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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 4 May 1893, p. 1

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T B. COLLINS 85 00.. BANKERS, M11 0 BROOK. Farngem’ and other good now discounted. pgafts Issued on all points of 0:15 and th.‘ Dngtecl S_tatge_s at lowest rates. ,,,,, -~â€"â€"--, new reparea to receive upils, vbcal or instru- mental, at his residence, enter Street. Private instruction at any hour. Orders for music and linden! instruments of any and every class mptly attended to. later 0 R0 81801109] or 111133 now‘pge ‘ _ . to moan Eupih 1' TY‘ité'z-esgectmuf 'iniSrEéd EFSFT'EEE Pabst-ton, Pro e880: 0 Muic, and late Band later 0 11019183119971?“ Infigntry, 1‘oropto, is W. CLARKE. L.D.S,, DENTIST SPECIAL o attention given to the .preServation of the Datum! teeth. N ztrous Oxxde Gas for the ‘ - less extraction of teeth. Good work aran ed. Will be at Bethany the 2nd and 4th ondays of each month. Pontypool 15!: and 3rd Mondays. ARENTS AND THE PUBLIC GENERAL LY are resmctfnlly informed that Thos. J. WJ‘IS HERVETERINARY SURGEON Office mend residenc Baillieboro, Ont. Will boat Queen's Hotel, Mill rook, every Saturday. um ALGMVLLIVL L‘ WALL; A. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, etc.. 00 ho and Brighton. W R.Ridde11, B. A., LL. A. J. Armstrong, B. A. W. H. Nesbitt, RA. First-classloans laced. Money loaned Ind invested. Merean ocollectionl made and general law bualness. H A. WARD._ BARRISTER, ATTORNEY- ot Law. Sohcmor, etc. Oflice in Ontario Block, Walton Sigreet, Port Hape. Money to land on the secunty of real estate. Town and arm property for sale. MITH a; PRESTON (SUCCESSORS . 0 J. A. V. Preston) Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries. c. Oflces, Wood Kells' block, Mill- hrook, Ont, and Bethany on the 2d and 4th Hominy: in every month. Money to loan at lowest rates. 36 RCHIBALD WOOD, ISSUER OF MAR . mam LICENSES’ Millorook, On. How about your 02/ ? C. MCKINNON..M. D,, C. M., (SUCCES 0 act to Dr. Aiddne) Toronto and Victoria Umversities. Licentiate Royal College Sur- geons, Edinb h. Member College Ph sicians and Surgeons, tano. Office at A. T. liott’s fig store. After- ofllce. hours at Mr. Wm. n’s residence, ng at... Millbrook, JOHN GILLOTT, CABINET MAKER, Keeps constanty on hand alarge stock of Far- niture of all kmds. Three large showrooms. No trOuble to show goods. __Ma.nu1acturer of the Excelsior Washlnz 7- r---___., ---\. ..« -u- uvuv-vtla U: map. Those who intend visiting the great fair should avail themselves of this opportunity of posting themselves, as all necessary arrange- mentsas to rooms, etc., can be made before leaving home. The use of this book is offered free to all. Whine. The best 1n _the Met. The above is the title of a very useful book just ublished, a copy of which can be seen at the . T. R. town ticket office. Millbrook‘ It is certainly a complete work. as it furnishes a list of families in Chicagoiwho will accommodate visitors (1qu the period of the World‘s Colum- L:_ _ uh-Â¥ h -â€" ‘--.. - urn-\- vauAlJ' bian Expositian. algd Eii'ét of thé hotels" in the city. Chicago {3 plainly; 5339)}? it}. sections_b_y man Than- ..- .. -..--_ _ ___-V- v-VV - 0 A Albvusll Pullman Buffet Cars and Coaches. 1.00 P. M.. arrive Chicago 8.00 A. M. Parionr Car to Port Huron. _ l‘hrough Wagner Car Port- Huron to Chicago. Through coach Toronto to Detroit. 2.50 P. M.. arrive at Chicago 8.00 A. M. Pull- man Drawmg-room Car to Detroit. Through \Vagner Car and Coach Hamilton to Chico.- go. Dining Cars Hamilton to ‘Wmdsnr. 11.00 P. M.. arrive Chicago 4.50 P. M. Through “'agner Cars and Coach Hamilton to Chi- cago. ‘ 11.30 P. M.. arrive Chicago 4.50 P. M. Through Pullman Cars and Coaches Detroit and Chicago. 1.12:1.le G 7.50 A. M. arrive Chicago 9.330nP. M. Through Dn‘1n\ an D““n‘ I“ ..... FIVE TRAINS FROM TORONTOJAnOtheP Car Load of “ HOMES FOR VISITORS TO THE WORLD’S FAIR." World’s F51! Route ! IDDELL ABMSTR0N9; 55. Vol. XXXVI. MARRIAGE LICENSES PROFESSIONAL A. LEACH, MUSIC. Agent G. T. R'y, Millbrook‘ a'r MAKER; < H I UPBEIIIBPS . band alarge stock of Far- Three large showrooms. 1 Qflaft DipBBPS roods. , . fimmwm“ 2 Quart flippers ”$05333: Lardine is Me Ckarnpion Gold Medal Oil of l/ze Dominion and our Cylinder Oil will wear longer, and give letter satisfac- .‘TORNEY- 13d 0mm; lion Man any otner Oil. one “mind ASK YOUR DEALER FOR MCCOLL’S OILS. ngsm'r'r. Sold by all leading dealers tarongnont z‘lze country. 15'6“ Best Broad Hoop Iron-clad Milk Gan, 25 gallons Do Do- 30 gallons ‘ Send along your orders to flee “ Old Rehab/e House,’ wéere you éuv'e dealt (Before and wuere your Fatéer used to deal THAT IS MCCOLL BROS. 8: CO., TORONTO LARDINE MACHINE OIL Lumber of every description, also Dressed Lumber in great variety. I am offering a. good door for $1.60, Shingles, $1 per M. and other material correspondingly low. A call solicited. W. TH EXTON . When buying Land Plaster knead it in your hand. it have nothing to do with it, as it wxll not dissolve Wiw it useless as a fertilizer. Buy the old reliable GREY P only to be tried to be appreciated. I can m've if. m vnn LAND PLASTERH w. VANCE. Q--~--‘A -A A-AA Millbrook, March 28, 1893. flippers . . 5B.l10 Quart Pails . flippers . . 106114 Quart Pails . AND ALL OTHER TINWARE CHEAP FOR CASH. SOLE. MANUFACTURERS OF THE ONLY GENUINE Fresh Lime, Water Lime, Shingles, Sash. __ ____.fi_ _- -.. v... “um“. s; Jun. uuu. uuzu'sc arm 01‘ lg to do with it1,'a.s it Will not dissolve with moisture, which thereby fertilizer. Buy the old reliable GREY Plaster. It is ground fine :11 ed to be appreciated. I can give it to you in either bags or barrels. .S. PICKUP CHEAPER THAN EVER AT MILLBROOK. ONT., THURSDAY. MAY 4 f Sack and Barrel Salt JUST ARRIVED. - 1115 “mar VHLUABLEJREM .. . PURIFYING my Coshvenes§_.IndigesnunTHE B Portland Cement, Plasterers’ Ha‘ip, Doors, Frames, a HEADAEHE If you find cgzyrge grit or sand in 'A’PrfirarionofHerbsaRoors the Medical Prunerhes nfwmch areAuniversally known... AND OTHER HIGH CLASS OILS. RTGU )y renders and needs $3.50 $3.75 750 12% 15B The following is the standing of the pn- pils of S. S. No. 4, Gavan, for the month of April. Names arranged in order of merit. Class V. â€"Minnie Huston. Class IV. â€"Annie Husnon, \Vilbert Seuey, Bruce Sharpe, Stanley Heaslip. Class III. â€"-Merton Sene " Hamilton, Edith Elson. Class sr. II.â€"Ja.m Class jr. II.â€" Class sr. We am? pleased t6 Hate that Mr. A. Christie, iwhg has, been ill, is better. Mr. J bhn Tait has beeri making an addi- tion to his house in the way of a. summer kitchen. Centreville. Mr. Dewar, a. student of Knox ecllege, preached in the Presbyterian church last Sunday. Mr. Cattanach, of Queen’s college, will occupy the sa._me pulpit next Sabbath. Pontypool. A. grand celebration of the Queen’s birth- day will take place here when a. splendid programme of horse and foot races and other sports will be held. The posters are now in press with full particulars and will be issued in a day or two, and will also appear in our next issue. Mr. Caldwell will re-open the Cavanville flour mills on Monday next, by which time he will have the repairs to the dam completed. DISTRICT HAPS AND MISHAPS We beat the worad in Teas. Sugars as Cheap as ever. W. VANCE. Who Is now offering it to you for $1.10 per .5 ; comma KNOGKED HIGHER THAN GELROY’S KITE IV The Leading Eraser Cavanville Mills. Logie, a splendid lookina‘clydesdale stai- lion, which is also ownea> by Mr. J. L. Patterson, will travel with Cheneau justaa: he did last year, and together horses. will meet the re V ' most even7 horse; ‘ criptions, Cheneauâ€"the one and only Cheneau-â€"is once more on his old rome, passing over the same ground as last year. Cheneaxz’: get have brought larger prices on an averag than any other horse in Canada. He is up well known that all that is required by the. public is to know that he is again on tha road. Youna Cheneau, the pa-«wcrty of Messrs. Harpor§ McKnight, is a fine young coach horse rising four years old. 172L- tsire is the celebrated Cheneau, well imam: in this 10- cality as a sure and min-allele: kin-:k getter. His dam was a. well bred trotting mare gofi the noted Rifleman. Aldmu g1: young in the arena Young Cheneau will I»: heard from in the near future, as some of ill" young stock is already creating consideraitnie speculation. He appears in Millbrook at. mum on Saturâ€" days and can be seen at the Dominion hoteL night at the Dominion hate} Millbrook, on Mondavs. ’l‘ize'l‘hislle he : moved himself to bea. valuable stock getter, as one of his colts owned 1;; Mr. Hm Phi‘tp. of Yelverâ€" ton, has been chman 1w 1-}e commi ssioxz for ex hibition at: he v. and s fuzz. The Thist-Le a fine t 10.1.11- '1 ibred Cly d6.- dale stallion n‘vnel in I‘.r. \". H. Mch of Manver is an fie mud in this section: for the seas m of 185%.“), and will stand over Canadian Heav v Draftâ€"1st, John Ander- son, owned by Robert \Vhite; Abbott own~ ed bv_ Johnston Stewart. J Edgesâ€"XV. Rutherford, Patterson Boyd; J 01111 Mouucey. Imported Heavy Draftâ€"P st I )ird O Logie, rm ned by J. L Patterson, - Royal Lawrence, olvned by S. Staples. Réadstei' Stallionâ€"Isa Babty, owned by James Baptie ; 2nd, Muckle ‘Vllkifs, cwne‘i by_\V_. H. McGill. 'Judgesâ€"T. Wilson, Jas. Caldwc} Mitchell. Coach Stallion-«1513, Cheneau, ma :1 ed by: J L. Patterson ; 2nd, Young Chezxedu, own: ed by Harper ‘McKnighy Cavan Spring Show. The Cavan Agricultural society held the"! annual spring show on the agriculturfl grounds, Millbrook, on Monday last. AEâ€" though the weather was unfavorable tbs attendance was large and the exhibit- good“, each class being well represented. Th. following is the prize list : LIGHT HORSES. Thoroughbred Stallionâ€"13$, Tyrone, owned)»: TLH. Hassard. ' Durham Bullsâ€"Richard Matchett. Jersey Bulls~VV. '1' Donaldson. Holstein Bullsâ€"Jana Fanis. HEAVY HORSES. Mack BULLS. No. 18 . James

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