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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 5 Apr 1962, p. 4

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.and where possible, the sign-5' 'be fixed to buildings; so, nat- ural‘ly, our council, either unâ€" able or unwilling to read the kind letter from the Lions, Ilbrook needs a list of things With the sightingâ€"in com- before it needs streets’i’gns. plated . to their satisfiaction, The poles and the Whits the two nimrods spend: ‘a plea and the thatbouzr of erecting isan-t halthour shooting at c1- them will cost us taxpayers :ay pigeons , thrown ourt by a at least $200. And this just skeetfighmwer, to improw th- when. our good Premier-Rob. 051'. Shoomg Jt is kind of the Lions to mating the stock in the re- try to help Milflibrook. Burt Mi quired direction. Ilbrook needs a list of things With the sighting-in com- before it needs streeLSi'gns. plated . to their satisfiaction, The poles and the crossbits theitlwo nimrods spenrt .a plea and the labour of erecting ssa-n-t haglthour shooting at c1- onus will pay for them and re- Once the stock is complete i-nforce them. The Lions sug- and fitted, all that remains is .gesfed that, with permission, sightingin the gun. Last Sat- and where possible, the signs urdvay morning, Mr. Marsland 'be fixed to buildings; so, hat. and Dean 'Cutmore went out ural-Iy, our council, either un- to a nearby gravel pit to do able or unwilling to read the this. lit commenced by erect- kind letter from the Lions, 321;; the target, a sheet of pa- immediately orders 30 posts. per about 3’ x 3’ with a 2 inch We hope the posts were 0rd- circle in the centre. This tar- ered through our good neigh- “(get is placed 16 yards from bours Cec Peebles and. Coultâ€" the muzzle of the .gun and one er :Bnorbhers; but we doubt it shot fired at each target. For very much. We imagine that each :inch that the centre of the posts were ordered, from a the shot pattern is away from catalog that the constable «the centre of the target. a one had brought When the aceo'u- sixteenIh i-noh ”adjustment mu- .nts are presented, we .shall st be made at the eye. This is know who got the business. done by raising, lowering or bar has answered that, becau- kse only two signs are to be created, it wants them on 115 at the top of Twpper Street, one for the guidance of driv- 'ch Peterbormbou-nd, the oth. er for “(the sou‘thtwestho-un-d. (Continued firom elsewhere) onus will pay for rthem and re- inforce tth-em. 'Dh-e Lions sug- .gested that, with permission, '( Continued from elsewhere) arts is asking us and other cream. It used to use mhe sloâ€" .-co-mmu-ni:1;ies to go easy be- gan ‘TAKE A BRICK HOME”. fore we go broke. 'Dhat slogan just might 'be the . {:Con inued- «from lsewhere. {happy answer for ng Street. t e ) , (cheek should res. on e comb Word has Just come that . , t flh , . when Slghtmng the :gun. Bec- nghways men .want to know . . , ’aus'e of thls ‘deSIgn, the barrel where to put. the svg‘ms. The is inclined slight] u wards Signs Committee of the Cham y p ’ .\“r‘ 4.‘nn rncvn 1A.I\17n .A.I\.II'“ n1nnfl III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIall!!!Iflfllflflllflllllflfllll 'IIIIIIIIIIIIII EIIIIIIIIIIIIIEIBEEIIISM-EIIIII GUEST SPEAKER REVIROKBERT SHORTEN, B.A., B.D., S.T.M. ASSISTANT SECRETARY, BOARD OF HOME MISSIONS GUEST CHOIR PETERBOROUGH A.O.T.S. SIR-SINGERS (United Church Men's Glee-Club) A FELLOWSHIP HOUR WILL FOLLOW. THE SERVICE A WARM WELCOME TO ALL IIIIIIIIIIIIIâ€"I‘IIIIIIIIIIII? IIIIIIIIIIIEIIIIEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEIEII BY 'IIHE CHOIRS OF ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH. MILLBROOK FEATURING VOCAL, CHORAL 6: INSTRUMENTAL SELECTIONS PLUS A ONE-ACT COMEDY Special Evening Service SUN’DAIY, A‘QRRVL 8TH, AT 7:30 PM. fit CAIIEIIBEU’E. 351mm: Chard} MIcLL'BRO 0-K ADULTS 50C AT MILLBROOK TOWN HALL FRIDAY :8: S‘A‘uT-UIREDAN EV‘EN‘I‘N’GS VARIETY PROGRAMME ’SHE MARRIED WELL’ -] CHOIR CONE-R _ APRIL 6 7 AND {Continued «from elsewhere.) [cheek should rest. on the comb when sighting the :gun. Bec- iaus'e of this design, the barrel is inclined slightly upwards, and the 'eye looks down along Qhe whole sighting plan-e. Sighting with an ordinary shotgun, the head Iblocks out the target, but With the barrel inclined upwards as it is in this case, the target is placed an .top of the bead, and is in View at all times. CHILDREN 25c THE MILLBROOK REPORTER, BEAUTIFUL MILLBROOK, ONTARIO. CANADA vigil"... I; Oll'li. Tyityz oiliugargllfqusr'll ill a.) I 5!! IfoEIAQ» ‘ .u a}: it}? iii“ Vin-[5551). ‘5. if.) .‘y‘ S'cout Daryl Sanderson proâ€"1 ml posed the Toast To 'Dhe Fath-f 91 ers. Mr. Reg Hopkins, Chain! in 'man of Mivllbnook Public Sch i d 001 Board, and father of Dougl las, recently-invesrted Scout, I replied with allusion to the eScout district enm- patch of a is e-tman with a canoe I ,, The heardfcavble guests were ,1 introduced by the chairman: I Ln {Scou'tmaste'r Victor Stewart with son Troop Leader Brian and son Curb Douglas; Mr. Don m-Id Lang, member of Cavan Torwnshizp Council and Chair. man of the Board of Stewards St. Andrew’s United Church, who later preseh'ted to the lst~ Millbr-ook Troop its Scout Flag \ from the congregation; xt'he Rev. Gerald Graham, mind ister of Grace Presbyterian (Church, and guest speaker; the IOhairman, the Rev. Stan- Iley ’Snowden; Mr. Gordon Rey-l nolds, Secretaryflreasurer of the Group Commirbtee, and his son Scout David, who spoke the Courtesi'es at @he close of he evening; Scouter Cy Haig,‘ The Rev. Stanley Snowden, Acting Chairman of the Group Committee, was chairman and :i'oastmas'ter. In his dh'airman’s remarks, he read from a let- ter from Captain A.C.F. Win- slow, now of S‘hawville, Que- bee, of the beginning of Boy {Scouts in Millbrook before the movement was officially rec- ognized in Canada. (Editor’s Note: It is possible and like- 1y that the troop formed by, land led ,by, the captain as a youth was Canada’s first. The youth read of Scouting in The 151; MILLBRDOK TROOP The first Father and Son Banquet of the 1-st Mifllbmok Boy Scout Troop was attended {and enjoyed by 50 on Friday evening, March 30, in St. An- sevening, March 30, in St. An- drew’s Sunday School Hall. A delicious turkey dinner was prepared and served hot by ladies of fine Evening Auxâ€" iliary Group 3 United Church Women: Mrs. Homer OuelL ette, Mrs. Mel Bali, Mrs. John Elgar, Mrs. Ted McDowell, Mrs. David Armstrong, Mrs. Morris Failis, who were later thanked by Scout Ronni-e Guâ€" 1hrie, speaking for all. Troop cLe-a'der Bria-n Stew- Eart led the “Flag Break”. :Boys’ Own Annual. He wrote to England for a book by Ro- \bert BademsPowel'l. He did {what it suggested. Orbher lads :asked- 1to join him in such inâ€" ‘triguii‘nug, and usual-1y outdoor, activities. The troop was born. All this and more was related by Mr. Snowd-en;.) RED CROSS NEEDS YOUR HELP was: ’ for free. ' Present were Mr. Roly Mor- risen, representing; District 5 Council, with Scout Louis La- ' (mpki-n; Group Committee me- : mfbers Ray Bowen ‘ with son; 'Sco-urt Donald, Waflace Agnew ’, with son Scout Allen, John .' Lyons with Scout Wayne Tri- tck, Ted McDowell with son Scout Brian, and Charles D. Sanderson with son- Scowt ‘Da- 1 l «Dale, and Scout Peter Amst- ronng winh The Skinny Editor. We hope to goodness we have left, none ourt. It was a fine evening, well organized, well done; a credit to all. It was closed with the Benâ€" edi-ction of ‘the Scouts: “May the Great Master Of all Scouts CBe with us fill We meet again.” A man from (she Co-oaL‘o-la Comp-any- showed films of the Scout Jamboree while every Scout and Crwb drank Coke for free. Present were Mr. Roly Mor- rison, representing, District Council, with Scout Louis La- mp-ki-n; Group Committee me- mibers Ray Powell A wrhh son Lyle Nattress with nephew Scout John Larmer, H. White wit-h son Scout Charles, Dav- rld IQh‘aLliuce wirh brother Scout «Dale, and Scout Peter Amst- ronrg with The Skinny Editor. We hope to goodness we have left none ourt. It was a fine evening, well organized, well done; a credit to all. 2nd: i.c. of the Troop, with his ryl; Dr. Harold Neal With Ron: is-o'n ‘Cub Walter; and Mr. Hom Scout and Scout Gary Guthrie, er Ouelflletrte, patron and the Clayton Tehexton with Scout pianist of Inh'e evening. Ronald Guthrie, James Faw- Mr. Reynolds reported for ucvett with son Scout Jim, Jam~ the Group Commflrt-tee. A es Godfrey with son Scout KL Soouter Vic Stewart spoke ‘rk, Harvey Orr with son Scout wto and for the Troop. David, Orviwlile Guthrie with The Rev. Gerald Graham son Scout Arnold, V. Berzins The Rev. Gerald Graham son Scout Arnold, V. Berzins :spoke the analogy of Jesfis with son «Scout Andy, Reg F31 and the Scout. MS with Scout Arthur Hobbs, A man from (the C'o-ea-Co-la Lyle Na‘ttress with nephew Company showed filrns of the Scout John Larmer, H. White Scout Jamboree while every with son Scout Charles, Dav- I’ll-IIIIII-ulullnlalllnqu-mman-unallllluli ‘32258383. ragaméai a Hflflfiflfifllfifififlflflflfi “MEET AND EAT AT SHADY NOOK” aaaalulnumlauwaauammama$3mgawamuuaamagwnaaaal SHADY NGOK DAERY E’EELLBRGOK Residence: Bafldeboro 30 Office: Millbrook 87W OIL BURNERS FURNACES PUMPS GENERAL INSURANCE MEI-BROOK LEQUIRE PLUMBING HEATING of which $8,017.50 is to be paid by the Corpora- tion, and the estimated cost per foot frontage 3 $4.08» The special assessment is to be paid in fif. teen annual instalments. 3. Persons desiring «to petition against undertak- ing the work must do so before the 1611b day of April, 1962. King Street .to Centre Street â€"â€" one-half way be. tween Union Street and Collins Lane. Cent-re Street from West of Collins Lane to Union Street. Union Street north of Centre Street. King Street east firom Tupper to Gravel Road. Gravel Road south to Victoria. 2. The estimated "cost of the work is $18,400.00 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Village Of Millbrook intends to construct watermains on; Northâ€"South line thropgh easement running from Sign "at Income Tax Office: TAKE NOTICE THAT Dated March 22, 1962. (Sgd.) Gertrude, C. Dawe Plumbing Replacements Heating Changeover $65 ’ifjomer: H. OUELLETTE VILLAGE OF MifiLLBR‘O'OK FORM 3 CANADA IS 'A COUNTRY OF Wage Clerk.Treasurer. 9) .‘ at their farm SUNDAY, JUNE 17, AN ALL-DAY AFF‘ In appreciation of m «support that the pe: this district «have give] man Philp Electric C! and Gloriadale Farms I. Would like everyone ’0 and see our riding hora our already "nationally herd of Polled Shortho: Gloriadale’s lush p: These pastures were sized exclusively on the Programme, and a rep: :tive of this company tthere to discuss the dale Agrico Plan Wi-hh visit, are the ones Gl« won {the Du-nhaam 00111 We Growing Contest past {three years. successful pastures w (plied by Bishop Seed rvidle, Ontario. They * have a representative Canada and the Uni‘ we have just race (bread and mised at G] in Dunham County, wi display. Added to h Farm Operations. GLOIRMDALE IMleT'E't This world-famous Shorhhorn Bull, whi iwasshipped lsast from Denend ‘Farms is in Grade 3. He hop in Grade 4. He belong fl‘yros Boys Club. He delivers The Star to 15 He can handle 10 mo still get his homewon .Irf you’d like to en Star for a week or ‘wiil gladly bring it} door. Phone him at ttime at Miilbrook 2911 ‘GL‘O‘R‘MDALE FARM Gloria and Roy Philp, Lloyd Acorn, Herd 'R'E H'OlM'E'W'O‘R'K {Four-room “CANADIAN WEEKL mazes of color comics. WELCOME EVERY in Millbrook and Dist Water. Heavy duty (Elufiahale 37mg 1 ( PORT HOPE ONT. Now, every Sa‘ FEMALE HELP W. RURAL HOUSEV OPEN ' HOU‘ Gloriadale G:

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