it Inoel-IUIIIIIIIIHII-IIIIIIIIIIIII took 87-j PIIIIIII l l . {king meter :v' i‘ gOing tid make a l. . pass and ver and 4 ever been ' your pas- : car. 30 but if you ered you "ve . . on these 12 Thusday,mi’8, 1m ' T ‘ lama-we can our -~-~ Mirror-Reporter New Members “HWAirkA Goon mm . ATBETHANY†' 'Join Auxiliary .â€" Thez'é were 31 members pre- ’announcing the Ladies’ Auxiliary to the» J, H, Barringer. Publisher. ICanadian Legion Branch No. _530. 402, held iii the Legion tic Association. A big parade ~ [Hall Tuesday, May 6th. Swill begin i After the roll call of officers, IC‘hurch iit 1130 D.S.T.. with the minutes were read by the prizes for best turnouts and Seen On King Street Secretary. Comrade L. Challicc. costumes. During The Week bit was moved by Comrade H.j At the Athletic Grounds a A car driven at such a speed] Reid and seconded by Comrade good bill of sports such as races, through the red light on SuIL-lF' White that the mmutes be baseball, girls softball, etc. will day as to make onlookers think, adopted as read. .be staged, for which the admis- day, May 19th, one of satan’s demons had had TWO new members were mlu‘ sion will be 35c for adults, and escaped from Hell and that theated’ Mrs. MaryBoughner and 15c for children. \ "old boy†himself was after and Mfs- Antolnï¬â€˜te Jen5?n' In the evening, dance to the the ecaped evil one. 8 Mrs- V1 Stores 13 transferring music of Gary DeLOrne and h from Port Hope Ladies’AuXIh- Rock-AlBillvs will he. held in 31‘," to 0111‘ Branch. , . the Town Hall comr‘creing at "pot luckâ€shots at the trouble- . Phe Zone Rally Will be held ‘ ‘ some starlings with an air rifle. ;n Norwood. Monday, May’26. Q sion to this feature will beâ€" His marksmanship was either A bus W111 be leavmgat 9:15 ,Gents 75ci LadiésVCSOcu Let’s extra good or extra poor, as o.m. and all members “’IShmg‘go! Rememberâ€"“Always a one bird flew up, this may have 30 attend 'Ehf‘ Rally are to meet ' good time at Bethanyâ€. been caused by the pellet, then at the W aiting Room. --,.__. again by the sight of a choice Comrades ‘Vt'. Fawcett and . bug or fly on the wing, Any- G. Raper were appomted as aisunday Morning wav the birds cleared out. If Committee to 1001‘ after the, s hevdid hit the bird it means tickets for the cedar chest-IAI St- Andrew S that his aim is not ordinary, diaw- -- l but extraordinarv. , The accounts were read and ' lit was moved by Comrade H Reid and seconded by Comrade 3- Of E III: M. Richards that they be paid. l 3:11;: :6 31,3131?,‘;°2“:§k§;' It ve'y ing The financial report was readi',‘ C ‘S ‘ c “ .p ’ the Rev. . by Trea~nrer. Comrade J. l . - 'tarv t h. B .1. ( ' v .3» One thing can be said of peo- TI'M'k. _ ’- ~ 0 t e 0“ d 'f O 91“ ‘ ple who live in the past. They MisSiOllS 0f the limited Church It was moved by Comrade H. .11; it cheaper. I Sinilie that we pay Stan Sloan A big game hunter taking» I Sunday, May 4th, was a red .letter day at St. Andrew‘s for years a missionary in China. , . Coniino- directlv fr 11 h I'e-' ,\ «1.0,... is «,1 (ruv who crives'fm' helping at the banquets. c * .01 t e , - .- s. . a . a W‘WI . b' C ‘ d F ..1 ‘ cent annual meeting of the a cl'erue ., bad name ‘. med } 0min e i. Soar. B ‘ ‘d f O' . W‘ . 1 l , 1 . . , - _, , . , 0.11 0 verseas iIissmns. 1e ISPt'UlldPtl by Lomrade Vi . Rich-. .7 . . , i . ~ .pictured vividly the latest deg (velopments of that work, in~ l _ . lard: that we als av Wavne The Stra‘ght and narrOW‘Chahice for heipiiio" at â€the path would be much wider lfibanquets ° :(‘ludlllg the appointment of 11 in , le travelled it. ° , . lnew missionaries for verse sl ore peop "*‘ Comrade TV. Fawcett was 1!)-; five cou 1e and on: si‘iogiel â€" ‘ S a"; . . .st-all’ed as a :‘member of the . p ‘ . . 7 c l I alwavs admire the Wisdom! , person. Two ministers for ercntive. . . . . . ,‘ “ evancrelistic work 1 Trlllld‘lfl otd those who come to me for, Correspondence was read by? c n . a Vice. .. . an Korea ne . -her 1‘ l o- ;Comrade L. Cliallice. It was loodv to the 0031122211 2:215:51“! Emoved by Comrade H. Reid . °~ ’ " .'; EVGYY woman seems '50 harb'land seconded by Comrade J. gm Japan» (3116 leach? Skflkd mi our a secret desire to write“(Peterson that a sum of money!agriculturemone elwl engineer; "h"’0ks° lbe sent to the Canadian Legit:ii’0:mo tlo p31, 1c health ll ork 111: ‘Scholarship fund. I‘ 11:,0 a, ‘ I'lLa. i Moved by Comrade H. Reid The situation in which they mum - , . â€v'ill bx workinor i: verv iii 11-: e ' lsooondeu by Comrade W. Rim-lent frioin that Dofsa oeiiegatit‘n! ' ' ... U . $50 iards that two delegates be‘aoo when we icturbed a iris l "m“ (chosen to attend the Conven-l F ’ ‘ p ' "' i ’ ' 3t' . . 1Olsmnary as a Western man in REES GARAGE, P110318 275 {1013,1511 Egrgldiiiraldle 36833111,) ,the centre of a gathering of ELI-BROOK, ONTARIO isegofidedyb - Comrade t Sloaii natives, telling the story of ' lthat the Pyresident andOSe‘ore-EJesus and His love to the! tai'y act as delemates theatrhens. Now we realize that, . The Flower Fund draws werether e are h'etthen.f°1k every-, Barristers and Solicitors won bv Comrades \V Rich ar dq ,where. not Just. in the 11011.: 425 Water Street B Siiiilev E Smith and L“1 Chriztiian world, bUt 8180 in, PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO Scott " ‘ ‘tEurOpe, North America, and, v - ‘2 ‘ da. 1" 3' Carley Q.C. (18964956) Comrade F White gave a rc-gcmd. , _ . , R. o_ Standish Q.C. port on the Flower Fund. 1 Scripture readingâ€"EpheSians! 1" E“ Clarke B-A- Comrade M. Br00ks reportedi 3 31'9“" , y . . .3 ‘. , R. H. Carley B. Com. on the Social Committee. , - Theseuievt DIISSIOIIaI'hS “111, W- 0- Led! B-A- Because of ill health Comrade work “Ithm a church already . . l stblishe and 9 workers M. Brooks had to reSign as e d d’ a. ’ mm mm . P011; Ho 6 Ont. Box 622 nation 0 omrace '- aper, . _ . - ‘ . E , a _ . M P ,ts kers 6 me;- ~econded by Comrade NV . Fa“,_‘1ng its 0“]1 mature leadership“ onumen , Mar , o . e I '.si n r' no ie centre . . cett. Comrade A. Scott "\VRS’EE tail: (iotauiie btutfl‘workino’ Posts and Inscriptions. made Convener of the (70111-. , p a . r: I niittee lWllh native colleagues, in a, _ 3:. _ The meeting was adjourned much dk’jmd adyisory capa ’5 ' ‘cxtv as art of a world-Wide by Comrade M. Brooks. Lunch ~ p - l OAKLEY, STANDISB, CLARKE CARLEY LECH BATE 3 DODDS FUNERAL SERVICES ‘ , , - _ Fellowship. which pays allegi-r LEII‘I‘L.) -W?’; served by the 8061511503] 's'ance to Jesus Chist as ..Saviou A. B. RAPER, PRESIDENT ml' ee. ' ' . and Lord, and in many cases is QUEEN ST W. :branching “out into pioneering (At snachan Avenue)" A coot is an aquatic bird in mission work in new 31-935,, in South on its own! -. found principally TELEPHONE EMpu-e 3'0681 ‘ Recently, as an example, two America. ’ . . . . TORONTO- OWL _ ’native..Japanese, IIIISSIOIMIII‘IGS lhave been appointed to help JOHN PAYNE Corinthian architeottire is f with work in Canada, in cities Pontypool â€"-' Ontario characterized by columns, us glike Hamilton, and two Chris- Licensed Auctioneer. Durham ually elaborately fluted and ttian Japanese families have County, isnow available to 00‘!!- carved. migrated to British Columbia, duct sales anywhere in County. I where they will strengthen the Your patronage respectfully Cork comes fr 0m the outerlwork in the local church coni- solicited - . . _ .munity Where they settle. bark of a species of oak found, The whole message was one in the Mediterranean area. lof World-Wide Vision, and] Dead StocksRemoved â€"-" gum, ,,,,,,,,i,,,,_ , HIGHEST PRICES PAID At various times in history; ...â€"..-.~ F_â€" Mâ€" The. senior choir sang for us' icounterfeiting has been piiiiisli-l“Re,;?oice the Lord is King!â€: 24_Hour Service labia by death. land the juniors the set-011d, lverse of hymn 2:31; The con- PHONE COLLECT: I l . . o . ‘ ». Egregat‘ou got ‘lieir innings Ill P b uh 22080 [ People who went South fort“ a 1 ~ L * eter oro - . Cobourg 1787 . ' ‘ -'-as.' ‘.1.“-GFS. 1the winter reallv found it. gthe 10â€. “(mill hv‘fm I", n j : ‘ fshall reign where or the sun., I I . Nick Pecom .! PROPRIETOR -_, h‘___ Doth his successive journeysi The best way to get rid Ofirun, No. 294. i work is to do it. I l l l E.L.Hj . '. i g ' . Posters Will be out this week, C) 1911113 the Victoria Day, Farlwcett, andKatlliy Hard. (1,! .- . _ . vo w i A: - ' sent at the regular meeting 0t Celebration at Bethany on Mon-' ‘ t ee m5 1‘9 Pd»? under thcl auspices of the Bethany ..‘ tlile- i'rom St. Paul S! FIOIVd Honey. SPcre-I W.M.S. NOTICE ,' The W.M.S. of St. Andrew’s} Reid seconded bv Comrade B Of Canada, and for SeveralChuTeh will meet in the 0111er11 2’2: . wimm naownms [ §~ " During the past two monthSi 7 A -. i 1 . we’ve had three new tweenies,’ , lOANS Reynolds, Deborah, f " ltheir Promise, Law. Mottmg We have Money Available for ,We also had a enrollment of. i Donna Brock and Linda Moore. l I The following test have been‘ passsd for Brownies working 011 their Gold-en Bar. Seven Brownies passed their skipping, 1 First Mortgage Loans on Town and Farm Property. j Four on Balance, Three on {Laying a Table, Four on Tidy Room, One on Knots, Two on lNature, Six on Traffic Rules, 'Six on Ball Throwing, Five on Sewing and Darning. Mrs. Campbell has passed '5‘ T q" ‘ " " ' ‘ ' ~ - - . itlie following Brownies work- ‘ i ru Stcompaw IS"ing their Golden Hand, Ten ...... , , - - ' Brownies passed on Cleaning 437 Geï¬'ge St- ' ' PETERBOROUGH' ‘ . Phone 2-0446 Shoes and Clothes. Eight on ‘ ' ' ,Courtesy,.Th-ree on Athem, Four . “I“. ‘on Carrying Message, Seven on _ Tieiiig Parcels, Two on Skipp- ing, Two on Rythm, One on Nature. ' ' Airs. Gordon Trick passed the following Brownies working {for their Golden Hand~0ne on .Co-okiiig. Three on Tea and lToast. Linda Nelson has pas- sed her Golden Bar. , Carol Abbott has passed her , Golden Hand. GR. M,â€" at 3 p.m. Everyone welcome. . (heck Books just arriv- ed at the Old Price at The Rev. W. H. Heustin Ofi Beamsville was a visitor in the! village on Wednesday. 1‘ l It’s amazing the number of things one can remember hav- ing forgotten. WANTED Woman or girl to assist with housework one day a week. Phone 19 Millbro-ok. I h I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Hall on Wednesday, May 14th, E I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I New supply of Counter '. ,_ You, as a driver, are required to know the Rules of the Road to qualify for a Driver’s Licence. But your obligation in driving is greater than merely knowing how. L- A. it ‘5‘»ifile m, â€,1. You must also practice safe driving whenever you are behind the wheel of a car. 3'." ...s _ . of»); 'A Remember that you are morally responsible for the safety of everyone with whom you share our streets and highways. ' I [I ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT l i