Just as you can’t buy fire insurance on your house when it is already burning so you can’t buy accident and sickness in- surance when you ’re already laid .up with accidental injuries or a serious illness. The time to buy accident and sicknses (A and 8) insurance is while you are in good health. . . . . . . Your CIA representative will be glad to tell you what a CIA accident and sickness policy covers and what it does not cover. Or we will provide a. specimen policy on request. See your CIA representative for the full CIA A and S protec- tion picture â€" do it now, while ycu are in good health! YOU BUY IT WITH GOOD HEALTH Attend the-Church of your ’ the Mu‘n‘icipahf ligarii. choice on Sunday. ' On motion of Herb Syer A. E. RAPER, PRESIDENT QUEEN ST W. (At Strachan Avenue) TELEPHONE EMDire 3-0681 Dead Stock Removed I BUTTER GRANITE 00. Port Hope, Ont. Box 622 Monuments, Markers, Corner Posts and Inscriptions. Nick Peconi Council adjourned on motion by Robert Fisher seconded by G. Anderson to resume session 24-Hour Service _ vw-u-v 4 The question of fire protec- tion came up again for consder- able discussion and Councillor Anderson moved that the Muni- cipality engage Bewdley fire department, however this mo- tion did not receive any sun- LAJAK’ .1 \ Dal u. Barristers and Solicitors 425 Water Street PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO l'. J. Carley 0.0. (1896-1958) B. 0. Standish QC. T. E. Clarke B.A. R. B. Carley B. Com. W. C. Lech BA. Mr. Harry Izarmer inter- view ed the Council in regards to Warble Fly spraying and after discussion it waq decided to have him make another in- spection of cattle in this regard. The Road Superintendent Mr. M. H. Thompson present- ed road voucher No. 4 in the ammmt of $998.88 and aft-e:- careful scrutiny was passed for payment on motion by Robert Fisher seconded by Herb Syer. ‘ fAGE TWO The Building Inspector, Mr. George Fletcher was present and several small matters were discussed. Mr. Orville Ydung inter- viewed the Council and pre- sented a claim in the amount of $62.40 for poultry killed and badly injured by stray dogs. The livestock valuer’s‘ report had been received by the Clerk and this was also pre- sented. Â¥ CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION BATE 6 300st FUNERAL SERVICES The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the Clerk and adogtogi on motion by Th'e regular meeting of the Municipality of Scuth Mona- gh-an was held in the Township Hall on May 5, 1958, at 8 p.m. with all members present and Reeve Ray Bothwell presiding. George Dean. PHONE OOLIEGT: Peterborouh 2.2080 Gobonrg 1787 Township Pa'sses School By-law §outh..;_Monaghan MRS. SADIE McBAIN, RR 1, IDA, Agent . Phone RI 5-8079 . PBOPBIBTOB TORONTO. 6M. ’, STANDISB, CLARKE P310338 PAID Fisher seconded bi The following accounts total. .' the C w ing .3. 67 were introduced by: to the the Clerk and passed fOr pay- for z , ment on motion by Herb Syer tum-es. ? °f theiseconded by G. Anderson. I Sec< Mona-5N, D. Health Unit, \motioi ownship I plumbing inspection. . .$ 7.50 ed by .8 p.m. FThos. Whillier Son final ent and:collec-tor’s roll and ofâ€" motior . . g'fice supplies ......... 19.26 by Ge< Ead’f’g' éMumcipal World, at this B; PreVIOUS! fice supplies ......... 3.50 On ; 1? Clerk! Mirror-Reporter, quar- second 121011 byiter printing contract, introdl led by lplus extra priming. . . . 79.372‘ing to 'Robt . Dawson, firewood 01', Mr- gfor hall .............. 8.00 pr esent: Orville Young, claim for I Second reading was given on motion by Geo. Dean sec- ended by H. Sver. Third and Efinal reading to be withheld iqmtil approval is granted b} 4 On motion of G.A11derson erconded by Robt. Fisher the I Clerk introduced and gave first greading to By-law No. 638 gauthorizing the Municipality to issue debentures in the a- mount of $39, 740. for the erec- tion of a two rooms addition {to Bailieboro Publis Sehol. Jerry Stock, Arthur Beebe and Robt. Hazleton interview- ed the Council in the interest Fof setting up a local volunteer 1fire fighting force. After due iconsideration a motion by Geo fDean seconded by Herb Syer carried, that the Council or 31 representation of Council-101s in‘ ‘company with representatives1 from the volunteers and repre- sentatives from- the Peterbor- ough fire department inspect and see test performed on used truck in Toronto on a date a- greeable to all and if found satisfactory to arrange pur- chase. , and on motion of Robt. Fishe1 seconded by George Dean a donation of $50.00 was approv ed; J. L. Graham, Co. regard- ing issuance of debentures, this was ordered tabled; Dept. of Labour apprOVing appointment‘ of M. H. Thompson as inspec- tor under the Trench Excava- tors Protection Amt; Mounrtain Sanatorium, Hamilton advising oi. admittance of George Brock: ihqse e\onmmnisea;tions were ordered received and filed. ' J. P. Plews, warble fly Vpowder and supplies.. 94.24 ' Don LaFonte, spraying l ‘ cattle 556 head ...... 83.40} Herb Dawson, valualt- i in-g poultry .......... 5.00! Bruce Fisher, valuating , poultry .............. 5.00' J The following correspond-l ence had been recen ed by the Clerk :â€"The Conadian National Railways requesting attend- ance of Clerk and Reeve at a meeting in Millbrok on May 1:3 this was accepted; Five new Hydro contracts approved Nonthumberland Federation of jpoultry killed by stray ‘dogs ................ 62.40 ,Clerk’s salary....'.... 725.00 1 Ray Bothwell†expena ses transportation local patient to Hamilton San- i arborium ............. 8.00 ,Harry Larmer, time and 3 mileage warble fly spray- ' ing and inspection .. .. 99.25 Geo. Fletcher, time and age building inspector 10.80; on Clgay 6th, at 8.30 pm. {seconded by Robt. , Fisher uracil resumed session on' ‘ . ‘ . ' . . '. . , May 6th. as scheduled, allI reading to Byâ€"law No. 639. 161“.“ng buildings or moving members present. ‘This Byâ€"law to authorize the bud-dings 'mthin the Torvnshlp. The following acc0unts total-l; the Clerk to make application 5 Second reading was given on ing “3.67 were introduced by} to the Ontario Municipal Board 1110131011 by Geo. Dean 8.96011de the Clerk and passed for Pay-[for approval to issue debenâ€" Ely .0" Aznderson. Tth and - 7.-.-“v â€"v~v~ rb Syer'fures. - , k - iï¬na; reading was given on son. 1 Second reading was given op mgmgnb 11% Rgbé†F1siher sec- \ motlon by G. Anderson-sewnaw°nG2ralgAne§erq0§egoved sec- $ 7.50 (fed tiy Get; Dean. T’lglrd and’on de d by Robt ~Fisher mgï¬on ma rea mg was glven on, , . ' ’ motion by Herb S’yer secoydedtgï¬mFeg, tggrggnï¬egï¬xï¬fg 19.26 bar. G§0.1Dean: mg accordmgly‘reflwesï¬e a. vis‘t from ar‘repre- tys yâ€"awpasser. f - $ 3.50 On mortion by Robt. Ii‘isheas,“a"?ma'tmé off that department a“ seconded by H. Syer the Clerk;h’%c°nvenÂ¥ences G D introduced and gave fimt reaq- {secoidggogmnRolï¬ Fzï¬er eta]: 79.37.? 1:) By-law Nf.B64{3. ghlsimeting agjoumea to meet] 5’- W to repea Y- 3W 0- - ’ ' 8.00 598 and introduce new regula- i agaln at the cal-10f the Reeve. tions in the ‘c0nstmoï¬on of; ‘ J . E. Robinson. Clerk. 83.403 5.001 Give gifts that say: live better #91003, WMOme %/ On motion by Geo. Dean; seconded by Robt. Fisher the meeting adjourned, to meet again at the call of the Reeve. electricity does so much Express your good Wishes. the modern way. Give the wonderful electrical gifts that . ' promise happier, easier living for years to come. Whatever your budget, there are electrical gifts to make a bride’s heart sing . . . an electric fry pan . . '. a handy automatic popâ€"up toaster . . . a mixer or a steam iron. For the future man of the house there are electric shavers and a wonderful array of time saving power tools . . . and what couple wouldn’t be delighted with one or two handsome, modern electric lamps. They’ll be proud of their electric gifts and happy too because they’re so economical to use. . E. RobinSOn, Clerk. mm; mm L; . costs so little ' Way. Buy 22. 1953 CASH for dead or crippl- ed Horses and Cows. Top price for old horses. Burrett Fur Farm on the 20th day of June, 19581 at the hour of 8 o "clock 1n the afternoon. Zella M. Bentley, Clerk. R.S.O. 1937, 072, Form 3. Take notice that a by-law f 0: raising $50,000.00 under th‘ provisions 05 The TiIe Drainag< Act, will be taken into consider. ation by the Council of flu Municipality of the Corporation of the Township of Cavan at a special meeting of the Council Too many people decide w b they want to be liexye then < 5 looking around for hal Jae to prove they are right. Telephone collect Keene 83w1, if no answer Peterborough Riâ€"2-4330. In Millmbrook which was 2 parently on the fringe of t blast, there was not much either rain, wind or lighmin At Peterborough consid able damage was done by 1 high vwind, trees being blow over and the end of one box was wrecked. Notice of Meeting To Consider By-law Sunday afternoon broug the fimt thunder storm the season. At Ida the r: poured down and more wa passed through culvert th did any time during the spri flood. Further discussion fullw after Mr. Lowe left and motion by Herb Sx er. sewn by G. Anderson the mee1 adjourned to meet again at call of the Reeve. Mr. Lowe u as warmlx th ed by the Reexe for his an anee and the \aluable info: tie}; he had gven. Irluluauug we purchase of Should esuipment be pun1 ed by the Municipality it be possible upon agreen with other municipalitieg sell services to certain defi areas close at. hand or the s ices may be sold direct to‘ property owner outside of Township. / Dead Stock! a test on any machine or ment that the Council 1‘ templating the purchase Mr. Lowe also stated upon a request from the C (ail, one or more men fron Fire Marshall ’5 office will 1 Many types and siz‘ trucks were discussed at length as well different. of equipment. and the ax of this equipment whi< necessary for a Munich of our size. Mr. Lowe explained in the procedure for setting vohmteer fire fighting d; ment in our Municipality also gave some valuable a in regards to the purcha new or used equipment. Ree ve . At the Invitation of thj a member of the Fire Ma staff, Mr. Lowe was 11 and was introduced b1 At the call of the Rec Bothwell, the Council the Township Hall on k at 8.30 p.m., all memb‘ scum MONAGHAN roman 001mm. The Weather A THOUGHT J. F. Roldzz‘son