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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 18 May 1893, p. 1

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for new Silver more 'AOLES .31}er SS , r _ -V v-u LAJ'J .LJ.‘ .1 111.3 HEAD permanently cured by a new abso- lutelv genuine system. The most extraor- dinafv cases have been successfully treated. Full barticulars, with copies of .splendid testimonials post free. Herbert Chfton, 51, Upper Kensington Lane, London, S. E. 64v consiszing of Dry Goods, Clothin Shoes, Hats and Caps, Fresh G Cheap for cash. All kin’ls of pi ed and the highest price in c Eggs at the shop or 0:: the road. Desires to inform the public t but he has one of the - consisfing of Dry Goods, Clothing, B ts an d “Khan 11.,” .\...1 lv__. A n - A “2 ELAN D. VETERINARY SU o (Successor to T. H. Ha §sard.) Registered and Hon. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col- lege. Toronto. Late Yeterinary Surgeon North “’est Mounted Police. Calgary. Attended Clinical Lectures. Royal Veterinary Colle e. LondomEng. Dentistry 3. specialty. All 0- mesticated animals treated according to latest scientific methods.. Office on King-sh, opposite Dominion hotel. Mxllbrook. 91y, W. LANG t Master C Ro 8.1 School of Infantry, Toronto, is now prepare to rece ve gupils. vocal or instru- mental. at Ins resxdence. instruction at any hour. Orders for music and Musxcal zrstrumen ta promptly attended to. B. CULLL'S Sc 00.. BAN , T BPOO , KERS MILL- ?» n ‘ Cu am: all details completed. Sgecial attention given to book~keeper's work w e ' a permanent book-keeper are not required. Communicatxons from 'neighborx'ng towns rc- ccive prompt attention and servxces in such places performed moderatetly and satisfac- ory. Office: 379 water street. Address, Post office box 125, Peterooro. Ont. " “-- S w. CLARKE. nus" DENTIST sp 0 sttention given to the preservation of the natural teeth. Nitrous Ox‘ ‘ . 00d work aran d. Will be at Bethany the 2nd and 4th mndags of each month. Pontypool 151: and 3rd Mon 2 J VgthISHER, VETERINARY SURGEON, o ‘06 and residence, Baillieboro. Ont. Will be at Queen’s Hotel. Millb A...-- rook, every Saturday. , _.__. “AIM-.101. leL‘U Q NESBI'I‘T. I: Barnsters. Sohcitors. Notgnes, etc., 00 b0 and Brighton. WV. R. Ridden, B. A., kfixg A. J. Armstrong, B. A. W. H. N esbitt, A. First~c1ass loans laced. Money loaned and invested. Mercant' e collections made and general law bush-Iona Block. \Valmn Street. Poit IIOpe Bond on the security of real estate. term property for sale. SMITH : PRESTON (SUCCESSORS .0 J. A. V. Preston) Barnsters, Solicitors, Notaries. c. Offices, “Food 8:. Kella' block,Mill- brook, Ont, and Bethany on the 2d and 4th lMondays in every month. Money to loan at v. muugmum. M. 1),, C. M., (SUCCES 1‘ o sor to Dr. Aiddrie) Toronto and Victoria mversities. Licentiate Royal College Sur- geons, Edinbn rgh. Member College Ph sicians md Surgeons, Ontario. Ofiice at A. T. ‘ liozt's dru store. After oflice hours at Mr. Wm. ‘ n’s residenc King at... Mfllbrook, R, RCHIBALD WOOD, ISSUER OF lun- RIAGE LICENSES. Miilorook. Ont k niture of all kin v.. ““4.“ a. (13. Three Neutrouble to Show goods nunl.. Annâ€"A OABluET MAKER, Keeps constantly on hand Marge etc mm». A? n" 15.4. nu . free $331.1, MJTH ,_-,- wuwsu 13 pl‘dlnly shown in sections by map. Those who intend visiting the great fair should avail themselves of U113 opportunity of posting themselves, as all necessary arrange- ments as to rooms. etc.. can he made before leaving home. The use of this book is offered free m n" 'IDDELL. ARM$TRONG Mowâ€"n Aâ€" The above is the title of a very useful book just published, a copy of which can be seen at the G. T. R. town ticket ofiice. Millbrook. It is certainly a complete work. as it furnishes a list. of families in Chicagozwho will accommodate visit on during the period of the “'orld‘s Colum- bian Expositioxg, also a list of the hotels in the City‘ 01“”ng plainly shown in section: in- man 'I‘knn,‘ -__\. A - , _ , .WW wuamuuy on hand alarge stock of Fur- Lture of all kinds. Th 1'06 large showrooms. 0 tr°ub10.t0 Show goods M auufacturer of the Eicelslop W [39111119. The best. in tho Inn-L‘s “hing , P. M., arrive Chica o 8.00 A. M: 1 ooCar to PortHuron $ . I‘hrou 12W er Car Port Huron to Chicago. mfg: coach Toronto to Detroit. 2.50 P. M.. arrive at. Chicago 8.00 cago. 11.30 P. 31., arrive Chicago 4.50 P. M. Through Puflman Cars and Coaches Detroit and Chxcago. “ HOMES FIVE TRAINS FROM 1 LEAVING 7.50 A. \I. arri. c Chicago 9. 30 P D! 17nionb ‘mA‘ n ‘â€".. World’s Fair Knufie ! E-_M¢I£INNQN. M. AM) NOSIES IN MARRIAGE LICENSES PROFEssxéYWAL J XXXVI. rcsh Groceries, c. 'Is of produce want- Agent G. T. R'; . LEEâ€"{C cash paid f6? . ‘â€" â€"v-uuu.L' Olfice in Ontario I dope. Money to State. Town and THE ,u, 61y! One door East of Mr NESBITT {'Y. Millbrook. TORONTO. CITY BARBER snap 1 A Raw-Hide Whip, from butt to tip, for $1 Good Inch German Snap, only 256 Per Dozen r. Everything Else Accordingly at BATESON’S ASK- YOUR DEALER FOR Solzl by all leazzfizg dealers M76 McCOLL BROS‘I‘HSJC SOLE 111A N UFA OTURERS 0F TH LARDINE MACHINE OIL ardz'ne 2': Me C/zamjéimz Gold Medal Ozl 0} 0257/ Cylinder Oil will wear longer, mzdgz'z lion t/ztm (my ot/Zer Oil. Lumber of every description, also ufi'ering a good door for 81.60- Als o Millbrook, March 28; 1893 When buying Land Plaster knead it in your hand LVe nothing 1.0 dn “7”}: N n... =L ,, n _ _, L mu; 4: F pesh Lime, Water Lime, Shingles, Sash, '. Lang’s étore. ‘uirements. correspondingly low. CHEAPER THAN EVER AT MILLBROOK, ONT 1, also Dressed Lumber in 31:60, Shingles, 81 new M '1‘ov Bethany. Manvcrs, May 18th, 1893. , v V._ .- v; A‘V‘Lo‘ 1 U .l Manvcrs Will be Kelld Bethany. on Monday, the 5 at the hour of 10 o'clock, a.1 HE Court of Revision for the anvnm \"I‘lk kn Ln‘l ‘IT. -1. L1 wrong/202:! Z/ze 6'02; of Sack and ARRIVED. uu 11101 old reliablé'GREY Plaster . I can give it- to vou in eit ASK your local 1%?“me Thliaougln Tickets to oany point on N P.cnn R. Lehigh Valley. West Shore.R R.'W. 0.. RD. 8: W.. B. R. P.. W. N. P. ,and Have LBaggage Checked Through. . C. F. GILDERSLEEVE Gen Manager QH. NICT-angnw “wuuuug, waves Charlotte at 11.1.31 1). 111.. except Tuesday at 9.45 a. m., on arrlvmg' at Port Ho e at 6.30 a. m., (Saturday at 9.00 D._ m.) VZ’iilotgd at Colborne on Wednesda and Fnday a . a. m.. and Brighton on flonday and \Vednesday at 2.00 a. m. 1-.-.” 1.qu "111 ufiLV G woou at, 8.00 3.111 ,Port Hope at 9.45 a. m., on arrival of G. T. R. Trains. Arrives at Char- lotto at 2.30 p. m .1 On and ' after Mo'nday; May Cobourg at 8.00 a. 111., Port Hop 91} arrival of G. T. R. Trains. 1 -41...“ NEW, FAST AN - ‘ ‘ I Undertaker and Practical Embalmer. JOHN GiLLo-rT" 'nd‘n-‘A. AA MCCOLL’S OILS Best. of Testimonials can , EAST AND ELECTRIC~LIGHTED DAILY FORRCHESTER. KinééTB-n'. ‘, 25 gallons 30 gallons NOTECE. Portland Cement, Plastepeps’ Hail), DOOPS, Frames, _____ . “ ~you uuu coarse grit or sand in solve with moisture, which thereby renders )REY Plaster. It is ground fine and needs it- to you in either bags or barrels. :, $1 per M; HERE A call solicited. - THEXTON. AND OTHER HIGH CLASS OILS. 0f [/26 Dommzcm and grave éez‘tw satzsftzc- )n' for the Townshi of leld at the Town all, be 51h day of June, 1893, :, am. By order, ALFRED R'YLEY. If you find coa_.r_se grit or .0.-1.,L ‘ 7. H. NICHOLSON, Gen. Pass. Agtfi Po 1; Hope. ‘mzz‘ry. Barrel Salt GENUINE _-_, ;uu1, Egyrfiehip Clerk. 0. b Peat variety. be given. 15$; _Wj_ll leave .. THURSDAY. MAY 18 other miterial ........... , ucul‘ge oeney, 3552’ Gavan; Mark Raper, Alonzo Fee, John Hope. Crocker and George Thorne, Millbrook; F. ____ Hamilton, W. J. Cculter, Manvers. J. Kennedy’s (Manvers) license was extended l for three months. Simpson Reid, James . Hunter, Port Hope - I . , and Alfred Leach, M illbrook', shop license. ‘al A resolution was passed to the effect that. ' if any holder 0! license was convicted of violation of the liquor law twice during the ren. year it would deprive them of the privilege mi- of having their license renewe( . 15-6111 it is very important in (his age of vast material progress that; a. remedy be pleasing $3.50 $3.75 756 12; JUST ‘son, 0. Nixon, Gerald Griffin, Mary( pher, L. G. Bennett, Thomas Plait Hope. The license of John Lee, on 4 of illness, was extended for three I James Webber, Hope; D. Heaslip, Bullied, Robb. Hutchinson, George )avan; Mark Raper, Alonzo Fee (ann'lynm n».-. n - A, East Durham License Commissioners. The East Durham License Commissioners met Satunday at Port. Hope. Presentâ€" Geo. Wilson, chairman; S. Caldwell, F. Mulligan, and Inspector Powers, Secretary. Twelve licenses were signed and issued to to the following persons: John Owens, A. ‘ - . Adams, Lawrence Haw, James Sander- son, C. Nixon, Gerald Griffin, Mary Christo- pher, L. G. Bennett, Thomas Plain, Port Hope. The license of John Lee, on account of illness, was extended for thr James Webber, Hope; D. Heasl' It is "I The daily average attendance week ending 12th was 52. Cavanville. Standing of pupils obtained on last Fri- day’s written examination in S. S. No. 5 Gavan:â€" Senior IVâ€"Maggie Vance, Eva. Coo, Adah Vance, Essie Cook, Helen Lough, Arnold Cook, Fred Cathcart, Bertha Watt. Junior IVâ€"Bertha Touchburn, Winnie Hillier. . Senior IIIâ€"Wilma. Coe, Lila. Graham, Hanlan Sisson, Jenny Vance, Violet Vl'att. Junior IIIâ€"Willie Touchburn, Gladys Henderson Senior IIâ€"George Howson, Bessie Stuart; Maud McKnight equal. Laura. Coe, George Howden, Bertie Rea, Annie Twamle Lough, Elva. Elliott, Cassie Bullen, Bialow. of Veterinary“ “amide; A...“ Jun-um uuruam bull to Aikin Bros. that weighed 2,000 lbs., for which the buyer paid $80. This is the largest “cheese” of flesh that ever was weighed on the Omemee scales. Jim McCafl'cry’s fine dray horse mu away on \Vednesday as a result is now in the care ‘ (bf Vefnrinarw ‘Ifnlrlnu ....v.. uwuxc 615 P0851 011 last Monday I). H. Cornell three-year-old Durham bull to Aikin that weighed 2,000 lbs., for which the paid $80. This is the .Iarrggestv “ chees Hook 4LA‘ ...... , ‘ omemce. Thos H. McQuade had the misfortune to have his first- finger on the right hand mutil- ated in a cutting machine on Wednesday. I‘r. Bradd amputated the fractl u'ed finger and made him as comfortable as possible. ‘3“ Inch “Any-“71..-- ‘l\ 1-1- I- am Manvers Station. Mr. C. C. Whale, high inspector of the order, instituted a. court of the Independent Order of Foresters here on Thursday even- ing last, assisted by Mr, R. R. Elliot of ‘ Millbrook. Mr. Reabu m is the chief ranger, ‘Mr. Alex. Potts vice chief, Mr. John Crom- ar recording secretarv, Mr. Bert Byers finan- ‘ cial secretary, and Mr. John Kellatt treas- urer. The new court starts most favourablv and has every prospect of a successflfl] career. School House Burned ' On Friday while the teacher section No. 14, Township of Ho; dinner, the school house took firt burned down. The cause was th of rubbish in the school \‘nrfl ’ We beat thg world in Texas;; sugars as Cheap as ever. Progress. W. VANCE. $1.10 per Barrel Who Is now ofi-‘ering It to you for COMBINE KNOL‘KED HIGHER THAN GILRQY’S KITE BY The Leading Grover 14, Township of Hope school house took fire n. The cause was the n the school yard. : nowson, Bessie Stuart ual. Laura. Coe, George ., Annie Twamle , Roy Cassie Builen, Harry L, 1893. '. W. McLEAX, Teacher. VANCE. on W'ednesday. fractured finger e as possible. Cornell sold a to Aikin Bros. which the buyer ;tv “cheese” of on the Omemee horse rzm away 1 now in the care _. 1 i f 1 on last Fri- ; S. S. No. 5 I‘ f ! Eva. Coe,‘ Adel} b _, ,‘l teacher of school 5 01-01111 10W. Was at; fire and was for the burning HOWDEN,-â€"In Gavan; on Saturd Margaret Howden, rclict o VVaJsh, aged 76 years. BYERS,â€"In Gavan, on Thur:= day, Ma 11 1 Susan Byers, wife of Wm. y 898’ Byers, aged Miran-s. LEFRoyâ€"Woonâ€"On Tuesday, ‘ Thomas church. Millbrook. by deacon Alien, assisted by Rev. Allen, Anthonv A Thnnr Tn?- ,Vv‘wv‘. 1M3! . W . , "J - L Allen, Anthony Aylmer Lefroy, tc eldest daughter of Archibald Wood f: Pctcrboro Examiner. a. mule“. none was tractured; and the sheifld blade dislocated. In addition to these juries Mr. Dames was painfully bruised a. score of places, but considers he was ve 1119:; to have escaped with hi life. Mr, John Dames, one of the best known farmers ‘of -Mariposa, was severely injured Thursday last by a shorthorn Durham bull which he had in his possession for two or three years. It appears that Mr. Dames, wishing to exhibit the animal to some visit- : ors, went into the stall where he was stand- ing untied, and catching hold of one Jiorpr reached down to aflix the tie rope to the nose-ring. The hull at once turned and at-r tacked him, knocked him flow 11 and made frantic efforts to kneel upon and gore him. Several times Mr. Dames srtuggled tolhis feet only to be again butter} ov er, and when finally rescued by his visxtors, he was almost found that a bone in the ri broken; one of his legs was badfy bruised an a. small bone was fractured; and the should blade dislocated. In addition to these juries Mr. Dames was painfullv Imam": Lindsay Post, of our village. ‘ We have just received the sad news of the sudden death of Mr. Henry Hart, an old and respected pioneer of Mam- '11 On Saturday Mr. Hart was kicked by a. horse, from the effects of which he died on Sunday. Much sympathy is felt and ex- tended to the bereaved family. Deceased was about sixty-five years of age- _ v...” { extended to his wife and family. Business is brisk here this Spring lines. W'e notice that: Mr. John Lee i ing a nice residence, and Mr. F. He is making a. general renewal of his houses, much to the interest and appe of our village. ‘ ‘17 1 t . It is our sad duty 4' ' death of Mr. James Sissou, who departed this life on Wednesday last after suffering two years of intense agony caused by a can- C0): in the face. Deceased endured his ter- rible suffering with christian fortitude, be- lieving that death in th' ‘ s in the next, being a true christian and devout worshipper of the Master. He was. ju‘st in the prime of life being but. forty-two years ofege and leaves a wife and three‘ small children to mourn their loss. His remains were interred in the English church burying ground, Cavanvilie, on F riduy. Grea t sympzithy is extended to his wife and fitme The farmers are nearly through their spring work in this section. Both the Church of England and Metho- dist Sa-bha-th schoolg reopened h ere on Sun- day last. Owinglo the wet- weather the attendance was small. ‘vauuxucl' uas so Iar recovered from her- ill- i ness as to be able to attend to her household duties. Mr. J. G. Honey of Orono, was Calling on his old friends here last week. I He is likely to have a large increase of patr’onage for the cheese factory this year, which will com- mence operation about, the 2'2'1d inst. Mr. T, A. McMurt-ry is here, accompan- iccl by his son, visiting his father. Rev. Mr. Johnston preached an education- al sermon here on Sunday last to an appre- ciative audience. We are pleased to lean} that. Mrs. Gardmer has so far recovered from ness as to be able to attend to her ho duties. Pen-ytown. On Wednesday of last week a four year that he 15 now mending rapidly and will soon be entirely recovered. We regret to learn of the death of a child of Mr. Wesley Noden of Garden Hill, a few Dilly Sanders is Dead The Tomb. The A lta r, Attacked by a Bull pwueer or Mauvers township. Mr. Hart: was kicked by a. aeffects of which he died on b sympathy is felt and ex- tereaved family. Deceased 4:..- ____,,, v mes 5isson, who departed xesday last after suffering use agony caused by a can- Dcceased endured his ter- Bet hurry, years of age, ‘. May 16th, at St. W the Rev. Arch: v. W. Cartwright; Eleanor, sp_ring in all is erect- N o. 20 55]

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