pr set of mt hand- rs when .on the: uvc v0ur mVVrry is [U'ZVILL : can ï¬t 9 and if ï¬ll nobby q a little Turner Tent. {over {king {aY ok ! a ï¬rst-chm a at. the low- of Co. .ve ,an' x TURNER K. D. O. is £881! rod ' use it. 8 P ucer) thm people trousers Efrynbngg) 13-? the knctes, ab- normal] u at. t 1e istol ~kets and coniidembly full w§em yumï¬ke a match. The sarment is cutdccolletc at. the south end and the bottom tied around the ankles or knees to keep the mice out. You can’t pull it: over your head like you do your skirt, nor around you like a 0W“, P“ 3’9“ must sit on the floor and pull It on Just as you do your stockings: one foot at a time in each compam'nent. You can easily tell the right sxde tohave in front by the buttons on the neckband. and was one of the early lzesideuts 0f thus place, we hope to give a. more ex- tendedreference nex: week. Funeral to-dny w Centreville burying ground. _“ Our Grandmothers †drank good tea. yenxs ago, why should we not use the best? The Mazawnttee is the ï¬nest Ceylon Tm grown. beautiful flavours in packages at 4UC.. r-"J'J. M21} 600. per 11;. Ala-11“» ELLIPT/i‘, «VI-3 agent, 353 { leorge-Wl'm’w' â€"Our cricketers went to Port Hope last, week and played a game With Trinity College in which they were beaten, but considering the drubbing which the College team gave Rosedalc, one of Toronto’s cmck eleven, the next day. our boys need not feel badly. Szore‘next. week. â€"0. Walter Green has purchased the ï¬ne little driving team of If! ponies from Ira. Nattrass and having docde them with a. nobby set. of 116w harness made by Wm. Strain he ' mud? in Shape to enlist the companii ship of the gentler sex in his dri‘ es.) â€"L1tcst repom from Manitoba. and the erthwest inform us that the frost (lid lhtle or no harm up there and that the advance in wheat is making a more hopeful focling all over, land is advan- cing and altogether thiq season's pros pects are good. â€"l-1l.Kcrr, who has been on the known: Staff for the last. three years left On Monday to assume a. position on the Umexnec Mirror in which we feel sure he will ï¬nd a congenial situa- tion and the publisher his employee a faithful servant, -â€".-\ French Canadian evangelist, has ‘ been in town for r. few day in the in‘ wmtsof spreading the gospel in the Provmca of Quc'vcc, He preached in the Methodist and Presbyterian churches on Sunday and lectured in the town hall, Monday night. â€"-Mr. Robt. Ruddy had the privi- kgewhile in Toronto of hearing the eminent counsel address the jury in t"Hyams’ case. He reports them 9 1 models of eIOqucnce and legal 1!) Ion. -)Ir. and Mrs. R. H. Kells of 'P afoom', Were awe“ for the 24th. Kl. returned on Friday a ening but Mr: Kells remained over Sum} dry 3with friends m boa-.1: â€".\Ir. J. C. Kells displayed a hand- «me mo“Union Jack†on our national Mdav, proudly Haunting to the breeze, hebeing about. the only apatriotic citi- mwe had. â€"The agent of the new steamer Cry of Peter-borough. which is running wnxsions on Rice Lake and the Own- we was in town on Tuesday baking 1;; business. ‘Zen Dr. Armstron" of Ottawa, Mr. uhn Armstrong, la.“ )(rr, of Owen Sunni, and Mrs Ihuglax; of 0dgcns- burgmnve been m attendance at the bald.) of their mother for some days and ill remain until after the funeral. -I. E. Needham is prepared to taker chage of auction sales of all kinds at shores: notice andilowest terms, satis- Mn guaranteed. He is now} in a. better position than ever to supply you With; piano or organ. â€"\Ve hope every lodge and indivi- {ml member will make it. a. point to male to Millbrook on the 1251), and bring the ladies with them. A great my is expected. And School of Shopthand, @etepbopo’ Buéiraeéé PETERBOROUGH. ONTARIO. COURSES IN BOOK-KEEPING. SHORT. hand. VArichmctic. \Vriting. and Tyne I; hand. Aï¬chnviétiicï¬.‘ “ï¬ning; VICnth'F5353. writing. ’1' ' a throc months‘ coumc thxs Full uWinter. or terms write â€"-Tbe whole county are expected to bohere to jom in the celebration of zbtJnv. ~Now for the 12th July in Mill- brook. Ibe millbrook â€Reporter. § THURSDAY. MAY 30. 1895. Try our GoughiSyrup or E]- lion's Syrup of Horchound, for Coughs and Colds. [3" Agency C. P. R. Tclcgmph Co. You can get ]>( Al /)/8( (:S '- '. \ l 1/]: NIL/A155 L/lCLES. lzlr. Try our Frostilcnc for the hands. DRUG GU’S STORES TOWN TALK A. BLANCHARD, 9A., Cigars. Pipes, Etc; 'Pss is allege pair of I’rinéipnl. Repairs for Peter Hamilton Machinery and all kinds of Plow Points. F "s and butter taken in exchange. 1 '1 ‘5» THE COURT OF REVISION FOR THE Mumcipality of the Corporation of the Townshlpo! Cm‘un will hold its First. Sittin on the Assessment. Roll for: the said Municipn lty far the year 1895. on Frxduy. 315; day of May, Instant. at 10 o‘clock. mm. GEO. SOOTHERAN. Gavan. 13:11 May. 1895. Clerk. lmmalialcly afterthc close ottlm Court. of Revision the council will meet. for the trans- action of ordinary business. COURT OF REVISION. Township of Gavan. 1 Munici Mity of the Corporation of the Tuxmnhipo Manvem will hold it»: First Sit- ting on the Assessment Roll for the said Muni- cipality (or the year 15. on Monday. 10th day of June. Instant. at. 10 o‘clock, a.m.. at the Town Hall. Bethany. A. RYLEY, Clerk. HE COURT OF REVISION FOR THE Municipality of the Corporation of the COURT OF REVISION.‘_ Taws‘sshép m" Manvers SHI LOH’S CURE is sold on a. guarantee If. clues Incipient Consumption. IL is 1119 best Cough Cure. ()1ny one cent, a. dose ; '25 cts., 50 cm. and $100 per bottle. Sold by A. LEACII â€"--\ couple of our hobclmen wme ï¬ned 1183 week for selling to a. minor. “4' hile there can he no excuse for any mfraction of the law, the reported cir- cumstances under which the liquor “as obtained and the information llaxid, can only cxentc sympathy for those who were mulcted. If the Inwc can onlv he vindicated by sending a. hoy. bordering; on manhood, around to trick the unxmrv 1an Hold, it “ore better, for the sake of the 1101' at least, to dis- cour age. such tactics. H. MCCARTNEY Take K. D- 0. for heartburn and sour â€"Fred Clarry came home from Toronto on Mondav, having completed his course for this year at; the law school. 'D‘zihi'e'i Ritz, Proprietor and Publisher of the Kornberg, Ont.., Independent says : “ was suï¬â€˜eriug from Dyspepsia and Liver Trouble, I took a. few bottles of Shiloh’s Vitulizer and it. cured me. I can heartily recommend it.†Sold bv A. LEACIL mr Dummy, recur-mag on Monday. Mr. Alf. Ruper has ï¬tted the Domin- ion Hotel up in ï¬x‘st«clms shape, every- thing being the pink of perfection and cleanliness, so the travellers say already. â€"â€"\Vhea.c having now reached the dollar point, Van Ham’s prediction that we would soon see it up to two, may yf‘t L‘C‘Collle true. â€"-)Ir. A. T. Elliott. of Benverton made his 01d friends a. call on the 24th and drove from here to his old home for Sunday, returning on Monday. for home last, week â€"Upw:u‘d of 100 cnmcc farms from 50:1crcs up to 300 acres, for sale at prices and upun terms to suit the times. (ll-:0. Soonuâ€"zmx. Millbrmk. 44 â€"â€".\Iiss Smith of Lxhridtre, who ha» been visiting with her 5brother. )Ir. A. A. Smith, for some weeks left. â€"l)on‘t fail to see Wm. Ancnm’s new stock of Footwear for sprin". The goods are up to date and at. prices to suit the times. 13 â€".\[r. “'11). Smith and Mrs Smith who have been absent at Millbrook, in Ontario since last, autumn, returned on Tuesday eveningâ€"Semis I’lu-indmler. China. Hall --.\Irs. â€W. G \Valners and children of \Vhinby, spent the 21th with her sister. Mrs. A A. Smith. â€"Ch0pping of all kinds done at the Octagon mills, 60. per bag. Done at shortest notice. 12-3m. â€"Mx. R. W". Clark attended the Mam‘ers Sunday School con 'cntion at Pontlypool yesterday. â€"Messrs. \V. T. \Vood and J. C. Kells drove over to Pontypool on Tues day. â€"l)r. H. A. Turner went down to Ottfuva. for the 24th, returning home on Sunday, driving from Peterbotough_ â€"Farmer’s Lace and Buckle Plow Boots only cost 900. and $1.00 at \V. ARC H 312's. 13- â€"Mr. Lefmy of the 131m]: of Toron- to, Port Hope, and Mrs. chroy spent the 24th at, Mr. A. ‘V( s. u no. boonmmx. 4-1 â€"Rov. \V. J. Barkwcll, M.A., of Tomuto, brotlwr-in-law to Mr. \V. S. Pickup, has been visiting in town. â€"Somc great properties call GEO. Soorrm-zmx, 5810090000 of private funds to loan at 5 per cent. Ono. Soonmlmx, Millln‘ook. 4-! â€".\Ir. \V. J. Gardiner spent the Queen’s Birthday in Kingston, renew- ing old acquaintances. ......u.~.u, nuunrook. He guarantees Satisfaction, ‘ 18-3,_ ~â€"Mo.~mrs. Kelly and McGrath of Bethany We noticed in town on the 24th. nope on Saturday Night. â€"Miss Laura. Vance, who is teach- g at Elden was homcpyer the 24th. â€"For \Vntc!) repair woék try Harry Kendall, Millln‘ook. He guarantees Satisfaction, » 1.6131 in R. DEYE‘L L’S OLD STAND. â€"Goorge Dean was how Queen’s Birthday. JMism IIowdcn returned Hope on Saturday Night. Toronto. NEW DINNER. SETS, TEA SE'SL‘ TOILI 1"" 81‘ 1'8 AN!) 1‘A\C\ GOODS. Aliss Conuell of Omemee, with Mrs. N cedhnm. CROOKS, (11 IA.“ CROOKS, BUTTER (SHOCKS, G HOCERIES, SMOKE!) M I'IA'I‘S, NEW CHE 15E, â€"â€"YOU WILL FINDâ€" 'altcr Collins spent, ‘ flue" -â€"AT THEâ€" , n) U call and see list, of same. great bargains in village n ‘ ‘- ‘ home for the r, is visib- to Port 0 4th in her CALL AND SEE MY NEW IDEAL FORCE AND LIFT PUMP. I ALSO HAVE A COMPLETE STUCK 0F SPRAY PUMPS. (Ms Pipe and Pipe Fittings alway; in stock. ‘a111_9n, or write 0. WALTER GREEN, The abme cm represents the host \\ gm]. mill m the m: xrkct. If \(m w mt. to see one at \vmk c.3110“ Jnlm l‘nJlis “My“ .1 1. ““3 “came Campbell. [Io-um“ Bros , 13 Con. ., Gavan, Alex Hunter. The Brantford Windmill is now Galvanized. I am went. for the above Patent Rail Fence for Cavmi. North and South Monnghan. and am pre red toscll rights to farmers, or build fences or them upon their farms. This is the best fence that was over Patented. won't sag. won'tlcan going down hi ls. 'l‘nkcs only one pound of wire to the rod. Satisfaction guar- antccd. ~ THOS. HARKNESS. Cnvnnville P.0' Pumps. Wartman’s Patent Fence ! “RITA" T Monday, Ma 61h, leave his own stable, Millbrook, 9.111 proceed to (mtden Hill for noon, thence to Noble Brown’s, Rossmount, for night. Tuesdayâ€"W ill piocecd to Kent’s Hotel, Bewdley, for noon, thence to Foxs Hotel, liailieboro, for the night. \\ ednes- lln3â€"\\ ill proceed to \1r.Dod(ls. Bensfort, for: noon, thence by way of \\ ulluces Point Biidge to John A. Stew’art s, Otonahee. for night. Thursda3 â€"\\ 1" proceed to Canon nuvh’s Hotel. Peterboro’p, for noon, thence to Sam. Douglass’, Smith, for the niv'ht. Friday-“ill 3proceed to Sam. Ferguson’ a, fox noon, thence nlon 1th Con. ., Oman. to McKinnon’s Hotel, gBethany, for night. Saturclavâ€"W 1“ proceed to Hutchinson Hotel, bum“ 111e, for noon, thence to his own stable, where he will remain until Monday morning. Monday, May 6th, “'lll leave the Cavan augli Hotel, l’elerhoro, and proceed to l). McRoberLs’, Scott‘s Corners. for noon, thence to Sam. Fexguson‘s, Ida. for night. Tues- 1111.0, will proceed to R. Hutchinson’s, Gavan ville, for noon, thence to Millhrook for the night, where he will remain until Wednes- day afu rnoon. Wednesday, will proceed by way of Robert Shaw's to Fox‘s Hotel. llailieboro, for night Thursday, will pro~ ceed to Rossin House, Ccntrevillc, for noon, thence to John A. Stewart's, ()tonahee, for the night. Fridavâ€"will pioceed by way of the base line to Robert Jackson’s, for noon, thence to l’etoboro'. for night, where he will remain until Monday morning. The property of ‘OOD QUALITY. Czlrcfulncss and Right I Prxccsarc our Matures. 389 George-st. 3 The Pure Bred Imported Clydesdale Stallion “ The lady again moved her head feebly. and again she murmured fniutly and be- tween gasp, ‘Thauk you, sir, butâ€"heâ€"is â€"uotâ€"my-â€"husbnnd. 1â€"don’tâ€"knowâ€" whoâ€"he-â€"is.‘ †“ ‘ But your hunhund, mmhun.’ said I, ‘ the gentlenmu lying there with his head in yourlnpâ€"shafl I not. bring something to revive him 2" “ ‘ AL least, madmn,’ snidg I, tendcrlv. ‘ permit, me to brin vou a class of water.’ “ She moved heriend feebly and answer- ed, ‘ No, I thank youâ€"nothing at all ’ THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND “She did not open 1301‘ eyes, but I heard murmur faintly: ‘ Thank you, sir, but, there is nothing you can (loâ€"nothing 9t all ’ _ “ Touched by this piteous spectacle, I up- prcnched the poor creature. and in my most compassionate tone I asked. “ Madam, can I be of my service to you '.‘ ’ The Thoroughbred Stallion, “I was coming from Liver 00] upon one of the famous liners,†says Igishop Potter, “ and. although the sky was clear and the weather warm. a. somewhat tempestuous sen h \d occasioned more than the usual amount of seusickuess among the passengers. A3 1 paced the deck one afternoon I noticed a lady reclining upon one of the benches, and the unearthly pallor of her face and the hopeless longuidity of her manner indicated that she had reached that state of collapse which works the limit of seasick-less. DUN BAKI POWD Z 0) n12 50!) Lewie Gordon, Bishop Potter is credited with telling the story which. more aptly than the thousands of other stories on the same subject, il- lustrates the object, misery and utter ir- responsibility of scusickncss. We hardly know whyit is, but it cannot be denied, that any yarn involving the horrors of mal de mer is seized upon with avidity by the public generally, and with particular gusto by those individuals who have themselves suffered the indescribable wretchedness of that grievous nmlzï¬d)‘. Justice Wills begun summing up at 1.30 p.m. The general tenor of of his address to the jury Wu: favorable to Wilde. The jury retired and brought back a verdict of guilty. Wilde was sentenced to two years’ imprison- ment. Alfxed Taylor, \Vilde’s associate. re- ceived the same dose. Both the prisoners’ terms are to be Worked out at hard labor. I London, May 25th.--In the Old Bailey 1 this morning when Sir Frank Lockwood re- ‘sumed his speech he dealt. severely with Wilde in his reference to the prisoner’s intimacy with Lord Alfred Douglass. Re- ferring to the much-commented-ggon letters which Wilde u rote to Lord Alfr Douglass counsel said that the jury had been told they were too low to appreciate such poetry, and he, Sir F runk Lockwook. “ thanked God it was so. as it showed the ‘ were above the level of beasts.†Sir Fran Lockwood warned the jury to render a ver- dict which would prevent “such udeteatuble nxulubominuhle vicc to rear its head un- hlushingly in this country.†HASSARD, GRAN DY SHAW. The Aesthetic Apmllc Sentenced to Two Years In Prlwn. LARGEST SALE IN CANKEA.‘ FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS. “ TYRONE.†T. H. HASSARD, V.S. Owner. R0 UTE FOR 1895. MILLBROOK. ROUTE FOR 1895. J. NUGENT. OSCAR WILDE IS GUILTY. PETElflloRO. Colonel McLean of Port Hope, has visited Munvexs very often this spring. attending many sales and public gatherings and dis- tributing his cards and introducing himself to the peeple in a. pleasing manner. The Colonel is looked upon by many of the con- servatives of Manvers as a clever politician, n. good speaker and on affable gentleman, therefore they hope for greater glory by «le- fenting him at the coming election. Alwlf'l‘ Till-I COMPLEXION. There are two causes of bad complexionsâ€" the one dependent upon the coniditions of the digestive organs, the other on the con. dition of the blood. A remedy like Eseljny’s Liver Dozcnges, it its use is continued, can: not fail to tone up the complexxon lwcmxse it acts directly upon the stomach and liwr and at the some time puriï¬es the blood. For sullowness or pimples. try the continued use of these Lozenges. They are :25 cents a box or 5 boxes for a dollar. COURT OF REVISION Village of Millbrook. .l Municifmlity of the Corporation of the Village of h illbrook will hold Its First Sitting on the Assessment. Roll for the mid Municipal~ ity for the yew-1895. on Monday, the 3rd day of J unc. instant. m. 7 o'clock. p.m., in the Council Chamber. Town Hall. W'. TURNER. 1m COURT OF REVISION FOR THE Municipality of the Corporation of Hm Millbrook, 13th. May 1895. Mr. F. Ward has sold his handsome general purpose team to a. farmer in \lonn- ghun township. The ï¬ne horses mised by the farmers of Manners are ever in demand at. a good price, several horses of the extra class bein'r sold at. prices from $60 to $ICO in the tow e‘nship this _spring._ Mr. H. Henders ivamvellimz his famous stallion, Erskine, in Munversund Cartwright this year and as his stock came of a lively strain and ï¬nd a ready sale he will be put-- ronized by many of the leading farmers of the towgship: Mr. Pearson of Montreal, visited Bethany for the purpose of buying a car-load of horses but, owing to the small prices offered no sales were made, the farmers not feeling disposed to sell their horses at less price than it cost for_mislng their}. Sunday seliool has co nmeneed again here under the most favorable circumstances, this school stood high at the annual report given at the annual convention last year and no pains will be spared to surpnssull pre- vious efforts. An addition has been made to the library by the purchase of several books of the most edifyim: and instructive kind and with an earnest staff of teachers, everything should have a tendency to u prosperous school. M r. Steer will again ofï¬ciate as superintendent. James is an aged and tried servant in the Master's vine- yard and may he long be spared to guide and instruct the young men and women of the Inn (1. Mr. Richard Gillis, our genial assessor, has completed his rounds and taxes are assured for another year. Pity that Dick hadn‘t been a. minister in order that his mission and annual visit might be 0. more pro- longed and agreeable one. Mr. C. White of Cnvnn has come to stay he having pitched his tent amongst us for the purpose of enlightening and advancing his educational interests wiih David our new hoosier. Mrf'l‘homas Galloway the well known clock cleaner is now on the sick list, menu- while clocks in the country must run on wheels until 'I‘ om recruits up. The farmers are mostly through with their seeding. a. good quantity of oats and peas having been sown. It is amazing what belief some people have in the absurd saying “ that the end justiï¬ed the mmns," and it is lamentable to think what ignoble ways they take to carry out some moral point in View laudable enough in itself, but sadly tarnished by these mistaken zealots. The Canadian Foresters of Bailieboro will march in a body to the Presbyterian church here next Sabbath morning, when the pastor, Rev. Jas. Cnttunuch. will preach to them. The Re'v. Mr. Rolland of Queen‘s College. who is just- Lhrough for n minister ably occupied the Presbyterian pulpit, here last Sunday morning. The Y. P. S. C. l“ n here was represented at the Endeavor Convention in Cobourg last week by Misses chlnh Lnrmcr, Jennie Robinson. Jessie Shae and the president, Mr: Curry. Last Thursday we noticell two loads Bf material for a brick yard belonging to M r. H. Hall, coming from Cobourg and going to his new brick ynrd nenrthe Millbl‘ook (l. T. R. station. Last Saturday in l’eterborough \Vc haul the extreme pleasure of meeting Mr. Alex. Rogers of Toronto, 11. former resident, in this part. The funeral of the late Mr. Thos Manning of Peterborough, formerly of Builiebom, pusscd through here to the place of inter- ment, Front cl‘mrch cemetery, lust, _Fri_dny. . r... C l': NTRE I'll; L R. We notice that M r. Wm. I‘emlrie or Millbi'ook, has made a grand improvement on his farm in the way at a. new patent. fence, and Mr. Jus. Might uf Patel-borough, is busy nnpmving his farm in the szmic lino. Mi. Gen. Byers is helping him and he appears to understand the business of building this \Vortnmn fence well, which is is great boon to the funnels as mil timber is getting scarce. “'0 would like to see the hogs either taken off the road or somcthing done to prevent. them from disï¬guring the beauty of the road. Please attend to Lhcir case Jim. We would like '0 know when George wtll become a resident. , 7, . Jack frost. has \‘lSlth us recently and has done considerable duumgc among fruit, it has also done damage to pens. Miss Mary Cairns is lying very low with con cation on the lungs at. Lime of writing, dnu )LS are entertained of her recovery o n p . Loci-c out for the egg buyer, he is on the war path now and one of his legs is longer than it, wally gught §o be.» Mr. A' and Miss I. Galloway were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson lust Supday The youï¬g gent, from 0p: Mina-us a visit. recently and on his way he plucked a hand- sm‘n}: ng flmye‘ri Mr: Johnson, who hasflrclmrge of the school here is givipg grin}! mtisfucpiorn. Rumor has it, thgthd. cmssegllhc road last Sunday week, its ullAright Ed. I . 'VVD ' "â€"J -’J a largo number of friends and relatives. Deceased leaves a. wife and one child to mourn his loss for whom deep sympathy is felt by the whole noqnnupiby. A It is with sadness we chronicle the death of (he lam.- George Reynolds. who died Fri- day 17th, his reumins were followed to their last. resting! place the follqwing Sunday by n l.‘ _.‘- Items of inboroab forwarded by Tm: REPORT mn’s own Correspondents. J AS. T. C. LANG, General Merchant, \- Centreville. The Centreville Merchant, ‘ Is now receiving his Spring Stock and his customers will have an opportun ity of selecting the many articles re quired for spring from a carefully sel- ected and nobby stock of goods. He has, without doubt, the ï¬nest stock over shown in Centrevflle and as his motto is “ Quick Sales, Good Value and Small Proï¬ts,†you are sure to xe- ceive satisfaction. Jas. T. G. Lang Beautiful Goods FOR SPRING. CORRESPONDENCE. CENTRAL JIJX VERS. SPRING SPRING I. [Fl-‘0 I: I). VCl'erk. He is doing it up brown this your in the line of Spring Suits and Oven-outs. 'l‘lw Nicest, Newest, luul Cheapest pieces for Suitings that could l): fuund on the mn‘kct. Fol-style, ï¬t a (I ï¬nish he guumutces all his woxkf. If you give him :1 trial order you are sure of sutisfactum. At 10;le inspect my stock and g 1, my price bufm'c going clscwlmm. Merchant Taiior, hm $002 >w <0: Dm4> 2.9202 O>rr OZ H. B. MCFEE, ARMH'I‘MOXt‘Lâ€"AL )Imbrnnk. nn 'l'ucsdu}. lhe ‘L‘ilhdnypf May. m5. Junclmmumdy wife “Dr.:\Villi:uns’ Pink Pills fur Pale People.†If Lhese Pills :ne emu-ml in any other form, even if pink in Cnlur, they are imitmiunr and should be promptly refined. lh'. \Villinms’ Pink Pills cure when uLher medicines fail. imitations um \mrlhiess and may he dangerous to health. Mrs. \Vood's unflJrLunato oxporivnm with imitation Pink Pills make it; 119.: ccsszuy to arr: tin i111}.1‘oss upon the pub- lic that. Dr. “1111mm Pink Pills are n/cycr soid in bulk, by tho dozen, humi- I'e1l,«'n'01111(:0, 01' in any Shape except. in the company’s boxes, every one of which is enclosed in a. wrapper printvd in red ink, hearing Lilo full t, '11110 mark, Intense Mental Strain and Sleepless Nights Brought ller Almost In the Verge of the Graveâ€"Help Came When llope llxul Almost l‘led. Mrs. Sarah Wood, widow of the late Alex. Wood, of North Elmsley, Lan- y ark Co., has had more sorrow than 3 usually falls tothe lot of human beings and it is no wonder that, under the in- tense mental strain, she was complete ly prostrated, and her friends are re- joicing with her that she has again been restored to health. To a report- she told the foliowing story :â€"“ Until about three years ago I had always 11* been in good health, except for occas‘ ional spasmodic headaches which had bothered me for some years. I am now sixty-three years of age, and my troubles came as much by mental anguish and sleepless nights as by over- taxing my physical system. Two years ago last August, my son, \V. J. \Vood, was killed, on the C. P. R. in a colâ€" lision, and his lifeless, mangled body was brought. home. Six weeks later my sister, Mrs. Lucky, of Kitley, was foully murdered. During those days I was taking care of my youngest daughter, Mrs. O. Bisscll, near Merrick- ville, who was ill with consumptiou and who died four months latex. Few people have beer called upon to under- go so much aflliction, and with sleep- less nights and days of labor I became ] reduced almost to a living skeleton. In the fall of 1894 I was obliged in i take to my bed, where I lay for sever- ] al weeks hovering between life and f death. During this time I was under 5 the care of a doctor, but his treatment did not help me much. My head now continually troubled me and a severe pain in my back, just above my left hip, caused me great agony. I had heard a great deal about Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills and determined to give them a trial. Before the second box I was entirely gone my headache dis- appeared and I found myself growing stronger, and after taking the pills for a time longer, the pain in my back dis. C appeared also. I then felt so well that I decided to visit another daughter wholives near Merrickville, determin A ing to continue taking the Pink Pills until thoroughly restored. In passing through Smith’s Falls, I procured more pills, but found afterwards they were a counterfeit, as I did not then know I they were not sold in bulk. The re- sult was that my old inlirmities began to return and I began to mistrust that the pills were not genuine, and sent ,into Merrickville for more. A com- parison soon showed that, while both _ pills were colored Pink, the ones I had got in Smith’s Falls were spurious, for they were not exactly the Same shape and did not look the same when the C two were compared. As soon as I be- gan the use of the genuine Pink Pills w Ibegan to grow better, and after the use of a few more boxes, found myself entirely cured, and I am now enjoying as good health as ever I did in my life. I believe that if it had not been for Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills I would have been in my grave, and I am glad to give my testimony, hoping that some poor sufferer may be made well as I .3 W 115 . \ (TIJuhHD. Armstrohï¬. aged 7! wax-4+ Uabinctmakerzsï¬Undertaker m Showrooms King-st, Mmbrook. mos. GILLUTT, Emil»; t}? Uhdéf'lï¬kGrï¬'floods; W Bmlrtiofn; â€lr'iulor, â€mini-mum and all other kinds of Furniture. hand-made, at lowest prices. Rec 8 on hum! n largo stock or _C_J_l<‘l§«'ï¬. .CASKE’rtj‘, upd u.“ THE STORY OF A WOMAN WHO HAS SUPPERED DEEP AFFLICTION. CENTREVILLE. THAT . NOBBY SPRING surr. H. B. McFEE, A TRADEEDY‘RFGALLED. ’1'" 1'} TO)! It. hum! 1ng scogk of Centeville CAVANVILLE GARRIAGE WORKS £5? ()ur PATENT STEEL IIARROWS have had a big run but we have still a. num- ber in stock. Give us a call, Painting and General Repairing 0. Specialty! Wu have in stock and me still umnufuctur ing a. large number of New Buggies, \\ ug- gons and Howl Carts. We have alsu Hood's Plus are purely vegetable and pcrtccmhurmiess. Sold byall drugzists. 25c. to give her Hood’s Sarsnparma. She is getting strong. walks around. 13 out doors every d3 '; Ins no trouble with her throat and no cough, and hor lxervrt storms to be all right again. She has :1 “NM-1:155 appetite. We rattan! her cure as nnthiwz sum-tot a. mirac‘le." W. WYATT, 89 Marion Strum. I‘nrkdnlc, Tux-onto. Ontario. w“ WW Said She Was Past All Help and wantcdme to send her to the ‘Homc for lncumblos.’ But I said as long as I could hold my hand up she should not go. ‘v'e then began “Four years ago while in tha all cnuntr (England). my duuglncr llamml: was. sent max: from the hospital, in a Very low comlitlu: with cousumpzlon cf the lungs and hmwls. :-.:.., weukzwunh of the h 1m. The trip muss tlu water to this country seemed to make hm" tu- hettor fur r. whilc. hen she hogan tn gm \vnrsc. an I tor 14 weeks Hlu: was unable tame! (le the had. She grew worse fur live months and lust the use nf hm" limbs and lower part0! bmly. and if she sat. up in bod had to be propped up wizh pillows. i'l lclnhs Hgsci’ssaa’ï¬maï¬ures HIS new mul vulunhln medicine {or all female complaints m daily making rcnmrkuble cums of mum in which all other remedies hull failed. Tlus treatment has been in constant usu by an exp. rlcm-cd physician {or xmmy years with the greatest success. It is perfect :1st mm for falling of the womb. lcucorrllma. or whites, painful , suppressed, profure or irreg- nlur menstrumiun, congoSlion and inflamma- tion of the womb, and other uterine (roubles. which give rise to nervous diseases. headache. constxputinn. backache. depression, tired feel- ing. cm. which so many women sulfa: from. Particulars and inforumtxon free on npplicn lion to tho m-oprietors, '1‘. Mmmmx 6: 00., Toronto. Out. The remedy can be procurml from tho locnl awnt. Prion, 81.51.": for one month's treat- mvnt. :‘x‘nl can I :2 aunt by 111qu on receipt 0! 1-1.. price; For sale by And all Seasonable Dry Goods. Wonderful Results From Taking Hood’s 833's aparma. Consumption-Low Condition Carriage Dusters, Kelig, Fowler, White Lawns, Flannel Blankets, Fancy Ducks Spot Muslins Fabrics in all the Newest Designs, Cotton Dress Goods. in stock at number of Second-hand Buggivs and Demoeruts. New Parasols, Like a Miracie Kells Fowler Go. MADAMINE. sows, Co. Donjt forth me if you require a nim- mliw 0! any land, I have them chcnpcr Hum anywhere else 111 Lawn. DUSTERS ! DUSTERS ! DUSTERS ! DUSTERS ! DUSTERS ! DUSTERS ! DUSTERS ! DUSTERS I DUSTERS ! DUSTERS ! [can prove to van that 1 :un doing lwlior \\'n!'1\ and all, prices 35 pcr van. lwlnw any other shop in lhmlistrim. M?‘ I will not, be umh-renh: in any hrun-h of the business and my workmanship is guan‘mm- lucd Give me 4» cu†W. STRAIN, J. ROBINSON YOUNG. Do you want a. Violin, Autolmrp, Mouth organ or Jewslmrp ‘1 (In to YOUN 41“. Good Square Lunch at any hour 150. THE BEST ILLUMINATING OIL IN It, gives a. Minimum, san-, steady light. no swell, no smoke and no exp! This Oil is not. merely n. fancy lmmd gnu“: up by a local dpaler m gmxlrs but. is a SPECIAL 01 L made by the of New York and mldl ' 1.] ~ . . ~ . ' brand only. , < 0 10m all ox er thc. “orlc under Hus brand and this Have you seen our nice Jam and Jelly 11) 7 lb. Pails, \crv cheap. ()Vur Sodas and Fancy" Cake-s are :11- ways fresh, up to date and the price is right. For sale in Milibrook by Héalthy. 7‘ Fresh Cnufectionm‘y and Fruits ar- riving every week. “'0 have in stock Bananas, Urangr-s, Lemons, Apples, Dams and Figs. Don’t stay outside, and have a drink Cum], ]{r5[1'cslljgg, Gaze right into YOUNG’S Confoc tiunary \Vindow and see his You were never made for the Hat you know. The Hat'wns made for you. If you like to be abreast with the times, replace leL old head block with one of our Leaders for 1895. lmught from the host, fucmries of England and Amer- ica. Our Hats are ALL NEW. Latest, in shape and colour ; soft and stiï¬â€˜. Qualities are grandily generous â€"scnrcely a sort that you’ll ï¬nd missingâ€" be- cause we have the biggest Hut Store within miles of l’ewrlmrough. Selling Hubs nlnngsidn of Clothing and Boots and Shoes cuts down expenses and makes prices lesx. That’s the plain fact of the matter. Can you catch on? ALlVAYS GOOD AT G0 UGll’S. The Lnrget Hatters, Clothiers and Men's Furnishers. The \Vonderful Cheap Men. Look ! BEHOLD X Don’t hunt for anything wrong in them. There's nothing there. The price has nothing to do with the quality. The man with $2 (am command as good a. Hat; from GUUGH’S as S3 cam cumumnd elsowllerv. Our position is a. little peculiar. \Vedon’c have in live ufl' Hulls alone. \Ve’re not bound to anv tiadibional notions of big profits. Tlmdifl'erence which makes it. so isâ€" wr; buy direct from the makers. That’s why we got such a. grip on Give that old " Back Number †a Resting Place and buy one: of the “ Latest Spring Styles " from -1: W. 'â€"'â€"'V 3 pieces Union Carpets. now pat terns. worth 37w , sale price. . . . . 5 picccr Union Carpets, new pat terns Worth 50c†sale price . . . . . 4 pieces Uuiun ()m‘pets. new patterns, worth title sale price ..... Wool Utrputs at 50s., (55m, mnl 7.7a. 'Hu-sc ul'c wlmlcsule prices. ’l‘atpcstry Carpets at 25c.. 35c., 40c. and 50a. Brussels Carpets at 75¢, 9Uu.. SI, $1.10 and $1.25 Auniuster (Inputs only. , . . It. has b on acknowledgwl lor ytnrs as the best burning rm in the m rld 99f??? agd Curtain Department. Opposite John Gillott Son’s Cal inet \Vzu-eroomu. Millbrook. 2,000 yards Crinkle Zephyrs, sold everywhere at, 251;, our 1 LOOU yards Flamnetltc, sold evcuywherc at 8a., our price. . . 1,000 yards Grey Cotton. sold everywhere at 70., our price. 500 yin-dis Check (iinglmms. wurth 8a, our price .......... 200 yards American Uinglumn, worth 1.12., our price ...... IOU yards Crclonne. worth 125% our price ............ . . IOU yurds Art Muslin, for curiaius, Worth 1293c†mu- price Better goods equally cheap. , w...“ .....v, "m... mm, ..-... ruw. . . . ._.. We challenge the [rude u; show ynu anything as good at 306. LOGO pair Pure Silk Gloves. wurth 4Uc., our price .................. 500 yards Laces, woth Irma, our price .......... . ................... 500 yards Laces, worth 20¢, our price ........................... . . Better goods equally cheap. 603 Pu rasols at. wholesale prices. Sac our 811er at ................ .is'téPiS 39.21.. 99tt°n.WaS.hing..G00dS- Soda Fountain, Hosiezr'y‘, Glove and Lace Dgpazjtment. l tum ....:.. :.A.J I)l I, n u The business in this DEpanmem is the best we ever had. The low prices do 1!. l0 Huts, nicely trimmed, worth $1.75, sale price. . . . ........................ [0 Hats, Stylish and new, trimmed, worth $2.25, mic [nice ........ . .......... I") Hats trimmed in the latest. slyies. worth $2.50, sale price .................. 3 Hubs trimmed in the latest styles, Wurlh $2.75, sale price . . . . r ............. 2.5 Trimmed Hats and Bonnets. latest styles. worth $3.25, sale price ........... W 31*le Lace HMS. trimmed, worth $3.50, sale price ....................... l 000 1)ui5‘!:al!liL§: Black '(Iashmere Hose, worlll 35¢, sale price "lyli‘llinexjy Department. .7 ,,, v-.- all-4v ........................... If ydu wunt any o'f our bupes don’t delav as they are selling like hot cakes. ‘ Jacket Samples, Worth $2.50, sale price .................................. 5 Jacket Samples, worth $31-30. sale pricu ................................. Mantle Department. 5000 yards F ranch All Wool Serzes, 40 inches wide. worth 3-70.. ï¬ll-‘8 price .300 yards 1111 Won] Onsluncrca. 1} yards wide. worth 50oz, sale price ..... . 00C yards l'nuurod Sabin Dress Goods, wurth 65c., sale price ................ 400 yards Black §umh Silk. worth 750., sale price ................ ‘ it)“ urn-1.,“ IL |., , ....... . ‘ - ‘ï¬'.’"‘ l5 Capes, vm-th 5L2», sale price. . . . l5 Capes, worth $2.25. sale price. . . . l5 Capes, worth 3.3.50, sale price. u nun. uul u: 4.15., Mic 500 Svards Colored Sarah Silk. wmu. 50c., sale IUO yards Black l’oi dc Sci Silk. guaranteed nc THIS WEEK'S BARGAIN LIST. Dress Goods Department. Encouraged hy the success of our bargain day trade during the put two'yesn, In have again decided to make SATURDA\ our Bargain Day Jor this xenon. )0“ can I!- ways rely on getting rock bottom values from 1-21- PEOI’Ll-I‘S POPULAR CASH SNRK. Every Saturday special lots will he clawed. It will pay you I“ 08" 50d see “‘- The Best Hat Trade in Peterborough. Every Saturday is Bargain Day at Hall, Gilchrist Co’s. WHERE DID YOU GET THAT S’I‘ANDARD OIL P§ATT’S ASTRAL: IN REPAIRING 130, 132 AND 134 SIMGOE-ST., PETERBflBflUGHl This islhe scusou fur Dusters. and l han- them in abundance in the laucsl mm“: and the nicuit gnmls III." um be prm'in'n-L I have Mm a nice stuck rof ltuhlur ling» :Ilo OCWML-h un- guing his: at Ill) gr- uh .uducud prices. “um {um lhul idllumgh lunlhi-ll hm: umm nu.- iy up in price llm' l mm is. ill furnish \nu “ill: lmr uuu ul‘ any kiln} .u my usually hm prices. but come right in which is at once Invigorating and HAT ? |I\ , WUIDII WU.,BI|‘IH 1w . ....................... Silk, guaranteed not to cut, math 31. 35, sale price.. v _ , sold everywhere at, 2oc., our price. . . . Better Good; at; lowest Cash Prices. Have j â€it received. a large «minimum-m I I l‘lnglis . and American. Fur and “'ch "I I for new Spliug'x trade. in all the lulu 1; 3-H!†and minus Our stock in complete MM :«vknnwlmlgml to be the largest. uul but ASpux‘lfl-i iu the ann of I’vterlmro‘. “'11:.“ in m-un give us a call and be convmced that w; c m suiL you both in style and price. Beorge Street, Hats ! mus BROS. MILLS BROS JOHï¬$TON FAIR, HAVE ALREADY A'l‘TRAC'lEl) (V‘().\'.\‘HHCRABLE ATTENTION. IN ORDER TO KEEP OURSELVES IN TOUCH WITH HARD TIMES WE WILL MAKE A SPECIAL PRICI' FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS“ . ...C().\1 1'3 RIGHT ALONG AND.. . . ....Uli'l‘ THE LATEST DES- ..... ,...I(:XS BEFORE THE STOCK ..... ......... IS PICKED OVER WE ARE SHOWING THE LARG- EST S'I'UCK 01" WA LL PAPER EVER H ICU) IN MILLBROK. THE VAL- UES ARE L'N<U[{PASSED BY ANY ..'I'R;\I)ER IN THE DOMINIO.\'.. ...,.OUR LOW PRICES ...... ...OUR LOW PRICES... â€"A.\'Dâ€" BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS w. s. PICKUP PETERBORO' Hardware merchants 31.25 $1.50 1.75 o- 16 [5