., " A. '4' \‘ 5 3' 5 ‘ _r ' ‘ x . N “M; 7 ‘9". . 5"“{M . , ’ ‘ . _ . , .. .,, w :‘m-amwa, "â€" _ , l’rt‘a‘mu . . .>.. . f - 4 . -. "‘ --~ a“ ““S‘H'wvw -y. l 1» . \ . . ‘ .r \ r Buns, wring AND OARTS. lax. I311 gusuq has arranged to sell the Brantford Carriage Co.’s \Vood in the town hall, which had been prettily decorated for the occasion, the music being supplied by an orchestra from Bow- manville. Amongst those present we no- ticed Miss Lefroy, Miss Atkinson, and Messrs. Lefroy, Needler and McBean of _ Toronto, Miss Bell of Hamilton, Miss Dy- ment of Barrie, the Misses Allen of Bowman- ville, Miss Gregory and Mr. Chisholm of Lindsay, Messrs. H. A. Ward and J. A. \Voodhouse of Port Hope, Messrs. Parker and Montgomery and Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Kells of Peterboro’, the Rev. Archdeacon and Mrs. Allen, the Rev. \V. C. and Mrs. Allen, Mr. T. G. Kells, the Misses Kells, Mr. J. C. and Mrs.- Kells, Dr. Turner, the Misses Turner, Mr. and Mrs. John Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Needler, Capt. and Mrs. \ ‘i. \\ _\ I . Winslow, Mr. and Mrs. John Allen, Mr. . g ‘ .»: ~‘ Buggies, and Carts and Mrs. Doak, Mr. and'M rs. O’Brien, Mr. $W§Y ‘ and Mrs. McCartney, Mr. and Mrs. Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. Vance, Mr. and Mrs. Fitzger- ald, Mrs. G. F. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Leach, Mr. and Mrs. Deyell, Mrs. \V. Lyle, Mrs. J os. Armstrong, Mrs. T. 13. Collins, Misses Burton, Needler, McCartney, Vance, Eakins. O’Brien, Russell, Hunter, Elliott, Chambers, Fair, Holmes, Sloan, Crossley, Browne, Draw, Hetherington, and Messrs. Smith, Clarke, Elliot, Vance, Eakins, Niddrie, Leach, Clarry, Burnham, Hunter, Hampton, N eedler, Johnston and‘Drawï¬Dr. McKinnon, of Millbrook. M Both the method and res W "n Syrup of Figs is taken; IS please t and refreshing to th aste, and acts gently yet prompt on the Kidneys Liver and Bowe , cleanses the-syni ispels colds, head- aches and fev s and cures habitual S rup of Figs is the of, its kind ever pro- IL I d L Ii 11le ‘ â€"â€"â€"â€"_ I Tm, . . ‘1 he} . . ’ j"- _ ’w n. Hl "Nu-2‘. “'nfll .‘wm . A I. I 1: LL' I‘lmr ‘ ' ‘ ‘ Is the lightest running, and is a general favor- Itc. It is amodel of strength and durability. _ boning oil, expelling all mozsture and Imparting great tou hncss to the wood. The patent truss axle adds greatly to the value of the we. on. I control the sale of waggonin the ' ‘ownships of Gavan and O (/3 jest L.Ll._l.â€"'l .. -’ .. .. â€Tyre-w, .~. ,., i‘iq v u'l, Ll'l' .LL rmwirtwv rm , (39 A, I‘ll 1,114.1."HLI'IF. .. .â€"_....._.._... duced, pl sing to the taste and ac- Manvers. -â€"Rebecca‘ VVilkinso , of B o ' ll , ce ta Ie the stomach mm 13 in Ind., savs: “ I had bee: in a digt 1:21:33 egiz- itspac and truly beneï¬rizial i121 its Great sale Of Grocerlesy CI'OCkeI'y, dition for three years from Nervousness, effect. ,_ prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its manyexcellentquaiitiescommendit to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 750 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will rocure it LINDSAY, May 19. â€"R-.v. H. J. Ware, promptly for any one W 0 WIShes pastor of the Baptist church here, and known to try it Lianufa'Ctured only by the in Peterboro, was drowned at Sturgeon Point on Thursday. The body was recover- CALIFORNIA HG SYRUP co" AN FRANCISCO. . ed last night and brought here by the 8 CAL LOTT awn. .. , ...T . 0 â€"â€"\~ steamer Esturion this morning at 10.30 t. ' IE KY NEWYOW ‘T Y 3‘ . THURSDAY. MAY 25‘ 1893. o’clock. The deceased gentleman was last h seen about seven o’clock Thursday morning. LEFROYâ€" H'OOD. Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia and Indigestion until my health was gone, I bought one bottle of South American Ner- vine,'which done me more good than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever (lid in my life. I would advise every weakly person to use this valuable and lovel remedy. I con~ sider it the grandest me icine in the world.’ A trial bottle will convince you. Warrant ed by A. LEACH ll-l3t All Kinds of Repairing * SPECIAL ATTENTION am 1'0 R. R. ELLIOT. EDITOR AN D PROPRIETOR His overcoat, watch and money were left on bank of the lake. The body was found at dusk last night in about three feet of water brook or one of Its Fain-est Daughters. near Head’s boat house. The unfortunate , . It seemed as if “Old Probs :2 barometer clergyman has been suffering mentally for h i d l ’ , ’ some time and has been watched. His wife t ermometer 3'“ a 1 persons and things has been ill in the Toronto hospital for three that have even a. remote connection with the months past and is still there. He leaves a making of weather had joined hands to make large family 0f small children. He had Tuesday of last week a. rainy day, and the been here a little over a year and was great- .. . l’bl'lbl' "t' dee'll missing bridges, flooded towns, flooded ï¬elds 3 e m 0‘ y us congrega Ion an n ra 1 since reported are evidences that their respected, His sad death is a. shoe ' to the community and will be a terrible blow to labor in that direction was a success. In spite, however, of the fact theft the country his sick wife. for many a league around was Being drenched with rain, quite other weather prevailed indoors and in the wishes of the little . . , - , community of Millbrook ; for Tuesday, May Liver are out Of order. Membray 5 Kidney 16th, was a day of days for one of the fairest and LW" Cure “111 remove the cause Of all of its daughtersâ€"the day on which Miss ““5 trouble. ' Try m For sale by A' Nellie Wood was wedded to Mr. A B. LEACH ‘ MIIIbrOOk‘ Lefroy of Port Hope. During the forenoon St. Thomas’ church A Marriage Ceremony Which Bobs Mill- - Remember it Junei .____ When you ï¬nd that you cannot sleep, and get up in the morning as tired as when you went to bed, he assured your Kidneys or Mr. J. H. H. Jury, will be here agai date .1‘ if i a Have your eyc All the leading lines in all col- ors. See our Spring Dress Tweeds ; scientiï¬cally, Fl had been made to take on a May-month 100k B K AT AL MILL ! at 371,. cts, W l i all unminiful of the storm of rain outside: MILL R00 0 " . 1% and secure a I The children of the Sunday school, in which __' †" . V ' . tacles adaptedi . Iheg to announ c t at I am prepared to ~ - Mulls Wpod has Illong b61011 af tangible; had fill? this famderhl 1b] in! 1.011012%an To? and pRlNTS, , gat eret a I‘lC supp y 0 WI (- owerg 4. so stannr l a or-cac us 0 o oats. - t which have grown this spring in abund- Emigg ingahtles of meal mu be sold for $2.50 Are selling fast but a good assort- . \ Mr. Jury Wm be : ance, and her fellow-teachers took this perm.“ 3' l G. McIVOR. ment Still on hand. graceful way of showing their good-will A T EL] and wishing God-speed, by decorating the thitc and Grey Cottons, Shh-tings, Gvinghanis o o chancel of the church. Wreaths of snow- Cottonades. MUSI’“S’:1‘abt1° Linens, Napkins, 2 white trilliums and shining golden marsh- eta-.610. Drug Stare on the marigolds, with violets and many smaller OUR SPECIALTY ""5 WEEK '5 .- wood-flowers upon a back ground of ever- . . , ' TWEEDS . CONSL LTAT‘ . green sprays, decked the alter railing and THE 00Ҡ0‘ Rehmon r the Village of ’ choir seats, while a profusion of house flowers lent their fragrance and their beauty to make the occasion a joyous one. Punctually at half-past two o’clock the bride passed up the aisle resting upon the arm of her father, Mr. Archibald Wood, and was received at the chancel step by the groom, who had the friendly assistance of Mr. Woodhousc. The bride was a picture of loveliness in a. beautiful gown of white bengaline en traine with veil and orange blos- soms, wearing a pearl necklace and diamond bracelet, the gift of the groom, and carry- ing a bouquet of white roses. The brides- maids were Miss Bell of Hamilton, Miss Dy- ment of Barrie, and Miss Maggie \Vood, sister of the bride. They wore gowus of light sum- . have personally selected a large number of gï¬glr‘; lg'ogdcl'he 0“ 0f 10 OCIOCk’ a. m., suit lengths in all the leading colorings. A 1 Value in Worsteds and Pantings. Come and see them before purchasing elsewhere. Boys Suits at all Prices. Felt Hats in new styles. Rock-bottom prices Millbrook will hold it‘ rst sitting in the , - , , . , . . . . Town Hall, Millbroonionday. 5th day of to which we have paid specxal attention and WM. TURNER, Village Clerk. Millbrook. May 20. 1893. WINNIE“lHIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIHHllllHlIlHll HE COURT OF REVI" N on the Assess- ment Roll of the Muni pality of South Mon- aghan. for the year 189‘ will be held in the Town Hall. Ballliebor on FRIDAY, the 26th day of May, at 10 a In All parties interested are notiï¬ed to atte d A. AVVSON, Township Clerk. The range of A thorough Business an school. Competition )‘cnrl ver Medals. The 70 page mailed free. Geo. Sf. Bean. 1. «we-j Baillieboro, May 10th, 1893.) ; so many Hats that are stylish ushers. The beautiful church of England marriage service was conducted by the Ven. Archdeacon Allen, assisted by Rev. W. C. Allen. As the bridal prpcession, after the ; ~ A. Blanginrd. Chartered A « HE subscriber be . announce to the 7 are the rincina s. mersilk, trimmed with pale green bengaline iï¬siflï¬néï¬Ã©â€™Ã©elim r°%k31’r‘3pil‘%’;iil§r§h?§ so many Hats that are POPUlar ; so many Hats -_ and white leohorn hats. The bride’s brother 00 U R T 0 F B EVI 0 the if“ ‘ _. 81‘ d ‘. , ‘ . , ‘ , g y v ‘ MI. “’- T- IVOOd, and Dr. Needler 9-0585. as, ' orders fol-lull; :1 (is of egflï¬'ï¬â€˜oéatlfgslll‘; that are the COl‘l CCt thing i SO “many Hats [:0 .: TO“ A T CARTES DE 1 [Tl-l, CABINET, etc., in the best style of the art and at rock bottom pricss. F. w. PEACY, choose from. HE Court of Revision for 10 Township of Cavan will hold its st sitting in the - T: â€"â€"-chp your eye )1) .' â€" ~ â€" ' ' = (.f. b"~(~‘~' - pï¬ual folrmalities ofqhe 1vcistry, passed down gailï¬lgï¬ggggggg 1‘5ng I oéili§il§§§fg§£ ART35ST’ 0mmâ€. '2; GObLI’tGH BR’OS- relieve. you from1 a†r_ 1 galâ€"1:6: $15,131 :1: :(ft I evzr ‘31:);uggï¬l‘l;dailfgunifghlgspeglgd 31(3):? $33; 33% 33312:? w l regrfor the transaction My ... panl 1 1 y In making a SClCCthI], {01' they 1 : mOrnillg. ï¬gggea réepfimf “fag held, 1a n d5 563%; g t e . ty is , the Spring Hat, and guarantee that in town. Eï¬iii‘iiié‘npi‘imi‘é’égfés dfaiisin‘io b21222? Sold by {insists crane jov man. YOU W111 present a natty . â€in“ C’ P'f'lv‘uf‘m aAnlilllgosthSr‘i‘lzlfdiiif ilcfiafrrt‘ihrlg fghillidlg'ogantisé W" “‘ ‘ ““““‘““‘“ â€4...... â€- '-" one Of their Hats. _ was in town \\ (}(lll(3.\‘(l£ good old shoe, the bride passed from under the parental roof on the arm of her husband, and the newly-wedded couple left by train at 4.40 for a wedding tour to New York and other Americansiti‘es. The departure to another region, to an- other sphere of life aetithy, though it be not a far-distant one, is also tinged with sadness, not only to those by whom the de- parting one will be most missed but also to the whole community where a life has been spent. And this “ sweet} sorrolw †at biddinrr God-s eed in anot ier sp Jere to , _ _ _ Miss Mellie Wogd, will not be absent from I, SPeCllfltl attenltion paid many who have lived within our little valley, . to 0° ars 411‘ re133M5- as she grew from childhood to womanhood, . one of the chief graces of it. \Vherever it THE YORKSHIR bein the world, apart from the changes I L 0RD DE EN T, J. taius. Feathers ackets, etc. Cleaned or '5’ eternally being wrought by time, any spot ' is made sacred to men’s minds chiefly by the beauty of the lives lived wizhin it, and it . -. - - HIS hone v'll it . ' - - ‘ - Dved by R. PA R 00., the celebrated can only be the unu ersal feeling in tile léeartl T brookfon "I‘luesli'llyf'1 iglltgfi‘f‘isnghgliglseysg}; Toronto Dyers. e are also agent for the , Of those to WIT") that .httle n00 o the of 1893. He stands 16 h ds. 2.; inches high, and Peterboro’ Steam Laundry. Ladies and Gents v world called Millbrooli is, or has been, a. weighs 1400 lbs. In 13 at the Toronto exhibi- Collars and Cuï¬â€˜s a specxa ty, Also Gents dress ‘ tion in a ï¬eld of seven en horses. Lord Derwent Sh“ ““0119“??? Md better than can be done at o with her who was married on ,, home a1 ng was successfuli wi ing third rize. In com- home. Sent. lugsgï¬'loof “Ch week. Also announce that opened a new rha ess shop in the â€"â€"-Dl‘. limits led the best pills for a ' LEACH sells the: ' mm... Paskcl r. in: Miss Netti-ass. ,: work in his line will every price between up to $2.25. 5 be performed at low GOUGH’S so 0. H...) Hat is the same hat that Hatters .1 , ._ -. 1 ask $3 for. Knock-about Hats at 25c, â€"Epl( 91mm “5 a i av ,_ . O 100 d 000. and 000 . complexmn has 0 - .‘u: ver ozen to select fr - ~ . ., - " om. Hats f01 Men, Youths ; A' LEAH†and Boys. The largest stock to be found. No style you , " â€"\\'ardcn Pi-owm. t. can fancy has been missed. l V . “YedneSdaY: “Sl‘mg 0 â€"Mrs. Albert Dunc. Go To The Great-aHard Hatters “ht†-â€"â€"The town council Monday, June 5th, as vision, when appeals a. ment roll will be heard â€"Get a box of 'D . I Burners, wmrs, HALTERS, the. .â€"~ SHOP. Koo s on hand a large stock of COFFINS, ‘CA KETS and a 1 kinds of Undertakers’ Goods. _ Bedroom, Parlor and all other kinds of Furniture. hand-made, at lowest prices. 52,? Do not fail to call and see him, My. SPRING . TOW is the time to st your Clothing, Cur- Tuesday, 16th inst., that the sweet grace of ' “ 5â€" ' .- the best ood . _ , e tn 0 Lo . - . , - _ Feather Beds an ws cleaned. We are . . , - ‘ , ulatOIs. , her hfe Is much of what makes it a. Hallowed at: shift-HZ c ,féflï¬hï¬mggyï¬rï¬iï¬ now ready _to weave carpets for the season. Peterbmough Llndsay} at"; 500- I: 01' 51119 b." A- L spot to them, something, too, that W111 al- Coach horse. with any amount of vim and a Warp supplied. Have always on hand a, ï¬ne " . . ways cling to it. “1°"? she be henceforth gesthgiean moger.†Heh is 1? thoroughbred iï¬â€™Ã©tï¬féif aggilee‘ii’oï¬liï¬ï¬‚gï¬g oliflhang Assoc1ate Stores zâ€"Bellevflle, Toronto, OriIlia, Brantford,Kings- ’ -â€"Have you see - ~ 0 . s ' ~ .‘ - - ’ n e ' ' - ,3; . ~ Mrs.- Lefroy and Spell the reSt Of her days “222e,, £3 ï¬ftwtmfmr‘ y t e mapecuon or the year round. - 8 ton ' great skin cure, I r z away from "3.. . b THOS. JOHNSON, OWNER. DI CHAMBERS. C. ITO].~ sale by - LE " _ g In the evenmg a dance W33 81W" 37 Mrs- 19-2 Omemee. Next door to the Dominion Hotel, Millbrook.