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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 30 May 1895, p. 2

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.6.-. .. -. ....... , , , , 3d haalth ngd prosperity during the year. After devotional exercises conducted by w. Joe. Kilgour, the examination of pro- tioners was continued and satisfactorily ished. Mr. J. W, \Vindsor, supply at Lawathu Indian mission, was recommended Conference to be received as a. probation- . Rev. A. L. firown, Coma, was recom- ended for ordination and Revs. S. J. Green, '. H. Fulford, R. Emberson and W. J. :ngg were continued on probation. A: the close of Tuesday’s session It Dis- not Epworth Lcagiic was provisionally or. mixed. with these officers :â€" Honorary Presidentâ€"Rev. W. R. Young. . A., Peterbm‘o. President Rev. Wm. Limbert., Lakefield. Secretary-'J'rensurexâ€"Rev. W. C. Beer, etcrboro. Execu‘ivc Committeeâ€"The officers and Levs. T. Snowden, Pomypool ; J. E. Robo- m, Warsaw : I). N. McUamus, Milibrook, m1 Messrs. W. A. Nurthcy. Selwyn, and (orb. Garvin, Lakefieid. be annual mceLing of the l‘etcrhornugh‘ Lrict of the Bay of Quinte Conference ned Tuesday morning of last, week at 10 “ck in the C harlottc-st church, I’cterboro. {e\" \V. R. Young, B. A.. the chairman lhe district, was in the chair and there re present :â€"Revs. E. Crag, J. J. Rue, C. Beer, I’cterboro; I); N. Mchmus. llbrook; Joseph Kilgour, Gavan; Wm. nbert, Lakefield; T. S. McKee, FraSur- .e;A. L. Brown, Cnvan South: J. E. beson, Warsaw ; G. R. Clare, 8. J. Green, .dgenorth; R. Allin and \V. J. Crugg, blmny ; T. Sncwdon, Pontypool: R. Em- . -- 1‘ ‘9 1 AMA ... :TRICT JIHETINGâ€"JBJY OI" Ql'INTl'.‘ CONFERENCE. WEDNESDAY NURSING. The general business meeting of the dis- rict. opened \\'ednesduy morning and in ad- rition to the ministers the following laymen 'ere in uttendunce:â€"Messrs. Thos. Mor- w, J. L. Hughes and R. Dcyell, Pemr- ro; R. \V. Clarke, Millbmok: Richard latchctt, Cumin; Robb. Walsh. Cumn ouLh;John Hull, Lakofield; W. C. Mun- ing and G. A. Elliott. Bridgcnorth ; '1‘. R. mlmm and \V. Howlers, Bethany; John . n \,.... elm“. II-m. mun ; 1.. nun unwa, -V..-_, W“ l ‘ ’ son and W. H. Fulford, Apslcy. 7he chairman opened the meeting bv nking the members for theirpresencc and :gratuluting them that thgy had enjoyed Rev. G. R..€ixxié, VBridgenorlh, v aimed to attend the Epworlh Leag‘ nittee at. Picton on June 8L1). ,muzuu uuu u. .n' ._., -V . , tarnicutt, I‘uulypool; Rnbcrt Shaw, Hur- ey, and Wm. Hales, Apsley. Rev. (1. P». lnre was appoined secretary, and Rev. J. Rue is acting as assistant. secretary. Rev. '. C. Beer and Mr. Thus. Mormw were leuted to audit the district schedules. (‘mcm'r Im'mn'nnuaxT. Rev. J. E. Robeson reported that 1. par- nage had been built. and furnished at War- w at a coat of $2000. Rev. Jos. Kilgom', reported that improve- ems to the amount of $130 haul been made the Camnville church. Rev. G. R. Clare reported that the Bridge- rth church had been imgroved to the vul- tel-borough : George-st. Charlotte k Mark’stu ‘ . \(illbrook.. .. . "imm ............ i‘avnn South, , ‘ .. =omh Mom-.ghnn kaotleld ......... Hridxcnorth.,.. . Warsaw ........ . a at $200. Rev. '1‘. Snowden reported that the Pont_,'« )ol parsonage had been improved at a. cost $30. Let hzmy . 'qnty‘lflol [iawut hay lzu'on- - ~ Lpslcy. . . . .\ DECREASE IN MEMBER“. The statement of membership was present. nted as follows :â€" The following laymen were alerted as dole {Mes to the annual meeting of the Bay of Quinte Conference at I’ietnn in June z»â€" llessrs Thus. Morrow, J. L. Hughes, 13. =hardy and A. L. Davis, I'eterhoro: R. W. Zlarkc, Millhrook: John Hull and .l. (" Sherin, Lekefield: RA. Elliott. Bridgvnnrth; W. “'nsson, \Varsmv: \V. Handel's, Yelver- inn: James Brock, Cavan South: \\'. S.‘ lmham, Mount Pleasant: \V. T. McGuire, ‘ ifl'ord : \V. Dawson. South Monughau. Rev. D. N MeCmnus will represent the istrict on the Sta-timing Committee along; it]: W. R. Young. who. being chairman of he. district, i< 4m ex-nllleio memher. The financial meeting of the district will ehehl in the Mark-st. church, Ashhurn- am, in September. A complimentary resolution was passed m ev. W. R. Young, T). A., for his ahle and nergetic serViccs 519 chairman of lhe (lis- rict. The pastor and people of the Char- tte-st. church were also thanked for their ospitahty during the meeting by entertain- g the delegates. CHURCH. t the (hum-e llozxrdâ€" fir. ('(mk (hm-m; .- 1 But (In-re \\:\~ no Sale. Mr. Cook begun the bidding with BC. for selections and ch05“. Norwood, Wcstwood, \V’arsaw, Lakefield, Keene, Shearer, Or- mondc and Lang, all dc‘cliuing. ‘ ,L L'_. L... Mr. Cook warned to know what the fac- tories wanted for their choose. Lakcficld asked 6%c. and Westwood 61.12. Mr. Cook then otfered Gfic for \Vcstwood. Ormonde Lakefield and and Norwood. but they would nos accept it and the board adjonmed for one week. t1 NOTIOE T0 OWNERS AND HARBGUR- ERS HF 0088. ‘EXTLAOT FROM BY-LAW N0. 200, OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF MILLBROOK. PASSED APRIL RT: 1895. That, it. shall be the duLy o; the owner of every ldog or bitch in the Corpomnon to room-o from the Clerk of the Municipality be ore the first of J une in each your :1 mg for which he shall pay to the Clerk one dollar for each (log and two dollars for each bitch owned or harbourcd by him or her. That any person found guilty of an infraction 0t thxs By-Law shall be liable to ll penalty of not. more than $5.00 and not lea: mun $1.01) and costs. 1 A M 1:: n’ A NDLEY. The cheese that was offered for sale a! the Ieese board on Tuesday of last week was )t disposed of, the offers made by Mr. 00k not being accepted. Mr. J. M. Drummond, president, \ v in 16 chair and the buyers present were lessm. Cook, Uiuxtnn, \Vx‘ighton, Fizgcr- id and Spence. Mr. Gray, x‘cprcscmiuc lr. Madden of annnt‘e. \ViLS introduced as mew buyer and took his scat. ‘ The following factories were boarded 2-â€" mxlas. heene ............. . ............ 145 Wax-minister .................. . . . . 180 thn rnr e ...... . ..... ‘50 keene ............ \\’arministcz‘ ....... Shearer ........... Westwoodn . . . . . . ‘ Central Smith ...... “Warsaw. . . . . .. .,. Kai-wood .......... Cherry Grove ..... Oakdaic ..... . ..... Missing Link ...... North Smith ..... \ Lnkcficid, ......... Mulrosc Abbey. . . . Pine Grove ........ Pcterborough ...... Otombee Union . . . . Maple Leaf ........ Ormonde. ......... . Young’s Point ..... Lang .............. Fraserville. . .. .. .. North Dummer. . .. Bubcaygl 18» Bubcaygeon . Lakeview. . . Treewem. . . Bensfort. . . . Ida. ................. Mount Pleasant. . . . , Daisy 1) ............ Fleetwood .......... IE 1)- 0- the quick reliever of waitrestion- Captain Sweedv ,_... . u Qhun N0 SJ LEN 31.11)”. Totals JAM ES HANDLEY, Constable. III 102 -’ IS! 3295 fit 216 S. A; fiat! {”039 was up- guc com- 10 m 38 H30 4“ 100 30 H." 154) 38 l 60 IS a", HEADQUARTERS FOR Hardware, Agriculturai Tools, Building Materiai, Fisherman’s Requirements complete, and 2;” 5 (p3 which made so numy friends Call and we our stuck. GU 50 n 40 lithe Surrogate Court of the Unit- .A ed Counties of Northumberland and Durham IN THE MATTER OF ESTATE OF WIL- LIAM WARD, LATE OF THE TOWN- SHIP OP MANVBRS IN THE COUNTY OF DURHAM, PARMER, DECEASED. \‘0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN PURSUANT L to R. S. 0.. 1857. Chap. 110. Sec. 36. that n“ person-1 having: Muims against the estate. of the uhovenmncd William Waml. who died on or about the Isl any of Fchrunry. 1591. are hereby required. on or before Hu- 3rd any of June. 18%. m sum) by post mqmm or delivered to Lllu undu ”gm-«l, fiulfuitm-f ' H u uxcvumr of lec n;- n...:.. “him: \mncr glu'u, \‘\Ill\§\\u u" m. ; _ W said Emu». full pan-LiL-ulm‘s of their claim 5 duly \‘crillud. and the mum-u of thc wanritics (it? any) hold by them. and than. Mlcr the said 3rd day of June mm, the executor will proceed to distribute the vsmlc of mid deco «:11 among Umsccnlitlml (hon-m. having n: nrd nniy to claims“ of whiqh l‘hcy‘shnn men have notice. '1 .v‘ngn‘v ATTEWEEEEN E Cf BLESS’ Pilate Studio, Geiden Anvil Gilli: "‘chs Potam Bug Finish, EYES; mam; FORWARD, MARCH 2 4X. PICK N 15:5 FOR CASH. Barley ().'t.~ ' Buckwheat, Cum, “01111:, l[i<l1‘s,1l1llo\\ l“«rf_:s 111111 Tron, and )4111 0:111 huv for c:1;l1 Flmn' and Feed of all kintls, 811ml "1.1111 Hi all kimlx, ’J‘inwnrv (‘1:1Ss\v:1ro,( Coal Oil, ‘5 ll1s.0f sand ”:10 1 fm‘ $1 . A1] 0 farm 111:1ul1inns, Bi11(lo1s,11l11w- ing 1\l11L-l1i11(-.<,I’o:1 Il.'11'1('s'1(11's Hursv lalco<,So1:1lv1's;111<l :1llt1tl101' kinds of 111:1clzi11os, .1lso Cl1111',11s \Vushinq M11 cl1ix1r‘s .qu \\ rinqm's. also l,:111!l Plus tor and Salt. Shingles \Vllltll 111111 b1- sold clump fur cash. I 111110 111.11lv .111"111v'u111m1ts with (1110 111f tlm lax'gnM smwls 111011 in C:111.1d1 for all kinds of 1‘“ (1M and U: uxlou Svodm Anv 1101:1011 \1':111t1111;: am of 1111‘ :1l1mv seeds 19.01159 c' 111‘: :1111‘1 lo 1111 )«1111'01'1im' n.1,- uncn lJCfmo SUM 1:111. ()nn, gnml 111111? C1 1‘1 L, tlmm years old will trmle for :1 gnml 1111131111; cow. .\ml gt-L :L (it-rem of his superb ('uliiucb Hiatus, which for Finish. Likcnus and Durability. cannu! in: excelled, \Vc de- fy cmnpclitimi. ()ur wnrk is all guar- anteed. Sinisiumiun our highest aim. \\'c make \‘iqu (if licsidvuu-x. live stock, nun, wry rcasmmbiu. (‘ull aunt inspcui our wnrk. Nu tumble tn show A; .n... v... u-ntccd: Smisiumiun our hlghcxl mm. \\'c make \‘iqu M Reside-mug. live stock, nun, wry rcasmmblu. (‘ull aunt inspcu“ our wnrk. Nu tumble tn show our gnmls. \Vc. pay spucialulwntim) 1,0 the l’imlog‘uplly (If babies. Don't fur- gm, Hm pluccâ€"ummsito {he “Ulllillftm Hmd. Call and sue our window when m town. Now 5.? your time in order Plastvr. :1 have: nu hand some N0. 1, Clean Seed Uaus free from any dirt», also Silver Hullcd Buck Wheat, pmc. Order your < lardcn :md FivM Seeds at once, hcfurv Lhcy rixc in ‘ " A. PAYNE. 13th, 189.11 Millhmok Meat Mm Fresh and Salt Meat always on hand, “130 Fresh Fish in season. If you want u. choice cub give me u; call and I guarantee satisfac- tion. Everythin Fresh and Clean. Or- ders prompllv defiy‘ered to any part of town. . J: flariess, c hero and sec \\ hat you can svll Box 52,5” rmIn, fienfic‘rséi édi.’m.,’1€z»b. 2:, 'u. I Dr. B. J. ALLCO. mar Sim "Pluasa sum! mo mm of your Home Bookn mud oblige. l have used n grunt dml of you:- ; Kmdufil‘a hpm‘m Cure with 1mm! mmccss- Sc 15 a. wonderful Int-divine. 1 mm: had a mum that had 4 an (la-cult Rpm-In and fivu bum“ cured nor. keep a bottle an hand ‘ um tum. Yours aw ‘. 0mg. Powxu. SIGN OF THIS FAREE‘EERS 5 HARRY NATTRASS: K. D. 0- Pills the laxative for children- «seams 3:324? fifififiaE B urn. ( rmnn. Header-50x20 0.. ,l'ob. 2!, u l’l/O TOG/CA [7/15]? KEEEELL’g 343% WEE. 73.13;; 57:11â€" R Saw. Dr. B. J. Kmmur. Ca. 0 Q ’ 9 Dear Simâ€"J have uand EC“("‘ bnmc-a of your "licndnll'sSpnvfin Cum" win. .wh success. I think it the best lemeut 1 ':‘.‘01' um!. Have re- moved on: Curb, one Islam! Hmvln and Mimi two Bone Spnvlnn. mwe finanmnuuded H to several of my blends who am mush 1212:1390 with ande it. Reamctfuu . s. R. Lu; 1’. 0.1301318. - For 31120 by all DQ131553. or micro” .Dr. B. J. ICI‘JNDALL 0031115111.}: P FOR MEN GR BEAST. Certain in its bifoctu and never blisters. Read proofs below: . J. .\\Ivh‘!:b‘()N. Solicitor the mid r. <1 Ito urunto Junuion. Ont. EHOODUHOH FALLS. _.’l'() m I’ROI’RIETOR. last season. Now For Work. ”and Having completed my new Carriage Shop I am now pron-trod to receive orders for all elm-240s of work in my line. I re iresent the THOUSAND ISLANDS CARRIAGE (20.. Grnannque. ()nt. on whose work_it is need cats to comment. as they are known faranz‘. near as the grculcn‘t (lar- xiagc Builders In Canada. ’l‘hcir substantial and stylish work is the foundation of their success, and I would ask those requiring anything in this lino to give me a call before nurehau-aintz. 1n HOME-MADE \VOKK lmu prepared lnhuild anything from a “’heclbarrow to a Ken- sinmuu. and the workmanship and material will be such that it will be safe to give a written guarantee. In tho repairing line you can not your work done more promptly and better work than you have previously received in Millhrook. " \Vith all the conveniences of a tint-class Carriage shop, I am prepared to do repainting in first-class style. This is an important department in which lhuvehad alargeexperiencmso if u want' rillr r ~ ‘ 1 ~11 or trimmed give me a call. . .. , e_ l.“ m. n...:.. Mann \u-l‘nrn I‘Dlldv In (10 the work I wish to return :n‘ If you “in” vl. I A); nzwuu m. u. u... m. r, _ r, 7 ,, , To those who fm’orm! nu: wuh their orders bcl‘orc ready thanks-k and ask to ' a. continuance of their favors. WHENIN:::: TUPPER STREET, ::::PETERBORO DROP IN AND SEE OUR BABY UARRIAGES. See our Prices and We will open your eyes in Barâ€" gains in Trunks, Valises, Summer Rugs, Dog Carts, Riding Saddles, Foot Balls, Wagons, Harness, Lacrosse Sticks 8: Dog Collars. All other Goods in our line we keep in stock and ‘Will sell you on the smallest margin of profit. THIS IS THE SEASON FOR Window Shades, SEE OUR STOCK OF THESE GOODS. PRICES AWAY DOWN. BUY YOUR Blank BookSgflffice Supplies Our Books are Manufactured specially by the EX- aminer Printing Co. Lt’d., tor the Peterboro’ Book- store. The Paper is exceptionally good and the Binding is guaranigeed go lest With ordinary care g--- v.-.._° _.- Murfitil the book is used. If you want BLANK BOOKS, OFFICE SUPPLIES BOOKS or STATIONERY, write for our prices. Always guaranteed the lowest. A. H. STRATTON 8:. CO. HOUSE CLEANING E This Week we Draw your Attention Te a Few Good Bargains. A DIAMOND RING, splendid value, at $4 50 A Beauty in TURQUOIS at $2. 50. A Gents “ALL GOLD" Collar Button $1 0111 réputation for Wedding Rings in thirty years cannot be beaten. All Letter Orders _fill_ed l)r<_>xpp_t1y; . SHORTLY, Peterboro Bookstore XX? 1XLSII CV CLAKRKE McCLELLAND’The Jeweller, HARRY DU NSFORD, 417 7 and 419 George Street, l’cterborough. 388 George Street, Peterborough. Lace Curtains, AT THEâ€"- 373 GEORGE STREET; Sign of the Horsent the Door. to do the work I wish Lo return urtéin Poles. All/41.1316 00K. SAL E The Hit afthe Season Busy as Bees, Daily Crowds, Constant Activity, Public We have set out to beat our last year’s record and there must be no back- sliding. A Liniversal clearance of Summer Goods all over the store, Don’t delay, the time to purchase is when you have the chance ofall new goods at reduced prices. R. H. Keils Go. No. 368 George Street. You may need a Bible Or a Prayer Back! It wiii pay you to Buy now, As the Discount will be at Least Twenty-five per cent. STALWART Ge 01' g 0 -st '5 For xhe coming summer Hahnays, which begin wim the Queen‘s Birthday. “€31:ng prepared a right royal list of Bargains in the following scasnnahle goods : DRESS (:OODS, PARA-$0 LS, GLOY 1‘15, X HCKW EAR, SILK BUTTS, SAILOR HATS, VEILIXU. HOSUCRY, BELTS, FANCY TIES, BUCKLES. NEW CUFFS, CIIIFFUN FRILUNGS, HAN])KI‘IRCIIIEI’S, CUI{.‘<i-‘.'l"l‘.\‘, UNDHH‘KEAR. The Gentlemenjflave Not Been Forgotten. For we have been mindiutof Lhcir welfare, and can proviJe them with Men‘s Under- weax, Men's Dress Shirts, Men‘s Collars and L‘ufi's, Men's Ties and Scarfs, Men's Hund- kerehiefs, Men‘s Gloves and Hosiery, Men's Umbrellas and other Furnishings. The Helifiays Ahead ! \\c believe the l’uirpoint Manufacturing (‘ os. goods an. ‘ :rcncmih “my: .1 us thv best, in the maukvt. \M- ho]! a full line and lune contxol of 1.! ur gmu‘u; fur Port }IHPC, If you want a nice \VED give us a call. Our prices are right. No trouble to show you our goods. JABEZ MILLER, ('x‘ystulflilcuk. Opposite Examiner Ofiicx‘, George Street. Peterborough S AILSBURY’S 'I‘hosc requiring Farm Impicmcnls of any kind will find it to their advantage to see our iinc before purchasinw. Sewing Machines and Organs Farmers’ Impfiements vi the host, nukes, sold on easy terms. Spe- ‘inl :xtLenfinn mid tn the repairing of ()rgmm mu; Sewing Machines. Satisfaction guaranteed. Now is the time to bring in your Mowers and Harvesting Machinery and have the same put in good repair, before needed for use. Castings and repairs for all makes of plows, and an assortment of repairs for far- mers implements always kept in stock. H. R. Armstrong. “'1hcre's nothing: so read as the best." -â€"AND INâ€" SILVERWARE Miss Rudkins PERERBORO. REPAIRING DONE. Jeweller ~â€" Port Hope. BOOKSTORE. You can’t save money Easier. The Blbleshave the new helps for Teach ers, and the Discount is worth saving. Appreciation. PRESENT, BlR’l'HDAY PRESENT, c., Etc. Petcrboro 24th of May In Millbrook ! If you wanta nobby 53 0f Harness to show off that hand- some driver of yours when visiting Millinook on th- Queen's Birthday, leave your order at once with 4 where you are sure of firing the be -st workmanship, *en best material and prices tu- the hard times. “’9. can lit you out nicely for $10 and if you w mt something real nobby 3011 can g( .t it by going a. little lhiwhe r. Everything usually kept in a firstclaaa harness shop always on hand and at the law- cal. living prices. ‘3' Agent for the J. and J. Turner Ten: and Awning firm, l’owrlmm. Don’t 200 pieces of the s. BATE‘SOfi; and splendid designs, fo§,Sp‘ring £1444: ’Sfl'rfi‘mer, 1895. lOur Good Looking Newest Patterns Spring Suits are not costly. Leave us your measure; SIGN OF THE HORSE SHOE. GEURCE STREET. - PETERBOROUGH. H. LeBRUNéfiCo. CITY TWEEDS onsisting of over 424 George-st, . Pg; Sula. in) d1 11 ggisls. mm. nlhooniy pm v mammmmoaw covered. Beware of nnpflndpled am who oii'cr inferior medicine: in phee of this. “to: Cook's Canon Boot Communal mum- 2utc. or incioso 81 and 6 main postage in mm and we wiuacnd. sealed. by mam. nine-led particulars in plain envelope. to India: only. 8 amps. Address The Cook Commy, Windsurfingm sum in Millbrook and everywhere by all where all 0:.th {Waugh}, croup lor- Throat, Houseman. £30091 (:9qu Ind (athma. For Con-umphon it no - has cured thousands.and will can: you tskenln time. Sold by Dmggista on a gun:- antes. For a Lang Alan]: 9:; Chest. mo 3.33:3???" a Esauâ€"é Dick or m ' - use saxLon's BELLADONNA “pm Havcgou cam!) '( This remedyu mun. teed to cure you. moons. 1mm To see the Pyramids of STORE, mmmping done to order, mss MELVUAE MISS MELVILLE Now on view in the Is giving special reducn this week in stamped Linen Goods, such as Pillow Shams, Tray Cloths, Splashers, kc. Also all the latest piltcms in Honiton work are now on exhibition. imi’flibuman For Sale bv A. LEACH. Price. as com; {a} has Fail FOR the 16"“! Mg m. pm!“ ‘E‘MEBY. You can get l‘UR/i tus'lis IX BOOK-b hand. Arithmvzic. writing. Trv a ”mac mmr “Winner. For umn- wn -â€"\Ve Imp? (“wry 1( did mcmlxzr will nmk come to .‘lillbmuk on 1 king the ladies with Ill dly is oxpecml. â€"â€"-Mr. J. C. Keik dis: @etepbc Ba§i And School of Try our Goug liott’s Syrup of Coughs ; nhe (im- â€"â€"-The whole county be bare to jam in 11)! some “Union luck“o hdidnx‘, pmudk v fiaumi: beheing about the on _\ an we had. incisioz' ‘â€"â€"Thc agent of flu Goyof Poterlnmugb. u" excursiom on Rice Lula she was in town on T no business. â€"Mr. Robt. Ruddy Ige while in Tul‘untn t eminent wunsel addre the Hyams’ cam. Hv Cbc millbrooki â€"-I. B. Neédham b} dingo of auction 5.111% ‘ SWEEPS! nude." mld 101w Mu guar:um~(-d. I bet” }msiliuuthan c-nl Mrs K0115 rcnminl-ti friend in tom â€"-R(-\'. Dr. Armszrun‘ Mr. Julm Armstrung, 1m Sound, and Mrs. Dun-gin burglmwr been in :uh-xu “(die of their :uuthvr z and till mmain until :xft with: 1 â€"Iau’st rvpurzs from the Northwest inform us did little or nu harm up ‘ the advanct‘ in \vth i~‘ lmpefnl feeling :1“ uwr. dug “d alngz'-Ilwr lili‘ pacts are good. â€"â€"Ed. Kerr, who 11:14 {nu-oust: smfi‘ for {hr 2: left. (on Munday m am.) an the Omemee MEI-rm incl sure he will find a ‘- tiun and the publislu-r i faithful sex-"ant, â€"A French Candi-1r l‘ wn in town for a few 9 m 0‘ Wins W3 DRUG 00" 2? ~ Kean-dis: and marches on Sunday the town hall, Monday .4; Walter Green the fine little driving ponies flcm Ira. Natt, deckvd them with a, no harness nude in VYm smeh' in Shape boenlm_ ship of the gentler sex bagn‘ but considering w'uch the College team a one of 'l‘urctnmege 5 crack eh‘ (lat our boys need no 5.505311“: week. Try our Frost ham 1“ r-uviqcb of QuebeE. I TU â€"-M 2.. and M r .xfwr a. lingeriua in mormg. The deceased the m'vanoed age of sew and as one of the ear-L this p100 “'0 hope to gi bendmrcfvrence next “'1 coda} o Centrcville bw _“ «us' Grandmother. 104 your ago, w..y shouh the my The meau 06,-2.,:.'.a no“, he“ Now for the l â€"â€"Th ,7 (has trousers ._ baggy an normally full at. the 1 and considerably full wu a hunch. The ml; at, the sow end and th around Lhcmklcs or km mice out You can t pl: head like v.01du vour sh you like an asset; Lu W the floor 11:36qu it on 3‘ your stockmgs one foot A .__,...‘ v THUR.“ DAY. M A‘ _______.._â€"â€"â€"â€" Enos fish . ' shoulcinseilt‘:a 1mm I'ETl-IRBUROL'G l. TOWN T the dam: or organ flollCV A. BLAH urum 12:3. eloq u(

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