5,000, ngnea’ navmg car- rccery {and Crock- “ for the last 25 iHage of MiilbeBl} :0 retire frcm the :ffers his Whole :9 etc-ck consists ms, RICE, MA’IL’EES, PS, BLUES, CAN- :, PEAS,CORN, FIBOARDS, Hatters 1nd 50c Youths ttyle you 5 almost that are stylish ; fly Hats Hats to \IOXADE SETS, (‘K SETS,‘WATER PORRIDGE sms, pportunity to prices (G's From all or they ’opular, tee that Wearing 51893, Dottie, " â€"â€"Queen’s birthday. ' . . -â€"An - Gala. day 111 Mlllln'ook. ing the ~A grand programme of sports pre- style in 1 pared by the ï¬remen. dore Ties â€"-â€"Dr. N iddrie is in town this In town. week. â€"Mr. â€"The Grand Lodge of True Blues $1211)? 3mg will meet in Peterboro next week. rod The stam â€"Keep your eye on -1er for bar ments is w . mains in ï¬ne fuotw 18 Purchaser with him. â€"â€"Just â€"It is an acknowledged fact {:11 Jenkins keeps the best wedringb in town. 9 . v-QQV'I 16-“. â€"It seems that the early closing by-Iaw is not valid, and that no one need pay any attention to its provis~ it for ions if they do not wish to do so. Last week Magistrate Edmisou tried a. ~Call at Leach’s r a store and i811 Nonvogciguzxï¬ler this Elli. Messrs. vet a bottle of Harper 1- rabian Balm. qune fm as I n, not t 1n mg .lt' to .Itéest liniment sold. 16- be _va.hd, would not elose then‘ re- pectlve places of’ busmess and the LEACH sells them. “Mr. Robt. Roddy is moving into the Queen’s hotel, and will ope business at 'once. case n-6,“... ruuuuLcou ouuu (511611; â€"â€"Ma.jor Howden was in town Tues- wall paper ever shown day attending the funeral of the late See this stock 1"?" bu‘ Mrs. \V'Llsh. nants of last years b ock s sacriï¬ce. Bu ' earl ' a d â€"Dr. Root’s Red Reg tors are plums. J ‘y n the best pills for 3. b1 6 tonic. A. . ‘ LEACH sells them. 16- â€"It seems that the e‘ hy-Iaw is not valid, and 1;) â€"Mr. Roht. Roddy is moving into need pay any attention to the Queen’s hotel, and will ope it for ions if they do not wish to ( business at Once. ‘ ' “ ' ’ “.AAL. 7UP , ' l A thorough Business and Shortth {gaining school. Competition yearly: for Gold and Si - V81: Medals. The 2:0 page Illustra _ .ted circular maflcd free. Geo. 5. Bean, B. A. L. L. 13.. «ea: BUSINESS / COLLEGE TOWN TALK (magma cans PETEBBGBU Gwyzscmn'rs. THE MGGIST 7 .' . “J“, u. mums une uxro r oes, Theo- â€"-The Queen 5 bdt hday this year dore Ties and Button shoes to be found Will be celebrated in Ml Ilbrook in grand in town. 20-3 .Style. The ï¬remen are putting f Vc rd ever effort that a c d â€"Mr. A. T. Armstrong has been orx '1’ y 500 . . . . . . roaramme ma be resented and to appomted agent “.1 this dIStrwt I0 11:13.1; the day time Itï¬lg/lto be remem- Bell Organ and Plano 00' 0f .uelph. bered by every visitor to the town. The stfmdvardnnerxt 0f 6" Instru- One noticeable feature of the pro- gents IS W ell .Lnown to a our readers. orramme will be the procession of Kali- ; urchasers mll save money by deahnw ‘3 with him. 17 O thumplans to the agricultural grounds . at one o’clock, after which a grand 121- â€"â€"Just arrived at R. J. Doak’s, the crosse match between the crack teams an largest prettiest and (Jinnno-AA‘A-‘* n “ ' . , -0.“ .VV. (“cocadr't at present in circ lation. They are dated 1892, look quite new and are very hard ; in fact, the test of bit- ing or cutting the coin will not de- termine its reliability, as aluminum seems to play an important part in the composition of the coin. The only way to detect it is by throwing it on the counterâ€"it does not ring. â€"Notice to farmers. Those re( uirâ€" ‘ing seed grain would do well t C. B. Lowe at Cavanvi' seed peas, spring . ,_ six rowes barley and white oat f0? sale. Cad early. 1 q n a l on , who ha â€"At a meeting of the license own missioners at Port Hope on Saturday; a. license was granted to Mr. 4-00“ Thorne fur the Queen’s hotel. â€"A number of bogus 25c. Diem: mm -â€"â€"It only costs 2:5 ce bottle of Harpe Best on the market for â€"-At a meeting of the quarterly board of the MiUba-ook Methodist church last week, Mr. R. W. Clarke was re-elected delegate to the Bay of Quinte conference. . vuullU Hope was here on Tuesda the weddimr of his friends 8 and Miss Wood- Capt. Sneln'rove, havi his interesto' m the p:.p( .u emu l ucuul, «kc. For sale 35y Aft-Mama. 516- -Mr. M. ‘Wflliams has retired from the Cobourg‘ World. his Info “MAM“ â€"Have yw great skin cure «ire. For sale 3 ,-_ 4‘-.-uv ek, Mr. R. W. Clarke do I delegate to the Bay of woe. gu‘ sts 25 cents for a. large ma arper’s Mb 3 alm. 0f? u-ket for an and beast:.~ “J 16- \M . . . (:01; mg of the hcense cmn- ww ’ rt Hope on Saturday; 2 . _ ‘ V anc gran ted to Mr. £1.00, “'35 Queen’s hotel. to 1 of bogus 25c. pieces are;E and circulation. They are cee( k quite new and are fact, the test of bit- the coin will not de- iability, as alumin n m ~â€" Bili the ‘ 11h“) 11 seen Epider ' 'the l, for EMeum, by A. H CH. 516- 'orfd, his me p: per. W'ocaéhouse of Port 1'uesdav attendincr friends, Mr. Lefroy 1 112' late partner, bou ght our, V â€"The leading s C Canada, now is t Ne M1 A.T. Armstr g has ed agent dstrric tion and will be sold on terms. V w.-- VLAV Ul LIIUA UUUIHIS OI Peterboro and Millbrook'will be play- ed. The general sports will then be proceeded with, for all of which liberal prizes are offered. The day’s sport will conclude with the thrilling drama. ‘in two acts, entitled “Among the Breakers,†to be given in the town hall. As the ï¬remen of Millbrook are noted for carrying out their programme to the letter, you need not hesitate in coming to Millbrook to spend the Queen’s birthday. - -- :nnce welcome, owned by Wm. Martin, IS sunply Intended to indicate the Wish is a ï¬ne Canadian bred, Clydesdale. He was of the electors one way or the other, br ed by Ralph Richardson of Millbrook, and will be of no earthly uqe eVCept- and has taken numerous pri_zes. He has K. , 4‘ . . , roduced excellent col ing to enable Slr Ohver to play w1th p ' both the liquor and temperance vote for Tom Ke a, few years longer. mble, owned by Jas. Fostnr in :- LannunJ I ' _ -.-...\.;u v .1 "‘ - o a . munimpal clerks at the expense of the mains bell]?! interred municipalities they represent. All church bury mg ground. that the public has to bear in mind is ‘ that every person whose name appears on the voters’ list may vote. The vote is simply intended to indicate the wish is a ï¬ne Canadian bredVClyd< of the electors one Way or the other, :rfldl Ey tRï¬iihngï¬frar‘dssm ' 'n n s 1 end null be of no earthly use, except- produced e;nellnnf M“? u}: lng LO enable SIP 011mm Jan “I--- , . . â€"'â€"_\ Stock Noses. Prince Welcome, owned I ‘ . _a---. JJIUA C. A‘LU [111‘ conclusion of the ceremony a reception was held at the residence of Mr. ‘Vood: ' and in the evening a large “at home ’1 was given in the town hall. We hope to be able to give our readers a fuller 3 and more extended account of the pro- ceedings in our next issue. -â€"The Ontario House has Bill commanding a vote to be taken at the municipal elections in January next upon the question .of prohibition of the liquor trafï¬c. Every elector qualiï¬ed to vote (including widows and spinsters and men with a Manhood Suffrage, qualiï¬cation) will have the privilege of marking a ballot for or against. Special ballots will be provided-a yellow one for men and a blue one for women. All the details of the election are to be nnnrinnhall L-- A 7 .c '.V w \Iv passed a “\omlen uchï¬f 111311 andI a blue one for MPS. Fee, of Manver: amiifr‘ ‘1‘ _ ' e (etafls of th ‘Valsh of Pete b k ‘ ' electlon we to be c e r oro. The funeral . . ‘ Ollducted by the place on Tuesd f munwlpal clerks at the e ' . . .a)’ a ternoon, the . . , , ' Xpense of the mains bemg mterred } . . - at t n unlapdhtfgs. _they r'epresent. All Church burving m-mmrl he 1 4L .L )1 J -vwm. “us never fails. ‘vVarz-anted by A. LEACH. 1113 “Neuralgia must ‘_ . wand for a- “ “' Harper’s Aru- bian Bahn’ not relieve at once. W’arranteo y A. LEACH. 16- â€".Jenkins is after the men’s trade in ï¬ne boots this season. Men’s Don- gola Oxford shoes Dengola Balmoral and ‘Congr rape the best value in town. 20â€"3 ~â€"Notwithstanding the mcessant downpour of rain on Tuesday last, St. Thomas’ church was crowded with guests and spectatars to witness the. marriage of A. A. Lefrey, of the Bank ' of Toronto, Port Hope, to Miss Eleanor' “Moi-eldest daughter of Archibald" \Vood, Esq., of this place. At the. 1 conclusion of the ceremwxy a reception, ' was held at, Hm mcmmw ,.c u 1" . ~ Itch on humans animals cured 11 ford (1’s Sanitar LOtioj fail . “Ivan-:mmfl I“, New Williams. g has been appoint- dstrrict. The ma- ,nteed to give satisfac- _ 7- -V.....uuy ml: Ilt‘iil'll give our readers a fuller three score years and ten, and Wu ended account of the pro- acquainted personally with the pionee Luv next issue. history of this neighborhood. In 183( ario House has passed a she was married to the late Wm ling; a vote to be taken at \Valsh, who preceded her across 1 elections in. anuary next dark river some thirty years ago. A ltion .of prohibition of the few years ago she came to Millbrook Every elector qualiï¬ed andvhas‘reslded here with her ling widows and spinsters 1‘3““ Seven chlldren ;h a Manhood Suffrage 'lhey are Mrs. Geo. will have the privilege of Blessrvs. Robt. \Vzilsh, of Gavan and J. ballot for or against. W. W alsh, of M1llbrook, Mrs. Isaac :5 will be providedâ€"4L Eyers and Mr. John \Valsh, of Iowa, men and a blue one for Mrs. Fee, of Manvers and Mr. W'm. the details Of the ‘YRlSh Of Peterboro. The funeral +rml' 'L " _ tlie son-in- survive her. Campbell, and crack'teams of reasonable 17 ‘1 a ' K s mi 9.1â€" ml); Woou ion. This never 1U- men’s trade W Men’s Don- â€"-0n Saturday evening last, Mrs. m. Walsh (lied at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Geo. Campbell, at )la Balmoral the ripe old age of 75 years. The de- 18 best value ceased lady was one of the oldest resi- 30-3 dents of Gavan, having resided there 6 111cessant, since her early childhood. She was, :day last, St. therefore, widely known throughout the owded with township, and was generally esteemed witness the. and respected for her many excellent of the Bank. qualities. The deceased was a daugh- sï¬gs Eleanor" ter of the late Robt. Howden, and was :' Archibald horn in the county of Cavan, Ireland, r'e. At the. in the year 1818. \ ’hen she was seven a reception, years of age she came to Canada with iMr. W’ood,‘ her parents, who settled in Cavan “at home †township. She had therefore been We hope resident of the township for me rs a fuller of the pro- a arly three score years and ten, and was acquainted personally with the piOneer lTls‘fn'I-v n3 +L:- -_ -: I 1 v - 1"".1 0,. an be “/8: b I trm ' era Bru sport and mma 188} the Thxs and hall. coun Loted e to . ,_-, v. uxuwuï¬Vauey, 1nd., savs : “ I had been m a dlsfressed con- dition for three years from Nervousness, Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia. and Indigestion until my health was gone. I _ vvvvv vva: VVHKIDSOU, ( Ind., savs : “ I had been in dition for three years fn Weakness of the Stomach 1 Indigestion until my healw bought one bottle of South vine, which done me more g worth of doctoring I ever 1 I would advise every weakl; this valuable and lovely 1 sider it the oranrlnu Mung. ‘ “momâ€"u un‘uugn mus district. Sir Robert; Bruce took ï¬rst and second prizes last, spring and third at. the Central Fair, Peterboro, in 1889, and ï¬rst a: Port Hope this spring. This horse is known as the Gardiner horse, and as one of the best stock getters in this - ' J ' Sir Robert Bruce is a splendid general purpose horse, taking prizes wherever he IS shown. He is owned by W. H. Hutchinson. Sir Robert Bruce is a. da was sired by Sir Robert Bruce; grand dam, by Cleveland Boy; g. grand dam by Mag- num Bonum, g. g. grand dam aFrench mare brought from Lower Canada. Sir Robert Bruce was sired by N etherby IL, (registered) 278,)one of the ï¬nest stallions that ever travelled through this district. Sir Robe†12...â€..- 4.- A‘ n ‘ ‘ '1‘-“ was sired by Young Kei was sired by Welsh’s Ton dam by Magnum Bonum. Fee’s hotel every Saturday. 3 mains being . 1 church burymg ; o su Prince Welcome is a ï¬ne Canadian 1 bred by Ralph I and has taken rm Rebecca Wilkinson, of gnve- “TI... .11. â€"â€"uet a box 0" ‘ r. ot’s Red Reg- ulators, e } st. blood builder. Price 500. F0 sale by A. LEACH. 16 ~Epidermia a ‘ cemplexio h' A. LEACP Jeautiï¬er of the no equal. Tryit. At l, we re- the back ’. 18a _ v . ".50 nuns uver ins, constipation, 5H: biliousness, Jaundice, sick headzch e, indigestion. :33 PUMPS I PUMPS 16 WGREEN, MilleOOk, - - On,tapio If_you are in need of a pump cal] and see us before purchasing. It will pay you. ' We manufacture si: of wooden pumps and sign of Canadian and pumps. which, Wherever used with its latest improvement calls forth wonderful praise. It is the only pump on the market that can be changed so as to throw either a light or heavy stream of water. You should see it before purchasing. u-â€" Manufactures all kinds of P can satisfy you both in style We make a. spec known umps and and price. ialty of the now well -_â€".\. “u THood’s Sarsaparilla Hooo's PILLS cure biliousness, Jaundjce, sick as a standard family medicine , and would not e wit out it.†MR. and MRS. M. M 4 2nd Avenue, Altoona that time. but neitherpf yhpm succeedeq in cunng they or evengn vm them a hgtle EVERYBODY NEEBS A PUMP, Worst Form of f“ n v A--- Eczema ~Giant Proliï¬c Sweet- Ensilage Corn Red Cob Ensiiage Corn, Select Yellow Ensilage Corn, also choice seed Buck wheat for sale at W'. VANCE’S. 19tf. to stay box. AQLA. LEACH fin a. 16- '. GREEN and handle_ex;e1:_y;Jc‘1: -_.J cure liver ins sick headache, six diï¬â€˜erent styles . J ‘I 'l! American iron