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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 9 May 1895, p. 1

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rloyod in thin Mania :blo Chloride of gold it- may our 0,- bune of these poison. wed in the I.» you. ymu-at Samarium is an L0! its kind in W. Baku-rend 'K. w P in col “Maths < r homes in d] pub d eloquent mm $0 an a of trauma!“ with m infomfion write Xenon. Duo...“ E SECRETARY , mmoree Cinch-n not and It Em'l Bled M 1.79% no! 1‘5 made, 7-31-53 301-3. E? a a |g 3:11:30 mum gym“): a. m punt"; pm pp d of medicine. In x. in not. an instance (1 -mm the treatment bl' “9‘5 9‘0?“- "a? m " e 1:55;»; stand cur:- o! PEOPLE! 0 v.0. mm i RUG“; ISIS Three Christ? Kniva for 5! WM“? SCI! ’ taut-m”: 031‘. tlllt' ”owe; ">0 093nm, '0 mm “Pun Mil! brook . I mama." Canada and the Tne C)|!erg:0n h '7 Linn: Inn-l. ‘ "v_ “w yum. mew U ck,” (the best on the mark-.~t, every stove . gnaw-BM to be perfect bak"r)- " The Sauwnir Cook," “ The St. James Cx'k,” Millbrook. â€" - Ontario. " Th9 0.1%; C): k,” “The M891: C 0k,” " Thu Oxford ka.” In Coal Bunsen " Th8 3","3-131- Rings," (the best coal mngo in the country). “ The Stewart Coal x [Faugdv ”The Oxford C »a1 Range.” Jn foal Base Burners “The Stewart Art FARMERS’ ..\.\'n 01‘ ”-21? noon .\_‘ ‘ ES Pu‘tfma- The oxfwd Art C {untessfl’ both powerful double heaters and perfect discounted pram mus-d on an swing}: "raiser-4, “a. Full Line of Housefurnishines in Table Cutlery and Granite Ware. 4325915335?!- ?.‘o:Ԥ." (25.22.51. 8°“ PM. o: Amur‘eml and Canadian Co G :01: E: ”:15“?er -'n Rual Estate. X9 couuxew 4O GEORGE STREET, ::»_ PETERBORO, OP’ICE.‘~Vorth s’de of King St. ”Hm" ‘7. ' ‘;:':;“f;\\ Frfiaenceâ€"(‘anadiam Bank rr' (bum-“W hr‘l‘l 4 Millbrook on“ 23913535125, oxmxro mxu sun, vnroxs. ‘1‘ .â€" “4 security 35:; has" “can”. Te: PHI-2380365 . ONTARIO. a; {per cent. or: lineage ' RC WT MILOR M3,. H x “Re Liconggs. 14 ma'ed ov-Scwmlficprlu cults E nlm‘ Dentistry tsmchlty. Remmn'ih aceu wee with the Veterinarv Act Office - opposite Dominion H tel R siflence King St. \ . B. COLLINS £70. -â€". .wu BETBANY. - - ONTARIO. ALL DOMES TIC RTE!) ANYMA LS TREAT- eu - 7- to has: mmmé mam: s Pmicular attention Riven to Equwe Dentxstry. Chars-cw modrrate. new; by M ugruyh prompt 1y amended to. VRADUATE 1:3,?” c n ox accord-mg to laws: in ALL DOMESTIC \TED (INF)! P attention 2 ven to I; If «EL Chums moderate Residence mm at. opposite olu Western Bunk. MILLBRODK nouxr ruining; my“ . . ONTAI ~ WILL Visit Cavanvmc Mvm‘ay. Wvdre and Friaa ofeac Once a: Mr. C. all]: h “we; 2mm 1 to 3 HUNTER 31: ,UEES’S University. Kincston M r o! the College or Paysicians and Sun R, ~ -uuu. PONTYPool' _ _ Tan U‘ \ERsm- the (‘nlln , CENTRKVILLE J” K ELLS BANKER 3‘. N. CEBKinnon ”LI-8366}: BARmsn-rg s "C. ET. M BANKERS, V _ .,.....uu null! JOS. THORXDYE, X3. Voterlnary aura“) u ;. H. C. LESLIE, ”eh. v C URT IVAXHOE No. 3:? Meets third Mondny in etc room over Luch'a drug store. some. BANKS. - - os'mmo. We? _. . r )an at 5 per cent. 0:: gm edge [“150 PRO ‘PTL ”d N 5: and 5.! par mat. on .‘l‘TEN OED T0. Terms to sun borrower“ (33C 03851.3 (stcflssog - - 03' FAB"). 5’. HXTARIO 1, 3N1; SUR- N am ’- PE rxnuonocen. T121: UXTARIO VETER ‘ nor in theButch- or business. we hfiafiflfifiwd :he busineu :10: tth. old M \H' an: “0“]: ill I fitter pod on han ("unto ~ :- uh rcpu Ion. Givens a can and be "mm” ”“ ‘ - .. that we can supply 9 n mm the choimtfiaflfi‘g” had in town. ‘ LANCASBIRE SCOTT] h , -7 - be: of citi- ,8 sensor Mmfihm “ 1311:“ “um W136 b, x ISSURER 08' MAR. -o v, u, 1.", mmbm“ W30 No. .‘ . u-cu mnnm m ")4 illbrook' ”0“ bandits of this S c! on r-f v r ‘U ’(fn fut-whoa on appligu‘iolrfx.» } E. 5.6. 8.1DUNL‘A N Secretary \ V. ' YOUNG. Flaps”. â€"\ 1'0 DR‘ 8013:: “in Equmq I 01" 'I‘ABIO‘ 05' I‘ARIO. L_S TRE \-_ NADHK Home CAR LE ”on“ ‘0 everv mouthin " w”: 4: Kelfiblocxui la'smx row. 05 T A RIO. ti methoc‘s 8 Der- tisrry Dim-e King m 9‘9" "math in the 5 3“ Hillbrook- hour c benefit: of this S (:1. Branch (2! way per- n'. -_-n, . ONADI \X ”R- 10. N n r Pete "eh monzhintheir ore. Strangers we] Member “3'" 80118. x PET} gemflsfi Company; A 1' ‘RY H'B omces over GILUH‘T. his 1E TO BUY. 3. who will favor me with a. call I am Lw hvttel‘ nww from $59 up. C prepared than ever to )mplete line of Si'wrwa accomodam mV Special valli re at hard 12H W- S.‘ GIVEN, ls: At the 69th COMPANY. he] results for the‘ ‘95 308. Mons a co. - . . ‘WG NICE IN GE-‘TS E'Umsmnnm a um AND SEE ova STOCK mam: was, SPYLES AND Pmmkxs n; 8100:: EVERYTHING: mm M DON T FORGET '1 'h'eat Reduction in B :11 be happy t9 have his . erg rcall 911111111 and 199 wing removal to the [Assets Over WHY IT LEADS . Investments in Canada : The Agent, the :ALL SUITS The Annual Revenue ._ , ;..n>£u5 MI The Claims by Death or arcse during the Yea: Addmons. to ~ MILLBROOK. I Grey Land Plaster. and White Lime. Pb b u ‘d to sail. Dimension ed anywhere in town or n GUVemment a: ‘10rtg'tge,ove1 RG'JIDF Estate - Sundries - 416 x Shingle, a good SI XX Shingle. Cedar 4 Coarse Pine Lumber This 13 nut. an auct: prim! CLEARING OUT and of the budding pub”, things are 39th Annual General Mec- ting ‘. held at Edinburgh. on Tun-- ‘- B-cause 1 yeaxs and hm] at Railway Station '1'IILâ€" ‘ erything a; the Sam) vb. ... N‘» To 14 '1’; She; the has 'c‘W-SU in mm :ausu it bgs otl er Cnmd Going. I Offer a OF‘ (OPPOSITE m IN SL'I'I'ns'GS‘ is NEW AND 1 nave his old friends 1 and leave their 01 THE PLACE, Established 1825 I AND FRESH F2: , __-..... >3 v1 vanaamn Pacific for the third weal: of April were $282,000 a decrease of $2,000. G A further advance in wheat has taken’ 0 O 0 place, with sale of white at 73cto 740 Ontario points. The deliveries are very THE WEEK’S HAPPENING. K Interesting Items portunt and Inc From the Vnrlou and Incidents. Im- ttuctlve. Gathered a Province. small. giving the impression that supplies . . are limited, but at this season farmers Hartney, Manitoba, suffered from a. T are very busy seeding, which partly acâ€" destructive fire. MA ERI A counts for light receipts. Flour is firmer, but prices are relatively low 1 of wheat. :tion sale not yet a shozrifl’s The meat situation is still sale, but, a general low th '3 SALE in (ricr to meet th perplexing in John Browman Pr 5 0 United States. I" h h t d 1' Incas!“ 1):th and The '1‘. H e 13. Railway will be open- 0 demands M the times, guiefre :Zflf:::; high? l'fim (latent? 0011:: ed for regular servxce In two weeks. .3. I quote a few prices, 7 t1nuesgood,nnd lithe Western speculators that you may know how prevent liquidation in May options, it 1 good . . . _ . may be possible to sustain the high ition. Live hogs have shade lgle - {rum ‘1‘” 4.. , ‘ ._A 4“ AA ~ _ l’etrolea electors raise $6,000 for a. 1303- Mr. Alex. McIntos d a frnctinn OVERCOA‘ l‘ _ “-_ ..., ...muuamh two of the , stran r8 talking. One of 1: 656 said he L ET flee jackkm‘ves and $3425 in money vahead. We were toid that those swapping days are held once a. month. The men is and meet at this place and smpb anything, ' 'f f f - , r. trnrh'nr- .Qrders 2:011:13?“nt .? o a. mm 11 â€". . “will £0013 “Sting the greatest mums. are the monks ., or fl " with Sixty an. m...“ K\\\\\\\\\\ \WW ‘Well ?' ‘Talk.’ What’ll you do?’ PWP?’ ‘Horso m The IOU: : _,,__w..-~v "U a turn], but! a sasmtheia voxito fancy . ----- J “.5 uue greatest vanety of members ey, or four-handed animals, 9 vaneties; the cat tribe d tribe 5 qtyfight. , fiftY*38V8DS‘eri" , __-- m-.. mu nascoau magnatcs have begun to talk and plan for the com- mg season’s but: and ball suggests another fact, that there is no better tune than the present for practising sliding bases. I It is the fashion of to commit: suicide. T‘ bune suggests that it. deal of trouble if these themselves just befor zlers. Paper straws for drinking iced bever- ages. Which are superior to the natural straws. are being placed on the market, find so is a. peculiar cloth paper for print- mg bank notes on. Beth, Me N0 receptacle has strong enough m lesist or U! freezing water shells have been rent a made 01 pottel y. Th9 fact that the In the Dominion last were reported to the D against. 31 the previous corresponding week a. ye has 18. an inuruusp nl' ti ‘m' fill-xx ~ “no: The meat situation is still per the United States. Prices of sheep have reacted slighted fro: hut. are still very high. The dex‘ tum.” 1v:\'\r' A; , \ Week’s Commercial Summary. The world’s visible supply of wheat de~ creased 2,388,000 last; week. , anticipates a, Here and There. , mwuum wmmILtee me! ,, "a 1”" this week and returned to the city trea- water. 1 wenby-pound sur ' *1 150 of a sur )lus over all cx endi- rent asunder us though turgsr ' I p x x x River Navigation between Montreal 21nd _ Quebec was commenced on Saturday, or drinking wed WWI" and the first ocean steamer to arrive in ;uperior to the natural the former port. was the Mariposa. on placed on the market, Saturday. LI‘ cloth Duper fm- urn-+- . ONTARIO. Miss Thibauscuu, one of the inj in the fire at Mc Donald’s tobacco bury in Montreal, died Sunday morn An inquest was begun gu the urmrnm A Belleville (Ont.,) despatch says 810.000 requi red to secure Mr. H. Masscy's gram. of n likeumount to A] College has been secured. Samuel Livingstone of Bayham, Out, and his wife have not spoken to each other for 410 years, although they live in the same house. A ~ â€" ,_._._- -r representatives of the Brit- those wh at, Canada, and Newfound- “Why- g the granting of an expert But Eu ewfoundland Codfish. and nI-nhlnm Three In from the Ne erated in the ,\ ‘â€" NEWSY CANADIAN ITEMS Interesting Items portuut and Inc From the Variou and Incidents. Im- ttuctlvo. Gathered a Province. -. THURSDAY, MAY 9 copies of y nmos I can lame. H to save money are ing privil those when I have no money to save ? the ego”. “ Whyâ€"" Bdt Eu phemm «in! not Spanking ‘ x... -.... u - OI _ . __.- mat Sir Philip FranciS‘ Wm“. aunt‘s authorities since the last .._.... . um aosoiutely . - oceanpons, and serioug loss oi” hie. and. . . on ice; or any regulation roaming the structlon of prepemn y 13 1t {hilt the only nmos I can ”Em H0 wished to kno p my mmd to save money are 1 i n h d] n 2:211:32; “£3; The L°nd°n Lance” ngprveges a me o n ro H 11. -‘ a611,} have no money to save ? the efl'ort of the Government or railways. ' uxley, thong cufien}; :phemia did not i influen d b - d 1 t Speaking of boat shipments tothe Wash, tor. nan propom: 1131‘ as h w no reason why fresh meat 00qu , 101- she found that her audience 6 58 u not be successfully mm; over the Canadian I! Pacific railway to British Columbh Too Much “f n \_ Canon‘s Stomach Bum". . 1895. le Outs.) ‘-, _...... mu wpol'l: or flu . .ucmg ncr- Auditor-General were ready for dim-{butt Wirap. on. med to help Koomxn's' PROSPERITY. y, and recall- ' . ‘ . ‘ ‘ win who got nch MI. Mmmovqa-mr '1 ntum mo - gm u...” i . â€"-\/q. u“ buy some provisions fothhe house. . “ Whun's all dun writin’ in do honey ?” were to be made. “ Oh, said tha daughter, who had educa- tional ad..mw.ges hex-mother did not haw ‘Fine Familmeoez-iu.‘ " “ Dan’s win: day sells, in it 1’” “ Otoourse.” , “ Den disher ain’t no place for you” bu," she exclaimed mt . “ You dn't no fine family In disbu- country. You ain’t no mo’n po’ whitetmah, you Ain't," and [he insisted on going lemo- du to do the duylng. R Shorter. Pen Mr. Clarke Wallace Sal the growing importance of the district it ’ had boon found necessary to send aspecm officer not only to asct-rtnln where portsot entry should be established for the promo. tion of the Customs and the collection of revenue, but take means for the proven- tlon of smuggling, which it was am «had been carried on in that portion of British Columbia. CENSUS STATISTICS. Mr. Forbes moved for a. return, gi ous manufacturing industrial establishments in the Counties of uuens’ and Shelbume Now Semi" " l . mentioned in the last minus 4 . urns. t6- gobher with the names of the ownérlb‘ thereof. thennmums . Julius at; an-m. Nc-lsnn, Kaslo, and the hum of Kuuwnuy ' elusive. givln each out port. Mr. Clarke Wallace thn mn‘v-‘uâ€" av” Said that owintr tn m (H1 ‘ v-W [ -.-uu\,u, 10“,. was 221,218, 780 pounds. ~ ~-~u-u- Five ’ Mn Huggurt, in (mam-r to Six- Rlchu-d Were 1; Cartwright. said the amount requined to April 2 complete the St. Lawrence channel and They \ calm! system would be as near-as possible Watts 3 six millian dollars. II: was not; the inten- of the 1: tion of the Governmem to deepen the The 3 made by, ,7,” -v- TRA NSA TLAN TIC MAILS. " \Vhile D. .ur..u('i 'urxhy introdumd a. bill “pectin; rain in For tho.- hvnsu uf Commons, which was for the . . violent, stor- purpusc- u: restoring to the House control m‘vr ir own prm" _ roof fell, {a‘ .ecdmgs, which by recent more 01.1955 Iegiflntiun had bvcn subtantially lost. respondonce boween the Department of In- terior and Mr.Schomachcz-, the Rev. T. D. Phillips. MLP. F. Duly, Capt. Holmes, tho Canadian Pacific Railway Company. and any other persons, as to the transportation of a. number of Jew peddlersf tom Chicago at Calgary with the intent' xon of settling 9 same upon {arms near Cal . Mr. Duly in reply spomh-nvu with Mr. McNil-oll, sengvr mum of the Canadian way. and tlmzliov. T. D. Phi mum, in ordvx‘ to show that; the persona (mmplainvd 0f WNW M“‘” RAW SUGAR IMPORT. fl CANAL SYSTEM. Haggurt, in ausm-r to Six- Richard igln. Said the amount roqlflned to re the St. Lawrence Mud and Pshnn “van-IA 'L , rismrs was 812, 000, an for printing, $85,166. lists were printed. dthe . v "u, lax-wwmth Ip'pKuso 5-6;: ‘ the Opposition benches. \ said the Martin gen, bu? disap- - - 'v v- vu In Government; with w- i w. .wuuy, waning} 1036 -7“... ' r. uuy, Gap!» Holmes, tho of over $501k“). The town ‘W‘S 15min“ r1 Pacific Railway Company. and m“ l’r"t‘~‘ct"°n' ‘ :- pemms, as to the transportation ‘ber of Jew peddlers from Chicago '3' with the intent ion of settling upon farms near Calgary. Oliver Curtis I’e who made such a. Matteawan State hospital for mane criminals. was returned to the insfitutilf on Saturday afternoon. In the Illinois Legis the Odie:- a!" a resolution was mtrodueed requesting the 41:11 ghwrs of Illinois not to accept the d . . wt of the Canadl tlmszV. '1‘. D. Phi mlvr to Show that 11 of wow 3 taken from kittens . .‘ ight, tied mama “trim )ed tom’s want. and w 'pped_ _ 7 - {vhitecaps for having beaten his Info. ‘- \K'L.'IA “ 7 an incident; of m IA KER’S WARRANT. ‘UIV inn-Mum“: - 13.. JEWISH PEDDLESR, i.- “ \ Ind the report of th: Holloway's Corn Cun ereadyfor distributi- to remove all kinds of and only costs the sum] PROS_PERITZ five cents. comes of m5 d“. the trade and tho .. Iag- Juul‘ ndnnq on Tmyq 08M ‘ """‘""“ uwm' loss of $111!,“ 1). [troduoe bill to ~ 1cm Act or 1393, J. R.Hu1}¢nq, cfishier of muffler-chants Leah-ed to protect and Fairm‘ervz‘ Aafional'Bank 0 Ohm stry by providjn‘ N. C., m (Jaunted to be a default” boese and mac, amount of §Iiu.000. gym“ um, I Domes own THE LINE. The London Athenaeum announces that it, will print a J unius letter pro ' that Six- Philip Francis was not “J Unius. ’ ‘ . OnSaturday a? Epinal, in The British crooys were landed ‘nt 00- rinto, the capital of Nicaragua. fl Fri- day morning and the oflicialsma without offering any resistance. > '7 The final decision of the British Gov- ernment is to refrain from active inter- ference in the China-Japan treaty, but with the passive support of Great British Japan feels strong enough to resist the demands of Russia, Germany, and France. '- Lord Salisbury writes and Mr. Balfoni- speaksOStrongly in ' ' ChamberIain’s loyally and good se ' are commended. $135 IF NOT PAID IN ADVANCE ‘ ~vavca, bl ’Were lynched near April 20th by a bat They were lynche Wat“ Murphv, a v y of the late Gov. “in _......u u. u. Moody was pm ' fior rim; in Fort Worth, T. fire in "w whoL lishment. V: amp 0 112:0 in ht. Paul. jinn, 31° ’1; IQSE of $111).h ,-)_ 1393' «7.3. Hofland. m mu! sun 6145,1351 s 01th; The Reiz 3v w“ North “b1 ' d3} ; 103$: ’qmred ‘ . ‘8' hr- ( ’Immlss I paid Revenu“ E ‘11] H}. the income 365.000. “’0 new, thr 'er clry Impofi: assigned on A company are about, 390,0” . , “â€" v- w VIII-l“? El“ closed the Fist National ‘39.? 1;: film; antic. Conn.. Thgncapi . m . $1M):000, and it hag‘xbecomo nape-Ind, It IS sald. Mrs' Delis/1‘. shmeu. Aged manor of Charles Stewart ‘ knocked ' unconscious and W of s tow dollars in change near Bordmown, N. 1., on April 18th. ‘ "vuvuu “St the oozisfiifiuency‘ . â€"â€" “w, lynched near Greenwlle, Ala. , on 20th bya band of about 100 men. were lynched for the murder of Murphy, at young farmer, nephew late Gov. “'atts. North_Da.kota Milling 1m:..s:._ one whose sight is defective. He bu ., , ‘ full line of glasses and is to be found at. I 1 “E Turner Drug 00’: Stores, two doors eat of iI’ust, Ofioe. . . .‘ms TURNER DRUG 00.] I HARRY KENDALL will fit'gm for my- The 33 any resistané; division of V‘Vic {Kelly} McCarth onchitis ‘ is Slightly bet- bl the Pu: W eel: In Hulda; the Bh- “IT of the World. What Our Neighbor-slag“ Done During National Manuhgumg and Jew- Inqmrting ((1 on April 19th. “Sets Of ny are $146,000, “the iiibilifie: Nu] tun FOR BIG N Lost His Sight ! “awesomonm Lb of coma and warts small sum of tWenty- Lent at v- ~‘t “VOL“ Bureau isafiyshthe revenue from e-tax will amount to about. 815,- ‘W wholesale fur and hateatab- ‘5 T‘EmPhW9 finch 8:. Skinngr. 1 to resist tie (ax-many. “d er- Balfour f maiptaining zrvamves an Politics. Mr. 700d 861171-033 3’" by 62 " announpes er pro. “J umus, ’ France, an inundated :re was 8.

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