med Cottage :reet, n8xt to *enhouse. 3: Iels of Wheai Is of Oats. ‘» Blackman, :. 1; ation M'UHS 01' elec- ‘f “I? kind; 'hallice, phone wk. 31: Lot on Mar- brook. Ap. Trick, Mil]- Will hone 157 w illbrook. 3t Seed, $5.00 > two brood lias “'hite 'el' Seed. oath Mon- blue suit, also black to assist with day a week. 20 head of Willis Wood, #1:, Out. 01‘ 9 illthok lxer and (es- three locks. Ap- rick, Min- ' to Wm 1'3 Mill Alfalfa. 3: 2t ,w‘r. ,wtgxu‘" ‘. -.- “éï¬ï¬ WWW} The Millbroolr- Reporte J. H. Ban-inger, Publisher. - THE MIRROR-REPORTER Authorized as 2nd class mail Post Office Department, Ottawa, Ont. Admission $1.00. (Jo-SponsorJ ed by the Gavan Hall Board. ! dress is not tolerated, we!i especially seek your patronage and good influence.‘ Dancing "' starts sharp at 9:30 om. OLDE TYNE DANCING -â€"!'riday, May 9th, Gavan, On- tario. Jim Fisher and Orches- tra. If you enjoy real Canadian Square Dancing, where objeod I tio'nal conduct or improper I Mr. M. Case who has been pastor of the Zion Pentecostal Church for the past three years was ordained on Wednesday, April 23rd, in Toronto. The Rev. M. Case is leaving the Zion L-ine Church and will| preach his farewell sermon on: Sunday morning at 11 o’clock, May 4th. , Rev. M. Case leaving Millbrook FISH AND CHIPS, also HAMBURGS At Counter or to Take Out Phone Orders Accepted. Phone 38 Millbrook Coming Event Sunday, May 4 at Vl’s lUNCH "CHICKEN IN THE BASKET" THE GERTRUDE SHOP, PHONE 136 SUGGESTIONS FOR Mother’s’ Day N0 . 18¢. SUNDAY; HAY 11th.. Nylon Slips, Nighties, Hosiery, Cardig ans, Housedresses, Aprons, Eanln‘e Scarves, Gloves SPECIAL FOR Millbrook people who saw ’ Walt Disney’s latest live-action [:8 btï¬lproduction, “Old Yellerâ€, in [“05 IPetenborougrh recently enjoyed ee years it immensly. Those who missed lnesday, it will have another opportun- {- Thegity to see it next week, when mg fl}? this delightful comedy-drama nd ““11 'of a family and an “old yel‘ler†mon ongdog will be shown at the‘ o’clock; Capitol Theatre, Port HOpe, be-‘ ginning on Monday. Shows lbegin at 6.4-5 and 9.00, day- light-saving .time, and the "t management advise out-of-town patrons to come early in the ING 'weekï¬ when good seats will be an, Omgmore plentiful than they will -__-L_ [be later. , ' Golden Sheaf Rebekah Lodge will hold a Baking Sale in the 9.1I O. O. F. Hall on Saturday, e May 10 Remember the date. New supply of Counter Check Books at. The Reporter Office. No, rise in price Eopron'rmu'rv PRESENTS :ITSEIJ‘ T0 mmoox §THEATRE muons ONTARIO NOTICE. COMING EVENT Mammoth Share- the-Wealth ‘Bingo in Millbrook Armouries Saturday, May 17th. Sponsor- ged by Millbrook Lions Club. E? .211 Miss Mary L. Widdiss was the: guest of Mr. and Mrs. Anson; Morton and children, Doro-thy! and Randal, on Sunday. i Mr. L. W. Argue, spent theg: weekend with his parents Mr. 7 and Mrs. H. C. Argue. He I returned to Guelph Where h’eI has a position with the engiu- ' curing Department of the 011- ( In loving memory of Mrs. I Suttle Pritchard who passed 2mm May 1,1954. God took her home 5} It was His Will. \ r1. \Vifthin our hearts,‘ 1 She liv eth still. g -â€"Sadly missed by husband and familv gotten, Though on earth you are no more Still In memory you are with us, As you were before. â€"E\rer rommnbered bis:- sons \Villiam Nmmau and John, daughters Maxy and Sarah. IN MEMORIAM l-Ilmerâ€"In loving memory of a dear fathér William Elmer, who passed away one year ago May lst, 19-57. Dear father you are not for- The May meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. W. A. O’Brian, May 26th. Hostesses, Mrs. E. Liesemer, Mrs'. 'H. -*Lénr-ashirc’, assisted Mns. Payne in serving a delici- ous lunchl'eon during a pleasant social hour. ‘ Mrs. Liesemer conducted a hat and card contest which was won by Mrs. J. Wright. The cup and saucer draw was won by Mrs. Payne, a first time Winner. The Nominating Committee appointed for 1958-9 weme: Mrs. P. Hamilton, Mrs. S. Snelgrove and Mrs. J. Mcâ€" Master. President Mrs. E. Liesemer chaired a full business agenda. Many club interests were dis. cussed and plans for Spring [and Fall activities for the bet- terment and lucrative inteiests of the club were duly en- countered and aptlyconsid‘ereci. A Garden Tea and Bake Sale will be held at the home of Mrs. E. Liesemer on Wednes-‘ da3, June 25th. Mrs. Payne will be (omener assisted by‘ Mrs. H‘. Lant'ashhe, Mrs. H.‘ Kerr, Mrs. J. Wright and Mrs. E. Liesemer. The Lady Lions enjoyed a well attended April meeting at the home of Mrs. A. R. Prayne Monday evening. MRS. A. R. PAYNE WINNER OF PRIZE AT LADY LIONS MEETING- Miss Audrey Wood of Hamil- ton, and Mr. Sid Cooper of Haliburt-on were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Argue last Saturday. Miss Henrietta Wood is en. joyed a. three week vacation in EurOpe. After visiting Eng- land, Ireland, Wales and H01- land she will be attending the World’s Fair in Brussels, Belgium and then is going on to Denmark, also Germany guest of Mr. and Mrs. Anson? What looked like ‘Morton and children, Dorothy, between Marilyn L and Randal, on Sunday. ' Nancy Powell took Mr. L. W. Argue, spent theESunday afternoon “ weekend with his parents Mr. tWO young ladies fl and Mrs. H. 0_ Argue. He heels and never .sto returned to Guelph where he ing untilagood 1002 has a position with the engiu- The SUdden burst 0i eering Department of the On- caused by JUdY Rei tario Agricultural College. rubber rat tied to IN MEMORIAM mme, “mm THURSDAY MAY 1 2 Mrs. Gertrude Coulter would like to thank her friends and neighbours who so kindly sent gifts of fruit, (ands etc. , at the time of her accident and during hbr Pecovery. ‘ ‘- .L s n I mow national director of field [services for the Osborne Associ- ation which is concerned with the improvement of correct- iQnal standards in state institu- tions. The annual meeting of the John Howard Societyb of Ontario is a public. gathering, open not only to members but; also to interested citizens. I Toronto, April 30th,1958.â€" {Kenyon J. Scudder, one of America’s most distinguished pioneering leaders in the ï¬elds of prison reform, crime and de- ilinquency prevention. comes to T01 onto on May 5th to address .the annual meeting of the John {Howard Society of Ontario at Osgoode Hall. A He first earned .interi‘iational recognition as isuperinte-ndent of the Wirld’ s outstanding honour prison, the :California Institution for Men Iat Ohino where he served for fifteen years His book “Pri- ‘soners are People†on which the feature film “Unchained†was based, deals largely with his work there. On crime and delinquency, Mr. Studder ha; long felt very strongly that not until the average citizen is alerted to the danger and is actively aiding in improving cmnmunity conditions for child- ren, can there be anv‘effectivo measure of control. As a result, twenty- five years ago 11 hen Pnobation Officer of Los Ange- les County. he established there the first adult and youth coun- oils for this purpose. To- day there are 130 such groups in that country Mr. Scudder is PIONEER IN PRISON REFORM COMING TO TORONTO r- v“- o Jul-“L v k") , a market7 gardener, is always looking ahead, and these will no doubt be filled with new fresh vegetables before the summer passes. Harvey Challice loading a few crates 1n hig car. Harvey A little four or fiveT’year-old girl carefully guiding a smaller child across street in motherly fashion. This youngster must have had the “Safety R-ule"{ well memorized as she watched very closely both ways While crossing . 1 “Billy†Bateman of Bailie- boro. We’re always glad to see ‘him on the street for every time he comes to Millbrook he leaves some of Bailieborb’s good money in our Vill- age. We know what We’re talking about, we got. some of {Seen On King Street During The Week jNancy Powell took place onlI Sunday afternoon when these' two young ladies took to their1 heels and never stopped runn- ing until a, good 100 yards away, The sudden burst of speed was] caused by Judy Reid having a! rubber rat tied to a. piece of thread and pulling it along thel street. The young girls, too" frightened to take a good look," thought it was the real thing,†hence the dash to save their!I lives. W hat; looked like -a. foot race between Marilyn Liesemer and CARD OF THANKS toot race; The Young People’sSociety, amer and 1 and the members of Zion Pente. llace 011' costal'Churoh, met at the home m thesel'of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Clark, to their Cavan village, on Sathrday 3d runn- evening, April 26th, for a social dS aways evening .and presehtation to the »eed W'aS}Rev. M. and Mrs. Case, as a laving auslight token of their apprecia- piece 0f tion for their work while here. ‘ long the'Mrs. Case had previOusly been‘ :irls, tOO'presen‘Eed with a gift from the ’0d lOOka'WOIILIGIl,S Missionary Council L1 thing,‘of which she was president. 'e theirlThe Young People presented them with a carving set, and the Congregation with a coffee Bailie-It-able and a step-up table. A glad tolsocial time was spent with ’1‘ every music and games. The thanks 1‘00kphelo‘f the Committee is extended ieboro’s' to all those who helped in any' I‘ Vill-i way to the success of the even-l ' we’re ing, especially to Mr. and Mrs. $01116 0f Clark for opening?) their home, land to the J. W. Haw Funeral Home, for the loan of their rear-91¢ chairs. 1 437 George St. PETERBOROUGH Phone 201.. ,‘ Mrs. H. C. Quinn was baptised at Christ Church, Bailieboro, Sunday morning April 27th, 1958, by the rector, his father. "l‘he names given the baby were David Kevin. The godparents are. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hark. sees, Ida . Following the morn. ing service, the baptismal party returned to the rectory at Mill- ! brook for dinner. f PRESENTATION T6 REV. m BAPTISM AT BAILIEBORO Renew your subscription. LEAVING MILï¬B’ROOK The infant son of Rev. and Victoria and Grey Trudi-Company AT 7:00 O’clock P.1d. Social Hour, Dinner, Dance and Entertainment ADMISSION: $5.00 PER COUPLE; SINGLE $2.50 Tickets may be had from'any of the followingâ€"Clif- ford Northey, Dr. J. W. Wright, Coulter Bros, Irtd., Dick Hutchison, G .H Lancashire, or any-meï¬ber of The Millbrook Hockey Club is Sponsored by The Buckham Transport. the" Hockey Club . Armouries, Friday, May 2nd. MORTGAGE lOANS EVERYBODY IS GOING TO The Millbrook Hockey Club Banquet and Dance First Mortgage Loans on Town We have Money AVailable for ENQUIRIES INVITED and Farm Property. $1.50 a AT STARTING MONDAY See it early in the week ; to U.S.A., $2.“;