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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 9 May 1895, p. 3

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-â€"M:-. Jam Baptia of Springxilie, was in tor the horse show on Head: my, m b'die‘Rtmm-zn a. on} F‘ *imopping of all kinds done zit" the Octagon mills, 6c. per kg: Done at. shortest. notice. 12-3111. â€"Reeve Preston and DeputyReeve John Vance of vaers were in town on Monday attending the horse show. â€"-We are pleased to see. Miss Mamie Cochran so fur improved as to be able to be out again. â€"\V. Thexton has received this wmk one car of fresh‘greyfime also one car of fresh whine lime. 15 2 â€"Mr. R. Staples of Gavan, an old resident of town was in on show day and called on the REPORTER. â€"â€"Mr. S. W. Clark spent Sunday visiting with friends in NOX‘WQXXL -â€".\l r. J. C. Kel‘s went. up toToron- to an Tumday taking in the excursion. ~The Rev. Mr. Balaton, the new Baptist minister. Bailieboro, and Mrs. Buntou were in town yesterday. â€"â€" armer’s Lace and Buckle Plow Boot»: only cost (We. and $1. 00 at W. ARCHER'5.13 ~Some great. bargains in village pmpenies call and/See list of same. G30. Soomsmx.‘ 44 â€"-Jas.Fa.x will appear at the 24th of May concert. in the town hall. Don’t fail :3 have an evening’s laugh with Jim. -â€"-“. header: is_ selling shingles very cheap. He ab?) has a good heavy horse for sale.14 3 â€"L$Wyers Stmtton and Edmison of Peterbotongb were in town on Mon day attending the Division Court, both having important cases. baking pow'derz Sold by J. “A. Vacs, for 15¢. perlb in cans 12- â€"â€"We beg to congratulate Mr. J. W. Russel! upon In. successful ex- :uninations at McMastcr University from which he graduated with honors. have full charge. Mr. lime goes \Sonth for his health on the advise of his physician and we wish him speedy very. As 501:7 Brier Richards’ fly and ateention to business, we E333 that neither the readers of the no: the advertiser will have wwwmphin. â€"â€"8100,000.DO of private funds to loan at 5 per cent. GEO. SOUTIIERAN, Minbrook. _ 44 â€"Mr. John Mulligan, President of the Midland Loam Port. Hope, has been in town for a day or two with his brother, Mr. Henry Mulligan. ’t. fail to see -Wm. ARCIIERS new â€"stock of Fodwear for spring. The goods are up to (bite and at prim to suit the times 13. -â€"Thc advance in sugar 0’! a half cent. per poupd will not be felt. much by the consumer, who may yet. obtain twenty pounds or over of granulated for the dollar- __.Upward of 100 cnoicc farms from 50mm up $0300 acres, for sale at. ,. and npfiu torms to suit. the times. (:39. vamsngtx. Millbrook. 44 PETERBOROUGH. ONTARIO. «)I'RSRS IS BOOKKREPING. SHORT- huml. Arithmetic. “firing. and ’1‘ po. writing. 1‘ nthroomonths‘wursc this‘ ‘all can-nu. or termnwritc -â€"]t is said that large bodies move slowly, but VIM! the Editor of the flavours: got. widxin range of the heels of Lewic Gordon, it, was difiicult to know which moved the quicker. You can get At the â€"- -\\‘c are iufiwmed that. the new ' paint. in the Melihmlist church, Czwan, sticks we", espcclfl-ib- m the velvet. dress and other soft. ulaznerigxls that were worn last Sunday, but. the day was hot. â€"“ Our Grandml‘rt'ncrs ” drank gooz} tm years agfl, “113' Jihuld we not use the best? The Mazawauee is the finest. Ceylon Ten grown, iwautiful flavours RIM g 40c, 50c. and 60¢. per nâ€"n And School of Shorthand, 1 n our Cough 8} mp or E1- lion 5 5) mp of Horchound, for Coughs and Colds. PURE DRUGS. PA TEIVT fillilflCl/VES. TOILET ARTICLES, Etc. In: ram 36 awn WC. unu ovc. per “*ALII- Mom, sole ugcns, 353 Um; ”I... Peterboro. _.Mr. Lane of_the Mirror, Omcmee, has sold out his Interest. in the paper to Mr. RM who will hereafter -Have you trjed _ ‘f Dairy gream " DRUG GO’S STORES Setepbope’ Bu§i92§§ @ollege Try our Frostilcnc for the hands. no In; wx.p.c.and - m‘i’gfi pm TURNER Agency C. P. R. Telegraph Co. 7c Cigars. Pipes, Etc. â€"Perhaps the best drove of cattle that ev er came into )Iillbrook were brought in last week b} 311-. Jos. Daw- son of South Monavhnn. to be shipped to the Old Country by 111.1110 Eakins. They were seven four year old steers, weighing 1:300 lbs. each for which Mr. Dawson received the handsome sum of $500 )Ir. Dawson fed these animals on his ranch in South )lonaghan and t'2: re is little doubt that they paid l.i- u well and it would be a. good thing if more of that class of stock were mixed. â€"Clara Ford had been acquitted by the jury of the murder of Young W estwood at. the trial held last week in Toronto. The confession which she made nftex her anesb did not seem to be believed by the iurv, she hming sworn that it was 1iuntr11e and giwn under great p11<sure and agitation While the verdict seems t- have hen-X 1emiv ed with approval t-hn unansmr Manon still remains who killed the young man. â€"VVO understand that Mr. Alf, Raperhns made arrangements to occupy the Dominiun How. intending to renovate it from celiur to gun-e: and run it as a tempemm-e i‘fifiSt‘ wlnh special attention to the requirements of the travelling public. We wish him every success, feeling certain that the house will be properly conducted. «\Ve did not. anticipate that our comm. the Times would take kindly to our words of admonition, that some- thing which is lackiw in their upper story precluded any such hopeful con- clumfiun, but. there isu. prospect that there will yet be a change of ways. We haven’t. lost hope yes, however, having observed others who had wandered as far from the path of self- respect and decency come to their pro- per senses. Neither are we anxious to haw the lust, woxd will; Such fish-wife sort of individuals who revel in scatter- ing thl'r dirty offal ‘hich should be kept, at home to cover up their own unsavory carcasses. Just try to pull yourself together DIP-Times, although i the task may be hercu'mu, “ For his thoughts were law, To vice industrioxis, hug}, noble: deeds, -â€" “'9 have received a copy of the Huntsville Enhrpriza, a new paper started in the northern part. of our province and from its general nmkc.up and matter it has stnrtml right in from the first to give its romlers a. firstâ€"class paper. \Vith tho Ell/Gilll‘il'i’ at Hunts ville and friend Whnlloy's new one at Parry Sound, the residents of the rocky north will not be at a. Ioss for vigorous reading. â€"The Rev. Dr. Armstrong of Ottawa, son of Mr. John 1). Armstrong of our Village, is a candidate for the chair of apologeucs and Chuxch history in Knox L‘pllege, To- ronto. made vacant by the resignation of the Rev. Prof. Gregg. Dr. Arumrong was unanimoufly nnnxin:v.tcdf0l‘11w position at yesterday’s meeting of the Presbytery of Ottawa. '{ihu’rous and 315mm” ‘ and you will yet have fine respect for yourself and receive fmmiour townsmen that recognition which finrity is sure to bestow. It. is time 3'1 had learn ed the 01“ “dag? “ht“?“tho: who live in -â€"Messrs. \V. '1‘. “Wood, R. Van Homrigh and H. Hunter wont. out to Port Hope on Saturday to join with the town boys in a game 05 Cricket with Trinity College. Beaver says they were lx‘uwn by five runs but the result Would have been more dismtrous had it not been for the Millbrook con. 1:: ngent. glass houses should not \row stones.” If you could only “96' yourself as others see you,” 3'0“ Mid do with voum-‘IE as you did hut ml; with your hmarks, hide be-twem :«3 folds of the papcr where 0111): Kb?) uric seekers Would find YD“, bemg 2mmed of your- self as you were of vour rticle. -Thc so: vice in the Presbyterian church which has been held M, 1030 a..m during the winter has been changmi [)3le to the 01d hour Of 3 p m comuu 21cm" next. Sunday. Service also 111 tho 0v cning _.Capt. Winslow has so far weaver. ed from his attack of Pnemnonin as to return home hut. week and although looking «)1!chth shakey, we are glad to 311» him able to be out driving. Mrs, Winslow also returned from the 800 last, week. -â€"Divisinn Court, on Monday helped to add to the mnnhm of farmers who came in to the spring fair. The singing of the court. w as extended into the evening and m on then some cases was held max for next, court. J udno chchum px'0sidod on the bench â€"Wo are in receipt. of a new march, the (L J. 0., by Mr. L. F. Clan-y which is said by musics! experts (.0 shnw oxcvptinuul merit. “'0 congratm 11130 Fred upon his success in that line along with his other studies. -â€"-.\Xan\'m's Sunday School Conven- tion. will he held on \Vedncsday May 29th, m the Presbyterian church, Pontypm). A good program has been preparvd and a. successful convention may be expected. THE RIGHT PLACE“ BUY TOILET SETS, TEA STS, DINNER SETS, LEMh‘ SETS, ICE CREAM SETS, ‘HIHY SETS, ('LASS AND CIIINA TBLE SETS â€"â€")Iujur McLean, of Port Hupe, was in town on Monday and in his own smiling way was making hm,- While the Sun shines. He states his entirqr mtisfaction with the political prospects for the general election. Our 25c. Japan T01. for 20 Best. brands in Canned. Sod Higgins’ Eureka. Salt. 5‘ it»; Best. Dairy Salt fgilhe market. Groceries. Eggs and butter taken in efigh‘gc. You can make Porfid c - " with it. pnddma H. MCCARP'NIEY China I‘Zall SWISS F' kthe use of Machinery The five stories selected are to be come the absolute property of the Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., with their codyright in perpetuity. The dicision of the committee and the counting of votes to be absolute and final, and all persons entering the competition agree, by doing so, to accept the dicision of the committee and the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co. as final on all points whatsoever. Correspondence in regard to unsuc- cessful MSS. declined, even when stamped envelopes are sent ; an:r stamps so sent (for any other purpose than the return of the MS. at the time of first sending) will be put in the poor box. age. Unsuccessful manuscrips will be re- turned when stamps are sent for post.- The Dr. \Villiams’ Medicine (30., will take all precautions to safe-guard MS. entrusted to their care, but in no case do they assume any responsibility for fire, accident or loss of unsuccessful MS. Authors are thercfcre advised to keep copies. “2}! v“;- distributed throughout the Dominzon, and each will contain a voting paper upon which readers will be invited to express their preference. The story obtaining the highest num- ber of votes will be awarded the first prize. The one obtaining the second highest number will be awarded second prize, and so on until the five prizes are awarded. The voting will close on the first day obi December, 1895, and the com- mitt l will then publish the names of the :ccessfnl conipetitow and the order of merit. The stories must be original. Any one sending copied matter will be liable to punishment of fraud, and a prize of $25, is offered to the first person who points out the fact. that any story passed by the committee is otherwise than original, in the unlikely event of such an oversight occurring. All stories entered in the competi- tion must. be addressed to the Dr. \Villimns Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont.., and marked on the envelope “For Literary Competition." Decision will be made as follows :â€" All slmies submitted will be referred to a r‘ompetent committee who will decidt which are the best five stories. These stories will then be published in plmnphlet form, iwhieh phamphlets All stories for competition must reach the Dr. \Villiams’ Medicine 00., Brock-ville. 0115., on or before the first day of J uly, 1895, and should be mark ed “ l-‘br Literary Competition.” Manuscripts to be sent flat or folded â€".\'br ROLLED. I We impose no limitations whatever ‘as to the nature of the topic written “pen, and the scene of the story need no! xieccessarily be laid in Canada. al- though competitors must be residents of Canada, as above stated. Nories entered in the competition mm be written on one side of the paper only, and when possible type- writxen. The above cut represents the best. Wind. mill in the nmrkeh. If you want to we (we at work can on John Fania, Richard Fullis, George Campbell. Hootan Bros., 13 Con., Gavan. Alex Hunter. her manuscript, and shall send with the manuscript a. sealed envelope hear- ing on the outside the pen name, ini this or motto attached to the story, and containing inside it, the full name and midress of the writer thereof. We make thirteen different. kinds, and handle every known style of Iron Pumps. Our Eureka for stock is mm: 03.1! on, or write For the story pronounced the best $100 will be given. For the second best 9575. For the third best $60. For the fourth best $40. For the fifth best. 825. The competition is open to residents of the Dominion of Canada, who have never won a cash prize in a. story com- petition,.nnd is subject to the follow-i ing rules :â€" i Each story to contain not more than three thousand words. The writ-er of the story shall affix a pen name, initials or motto to his or The Above Amount WIII be Dcvlded Anions the Writer- of the Ben: Five original Storlon‘ne Companion Open to All Bonn l‘ltle Resident.» of Canada. With a. view to assisting in the development of literary talent in Can- ada, The Dr. Williams’ Medicine (30.. of Brockville, Ont“, will award prizes amounting to 3300 among the writers of the best five short original stories submitted in the competition as follows:â€" n. WALTER .. Three Hundred Damn; Offend in Prizes. MILLBROOK. ‘ .x._v. o. Pills m and rezulnte THE DR. "TALL-I MS' MEDICINE 00., BROOK VILLR, ONT. umps. LITERARY COMPETITION. We would like to know who disturbed prayer-meeting on Friday evening? Why Bill looks so sad this spring? Why Dave don’t go East so often now? Daniel Ritz, Proprietor and Publisher of the Hamberg, Ont., Independent says: “ was suffering from Dyspepsia and Liver Trouble, I took a. few bottles of Shiloh’s Vitalizer audit, cured me. I can heartily recommend it.” Sold bv A. LEACH. The Cedar Valley foot-bell team met. last Tuesday evening and re-orgunized for the season. the following were elected as officers: '1‘. Thompson, who acled as Captain last year, not wishing the position any longer J. Firdluy was appointed Captain; 1). Arm- strong, Secretary ; S. Hall, Treasurer ; Clair Moore. Field Captain; T. Thompson, C. Moore, A. Reynolds and J. Isbister, Execu- tive Committee. Any of the local teams wishinr to arrange for a. match thh the Cedar 'aliey Rangers can do so by addresâ€" sing theirletters to the Secretary. Frazer- ville post, office and we think they wxll find the boys an agreable gentlemanly lot with considerable knowledge of football. L. O. L., No. 4'21, met on Thursday even- ing last when the fife and drum band. under the leadership of Prof. Pemlmrbou, played some beautiful selections. “ Hurrah for Kips Billy.” _ \lr. Louis and Miss Essie Hutchinson, spent Sunfiay with their old friend J. H. T: ~ We understand Mr. Smnuel M chm and Mr. J 01m Carroll have entered into partner- ship farming. This will give John a chance to_d_iali§gui§h higsplf n_.s a pork: d_cul_e_r. _ Mr'. J58. Deyell left, last. .week for Yankee- town where he intends to remain for some time. The weather has again begun to feel like fining. The farmers are almost done seed- Our Literary entertainment held on Wed- nesday May hat, was a. decided success. The program ran as follows : Opening â€"Song by the Children, I’m er by the Rev. Mr. Allen, Song by Liil'or Choir, Recitation by Miss Washington of Bethany, Instrumental by Miss ('lalhrnith of Bethany, Recitation by Miss Mary Cnirnes, Song by Liilord Choir, Recitation by Miss Bertha Galbraith of Bethany, Song by the Children, Recita- tion by Miss Mable Wyley, Song by the Lifi'orrl Choir, Recimcion by Miss “fishing ton, Duct by Miss Grand y and M iss Mable Wyley, Recitation by Misa Laura. Davinson, Closingâ€"Song by the Choir. Our next en- tertainment will take place in the course of a. month, bhe (1M8 yet unknown. The funeral of the bite Mrs. Myers took lace Wednesday last. April 24th, and was argcly attended by Borrowing friends and acquaintances, she being one of the oldest settlers of Manvers. ONT., writes: After giving ihe K. I). C. a. fair trial, I am satisfied it isthe best remedy for Dyspepsia ever brought, within my reach. I have found it all that. it. is claimed in its Free Sample of K. D. C. mailed {0 any addyess. h. D. C. 00., Luk, New Glasgow, N. S‘, or 127 State Sn, Boston, Mass. The farmers in this vicinity are about done sending and “ I wish it Would min ” is lhg cry. _ M‘i'ss Annie Smith has again resumed duties at the residence of Mn. obt Shaw. 0f Hood’s Smsaparilht wins friends wher- ever it is fairly and honestly trigd. To have perfect hculth, you must have pure blood, and the best, way to have pure blood is to Lake Hood’s Snrsapmillu‘ the best, blood purifier and strength builder. It expcls all min: of scrofula, salt rneum and all other humors, and at the same time builds up the whole system. behalf, and have much pleasure in recom- mending it as a most, excellent remedy. .c- Mr. John Shea, who for the past. eight, weeks has been so arriously ill is recovering very slowly, but under the skillful treat- ment of Dr. 'I‘. G. Brercton we hope to see him arqud 2300:} again. Mr. w. J. matey, princiml of M t Pl‘emnt school, spent Sundgy lust $3.111 friends here. 7 Mr. J. Peel and G. Hutchinson of Beth- any spent Sunday with friends in meers. Mr. G. H. Shea of Lindsay, C. J., spent- Enstnr Vacation with friends in Mnnvers. Mr. B. Stacey, teacher of Ergylo school, spent ashort time in our village Suturdny III. Classâ€"Peal Gibson, Maud Stewart, Ethel Maren, Willie Byers. II. Classâ€"16m Wmslow, Crystal Stewart, Part II. Classâ€"Harold Hillier, Lulu Brown. Part. I. Donnel‘y. , Sen. IV. CIassâ€"Anmc Brock, Richard Stewart. "(Imki "1v. Classâ€"Robert. Gibson. Alvin Lo_qgh, I_da Brawn! fig-bert kougjn.fl list. Is it desirable to take care of the health and do in reasonable amount of “ork, or to indulge in stimulants in order to accomplish more? To give pills and purgutives for sluggislmoss of the liver is like giving a weak man whiskey to keep him working. The excite the digestive organs to over war but, leave them weaker and less able to perform their functions. Iseljuy's Liver Lozveges assist. nature to do its Work and at the same time strengthen the diges- tive system. They are :5 cents a. box or 5 boxea for a dollar at all drug stores. .... \Ir. Smy th, our Blacksmith, has one to work for ySylvcsber Brothers, Limsay for the summer months. Captain Sweedv U. S. A.. San Diego 051., says: “Shuoh’s Catnrrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would dome any good.” Price 50 cents. Sold by A. Luau Items of interest, forwarded by Tm: REPORT Ell'S own Correspondents. The annual vestry meeting was held in the basement of Christ. church on Easter Monday. The Rector, the Venerable Arch- deacon Allen, in the chair. Mr. Church Warden McCamus presented the accounts which were ver satisfactory. shewing one hecdred and fi cy dollars paid off the debt w ' 3x1: during the ym.‘ Mr. Tm. L; ' N unummously elected parish- "W ‘M‘ the war, find the J AS. T. C. LANG, General Merchant, - Gentreville. The Centreville Merchant, Is now receiving his Spring Stock and his customers will have an opportun- ity of selecting'the many articles re quired for spring from a. carefully sel- ected and nobby stock of goods. He has, without doubt, the finest stock ever shown in Centrcnlle and as his motto is “ Quick Sales, Good Value and Small Profits,” you are sure to xe~ ceive satisfaction. Jas. T. 0. Lang REV-1.“- W.LBGGQTT..BR.DQKL.IN. Hmd‘ s Pills me prompt and. etficient, 2.} Beautiful [{nnds FOR SPRING. CORRESPONDENCE. I. Classâ€"Lizzie Kinsman, Willie TIII“. liIZSI‘INE MERIT S. S. NO. 13. (IA VAN. CEDJR I'JLLE 1'. “'lllfll IS llll-‘ll’l‘? FLEET "'001). BAILIEBORO. SPRING SPRING CARMEL. Joe Clarkaa m. Lucas, 'he ‘4' " >w @002 >m <OC On... > 20.202 O>rr OZ He is doing it up brown this your ill Lixcliuc 0f Spring Suits and Overcoats. The Niccst, Newest and Cheapest pieces for Suitings \hat could be f‘qud on the market. For slylu, fit and finish inc guarantees all his war k. If you give him a trial urdur you are sure of sutisfzuziinn. The Latest Noveis and the At 10:st inspect my stuck and not my price before going vlsowlwrt». Merchant Tailor, We sometimes meet with people who are insolent with those that do not readily full in with their idea. of working irrespective of t‘. 01ri\ilege every man has 5 id should uhe of thinking for himself about the best ways of improving the moral condition of the com- munity Without interfering with the neecw snry accommodation of the public before something better is fourd to take its place. There is a great truin of evils mound us the least of which clinging to us will ultimately ruin us no matter how free we may be from greater ones and if the some time which is spent. in pursuing some particular evil was used in rectifying the grout source of good or evil u more ell'ectii'e and lasting work would be done. If You Want We believe the Pairpoint L‘hmufacmzing Co‘s. goods are gcncmily recognized as the best. in the m'uket. We keep u. full line and have control of their goods for Port Hope. If you want n. nicc JABEZ MILLER, Gaze right into YOUNG’S Confoc- tionary Window and see his Mr. Jas. L. Fair has a. thoroughbred Dur- ham bull hm yams uld 28th of Apxil LL51. weinhing 1509 Hm, which Look the 13st prize at the Millbxook splin" .shmx lust give us a call. Our prices are ri 'ht. No trouble to show you our gem s. George sh, WEDDING PRESENT, BIRTHDAY PRESENT, H. B. MCFEE, On account of the small intomst manifest- ed in Lhe weekly prayer meeting here which has been slimly attended this means of grace has been postponed indefinitely, cnn- soquemly ”it: people wiil have msufl'cr what, may yet prove to be a. greater loss Lo them than what they imagine under their present way of viewing the all important business of life. Look 1 BEHOLD i CENTRE VI LL10. We regret to note the sudden death last Friday of M rs. Geo. Woods, and the people in this part sympathize with the bereaved husband and family in their and ullliction of being so suddenly deprived of u. loving wife and mother whose loss will be nut, only felt by them, but also by her mnm’ friends among whom she was highly respected and esteemed. Don’t. stay outside, and have a. drink Cool, Refresbggg, The Reeve Robb. Fisher. Esq , Mr. W. M. Morrison and Mr. Jnhn Ridden were in Ottawa. lust. \\"eduesdn.y, interviewing the government. for n. grant towards the bridge and report a very favourable reception. Héalthy. ‘ Fresh Confectionury and Fruits ar- riving every week. Have you seen our nice Jam and Jelly in 7 lb. Pails, very cheap. , Jnudny. We have in stock Bananas. Oranges, Lemons, Apples, Dates and Figs. 0111‘ Sodas and Fame); Cakés are al- ways fresh, up to {late and the price is right. ('l‘hcvnbove was received to late for last wegk.) , The council held a meeting on Monday, Mn: ‘29le um, when by-luw Nu. 130 grunting the sum of $2me towards buildng tho bridge across the river Otmmbec was read a. third ting-signed and senlcd, The dwelling house on the farm occupied by Messrs. Jmncs and William ()‘llum, owned by Mrs. Sarah Smithson was destroy- ed by fire on Saturday ; fortunately in large portion of the contents were saved. The buildings were insured in the Dominion Mutual for Jill). Sparks on the roof are supposed to be the cause. The council held :1 meeting an Monduv. Do you want. a Violin, Autoharp, Mouth. organ or Jewsharp ‘3 .10 to YOUNG’S. Good sqpnre Lunch at any hour 15c. J Good Square Lunch M. any hour 15c. J. OBIN SON YOUN ‘ “â€"5- n-‘ ‘1“1. Your many readers will be pleased to hear that. the Provincial Govern men I, granted the sum of $2.500 towards building Hm. ln-idgp across the river Obonnhco on conditions that, the township raised $2M!) and that the Dominion Government gnve $4M). It. is intendéd Lt; hold it de'vcr service in Christ, chtuch on or about the last. Sunday in May. Brown, in addition m Mr. Robert Wuml, Mr. (E. L, Fair. Mr. H. Armstrong, Mr. Thos. \\'n_ocl and Mr. “\er3:. [mug rc-electcd. On motion of Mr. J. W. Lugs, Rwanda?! by Mr. G. L. Fair, Mr, Samuel Smithson “"33 glcgtgd 151.): rcpx:esg:ptutiyc. SILVERWARE “ There‘s nothing so wood as the best.’ -â€"AND INâ€" S AILSBURY’S Newest Fashion Books Soda Fountain CENTREVILLE. Jeweller â€"- Port Hope. H. a. McFEE, BOOKSTORE. THAT NSBBY SPRING SUi'T. Write or Call at 80 U T]! ”IONA (1 IL! I". but come right, in which is at once Invigorating and Centevilie. Petarbnm 6:"... 61¢. AW’AY WITH Cll SLY ITS. MILLTNERY. UO< )Tb' A N l) SIN )ES (:ROOERIES. PARASOLS, Extra Valup. LACE CURTAINS, All Prices. LADIES’ VESTS, Scents. A SPLENIHD RANGE OF LADIES AND CHILDREN’S BLACK HOSE IN PLAIN AND RIDBED, FROM 100. UP, FAST BLACK. CURTAIN POLES, Complete 25c. ‘SEE OUR CARPETS, WALL PAPER. AND UEHER AL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. SOME BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS IN TAPESTRY COVERINGS F0]! CHAIRS AND LAMPS. M EN’S FELT AND STRAW’ HATS. BOY’S STRAW' HATS, 25c and 355a SIU‘IETINGS. TABLE LINE."S. T()\\"ELLINGS. SEE UV}: CLOTHING. I:L\.\’EBALL AND BAT GI VEN Do you wum « .3110! Harness this Spring? If No cull on HI: (3n)"i\u )Inl saliufnction. He is turning ”It‘ll! out fustul‘ and cheaper than ever. HI- can giw \‘Ull zl puir of SlIm-I- Pill'w (‘ ollurs for Si :31). lilll‘!)l's<“il£lt 15c. Icr pint. Conch Oil III 13m [IUII piIII. \\' hip“) all kinds and III. all Inius. ('IIII IIIIl M'l} hi»: stpck of (‘Iub V: llihLS. Hucnngiu: IIIII :I b‘ raid" on them. Large ’lI.I.IclliIIg\ 'IIII. III gum. variety. Ivan pran- In you that I am doing better work and m lurk-m .1: pm- cunt. below any other Shot) in NIL-district. .171“ I will no! hv undursnld in Igny. branch of the mmm- ‘~ :xml my \yprklmmshxp ls guumnn- Luc‘l (iivc lm} :5},qu Is manufacturing a large quantity of his improved That Deiehrated Harrow. this spring. It would be to the advan- tage uf intending purchasers to call and impact this hzu'x'ow before buying, as its is unsurpassvd in the market, for stronghh, lightness and durability. For refaronce call and hem' what others say, that. have used in. F01 Spring, 1895, ranging in price from SC. and upwards. Beautiesâ€"all of them. You are invited to come and look at them. A pleasure to show them whether you buy or not, Farmers Attention! Harness. Those requiring 17.11 m Iml‘rlcmcms of any kind will find it. to then :u, vantage to see our line before purclmsmg. Farmers’ implements Assets and Liabilities of the Village of Millbmlik l’or llie Year 1894 Now is the time to bring in your Mowers and Harves‘u'mg Machinery and have the game put. in good repair, before needed for 'usc. Castings and repairs for a makes of plows, n'nd 9'" assortment. of repa_ 15 for far- ,_,.A ALA“. .IAAL Sewing Machines and Organs of the best makes, sold on easy terms. Spe- cial attention aid to the repairing of Organs an Sowing Machines. Satisfaction guaranteed. Fresh Arrivals This Week. ('rya‘ W. STRAIN, W. Tinney â€"â€"(’,)I*‘â€"â€" Cavanville ALWAYS READY I STEEL HARROWS W e, the findémigucd Alldl' ows, and an assortment. of reps. 3 for far- 311: December, 189! and fauna J ‘c. Uastmgs and repmrs xor “51mm“ ox stock. 1 \ - mers implements always kep, ' NEW PRHNTS yam! Block. Opposite Examiner Oflicc, George Same?" I Petevborough Miss Rudkins W. TINNEY. REPAIRING DONE. sa. ', F1 RST A RRXVALS OF LADIES! W ITH CH H‘J)HE;\'S IN REPAIRING I‘m" itvaumma-u 4.3“...“ w Co. 3 pieces Union Carmts. new patterns, worth 35c , sale price. _ 5 pieces Union Carpets, new pat Imus Worth 50“., min price, , 4 pieces Union Carpets. new path-rm, wrmh Um: sale,- prim: . . Wool Carpets at 50c., 05c., and 751:. Those are “huh-min pu' 'l‘atpcstry Carpets at 25c.. Mu, 40c. and 50c. Brussels Carpets at 7%., We. $1, $1.10 and $1.25 Axmiuscer Carpets only. . . . 2,000 yards Crinkle Zephyrs, sum everywhere at 25c., mn' prim: 1,000 yards Flaunchte, sold ewuywhcrc at San, our prim- ...... l,000 yards (:rcy Cation. sold everywhere at Tu,, our price. . , , 500 yards Check Ginghnms. worth $0., our price. ‘ ‘ . . . . , . 200 yards American Gingham, worth 15¢. our price. . . . l00.yu.rds Cretonne. Worth 12.1. -., our price ....... . . _ . . . 100 yards Art M uslin, for curtains, “'0th l‘.’§(:., our prim,- Butter goods equally (‘IH'HIL Give that old “ Buck Number ” a Resting Place and buy one of the “ Latest Spring Stylvs " from Don’t hunt fut anything wmny‘ In me. Tim-H‘s lmthiug Llwt‘v. The price has nothing to do “i111 the qu: flit}. Tim m: 1): WM: $2 mu (:ulllmalld as good a. Hat, from (A H G” h as $5 can unmmmnl vlfimxhi- -r.z~ “m "with." is a. little peculiar. \\ mluut h: uv lu liu- ml' Hats :Llum. \\'«-'rv nut, Imuud to any txndiLiomLI notions 0f big prufibs. 'l‘lmdifi‘c‘rmlcv which mukm it <0 is... we buy direct, from the makers. That’s why we gut, xuvh .‘l grip on Carpet and Curtain Department. You were never made fur the HM, yuu know. Tho H :11,w:1.< mmln {up "(.u' If you like to be ahrmsb with the tinu-s, 1'1-pInL'o tlmi old 1mm? Hack 111111.11)», of our Tnmlers for 1595. huughL frum the lu-st helm-ins of England and Ann-1;, icn. 0111' Hans are ALL NEW Laivsl in 411:.1pc‘uml (dour: .qul and uifi; Qualities are. gmndily «mum 'nus -â€".~:c: 1111:1le :1 «.11 111111 u,“ '11 find ,,,i\,:.,2‘_1w_ causc we ham the biggest Hat Slum \\ 1111111 111110.».- uf I’nu-zlmmwrk and malgcs prices 10s}. Th: 11’s the plain fact 11f 1}“ 111:111101'. C.- 111 31:11 lcatch on? ALWAYS GOOD AT (-OUG H S T110 L arm 1 11:1111 rs ( l plhivrs and Men’s F umishers. Tho \Voudcrful Chmp M111. Be‘t‘lcr goods equally cheap. 600 I’umsols at wholesale prices. See Our l'nmsols at. . . . 1,0001mir Ladies’ Black Cashmere Hose, worth 233e,, sale pricv ...... We challenge the trade to show you anything as gnarl at RS: 1.000 pair Pure Silk (Hows. worth 40m, our price ............... 500 yards Laces, wux‘Lh 155., our price .......... . .................. 500 yards Laces, worth 2%,, our price .......... . Staple and Cotton Washing Goods. Abstract Statement of Receipts and Expenditures of the Village of Millbreek fer the Year 1894. The business in this Department is UK: but, we ever had. Tin,- law 10 Huts, nicely trimmed, worth $1.75, sale price ................. 10 Hats, Stylish and new, trimmed, worth $23.25, sale plicu. . . . . . .. 15 HMS trimmed in the laws: aIylcs. Worth 32.30. Huh: price. ‘ . , 1:") Hats trimmed in the latest styles, worth $12.75, 5:11.: [tx'i-‘c ...... '25 Trimmed Hubs and Bonnets, latest. styles. wux-th . ..::5, sale px'i-‘r 10 Black Lace Kata, trimmed, worth $3.50, sak- pricc ........... Hosiery, Glove and Lace Department. Millinery Department. 5 J uckct Samples, worth $: , sale pricp If you want. any of our Capes don’t (10121" as they .Lu-i- §1§liihg like hot cakes 4 Jacket Samples, worth .5“) ' J, sale price.. ................... EY,A_IA.. n I .I -. . . 1,000 yards French A11 \\'.mi Scrzes, 40 inches wide, \mz-Lh 354..., sale price ...... '1" 500 deg All Wool caslmxeros. 1% ymwls widu, worth 51h:., min pricv ............. if“ 600 yards Fimwm! Sam) Dress Goods, worth (15¢, sale price ...................... 'r'“ 400 yards muck Sumh Silk. worth 75¢, sale pricc ........................... a” 500 yards Colored Sumla Silk, Wolth 500., sale pricv ....................... - - - ‘ 4" 100 yards Black Poi dc Soi _ 5‘ 0" Silk, guaranteed not 10 out, war! I; $.35, sale price Mantle Department. 15 Capes, vorth $1.25, sale price. 15 Capes. worth -,'2.25. sale price 15 Capes, worth $3.50, sale price v , _ Dress Goods Department Encouraged b3' the success of our bargain d-w trade durim ' 'w' w . . . . «. ,. , . um * W") have again decided 5.0 make bA'lUIHUH' our Bargain Day gr»: I his Sagan. 3 "u mm Al wuy's rely on gettingrock lmttf’m values from the I’I‘IUI’LE‘H l‘Ul'U LAB CASH Every Saturday 3p? 1“! lots \thl he elem-ed. It will pay yuu to call and see “’7" Ever’y $aturday is Bargaln Day at _ Hall, Gilchrist Co’S- Selling Hats alongside of Clot-hing and Poms and Shoes cuts «Inn-n expense; Gough Bros. WHERE DiD YOU GET THAT The Best Hat Trade. in Peterbnmugh. Village of Millbrook. 130, 132 AND 134 SIMCOE-ST., PETEBBOHUUGH Balance from 1593 Taxes ..... . ...... Town hall ....... . Sundries ......... Pound. . . . ...... . Licenses. . . . ..... Fines ............ Notes discounted. Streets and Bridge ...... School M one; s .......... Fire Proloctinn ......... Salaries ................ Bills Pug 'nblc Redeemed. School Debentures N0. 4 School Dehcnuue No.10 Public Buildings ........ Charities ............... Rebate .............. , . ‘ County Rate 1593. ..... County Rum 1894 ....... M isccllaneous .......... 139.] on hand ............ Buildings and Real E state ........ Gravel 1"“, ................. , . . . . Firc' Junginc and Hose ........... Ball of Taxes .................. Gavan Account, Schgol Debentures Agricultural Grounds School Rate ................. . School Debentures ............... Money borrowed for Gavan Street News discounted ............... 51W by we 111 lots will be. cluncd. I! “i“ 1“." ynu 10 ml! and 990 'rl-‘f WEEK’S BARGAIN LIST. HAT? Excess of Assets over Liiddlitim Better Goods at lowest Cash Prices. EXPENDITURE. LIABILITIES. RECEIPTS ASSETS. ‘ I have cxummed the em corn-cl. :tlwn- accounts fur u. “(HUNTER J. BEATTY,- pricev. :10 i1. "ER’PQ ‘ “WW I $18353 5 "$181 86 .8112: w 100 no 2400 NR 1.!) 4 2% £406 04 91 17 3:47 00 1 no «:23 92 )4 00 1237? ex plogions. «no 36 799 40 370 us 432 z 301 (0 0-35 “3 ('0 291 03 ISO (90 317 (v2 216 39 2.00 ‘1 H; I0 u)". 20 If) 50 zomplet'c ml beat 59d

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