FIVE TRAINS FROM TORONTO. LEAVING 7.50 A. M. arrive Chicago 9.30 P. M. Through Pullman Buffet Cars and Coaches. 1.00 P. M.. arrive Chicago 8.00 A. M. Parionr Car to Port Huron†Through “'agner Car Port Huron to Chicago. Through coach Toronto to Detroit. ' 2.50 P. 31.. arrive at Chicago 8.00 A. M. Pull- man Drawing-romp Car to Detroit. Through Wagner Car and Coach Hamilton to lhiEa- go. Dining Cars Hamilton to \desor. 11.00 P. M.. arrive Chicago 4.50 P. M. Through Wagner Cars and Coach Hamilton to Chi- cage. 11.30 P. 31.. arrive Chicago 4.50 P. M. Through Pullman Cars and Coaches Uetroit and Chicago. “ HOMES FOR VISITORS TO THE \VORLD’S FAIR." The above is the title of a very useful book the G. T. R. town ticket office. Millbrook. It is certainly a complete work. as it furnishes a list i of families in Chicagogwho will accommodate | visitors during the period of the \Vorld‘s Colum- bian Exposition, also a list of the hotels in the city. Chicago is plainly shown in sections by map. T hose who intend visiting the great fair should availthemselvcs of this opportunity of posting themselves. as all necessary arrange. ments as to rooms. etc.. can be made before leaving home. The use of this book is offered free to all. A. LEJACIâ€"‘I, . ff". _ Agent G. T. R‘y. Millbrook. mi Silver JOHN GILLOTT, i j; I CABSNET MAKER, Pp‘ '7 Rec a constantly on hand a large stock 01' Fur- lees‘ mmge of all kinds. 'lhree large showrooms. No trouble to show goods. _ Manufacturer of theExcelsion Washing Machine. The best in the market. specTAOLeeg; - 3 MARRIAGE LICENSES RCHIBALD WOOD, Issusn or MAR~ amen mcnxsns. Millorook. Ont just published. a copy of which can be seen at ' “1---".-. A RADICAL BOARD OF TRADE. at Ottawa- Assessor Pratt Favors It. At the last meeting of the Ottawa Board, of Trade a. resolution was introduced which declared the Board to be in favor of reliev- ing from municipal taxation all buildings and other improvements to real estate, and. all capital, thereby conï¬ning municipal taxation to the value of the land alone. The resolution went on to declare for Local Option in Taxation, in the following terms: “That the Ontario Legislature be peti- tioned by this Board of Trade to empower each or any municipality by by-law to ex- empt the whole or any percentage of im- provements on land, or the whole or any percentage of active capital, from taxa- tion.†Twenty-three members were present. and. the resolution bad the advantage of being supported by the forensic eloquence of C. H. Chrysler, QC. There appeared to be a strong Single Tax sentiment pervading the Board, because the only amendment which was moved was directed solely against the ï¬rst part of the resolution. Those who supported the amendment did not want the Board to commit itself to a straight endorsement of so radical a principle as Single Tax, but they were willing to petition for Local Option in taxation. This alone would have pleased the Single Tax men. who have . When buyinrr Land Plaster knead it in our hand. If 70 fi d ‘ ' ' 8" ars as chea I as it have nothing 1.: do with it, as it W111 not dissolve w 3 u n coarse grit or sand in g p _ ith moistur , 'h' h t1 * 1t» useless as a fertilizer. Buy the old reliable GREY Plaster. e “ m iereby renders eve r- . . It is "round ï¬ne and needs only to be tried to be apprecrated. I can give it to you in either bagger barrels. Another Car Load of Sack and Barrel S It J ' ARRIVED. ‘ a UST _ Portland Cement Water Lime, Plastereps’ Hair, , Shingles, Sash. Doors, Frames. Lumber of every description, also Dressed Lumber in great variety. I am offering a good door for $1.ï¬0, Shingles, $1 per M. and other material correspondingly low. A call solicited. ' s i COMBINE Kuncxtn mautu THAN GILROY‘S- ma av The Leading Grater Who Is now oï¬â€˜erihg It to ' you for $l.10 per Barrel Also Fresh Lime, â€".|r-' Millbrook, March 28, 1893. E“â€" We beat the world in Teas. CHEAPER THAN EVER AT Y‘s/IS. PICKUP Best Broad Huu Iran-613d Milk Dan, 25 21110113 . . $3.50 ' D3 no 3953110115 . . $3.75 DISTRICT HAPS AND MISHAPâ€"S Steamers . . . . . . . . . . . . 750 1 Quart Rippers .> . 56.!10 Quart Pails . . . 12; 2 Quart flippers . .' 108114 Quart Pails . . . 153 AND ALL OTHER TINWARE CHEAP FOR CASH. ought to have the power of removing tan- tion from buildings and improvements, if i! so chose. However, the amendment did not ‘0 for enough to please the Board, and it we: M by a. vote of ï¬fteen to nine. The Ottawa Board of Trade by this resolution commits itself squarely to the principle of Municipal Single Tax ; and it petitions for Local Option as a means for putting the principle in force. Mr. Abraham Pratt, the assessor of the city of Ottawa, is a. stréng Single Tax man, and has the courage of his convictions, if one may judge by his effective and out- spoken advocacy of his favorite economic doctrines. W. . (Yavanvillc. J. B. McKay Co. have concluded to re- open the grain market here the ï¬rst week in June so as to enable farmers who have been holding quantities of grain to dispose of it at once. .Mr. C. B. .Lowe, the genial agent, will always be found at his post, ready to perform the duties he is so capable of doing. Mr, Lowe says he would advise the farmers Italian Abbreviations. How uooul your Oil 2’ ‘ ~ .. , not to repeat last year’s performance by Those curious abbreviations of common 3: pnornssxomu. Semi along your orders lo Me “ Old Relzaole House,†holding their grain too long. ï¬gï¬tihlggï¬ggsafreugï¬rgents ustuzgl with "I . g a. cer am cur- .~. ,v.‘ , - . . . w/zore you luzoe dealt oefore uuu’ zoom/o your Fol/297’ useu’ lo deal rency. The Italian more calls shovel . .. N C.MCRI.\NON..M. n.. C.M., (spoons , Cenlrcvillc “ h ,, u n .. .. t p U 0 so; to Dri‘niddriei) 'll‘pronfo 10mg gictgrlla . THAT IS 1 d d} - f 1) Es ly’h cells]: cefll, andéiagchet hatch. , "I mversities. we“ ’3 e 03"" ° 0 e. .u ' w a...“ ‘ ‘he members an a ierentse our res- 3318 -spea mg eremen n it convenient; .; -‘ ns, Edinbn h, \Iembcr College Ph ‘icmns . . _ _. . . i camera: McCOLL BROS. 8: CO. TORONTO . "I'm Hats V l ‘11:“ store._ After ofï¬ce hours at MI" W m. I , resolution to ive the Rev Mr (attanach n1 anaginq en men, an so a. ' i r R‘ rdsonsresidence, We" Millbrook. SOLE ZIIANUFACTURERS OF THE OA'LY GENUINE ' g ‘ ‘ ' day long in a. Working gang one may hear an style . ' MITH 8c PR EST ON‘ ( SU C CESS CBS 0 L M O AVD MHFR of Queens College a. call. \Ve hope that the coinmgn words thus abbreviated. On the . '. . $ . . ‘ , ‘- . . - . - , tier and the Italians pick up and mis- J. A. V. Preston) Barristers, Solicitors, N‘E ; p _ friends Wlll succeed in securmo Mr. Cattan- ° . ‘ _ . .ur pftcgs ' bNotaï¬-ieiz). c. 013ch? good 8: thm.%00k’dmï¬li ARDI ACHINE IL HK H CLASS OILS ach as a‘permanent pastor, forahe is a good :gggshee%m’:§§ ftï¬lfh gang‘s, “Elegy“? ;‘ roo.‘nt.,a.n canyon e an - - - - , -- 4 . -. -- .- . a eiw cmoean ï¬cnd;aystin every msosnth. Money to loan at Lum’zue 25 llze C/zumpzou Gold Medal Ozl of l/ze Dommzou and 335152133. 8f§2°iéiiel§1§lvéisiiif£19312? whale“ of very, and an Italian laborer, . ._ “s“ â€a “5' our C ylzua’er Ozl zozll wear [magma uuu’gzvc loller satisfac- of this kind of preaching, and should help Wï¬â€˜mgl blag‘lly and withQPtPrgfm Intent» '- A. WARE, BARRlSTER. ATTORNEÂ¥- l ' id 72 [[267 01'! to close the mouths of religious croakers W1 ea “13,6 ‘5 employ er vnth Damn cold K 01 ~ ‘ “ Bl 19:3?ng “g9â€? ego}; gmce ixï¬Ontaréo 20% 6272 a y 0 ' who are saying that the world is getting morning. ._ ecu. on ree . or Ope. oney o . -. . . . . I . - . ’ worse metead of better in s We of the earnest â€"â€"â€"-§_.. ’8 d. A uh C la of 3-1 L t . r1 and 7 ' _ .P l hï¬mï¬opgri‘} 2‘0â€; .218,†es 8. e own ASK 3 OUR DEALER FOR MCCOLL S OILS'1_ 6 1 eiflorts put fferth liy (ï¬lmStlflnS for the evan- Adjectives in Bostonâ€"No Water in Daniel . ,4; , ' , ,. - a r 0‘ n e ization 0 man in , \Y b't ’ . - t: ., IDDELL. sansrnoxc g, NESBITT. Sold oy all leuzlzug (lea/67s l/z7 oug/zoul l/zo comm y. 8 The Misses Nee (“er of Lindsay returned . e . er s. 'f *- 3,. Barristers. Solicitors. hotaries. etc. 00 h me last Thu sda after is endino a leas- The Boston young lady 15 ready 3t 11 H. . i; ' bout-g and Brighton. \V. R. Ridden, B. A., 01 . r y p . O 1) years of age to use her adjectives with skill, . LL- - A.J.Armstrong.B.A. ‘V-H-heSblttv out time at the home 0f the†uncle, Mr. expressiveness and orininalit A miss of ' B. A: First-class loans placed. Money loaned ________ H. \Vaddell. thatu e was at the {breakfast table the HS». Come gflemrï¬ï¬iï¬idguï¬fs‘g‘Z‘DW collections made and The Rev. Mr. Bell of Princeton college, g ‘ «lien. J W. FISHER, VETERINARY SURGEON 0 Ofï¬ce and residence, Baillieboro, Ont. \Vill be at Queen‘s Hotel, Millbrook, every Saturday. M S W. CLARKE. L.D.S., DENTIST SP 0 attention giyen to the preservation of the natural teeth. bitrous Oxide Gas for the pain- less extraction of teeth. Good work 'uaranteed. Will be at Bethany the 2nd and 1th ilondavs o: ,‘ .i- each month. Pontypoel lst and 3rd Mondays. a MUSIC. ALRE-N TS AN D THE PUBLIC GENERAL Y are res ecttull informed that h Pemberton, Pro essor of'Mnsic, and late Bail? makers ad I Master 0 Royal School of Infan try,‘ Toronto, is v“ ï¬â€˜vtplepfl‘iqd to rgceive upils. vocal or instru L en a , a is reel ence. en‘er Str ,, ‘ - instruction at any hour. L cet Private ‘ Orders for music and > Musical instruments of an and ev .. promptly attended to. y cry class . x . B. COLLINS 8: 00., BANKERS. MILL- e StS by _ To BROOK. F armers’ and other end n discounted. Drafts issued on all poilits of 0°38 , Ada. and th.s United States at lowest rates. The ‘ collection of sale and other notes a other morning. There was bacon. She had eaten a. piece, and wanted some more. “Papaï¬: she said, “will you please give me a piece this time that is a little less lan- guid?†Another young lady, scarcely older than this one, had a. beautifully colored toadstool pointed out to her in the woods one day. “Yes,†she said, “it’s rather bril- son of the late Rev. A. Bell of Peterbore, ably occupied the Presbyterian pulpit here last Sabbath and Mr. Bell will also preach in our church next Sabbath. The remains of Mrs. Sophia Byers, wife of Mr. R. Byers, of Biwdlew, who died last Friday, aged 25 years, were interred Sun- day last in the Presbyterian cemetery here. the Medital Pruuurï¬ts ufwhuh / f i KPâ€"reTararionui Hernsuilmlrsi‘ IT‘S A1505! VRLUBE â€EHMEDVV all M Ti D 111 b e f0110\ ii t1 e heat, but don’t you think it looks a. trifle ‘ r. iomas eye 1as e n v w 1 'd?â€â€"B t s - . oï¬zpc l. PURFFYING THE BLOOD good example shown by his neighbors lit}, the morbi OS on Tran cript 3 “09 US Ill/90955.mmUESlmn-DySUEUSIB.SUUI‘ Sillmrlfll way of tree planting along the north front M , n F 't - HEADAtHEAuu mznuES‘: of his farm. “â€3 “1’ 5' Mr. R. Lang has made a grand improve- ment on his farm in the way of a new fence aloug the front of his premises. Mr. W. Martin’s building, wnich be com- nienced some time ago is gradually coming to completion, disclosing to people what has been a. query for some time, the number of storeys in height and the style of the roof. This building is partly made up of some of the relics of by gene days and when completed Dr. Montgomery expects to have Mexico is the home of the strawberry and in one of the provinces this fruit can be bought for ï¬ve cents a quart every day in the year. Oranges, lemons, limes and ï¬gs also grow in that fruitful land, with four kinds of bananas, among them the sugar banana, the size of a man’s ï¬nger and most delicately flavored. Among the pecu- liar foreign fruits are the gnava, like a large yellow plum. the custard fruit, which looks like a large apple, the Zapata, one AT BATESON’S . . . v ' i which resembles the aw aw specialty. â€"â€" an ofï¬ce in it and the I. O. F. court the variety 0 , P_ P . Loansmade on real estate. No commi i fl the mango, a. lame flat fruit, which sup- 2911 more he ed. on: m. ~ ‘ 85 °“ STE ANIER Upper at v ere Mommas: mrzafrrafm 900d Inch 39mm Snail, 0110 258 _ j P. . “'A'I‘l-‘Oltp, ACCOUNTANT AND assignee. Books opened and closed. Ac- counts collected. Assignments taken in charge and all details completed. Special attention given to book-keeper's work where services of a permanent book-keeper are not required. Communications from 'neighboring towns re- ceive prompt attention and servxces in such A places ertermed moderatetly and satisfac~ cry. )rï¬ce: 379 water street. Address.Post ofï¬ce box 125. Petcrooro. Ont. 7 -6m W W'. BLAND, VETERINARY SURGEON. o (Successor to T. H. Hassard.) I-zegiste. ed and Hon. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col- lege. Toronto. Late Veterinary Surgeou North “West Mounted Police. Calgary. Attended Clinical Lectures. Royal Veterinary College, London. Eng. Dentistrya specialty. All do- mesticated animals treated according to latest W. LANG Finest and Best Selected Stocks In Town, consisting; of Drv Goods, Clothing, Boots and -. Shoes, Hats and Caps, Fresh Groceries, c. '/ ‘heap for cash. All kinds of produce want- ed and the highest price in cash paid for Eggs at the shop or on the road. - DEAFNESS AN D NOSIES IN THE HEAD permanently cured by a new abso- lutelv genuine system. The most extraor dinarv cases nave been successfully treated. Full ~particulars, with copies of splendid testimonials post free. Herbert Clifton, 51, Upper Kensington Lane, London, S. E. 6-1 y One (1001‘ East of Mr. Lang’s store Bethany, scientiï¬c methods._ Oflice 0n King-st., e posite ’ Checked Through. Dominion hotel. Millbreok. 1y. . c, F. GILDERSLEEVE. Desires to inform the public that he has one GITY BERBER HUD ' of the 0 ports entire colonies, and‘lthe butter fruit, need in makina sandwiches. The Ladies Delighted. The pleasant effect and the perfect safety with which ladies may use liquid fruit laxative, Syrup of Figs, under all conditions make it their favorite remedy. It is pleas- ing to the eye, and to the taste, gentle, yet effectual in acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, “ NORTH KING †NEW, FAST AND ELECTRIC-LIGHTED. DAILY FOR ROCHESTER. 0n and after Monday, May 1st. will leave ' ' ‘ Cb (138.00 . .,PotH eat 9.45 a.m.. HEW-Hide Whlp, hillll butt t0 pipggigétlgpf G. finial Trif‘ins.ol:rrives at Char- . 0 ca . p. m.- tlp ï¬ll) $1 Returning. leaves Charlotte at 11.15 p. m.. ’ except Tuesday at 9.45 a. m.. on arrivmg at; Port Hope at 6.30 a. m., (Saturday at 9.001131:i m.) Will call at Colborne on Wednesda and day at 4.00 a. m.. and Brighton on onday and W'ednesday at 2.00 a. m. Ask your local agpnt for Tin-011%: Tickets to any point on N. . 0.. Penn. R. .. Lehi h Valley. West Shore. R. W. 85 0.. D. L. 85 V ., B. R. St P.. W. N. 8:. P., and Have Baggage THE DISTRICT JIIEETING. Per Duran The Annual Meeting of Peter-bore District of the Methodist Church. The annual meeting of Peterborough Dis- trict of the Methodist church, opened in the Charlotte-st. Methodist church school room Monday morning. Only the ministers were present at the opening. They were:â€" Revs. J. H. Locke and Geo. Edwards Peter- bero ; Jas Thom, B. A., Ashburnham; W. R. Young, B. A. , Millbrook; Wm. H. Cooke, Gavan; W. G. Clarke, B. A., Mill- brook; S. T. Bartlett, Lakeï¬eld; G. H. Raley, Bridgenorth; E. D. Lewis, Warsaw; R. N. Adams, Bethany; T. S. McKee, Pontypool; Ed. Cragg, Hiawatha; W. S. Boyce, Lakehout ; J. W. Bonner, Apsley; S. S. Osterhout, Bridgenorth. After the opening devotional exercises by Rev. W. R. loung and Rev. E. Cragg, Rev. W. G. Clarke was elected Secretar . The disciplinary questions concerning the life, character and Conversation of ministers and probationers were put and satisfactorily answered. Probatieners, Rev. Messrs. Boyce and Bowers, presented their examinations and passed satisfactorly review in doctrinal questions and were advanced to second year probationers. Rev. S. S. Osterheut, of Bridgenorth, pre- sented himself as a candidate for probation and having passed a. very satisfactory ex- aminanon was recommended. â€"â€".._.. â€"Call at Leach’s drug store and get a bottle of Harper’s Arabian Balm. Best liniment sold. 16- M A Glasgow egg merchant who has been in correspondence with an Irish merchant in regard to the smallness 'of Irish eggs has re- ceived the following: “ You can tell the customers that talk about pigeons’ eggs 7 as Everything Else Accordingly at that the Ulster hens have reinsed to large eggs for you Scotch Gladstonians, they think you are so void of understanding between right and wrong that you would. not know the difference between a large egg and a small one.†’ Gen. Manager, 0'. H. NICHOLSON. Kingston. Gen. Pass. lift" Port ope. Of Course you Read. The testimonials frequently published in this paper relating to Hood’s Sarsparilla. They are from reliable people, state simple facts, and show beyond a. doubt that HOOD’S CURES. Why don’t you try this medicine? Be sure to get Hood’s. 3": Undertaker and Practical Embalmcr. T. n. BRYANS l Testimonials can be given. Desires to return thanks to his many customers for past favors and to in- form the'ii that. he has removed to NOTICE. new quarters, one door east of . . HE Court of Revision for the Townshi of Lang 8 general store, where he Wlll T Manvers Will be held at the Town Hall, be pleased to meet them and at- Bethany, on Monday, the 5th day of June, 1893. tend to theirtonsorial requirements. at the hour 0f 10 0 Clock am. By 01'ch? ALFRED RYLEY. Township Clerk. Manvcrs, May 13th, 1893. Constipation, and all troubles with the digestive organs and the liver, are cured by Hood’s Pills. Unequalled as a. dinner pill. :â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" The Tomb. BYERsâ€"At Bewdlcy, on Friday. May 19. 1893. Sophia Byers, wife of Robert Byers, aged ’25 years. HENRY.â€"At Mount Pleasant, on .Wednesday, May 24, 1893. Isabella Henry, Wife of Robert Henry, aged 60 years. Resolution in Favor of Single Tax Passetl often contended that each municipality ‘ vv‘. g ?.?_""‘