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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 4 May 1893, p. 4

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SIR ULH'ER’S gang in the Toronto kgislature have decided not to pro- hibit the retail sale of liquor. Mr. Meredith prepared the bill, beiieving it to be a long step in advance towards temperance, but Mowat and his supâ€" mrters voted it down. Like a Wa‘serfall Tremendous Roaring in the Head I â€"â€"Pa1'.n in. the Siumach. "To C. I. Hood 8; (70., Lowell, Mass; - “Two years ago I had a. severe attack of the Grip, which left me in a terribly weak and de- fllitated condition. Last winter I had another wok and was again very badly off, my health nearly wrecked. My appetite was all gone, I Ind no strength. fen urcd all the time, had Macableroaring noises in m head, like a _ . .. - -‘..- in”! unwnra hon aches and WHEN the temperance people of Manitoba. clamored loudly for prohibi- tion, Premier Grecnway told them he would take a. plebiscite and ascertain whether a. majority of the people want-V ed prohibition and if they didâ€"well, ._ they would see. The 1 ote w as taken ’ ‘and the people decla1 ed bV a. lar ge ma.- jority for p1 oh1b1t10r1â€"a 1d they are still seeing! Mr. Greenwav told them he was glad to learn that the people were so favourably disposed towards temperance, but really he could do nothing for them. Now Mr. Mowat is going to play the same game. RILEI LIOT. EDI FOR AND PROPRIETOB meea-Dlanmuug nulavo ... ... ---..W, H 7 Interfall. I also had severe headaches and fix Severe Sinking Pains Inmy stomach. I took medicines without ben- gt, until. having heard so much about Hood’s parilla, I concluded to try it. and the re- sult is ve gratifying. All the disagreable streets of e Grip are gone, I am free from pins and aches, mil believe p I! surely curin man. ” GEO. Hooa’s Sarsaparillg Tm: world’s fair at Chicago and the flaring faifat Millbrook opened on the same day, and the Chicago fake wasn’t in it so far as our people were con- cerned. The people of this neighbor- Ebe {ID'ilbrook meporter. hood Sta} ed at home, supported home enterprise and admired Cheneau and Tom Donaldson’ 8 Jersey and the othex sight.< on the g” ounds. HOOD’S PILLS cure Nausea, Sick Headache. “cation. Binonsness. Sold by 311 (11113213:- like Monthly: Snorting or the Councilâ€"Port Hope’s Chcehyfl’roposalâ€"Tenders Award- cdâ€"(‘ummfltecs Appointed. A meeting of the town council washeld on Hominy evening. A communication was received from the mayor of Port Hope, thanking the Millbropk council for their kindness and promptness in tended: g the use of the steam fire engine on the, occazion of the fire at Trinity College Tenders firérc received from Messrs. W. fiexton and John Martin for the supply of lumber and cedar to the corporation during the coming season. M r. Thexton’s tender mfofillfionr tyousinul, and Mr. Mar- tin’s was for $11. In the greater conven- ience in genome large or small lots as may be required from time to :ime and thefifi‘v‘ing which would result in \lu- u $0301 caning, it, was decidedyon motion of (Rum. Campbell, seconded 1): Conn. BaLeSHN. Lo accept Mr. fiex‘ton’s tender. ' . u 1 1 Several accounts were to be_ paid. _ After fhe Grip rimmed But Sow {hat the}; w to bmuade out of it a) pharp practice and SP (THURSDAY. MAY 4, 1893. Mr. Geo: W. 00016 Of St. Johnsbury, Vt. 3%??? Great Suffering TO "'N ( ' O I 'Pv'C'I L. r catan-h. I recommend it 00K, St. Johnsbury, Vt. passud and ordered They were my and assist (.1 expenses, metaing was Tm by this A , -101] secure for themselves the county [town they were willing to condescend for one meeting to sit with and confer with the representatives of the county. For his part, Mr. Elliot said he was not prepared to help Port Hope at the the expense of Millbrook. There was a. pro- ‘ bability of one if not both of the Monaghans} entering our new county, and if that were true, and he had reason to believe it was, then Millbrook should enter the list herself and fight for the county town. It would be most centrally located and would be the point most easily reached either by driving or by the railroad, which was a strong lever in our favor. It is the duty of the people of Millbrook to build up this town, rather than engage in the res-construction of other places, and strongly oppose the passage of the bill before the legislature. Coun. Campbell asked if there was any . possibility or a separation of the counties. ‘ Reeve Ferguson said there would be a 1, separation as sure as Coun. Campbell occupi- 1 ed his seat at the board. [31. Coun. Elliot said he was quite sure of it, and that “as one reason Why council should take steps to apprize the committee of the house of its objections to the measure. After some further discussion Coun. Bate- son moved, seconded by Coun. Campbell, that the Reeve and Coun. Elliot be a. com- mittee to appear before the committee of the Ontario legislature and oppose the passage of the bill, 'I‘ I,L,Â¥ \JL vnv w--- The maéter of securing anew lamp~lighter was referred t9 13y Coun Campllell. __--. n ”7; Opened on Mondayâ€"President Cleveland Touches the Electric Button. CHICAGO, May 1. -â€"-G rover Cleveland, presi- dent of the United States, surrounded by the members of his Cabinet. by high ofli- cials of the United States, by u. numerous and distinguished representation from lands across the sea, and by a. mighty throng of ‘ é'mericineitizens, to-day pressed the elec- . 7â€"â€" l mp, button which set in motion the miles On motion of Coun. Elliot,‘ Couns. Camp- bell and Bateson were appointed to have Allen’s hill placed in a. proper condition and to oversee the construction of the new bridge near Mr. Collinsi mill. ‘- 'I‘,,L “3.153;; vfigdlg§r§as appointed to collect the balance of the taxes now out-standing. 7'?â€" ti‘ic buttien which set in motion the miles of shafLing, the innumerable engines and mechanisms and the labyrinth of belting and gearing which make up the machinery of the VVorld’s Columbian Exposition. At the same moment a. national salute peeled forth from the guns of the Andrew Johnson, lying ofl‘the exposition grounds in Lake Michigan ; seven hundred flags released from their “ stops” at a. concerted signal swung loose and streamed out under the sky in scarlet, yellow and blue ; over in machin- ery hall a. great roar arose and the turrets of the building nodded as the wheels began to turn and a. greater volume of sound arose from the throats of the:concor.rse of people ‘ who thus acclaimed the opening of the great- ‘ est achievement of American pluck, enter- prise and generosity. . :, L-1::J_-. 4..“ ““4 «.11 I luv “A.“ a ......... It was a state and civic holiday too, and all the employees of the public buildings freed from their desks, joined the current which set toward Jackson Park. Nine o’clock saw every available means of transportation to the fair grounds tested to the fullest capa- city and in some cases beyond it. Mean- while the procession was in course of for- mation. At the head was a platoon of mounted police, and next in line was com- pany B and company K of the Seventh United States cavalry. The fourth division being the special escort, consisted of the Chicago Hussars. Twenty trumpeters her- alded the approach of the Hussars, and bringing up the rear of the Military division was mounted troup B of the Illinois Nation- al Guards The procession of carriages was led by a vehicle containing the national com- missions. In the seventh carriage sat the President of the United States, and on the opposite sat President T. W. Palmer and H. N. Higginbotham of the \Vorld’s Col- umbian Exposition. The foreign division was inaugurated with the fourteenth carriage. This was occupied by the Dukes of Verqgua, Commander Dick- ens and others. _ _ . A was” un- v---v_..- The fair sex appeared for the first time in the vehicle which followed the Duchess of Veragua, being escorted by Mrs. Potter Palmer, who did the honors as president of the Board of Lady Managers. and by Mrs. Dickens. The Ducal party was followed by‘ carriages occupied bfi ambassador to Eng- land, Thomas F. ayard, ex-Minister to Belgium, Lambert Tree; Major-General Miles and aides, and Governor Altgeld; the carriage of Mayor Harrison who was accompanied by three members of the Board of Aldermen, brought the rear. The procession was attended by continued cheering. Up to the boundaries of the ‘ plaisance the welcome had been distinctively g American, but from there to the gates it [ partook of r cosmopolitan character. Strongly Endorsed. The advertising of Hood’s Sarsaparilla appeals to the sober, common sense of think- ing people, because it is true ; and it is al- ways fully substantiated by endorsements which in the financial world would be accept- ed Without a. moment’s hesitation. They tell the storyâ€"flOOD’S CURES. Hood’s Pills cure liver- ills, jaundice, bil- iousness, sick headache, constipation. THOMAS GILLQTT, Gabine’cmaker as on hand a large stock of COFFINS, 'CA KETS and kinds of Undertakers’ Goods. Bulroom, Parlor and all other kinds of Furniture. hand- made, at lowest prices. a? Do not fail to call and see him, l-ly. THE WORLD’S FAIR. “mm. gnu-.4 Undertaker, -\tuu‘ -b- Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet romptly on the Kidneys, Liver and owels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its eifects, prepared only from the most healthy ano. agreeable substances, its man excellentquaiitiee commendit to l and have made it the frost popular remedy known. -- vafi-of Figs is for sale in A750 I Syrupof Figs is for sale in 700 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will rocure it promptly for any one w 0 Wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the (:Allrunmn FIG SYRUP m. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. I 071’ IRWILE. K22 NEW YORY' ’4'. Y. Dying, Cleaning and Finishing all kinds 0 Ladies and Gents’ Wearing Ap are], such as Suits, Dresses. Clouds, Qstrich lumcs, Lace, Damask and Repp Curtains. House Cleaning time is now at hand, have your Tapestry and Brussels Carpets cleaned with the new Renovo'process. It makes them look like new ; they zlo_not require to be taken up and makes no dust m rooms While cleaning them. Call and get our. terms. __ _ ' --... _... n... ““1 :1"! butull. uau uuu uu v“. .v--....,. Rag carpets woi'en right aiong.’ warp supplied. Have a good good stock of Sprmg Tweeds, Yarns. Hosiery etc., etc; cheap. Wool bought the year round. mu; 3' Ucu. Lvutnu- D. OHAM BERS. Next door to the Dominion Hotel, Millbrook. 11 Illi‘fi? HARNESS SHOP. CITY BARBER snap ! One door East of Mr. Lang’s store. Walsh Kg Clarke _â€".â€"_â€"â€"i 7 “_ VV~MW~“,~._.A\W\M,W‘ ~»,m. \ ~ 1 ,. V. 43>” “~va A V V V V !_â€"_â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- Spring Goods All the leading lines in all col- ors. See our Spring Dress Tweeds at 37}; cts. DRESS GOODS, Are selling fast but a gobd assort- ment still on hand. PRINTS, White and Grey Cpttons, Shirtings, Ginghams CottonadeS. Mushnsé Table Linens, Napkms, ' e 0., etc. OUR SPECIALTY THIS WEEK IS TWEEDS, to which we have. aid special attention and have personally se ected a. large number of suit lengths in all the leading colormgs. A 1 Value in Worste’ds and Pantings. Come and see them before purchasing elsewhere. Boys uits at all Prices. Felt Hate in new styies. Rock~bottom prim ONE ENJOYS Desires to return thanks to his many customers for past favors and to in- formithem that he has removed to new quarters, one door east of Lang’s general store, where he will be pleas- ed to meet them and attend to their tonsorial requirements. SPRING ! . H. BRYANS NEW W. STRAIN begs to announce that he has opened a new harness shop in the store next door to R. Deyell’s, where all ‘Work in his line will be performed at low rates. Special attention paid to collars and repairs. BLANKETS, WHIPS, HALTERS, C. COST 1n part, of has dec1ded to retire frcm the stock to the public atE COST. rIhe stock consists â€"â€".W‘*> â€"- SELLING as. 5.4., â€"â€"-â€"- ~ . Earthenware, Sllvcrwale, Sméfitilrday, April 29, 1893, Don’t miss this sale, Grand ( buy goods at wholesale NUTIGE TO THE PUBLIC! Shop to let as soon as stock is disposed of. TEAS, SUGARS, TOBACCOS, CURRAETS, RAISINS, RICE, MATCHES, BROOMS, PAILS, PICKLES, STARCHES, SOAPS, BLUES, CAN- - NED SALMON, MACKERAL, TOMATOES; PEAS, CORN, BISCUITS, BLACKING, SPICES, WASH BOARDS, - TUBS, BASKETS, WI- 1 CHINA SETS, ”hf" ’ PRINTED TEA SETS, DINNER SETS, BREAKFAST SETS, ., CHAMBER SETS, DESSERT SETS, LEMONADE SETS, 7 ICE CREAM SETS, BERRY SETS, FIVE C’CLOCK SETS, WATER .ISETS, GLASS TABLE SETS, FRUIT SETS, PORRIDGE SETS, ESALE COMMENCES ON gmfidmonfinues until the Whole stock is dis- posed of. I": miss this sale, Grand opportunity to buv goods at wholesale prices. .. OFF AT R. DEYELL, erware, Fancy Gocds, and other gccds too numerous to men {tion in this space,‘ amounting to $5,000, The undersigned having car- m“ V In ried on the Grocery €and‘Crock= :13, bu’éiness M for the last 25 .___ ,A w -‘ v y__e_ars in the village of Millbrook mz" gflwu‘m . Lt -â€"â€"Lacros<e pm Vthis evening at 6 attendance is req --Dr. Roofs the best. pills for LEACH sells them A {aomugh Busine aehoa'. Comm ‘liliod yer Medals. The 70 free. Geo. >3. mailed A. Bkmchard. Chane are the Princinals‘. ment. Lionday. ....Dr. Root’s to stay cured. __The nemain: Naug hton \\ 111 b to- day by the no in that now :1 -â€"â€"Itch on hu' animals cured i1 ford's Sanitary fails. Warrant __Mr. J. H.] was at .A. T E1: week and a. nun spectacles h got satis 0n umkmtmmg a. few weeks. Now for spr. Friday will 1 Fishing is m .un' Ll‘ BOMPO EUUGI HDK gm E 001. cheese ONLY‘

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