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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 4 May 1893, p. 8

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9:! He hasno doubt whatever about the ex istence of the current upon which be de- fiends to carry him across the polar wastes. e says there is enough evidence in favor of his theory to satisfy him of the existence of such a current. it may be said that most Arctic authorities who have carefully studied his evidence agree With him that there seems very strong reason for believ- 521: that rim pat-Jar current he desires to Bhght' to be able ”t6 figs-p {1;}; $90,000, of which nearly $60,000 was voted by the N orwe 'an Stat-thing. He will have a crew of efdven picked men besides himself. Hundreds of applications have reached him from all over the world. Men in the most varied positions of life are anx- ious to 0 on his expedition. He says the only d' culty is how to select the eleven men who will be most helpful to him. He thinks it likely that all his companions will be Norwegians; he believes to be the current across the - lat regions to the Greenland side. _ r. gansen says Eli's‘expedjtionyvm cost abOut ,_ v--- - “v 1' unit on his trip across Greenland. From the first his plan had been to build a strong Vessel, which should practically be proof isflnst crushing in the ice ; to go north of ur -Asia as far as possible in the summer, and then to strike into the ice and drift with what ter nights-35,000 Pounds of Rye It is noteworthiithat no Arctic expedi- B' , tion now talks of going in search of the "cum“ North Pole. It is really no more important The London Illustrated News has some interesting pictures of the little vessel in to reach the North Pole than which Dr. N ansen as: summer will enter the Arctic ice in the hope that it may carry 11in) from the northern shores of Earn-Asia heross the polar basin to East Greenland. , . Dr. Nansen said in London a few weeks ago Nansen says ° ‘ I cannot say that I am . . . . . . tting out to get to the ole. Ishould that this expedition had been in his mind se . for many years, and that he had practically like that pomt to be clear y understood. . . My purpose is to cross the polar regions in Sing-est! 31:33:32,283gggiianZefor%£:Wf‘nt order to make scientific inventinntinna I: I . any other point in the polar regions. Expeditions are sent north not to reach the northern apex of the world, but to make investigations within the polar area. On this point Dr. Eacts About the Nansen Expedition- The Party “’ill Have Games and Husic With “111.211 to While Away the Win- ter Nights-35,000 Pounds of Rye Biscuits. 4.1m 03)."... 41>... <<:rr 20... mm OmCmImU w< Banjo 5m. D‘R. NANSEN’S “FRAMJ; {OM/00 0N M5317 wwâ€" ‘Ifl‘m: womb RESULI MBGESY THE FRAM 05' THE STOCKS. “ SUILIGIIT ” PILLAB lakbpll.:~ V CLEANSING EXCELLENCE LABOR SAVING PURI FYI N6 DR. NANSIN. {MERIT}, Greenl'z'md. Frbm £1; from dig; How To CoMPETE.â€"-erite the questions down, and follow with the answers, mail this to us, together with $1 to pay for six months subscription to the Ladies’ Home Magazineâ€"one of the best home Magazmes of the day, and if your answers are correct you will receive one of the following prizes : $1000 in gold ; $500 in_gold; $250 in gold ; $100 in gold ; 2000 Elegant Tea Sets, Organs, Pianos, 8:0. Evertthing fair and square. Send postal card or list- of former prize winners. Over $0,000 distributed during the past two years. Address : THE LADIES’ H031}: MAGAZINE, Peterborough, Canada. 33 QUESTloxs.â€"1.â€"-Which is the longest book in the New Testament? 2. Which IS shortest? 3. The longest verse? 4. The shortest? 1" The Publishers of the Ladies’ Home Maga- zine presents its Bible Competition to the public of America. This Competition closes on May 30th, 1893. (15 days thereafter bein" allowed for letters to reach us from distant points). ' always be occupied in taking out; sound- ings and repairing the shi ’8 gear, or in playing chess, draughts, or ominoes. We shall take some musical boxes with us.” The commissary stores will include about 35,000 pounds of rye biscuits and a. con- siderable vsupply of tinned food. The Doctor expects to rely lax-(rely u n the flesh of seals and bears, whic?) will e hung frozen in the rigging. The Doctor thinks that time will not hang heavily on the hands of his crew during the duk winters. “In winter,” he says, “the Item is almost as beautiful as in summet. The nights are clear, and the moon 51 _'stars shine brightly upon the sea of t, white snow. We shall always be occimied in takina nnr «mm-J 1E \EGULATORS PINK PELOLETS , , ,,, _ v-' ‘1...“ “In, vuucl. point in the polar regions. Expeditions are sent north not to reach the northern apex of the world, but to make investigations within the polar area. On this point Dr. Nansen says : “I cannot say that I am setting out to get to the ole. I should like that point to be clear y understood. My purpose is to cross the polar regions in order to make scientific investigations. If we get to the pole so much the better. If we 0 not then it cannot be helped. Our purpose is a purely scientific oneâ€"to cross the polar regions to make scientific investi- gations.” If by any combination of circumstances the Fram should be crushed, the Doctor says, “We shall take to the ice in our twc large boats. The Hansa crew in 1869-70, lived nine months on the ice, and in 1777 Dutch Whalers drifted on the Ice for a great distance along the east coast of Green- land. It was not the ice that brought dis- aster upon the Whalers, but the fact that their provisions gave out. We shall have provisions for five or six years, and if neces- sary we can travel on the ice. You see, therefore, that even if we lost our ship we should not be quite done for. We should still be able to drift with tla ice toward the cosat of Greenland.” Embalmeir. @- Best of Testimonials can be given I THE STRUCTURE OF THE HULL. The Fram is the name of Nansen’s vessel. The word means “forward.” The Doctor says that her power of resistance to a crush of ice is much greater than the force which would be needed to lift her on the ice, and he expects that ice fioes strong enough to crush her will merely lift her out of danger. There is nothing new about the U shape of her hull. It is only a case of the U shape being developed a little more than usual. Nansen says that Whalers built in this way have been lifted upon the ice, although they had been built with the disadvantage of having to find room for cargo. As the Fram will take no cargo except the necessary sup- plies for the voyage, she will be more easily lifted. Undertake; gnd Practic'al 99H” GILLOTT. can: marry crises. ne Doctor says that many relics of ships which have got into the ice on the Euro-Asiatic side have drift- ed across Greenland and have been picked up by the Eskimos ; also that the Eskimos have seen whole ships which have drifted across, frozen into the ice. He regards the fact that he has no base of supplies to fall back upon as a positive advantage. “If you have no base to go back upon,” he says, “you must go for- ward whatever the difficulties‘. Without a retreat it means do or die. It is go for- ward or go. nowhere. I believe that one great reason why my expedition across Greenland was successful was because I had no retreat. In this large expedition the venture i worth the risk. At the most one can only, ie once, and I feel certain we shall get through.” A Popular Competition. )rward.” The Doctor of resistance to a crush 1' than the force which lift her on the ice, and Hoes strong enough to I lift her out of danger. ' about the U shape of le more than usual. lers built in this way the ice, although they the disadvantage of 2 investigations this point Dr. say that I am pole. I should circumstances 1, the Doctor :e in our two v in 1869-70, hand in 17 77 ;ic expedi- rch of the :important any other dit’ions are hem anmr CARRIAGE PAINTING. All Kinds'beepairing Is the lightest running, and is a. general fayor- Ite. It 18 a. model of strength and durabihty. Lts gears are soaked in boiling oil, expelhng all moxsture and imparting great togghness to the wood. The patent truss axle ds greatlyto the value of the wag on. I control the sale of th1s waggon in the ownshipa or Gavan and Manvers. THE BAIN wAcnou pay you. BUGGIEs,~ Wagons 7 We manufacture six difi'erent styles of wooden pumps and handle every de- sign of Canadian and American iron pumps. If’you are in need of a. pump cal] and see us before purchasing. It will Millbpook, which, wherever used with its latest improvement calls forth wonderful praise. It is the only pump on the market that can be changed so as to throw either a light or heavy stream of water. You should see it before purchasing. Manufactures all kinds of Pumps and can satisfy you both in style and price. We make aspecialty of the now well known EUREKA PUMP, has arranged to sell the Brantford Carriage Co.’s Buggies, and Carts PUMPS ! PUMPS?! On and after Monday, May lst, will leave Cobourg at 8.00 a. m., Port Hope at 9.45 a. m., on arrival of G. T. R. Trains. Arrives at Char- lotte at 2.30 p. m; Returning, leaves Charlotte at 11.15 p. 111.. exec t'l‘uesday at 9.45 a. 111., on arrivmg at Port ope at 6.30 a. m., (Saturda. at 9.00 9.. m.) 131:1 call at Colborne on Wednes a. and B riday a .00 a. m.. and Brighton on Ionday and Wednesday at 2.00 a. m. Ask your local a cut for Throuo'h Tickets. to any point on N. .C.. Penn. R. 3?... Lehigh Valley. \Vest Shore. R. W. 8: 0.. D. L. 85 W.. B. R. P., W. N. 8: P., and Have Baggage Checked Through. C. F. GILDERSLEEVE. Gen. Manager, 0. H. NICHOLSON, Kingston. Gen. Pass. Agt.. Port Hope. Fun-«DH A Raw-Hide Whip, from butt to tip, for $1 NEW, FAST AND ELECTRIC-LIGHTED. Lake Ontario Steamboat Uampany EVERYBODY NEEDS A PUMP. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN and they are offered at low prices Gaod Inch German Snap, only 258 Per. Dozen residents of Mill rook and vicinity thet he has opened 3 Photograph Gallery. In the Village and Will bemleased to receive orders for all kinds of PHOTOGRAPHS. CARTES DE \‘lSITE, CABINET, etc., in the best style of the art and at rock bottom pricss. Etna: subscriber be to announce to the Everything Else Accordingly at STEAMER “ NORTH KING ” . v IATESON’S DAILY FOR ROCHESTER. axe PHOTOGRAPH axe GALLERY. ‘HE subscriber AT BATESON’S AND OARTS. ‘. GREEAN, . GREEN SNAP ARTIST, WPEACY A “pr-v»...â€" On'tapio Ontario. Farmers, you Will consult your own interests by giving egg gatherers “ the shake,” as We guarantee to pa you from one to two cents 351. you In Great Variety and of and Examine Them. REPAIRING AZSPEOIALTY. It should be taken as much relish as a well persox juicy beefsteak ,by all who ha‘ e m tc a ry. IF YOU WANT ASET OF REAL That is well woi'th your attention. SEE A Fine Line of Platedwape GARDINER ‘ AND '3] â€"~--\. V"‘vu d3 hsh as a well person Jouldisit down to a :fsteak,by all who have lost their appetite and their flesh and who constantly . feel listless and exhausted. Noth- 1 S ing will . Scott’s Emulsion c b u l l d Golds, Consump ' and all Ana '0 and Wast'n up as p em: 8' g qUiCkly or as per_ thdren. Alums: as palatable as manently, Don’t pared by Scott Bo'wne, Belleville. Sold . . . b all Drumist‘, 500ent‘5 and 1.00. call 11: amedlcme, y °° ° $ call it a food. A- WALL PAPER _ ' WE HAVE ALSO A VERY FINE LINE OF OPPOSITE TOWN HALL GOOD HARNESS our attention. They are, made by the best makers and are sold at rock-bottom prices FOR BARGAINS IN HAS ON HAND A FINE LINE OF IeW days. Room wanted for new Particular value in Gilts. ’ the Latest Patgei’ns. “Come . They Can’t be Beaten. $6531 LARGE STOCK OF SPECTAGLES raga/{2L7 7 fl "by and Wlth as ,, MILLBROOK. at Lowest Prices. v v,â€" _""V étiick of Sprih Hats 11 quality an style tag-m and our prices Almost; f5, 4. DEAFNESS AND N HEAD pvmanemly cure lutely genuin system. 'J dinary cases have been su‘ Full particulars, with 01 mtimotxials post free. E Upper Kensington Lane, L finest and BestS¢ In Tov consisting of Drv Goods, Shoes, iats andCaps. F Clneapfox‘ cash. All kin ed am} the Ushesf m-x'. Desires to inform the [:11 0f Uh scion ific methods. 6E}; Dominion hotel. Minbroo \x assigncc. Books 01 oounzsoollcclcd. Assn; ana all dclaiis complct‘ given to book-keeper's u a permanent bookâ€"kee; Communicanons from '1 «3ch prompt auention places uerfonned modq or): Ofice: 379 water oflicc box 125. Peter-Doro. “2 BLAXD. YETE o (Successor to T. H. and Hon. Graduate of On loge. Toronto. Late ch “'es: Mounted Police. Clinical Lectures. Royal London. Eng. Dentistry mesticatod aqimgzls [ream A‘A:n»‘:c strucuon at any hon: usical irstrumenu c Prompfly attended to. % B. COLLINS 8: V . 0 BROOK. Farmer ed. Office. port!) Reference-Wm; u titans AND T. _ are Pninnntf’. general lgfi‘fiua‘n“ RIDDELL. Am Barristers. so: 50 and Brighzo: LL. . A.J.Armst 3- A: First-class lo: and myqswé. Merc teong, Edinburgh and Surgeons, On 9338 8mm. Am we lzxgbest mm the shop or 0: 1h N C. MCKINN a scar to Dr. A Umvergigicg. Lic Keen; consul», u mum“ of all kn N0 tumble {.0 sh B. an (.1me Machine. Th: IOH MITCH 57, tree #6 a? city. (‘Ificag‘ map. TnOs‘C‘ should avail 1 posting them mems :1~ m n gmving home. ' “â€"V V "v v I. I just ulfiishw the 1'. T. 1:. [I certaixfiy a cg of families i1 visixon duri 12¢ bian Exzmnizi‘ 2.50 P. LL. 1 man Dr W acnei 30.011121 lLOOgO P. 11.. i ‘Vagnezw C320 11.30 P. M. : Pu_.lma:z‘ Chi c 130.‘ “ HOME 1.00 3; Si: Thea boxt FIVE T LEA"! St 7.50 A. M. Wm? Port, 3 Toron Pui

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