;, RICE, MATCHES, x BLUES, CAN- s,CORN, (mans, *eï¬iife’ frcm thg on from all , for they e Popular, arantee that BLIG ! siness s3: his was stock consists pportunity to prices. 3,000, LTS, HAD}: SETS. K SETS, WATER PORRIDGE SETS, TS ats almost ds tco numerals 10 men L25. Fedoras, ic., and there is my {and Crock= ' the last 25 ‘ce wearmg d having car- 35f Millbrogk that Hatters 35c. and 500, Men, Youths No style you Bmtford, KingS' Hatters. OS. .gh 3:. Lindsay, NDER ock is dis- Hats to ', 1893, #Lacrosse practiee at the grounds ~"this evening at 6.30 o’clock. A full attendance is requested. /‘ A thorough Besipess and Shortï¬nnd tminin schoei. Competmon yeatlsf tor Geld and S‘ - Yer Medals. The 70 m mustmted circular mailed free. Geo. S, . B. A., L. L. B.. and A. Blanchard, Chartered Amountanstci Ontario are the PrinciDaJs. ment. Monday. â€"-â€"Dr. Root’s Red Reg tors are the best pills for a. b1 tonic. A. LEACH sells them. 16- â€"-The remains of the late Mrs Mcâ€" Naughton will be taken to Port Hope 60-day by the noon train for interment in that town. â€"â€"Dr. Root’s Red v Regul rs cure to stay cured. Ask A. ACH for a. In“: 16- â€"-â€"Itch on humans, ‘es and all animals cured in 30’ m' utes by “7001- ford’s Sanitary t' n. This never fails. Warranted A. LEACH. 11 13 â€"â€"-Mr. J. H. H. Jury, the Optician was at A. T Elliott’s store last week and a num were ï¬tted with Spectacles h ad never been able to get satisf on before. Mr. Jury in- tends ret ming for a two days visit in ï¬nds retï¬rm a. few weeks. Now for spring. Friday will be arbor day. Fishing is now a. popular flOMPDUND : SYRUP HDKEHUUND [:0an5 1mm cums A. T. ELLIOTT, m DRUGGIS'I' TOWN TALK PETERBDBO ONLY 25 CENTS. BUSINESS cheese factories opened on COLLEGE ELLIOTT’S amuse- ermia. the zema, salt rheum, . ‘ LEACH. 16- â€"Hax'e you seen great skin cure, c. For sale by ' â€"â€"Miss Amy Follis left ' for Boston last ex ening. \Ve understand her father, Mr. G. W. Follis, 1 ï¬moucly ill â€"Mr. Ira Nattrass was in Cobourg last week. â€"â€"Ep1dermia as a. autiï¬er of the complexion ha. 11 qual. Try it. At A. LEACH’S 16- â€"-The regular meeting of the Home Circle will be held on Tuesday evening May 9th, at 8 o ’clock. Every membe1 is expected to be at this meeting. â€"â€"Neuralgia. must go! $5.00 re- ward for a. case that “ r’s Ara- bian Balm†W -1 0t relieve at once. “Tarran‘ted by A. LEACH. 16- â€"-Mr. \Valter Kerr, who leis here a. few weeks ago‘te accept a posiï¬ion ,.in Port Hope, has returned, and imabout leaving for Owen Sound Where he has accepted a. more lucrative one. â€"Notiee to farmers. Those reguir- ing seep? grain wouki d0 welM-on C.UB. Lame at avanv' , who 11:38 seed peas, spri 0' ,. eat, six rowed barley and white oats for sale. Call early. 13â€" â€"English Spavin L'imment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Rid Wney, Sprains, Sore db (Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted byA. LEACII. 11- 1 â€"Horsemen Will do well to call at THE REPORTER ofï¬ce for their printing this year. We are in a position to turn out work sesond to none in the province and our stock of cuts are well selected. Our prices are right. See our large route cards. R Dey,ell W111ch Wlll be found in an- other column. Mr. D 1S etiring from busines elling off 1115 stock at greatly regal] prices in 01 der to close it on ickly. Our readers will do well in call and see the goods and the prices at which they are g.oï¬'ered â€"-The attention of our readers is directed to~the advertisement of Mr. â€"â€"The ï¬remen are very busy just now arranging for their annual grand celebration of the Queen’s birthday. The programme this year will be even better than that of last year, so that everybody may expect a good time. Sports and games of various kinds have been arranged for and every- thing Will be done to make the day a pleasant one. Full particulars will be given in our next issue. â€"Just arrived at R. J. Doak’s, the largest prettiest and chea est stock of wall paper ever show In Millbrook. See this stock be e buying. Rem- nants of last y s stock sold at great sacriï¬ce. Buy early and secure the plums. IO â€"Mr. A. T. Armstrong has been appointed agent in this district for the Bell Organ and Piano C Guelph. The standard merit these instru- ments is well kno to all our readers. Purchasers W save money by dealing with him. 17 -â€"â€"Keep youWrcher for bar-- gains in ï¬ne f0 wear. 18 -â€"â€"Mr. Croft, of Cobourg, the noted horseman, was in town on Monday. â€"â€"Mr. and Miss Lunney, of Himrods, N. Y., are visiting their cousin, Miss Martha. Budd. â€"Call at Leach’s 0 store and get; a. bottle. of per’s Arabian Balm. Best linim sold. 16- â€"Mr.. J 08. Thorndyke, Cavan’s depâ€" uty-reeve, was in Toronto this week on county business. A â€"â€"â€"Get a box 0 r. Ro‘ot’s Red Reg- ulators, the b blood builder. Price 50c. For ‘ e by A. LEACH. 16 â€"Mr. W. Turner= of Toronto, paid a. visit to his relatives and friends in Millbrook last week. H.-Ca:mpbell, has purchased a. black- smith business in Omemee, and will remove there. -â€"-Reeve Ferguson left for the Queen’s city ‘on Tuesday morning last on business for the county. â€"â€"It only costs 25 large bottle of - ‘s Arabian Balm. Best on the ket for man and beast. 16- â€"â€"Mr. K. Goedfellow, formerly an employe yinutlgexestablishmqnt o‘f~ M_r. â€"Tha announcement in our last issue of the entertainment to take place in Fallis line Methodist church should have read Thursday, 4th, instead of Friday, 5th. Friday, 5th, is the date of the Carmel entertainment. â€"â€"The leading sewing machine Canada. now is the New 1am . Mr. A.T.r Amstrong een appoint- ed agent for this lst-rict. The ma- chines are g nteed to give satisfac- tion and wil be sold on ' reasonable terms. 17 â€"-A telephone message was received from Port Hope on Wednesday e_ven_- ing, stating that Trinity college school was again on ï¬re, and asking that our steam ï¬re engine be sent up to the railway station, in readiness to be placed on board a special train' that was said then to be on its way hither. The ï¬remen were summoned and the engine was hustled to the station as quickly as possible, and there they Waited for the train that was coming, but which never came. It was subseâ€" quently learned that the ï¬re was got under control, and, as our engine was not required, the train was cancelled. â€"-Our attention has been directed to a publication issued by the VVorld’s fair commission, entitled “Homes for visitors to the VVorld’s Fair.†The book is a valuable one to intending visitors. The city is presented by map in diï¬â€™crent sections, so that by a careful perusal a stranger can become acquaint- ed with the lay of the land, as it were, before departing, besides an opportun- ity offered to secure rooms etc., which, if not done before hand, will place many in an awkward position on their arrival. The homes have been select~ ed carefully and as nearly as possible only those of a. reputable character have been chosen. The book can be seen by calling on Mr. A. Leach, the G. T. R. agent, Millbrook. A Sacrellxious Tramp. COBOURG, April ‘29.â€" Isaac Arnold is the name of an unfortunate being who came out of the Kingston Penitentiary last January after serving a four years’ term of imprison- ment for setting ï¬re to. Haig’s school house in the front-road. His home is in the neigh- borhood of Madoc, Hastings County, but as the poor fellow’s upper story is very scantily furnished he preferred to tramp through the country, subsisting on the cold charity of the world. Being without shelter for the night, short- ly after 12 o’clock he broke into the vestry of the Roman Catholic church. Finding the priest’s vestments and altar robes in l the drawers of the vestry he pulled them out and taking oï¬ his tramp’s clothesâ€"â€" every stitch he woreâ€"he put on eight or nine vestments and surplices which are used in the sacred functions’ of the priestly ofï¬ce. A more ludicrous ï¬gure it: would be hard for one to imagine. Although wearing the alb, he resembled neither a can- onized saint nor a holy friar, but was a dirty vagrant and silly fool, and no doubt. the Rev. Father Murray will ï¬nd it necessary to re- consecrate his priestly raiment by putting it phrough the cleaning process of the wash On Tuesday the people who saw Arnold in the vicinity of the making factoryâ€"and Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed lake this poor trampâ€"began to wonder whait. new _eva.nge1 had come to town. Mr. L. Routh reported the strange vision he had seen to Chief Constable Rankin, who went up and found the false prophet lying aslee on the ground at the west side of the old orval mill. In answer to the Chiefs interrogation, he admitted that he had got his “dress†in the Catholic church. He was immediately taken into custody and stripped of the sacred robes. He was brought before Police Magistrate Dumble Balance from last audit ..... Balance of taxes for 1891 . . . . License fund ............... License fund ............... Absentee taxes ........ . . . Legislative school grant; . . . . On account, of taxes for 1892 tub. Balauce of taxes for 1892. . . . . . . . $3273 80 Balance in Treasurer’s hands ...... 56 18 Township sbgyg in t_own hall pro- petty i-n Millbrook. . . . . . . . ._. . . 3000 00 Township share in Agricultural property in M illbrook ......... 800 00 1862 1892 E, the undersigned auditors of the Township of Gavan, do certify that we have examined the foregoing accounts, and the vouchers therefor, and ï¬nd them to be correct. The balance in the Treasurer’s hands on the 31st day of December, 1892, being ï¬fty-six dollars and eighteen cents ($56.18). Also have examined the Treasurer’s sureties and ï¬nd them satisfactory. Township of Cavan. Cavan, February 2181:, 1893. ABSTRACT STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS. Total Assets, Total Receipts, $10 -518 905 RECEIPTS. ASSETS. ASSETS AND LIABlLITI E5. GEORGE CAMPBELL, ROBERT VANCE, s 60 50.1; 3079 08 $7129 98 and on being arraigned pleaded ruilty to a charge of having feloniously sto en certain vestments, the proper ty of the Rev. E. H. Murray. The Police Magistrate sentenced thezprisoner to be incarcerated in the Pro- vincial penitentiary for a term of two years. â€"Rebecca \Vilkinson, of Brownsvalley, Ind., savs : “ I had been in a. distressed con- dition for three years from Nervousness, Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia and Indigestion until my health was gone. I bought one bottle of South American Ner- vine, which done me more good than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life. I would advise every weakly person to use this valuable and lovely remedy. I con- sider it the grandest medicine in the world.†A trial bottle will convince you. Warrant- ed by A. meu 11-13b ETAâ€"BBLE AND GRANITE WORKS (G (I ‘K 6‘ H H By Cash, Schools .............. $6777 64 Roads and Bridges ..... 1815 34k Salaries, Allowances, c 926 43 Election of council ..... 38 00 Printing, Postage, 82c. . 77 96 Indigents ............. 194 07 '7303rd of Health ....... 276 8‘2 ' Miscellaneous ......... 180 46 County Rate .......... 2176 00 ‘( ‘6 Balance on hand ....... 56 18 General school rate .............. Orders issued, not paid, say ...... Dehentgre N o. 6 and coupon, S. S. No. 3 ................... V ..... Debenture No. 3, Union S. S. No. 11 ............................ Collector’s salary, postage, c. . . . 1892 1892 Newest Designs. BIBDIS’I‘RIGI' ALFRED MAYCfJUK, R. CHAMBERS, Preprietor. BAILLIEBOBO. ONT. Total Disbursements, $12518 9041]; DISBURSEMENTS. Total Liabilities, S S40 38 LINDSAY, ONT. INSURANCE AGENT, LIABILITIES. Lowest Prices. uditors. $35300 170 38