Millbrook Villas Council Minutes Municipality of Millbrook, May 6th, 1957.-â€"A regular monthly meeting of the Municipal Council of the Village of Millbrook was held on the above date. Members present as follows:â€" Reeve Geo. F. Harrington, Coun- cillors Weldon Coulter, Lavern Gibson, Frank Raymes . The minutes of the last regular meeting were read by the Clerk and were confirmed on motion of Councillors North and Raymes. The following communications read: Fromâ€"W. D. Johnston, insurance adjustor, re accident claim. The Department of Plan- ning and Development, enclosing annual report for the year 1956. The Ontario Water Resource? Commission, regarding certificates of approval for water and sewage installations. The Ontario Muni- cipal Association, . announcing a Convention to be held in the Town of Whitby, Friday, June 7, 1957. Welfare Officers Associa- tion, annual meeting in Kingston, June 17-18 and- 19th, 1957. The Department of Highways» Coultex Bros. Ltd tractor cheque enclosed $1, 485. 18, balance l rental dragging ........ 5527 Arnold Fallis, trucking and gravel ............. 60.00 summer Reid’s Garage, gas and 7 , . . 1 oil, truck .............. 63.74 ; I VlSltflrS ‘Durham Telephones 7.55 5 Millbrook Public Utilities 121.97 ' , Ivan Gray, relief acc. . .. 6.97 favour Brunner Mond Co., Ca1- cium Chloride .......... 246.40 0 ° Wm. Buckham, trucking 82.60 ntarlo Lequire, Skuce Back- loe, excavating trench... 28.00 Clifford Scott, salary and mileage ............... 21.2 . 00 Talbert Kellett, labour.. 132.72 Stanford Sloan, caretak- ing W. room ............ 10.00 Treasurer, salary ....... 100.00 ¢ db * W. t TreaSurer, postage ...... 2.00 Homer Ouellette, insur-. ’ ance ................... 257.99 Unemployment Insurance 3 .36 Welfare ............... 20.00 4. q. United Counties, hospital- .. -o- .- I ization ................ 121.38 TESTS PROVE Each dish above con- tains staphylococcus organisms in a broth culture. In the center of each is a leading mas- titis product. Note the HERE’S PROOF GRAY’S DRUG 813033, PHONE 79, MILLEROOK, PAGE FOUR 739 Parliament Bldgs. Tororito Address. $3.52 €858 2. corn .3: £93. d .90.... mo EoEtoauo 012:0 Q'Il""l"'ll'l"l'lll' Post Office. ONTARIO TRAVEL Kw‘fm 3mm OINTMENT C OINTMENT A OINTMEN‘I’ NFZ North and George literature to .5â€.- “~- L 555°“? sings .................. ngston, United Counties, grader of subsidy on roads for the year; 1956. The Department of Fin-‘ ance, Ottawa, re Municipal Grants Act. The Town Planning and Municipal Engineering Services. The N. D. Health Unit, report- ing for the month of March 1957 The United Counties of N. D., budget for the year 1957. Motion by Councillors Raymes and North that the grant to- wards maintenance of the Mill- brook Public Library be increas- ed from fifty cents per capita population of the Village to eighty-five cents and that the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to complete a By-Law, making this change effective as of January lst, 1957. \Carried. Motion by Councillors Coulter and Gibson that communications not otherwise dealt with be re- ceived and filed. Carried. The following bills were pre- sented and on motion of Council- lors Coulter' and Raymes were ordered paid: Laurence Winslow, sawing trees .................. $ 12.00 Municipal World, station- Fred Gardiner, painting vise ................... 10 . 00 Council fees ............ 16.00 Owing to certain information that has been brought tto the attention of the Council, regard- ing the liability of the Municipal-- ity should our fire brigade be at- tending a fire outside the Village limits and a fire take place with- in, it was moved by Councillors Gibson and North that our Fire Fighting equipment remain with? in the Corporate limits of the Municipality except under Mutual Aid Agreement, and that the Clerk be instructed to notify out- side Municipalities. Carried. NFZ Ointment is “uneondition-. tionally guaranteed†to be the best Mast-itis Ointment you’ve ever used. If you don "t agree, your money will be. cheerfully refunded. NFZ Ointment con- tains the new, more powerful. chemical Nitrofurazone- that kills a broader range of masti- tis germs fast-er. Since masti- tis germs do not develop resist- ance to NFZ, it. works Where out-dated antibiotics have fail- edâ€"it‘s far more dependable. Try it. today and see for your- self how quickly it acts to clean up even the most difficult cases. Single treatment costs only $1.00, herd pack 6 tubes for $5.00, farm pack 12 tubes $10.00. x The Clerk introduced a By-Law Ryan, legal ad- 16.00 13.75 4.55 Motion by Councillors Gibson and North that a By-Law -be ,completed to annul Sub Section (b) of Section 3, of Byâ€"Law No. "786 passed in Council on the 7th. iday of April in the year 1952, which reads, “One half of one ’ percent per month or part thereof 'will be added, from date due, to any installment or part thereof, not paid by December 15th. of each year.†The folloWing to be 1 substituted: Total mill rate, residential Total mill rate, c0mmercial Arena ............. .56 School Maintenance Millbrcok Public ...... Durham Dist. H.S ..... Debentures High School No. 1. .2.62 High School No. 2.. .64 Bowmanville H.S... .26 Millbrook Puinc. .. 1.12 Millbrook Cavan Arena ............. .56 Motion by Councillors Coulter and Raymes that above mill rates be adopted for the year 1957 and that the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to complete same. Carried. The day children wait for as they stock up-on firecrackers is Vic- toria Day. They are probably envious of this huge firecracker, no doubt the picture is equally interesting to male viewers thanks 10 dJnccr Joan Roberts Jian can be seen each week on CBC tele- vsion’s “Cross-Canada Hit par- adeâ€. setting the mill rates required to meet requisitions for the year as follows: County Levy ........... Gen. Levyx Commercial. Gen. Levy Residential. . on or before the 15th. day of December, a penalty of Four Per- cent will be added.†Carried. (b) Penaltiesâ€" All current year Taxes not paid Council adjourned to meet in regular session on June 3rd, 1957 T. W. Bel-ch, Clerk. Morton, Sarah E.-â€"-â€"On Saturâ€" day, May 18th, 1957, at her resi- dence R.R-. 1, Cavan, Ontario. Sarah E. Staple, in her 90th year, Wife of the late George Morton. Mother of Herb Morton, grandmother of Gerald Morton, both at home. The funeral was held from the J. W. Haw Funer- al Home, King Street East, Mill- brook. Service was held in the Cavan United Church Monday afternoon, May 20th, at 2 o'clock, The Rev. F. P. Chisholm officiat- ing. Interment took place in St. John’s Cemetery, Ida. ATTENTION HOMEOWNERS Now is the time to plan and pre- pare for your future nursery stock planting. When placing your order be sure to contact the Pel- ham representative. Pelham’s are not jobbers but own'. and operate JOSEPH H. BURNS, Lochl‘representative, Phone Mill- brook 182-r-2 a nursery comprising 600 acres. They honourably boast of shipp- ing Ist. class stock to every pro- vince in the Dominion. Their re- presentative will be glad to show you his colourful display in cata- logue. Order ‘now pay on de- livery. Our selection is large. Your order, no matter how small, will be much appreciated. Entered Into Rest MIRROR-REFORM MILLBROOK, ONLABIO 13.52 9.18 Mills 53.7 731i. 005 121 EMBS. WM. ARMSTRONG :AND ms. GERALD LARLIER iTO ATTEND LEADERS SCHOOL , The May meeting of the W0- men’s Institute was heldSaï¬turday, May 13th, at 8 p.m., at the home of Mrs. Milton Challico. Mrs. Allie Fallis presided. Twelve members answered the roll call A talent table was the feature of the meeting. I Millbro-ok members are re- squested to â€turn out in full gfowe, meeting at Lthe Lodge {Room at 2.0?) p.m. Ma rshall Larmer, D .D . G :M. W. R. Juby, District Sec’y. The District Annual Meeting will be held in Campbellcroft on Tuesday, May 28th. The Tweedsmuir History Book was on display. Mrs. Wm. Armstrong and Mrs Gerald Larmer were chosen to attend the Leaders’ Training School. Lunch was served by Mrs. All’ie Fallis and Mrs. Milton Chal’lice. The Woman’s Guild of St. Thomas’ Church recently purchas- ed a power lawn mower for use at the church and rectory. The Rector and Wardens appreciate this fine gift. can Church, Sunday, June 2, at? 2.30 p.m., accompanied by the 3rd Reg’t. of the Patriarchs Militant. Th‘e P.M. iand L.A.P.M. to be in full dress uniform. Millb‘rook No. 308 I.0.0.F. will attend Divine Worship at St Thomas: Angli- TENDERS ASKED Applications to fill vacancy on the United Counties’ Court of Revision, caused by the resigna- tion of the Durham County, Rural Representative of the Court, will be received by the undersigned until 12 noon Monday, JunelOth, 1957. It is expected that the; Ladies’ Auxiliary Patri-archs‘ Militant will also be present,‘ as well as visitors from Lodges throughout the District, for this parade. G. E. LESEMER, Manager, Millbrook Branch .4; NEW POWER MOWER K. Symo‘ns, Clerk. Northumberland Durham, Cobourg, Ont. I.0.0.F. PARADE TORONTO - DOMINION . Personal Chequing Accounts ogtr new écméz'ng Jervz'ce The éank that look: ahead Come in and discuss this new type of, bank account. You’ll ï¬nd a Personal Chequing Account helpful if you pay bills by cheque. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the matter of the estate of Annie Isabella Park. All persons having claims1 against the estate of Annie Isa-l bella Park, late of Fraserx 111e,‘ deceased, who died on or about the sevenrth day of May, 1956, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned personal re- presentatives of the said de- ceased on or before the 31st day of May, 1957, full particu~ lars of their claims. Immedi- ately after the said date the said persona-l representatives will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to such claims of which they shall then have notice. By reading these lines, what are you looking for? Improvement in your work? An opportunity to secure your future? More money? That’s what WE are ' offering you here today, but that’s not all, you have read our offer, now inquire about it. 1600 Delorimied, Dept. 62, Staâ€" tion C, Montreal, Que. 1t Frank Jiggins, 15 Seymour St., Port» Hope; Ont., or Lorne T. Foster, 38 Murray St. Brock- ville, Ont., Executors. 3t- Date-d at Millbrook, Ontario, this 7th day of May, 1957 . \Vaqn‘tedâ€"Man for steady travel among consumers in Town- s'hips Gavan; Cartwright and Manvers. Perr’nanent con- nection with large manu- facturer. Only reliable hus- tler Considered. Write Raw- levigh’s Dept. lav-283431, 4005 Richelieu Street, Montreal, Quebec. 1t Renew Your Subscription. SALESMEN WANTED They say it’s unlucky to postpone a weddingâ€"there is no foundation to this superstition, so long as you keep postponing it . 565 1130mm: H. OUELLETTE GENERAL’ INSURANCE MILLEROOK Thursday, May 23, 1957 TENDERS FOR COAL COKE ~FEDERAL BUILDINGS PROVINCE OF ONTARIO SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed as above, will be received until 3.00 pm. (E.D.S.T.), TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1957, for the supply of coal and coke for the Federal Buildings throughout the Pro- vince of Ontario. Forms of tender with specifica- tions and conditions attached can be obtained from the Chief- of Purchasing and Stores, Depart- ment of Public Works, Garland Building, Ottawa, and the District Architect, 385 Yonge St, Toronto, Ontario. Tenders will not be considered unless made on the printer forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with conditions set forth therein. The Department reserves the right to demand from any suc- cessful tenderer, before awarding the order, a security deposit in the form of a CERTIFIED cheque drawn on a bank incorporated under the Bank Act or the Quebec Savings Bank Act payable to the order of the RECEIVER GEN- ERAL OF CANADA, equal to ten per cent of the amount of tender, in accordance with the Govern- ment Contracts Regulations now in force, or Bearer Bonds, with unmatured coupons attached, 0! the Government of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Company and its constituent companies, unconditionally guar- anteed as to principal and interest by the Government of Canada. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ROBERT FORTIER, Chief of Administrative Services and Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, May 7th, 1957. For Saleâ€"Pure Bred Polled An- gus Bull with papers, coming 2 years of age. Also Sow. due in three weeks. V. Kennedy, phone 223r25 Millbrook. 1t For Saleâ€"Grahametjce Electric Stove, 2 plates and oven stor- age. In good condition. Phone 120-j Millbrook. 1t For Saleâ€"Seven-room Red Brick House on Main St., Millbrook. Apply to C. D. Sanderson or phone 115-w, Millbrook. 3t For Saleâ€"Solid Britk Block on King Street containing six good apartments all newly decorated. This will be sold at a sacrifice. Good im‘est- ment now that the new Re- formatory is about to open, as apartments will be in great. demand. Present own- er not living in Millbrook, will not rent. Apply H. D. Bigelow, 285 Ontario Street, Port Hope, Ont. 5t For Rentâ€"Seven-Roomed Brick House with Hydro, 31/2 miles east of Highwav 28. Appls Charles H. Barnard. Phénc 24-r-5 Bailieboro. 4t Attend the Ghurch of Choice on Sandi!!- .. FOR RENT FOR SALE Mr. Robert J. Neill, Mrs. Ruby Meggs, Ham Mr. J. Whittington, S. 1 Mr. Fred Lewis, Alnwi Hear the following son, Progressive Co: Northumberland in Fishing in the pen day evening, Mr. Pickling landed the la caught here so mr flu when he hooked a hrd weighing 81/: lbs. 1 measured 261/; inches 4 has a girth of 16 inch; with some Toronto fri< enjoying the beautiful around the pon'd. ham long just as he was in 1 playing the fish. and experience of seeing first time in our life. a being rescued from tl only to end up in the pan. 81/2 LB. BROWN TR CAUGHT BY n. In 97th. Year. No. 22 Radio June 12th PH‘