Phone Collect 'GH RI 28827 Dle Study 8 PM. L; Friday, 8 PM. 'elcome to All IN CAI-ADA >F CAVAN ?m. Storms REPORTER Awaits You 11: 10:00 A.M. 11 AM. 7.30 PM. CO. LTD. 11:15 am. 11:15 AM- 10:00 AM. 9:45 AM. 11:00 AM. 7:30 PM. 2:30 PM. 7:00 PM. 11713â€"61 9:45 am. :30 pm. 10 AM. 15 AM. 3 RM. “~3N0 old- style beer bottles will be‘ redeemed by Brewers’ Retail Stores ’ after June 9 1962 After this date ' only the space- saving compact amber bottles will continue to be refundable , ' BREWERS’ WAREHOUSING CO. LTD. FROM THE BREWERS’ RETAIL STORES him a clxance to provevthat people at The Bank really do make the important difference in farm banking. When you need a "a" Your Toronto-Dominion Bank manager probably knows more about tobacco farming than y0u think. He knows how you operate : . . he’s aware of your marketing problems and the economic ups and downs that affect your plans and hopes . . . and, most of all, he knows that when a tobacco farmer wants a loan he usually wants it _ in a hurry; You’ll ï¬nd that because he understands your problems " so well he’s ready and willing to oï¬er the kind of help you needâ€"- whether it’s a short-term loan to cover fertilizer or the complete - cost of taking off a crop, or a long-term loan that will help you to put in permanent irrigation facilities. Call in to see him and give we try to be a little more helpful! :. 'E. LIESEMER, MANAGER, MILLBRDO'K BRANCH THE 11114133001: REPORTER, BEAUTIFUL MLLBROOK, om? (to approve the Budget for 1962. Messrs. Hopkins, Agnew, Mrs. Reynolds, Mr. Nortthey and Mr. Thompson present. The Board conducted Mr. Creighton on a tour of the school and pointed out types of construction, after which a proposed remodelling of the school was discussed. This cov ered the enlarging of 2 class- \rooms to [comply with rtï¬le loâ€" cal Fire Marshal’s request to move the Kindergarten .to a lower floor, also the construc. tion of new washrooms and st-afï¬room‘. As Mr. Creighton could nart make any suggest- ions umtfl he knew the type of constsu‘cvtion, it was sugges (ted flhlat 'he look Mhe building over in the immediate future with the engineer from his ï¬rm and then contact the B0. ard as .130 his ï¬ndings. The resignation of Mrs. A. Payne, Secretary -Treasurer, was accepted with regret. A ant-ion was carried that the Board advertise (the position. The motion carried that the rLlocal levy Ibo School Section 11 and 12 be $14,000. A special meeting was call- ed by Millbrook Public Soho. 01 Board on March 20 to meet with Mr. Creighton of Barnett (and Reider of Port Hope and (Continued from elsevï¬here.) wreaths of November 11 Laid days of World War II when 'he unstfl lest week. The William was an Armourer in the R. C. Neilsqn Company makes ice- A- F. Later. he remust-ered ,( Please see more elsewhere) stock is deeper than a .sfand- \ard stock and the comb on top of the stock is is therefore up higher. This means the head A. F. Later, he remust-ered and bemme a pilot. This particular stock is can- ted slightly to the. ï¬ght to bring the. barrel more in line rwirbh Mhe eye. A MonterCarlo B‘LIC SCHOOL BOARD (Continued from elsewhene. For sure, we villagers owe gratitude to Alex Carruthers, our Member in Queen’ ?ark. ‘He con-1d have hidden behind the regulations, «and done no- thing. But he didn’t. He used The litfle signs :were a haz- iard, inasmuch as a driver was upon them, and at the turn before they were readable. It is possible also that the new and larger signs may induce curious and adventurous driv- ers to visit Milltlbrook. Such daring souls could get a glim- ~pse into the past, into the “glory that was Millbrook". Guides in uniforms could sh- ow them where things used to ibe. The guides could show our visitors our packs of rov- mg dogs. They could tour the village dump, and see how Principal Hodgson has writâ€" ten Mr. iCarrurhhers txhe mhanks of his Committee. It is expec- ted «that Millbrook Council will do likewise. neatly it polluters «the once be- autiful'l mileond. They cculd visit vbhe new village dump in Cavan Townshipâ€"the cleanest dump in Canada. They will see our ï¬ne cea‘tqt/aphx where the time, energy and gasoline to to get for Millibnook What the village needed and the Ohium- er sought. does not have to be inslined ras- farraswith the usual fvpo to sight: damn the ban?!" The A. Fa‘i-lis, Mrs. S. Mateer, Mrs. WzA.‘ ,Cunninflram, Glenn A. Penis, .( That fella must have ï¬ne-r place to live and work. SormJ. no room for all the names The 9‘ est next woek.