“ W v _..v....\ wuu. uunug H30. â€38 hqusg open for ï¬ve months only. Lost. MFA Lethangue vérbally petitioned the (30!!!!th grant him compensatzon for dam- Messrs. Sisson, Ward and Biglow v rballv reported that they had.exa.mined the quar- ter acre to be taken for a gravel pit and ï¬x- ed the value thereof at thirty-ï¬ve dollars. Report received and adopted. The petition of Mr. Johnston Kennedy as ‘ laid over since last meeting was again brought forward and discussed. " Moved by Mr. Porter, seconded by Mr. Preston, that this council rebate the sum of sixty dollars on account of tavern license for 1892-3, to Mr. Kennedy, be having paid for a whole year’s license and heving_ had his hnrmp Anon ‘Fnr C..;. ..._._-I ("-0... unqu uuwrlnmc Moved by Mr. Evans, Porter, that Messrs. Step ‘Vard and John Biglow5 value the quarter acre to On. 8, Manvers, for 3 gr: Tron gonsenting to such a. ’ried. ' On motion Said claim w fart-her considemt ion. M r. meantime to view the as laid ovenfor Preston in .,the damages complained of and ascertain the value Lh 5" _ Mr. Gray pigsgnted a bill for his crops on account of a winter 24-, Con. l. pursuant to adjournmelvlt‘ the last two regular meeti proved and signed. Special Meetingâ€"The Railway Bonus By- lawâ€"Other important Business. A special meeting of the council was held on Monday, May 8th. Members all present, "The more in the chair. ‘ Mr. Barren presented a. by~law to grant a bonus of seven thousand dollars to the Lind- ‘ say, Bobcaygeon and Pontypool railway, in debentures of the corporation of the tow: - ship of Manvers. He then addressed the council relative thereto and wished them to submit said bylaw to the electors of a. eer- tain portion of the township for their ap- prover]. By-law was then read a. ï¬rst and a. second time on the following division :â€" Yeasâ€"Barnicutt, Evans and Wilson; ‘ ‘~ N ayeâ€"Porter and Preston. Moved by Mr. ~Barnicutt, seconded by Mr. Evans, that the by-law be published as re- ' quired by law in the MILLBROOK REPORTER. Carried- Earl of Aberdeen to succeed Earl of Derby as Governori Canada. The new ï¬gure-he; welcome to stay with us for asa. target for Jim McMuI garity and pernuz iousness. 5m SHUFFLER Mown' says to the temperance people: “ I won’t give you what you want; but I will give you O‘rv *VQU Hope three votes in the selection of a. county town in the event. of separation was thrown out by the municipal com- mittee on Tuesday. Good 2 MP... GLADSTONE he, R. R. ELLIOT. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOB hâ€" council then adjourned. council then met i Sm SHUFFLE All Kinds of Repairing SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN 1’0 CARRIAGE PAINTING. the @brook 1keporten Is the lightest running, and is a. general favor- i . It; is amodel of strqnï¬zhg and durability. Lts gears are soaked m boil ding oil expelling ali moxsture and imparting great togghness tog the wood. h dsgreatly to the value of the weagÂ¥o n. I nshjcontra] the sale of 121 ow 15 w n'onin th nships of. Gavan and May's-go has arranged to sell the : Brantford Carriage Co.’s HUGHES, JIJ If VERS (1 O l '1 FINEST IN THE DOMINION. and they are offered at low prices ‘ I fl-.. v-wvu, L' raucls Blglow, be appomted to more to be taken off 101324, for a gravel pit, Mr. Pres- ) such appointment. Car- Ward and Biglow v than}? . L- .1 - ‘ ‘ : Stepheï¬ â€™s‘ié‘s}; met in regular session meat. The minutes of meetings were read, ap- as Governorâ€"General of new ï¬gure-head is quite y with us for ï¬ve years ’ Jim McMuIlen’s vul- , _seconded b AND OARTS. usgies, and Carts CVO IL. appointed the damage to road on lot WAEUNS, 'rancis the new Mr. mcntiï¬] NEW HABNESS/ SHOP. GEO. SOOTHERAN. Tow nship Clerk Millbrook, May 16th, 1893. um nownsgup of ï¬rst sxttmg 1n the . hursday, the lst day of June, 1893. at; the ho r of 10 o'clock. a.m.. sharp. Immediately tor the closing of the court; the council W1] met for the transaction of other business. B) order, THE Court of Revision f the Cavan will hold i+ 3-3+ A. LORD DERWEN’f scum 0F HEylsmE aay or may. at 10 - 1. All paift'ié-s- ’ini‘é‘éesâ€˜Ã©â€™Ã©ï¬ are notlï¬ed to ant d. A. DAXVSON, Township Clerk. Baillieboro. May 10th, 1893. ,-_ v.- , _-.. U 115 .1 went Roll of the Mn ' xpalityofSouthI aghan, for the year 1 a. will be held in Town Hall. Balllieb 0, on FRIDAY, the day of May. at 10- 1. All parties interc are notiï¬ed to att . v;‘ vu .ll HE COURT OF 11va “ N on “lent R0“ of the Mnn' Inol;6¢â€" A L1 ‘ww get- up in the morning as tired as when you went to bed, be assured your Kidneys or Liver are out of order. Membray’s Kidney and Liver Cure will remove the cause of all this trouble. Try it. For sale by A. LEACH : Millbrook. and blood pui‘iï¬er. Now your blood should be puriï¬ed Ho‘oglis Sgrsapgrilla, the best spring 11 Deal]: ofnn 01a Resident. ’ Mrs. Susan Byers, wifeof the late Wm Byers. died at her home in Cavan on Thurs day morning of last week. Deceased was well known, having resided in Cavan for a ‘great many years. She was 79 years of age, and highly respected by all who knew her. The late Mrs. Byers was b:rn in Ireland, and together with her husband, who died‘ some twenty-four years ago, .came to Canada when they were quite young. Mrs. Byers leaves a. family of three sons and three daughters to deplore the loss of an affection- ate and kind-hearted mother. The sons are William and Joseph who reside at home, . and Thomas, who lives in Peterborough. The daughters are Mrs. Jane Cunningham, Edinburgh street, Peterboro, M rs. John Vincent Centreville, and Caroline, who lives with her mother: The funeral took place Saturday morning, deceased being . interred in the F ront church buying ground. \Vhen you ï¬nd that you cannot sleep; A 1.03;. algdmsc south part lot 5. Con. 13; Man- vers, assessed toJohn Johnston, it having been assessed in error. Carried; On motion the following orders on the treasurer were signed by the reeve :â€"â€" W. J. Mitchell. 132 yards gravel in 1893 $ 6 60 R. R.'Elliot, printing as per bill ......... 5 00 J. J. Taylor, safe .......................... 136 00 A. Rylcy. freight etc.ron safe ............ 6 32 . John Parker, building culvert and ï¬lling ‘ wash-out. lot 11, Con. 6 ............... 9 50 Andrew Graham. repairing bridge and ï¬lling wash-out, lot 1-1, Con. 12 ..... . 2 00 On motion the council adjourned until Monday, the 5th day .of June, at the hour of twelve o’clock, noon. The court of revision will be held the same day at ten o’clock, mm. , wuc sucu arrears, to pay the same to the 1 treasurer and “me Mr. Hutchinson a. receipt in full as ask ion. Moved by Mr. Preston, seconded by Mr. Evans, that the clerk be and.is hereby in- structed to notify the county treasurer to strike oï¬â€˜ the arrears of taxes charged in 1892 against south part lot 5. Con. 13, Man- vers, assessed («oJohn Johnston, it having been assessed in error. Carried; ' On motion the'c‘lerk was in: ceive such arrears, to pay the treasurer and 've Mr. Hutchi in full as ask ion. v __-. uvuvu nu uwvc LHU statute labor charged against lot 8, Con. 2, Maixvers, performed under James Fallis, overseer. ' On Motion said applications were granted. Mr. Samuel McCullough made application to be paid the sum of $7 for woxk done shovelling snow during past winter season. On motion the application of Mr. McCul- lough was not entertained. Mr. Joseph Hutchison stated to the coun- cil that, the assessor had notiï¬ed him that there are arrears of taxes against one of his village lots, south part lot: 24, con. 8. He‘ produced a. receipt for payment against two 3 of said lots for 1390, and another collector’s bill for quarter acre charged in 1890 against one John Vl'augh, being part of Mr. Hutchi- son’s property, said bill not being accepted. iMr. Hutchinson â€offered to pay the amount of such arrears provided the council would give him a receipt in full for all taxes against his village property up to‘nd including the year 1:9'2. ‘ aunuuub uus councu snOuld pay (if any) as ‘ compensation for said damage, and report at next; meeting; Carried. Mr. J. Ward verbally petitioned the coun- oil to cause a. ditch to be opened on the al- lowance for road at the north end of his lot. Referred to Mr. Preston. Verbal applications were then made by John Morgan to be allowed to perform his statute labor on the division.“ at the north end of his lot, and by Mr. Scott to have thei cone-J4... 3.3L-.. age done to his farm by reason of a. wash-out ; of the road durin the present season. ‘ Moved by'Mr. %arnicutt, secondedby‘ Mr. Evans, that the name and dcputy-reeve Preston be a. committee to determine what amount of damage Mr. Lethangue has sus~ tained by “reason of said wash-on t, and the amount this council shtmld pay {if any) as compensation for said damage, and report at next meeting. '_ Carried. , ‘ 1' JOHNSON. OWNER. Omemee. BLANKETS, wmps, _ HALTERS, 8w. -â€"â€" Special attention paid to collars and repairs. ;5 begs to announce that j he has opened a. new [harness shop in the - store next door to R. ‘ Deyell’s, where all work in his line will be performed at low rates. Iould be puriï¬ed. Take the best spring medicine L appncatxons were granted. cCulloug‘h made application sum of $7 for woxk done luring past winter season. application of Mr. McCul- . ‘. v ‘;uauca' iggl‘ity 6f_So_1;th Mon- when The sons are 0 reside at home, 3 in Peterborough. Jane Cunningham, ’ , , _ __â€"â€"v~- Vâ€! dull. 'e and.is hereby 1n- county treasurer to of taxes charge_d_ in 1,; P I“ ‘ toEnd includiï¬g thé was jnstructed to re- Lhe Assess- ï¬f/Icabinetmakec the 26th TOW is the time to ge your 0 ing, Cur- ! i tains. Feathers. Ja. ‘ets, ,. Cleaned 01‘ Dved by R. PARKER 8c ., the celebrated Toronto Dxers. “'0 are also agent for the Peterboro’bteam Laundry. La-dles and Gents Collars and Cuffs a. s ecialty, Also Gents dress shirts-cheaper and etter than can be done at home. Sent Tuesda of each week. Also Feather Beds and Pi lows cleaned. We are now ready to weave carpets for the season. Warp supplied. Have always on hand a. ï¬ne assortment of Tweeds. Flannels, Yarns, Rolls and Cotton Goods. W 001 bought or exchanged the year round. “.lul‘ _ our of *7 :vision ‘, mm. Next door to the Domi D. CHAMBERS. nion Hotel, Millbrook O ynecns on hand a lar 0 stock of COFFIN S, “GASKETS and a 1 kinds of Undertakers’ oods. Bedroom, Parlor and all of Furniture. hand-made, at, lowe W“ other kinds st prices. HE subscriber be 5 f residents of Mill r0 ' a he has opened 3. Ph to ap] the village and will leas orders for all kinds l CARTES DE "ISITE, CABINET, best style Of the art and at rnnlr ht O THOMAS GILLQTT. to which we have paid special attention and have personally selected a large number of suit: lengths in all the leading colorings. A 1 Value in Worsteds nnq Pantings. Come and see Lhem before purchasmg elsewhere. _ _ --_ .uusa, uuxgniun Cottonades. Muslins, Table Linens, Napkins, etc., etc. OUR SPECIALTY THIS WEEK IS / I Do not fail to can and /see him \Vhitc and Grey Cottons, Shirtings‘ Cottonades. Muslins, Table LinenR Are selling fast but a good assort- ment still on hand. PRINTS, Ali the leading-ï¬nes in all col- ors. See our Spring ï¬ress Tweeds at 37?} cts. Boys Suits at all Prices, Felt Hats in new styics. Rock-bott DRESS 008135,, Stock N QW/éarï¬plete. E alsh I m CAHfflRNIA FIG SYRUP ‘00, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ' 0"" T??? .LLE- KY. NEW YORY'. Yul: 1 ‘ Syrup-of Figs is for sale in 750 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it: on hand will procure it promptly ‘for any one who'wishes to try it. Manufactured onlyby the Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs-is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet romptly on the Kidneys, Liver and owels, cleanses the sys- tem eï¬â€˜ectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation, Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, ï¬prompt in , its action and truly bene cial in its ehbctst prepared only from the most ' healthy anu agreeable substances, its ; manyexcellentquaiitiee commendit ' to all and have made it the 22031;; popular rernedy known. - -3 uw.c.a«lv, om ENJOYS -vvv-vv Kinds .of' i’norodiurns. SITE, CABINET, etc., in the art and at rock bottom pricss. ARTIST, :PEACY, I “MYnm :1 sent bv mail: fl v I (1.133" ertaker, NEW YORK. w. 'bottom priccs GFEGS Onto 3.113. Gingham and continuWil the Whole stock is dis- pOsed of. onâ€: miss this sale, Grand opportunity to "buy goods at wholesale prices W SALE COMMENCES ON Saturday, $4181 zé, 1893 Shop to let'as soon as stock i stock to the publig at COST. ‘I he in part, of JEAS, SUGARS, TOBACCOS, CURBANTS, RAISINS, RICE, MATCHES, BROOMS, PAILS, PICKLES, STA RCHES, SOAPS, BLUES, CAN- NED SALMON, MACKERAL, TOMATOES, PEAS, CORN, BISCUITS, BLACKINI}, SPICES, ‘WASH BOARDS, V ' TUBS, BASKETS, CHINA SETS, PRINTED TEA SETS, DINNER SETS, BREAKFAST SETS, ‘ CHAMBER SETS, DESSERT SETS, LEMONADE SETS, ICE CREAM SETS, BERRY SETS, FIVE C’CLOC K SETS,"WATER SETS, GLASS TABLE SETS. FRUIT SETS. PORRIDGE SETS, Earthenware, Silvex ware. Fancy Goods, 5nd other gads (co numerous to n tion in this space. amounting? fr. £25 nnn COST Retiring @BusineSs SELLING and continués TEAS, SUGARS R. DEYELL Fancy Goods, and other guds too numerous to men this space, amounting to $5,000, , is disposed of. The undersigned having car- Iried on the Grocery {and Crock- gery business for. the last 25 years in the Village oijiilbrEBE has decided to retire from the same, and ofl’ers his Whole stoék consists â€"Queen’s birthda - Gala day in M i; â€"A grand prom .11 pared by the ï¬remen ~D1'. Niddrie is week. -â€"The Gr and Lodm will meet in Peta-bur -â€"â€"Keep vour exe 4m Wins in ï¬ne fm)! \I 9 â€"It IS an acknowle Jenkins keeps the best in town. â€"The ï¬re bug Was 0: on Tuesday evening am near the residence of M was burned down. â€"Call at Leach’s get a bottle of Harper Best liuiment sold. ~Mr. Robt. Roddy the Queen’s hotel, and business at Once. â€"-Dr. Roofs the best pills for LEACH sells them â€"â€"BIaj0r Hqueu w: day attending the fune .Mrs. \V'Llsh. 7,___-_ --vv. vvv. A). J)‘ A. Blanchari Charlem- are the Princinals. A thorough Business school. Competition 3-. re:- Medals. The 70 3,; paglpd free. Geo. 5. Be TOXVN .55.: 15G? 53,4514. WW8 aw. 4.4444. 3444â€â€œ... » EL (1mm; ONLY Red