Millbrook has entered a ban- tam team in the Lakeshore Minor Busfl‘all League. Six: teams ~are enteredâ€"Bowmau-j ville, Cobourg, Port Hope, Cour- tice, Orono and Millbrook. The schedule will start on Monday, WWJIN-‘M'J MINOR BASEBALL PAGE P003 Fairweather Private Hospital} M Mr. and Mrs. D. (utmore and family and patrons of Wish to Thank all the kind friends, groups, and church organizations for their kindness duringthe and the pupils of Mrs. J. Gillen, fourth line School. Card Of THANKS May 19th. This is a good op-‘ portunity for all interested ‘boys. Age limit is 15 years {old on 1st of May or after. AIL boys will be given a chaance,1 !and practice will be every Mon- idlay and Thursdav at 7 p.m., ‘and Sunday afternoon at 1.30 u. U u--w‘~'- p.m. Each Iggyrmust have his own glove and running shoes. Folk songs from European countries are brought to Cana- dian listeners each week by various groups of ethnic singers on Songs of My People over the Trans-Canada network of CBC Radio. For many Canadians who trace their origin to the DURHAM COUNTY LIBERALS ELECT NOMINATING COMMITTEE . “vâ€"‘ County Liberal Association metlhrd at. the Communiy Hall in New- Wo castle on April 25th, 1958, for Rue the purpose of hearing reports.I A from delegates to the Liberal elec Leadership Convention held in. of 1 Toronto on April 18th-19th. lam The Executive of the Durham m ERROR-REPORTER. um SONGS OF MY PEOPLE old countries, this weekly broadcast of traditional Euro- pean music provides a link with the past. Czech soloist Jan waes is a regular guest singer and Ivan Romamoff is conduc- tor,. violinist and arranger on the show. The meeting was under the chairmanship of Mr. Robert Kent of Bowmanville, PTesid- ent of the Association. Reports were Heard from the delegates, Messrs.1?‘ra,nk Rick- t1rd,R E. Lovekin, E A. Woodyard, Gordon Trick and Russell Honey. A Nominating Committee was‘ elected under the chairmanship of Mr. Elmore Scott to make arrangements for a Nominat- ing Convention to be held for purpose of nominating a candi- date to contest the ProvinciaL election, expected to be called: this autumn. Members of the, Committee are Frank Rickard! and George Walton of New} castle; Ivan Hobbs and John James of Bowmanville; B. H. t Hutton and Russell Honey of Port. Hope: Gordon Trick of Milhbrook, James Castle of Darliugton,‘ Laverne Chapman of Mam er~ Eric Fallis of (‘ax an Harry Wade of Clarke, l David Ford of Hope and Neil Malcolm of Cartwright. l It was generally predicted that the Nominating Conven- tion would be held about the. middle of June. It was decided to hold the Convention in New. castle 101‘111111111ity Hall. Several strong candidates are in evi- dem-e as enthusiasm for the cause of. ’I..iboralism in Ontario i; running high, following the election of Kitchener lawyer, John J. Wintermeyer as lead. or of the Ontario Liberal Party. I am the symbol of time, com. bining the past, the present and the future. As the clock records the seconds, minutes, hours, I re- cord the days, weeks and months. . I have two missions: one of utility, one of sentiment. All the World looks at me, talks about. me, and regulates its business and social life by N 0 letter is ever written, no book ever published, no money ever coined, that does not bear my imprint. I am the one thing that the world must constantly (consult . I ask for display space in your place of business or your home. In return I guarantee to be useful, and I hope to be decorative a -I admit that in that space I will constantly work for my sponsor: telling .vou and your friends who they are. where they are, and What. they have to sell. I am one of their salesmen, anxious to impress you favour- ably and to remind you tact- fully on each day of the year that my employers value your busin 93's . But I am their ambassador of’ goodwill, entrusted with a spa: anal mission. That mission is; I AM THE CALENDAR Kemptville-A pileated wo-od‘i R.R. 2, Ida, Ont. 1t â€"â€" .._ .,...._____..__..___ ipecker busy collecting insect 1 For Saleâ€"Building Lot on Ma r~ larvae was Spotted 111 Late. shall Street, Millbrook. Ap- March in a mature white pinei ply to H. M.-â€" Trick, Mill- stand in the G. Howard Fergu-l brook. 3% son Provincial Forest. ThelFor Selleâ€"Wâ€" “cock of the woods†is al; â€" Y e ’3’5'00 spectacular wood-pecker, 19 ‘ 1:2;31181211)blyA1§1i::vo gig: inches long, with a conspicuous? phone 107-j-11 Millbrook red crest Whose great size,‘ - 4 ' ‘ __ ' ’srweeping wingbeats and flash- For Saleâ€"Good Eating Table 1ing black and white colouraJ Potatoes. Apply to Dick tion identify it at a distance. Hutchison, phone 107-wâ€"2 __, Millbrook. 2t -.__.- % â€"â€"â€"... , --. Wife, reading husband’s for- For Saleâ€"Building Lots, centr- tune card from .a penny sealez‘ ally Located in Millbrook. “You are a leader of men, with? , Phone 259 MiUbI'OOk. 2t place on their greatest asset, to remind you of the value they ‘ your friendship. i 'a magnetic personality and strong character. You are in- tel’ligent, Witty, and attractive to the opposite sey . .It has your weight wrong too. †[Woman or girl to assist with housework one day a week. Phone 19 Millbrook. List your property with Bmves Cocks Limited. Call Gordon F. Trick at 167 Mi'llbrook and talk it over. It Have your eavetroughing and roofing jobs done now. For any remodelling, alterations or repairs of any kind, phone Laurence Coulter, 89-W Mill- brook. 3t Electrical installations or elec- trical work of any kind. Apply toRoy Challice, phone 210-r-22 Millbrook. 3t W antedâ€"Cattle to pasture. Applv Addison Scott, Beth-i any. It For Rent-3-roomed Cottage on Frederick Street, next to Stevenson’s greenhouse. 3t EMPLOYMENT WANTED umï¬ THINKING OI" SELLING? IT’S YOUR BUSINESS If you’re the man-behind- the-wheel, public safety 15 your re‘ sponsibility! So drive carefullyand drive insured! CIA Collision Insurance protects your auto investment CIA Bodily Injury and Property Damage Insurance covers your liability to others CIA Medical Payments protects you and your family in ANY traffic accident . . “ ‘.' .. >1... . Roy Willmott, Q.O. James A. Irvme. 11.1. (ED-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION FOR RENT WANTED NOTICE Barristers, Solicitors, Nota was Telephone 9, Millbrook . SADIE McBAIN, RR 1, IDA Agent Phone RI 5-8079 WILLMOTT IRVINE Thursday, Kay 1, 1968 33‘"?! For Saleâ€"200 bushels o£ Wheat. and 30:0: bushels of Oats. Apply to John Blackman, R.R. 2, Ida, Ont. 1t ‘For Saleâ€"Durham Heifer, (hie May lst. Also 200 bushels of mixed grain. Gordon Might, phone 107-j-3 Mill- For Saleâ€"Building Lot on Ma r- shall Street, Millbrook. Ap- ply to H. M.-â€" Trick, Mill- :brook. 31s For Saleâ€"Timothy Seed, $5.00 per bushel. Also two brood sows. Apply Elias White phone 10.7-j-11 Millbrook. For Rentâ€"Pasture to let-3 creek running through property. L. R. Gibson, phone 260w Millbrook. 21'. For Saleâ€"About 200’ Bales of Red Clox er Hay. Has to go. Apply to B. Jongsma, phone 211- r- 4 Millbrook. 2t For Saleâ€"Red Clover Seed. Apply 0. Young South Mon- aghan RC. St For Saleâ€"Cement Mixer and BlockMadhine, makes three different types of blocks. Apâ€" ply to H. M. Trick, Millâ€" "brook. 8t For Saleâ€"800 Square Bales of good Hay, mostly Alfalfa. Priced to sell. Apply to Wm. Howden, phone 215-r-3 Mill- brook. 3t N ew supply of Counter Check Books at The Reporter Office. No rise in price For Saleâ€"$900. down $33.31 monthly for 10 years. Ap- pmximately 3 acres of land. 9 room Brick Veneer House; 3 piece bath: small barn with garage. Full price only $3900.. Call Gordon F. Trick at Millbrook 167, represent- ing Bowes Clocks Ltd. 11: mm, . M FOR SALE '98th. Year. No. OLDE TYME D. ~Friday, May 9th, tario. Jim Fisher tra. If you enjoy re Square Dancing, 1 Admission $1.00. ed by the Gavan especially seek your and good influence. starts sham at 9 Renew your subscrip‘ 85 GENERAL RE PHONE Millbrook FOR Painting at Re-decoratl PHONE Millbrook 22 Coming E PHONE Fred Gard Cavan, 01 FOR Remember Rebekah L Hall, Sat, 3 PHONE Peter Lodewy Cavan, On’ Expecting a Bigger HORSES, THE GERT conduct or The Millb See Pri Work Special Pr