SPRINGS 50 Telephone collect Keene 83W1, if no answer Peterborough Ri-2-4330. Burrelt Fur Farm Take notice that a by-law for raising $50,000.00 under the provisions oil The Tile Drainage Act, will be taken into consider- ation by the Council of the Municipality of the Corporation of the Township of Cavan at a special meeting of the Council on the 20th day of June, 1958, at the hour of 8 o’clock in the afternoon. Zella M. Bentley, Clerk. R.S.O. 1937, C72, Form 3. Too many people decide What they want to believe, then go looking around for halfrfacts ’0 Prove they are. right. CASH for dead or crippl- ed Horses amd Cows. Top price for old horses. In Millbrook, which was ap- parently on the fringe 0f the blast, there Was not mulch of either rain, Wind or lightning. At. Peterborou-gh consider- able damage was done by~ the high Wind, trees being blown over and the end of one house was wrecked. Notice of Meeting To Consider By-law Sunday afternoon brought the first thunder storm of the season. At Ida the rain poured down and more water passed through culvert than did any time during the spring flood. l Further dimussion followed aft r Mr. Lowe left and on motion by Herb Sy er, seconded bv G. Anderson the meeting adjourned to meet again at the La“ of the Reeve. Mr. Lowe was warmly thank- ml by the Reevq for his attend- am-e and the valuable informa~ tinn he had gven. Dead Stock! Should esuipment be purchas- ed by the Municipality it wll be possible upon agreement: with other municipalities to sell services to certain defined areas. close at. hand or the serv- ices may be sold direct to the property owner outside of the: Township. ’ a test on any machine or equip- ment that the Council is con- templating the purchase of. Mr. Lowe also stated that upon a request from the Coun- vil, one or more men from the Fire Marshall ’5 office will make v "â€"v Reeve. Mr. Lowe explained in detail the procedure for setting up a vohmteer fire fighting depart- ment in our Municipality. He also gave some valuable advice in regards to the purchase. of new or used equipment. l Many types and sizes of trucks were discussed at some length as well diflferent types of equipment and the amount of this equipment which is necessary for a Municipality of our size. At the invitation of the Reeve a member of the Fire Marshall’s staff, Mr. Lowe was present and was introduced by the At the call of the Reeve, Ray Both-well, the Council met in the Township Hall on May 9th, at 8.30 p.m., all members pre- sent. SP3CIAL MEETING or 233 SOUTH MONAGHAN TOWNSHIP cannon. Thursday, May 22, 1938 The Weather A THOUGHT J. E. Robinson, Clerk. All group premiums will be payable monthly in one remittance to the Commission beginning in December, 1958. Individuals remitting to the Commission on a Pay-Direct basis will pay as follows: One month’s premium at the time of application on or before Septenmer 30,..1958 â€"and after that on a quarterly premium basis beginning in January, 1959. PREPAID ‘CUSHIONâ€"The ï¬rst payment of one month’s pre- mium'by groups and individuals registered prior to the closing date: «and above, will cover a beneï¬t period of three months GROUPS must submit lists to the Commission by August 31, 1958, and begin payments in December, 1958. Notice to Employers: This week the Commission is mail- ing to Ontario ï¬rms with 6 or more employees, the required forms and instructions for registering their employees. ANY EMPLOYER WITH 6 OR MORE ON THE PAYROLL WHO DOES NOT RECEIVE THESE FORMS BY JUNE 1, SHOULD IMMEDIATHY NOTIFY THE COMMISSION. u. Jun my a. rcuucm of Ontario and not employeclnrlâ€"Jere there are 15 or more on the payroll, you are eligible to enrol through any of the following means: â€" (a) Voluntary Groups. Persons employed where there are from 6 to 14 on the payroll (including the employer) may be enrolled as a group, if the employer applies for approval as a Mandatory Group and all employees participate. (b) Collector’s Groups. Organizations such as pro- fessional associations, medical co-operatives, craft - -.__-__ -ka 3 . COMPULSORY ENROLMENT - If you are a resident of Ontario employed where there are 15 or more on the payroll (including the employer) you are subject to com- pulsory enrolment through your place of employment. VOLUNTARY ENROLMENT - If you are a resident of Ontario and not employed where there are 15 or more on the payroll, you are eligible to enrol through any of the fn‘llnurin n m aaaaa ALL RESIDENTS OF ONTARIO ARE ELIGIBLE Enrolment will be open to every resident of Ontario â€" regardless of age or physical condition â€". either through a 'gljoup, or individually on a Pay-Direct basis. ONTARIO HOSPITAl INSURANCE Non-residents of Ontario will not be eligible! _ . v.7, vguno L, qedit unions, etc. may appiy far approval The only ‘out-patient’ beneï¬ts in Ontario will be for services received within 24 hours following an accid Beneï¬ts will be allowed for hospital care received ou result of a sudden attack of illness or‘ an accident. days as hospital services are medically necessary. Approved hospitals will include public general hospitals, hospitals for convalescents and the chronically ill, tuberculosis sanato ria and provincial mental hospitals. “a nn‘uv (A--- 4. - L' , .9 I n . _ , *Tofl all Residents of .Onlarlor’ Announcing You must BE REGISTERED TO BENEFIT and To have protection effective January also qualify for the two months’ free PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS HOSPITAL INSURANCE DIVISION TORONTO 7. ONTARIO ' WHEN VOU‘ ENROL ONTARIO laid oï¬, changing jobs,-or temporarily out of the province. THOSE REGISTERING AFTER CLOSING DATES Groups and individuals not registered by the closing dates stated above under ‘When you Enrol’ will not only fail to qualify for the two months free coverage but will be reduired to wait three months following application before beneï¬ts become available. For example, a resident applying in February will not have pro- tection eflective until May 1 . monmS' Iree coverage: INDIVIDUALS applying for Payâ€"I make application by September 30: month’s premium at the time appli THE ONLY BASIC HOSPITAL INSURANCE -On and after January 1, 1959, the Ontario Hospital Services Commission will be the only agency offering standard ward hospital insurance in Ontario. No private insurance company or prepayment plan will provide beneï¬ts covering standard ward hOSpital services after December 31, 1958. ospital insurance premiums on behalf of their members. (C) Pay-Direct enrolment. If you are not eligible to participate through a group, you may apply to pay directly to the Commission, See “When You Enro â€, below. ((1) Recipients of public assistance who are covered by the Medical Welfare Plan through the Ontario Department of Public Welfare will also . 1e for hospital insurance beneï¬ts. It will not be necessary for them to‘ apply for enrolment or pay a premium. PREMIUMS J§npgry l, 1959 an an accident. received outside Ontario as the emergency hospital Pay-Direct enrolment must I 30, 1958, and pay one application is made.