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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 22 May 1958, p. 4

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10.00 a.m.â€"Church School 11.00 a.m.â€"Divine ‘Worship. PRESBYTERIAN Centreville and Millbrook Rey. Walter Patterson, M.A Minister Emeritus. Grace Church. Miflbrook 9.45 a.m.â€"Divine Worship. Centrevil‘ze Church South Monaghan Whitsunday St. John‘s, Ida 9 . 45 a . m .â€"Morning Prayer. Christ Church, Bailieboro 11 .15 munâ€"Soil and Seed Set- vice. St. Thomas’ Church, Mfllbrook 7.00 p.m.â€"Evcn1ng Prayer. I THE UNITED CHURCH 10” “110 Millbrook Pastoral Charge : 12:??? Rev. Francis Chisholm, M.A., flouufi %. . r ' ‘ . ‘. l D : Munster . 1s a $919 Mr. btan ;\orthrop, orgamst music. and choir director. - vrt‘cordiu “0 Come, Let Us Worshlp’- festival. St. Andrew’s T The 10.00 a.m.â€"Sunday School 'hvon m 11.15 a.m.â€"Public Worship sin-(15's ( “The Day of Pentecost”. :which fr Gavan l‘gional 1w " ' ' - mm": : 9.4a a.m.â€"Pubhc Worshap ; i 91 (Irvin and Sunda School. . Q f 3 Q P: aise led by Gavan Male Vome $17?“ Choir. l k ,n’ (s- lllIIIIIIIHIIIIIII-IIIIIIIIIIIIIII Zion Pentecostal Church MILLBROOK Sunday Services 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School 11.00 a.m.â€"Worship Service. 7 . 3O p.u1.â€"Great Evangelistic Service. IVS. -In a claSs of 100 miles per hour there Will be 5 boats competing. The Ontario Speed Boat As- sociation is holding a regatta at Bewdley on Sunday from 1.30 to 5p.m. Contestants will be present from London, Ottawa, Hamilton, Toronto, Peterborough etc., also the SPORTS AT BEWDLEY SUNDAY, MAY 25th- PARISH OF GAVAN Anglican Church of Canada. v. H. 0. Quinn, B.A., Lthe Eavestroughing and Pump Repairs Trenching and Digging P'umbing Heating Furnace md Oil-Burners LOWEST PRICES° ms YEAR Lequire 'I'I'IE SOONER YOU ORDER, THE MORE YOU SAVE 'SU‘NDâ€"AY,‘ MAY~25, 1958 "ION! US 700A‘II Pentecostal Assemblies of The Churches ATTWOOL SHEPPARD Millbrook, Phone 6-w PAGE P003 "' 33 (of); HURRY! nu. YOUR 3m AND SAVE / ~ ~_‘\ YOURS IF YOU‘ ACT NOW! REMEMBER, fuel prices go up in the Fall. But now you can fill your bin with ‘blue coal’ at the year’s lowest prices. You'll need coal any- way', so why pay more later on? End Winter fuel worriesâ€" try ordering 'blue coal' today! STILL IN EFFECT ON Some of the general titles being heard in this year’s broadcasts are “Canada, Our Northern Neighbour:” “The Base of Border Crossing?” "Milady‘s \Vardrobe in (Tana- dal " “Canadian Train Travel” “Canadian Shopping Tipsi” “Canadian Handicrafts and Cha-racter;" “Canada, Its Peo- ple and Its \Veather” and “Canada in Reviewi” His Word picture will take Americans from coast to coast in Canada, to resort areas, big cities and small tow'nS. He is giving advice on border cross- ing: and suggestions for com- fort and sensible clothing for Uanadlan vacation and (busi- ness: trips. Rounding out the programme is a selection oi. Canadian folk musii. traditional songs and recordings from the Stratford The CNR recordings have been compiled following the sm-e'ss of a series last year which featured Canadian re- gional recipes and which were carried >imi1arly over a select- ed group of rado stations in wariOus parts of the United States. The narration is by Peter Roberts ,Canaydi'zm-born com- mentator for NeWs Of The Dayr and communicator on the Na- tional Broadcasting Company’s weekend 'adio progmnuno Mon itor . ,' Toronto, May 1958.â€" The {story of Ontario ’s varied attrac. 3 tions is being told in the homes lof Americans from Vermont to :the Virgin Islands. Numer- fou‘s travel “plugs” contained {in reCOrded talks from the New ‘York public relations office of ’Canadian National Railways :are being carried by over 400 radio stations in 43 American states. A later programme will fea- ture “Ontario and the St. Lawrence Seaway. ” The series of 26 broadcasts} entitled “This Is Canada” be-j gan in March. The prOmotions of Ontario will be carried dur- ing the weeks of Mav 19, 26 and June 2 as “Toronto and! the Niagara Peninsula," “Ottaâ€"g wa, the National Capitol" and: “Stratford Shakespearean Fes-1 tival. ” C.N.R. TELLS OF HABITS OF COUNTRY TO PROSPECTIVE VISITORS People grow discouraged and perplexed in these days when loonfronted with severe and Cprolonged illness, business wor- ries and lack of security in world affairs through wars and ‘runmurs of war, and keep ask- iing “Does God really carel’i IThe compassionate Jesus as; {sures his followers “He that} hath seen me, hath seen the' iFather” and therefore God is! a. God who really cares”. John; 14:9. There is no tear shed] on earth, but (led feels it in] Heaven. E . L . H. Some professing ChristiaHSL spoak of thennelves through; an amplifier and about Gadl through a muffler. ] A famous statue in an art gallery overseas portrays a Saint with arms missing and thus presses home the truthâ€" “God ha-th no hands but our hands, to do His Wérk today. ” No man can serve two mas- ters, Matt. 6:24. “But when Jesus saw the multitude, He was moved with compassion on .them, because they fainted and 1were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.” Matt. 39:36. His pastoral work, ens ‘deavouring to minister to the sick and bereaved, and especi- ally his contact with the. handi- capped children in their hos- pital at Smith’s Falls, and with the soldiers in Overseas Mili- tary hospitals, made him epeci-l ally appreciate the compassion' of Jesus, as he went about: doing good. l Rev. David Cook, B.A'., of Kingston, conducted the ser- vice while our pastor, Rev. Francis Chisholm was taking the Kingston service, as an exchange. Mrs. Stanley NorthrOp was guest soloist, and the senior choir contributed a. new an- them. The Scripture lessons emphasized the truth “Ye can- not serve God and Mammon. ” Sunday Morning At St. AndreW’s A THOUGHT m mos-mom moon, ammo "I so how: are building up bank accoun‘ts THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY Every 1 1 seconds during banking hours last year a new deposit account was opened in a chartered bank. And to millions of Canadians a bank is not only the best place to keep savingsâ€"it is a financial service-centre providing services useful to Treasurer, dunes “to comâ€" NOTICE IS herebv gix en that1 1 arms of tend 11191109 JUIY 1151-- Add-1‘9“ aD- all creditors hax mg anv claims ations can be (’11 I’lilr'a-fimlS 10 Mr D R agaimt the estate of the late Chief 0f purcha‘ Fowler, Chairman, before Louis Joh“ Hutchinson W119 1)Lpa111nent of June 5th, 1958. 2t died on Or about. the 11111 dav Garland Buildin __.._._.._.__ ._ â€".â€"â€"â€"â€". - _ 10f Februarv, 1957, at the To“ 11 the DIStrWt _.___ - -505 .SALE__. _____ 1ship of Gavan in the Proxinve partment of P11 For Saleâ€"A 1 sed Chemital of Ontario, are requirLd tolYonge Street, T 010501 5111311 8129. Phone ‘ send 011 or before the 24th d3} 1 Tenders W111 1 1124 Millbrook. 1t- Iof May, 1958, to the under- ed unless made “"“‘"â€"‘““”"'T“__ 'signed solicitor for the Ad- forms supplied « ' 1 â€"-â€" - “1 "V - -- For Sa e A11 8p1ecc “alnut ummlstrator, full particulars ment and in a« finish dining suite; 2 com- the conditions 56 Note 111: tal single bGdS, wa al- Of their (laimS, if any 1 nut finish 1 oak finish dies- DATED at Bellex file this 29th The lowest or 1 necessarily acce] s01: 11 quaner-cut oak den] day Of Apr-11 1958 1 ROBI table; bahv carriaoe, in new; ROBERT‘TEMPLE, ' ' ' ' . _ . a L Chlef Admlnlstl eondltlon; couple of odd 381 Front Street. 1 ar phone 152 Millbrook.1t:eSoli(itor for the Administratm. Ottawa May 14 For Saleâ€"A 1'sed Chemical Closet, small size. Phone 1124' Millbrook. It. \Vantedâ€"By Millbrook Public School Board, Secretary; Treasurer, duties to com-i' lnence July lst. Address ap- ‘ plica‘tinns to Mr. D. R Fowler, Chairman, before' June 5th, 1958. 2t, Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Neal of; Toronto, spent Sunday with; Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Harkness. mom's DAY READINGS imp AT w.I. name. Lunch was served by hostess, Mrs. Wm. Armstrong and Mrs. Wm. Hilton. The June meeting will be a quilting and pot luck dinner to be held at the home of Mrs. Milton Challice. Mother’s Dayâ€"Mrs. E. C. Richards. Mother ’s Glassesâ€"Mrs . Wm, Hilton. Mother’s Questionâ€"Mrs. H. Blakely. The District Annual meeting will be held at Cavam on Thursâ€" day, May 22nd. Mrs. Wm. Armstrong gave a report on Federated News. Mrs. William Armstrong and Mrs. Wm. Hilton were chosen as leaders to attend the training school on “Sew to Save Dolliars and make Sense.” There were four Mother Day readingsâ€" The Women’s Institute met at the home of Mrs Gerald Lar- mer. Mrs. Alli-e Fallis was in the chair and‘ nine members answered the. roll call. WANTED "Wyn v everyone in the community. A visit to a chartered bank is the way to handle all your banking needs. Here you Can deposit money, arrange loans, cash cheques, rent a safety deposit box, buy travellers cheques, transfer moneyâ€"all safely, simply, easily. NOTICE To. CREDITORS 'azbove, mu be received in the AND OTHERS .’ office of the Secretary until IN THE MATTER OF THE 3:00 pm. (E-S-T.) , Thurs- ESTATE OF LOUIS JOHN day, June. 12th, 1958, for the HUTCHINS-ON, late -of the supply of coal, coke,fueloil Township of Gavan, in the and propane gas for Federal County of Durham, Farmer, Buildings throughout the Pro. Deceased. ivince of Ontario. For Saleâ€"Building Lot on Mar- shall Street, Millbroo-k. Ap- ply to H. M.-â€"-â€" Trick, Mill- fbrook‘. V ‘ 3t For Saleâ€"3 Clyde Mares, sound For Saleâ€"~Cement Mixer and and right; 1500 lbs and up.i BlockMachine, makes three Apply Herbert Heard, RR 1,5 different types of bIOCkS‘. Ap- Port Hope. Phone 2759. 3t’ ply ‘30 H- M. Trick, Mill- â€" ~~~-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" __ 1 rbrook. 3.: Flor Saleâ€"Chore-Master swirl}i cut lawn mower, 21 inch cut‘.’ ' 3 horse power l-lriggs Strat- Tenders For The, Supply Of ton motor. Also Maxwell 1‘5 Goal, Coke, Fuel Oil And Pro- inch cut, swirl type, Clinton pane. gas For The Federal Bufldmgs Throughout The l' Province, of. Ontario ‘ 1 Sealed Tenders addressed to the __â€"â€" Hmdersigned and endorsed as NOTICE TO. CREDITORS above, will be received in the AND OTHERS 3 office of the Secretary until Engine, both priced to sell» Phone Millbrook 1824-2. FOR i ROBERT FOR-TIER. IChief AdministratiVe Services, ‘ and Secretary. iDepartment of Public Works, Tenders will not be consider“ ed unless made on the print-ed forms supplied by the Depart- ment and in accordance with the conditions set forth therein. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Department of Public. \Vorks, Garland Building, Ottawa, and the District Architect, De- partment of Public Works, 385 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario. Forms of tender with specific- ations can be obtained from the Chief of purchasing and Stores, 3 my 2;: I958; EOE SALE- ‘, 1958. 3t A human being is who will split his sides 0 family album and the into a mirror without or: a smile. I 98th. Year. No. 22. We have enough on SendFRII LiteratureandRoad THANK YOU! Phlox, Calandulas and sys, Canterbury Bells, Iris, new colours in I" Ontario, you’ll enjoy gettil to know it better. Make point this yw of explori: its highways and bywag visiting its lovely laka a: vamtioning at one of 1 modern resort areas. .li the Haliburton Highlan‘ shown above. Take the fix step now, by filling out a: Have a Good S; Ready for Tl Tomatoes, Celery, Span Ontario W “Travel Pub Hon. Bryon L CM,MM ONTARI STEVENSON’ ONTARIO TRAVE. m PARLIAMENT m... TORONTO. ONTARIO Sunday, June 1, T0 GRACE P] Rev. Dr. Harold I Reformatory ‘ Lodge members, pleas Check your knowledge identifying this map :2 "no..." Card THE GERTRU BETTER .5307 Week Pul

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