposite the reeve at - the south end. Unless he is invited, he has no busmws sitting at that fa- ble. As we have said here be- fore. even Her Majesty Our The consfable came to the icouncil meeting with a stack of facts, ï¬gures, diagrams 8: graphs. We give hm credit for having his ammunition at MlL-L'BIROOK fCO‘U'NNSIL Council met Monday night. l1: spent a lot of money. It plunged the village deeper into debt, and it decided to do some very silly things that can only add up ’co trouble ruin this beautiful place. . Cons: able Carney mmts the cars aid trucks. on King Street to be parked alongside the curb on both north and south sides of King Street; that is bumper :to bumper, and 'not as they presently are on the north side, with front wheels IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII‘IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ! xENROIMENT FORMS for one above clubs will be completed at- (the organization meet- jugs. The following clubs have been organized, but if you still wish to join you should: send in an application: as soon as possible. Durham 44H Sheep Club Durham 4â€"H Dairy Club Durham 4-}! Poultry Club Jim Coombes, Glen Quinne'y! Francis Jose, Gerald Brown Ron Brooks Durham 4â€"H Swine Club Durham 4H Beef Club Durham 43 Potato Club Glenn Lasrm-er ' Bev Gray ' ‘ Mel Wood We- Durham 44H Tractor Maï¬mten ance Club â€"- Lloyd Kellogg Contact The ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, A. 0. Dalrymple Agricultural Representative Durham County Ilflfllï¬ll-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Bax 730, Bowman’viue. for additional information. Hope 4-H Calf Club Durham 44H Apple Club Harold Watson ‘ Bob Camuthetrs [North Durham Grain Club Roy Strong _ †Learn to do by doing.†“ TRAINING IN GOOD CITIZENSHIP †Mimbrook 4â€"H Calrf «Club Glare Winslow Durham 44H Silage Com Club Durham 4â€"H Grain Club Durham 44H Apple Club LEADER( :S ) Harold Yellowlees Bcru'ce Taylor Harold Watson Bob Camuthetrs ORGANIZATION DATE «Dept. of Ag.r, Bowmanvflle Friday, April 6, at 8:30 pm. Dept. [of Agra, Bvowmarnville Friday, April 6, art 8:30 pm. Dept. of Agr, Wanville Friday, April 6, ‘at 8:30 pm. FARM BOYS GIRLS, 12 YEARS OLD BY JANUARY 1, 1962, NOT 21 BY DECEM- BER 31 OF THE CLUB YEAR ALRE ELIGIBLE TO JOIN. JOIN NOW! Be 0 Durham 4-H Club member in 1962. THE MILIBROOK REPORTER, BEAUTIFUL MHLBROOIQ ONTARIO, us is the lack of courage on (culpable. That 25c word mean the paut of council. It is not 5 that our council is liable 140 a pleasant sight to see your investigation by the Onmurio elected representatives stam- Department of Municipal Aff- peded by som'eone you did aims, and possible proseeution. not elect. We grant you that What we say here,’ we have {the constable has: (the advent- said' before. But it appears age of being able and willing rt’hatt our council would rather to read; and our council eith- argue than be right; er can not or will not read. Our village clerk has volu-‘ Parallel parking is a dandy way .to bankrupt. the shopkee- pers on King Street. It is al- most sureï¬re lï¬oolproof; not one councillor recorded a vote against it. Instead, they “did What the man saidâ€; they tacked a silly amendment to. a silly bylaw, and directed it to Queen’s Park «for approval. Roy McHolm CLUB ‘WORK 1962 DURHAM COUNTY Gavan» Community Hall Thurs, April 12, at 78:00 pm. Gavan Community Hall Thurs, April 12, at 8:00 pm. Welcome Ohumh Tuesday, April 17, 8:00 pm. (Continued from elsewhm‘e) Mrs. R. Richards, Robert Win- slow. Mrs. J .J. Lunnz, BM. Tur 'n-e :, Rum Belch, Craig Pal- frey. Raznald Scott, Peggy Ridâ€" ge, Wanda Foottit, Brian Ste- want, Mrs. F.G. North, Glenn 10 days, the Society may ad- opt him out. to a. new master. The Lions offered Mflljbrook 30 streetnametplartes. The Li- (Please see more elsewhere) The Peteifboro Humane So- ciety, (through Judge DeNure Kennedy, has informed our council flhafc it will provide board Hedging for. our dogs at $3 per 10 days per dog; or until his owner claims him. If he is not claimed in those Our viflage clerk has volu- mes of Ontario larw. 7(We lent her our old set until the day when our council smartens up enough to buy a set.) But rbhe set. is a waste of money unless it is read and heeded. .‘For (the past few weeks, Mr. James Marsland, S'mpeï¬ntend- ent of The Ontario Reforma- tory, Millbroo‘k, has been ma- king a Monteâ€"Carlo stock for an old Remington ptumpn:~ tion «Shogun as well as mak. ing some moi Scatrla- :33 to its workmg rpaI-‘s. intensiï¬ed during the early ~( Please see more elsewhere.) MILLBROOK N’IMRODS TEST SHOTGU‘N AFTER REMODELLING confer with Mr. Oarruthers. rre hertter signs. This was two months ago. The Committee of Chairman Hodgson, James MoMas-ter and Earl Liesemer immediately conferred ‘ with the Member for Durham. Mr. Ciarruhhers explained the reg uiation of the Ontario Depart- ment of Highways that larger signs were erected only for eommunities of over 1000 per sons. There the matter rested. But Alex Carru’ohers did not rest. He has been working eff ectively for what the Chamb- er requested; and Millbmok will shorialy‘ have its larger signs. ’In fact, today, Monday, as we write this, the Depart- ment of Highways construc- tion iboss phoned~ Millbrook to get precise directions from the Roads Signs Committee. The Committee deserves a vote of thanks from all villa- gers. Those three busy men used rtime, energy and gas in :the service of Miflbmok, and" because they want rbo make 3 (Please see more elsewhere) . At the last bin 4 meeting of the Crhambce ‘ - Roads 8: Signs Committee was asked to (continued from page 1) meme (aha-t the present {little green ï¬ngerâ€"sign pointing to I'Millvbrolok on Tupper Sti‘eet 8: on King Stree West, where «each meets Highway 115 will be replaced by 1‘4"“ signs. We are indebted to Dean Cutmore for this item. To us, a Montefla'rlo stock is a pile of blue shi 3. Ed. IIIESflla-Ilflfllï¬lhudlfllllel Government Inspected SL'I'CED DEVON BACON FUR 'EXNMPLE " BUY ’EM'OY, WE DELIVER NATI'RESS 59c ' PHONE 264 NOBODY ‘ BEAN ST. PAUL’S, BE-THANY Holy Communion 11:15 am. Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study 8 PM. Young Peoples, Friday, 8 PM. A Hearty Welcome to All Mrs. Eva Devon, Pastor Sunday School 10:00 AM. Morning Worship : 11 AM. Evangelistic Service 7.30 PM. OAVAN Worship Service 9:45 AM. Barrister: Solicitor: Notary £30113 9 MILLBROOK» UNITED GHUROIH OF OA‘NNDA Millbrook- - Gavan Rev. S. E. Snowden, B.A., B.D. MEI-BROOK Sunday $11091 10 AM. Divine Womhip 11:15 AM. ZION PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Sunday School Worship 9:45 AM. Sunday School 11:00 AM. Informal Service 7:30 PM. Sunday School Holy Communion . 11:00 AM. ST. J O'HN’S CHURCH Evensong 2:30 PM. BOOKS ' MILLBROOK REPORTER ST. THOMAS’ CHURCH Evensong 7:00 PM. Evening Prayer 7: 30 pm. CHUROH 0F CWNA‘DA PARISH OF CAVAN Rev. J. Edgar M. Palfrey Rector JAMES IRVINE MA DEAD STOCK Rev. Purchased according to size and condition. Small animals removed free. Phone 0011th PEPERBOROUGH RI 2.8827 Proprietor. Licence 117.061 T-H’E SALVATION ARMY ‘A Welcome Awaits PRESEWERMN CHURCH IN CANADA Phone Y.P.S.M. Wm. Storms and Mrs. Storms Warp: Welcome to All , NICK PECONI Monuments and Family Memorials (Legion Hall) MILLBROOK 11:15 A.M. 10:00 AM. 3 RM. 3 TORO} Your To: he’s awa: downs th knows th in a hurr so well h‘ whether ‘ cost of 1:: put in pf